Let’s get “Provoked”! Part 4 (Paperback pages 256-344)

We discuss Scott Horton’s book “Provoked”, from “The Maidan Revolution” on page 256, to “Ultraviolence” on page 244 of the paperback version.


(0:11) Alright, hello everyone, welcome back to the LCI green room for week four of the Provoked (0:19) Book Club, here with my brothers Sean Collins and Mark Poles of the Buds in Reality and (0:25) Knocked Conscious Podcast, respectively. How are you guys doing tonight? (0:31) Great, man. I want to start this show off by saying Happy Holidays, everybody.Today (0:38) is a very important day in our history, apparently, and I like to celebrate it as a holiday, because (0:45) well, it is a holiday. (0:49) Imagine if the weather was like the same four years ago, how like no one would have showed (0:54) up. (0:56) This is a great day for walking into government buildings, when they open the doors for you.(1:01) That’s all I’m going to say. (1:03) And stealing lecterns and all that stuff and… (1:06) Go inside! Go inside! Peacefully! (1:11) Listen, I love when they say, like they violated the sacredness of our democracy, and I go, (1:20) don’t make the January 6th protesters sound cooler than they are. (1:27) Anybody who knows better in the know knows that democracy is gang rape anyways.Democracy (1:33) is garbage. It’s mob rule. This is not what any individual signs up for.We are individuals, (1:40) and this is a republic. We are not a democracy, and we need to get this idea out of our head (1:46) that it is a democracy. (1:49) But we use the government.(1:52) I mean, we don’t have to use them, ideally, as an anarchist. You know this. (1:56) I know.(1:59) Happy holidays! (2:00) We actually, I got to get you guys on for just, I guess for our sort of like introduction, (2:05) like announcement episode, we got a little into theory, but we’ll have to when this is (2:09) done, just do a normal conversation on theory, religion, stuff like that. That’ll be a lot (2:16) of fun. (2:16) And I was actually, on my episode that’s coming out this Wednesday of like my solo podcast, (2:21) I was talking about this series and how much I’ve enjoyed it, because we all come from (2:26) different backgrounds and experiences.It reminds me, I used to do a show with Reid Coverdale (2:32) called Capitalist Communion. It was like two Christians and two atheists, and we just talked (2:36) about religion, current events, philosophy, and stuff like that, and it was a lot of fun. (2:41) And talking with you guys, even though like we’re talking about just the stuff in this (2:44) book, we connect it to other things, and it’s been a lot of fun.It reminds me of that (2:49) experience. (2:50) So, well, I guess, yeah, everyone watching, go ahead and comment, and Amity, if you’re (2:58) there, we started within five minutes of the scheduled start time today, so you can’t complain. (3:04) We’re cleaning our act up.(3:06) You’re on the call. (3:08) Yep. (3:09) All right, well, I guess I’m going to kick off this shindig.(3:12) We got a thing coming up on Thursday, just so you know. Sean and Zach and Jason of Drop (3:18) the Mask, all these guys, we’re going to do a panel show. We’ll have to have you on (3:22) then.We’ll do one with you, and then we’ll start, because we’re starting to collaborate (3:24) and start really getting some panel stuff together. So this has been so much fun, and (3:28) this has actually gotten me to reach out to more, do more collaboration group type stuff. (3:33) So thank you for the opportunity.(3:35) Yeah, no, I love doing that kind of stuff. So yeah, for sure, let me know. I’ll be glad (3:39) to do it.My schedule will be a lot freer come five weeks from now. This thing has completely (3:46) eaten up my life to the point where actually it’s cool, though, because everyone sees me (3:51) with this book, my friends, my family, my kids. They’re like, what’s it about? And it’s (3:57) like, how long do I have to tell you what this book’s about? Because I can just let (4:03) you read the title, or you can sit here and listen to me rant for 30 minutes.(4:07) But we’ll read the first 10 pages and then just repeat. (4:12) Pretty much where we’re at. (4:14) Pretty much.All right. Although, if I was going to give someone a Scott Horton book to (4:18) start with, it would not be this one. It would be Enough Already, which you can almost see (4:22) just a little bit off camera there today.(4:24) Oh, nice. (4:25) But that’s like, if you’re going to start somewhere, that’s the best one to start with, (4:29) in my opinion. (4:30) Fool’s errand is good, too.I gave my buddy Enough Already, though, who happens to be (4:35) a retired ranger. He did 20 years in the Army, and 18 of them was under being a ranger. So (4:42) anybody who knows the military understands what those guys got to do.I almost feel bad (4:47) that I let him borrow that book because he wanted to burn his gear. He wanted to burn (4:54) all his stuff. And I’m like, no, don’t do that, dude.Like, you didn’t know better, (4:58) you know, and stuff like that. But, you know, whatever. I don’t I don’t mean that in a (5:04) badder way or anything like that.I just know that I felt bad that I introduced him to that. (5:09) And then he was like, I’m burning all my uniforms and, you know, all my purple hearts (5:14) and medals and blah, blah, blah. And I was like, oh, my God, maybe this wasn’t the best (5:19) idea.