Transcript for my conversation with Shelby Hosana 6/4/2024

Speaker 1: Shelby Hosana

Speaker 2: Mark Puls

[Speaker 2] (0:00 - 1:23)

Hey everybody. And welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious today. I had the pleasure of speaking with Shelby Hosana.

She's a co-founder of It was a great conversation. We talked about a lot of things here.

It is. I hope you enjoy it. Hey everybody.

And welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious today. I have the pleasure of speaking with Shelby Hosana. She is the founder of unjected,

And she also co-wrote a book called burn back better. And then it's like a long title, but I'm very excited to speak with her. I have had a handful of podcasts all week.

I've had one Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. I have a full-time job. Shelby is my, is my Tuesday.

Then I've got to take one quick breath and then it starts over, but she's going to be at FreedomFest. FreedomFest, July 10th, July 13th. Vegas, fabulous, sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. You got to be there.

Come get tickets. CONSCIOUS50.

We'll get you $50 off your current package. That's from me. Actually.

It's from, it's from Valerie Durham, but you know, she's the president CEO, so she did it. Shelby, welcome to Knocked Conscious and tell us about a freedom fest and when you'll be there. And then we'll talk about all the awesomeness that you're going to bring to it.

[Speaker 1] (1:24 - 1:59)

Amazing. Well, thank you so much for having me. I really adore the name of your show because everybody does need to be knocked conscious.

But I will be at FreedomFest very excitingly, uh, this summer, July 10th through the 13th. And I believe I just found out today that my particular session is going to be on the first day. So we're going to be ringing it in with a bang.

So on July 10th at two 45, you can go see my breakaway session. And we're going to be talking about the repopulation agenda, which of course is what we're doing here at injected.

[Speaker 2] (2:00 - 2:12)

All right. So tell us about this repopulation agenda in general, and then kind of, let's bring it into the injected piece. And I probably have a couple of stories I'd like to share.

So, you know, we'll see how this works.

[Speaker 1] (2:13 - 5:44)

Perfect. Well, uh, I'll rewind the clock back a ways, you know, so we're going to time travel a bit. And, uh, my awakening with big Harma was actually many years before the pandemic.

And I, um, you know, trusted and doctors and the medical establishment. And I was actually, um, injured by the Gardasil vaccine, which is the HPV, uh, shot, and of course it was a practitioner who said, Oh, you know, this, this revolutionary cancer preventative and blah, blah, blah, blah. And you must get this as a young teenager.

And, uh, it was shortly after the third injection. It was a three part series. I developed like this myriad of heart conditions and, you know, I was completely healthy and thriving before getting the HPV.

And then I went, I could no longer even walk upstairs anymore. I was so, um, just unable. I was physically really frail and it was just years of, um, medical gaslighting to, you know, not one person had said, Oh, I think you're having a vaccine injury.

It was just every other answer possible. You know, if it's a hormones, you're feeling glum, you're feeling blue, you know, you're having an anxiety attack, what's going on at school or your whole life or this or that. Not one person ever said, Oh, it's a vaccine injury.

And so it wasn't until I was actually pregnant with my first and I decided to start diving into the pharmaceutical complex and I started to do a little bit more research and reading. And I went, wow, this is really horrifying. And there is not one vaccine on the schedule that has been tested against a proper placebo control, which would be a saline control.

There has never been a study where they're tested in combination with each other. Uh, yet again, you know, physicians will give a baby or three or four or five different types of vaccines at once never been tested. Uh, let alone, of course the no liability, the vaccine injury act of 1986.

And it just really became apparent as I started going through these inserts and looking at these case studies that I was like, Oh, it was like an epiphany. I was like, wow, I think I was totally vaccine injured. I'm like, it's right there in the, in the insert.

And sure enough, that's exactly what happened to me. And, uh, the only correlating factor was getting the injection versus not. And it, it really, uh, you know, just all made sense at that moment, you know, that, wow, they've really been poisoning children for generations.

And, you know, a lot of these basic illnesses that we see like colds and flus and asthma or eczema, like these quote unquote, normal childhood issues are not normal at all. And they are entirely related to this, uh, vaccine cartel that that big pharma is. And so by the time 2020 rolled around, I had already, you know, been a staunch anti-vaxxer and I was like, I'm not vaccinating.

I'm never doing it, you know, screw the vaccines.

[Speaker 2] (5:45 - 6:04)

And so, so how did that come out to you? So how did that come out to the family? So 2020 happens, it starts.

You you're in Hawaii, correct? You're living in Hawaii, living in Hawaii, and then you hear about it. And then all of a sudden the news breaks.

What's the first thing goes through your mind? Who are you talking to? What are you, who are you going to, what are you, what are you thinking?

[Speaker 1] (6:05 - 7:13)

Well, it's so funny because I didn't watch any news and I, I mean, I still don't, but I, it was when I went to the grocery store for the first time during this madness and they had two girls at the front wearing masks, doing mask checks. You know, Hey, you have to have your mask on to come in here. And I went, what are you, what are you talking about?

I was literally like, actually completely confused. She goes, well, don't you watch the news? There is a pandemic.

There is a virus. And I was like, no, I don't watch the news. I had no idea.

I've been living in the jungle. What are you talking about? Um, and that was like my first like, Oh no, something is wrong here.

And I went back to my car. I wasn't able to go into the store and I was like, well, I guess something is, something's different. Times have changed.

And, um, you know, so that was really when I, when I went, I think something, this is going to last longer than we all anticipate, you know, I think that was a kind of that feeling in the air where it was like, this doesn't seem something's out of place here.

[Speaker 2] (7:15 - 7:24)

Well, it's interesting because there's kind of a couple of ties with all of your stuff, because I happen to be, cause there's a connection with Lahaina in Vegas.

[Speaker 1] (7:24 - 7:26)

Yeah. Oh yeah.

[Speaker 2] (7:26 - 7:35)

I happen to be in Vegas both the day of the shooting and the day that MGM shut down. For COVID.

[Speaker 1] (7:35 - 7:36)


[Speaker 2] (7:36 - 8:02)

And I live in Phoenix, so I go there a lot, so it's not, I mean, I've probably been there a couple hundred times, but it's one of those weird things. Cause when I, when I came across your information, I was like, I started looking, I'm like, oh my gosh, there's so many connections to this. And it's funny cause like, and we have so much more to talk about about that, but to your point about the vaccines.

And so, so you got, you, you understand, stood, they were going out and they were going to start mandating them. Now, were you at a job where they were mandating them? Were you already self employed or how, how was your.

[Speaker 1] (8:03 - 8:31)

So I actually was a, um, a stay at home mom. I was pregnant with my second child at the time. Um, I'd actually gotten married the day of the national lockdown.

Uh, we literally went into quarantine. Thanks. We've since been divorced, um, because of my, my unjected views, but, um, you know, just because just from that specifically, or I mean, just, oh wow.

[Speaker 2] (8:32 - 8:37)

I hope we can talk about that at some point if you're up for it, but I don't want it to be personal, but I'm an open book.

[Speaker 1] (8:37 - 8:38)

We can share about anything. Okay.

[Speaker 2] (8:38 - 9:55)

And because I, I think, I think what's interesting about this is people, I I've got outside of the box views. They're contrarian. They're not even against the grain.

They're not even, there's not even a grain. They're just talking, you know, whatever it is. I don't know.

I go underwater. I don't know what it is, but, but, um, I can show my work. I can show how I got where I got.

I don't, I don't just throw an idea out. Like men are women and women are men. Like I don't just throw an idea out and then it's just a thing.

I'll say, this is what I currently think. This is the pattern in which I got there. Where are you at now?

I knowing where you're at, doesn't help you knowing how you got there really does, and to hear a personal story of actual loss of a relationship love. You have two children with this person and it's over this. So if you are up to sharing that, I think that would help people understand why people have these passionate fights, because we've all had a story, like I'm, I'm two way, I'm a two way person, but if I were, if I were Mark, uh, what's his name?

Mark Kelly. And my wife got shot in the face. I might have a different opinion about the second amendment.

Right. I mean, everyone has their own story. So if you're up for sharing, I'd love to hear that part of it.

[Speaker 1] (9:56 - 10:53)

For sure. And, um, so, you know, we were, we had dated obviously before the pandemic. And so, you know, he, he had an idea that I was very holistic and I didn't like, you know, toxic products.

Like I was already kind of in that, in that realm, you know, he knew I was those, those parts, but it wasn't until the mask mandates and that really kind of an original part of the pandemic where everybody was doing the mask thing. And I just was really offended by it. And it was like, this doesn't make any sense.

Like, let's just use deductive reasoning. Is a mask keeping out a virus? No, it's impossible.

It's impossible. And it was like, you know, let alone the, the lack of oxygen, just the, the muzzling effect, the whole thing about your own stench for hours at a time.

[Speaker 2] (10:53 - 10:54)


[Speaker 1] (10:54 - 11:22)

It's disgusting. It was appalling. And I was first one to be like, I'm.

I'm not, I hate wearing a mask. Screw your mask. This is ridiculous.

You know, what, why can't we have the right to choose? You know, if you want to wear your mask, go for it, but I shouldn't have to, to wear one. And that was when it was the, you know, the discontentment really started because it was like, why don't you just simmer down?

Don't worry about it.

[Speaker 2] (11:22 - 11:30)

You know, no, no, we don't. We just want to get along with people. Compassion.

It's all about, you know, getting along and giving an inch.

[Speaker 1] (11:30 - 11:36)

If that makes them feel good, then just do it, you know, just, and I totally understand that mindset.

[Speaker 2] (11:36 - 11:37)

I mean, don't we all.

[Speaker 1] (11:37 - 11:47)

Right, right. From like a basic level, you know, human compassion, you know, it's the, it's the very surface level, but it was, but it was very myopic thinking.

[Speaker 2] (11:47 - 11:50)

Cause you have to draw that out. You have to always draw that line out. Right.

[Speaker 1] (11:50 - 13:50)

Yeah. And so, you know, it was more like, but you know, my freedom, my personal freedom, you know, why, what, where is the concern for our rights? And it was always just like, you know, this is going to pass.

Just, just don't worry about it. You can't change the world. Just worry about, you know, our family and stop being so concerned about, you know, things that you can't control.

And, you know, and so he, you know, went along with the mandate. It was just very complacent. And it was, you know, we went through 2020, you know, in quarantine together.

Uh, that was, you know, when I first kind of started getting ridiculed for being the crazy conspiracy theorist, uh, you know, it was, I was a little bit out there, but I hadn't, um, you know, taken my, um, the next level of this journey, I haven't, I hadn't, you know, been public about my advocacy. And so once it was the spring of 21, I, you know, of course we saw all of our family and friends lining up to go get the lethal injection and then they would go home and they literally take like a selfie with their vax card and then they'd put it like on Facebook. You know, we all remember seeing that.

And I remember having like this grieving process where it was like, literally. I feel like they just went and just got, they went to go get a lethal injection. What will happen to them?

Are they all going to die? Are they going to be infertile? Like it was becoming so evident to me, the operation warp speed was a exactly the way it sounds.

And so it was like, what is going to happen? And then not so coincidentally, we had hundreds of thousands of women start reporting, having menstrual changes from getting the vaccine, being with a vaccinated partner, even working in a close office space, you know, office buildings.

[Speaker 2] (13:50 - 14:41)

And so, you know, I was looking at the video, the comedian, uh, that was up on stage and she was talking about how she's triple ducid and right after she passes out, she goes on Dr. She goes on Dr. Drew. She did. Yeah.

So she goes on Dr. Drew. This is no lie. So people thought it was a joke.

People thought it wasn't. She goes on Dr. Drew. There's a video of it, right?

He, she's on his podcast. She literally says, this is what I did. So I did this.

And then three weeks ago, I did three weeks later. I go and do my thing. And she goes, and Dr. Drew's like, yeah, that's what, and she's like, what do you mean when that's what happened?

He goes, yeah, three weeks is like the exact time. It's like the exact, the exact gestation or whatever the timeframe is for that thing to happen. And she's these, I mean, it happens directly to these people and they sit there and then they go, yeah, do it again.

Like I just, I don't know.

[Speaker 1] (14:41 - 14:42)

Anyway, so true.

[Speaker 2] (14:43 - 14:45)

You know, like I said, I love hearing this story from you.

[Speaker 1] (14:46 - 15:42)

So it's mass formation, psychosis. And you know, then we started seeing the immediate effects from the psychosis. Right.

And then it, then it made me think, well, why are women having these changes? What is going on? What let's dig a little deeper.

And in the Pfizer clinical trials, those first ones that were leaked, the ones that they tried to hide for 75 years, it was pages 67 through 79 goes into exposures during pregnancy exposure to trial participant and occupational exposure. And this section was like my final alarm bell. And when I read it, I was, I was sick, you know, unvaccinated men should not have unprotected sex for up to 90 days after their vaccine and exposure.

[Speaker 2] (15:43 - 15:46)

And that wasn't even said, that's not even said from the doctor, right?

[Speaker 1] (15:46 - 15:48)

No one wants to, no one wants to talk about it.

[Speaker 2] (15:48 - 15:49)

I've never heard that.

[Speaker 1] (15:49 - 15:51)

I've never heard that. It's wild.

[Speaker 2] (15:51 - 15:55)

Run down the checklist. Cause I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to throw it out there or something.

[Speaker 1] (15:55 - 15:58)

These, these you know, paperwork that the trial is out there.

[Speaker 2] (15:59 - 16:06)

Yeah. And so let's start over with this list here. Okay.

So, so unprotected sex for 90 days after a man being vaccinated.

[Speaker 1] (16:06 - 17:09)

Yes. And then it talks about exposure in pregnancy and when you should report to Pfizer by having an exposure. And then they go through the list and it is even, uh, literally it's quite everything, but it's exosomes.

So that is the breath that you are exhaling, sweat, spit, uh, skin contact, vaginal fluid, semen, blood, and breast milk were all exposure points. And then it even goes into explaining that if you were an unvaccinated man working in proximity to trial participants by inhalation or skin contact, literally anything, if you were around vaccinated individuals, you go home and impregnate your wife. That was considered an exposure in pregnancy and it should be reported to Pfizer.

Um, you know, this just goes on and on and on about the exposure points and it became evidence.

[Speaker 2] (17:10 - 17:12)

And now are you talking about that should have been reported in VAERS in some way?

[Speaker 1] (17:13 - 17:24)

Well, it should have been maybe informed consent, you know, um, like like I have it VAERS is like, I love VAERS, but you know, there was nothing for people to really report.

[Speaker 2] (17:25 - 17:31)

And you know, it's funny because that's funny because the mRNA part is because I've heard about shedding.

[Speaker 1] (17:32 - 17:34)

Right. So that's the shedding that we're talking about.

[Speaker 2] (17:34 - 17:39)

My girlfriend's vaccinated. I'm not. And it's one of those things where I'm like, you still gave it to me.

[Speaker 1] (17:40 - 17:40)

Oh yeah.

[Speaker 2] (17:40 - 17:41)

You gave who, what?

[Speaker 1] (17:42 - 18:49)

I call it sexually transmitted injections, um, because they are, they are designed to spread that way. Um, and so, you know, you do have to mitigate and protect, but it's the mRNA, the lipid nanoparticle, uh, in the spike protein, that is specifically the, the bad guys. Um, and so all of those points that we talked about, sweat, saliva, skin contact, the mRNA, the, the spike protein, those are all being shed.

Uh, when in their fluids. Uh, and this is, as you could, you know, as time is going on, it's proving to, to actually be essentially never ending, you know, a lot of people would say, oh, it was when the vaccine was really fresh. Um, but you know, there's studies that are coming out where they were testing exosomes for up to third, excuse me, 300 days post vaccination.

There was still a significant amount of spike protein in exosomes, but instead they just gave up the study. They actually didn't finish the study. They decided to quit the study because they did not want to know how long that it kept producing, but they didn't quit the booster schedule.

[Speaker 2] (18:49 - 18:56)

They didn't quit the adding spike. They didn't, they kept adding spike protein after spike protein and piling them up real good.

[Speaker 1] (18:56 - 18:56)


[Speaker 2] (18:56 - 19:00)

Get them right now. Jabbed in one of the corners of your, you know, subcockles of your heart over there.

[Speaker 1] (19:00 - 21:07)

A hundred percent. And, you know, we knew that. The, the vaccine was designed to change the DNA.

That's exactly what mRNA is. It is taking your God given messenger RNA, and it is giving you a synthetic version to reproduce endlessly. You now become a mRNA machine and that is exactly what it was designed to do.

Um, but if I was going to tie it back into my, you know, my personal story, that's when I really became aware of that, that there was a serious issue. And the future of humanity and the future integrity of our human genome and our reproductive capabilities could actually really be at harm here. Especially if we are ignorant to the long-term consequences that we don't know about yet.

And, you know, it was like, we need a place for unvaccinated people to find each other. And, you know, we, we have to, uh, we know. And it was, you know, at that time, it was like the dating, no name dating sites had had vax badges on profiles.

And there wasn't even an option for people to say they were unvaccinated. You were vaccinated or you would actually get blocked off of Tinder and Bumble. Like you would just lose, you weren't even allowed to be there.

And so it was like, okay, there's no place for us to go. Um, so let's make a place. And I actually had went to my husband at the time.

And I said, Hey, I have this great idea. Let's make a dating site for the unvaccinated and they can have friendship. They can do community.

It'll be a dating site. I said, let's do this. And he goes, if you do that, um, it is going to, going to ruin our marriage.

And I don't support you doing that whatsoever. And I don't want to do it with you. And I think that's lunacy.

And I, and I went, okay, well, I'm going to do it anyway. And I'm sorry about it was lunacy, just lunacy, you know?

[Speaker 2] (21:07 - 21:16)

And you're fitting a niche for some people who are looking for some kind of social connect. I'm just curious. Like, once again, I'm not going against the.

[Speaker 1] (21:16 - 26:17)

You know, societal norm that, that I think that was the only reason just because I was going out, I was going to put myself on this, on this kind of chopping block to be made fun of. And I think that he didn't, he didn't, um, have probably the, you know, the wherewithal to, to, to stand up to that. And I think that's what happened to most people who probably got vaccinated was the societal pressure.

Um, it was just more, you know, keep quiet, don't worry about it. Be complacent, just simmer down. Let people get their shot if they want to get their shot.

And, you know, he never got vaccinated because I would have left that second, but it was still just this complacency just of who cares about the new world order or any of it, and, you know, just focus on what you can focus on. And, uh, you know, so as I continued to, to build unjected and, and, and grow, you know, larger than we ever anticipated, it just, it became the, the biggest issue in our marriage. And it was literally, it was an everyday.

Um, you know, fight, it was an argument, you know, it was, and it was so ironic because the whole concept of unjected is to find people who love and respect you for your, for your views. And I would, you know, I get on podcasts like this and I go, you know, you deserve love and respect and to be cherished. And then literally within minutes of getting off of a show, I would have somebody calling me an idiot and a crazy person, and it was like, wow, I'm, I'm not living what I'm even preaching.

And it really, it, you know, unjected and everybody who met through unjected has given, gave me the courage to go, you know, maybe I even deserve that myself. But it, you know, I really, I really understand and empathize on a really deep level of like what it feels like to, to just be the black sheep, you know, and especially to, to your partner and, you know, father of my children and, and just his family, you know, I was like, I was the perfect wife, the family thing. And then I became just like, just an annoyance, you know, it was like, how, what, how did this happen?

And, um, it was really bizarre. So, you know, we, we stuck it out for a few years. We got, um, we got divorced actually just this last year.

Um, after just too much turmoil. Uh, but you know, it's, it's wild that this has happened to so many people. And so, you know, in 2021, when we all started to make that decision of, well, we're not going to get the vaccine and we're also not going to expose ourselves to vaccinated and we're not going to do this and we're not going to do that and, you know, that's when we really saw the, you know, them turn up the gas, you know, how can we course them?

How can we manipulate them? You know, we'll take away the freedom a little bit by little bit by little bit, and, you know, to the point where people are going to lose their, you know, their livelihoods or whatever it may be. Um, and so I just, that was really the fuel for unjected, you know, my personal, you know, I never was thinking like, Oh, I'm going to make a site so I can find someone myself.

It was never like that, but it was, um, just knowing the way it felt. It, it, you know, it really, uh, you know, it gave me, it gave me the fuel and, you know, so seeing, seeing the, you know, the exposures, the Pfizer trials, um, we, that was like, okay, I injected has to happen. How do we make it happen?

Um, and like I mentioned, I was a stay at home mom. I had no prior tech experience in my life. I have, I can barely run a computer, let alone make an app or a website.

I was like, where do I go? And so I had actually found a, like a third party company that had a lot of the pre-coded templates, the zeros and the ones, and like the, like the really wild stuff, um, they had the backend coding done and then I had to figure out how to code the front end. And so it was like many YouTube tutorials and like late nights of like breastfeeding my baby, like trying to figure out like how to code like the front end features of like an app.

It was like, and it was like put together with like tape and paperclips. So I was like, it's going to work. We got this.

And we, uh, launched, uh, in May of 21, actually for the Apple and Google play store. And it was those first few months that. Like we exploded and just everybody was, you know, it was the heat of the mandates.

It was just the heat of the psychosis. Uh, and it was around our first 60,000 people that joined a reporter had reached out from Bloomberg. Uh, to Apple and she said, Hey, Apple, why do you let all of these murderous anti-vaxxers have an app on the app store?

[Speaker 2] (26:17 - 26:22)

Don't you think that Apple is promoting Taylor Ren's by any chance with who, who the heck would that have been?

[Speaker 1] (26:22 - 26:43)

Uh, Jackie Devalos from Bloomberg. And she said, um, yeah. Like, why do you guys let these murderous anti-vaxxer, like you're, you're promoting the pandemic.

Apple, you are promoting the pandemic. And so they actually deleted us that day that we did not get a warning. Uh, nothing.

[Speaker 2] (26:43 - 26:46)

They literally, that was on the Apple side, right? But not the Google side yet.

[Speaker 1] (26:47 - 26:49)

Apple store removed us like that.

[Speaker 2] (26:49 - 26:51)

Apple Disney is what they do.

[Speaker 1] (26:53 - 27:56)

Uh, and the reason was, um, for sharing misinformation regarding the COVID pandemic without being a medical establishment. And then Google started like catching wind of this is like at the same time. And they were a little like creepier.

They would, they called it deceptive behavior and they would go through the app and they would actually circle things in bright red, uh, whether it was somebody's profile or maybe a status update, they made literally anything. And then they would send it back to me a picture of it. And they'd say, as a developer, you need to delete this harmful content, or you need to delete the person who is creating the content.

So it was just like we were seeing at the time of Instagram and Twitter where you would get your account deleted, right? You were in, it was just done and they were, they were asking me to do the exact same thing. You know, as a developer, it is your obligation.

And if you don't, then you will pay the consequences.

[Speaker 2] (27:57 - 28:17)

Uh, and so funny, that's really interesting because I think section, I don't know if you were part of section 21 or 201, but that would have protected you or paragraph 201 should have protected you as the content creator to not have to worry about what's on your, what people post on your site. I mean, that's, that's, that's a logic right behind it, but they still usurp it and still told you.

[Speaker 1] (28:18 - 29:34)

The private, you know, being that they are a private company, they can set rules and regulations beyond our federal constitution, which would give us the right of freedom of speech to, you know, to do whatever we want within my personal, with our business. Um, so, you know, the private corporation entity, uh, you know, which is really just another arm of the government. Uh, but you know, they, they changed, they actually changed their terms and agreements to delete us.

Uh, and you know, Google was going to follow suit. So it was like, you can't fire us. We quit.

We're out of here. We're gone. And we went to, uh, in the spring of 21, excuse me, the summer of 21. So that has been where we live is on the website domain. Um, but yeah, it was, it was really wild to, to witness just like, like firsthand, you know, like what these other tech companies definitely were experiencing. But just on a microcosm, you know, level of, um, you know, you're a developer and now this is your issue.

You know, you delete these people and you stop this information from getting out to people, you know, like, how dare you?

[Speaker 2] (29:35 - 29:43)

Well, it's funny. It's funny when Google was a nobody, when they were just alphabet, right. They were a you, but there was no one else.

Everyone else was them.

[Speaker 1] (29:44 - 29:44)


[Speaker 2] (29:44 - 30:23)

So there wasn't anything there yet. So as they got more powerful, as the Zuckerbergs and the other, other people got more powerful, the Dorsey's and whatnot, they were able to implement regulations and you're like, Oh, government regulations, that must be good. They must be looking out for us.