(5:21) It’s a hard break, though, man, because I was in the same boat. Like I said, I just (5:25) failed the physical on the last doctor in the military. So I would either been there (5:30) and or not made it.Right. So a lot of us come from that side. It’s it breaks your heart (5:36) when you hear some of the stuff that happens and that you’re connected to it.You know, (5:40) it’s hard. It’s tough. (5:43) That’s right.(5:44) Yeah, for sure. Well, I’m kicking off this shindig. I got section one.We always split (5:51) into three sections and we each one of us takes a lead. So I started off. I’m doing (5:56) the maid on revolution all the way up to the very be.I’m actually very jealous of Sean (6:01) today because he has the section I would have chosen if we weren’t just kind of randomly (6:06) like doing a, you know, cycling through a certain order. But you’re going to be doing (6:11) starting with Yes Nazis, which is the section I was looking forward to the most in this (6:15) book. So that’ll be fun.But I’m going to set you up the best I can. (6:20) Starting with the maid on revolution. And by the way, just for those of you, because (6:25) I know we’re casting to multiple places in case you haven’t heard already.I’m Jacob (6:29) Winograd, host of the Biblical Anarchy podcast here at the Libertarian Christian Institute. (6:34) We’re the ones that are helping to put all this together with the help of Sean and Mark. (6:39) And you guys can find more about us at Libertarian Christian Institute, (6:42) Libertarian Christians dot com.So that’s right there at the bottom ticker. All right. (6:47) Let’s get into the maid on revolution.(6:53) So obviously there was already tensions because of the many times after probably, (7:02) you know, after all the promises of the early years of no NATO expansion, there’s been (7:07) already covered the last few weeks, a lot of NATO expansion, a lot of U.S. (7:13) and Europe sort of like sabotaging of Russia across, you know, multiple different (7:18) fronts economically, militarily, all sorts of, you know, not very good faith actions (7:26) from the American and Western European nations. And then we kind of set the stage (7:36) for the maid on revolution. I guess like the first thing I wanted to bring up was (7:40) that the EU and I think also the the IMF were demanding austerity measures and economic (7:47) reforms for Ukraine.And this did not, you know, in terms of like, hey, we’re going to (7:56) have a trade deal with you, but it’s going to come with all this, you know, red tape, (8:00) all this stipulation and whatnot. But what we’re going to have to make you do. (8:04) And at the same time, forgive me, there’s like a million names here.(8:10) Yanukovych, right, is the one who’s in charge at this point. (8:17) Am I remembering that correctly? (8:19) Yes, you got it. (8:20) Yes.(8:21) Yanukovych, right? (8:22) Yes, Yanukovych. I always get for some reason, I get Yanukovych mixed up in my head with (8:26) the Yushchenko because they both start with a Y and they were around the same time. (8:31) I mix it with Nina Jankowicz for some reason, which doesn’t really help at all.(8:34) There’s just too many, too many like Russian, Eastern European names in here. (8:39) And even though like Winograd is technically a Eastern European last name, but whatever. (8:45) All right.So, yeah, there’s pressure because it’s like you can sign a deal with Russia, (8:51) but then he’s going to be accused of being a part of Putin. (8:55) But if he takes the EU deal, it’s going to kind of screw them over with all the really, (9:01) you know, I think it was like they were going to freeze government salaries and pensions (9:05) and stuff for a certain amount of time, you know, extremely limit how much money that (9:11) they were going to be able to borrow. (9:12) Whereas in the meantime, Russia is offering them like 15 billion dollars in loans and (9:17) energy discounts and stuff like that.(9:19) So I think the way Scott puts it when he talks about this in an interview was that the EU (9:25) overplayed their hand because Yanukovych wanted to go more West. (9:31) But basically, they kind of, you know, the incentives were sort of structured by the West (9:38) and the East in this case that he said, well, I guess I’m going to go East, which I found (9:42) to be just a little bit hypocritical because it’s like, you know, I guess I guess America (9:48) and Europe are allowed to impose austerity and restrictions on Ukraine, but never upon (9:53) themselves. Right.(9:57) I mean, that’s it seems to be the theme at this point throughout the book. (10:04) Yeah. What is what is, you know, rules for for the but not for me, I guess, as the.