No little do they know it's a corporate run lobbyist regulation. That's here to box out new competition. It's not here to protect anyone other than the people who have gotten to that point, to be able to pay off the people, to make the votes it's like, and and I watch this and I listen to you and I have a feeling you're much younger than I am, even though you have two children, you're much younger than I am.

[Speaker 1] (30:23 - 30:24)

I actually have three children. I'm 30.

[Speaker 2] (30:25 - 30:28)

Oh my God. That's awesome. Congratulations.

Great. What are the ages?

[Speaker 1] (30:28 - 30:32)

If you don't mind me asking a year and a half, three and seven.

[Speaker 2] (30:33 - 32:57)

Awesome. Cool. So you've got, so, uh, what, what I love to hear is like, when I see an idea that I get upset that it exists, cause I didn't think of it or it just didn't come into my head, you know what I mean?

Like if I see an idea and I didn't think of it, I get upset and unjected would be one of those ideas. And I, and I talked to my girlfriend before I jumped on. I go, I'm going to ask her if there's an Ashley Madison version.

I'm just going to do it, but only as a joke. So I thought, but the truth of this, this is like, everyone's so traditional. So, so I'm, I, like I said, I, I come late to the party cause I learned later than you.

You are way ahead of me with the shenanigans of the government. I was grew up in Neocon whole different story. Like my mom grew on, my mom was born under Hitler, lived under Stalin and escaped and then lived under Eisenhower.

So it's like, we run the gamut of like political ideology. So we know what we came from, where we're going to. So we know what's net better, but I've realized that net better is still isn't all that great.

Sometimes, you know what I mean? So we can still be better, better net better. So when I look at this, I like, I just look at how we push these agendas, right, like in this crazy way.

Now, what's funny about you is like, you got Vax injured. The second I heard that the files were sealed for 75 years, I didn't need to know what was going to be in them. I already knew, you know what I'm saying?

Like, it's one of those things where it's like, I totally understand what you're saying. It's like, what's in this stuff. Let me read this.

And I'm like, you don't need to read what's in it when you know they're going to be dead before they release the file. Like it's a pretty two plus two equals four. There you go.

Anyway. So I love unjected. So unjected reminded me of two things.

It's like, if you've ever created something or built something that makes something harder to do, it's called an unvention. Or like you ever get a, get a phone call from somebody. It's like a Wednesday and they're like, Hey, you're invited to our wedding that happens to be in Mexico and you need a passport.

And it's this Friday. It's called an invitation. Right.

So this is where unjected comes in. Right. It's like, right.

Injected, run injected. So tell me about injected. How many, how many users do you have and how's it going?

And what kind of things do you have? Is it all romantic? Are there some platonic and how, you know, is it social groups and all that?

[Speaker 1] (32:58 - 36:00)

Yeah, absolutely. So we have actually more than a hundred thousand members in 90 different countries. So there is a lot of Unboxed people all around the world.

I mean, you know, we're steadily growing all of the time we've had to we've done many like restart over where you like just crumple up the paper and then you just start over again. And one of those being was when the app was deleted you know, we weren't able to transfer any, any profiles. So when we actually started on, we were literally starting from scratch over again to, to re onboard all of our members and, you know, find new ones and then, and previous renditions of the current site, we've had the same issue where we had to start over like with the, the backend tech and just updates that we're doing. And then we start over again and then, you know, nope, we can't transfer the profiles. We'll start over again. And so, you know, it's been really like, it's been a massive journey and labor of love.

But you know, it is now coming to the point where we're finally like, you know, coming to a stabilization with our tech and our you know, our infrastructure. And now we're, now we're like, you know, working on the actual like recruiting process just to endlessly find, you know, all of the, all of the people who are let, what I literally considered the real organic humans that are left on the planet. And so, you know, we do have yeah, members in 90 countries, it doesn't matter where you are.

And we do have the option to select your profile for dating or friendship. So, you know, it doesn't matter if you're looking for, you know, a friends and community because that is just as needed. You know, we saw, we saw people being exiled from literally everything and the, the persecution and the slander, you know, our, our intimate relationships were changed, but also our friendships and our business relationships and, you know, even our family relationships, like, oh, you can't come to Christmas dinner.

Like everything was, was different and, you know, we deserved to find each other still. So yes, it's always been an option to, to use Unjected for more than just dating. And it's been, it's been so incredible to, to see like what is actually just organically grown.

And we've had lots of successful marriages. We've had Unjected babies. There's even another baby that's going to be born this summer.

So I definitely feel like, like the, the official auntie around the world. I'm like, look at all these Unjected babies. But, you know, lots of successful relationships.

And then of course, friendships we've, we've seen groups forming all around the country. And really as of recently the Unjected mixer has become really popular too. So we're, we're hosting like in real life mixers.

I like to say it's URL to IRL. So we're getting off of the website and we're getting in real life.

[Speaker 2] (36:01 - 36:03)

It's my space to my place. I get it.

[Speaker 1] (36:03 - 36:06)

That's right. Yeah, that's so funny.

[Speaker 2] (36:06 - 36:10)

That was an old bad joke. It's kind of ages ago actually, probably.

[Speaker 1] (36:11 - 36:11)

It's a great joke.

[Speaker 2] (36:12 - 36:34)

Yeah. So that's really awesome. So if I may tell, uh, you mentioned a holistic background.

Do you want to get in a little bit? How, what kind of holistic background? Yeah, obviously you mentioned your Hawaii background and we can then go into the Hawaii story, but how many, how long have you been in Hawaii or tell me about how you got into the holistic area to begin with that before the VAX injury even.

[Speaker 1] (36:35 - 37:04)

Well, it definitely didn't, it happened after, you know, I think the awakening all came in like the stages after. Cause once you, once you learn about like the complex, the pharmaceutical complex, you're like, Oh, well, everything let's dig a little deeper into the food and let's dig a little deeper into beauty products. Let's dig into this and let's look here.

And then you start looking under the hood of all these things and you go, Whoa, they're trying to poison and kill us from every direction actually ever.

[Speaker 2] (37:04 - 37:18)

And, you know, I think it's an unintended consequence. I think they're trying to mass produce as much as possible at the lowest price. I mean, it's kind of the effect, right?

Like until you get caught, the quality is not a thing until quality is a thing to people. Right. Right.

[Speaker 1] (37:18 - 37:56)

And we have these revolving doors of the FDA and the CDC and every corrupted three letter agency that's ever existed. And, you know, I, I find myself to, to be like more of like an anarchist, to be honest, I, I'm like, I don't politically identify this whole thing as a dumpster fire, throw it in the trash and start over. I'm like, until every person in the Senate, the house, Congress, the law enforcement court system, like until everybody is out of there, every one of them, we are literally feeding a corrupted dying system.

[Speaker 2] (37:57 - 38:32)

But, you know, beyond that, I don't disagree with how it's, it's what entropy is. You know what I mean? Like these systems need constant checks.

They need constant refreshes or constant just shakeups. They need to be reset almost constantly. And when you first get away with that first lie, right, you get away with that first lie.

Yeah. The next one's so much easier and it's bigger and then it gets easier and bigger. And then now the, now the carpet's got that little bump in it.

And now it's like, it already has a bump. What's, what's the size of the bump matter? You know, now it's.

[Speaker 1] (38:33 - 38:54)

Even like the proverbial, you know, statement, like the, you know, the bigger, the lie, the, the easier it is to convince people that it's the truth. And, you know, I think that's literally how big that this has gotten. It's gotten so far past any control, um, you know, and this is off topic, but like, like for like, especially right now with this whole.

[Speaker 2] (38:55 - 38:56)

Everything's on topic. There is no.

[Speaker 1] (38:56 - 39:36)

Yeah. Anybody who's like, oh, we're going to vote it away. No, you won't.

It's not. No, no. Stop letting daddy government give you three choices and an illusion and going to vote.

And like, I'm just like, guys, you just like want to shake people, you know? But it's, it really ties back to like, when, once you wake up and once you see the truth, like you can never unsee it. And I would say it was probably when I, I was already VAX injured.

I had, I'd healed and I was moved. I had actually watched, uh, zeitgeist. Are you familiar?

[Speaker 2] (39:37 - 39:37)


[Speaker 1] (39:37 - 39:38)


[Speaker 2] (39:38 - 39:47)

The, and I watched vaxed by the way. So I hope we can talk about that. So let's talk about zeitgeist as well.

And we'll talk about the De Niro connection is vaxed as well. I don't know if you know that.

[Speaker 1] (39:48 - 39:49)

I don't know if I know that.

[Speaker 2] (39:49 - 39:54)

Okay. It's very interesting. Okay.

Cause cause you know, where De Niro is standing currently, right? You saw this stuff with De Niro and Trump.

[Speaker 1] (39:54 - 39:57)

Isn't he like wearing a mask like a few days ago?

[Speaker 2] (39:57 - 40:05)

He was like, he's nuts. He went on, he went on in front of the courthouse. It was like yelling people and how bad Trump is.

I'll tell that story in a second, but please, please continue.

[Speaker 1] (40:05 - 41:25)

So, uh, zeitgeist was like, I would say it was probably like a lot of people's original red pill. We're like, Whoa, Whoa. Everything is not what it seems.

Um, and so, you know, there was definitely like, I like to say it's the red pill where you really, and you start figuring it out and then you go into the black pill moment where you're like, everything is X exponential. There is no hope. Everything is terrible.

Everyone's out to get us. And then you kind of have to transition to the gold pill, which is everything is fucked, but we're going to get through this. And this is how we, this is how we're going to awaken, you know, through these stages, which are terrible to go through.

They're not easy pills to swallow. And your whole entire perception of reality is going to be deconstructed and reconstructed, but you can get to your gold pill, you know, moment. But, uh, that's, that's really what happened when I, once I, once I started diving into, into the red pill, it was like, okay, I need to be more holistic.

I got to live a more holistic lifestyle and, you know, you know, products and things, you know, they're all, they're all tying into it. And, uh, geez, you know, fast forward.

[Speaker 2] (41:25 - 41:28)

And what year was the injury? If you don't mind me asking what?

[Speaker 1] (41:29 - 41:31)

2008. Okay.

[Speaker 2] (41:31 - 41:33)

So that's a long time. 15 years ago.

[Speaker 1] (41:33 - 41:40)

Yeah. It was a long time ago. And, um, and then I moved to Hawaii in 2013.

So 11 years ago.

[Speaker 2] (41:41 - 41:41)

And you've been there since.

[Speaker 1] (41:42 - 41:43)

Yeah. I've been here since.

[Speaker 2] (41:44 - 41:46)

And, um, perfect place for that kind of lifestyle.

[Speaker 1] (41:47 - 43:04)

It was, you know, and everybody was very healthy and vibrant. Eating good and, you know, sunshine and the ocean. And, um, it was like the antithesis of like, actually what we saw in 2020, when everybody was like, put your mask on.

Like they all, like all of these healthy, beautiful people who I thought were health conscious actually were not at all. And they were pre-programmed slaves to the system and they all put masks on and then would demand you do the same. It was like, what happened at this place that I know?

And I love, and, you know, they really used the, um, the fear of how small the Island is. You know, we, we only have one hospital in all of mountain, which is true. We only do have one hospital.

And so it was like, if we fill up all eight ICU beds with COVID patients, then there's no one for a car accident and there's no help for a shark attack and there's no help if something happens. And they like pushed this fear narrative of, you know, if you guys don't wear your mask and get your vaccine, then you're going to fill up the, the only hospital we have. And that's not very aloha, you know, that's not aloha in, in to be aloha is to care about others.

[Speaker 2] (43:04 - 43:08)

And they actually give yourself up for that, for other, for others, right?

[Speaker 1] (43:08 - 43:08)


[Speaker 2] (43:08 - 43:30)

They, they psychologically little do people realize it's not giving yourself up for others. It's someone else taking from you. Yes.

To take, to keep some and give table scraps to others. Like there's a leaky bucket of exorbitant portions, but it's true and it's a sad truth.

[Speaker 1] (43:31 - 44:24)

And, you know, yeah, I mean, I saw people swimming in the ocean with the mask on, uh, or like on a, on a jungle hike where there was not a soul in the middle of the most oxygen rich rainforest. And they have a mask on by themselves in the rainforest. You're like, what is happening here?

You know, Maui really went, went hard, you know, that you couldn't get into any place without a mask. And even if you like tried to be a rebel and take it off and then go, you know, go in the store anyways, they would just call the police on you. You know, you wouldn't be able to check out your, with your groceries or whatever it may be.

Like there was lit it was, it was a no, like you cannot, you know, and then they did the mandates with, uh, the restaurants. You couldn't go to any restaurant without being vaccinated.

[Speaker 2] (44:24 - 44:32)

Not even the Bubba Gump, not even the Bubba Gump right there. Oh, and I wanted some ice cream right around the corner.

[Speaker 1] (44:32 - 44:33)

Isn't that ridiculous?

[Speaker 2] (44:34 - 44:35)

Oh, it's awful.

[Speaker 1] (44:35 - 44:49)

Ridiculous. So, you know, it was, it was shocking, you know, just as well. Obviously we all lived through such, through so much of the same camaraderie and the same feeling, but just like, yeah, I never thought that Hawaii would literally.

[Speaker 2] (44:50 - 45:02)

I mean, imagine, I just imagine the thought of an Island on an Island, like you're on an Island on an Island. Cause you're on that, you know, you're in this minority group on an Island already. It's like, how much more can you get pulled away?

[Speaker 1] (45:02 - 45:06)

How isolated and stranded can you get? Exactly.

[Speaker 2] (45:07 - 45:12)

So, so you've lived in, on Maui for all this time, for, since that time?

[Speaker 1] (45:12 - 45:12)


[Speaker 2] (45:12 - 45:17)

Okay. Excellent. So do we want to get into Lahaina and the road?

[Speaker 1] (45:17 - 45:20)

To the do attack? Sure. Absolutely.

[Speaker 2] (45:20 - 45:42)

Let's do it. So I followed this from the, from the beginning, if I may. Now I, I watched Jimmy Dore.

So full disclosure, I, um, I, like I said, I was born in Neocon. Iraq was my lie. It took a while to figure it out, but once I figured that out and then surprisingly, one of the things that galvanized it was Michael Jackson.

If you could believe it.

[Speaker 1] (45:42 - 45:46)

Like, well, it's really interesting.

[Speaker 2] (45:46 - 45:51)

Cause I, what it was, was there's a documentary. They had a documentary about Michael Jackson with the allegations on HBO.

[Speaker 1] (45:52 - 45:52)


[Speaker 2] (45:52 - 47:42)

I connected with someone on X about that because my friend had a personal experience with the Catholic church, similar to that. So I was like, Hey, I would like to share this. And they're like, Oh, by the way, I don't know if you know this, but here's the counter.

And they showed me the counter of the actual factual things that happen. And you overlay the blueprint of what Michael, what happened to Michael Jackson. And you overlay that blueprint on every news story.

And then you see the actual story on everything. And it's the craziest thing. And then you watch how the framing happened.

For example, if you wouldn't believe this 1995, 20 years before Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein gets implicated, AJ Benza puts in a story about Michael Jackson and knocking out a story about Harvey Weinstein. So that, that allowed Harvey Weinstein 20 years more to do what he did. I mean, this is, it is, it's all the way down the line.

And it's the weirdest thing. Cause if you look at the face, you go, Michael Jackson seems like a kind of guy who might do that. He seems a little odd and a little off and whatever.

You can call a guy all the weird you want. There's libertarians would put boots on their heads who run for president. Okay.

They're not criminals. They're not bad people per se. They're weird.

So as I saw that, and I started to overlay that story and seeing that play out, it's to the same point. It's like, now it's like lie, lie, lie. It's like, no, they're not telling you lie.

It's like manufacturing consent of which Chomsky now is a victim of his own thing with Epstein and his, his COVID policy of locking everyone down. And are you kidding me? The guy who wrote manufacturing consent, it's almost like, oh yeah, we're going to let you write this just to kind of let you be on their side while we use you this whole time.

I, I, you know what I mean? It makes you question everything, right?

[Speaker 1] (47:42 - 47:45)

It's like a poorly written movie scene.

[Speaker 2] (47:46 - 47:48)

It's like, and you know, all of them just mush together.

[Speaker 1] (47:49 - 47:55)

And only this many people actually know. And everybody else is just watching the movie. Like, wow.

[Speaker 2] (47:56 - 48:17)

No, I watch all kinds of input and all the kinds of news stories. And that, the Lahaina thing came on early. I watched Pasta Giardullo because that's what he was running it.

And I don't know if you met him, right? Craig, Craig Giardullo. Oh, okay.

I don't know if you spoke with him. So I love to hear that. And so I'm going to give you the floor and tell me about Lahaina and burn, burn back better.

[Speaker 1] (48:18 - 48:26)

Well, this is a little off record, but I'm, I'm no longer associated with burn back better. Um, which I'll tell you your name on the book.

[Speaker 2] (48:26 - 48:30)

I found that interesting when I was looking through again and I saw the co-writing.

[Speaker 1] (48:30 - 49:47)

So, well, I had a, I had a moral misalignment, um, with the other person. I'll just leave it at that. So all of my information is in there.

Um, I'm just not getting credit for it. But, um, you know, Lahaina is, um, it's like shocking, you know, even like to, to this day, because of just like the amount, you know, so there's so many people that haven't woken up to COVID, but the amount of people that have no idea what happened in Lahaina, it's like, it's one of those moments where you want to shake them awake. Cause you're like, is anybody in there?

And, uh, you know, I lived in Lahaina for actually almost five years, uh, on front street. So I'm very familiar. I loved Lahaina.

Um, my mom lived there as well. And she, uh, was continuing, she was working in Lahaina still for, um, geez, the past 10, 11 years. And so she was, you know, still going out there.

I live on East Maui, so I didn't make it out as much, you know, as the old days. Um, but you know, like lots of like what I would consider to be Ohana and like just memories and Lahaina. And she was there the day of the fire.

[Speaker 2] (49:47 - 50:03)

Oh, to be clear, let's, let's jump in very quickly. People don't know how Maui works. There's a road that goes around the Island.

There is no cutting through. There's no, so like when you live on the other side, you live around the other side. It's not on the other side, just to be clear.

[Speaker 1] (50:03 - 50:05)

Great point. Putting that in. Yes.

[Speaker 2] (50:05 - 50:09)

It's like, you're a good child. You're a good child to your mother. I'm sure.

[Speaker 1] (50:09 - 52:14)

I'm just, I am. Um, but you could, you could even assume like West Maui is like its own Island. Like you said, on an Island, like it's, it is very hard to get to, there's only one way in and one way out.

And so she was there, uh, the day of the fire. And, you know, we actually had woken up like at 3 AM that day and we were, it was actually our chicken coop had flown across the yard, like 20 feet. It was like, and this thing was like over 200 pounds.

And it was like, we woke up in the middle of the night to like, to fix everything and collect the chickens up. And we look out on the Hillside and that's actually, when we first saw the Kula fire, excuse me, Kula fire, which had just initially started. And so you could see the Hillside all on fire.

Uh, and the winds were just ripping like, just like, and you know, and I live like on a very windy Hill. So we're not like, you know, faint heart to, to, to some wind, but this was like roaring and, you know, they were claiming that there was a hurricane. Oh, hurricane, what is Dora or whatever it was.

Um, she's on her way. And so all this wind is being caused from the hurricane. Um, but mind you, the hurricane was South and all of the winds were coming from a North facing direction.

So if we were just going to deduct reasoning, just like we did mass, that's not even possible because the hurricane was not coming from that direction, but I digress. And so, you know, we already had woken up to just that feeling in the air. And I had said to my mom, cause it's not uncommon to get stuck on the other side of the Island.

You know, if there's a car accident or a lot of traffic or, you know, whatever it may be like, you know, we've all gotten stuck somewhere and that's because I was actually on vacation there, there was a car accident and, uh, there was a, uh, death and they had to fly out the corner from Hawaii, from the mainland.

[Speaker 2] (52:14 - 52:24)

So the whole Island was shut down until they could get the corner out. And it was like a weekend. And it was like one of those things, it was like one corner on an Island.

They had to fly. It's like, it was crazy. Yeah.

[Speaker 1] (52:25 - 52:25)

The whole place was shut down.

[Speaker 2] (52:25 - 52:27)

It was right outside Lahaina. It was right there.

[Speaker 1] (52:28 - 52:36)

So, you know, that wasn't untypical. Right. So, and I even, and there's been fires in Lahaina, you know, I've, I've been stuck in Lahaina and it is windy.

[Speaker 2] (52:37 - 52:39)

I mean, it's generally just breezy, right?

[Speaker 1] (52:39 - 53:02)

It's dry. It's a dry place. It's, you know, unmaintained by the County.

There's no rules and regulations for that. They steal all the water, you know, it's always been iffy. And so, you know, I said to her, I don't know if you should go to work today.

I, I'm just like, you're going to get stuck out there. And I just don't like, I'm not feeling it. Don't do it.

[Speaker 2] (53:02 - 53:03)

I had one of those, didn't you?

[Speaker 1] (53:04 - 54:02)

It was a premonition moment for sure. And you know, she's very punctual and you know, it follows, you know, she's very good at her work schedule. So she's like, no, I'm going to be fine.

Don't worry about it. I'll I'm going to go to work. And so she had actually like packed up like extra water that day.

Like she was having her own premonition. We just didn't realize it. She had brought, you know, like change of clothes, extra food, extra water, just in case she was going to get stuck out there.

And so it was around two o'clock in the afternoon that we started corresponding. But there was initially a fire that began at the top of Lahaina Luna Road, which is another inlet into Lahaina from the highway. There's a, and depending on when you visited, there was a bypass and then there was also the Lahaina Front Street.

But the bypass is actually pretty new. It's only a couple of years old.

[Speaker 2] (54:02 - 54:04)

The last time I went was 10 years ago, it was 2014.

[Speaker 1] (54:05 - 54:06)

So that road didn't even exist yet.

[Speaker 2] (54:06 - 54:08)

I just remember pole dancing at Moose McGillicuddy's.

[Speaker 1] (54:08 - 54:09)


[Speaker 2] (54:10 - 54:20)

There's a video of a 300 pound me doing that somewhere. I just know that and I'm upside down and I couldn't walk for three days. I remember all of that.

[Speaker 1] (54:20 - 54:29)

So that's a great memory for Mooses. Oh, my gosh. And those staircase they had.

Oh, but, you know, so my buddy.

[Speaker 2] (54:29 - 54:33)

Yeah, my buddy tumbled on a woman carrying him down and they both went over it.

[Speaker 1] (54:33 - 54:39)

If you had a hidden camera set up for how many people fell down those stairs, it was such a liability.

[Speaker 2] (54:39 - 54:40)

It was really like a deathtrap.

[Speaker 1] (54:40 - 55:10)

It was, especially after a few drinks. It was insane. And so I heard about the fire and Lahaina Luna, but there wasn't like a whole lot of correspondence because the cell towers were were down.

They were claiming that, you know, all the winds had knocked out the cell towers. And so on our side of the island, I could call in, but calling out like from Lahaina was was an issue.

[Speaker 2] (55:10 - 55:14)

So it's kind of like upload, download kind of thing. They had like connections. They have a lot more.

[Speaker 1] (55:14 - 55:18)

I think that was I think it was entirely deliberate. I think that they.

[Speaker 2] (55:18 - 55:22)

Right, right. I'm just saying that's what they probably did was just cut the number of lines.

[Speaker 1] (55:23 - 56:00)

And so no one was suspicious at the time. I, you know, looking forward, like in hindsight, I'm like, oh, I think that they absolutely did that on purpose because then it started to determine like people who were trapped in the fire were able to call California, but not somebody in Lahaina. Like, where's the logic in that?

Like how? But anyway, so, you know, I'm talking to my mom. Hey, I'm seeing, you know, coconut wireless is what we call it, that there's a fire in Lahaina and you should probably like finish up work and get out of there sooner than later because it's going to be traffic and stuff.

Just get out of there. Just get out.

[Speaker 2] (56:01 - 56:02)

Yeah, it's like it's a mess.

[Speaker 1] (56:03 - 58:04)

Yeah, it's just chaotic. It's chaotic. Just get out of there.

And she's like, OK, I'm almost done. I'm going to be finished like within the hour. And it was at, yeah, three o'clock, three thirty.

She goes to leave Pouamana, where she was working and which is at the very end of Front Street. And so actually she should have just been able to take a right and be on the highway to leave. Like it's literally the last exit.

So once they were packing up to go, they see the smoke cloud in the distance and it was kind of like, oh, there is something going on. She goes to pull out and there's cops immediately. They're blocking them.

And they said, oh, you need to turn around and go into Front Street. Even though she heard the very, very last exit. So, you know, we're still in a not chaos mode yet.

So she goes, OK. And so she her and her coworker basically herded back into Front Street. They go into Front Street.

They try every single side street. And then at this point, it's around four o'clock, four fifteen. And so things are really starting to amplify at this point.

And there's ash hitting their cars. People are getting stuck in traffic and jumping out in the water and almost not yet. OK, like, yeah, within 45 minutes that was happening.

And so she goes to ask an officer like like waving them down. Can I talk to you? And it was in that moment that she looked at this officer who was basically like in a hypnosis and like a character.

Just yeah, exactly. Yeah. Programmed to not act in this moment.

And he was actually standing in the line of danger out like he was putting himself in a dangerous situation, but not because he was being noble, but it was because there was it was like nobody was home. Right.

[Speaker 2] (58:04 - 58:15)

And how well do you guys know the like the local police and everything? Do you recognize these people or are these not like, hey, that's Joe from the local thing and that's the local.

[Speaker 1] (58:15 - 58:20)

A lot of people claim that they did not recognize some of the people that were out there.

[Speaker 2] (58:20 - 58:25)

Which is a question because it makes you think like military when you're thinking like, you know, this kind of, you know.

[Speaker 1] (58:26 - 58:26)


[Speaker 2] (58:26 - 58:28)

Yes. I mean, spec ops, right? Like.

[Speaker 1] (58:28 - 58:32)

Right. And so it was that moment where she's like, it's even more suspicious.

[Speaker 2] (58:32 - 58:32)

It's weird.

[Speaker 1] (58:32 - 59:06)

She goes, I think. And it kind of clicked. Oh, they are keeping us here on purpose and we're not getting out of Lahaina by these cops.

These cops are not letting us out. So she she did break the rules and she followed behind another truck who went over the power lines because, of course, they were claiming everybody. They were telling everybody, oh, the power lines are charged.

You can't you can't drive over them, which, of course, we could deduct more reasoning here. In your rubber tires, you can't go across the thing. And I thought the line.

[Speaker 2] (59:06 - 59:08)

You've never been struck by lightning in a car. Never.

[Speaker 1] (59:08 - 59:21)

I thought that they had been out since 7 a.m. Because we have no power in the whole town. What are you talking about? They're still on.

They're still on. What do you mean? There's no it's it's sick.

It's scary. It's scary.

[Speaker 2] (59:21 - 59:23)

It's wrong. Power outage. Well, you can't go over these lines or they're active.

[Speaker 1] (59:23 - 59:24)

They're on.

[Speaker 2] (59:24 - 59:25)

You can't do that.

[Speaker 1] (59:25 - 59:28)

Okay. So she.

[Speaker 2] (59:28 - 59:33)

So this defiant woman just said, I'm just like.

[Speaker 1] (59:33 - 1:01:24)

And so as she's about to escape, she passes by her boss who is like, I'm just going to sit in the traffic. I'm going to my husband's up, you know, up the way. He says, like, I'm going to get through it like forty five minutes and I'm going to be fine.

And within 20 minutes, she had to jump in the ocean. And she did. She spent nine hours there.

And thankfully, my my mom and her co-worker, they were they were probably one of the last cars to actually get out. She got out at four forty five and there was no one driving behind her. And so, mind you, also, police were not stopping traffic from going into the fire.

So they were they were not letting people out, but they were allowing anybody to come in. And so there was a whole stream of traffic heading into Lahaina, no one blocking them. They were actually driving into the fire, which is like, you know, where's the where's like your awareness at that point?

But I really feel like there was a. A signal or some sort of frequency that they were putting into Lahaina jam it from cell signals and things. This was a military grade DARPA operation, and it was layered upon layered upon layered, and it was so eloquently executed that they were just just doing they were just going play by play.

And, you know, by four forty five, five o'clock, the whole entire town had literally been lit on fire. I mean, it was it was every direction fire was coming. And, you know, now that time has gone on, it's like we hear stories of like, oh, none of the cars could start because there wasn't any oxygen in the air.

But I want to ask if there wasn't enough oxygen in the air for people, wouldn't all of the people aren't wouldn't humans already be unconscious at that point? There was some sort of like electromagnetic.

[Speaker 2] (1:01:25 - 1:01:25)

It's an EMP.

[Speaker 1] (1:01:26 - 1:02:03)

Yeah, people were getting locked in their car. People were hot. People were found burned inside of their cars, flash frozen and like Pompeii style, you know, people trying to get children out of cars frozen, locked in their cars.

We had a fire chief that was killed inside of his car because he couldn't get out. A fire chief. So, you know, it starts raising these questions.

A fire chief, a fire chief couldn't escape the fire. So, you know, and of course, there was no there was no sirens, which is was the first thing.

[Speaker 2] (1:02:04 - 1:02:31)

And I and you have a siren system just for the people who don't know if people don't know, because hopefully we're going to expose some more of this. There's a siren system that on the website clearly states it has different sounds for each different kind of thing. And they claim they didn't turn it on because they thought they'd misinterpret the sound for a tsunami and run into the fire.

Meanwhile, you just said they were letting people in and keeping people from going out.

[Speaker 1] (1:02:32 - 1:02:49)

Yep, 100 percent. And, you know, those hypocrisy of that. The sirens even say on the Hawaii State website that they should be used for fire, fire, lava, terrorist attack, tsunami.

They're an emergency disaster, you know, not just tsunamis. You know, we are.

[Speaker 2] (1:02:50 - 1:02:50)

Hey, pay attention.

[Speaker 1] (1:02:51 - 1:03:31)

Yeah. Before the fire was like a running joke, like, oh, it's the rent siren, because it would go off on the first of the month and you'd be like, oh, you know, there's the test siren and everybody go pay your rent. And, you know, it was like they all were right.

And we knew that it worked. And so their claim that they weren't working or whatever, you know, we didn't want to sound it because people are going to run into a fire. I don't know how it literally took them like two weeks to come up with that excuse, by the way.

Like, and it's a terrible excuse. But, you know, the more I think about it, I think that whatever EMP was occurring in Lahaina, it actually prevented the sirens from being able to be sound is absolutely makes sense.

[Speaker 2] (1:03:31 - 1:03:36)

Yeah. The whole thing was shut down. I mean, it just sounds like the whole area was under a bubble.

[Speaker 1] (1:03:36 - 1:03:45)

Yeah, they they had put a little magnifying glass over Lahaina and it was, you know, eloquently done.

[Speaker 2] (1:03:45 - 1:04:01)

And, you know, they wonder if they shot one shot like a pulse out because your your mom got away. So there had to have been something like, I don't know if it was shot like from a satellite. Right.

I'm not going to get into technicals because I wouldn't know, but there's a myriad ways you can send an EMP.

[Speaker 1] (1:04:01 - 1:05:02)

I think, you know, and there was a submarine that was that was spotted that morning out in the harbor, which was a military sub that no one knew what it was they're doing. And of course, we I mean, what do we know about the government? They can literally do anything.

We have we have harp stations on Oahu. I mean, you know, Hawaii is like just a. Like we were just waiting like sitting duck, essentially.

But, you know, her actually the car that she escaped in within a couple of days of the fire, she it was a it's an electric car and the whole entire the whole battery imploded and it didn't work. And down at the dealership, when she went to go get the battery replaced, they said, yeah, we have a lot of cars that have they have been fried. All the electrical has been fried and we don't know why.

And so it really it adds just another, I think, confirmation that, you know.

[Speaker 2] (1:05:02 - 1:05:17)

And it would make sense that an EMP, an EMP would would be more susceptible to like a reciprocating engine because it doesn't have electrical protection like an electric car naturally would have some EMP protections built in just because it's built with electromagnetics, right?

[Speaker 1] (1:05:17 - 1:05:17)


[Speaker 2] (1:05:17 - 1:05:32)

It's literally a big electromagnet. So it makes sense that EMPs would would be affected, but possibly not to the detrimental completely destructive mode, but to the point where it does need to be replaced. So that's really interesting.

[Speaker 1] (1:05:33 - 1:05:45)

And I think, too, you know, just the fact that like people spent so long in the ocean and, you know, the fire raged for so long with no military help, you know, where we are.

[Speaker 2] (1:05:46 - 1:05:47)

There's a fleet. How far away is the fleet?

[Speaker 1] (1:05:48 - 1:05:52)

We are 80 miles from a military base.

[Speaker 2] (1:05:53 - 1:05:57)

And there's a there's a nuclear sub on the shoreline, but the fleet's not coming.

[Speaker 1] (1:05:57 - 1:07:34)

Right. Are you kidding me? We have no idea what's going on on Maui.

I'm sorry. We have no idea. So no military ships, no military helicopters, no hospital ships, no warships.

They could have brought ships over that shoot water cannons from the ocean water to help put out the shoreline. They could have sent their Chinook helicopters that can definitely fly in those winds to help put out fire. They could have sent the whole fucking Coast Guard to go pick up hundreds of people out of the water.

But the Coast Guard didn't show up until two or three in the morning. You're telling me it took them seven hours to pick up anybody. And mind you, boats that were with civilians that were trying to get to Lahaina from Ma'alaia side or Kihei side were being turned around by Coast Guard with the threat that they will be shot if they tried to go and help.

So civilians can't go help. Military isn't going to help. And there was also just a lack of presence in all law enforcement.

People don't even talk about the fact that the fire trucks were melted to puddles. Lots of firefighters died. But then who are they?

What happened? Why don't we know anything about that story? It's like there's just it's mind bending when you start adding.

[Speaker 2] (1:07:34 - 1:08:00)

And the children. I hate to ask because I've heard. This is the thing.

There's like no reporting. There's no reporting. You heard X amount of children are missing.

And you haven't heard anything. But I haven't heard from parents talking about they're missing whoever because I don't know if half of them died in the fire, too, because like grandmothers and children were left behind. It's like, so what's going on?

Like, do you have any updates on any of that?

[Speaker 1] (1:08:01 - 1:08:27)

Well, so, you know, the morning of the fire that was supposed to be the first day of school and children were there's a there was kind of like discrepancy. What was school canceled or did they go to school? School was canceled that day.

So parents had gone to work. And, you know, it was even though it was a power outage, we're familiar. We live on an island.

We just like, OK, whatever the power's out.

[Speaker 2] (1:08:27 - 1:08:34)

New York had a power outage and they walked across bridges. I remember like after. Come on, we're humans.

We're resilient. We do stuff.

[Speaker 1] (1:08:34 - 1:09:04)

So people went about their day was that early part of the morning and the kids stayed home, you know, with their grandparents or elderly or, you know, whatever it may be, or just by themselves. And then by the time the fire was actually raging, you know, parents couldn't get to their children. And there's a lot of 911 calls that can confirm that.

And it's. It really upsets me because I'm a mom. But, you know, it's like, no, please.

[Speaker 2] (1:09:04 - 1:09:07)

We're that's why we're sharing this story. This is what it's about.

[Speaker 1] (1:09:08 - 1:11:19)

And it's like, you know, the school buses were a huge one where the next morning all of the school buses were parked back into the burned parking lot without any without a scratch on them. They actually looked like they had just been waxed and polished. And they're in a middle of a melted parking lot.

And they go, well, there's all the buses for the school. And you're like, but they're unharmed. And what are you talking about?

And, you know, then we started getting reports immediately of, oh, 400 children are dead in this one place. Oh, you know, there was this many children here, this many children here, people in the cars, this place, that place. I have somebody that I know that picked up 80 children and brought those children to a morgue.

Not one of them is on a list, not one. And I think that this is like it adds to the DARPA level like social experiment that they're doing here because, you know, there's this cognitive dissonance that everybody is experiencing where, you know, Lahaina was such a tight knit community, but there was, you know, in the U.S. census claims, there was like 13,000 people. Realistically, there was probably closer to like 20,000 people in Lahaina if you count the like undocumented workers, the migrant workers, people working cash jobs under the table that are not going to be on a census.

Realistically, there was like 20,000 or more. Maybe give or take. And so there's like this cognitive dissonance where everybody's like, everybody knows each other and we would know if somebody was missing and we would know if there was a child missing.

We would all know because we're all such good friends and we all knew each other. I'm sorry, but there is no fucking way that anybody knew 20,000 friends. You did not know.

And I don't care if you were born and raised here. You didn't know every person in Lahaina. It's an impossibility.

[Speaker 2] (1:11:20 - 1:11:36)

And there's a thing called Dunbar's number. And I think the number goes about as big as 120 or so. OK, we're talking that's we're talking about.

That's the most you can even know. You might recognize a thousand, but you might know 150, but like you might really know 20 or 30, 20,000 people.

[Speaker 1] (1:11:36 - 1:11:41)

Right. And it's not so big community possibility.

[Speaker 2] (1:11:41 - 1:11:58)

And it got and it was already started to be corporatized when I went there 10 years ago. So I can imagine the Starbucks are moving in. The Baskin Robbins are moving in to compete with all the local coffee shops and all the local ice cream parlors.

Right. So like it started getting a little commercialized. So it did start expanding.

[Speaker 1] (1:11:58 - 1:13:26)

Let alone, you know, the amount of vacation rentals and condominiums that need cleaned. You know, the amount of workforce is significant in Lahaina. And so if we're talking about children that are missing or perished, I absolutely believe it was with their whole family and nobody is looking for them because there is nobody to look for them.

Nobody is looking because they are all gone. It was the whole family or the only family that was related to them is in the Philippines or somewhere where they're kind of too scared to go talk about this. And it was the FBI, one of those amazing three letter agencies that came in and declared the list complete.

And they said, oh, we're the FBI. And we did it. And we declared the list complete.

We found everybody except now they've actually they dropped it down again. A hundred and two people, which, mind you, what what what reality are we living in where you could believe a hundred and two people and even the people that saw it with their own eyes, they they also have an extreme form of brainwashing. You know, the people that went into Lahaina those first few hours before the military, you know, fenced it off and kicked everybody out.

[Speaker 2] (1:13:27 - 1:13:27)


[Speaker 1] (1:13:27 - 1:14:06)

It was a black fencing. Oh, yeah. They saw thousands of bodies.

You know, I know people that cleaned up 400 or 500 bodies each in the ocean, not just one person, lots of people that cleaned up a thousand people from the water. But but we don't know. We have no idea what happened to them.

We have no idea where their bodies went, let alone the people that were vaporized. How are we how are we making that count? They were literally vaporized from a do weapon or if you want to call it a natural fire, really hot temperatures.

But they were gone.

[Speaker 2] (1:14:06 - 1:14:11)

Do you like to share it? Would you like to share the do weapon hypothesis or theory?

[Speaker 1] (1:14:11 - 1:14:11)


[Speaker 2] (1:14:11 - 1:14:45)

I mean, so I look, this is the thing. OK, I'm an I'm an Aristotle guy, OK? It is the market of it.

It's the mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it. So let's put out every possibility. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that because you are directly affected by this.

If I were directly affected by it, I'd be in on this and I'd be I'd be grabbing on like a honey badger on like, you know, whatever. Please feel free to share anything. This is an open forum.

I don't need to believe in what you believe in to believe in you.

[Speaker 1] (1:14:45 - 1:15:27)

So, no, I appreciate it. And, you know, I, I believe that with the level of. Destruction that we saw and just, you know, when you start combining all of the little pieces of the variables and you're like, how could it not be a directed energy weapon, which a lot of people have no idea what those are, but they've been around a very long time.

They are military grade, essentially an invisible laser. You can't see it with the naked eye. And there's actually two stations in the United States with directed energy weapons.

One is in Nevada and one is here on Maui, Hawaii, on our Haleakala telescope.

[Speaker 2] (1:15:28 - 1:15:36)

Oh my gosh, it's almost like, wait, there was like a lab thing where this virus was that got away, but it was a market. I totally.

[Speaker 1] (1:15:37 - 1:15:42)

It's coincidence. It's just coincidence. Don't be crazy.

Don't be a conspiracy theorist. Okay.

[Speaker 2] (1:15:42 - 1:16:08)

It's almost like you found stars at the planetarium that you're at. You know, seriously, like, hello. Yeah.

The planetarium. That's where you found stars. Really?

Okay. Thanks. All right.

So it's on Hawaii. There actually is a direct. So tell me about what this is.

You must have researched a little bit about this once you heard about it, right? I mean.

[Speaker 1] (1:16:08 - 1:16:16)

It's called the AMOS system. And you guys can go look at it. It's literally on the government website.

[Speaker 2] (1:16:16 - 1:16:19)

Fact checkers on it right now. Actually. I've got a dog in the background typing away.

[Speaker 1] (1:16:21 - 1:16:28)

I don't know. Is it the. Was it?

It's not. Is it Space Force? I don't know exactly.

[Speaker 2] (1:16:28 - 1:16:28)


[Speaker 1] (1:16:28 - 1:17:15)

Space Force is the one that's keeping track of it, but they're very proud of their directed energy weapon. They love to talk about it. You can, you can look at it.

It's very public information. The Maui directed energy weapon, which is, of course, they claim to protect the islands from terrorist attack and to study the stars and yada yada or whatever they're doing. But, you know, I'm not even convinced that that it came from Haleakala as much as possibly another aircraft.

You know, they have absolutely proven, which, of course, easy to research information. You can mount directed energy weapons on the front of Boeing airplanes.

[Speaker 2] (1:17:16 - 1:17:16)

And you see one 30.

[Speaker 1] (1:17:17 - 1:17:23)

You just do a side turret kind of thing right there and shoot it, shoot it on down. And, you know, I'm much older than you.

[Speaker 2] (1:17:23 - 1:18:13)

Did you ever watch Real Genius where they built the laser? Did you ever see the movie Real Genius? So I, I, I'm going to date myself.

I think it came out in like 1982. OK, so it's Val Kilmer. And Val Kilmer plays a young young scientist at a local like college or whatever who gets a scholarship, and he becomes the mentor to another kid named Mitch.

And the bad guy is, oh, man, he's always a bad guy in other TV shows. You'd see him all the time. But he is in cahoots with the government to build an energy weapon to build a laser.

And Mitch and Val Kilmer figure it out. And then they I don't want to give it away because you have to watch this. Yeah, it's totally fun.

But basically, they build a laser to to use and predictive programming.

[Speaker 1] (1:18:13 - 1:18:14)

It is.

[Speaker 2] (1:18:14 - 1:18:14)

It's totally fun.

[Speaker 1] (1:18:15 - 1:19:25)

And and, you know, they do it on purpose. And, you know, a part of these evil people and these satanic fucking psychopath pedophiles that are in the shadows that try to do these things, they are intelligent enough to use the laws of karma and and energy on their side. And, you know, if they say what they're doing out in the open, then they don't have bad karma for it because we are consenting to it.

We are consenting to whatever evil it is because they have publicly said it somewhere. And we have to read through the lines or we have to decipher. We have to decode.

Right. But one, they chose a Lionsgate portal. Eight, eight.

It's a significant day in astrology. Just just all of the pieces of it. It's like, OK, come on.

But back to the weapons. I, you know, I really think that it was probably about mounted on an airplane because that would have been easier for them to actually manipulate. You know, Haleakala is it's not a big circle.

[Speaker 2] (1:19:25 - 1:19:34)

I mean, it's not that big. It seems very simple. And it would it would avoid the 80 mile an hour windows down at the ground, like local where you were having issues flying.

[Speaker 1] (1:19:34 - 1:22:04)

So and, you know, what was interesting about that day is the flight logs. So air traffic control, every time a pilot flies into Maui, they have to leave a pilot recording of their experience, how it was landing. And that day we saw the air traffic control website remove all recordings from pilots that were coming into Hawaii, which for me would say, OK, was the pilot going, hey, air air tower, I've got a Boeing airplane that I'm seeing on my radar, undisclosed aircraft.

Can you make sure that I'm safe for landing or whatever it may be? They were probably seeing something from the sky that was out of the norm and immediately it was censored and erased as quickly as possible. So, you know, the air traffic control recordings being gone, I think, really is like a like stark evidence that, you know, it must have come from some sort of aircraft.

And, you know, the following days after the fire, there was actually a no flight restriction for two weeks, specifically those first few days were over West Maui. No commercial aircraft or drones were allowed to fly over West Maui. And the reason they claimed was to have a safe environment to fight the fire.

But the fire was already extinguished. So why would there be a flight restriction for a fire that's already out? And I'll tell you why.

And it was because they were cleaning up a massive amount of bodies, so much to the point where you would have seen it from the sky. They were laying commercial fishing line to catch the bodies that were floating to the top. There was that many people that had passed away.

The military came in to do a cleanup. That is why the citizens were not allowed in. No one was allowed to get to their properties.

No one was allowed in Lahaina. No one was allowed to help because they were so busy doing damage control. And, you know, and I absolutely believe that's why there was the no flight restriction, because people, little tourists would have been able to see the bodies floating around from the airplane, you know, and they just wanted to pretend like that didn't happen.

You know, let's just I'm curious. Yeah.

[Speaker 2] (1:22:04 - 1:22:19)

Do they have like any kind of no flight the day of prior, like to one section of the island where there may have been a plane circling and the other and that's where they would have seen because they would have known about it. And that's what they were deleting. Not I actually was a pilot.

So I think about all the stuff.

[Speaker 1] (1:22:19 - 1:23:45)

So very interesting. OK, you know, what was deleted the day before was the the NOAA, the weather patterns. You'll actually see that they black out the screen for about nine hours or more during the most pivotal part of the fire.

They just actually blacked out the radar. So you can't see where the quote unquote hurricane was, you know, causing the winds. But actually, if you look at these radar before it was blocked off, the hurricane was 600 miles plus south of of Maui.

And you can see the weather pattern in between the hurricane and the island. And it's completely still there's not any disturbance from the storm. We actually did not get any tide.

We had no effects from Hurricane Dora. So, you know, this whole basis that they claimed, you know, the hurricane winds were what, you know, fan the flames of this fire is entirely false. The fire was traveling downhill, which is not normal for fire traveling downhill from the north and which never gets never gets went.

So, you know, it was. Are they doing some harp wind machine at the same time?

[Speaker 2] (1:23:45 - 1:24:09)

Yeah, so what's the wind? I'm I'm I'm wondering if now it would make sense. Now, I know, like physics, right?

I know direct energy weapons would be concentrating molecules in a, you know, be a light or whatever. I could imagine the effects of that if it's broad enough would have residual molecules moving, which could be pressure, which could create wind. But I saw some pretty windy conditions.

[Speaker 1] (1:24:09 - 1:24:13)

It was really windy, windy, really windy.

[Speaker 2] (1:24:13 - 1:24:15)

So that's curious.

[Speaker 1] (1:24:15 - 1:24:51)

And, you know, Lahaina was like the most protected, one of the most protected areas of the island. And, you know, that's why the Royal Hawaiians lived in Lahaina was because it was protected from storms. You know, it's sheltered from Lanai on Molokai and Koholawai on the ocean side.

And then, you know, you have the West Maui Mountains, which were the biggest blocker of the wind. So literally this 90 mile an hour wind snuck through the mountains, very special, only to fuel a fire down to the ocean side.

[Speaker 2] (1:24:51 - 1:24:56)

It was a magic bullet. You know, it's like hit three people, went through and ended up on the gurney.

[Speaker 1] (1:24:57 - 1:26:00)

Yeah, went back into the barrel, came back out again. And people don't believe anything. And, you know, and that's what's shocking to this day is the pure cognitive dissonance.

And so like back to like the body count, like people like and people that I know and love are some of them are absolutely convinced that it's a hundred and two, then it is a hundred and two. And we would know if it wasn't. And it's it's really sad to to witness because where's the justice for all of the other people?

They just all their souls get to be unsettled just because an authority figure said, oh, well, it's a hundred and two. So let's just believe that the authority figure is what people are going to trust over their own reasoning, even what they saw with their own eyes. They would rather compartmentalize that in trauma out and say, I didn't see that.

I didn't see that. And it's not true. It absolutely happened.

[Speaker 2] (1:26:00 - 1:26:01)

It breaks my heart.

[Speaker 1] (1:26:01 - 1:26:15)

It breaks my heart. Because that's like so much gray hair this year thinking about the the fuck the fuckery that has happened here on Lahaina. And it's it's disgusting.

[Speaker 2] (1:26:15 - 1:26:49)

It's it's I mean, I look at the money that was given to Ukraine while while behind the burns. And then you get Ukraine's numbers. Oh, yeah.

Only 30,000 Ukrainians are dead. The average age of the front line is over 50 now. And I'm watching them just dragging them, dropping them into pits and drive away.

That's not a joke. They have interviews with it's we're like, I don't know what's going on. So there's a bunch of stuff.

So obviously, you're not connected with this current book. But are you continuing any research with this to possibly have a 2.0 or something with it?

[Speaker 1] (1:26:49 - 1:27:08)

Um, I don't, you know, I don't think that I will. But, you know, I definitely my research wise, of course, I've never I've never stopped, you know, diving in people never do head to head first into the rabbit hole. Or as I like to say, the Foxton, we're in the Foxton instead of the rabbit hole.

[Speaker 2] (1:27:08 - 1:27:08)


[Speaker 1] (1:27:08 - 1:28:30)

But, you know, it's yeah, it as time goes on and we watch it unfold, you know, do I hope that I'm completely wrong? And, you know, maybe it's not a land grab, you know, and, you know, God willing, it's not. But until every single person is back on the land and the water is restored and this and that, I'm not going to just believe that, you know, that it wasn't.

And, you know, they just just this last month started issuing building permits. It's almost it's taken them this long to issue anyone a building permit. And they're focusing on residential lots first, and then they're going to move to the commercial lots.

So there's still a whole conversation that has to be had with Front Street, which, you know, everybody is pretty much blatant out in the open that you cannot rebuild on Front Street. It is too close to the ocean based on environmental rules and regulations that you can't rebuild there. You can't put pipes that close to the ocean.

You can't put buildings that close. You can't do it. So it's not allowed.

So what's going to happen to all of Front Street, which was a lot? I mean, yes, it was the business section. It was a lot of mom and pop.

[Speaker 2] (1:28:30 - 1:28:31)

No, but it's a lot.

[Speaker 1] (1:28:31 - 1:28:48)

A lot. And there was also people living on Front Street as well. There was a couple of oceanfront residential homes.

Of course, they direct energy align perfect around the Hilton owned hotel on Front Street where the grass was still green.

[Speaker 2] (1:28:48 - 1:28:52)

Is there an aerial shot of that? Is there an aerial shot of that? Okay, I got to see that.

[Speaker 1] (1:28:54 - 1:30:00)

Everything is melted. And then it's called the Lahaina Shores Hotel. Literally, their palm trees and their grass are like glowing, not even a scratch.

They just juke right around them. So they saved that one. They saved a few of the really fancy houses.

Everything else is gone. And I've had the opportunity to go into the burn zone, drive around. I spent a few hours.

And the amount of anomalies that I was able to point out months after the fact, months after was significant. And so I can only imagine what we would have seen if people had actually been allowed into Lahaina and were able to see. It'd be a totally different story.

Because I've heard that all of the animals were frozen in place. Dogs on all four legs, frozen. Standing up.

Cats on all fours, frozen.

[Speaker 2] (1:30:00 - 1:30:09)

That's got to be. That's got to be. I mean, it's like Pompeii, right?

To your point. That's a zap, right? That's a zap.

There's no way that's a fire.

[Speaker 1] (1:30:10 - 1:30:11)


[Speaker 2] (1:30:11 - 1:30:18)

Animals run. It's just not a thing. Like, it's just not a thing.

So it's just.

[Speaker 1] (1:30:21 - 1:30:29)

The amount of nights I've laid in my bed thinking about it. I could only just tell you guys. But like, you know.

[Speaker 2] (1:30:30 - 1:30:32)

Did the tree make it? Did the tree make it?

[Speaker 1] (1:30:33 - 1:30:38)

It made it? Not well. A lot of the like.

[Speaker 2] (1:30:38 - 1:30:38)

But it made. Okay.

[Speaker 1] (1:30:39 - 1:30:43)

It's okay. It's starting to regrow leaves. But like, you know.

[Speaker 2] (1:30:43 - 1:30:47)

Because that thing is just like, that is Hawaii. I mean, that tree.

[Speaker 1] (1:30:47 - 1:31:18)

Yeah. And you know, even driving around. And like, when I saw the Banyan tree, like, you know, it's amazing.

Because there's all these wooden benches underneath the tree. Not one of them burned. Mind you, there's melted metal next to that melted metal.

But no wood burns. So you can just deduct your own reasoning there. Every wooden sign in Lahaina lived.

And I saw it for my own eyes. Like.

[Speaker 2] (1:31:19 - 1:31:24)

Held up by screws that screws melted on the signs. They said they were felled down. But, but.

[Speaker 1] (1:31:24 - 1:31:30)

No. Standing. But then I'll.

But the and, and, you know. And like plastic garbage.

[Speaker 2] (1:31:30 - 1:31:33)

That would make me think frequency. Like wood has a frequency.

[Speaker 1] (1:31:34 - 1:32:02)

None of those melted. But it would be next to a melted building. So much stuff was out of place.

And it really looked like, like microwave technology. It looked like everything had been sucked from the, from the inside out. You know, everything just looked dry.

And like in the buildings, like, were like, just like, crumbled like tin cans. Like, and just, I mean, I saw.

[Speaker 2] (1:32:02 - 1:32:03)

Like soft, like just.

[Speaker 1] (1:32:04 - 1:32:22)

Yeah, yeah. It was. And you know, like the trees exploding from the inside out.

Right. You know, and it's like, there's just, it was so. Obvious, at least to me.

You know, I, obviously my, my eyes are wide open, but. I think that it would.

[Speaker 2] (1:32:22 - 1:32:37)

And you do, you do have to have the ability to like, to have the flexibility to think it like. Even with all due respect, everybody has. There's a variance within the human race.

Some people literally cannot see this concept. They just don't. They're like, what are you talking?

It doesn't.

[Speaker 1] (1:32:37 - 1:32:40)

They live on this island. They're everywhere.

[Speaker 2] (1:32:40 - 1:32:58)

Right. I mean, and look, there's a percentage of people as it goes up, right? Obviously the percentage thins out, right?

And the percentage thins out at the bottom, right? It's just kind of like the bell curve. Everybody's in the middle.

But like, so to this point, if we may. Because the connection with Las Vegas, this is the one that really got me because.

[Speaker 1] (1:32:58 - 1:32:59)

Yeah, let's go there.

[Speaker 2] (1:33:00 - 1:33:08)

We have two. Let's go with Capitol Police on January 6th. We'll start with that one.

So this probably won't be on YouTube, but I'll put it up.

[Speaker 1] (1:33:08 - 1:33:10)

This will definitely get deleted on YouTube.

[Speaker 2] (1:33:11 - 1:33:29)

It's definitely going to rumble. I'm telling you that. We're ready to rumble.

So January 6th happens. The person who took over then for that testifies and does it and then becomes in Nancy Pelosi's district becomes like the police chief of Berkeley. Something like that.

[Speaker 1] (1:33:29 - 1:33:30)

The revolving door.

[Speaker 2] (1:33:31 - 1:36:18)

All right. Wow, what a shock. So I'm in Vegas.

Now, I I'm going to share with you some stuff. And the reason I knew this would be cool is because, like, you're holistic. I have a feeling you're talking with, like, psychic practitioners and things like that.

Definitely. OK, I'm a precognitive empath and I have some psychic ability, some limited psychic ability. So I drove up to Vegas on the Thursday that night or that weekend.

And I am a poker player. I went I was comped weekends every weekend for like five years to go up to Vegas. So I would drive up to Vegas from from Phoenix.

I was like single at the time. So I was like, really just it was just good for me to get on my head. And I love playing poker.

It just was like strategic, but it was social. There's just so much to it. So I'd always drive alone.

So I end up driving up with a buddy this time, like, yeah, let's go head up there. And the whole time I'm like, I don't want to be up here. I know I got to get out.

I got up there. And on Friday night, I actually like passed out at my stool and like threw up on myself. Like I got sick and I'm like something.

It was like, go home, get out, go home. And my buddy actually had to go for an emergency. He actually left on a flight and it was Sunday morning.

So I left Sunday before it actually all went down. I drove home. So I'm driving home and my buddy texts me out of the blue at like 10 o'clock at night, goes jump on the scanners on the Vegas scanners.

This is like our, you know, what's this? 2000, I forget the date, but like internet's still new, but yeah. So you got the internet's kind of booming, but you know, it's more for information before it gets really spoiled by like social media.

So I get on the Vegas scanners and I'm going to share what I heard. I can't corroborate it. I didn't record it, but what I heard on the scanners was bedlam.

It was mayhem. I heard that there were groups of armed people going to each casino. And I heard that live on the scanner.

I can tell you, that's what I heard. Can I tell you that that's what, that's what they said? I can only tell you that my buddy's like, you know, and I was like, whoa, I'm listening to this or like, cause I'm familiar with Vegas pretty well.

So Mandalay is all the way at the end and you got Luxor, but they said they were going across the bridge to Luxor, MGM and New York and New York, New York. And they were all armed. And that's that whole little corner section where Tropicana is out and everything.

So like it was interesting, but then, then you hear the police chief and out of the blue, you just hear this story, right? So this, this happens and you don't hear nothing about anything. And then Lahaina happens.

And then out of the blue, this name comes up and it's the police chief that was in Vegas. Please share, please share this story. Cause I know this one, you're just salivating to share.

[Speaker 1] (1:36:18 - 1:37:00)

This guy, yeah. You know, it's, we've already touched on it multiple times of the revolving door of corruption. And, you know, the interesting thing about Pelletier is yes, he was the police chief in Las Vegas during the shooting, which their official story is like, how could you even like, they've signed, they've, they've proven that one man could not load that many magazines or fire them.

It's impossible. But we digress. And so, you know, after the Las Vegas incident, a lot of people don't realize that Pelletier actually went to FBI school.

Does anybody know that?

[Speaker 2] (1:37:00 - 1:37:03)

Well, no, I didn't actually hear this. So this is news.

[Speaker 1] (1:37:03 - 1:37:04)

Cause no one mentioned this.

[Speaker 2] (1:37:04 - 1:37:06)

So breaking news. He went to FBI school.

[Speaker 1] (1:37:07 - 1:37:09)

Breaking news. He went, yeah, he went to special FBI training.

[Speaker 2] (1:37:09 - 1:37:45)

Oh, thank you. Thank you for Trump building that $200 million building for them, by the way. Thank you.

And people are like, why are you not voting? How dare you not vote? You got to save democracy.

You got to save America. It's the most important election since the last important election since the last election. And I'm like, they don't represent me.

If you haven't learned this by now, I mean, it's not that I hadn't learned it. I learned last week after the shenanigans at the LP convention, I learned very quickly that they clearly have everything locked down the way they want it to go. But I apologize.

Please continue. FBI school.

[Speaker 1] (1:37:45 - 1:38:35)

So he went to FBI school, which is really convenient. I'm sure he learned so much and really just really got educated and he got hired as the police chief pretty shortly after that. I want to say it was like 2018 that he was back in Maui or got hired in Maui.

And our former police chief had retired and Pelletier was the new choice. And this is like just gossip from the island. Like a lot of people don't realize that like when he was put into his position that a lot of there was like a lot of distrust.

A lot of people were angry. A lot of people left the police force because they did not want to work with Pelletier. He was very manipulative and controlling.

[Speaker 2] (1:38:35 - 1:38:36)

He had a reputation.

[Speaker 1] (1:38:37 - 1:38:58)

He would tell people that, you know, you're going to do exactly what I say or I will fillet you, which he's been caught on record saying that. And even like the original secretary of the police squad was in a mysterious accident where she was maybe potentially murdered. But she was the one that was serious.

[Speaker 2] (1:38:58 - 1:39:00)

Accidents generally imply.

[Speaker 1] (1:39:01 - 1:40:20)

Yeah. She would have been the one that had like a lot of that prior knowledge about the police force. And then just about she was the one that was not friendly with him.

And she ended up losing her life, which they claim was an accident. But, you know, fast forward to the fire. We haven't, you know, he's been really under the radar.

There hasn't been any like, yeah, like alarm moments. But of course, right after the fire. Yeah.

We see, oh, wait, Pelletier, that's the same guy as the Las Vegas massacre. And then it gets even worse because he was declared in January. So eight months before the fire, January of 2023, he was actually made the coroner because our coroner retired.

So which if anybody who's listening to this doesn't realize it is a conflict of interest for the police chief to be the coroner because. Cause of death. How do you?

I wish I was kidding. It sounds like a joke. He was voted in as our coroner.

So Pelletier was the police chief and the coroner. And to this day, he still is. We don't have a new coroner.

So no.

[Speaker 2] (1:40:21 - 1:40:26)

So he gets to sign off on all the cause of deaths. Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire across the board. He gets to sign them all off.

[Speaker 1] (1:40:27 - 1:40:28)

There was oh, well, mind you.

[Speaker 2] (1:40:28 - 1:40:30)

Inhalation, smoke, fire, inhalation.

[Speaker 1] (1:40:31 - 1:40:54)

Only 102. And it was all fire. And he was one of the first ones to go out there.

And he said, well, a criminal investigation isn't needed because this was just a disaster. And this was X, Y, Z. So I think that alone says everything you need to know.

He is the coroner and the police chief. Come on.

[Speaker 2] (1:40:54 - 1:40:57)

Is he the judge too? And is he one of the jury?

[Speaker 1] (1:40:57 - 1:41:49)

Right. Well, what's ironic is that Bisson, Bisson, I will say the mayor Bisson, he was our former judge here on Maui. And before he retired, the reason he retired was because he was in trouble from hundreds of moms who decided to file a lawsuit against him because he had gained reputation for being a dirty judge.

He would give the children to pedophiles. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what the situation.

He would do these disgusting custody splits. And it became so evident that it was corruption that all of these moms had band together to do a lawsuit against Bisson. And instead of facing the music, he just retired.

And then he became the mayor. Isn't that so?

[Speaker 2] (1:41:49 - 1:41:50)

Like Uvalde, right?

[Speaker 1] (1:41:51 - 1:42:34)

It's like the revolving door continues. And it goes on and on and on and on. And so, you know, the police chiefs, the coroner, the mayor is the old judge.

I mean, it's like everybody's somebody's aunt or uncle or sister or it's just. It's mind bending. And even to the point where I'll take it to another level, like Bisson's daughter is one of the lead executives at HECO and Hawaii Electric Company.

And Bisson said, oh, well, I can't be involved in the lawsuit because it's a conflict to me and my family. Isn't that convenient? But then, you know.

[Speaker 2] (1:42:35 - 1:42:36)

She Cuomo'd him. She Cuomo'd him.

[Speaker 1] (1:42:37 - 1:42:39)

Exactly. And, you know, when.

[Speaker 2] (1:42:40 - 1:42:40)

How dare they?

[Speaker 1] (1:42:42 - 1:42:47)

They're. Oh, my gosh, I'm losing my train of thought.

[Speaker 2] (1:42:47 - 1:42:50)

It's so HECO. She conflict of interest.

[Speaker 1] (1:42:50 - 1:43:25)

That's right. So, oh, my gosh, I'm just forgetting the name, though, right now. So there is a foster care facility on Oahu.

Oh, my gosh, I cannot. I don't know why the name is slipping me right now. But this is kind of where we all said, you know, did the children end up going to Oahu?

Were they trafficked to Oahu? And the the main chairman of this foster care facility, you're not even going to believe what I'm about to tell you. The chairman is the governor Green's wife.

OK, Josh Green.

[Speaker 2] (1:43:25 - 1:43:33)

So the governor, the governor, the guy who wanted to take the whole land as eminent domain for Hawaii to protect it. You mean that guy? That guy.

[Speaker 1] (1:43:33 - 1:43:33)

That guy.

[Speaker 2] (1:43:34 - 1:43:38)

And the 15 minute city guy. OK, the W.E.F. Yeah, yeah.

[Speaker 1] (1:43:38 - 1:43:55)

She runs the foster care facility that potentially trafficked all the children. But you know who helps her? You know who helps her?

Hillary Clinton. The CEO of HECO. Oh, CEO of HECO runs the foster care facility with the governor.

[Speaker 2] (1:43:56 - 1:44:12)

It's a giant pedophile ring. What the hell is going on? It is like I.

And it's fine. So I'm going to go back just a little bit to the little holistic thing, a little thing. I'm sure we could talk about some fun stuff, and I'm sure we'll probably connect it at Freedom Fest.

[Speaker 1] (1:44:12 - 1:44:13)


[Speaker 2] (1:44:13 - 1:45:00)

July 10th through the 13th. Everybody in Vegas. So everybody show up.

Once again, so I didn't I had a vasectomy at 34. I don't have any children. And there was something in me.

It's like, don't bring children into this world. Do not bring. It was something that just was like sitting back there.

It was like I wanted children always, and then I would excuse it. Like, no, I just want my freedom. It's like there's something in me that I actually went through that active state because something's telling me.

And then I watch all this unfolding, and I'm like, I don't know if I could have been a good father through all this. I don't know if I could. You know what I mean?

I'll be honest. I wouldn't want it to hurt anyone. You know what I mean?

Give them to someone to be hurt, thinking with the trust that you have. The trust you must have as a parent of three.

[Speaker 1] (1:45:01 - 1:46:07)

Oh, well, just like, you know, you just have to trust in the universe and the higher power and just that everything's going to be okay. Because, yeah, I mean, it's hard to parent in these day and age. Like, you know, you wonder what does the future look like for your children?

You know, is it going to be a nice, shining, happy place? You know, will they be persecuted for this or that or whatever it may be? I just kind of remind, at least in my own personal life, I'm very spiritual.

So I believe very much in soul contracts and just that we are here on Earth to fulfill missions. This is our meat suit, and our spirit is inside of there. And we all kind of said to each other, you know, hey, Mark, I'm going to Earth for the apocalypse special.

Do you want to meet up on Earth again one day? And we all say, yeah, that sounds cool. Have a good time down there.

I heard it's going to be wild. Oh, my gosh. You're going for the apocalypse?

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. You're going to have so much fun.

[Speaker 2] (1:46:07 - 1:46:13)

We're going to talk offline, actually, off this. Yeah, we're going to definitely talk after we hit stop record. We got to talk for a second.

[Speaker 1] (1:46:14 - 1:46:15)

So I really believe that.

[Speaker 2] (1:46:15 - 1:46:22)

You have this beautiful light for it. I love the way you look at it. And for me, it's been burdensome.

Like, it's been the exact opposite.

[Speaker 1] (1:46:23 - 1:46:25)

So maybe this will help your perspective, you know?

[Speaker 2] (1:46:26 - 1:46:28)

Right. So it's why we connected, right?

[Speaker 1] (1:46:28 - 1:46:40)

We agreed to do this. And we said, you know, the last few thousand times on Earth were a little boring. I do want to come for all of this.

I want to go for the awakening. Yeah.

[Speaker 2] (1:46:40 - 1:46:43)

Let's do the firecrackers, right? I want to see the fireworks. It's going to be beautiful.

[Speaker 1] (1:46:43 - 1:47:21)

And I'm ready for it, right? And so I just believe, you know, when that fear comes, you know, as a parent or, you know, wanting to control the whole situation. Just that my children also made the same agreements that I've made and that we've all made.

And they said, OK, yeah, we're going to we're going to be able to handle this. Yep. Send us down.

We're ready. Let's go to Earth school. We're ready.

We're going to Earth school, guys. And, you know, and then it's kind of like when it's all said and done here, we get to meet at the outskirts of the play and we go, how was your time on Earth? What did you learn this time?

[Speaker 2] (1:47:21 - 1:47:24)

We get to meet outside the Akashic records as we.

[Speaker 1] (1:47:26 - 1:48:47)

High five, you know, oh, you didn't get that vaccine. Yeah. Like then we all, you know, recap in the outskirts and we go, good job.

And then you go, do you want to do it again? And you're like and then you get to decide, right? Do we want to you want to go back to Earth school?

Are you going to go back this way or that way? What do you want to do? You go in, you know, so I really just believe that's kind of what brings me comfort.

That is a great way to look at that. You know, the fire, the world, whatever it may be, just that these were predetermined curriculums and, you know, it's all happening for a much bigger reason. You know, as much as the world seems like it's falling apart and like disheveled and like just needs so much help at the same time, you know, it's it's the awakening.

And what what more than a special time to be here than now, like and watching the awakening happening, you're like, oh, my gosh, it's really happening. And, you know, it as people who are awake or like truth or like, I feel like we've all been kind of like biting at our nails, like when is it going to happen? What's what's you know, it's like we're waiting for that shoe to drop.

Yeah. And it's it's all I believe it's already happening. You know, it's already well.

And so now we're just getting to to ride the wave.

[Speaker 2] (1:48:48 - 1:49:48)

I love that. Would you be interested in joining me for a spiritual conversation at some point? Look, once again, blinked.

It's an hour, 50 minutes in. I can talk for days, but I know we're two hours in. I'd hate I want to be respectful and honorable to your time.

It's the first time we've ever met. So I just I want to be respectful to that. But we could have some conversation.

So I'm looking forward to that. I look forward to it. Definitely.

So once again, we have you coming for Freedom Fest, July 10th through the 13th. Now you'll be on there on the 10th. So I think I'm doing the Brave New World book piece.

But if I'll try to run in, I have media credentials. So I'll be running around single show. My girlfriend and I will be the first two days.

But then she's going to go home and I'm going to do the last two days trying. I'm kind of trying to juggle everything by myself. Yeah, yeah, it should be a good time.

Once again, conscious 50 for $50 off. Tell us how we can get a hold of you, Shelby, in the future. Once again, tell us about Unjected and all the great things that you have, social media, all the ways we can connect with you.

[Speaker 1] (1:49:49 - 1:51:25)

Yes, thank you. And thank you for having me here. And all the awakened and enlightened conversation we've had.

I've had a really nice time today. And yes, you can find me, of course. is where I am all of the time on socials. It's at Unjected Official on Instagram. That's actually our ninth account. So we've managed to stay alive on this one.

And then on X, we're at Unjected. And you can actually use the code conscious for 50% off when you join Unjected today. So go check it out and build a profile and meet with health conscious, like-minded humans.

And just as a fun little message for everybody, we've got some really exciting stuff coming up in the next few months. I know that I talked about getting kicked off of the App Store, but we're going to have a little bit of a makeup. So Unjected is going to be making its way back into the App Stores again.

And we're going to be doing a huge, huge shift on the website at the same time. So nothing but fun things on the horizon. And then I guess, let's see, I'll shout out The Unjected Show, which is our podcast that we do every Wednesday at eight o'clock Eastern.

Everywhere you stream podcasts, except YouTube, because we are very banned. So The Unjected Show, it's like late night, kind of like adult comedy vibes where we talk about the vaccinated psychosis of the world. We have a lot of fun doing that.

[Speaker 2] (1:51:25 - 1:51:29)

That sounds like a fun conversation. I could fly on the wall in that room.

[Speaker 1] (1:51:31 - 1:51:46)

And yeah, that's where you can go and follow and support. And I appreciate you all so much for being Unjected and for standing to your convictions to remain a non-GMO organic human.

[Speaker 2] (1:51:47 - 1:53:32)

I love it. And it's funny, you're coded Conscious and mine's Conscious50. There you go.

So once again, we'll see you at, July 10th through the 13th. Come to Vegas anyway. It's so funny.

I've got this crazy Freedom Fest story. I was there in Vegas at the Mirage with my girlfriend. We go up there a lot and we just happened to be there when it was going on.

Really? This was two years ago and this is during COVID. And I remember we had dinner reservations at Heritage, which is Tom Colicchio's phenomenal primary place, by the way.

It's going to be the Hard Rock now. I think they're changing it again. But I looked at her and I said, I'm going to be at the next one here.

And lo and behold, once again, we talked about setting an intention or just some kind of something pinged to me that this was going to happen. Right. And I saw this Freedom Fest thing up.

I go, hey, that's that thing. And I saw media credentials and I'm like, I'm a nobody. That I had any kind of, but they accepted it.

And Valerie was kind and gracious. And we've had a great conversation. Valerie Durham, the president, CEO and yourself.

And I've spoken with now a handful of people and it's amazing, the connection. So it's like I want to connect with everyone when I see you guys there because I'm going to be chasing everyone. So hopefully we'll see you there.

And we definitely will have a conversation about this other stuff.