(10:11) That’s the United States. (10:14) Yeah. Mark, you have any thoughts on any of that? (10:19) I have thoughts and I’m muted, but yeah, all this is just absolutely crazy.(10:23) Can we just let’s just continue. Let’s just continue because we got so much stuff. (10:26) I just want to chat about stuff after this.Like, this is awesome, by the way. (10:30) I’m so happy that we’re here. Like, I just want to bathe and just enjoying this.(10:34) So, yeah, this is just absolutely crazy. This stuff that’s going on. (10:37) I just it boggles my mind.(10:40) Well, so then you have Victoria Newland, a name everyone should be familiar with, (10:46) secretary of state, openly supporting protesters during this. (10:51) Hand out those cookies. Hand out those cookies.(10:53) Distributing aid, making recommendations. (10:57) We, of course, have the very infamous intercepted call between Newland and I forget who she was talking to. (11:08) It’s somewhere here in my notes.So that’s from intercepted Newland and Ambassador Hayat. (11:18) But yeah, basically, which I think this is the one where you get F the EU as a as a very infamous quote out of that. (11:30) But but yeah, it’s just basically like, you know, this is what we’re going to do with Ukraine.(11:36) And we’re going to make sure these people end up in charge. (11:38) And here’s how we’re going to sell it. And here’s how we’re going to make it happen.(11:42) And, you know, basically bad mouthing anyone who wants to get in in the way of that. (11:46) You know, at this point, you know, you kind of get I mean, I think throughout the entirety of the book so far, (11:52) you’ve really seen these people have a lot of hubris. (11:54) But like at this point, the hubris, the, you know, being drunk on our own hegemony.(12:01) It’s really, I mean, just I think at its peak right now in terms of just like we’re America, we can do whatever we want. (12:10) And again, it’s not even like at this point, there’s not even the pretense of, well, should we be concerned about Russia and their interests? (12:18) Right. Like it’s just basically like, well, this is what’s going to happen.(12:23) And Russia is just going to have to play ball. (12:26) So. I mean, that’s the theme.(12:31) That’s been the theme this whole book. It’s like, you know, dangle the carrot in front of them, (12:36) get them to conform to whatever they want them to conform to, but then move the goalposts. (12:41) That’s been the name of the game this whole book since the beginning.(12:44) OK, we need a new Peanuts. We need a new Peanuts cartoon. (12:47) It’s the great former Eastern Blocs, Charlie Brown, where Lucy just keeps pulling that football away.(12:53) She’s like, oh, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus. (12:56) Oh, you know, just keep pulling the football away. (12:58) But that’s that’s what we should do.That’s what we should call it. (13:02) Well, then there’s the big debate, of course, about like, well, was this a which this is part of what Scott was in a debate on Piers Morgan’s show like a month ago. (13:14) And this is where there’s this like great quote from Scott where he’s just like, that’s not what I said.(13:18) Why don’t you argue against something I actually said, you dumb bastard? (13:22) Was was amazing. But it was this guy who was debating, which I forget his name. (13:28) But it was about they were talking about the Maidan revolution.(13:30) And he was like, well, according to this guy, I guess democratic revolutions aren’t possible. (13:35) And it’s like, well, hold on. I think the whole point of what Scott gets into this section is that, OK, yeah, for sure.(13:41) There is some grassroots movement, some legitimate actors on the ground. (13:46) But it’s like, would they have been this well organized, this well funded? (13:53) Would they have been this well equipped, trained or, you know, effective without all of the American and Western interference, which is, you know, it takes on the same. (14:05) You know, at this point, they have a pretty good playbook, right? (14:08) You put on rock concerts and show up and help organize the protests, you know, occupy certain buildings and whatnot.(14:17) And so, yeah, so it’s at this point it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a corrupt machine, but it’s a well oiled machine. (14:26) And, you know, at this point, they’re just thinking like, OK, and now we’re just going to, you know, we’re going to do it again and do it in Ukraine. (14:36) And I want to get into the violent.(14:39) If I may, Jacob, if I may interject on that very quick. Yeah. (14:43) Yeah, it’s just interesting.Like Mike, if you watch Mike Benz, I never really thought about the connection of music concerts in these uprisings. (14:50) Right. What was happening? What happened on October 6th? (14:54) Wasn’t there an extended music concert somewhere that was going on that got invaded and kind of happened and started like a whole other war? (15:04) Like, that’s an interesting point, too, but it’s like funny how these music, how how they get us.(15:09) And until you actually read it on paper until someone says this is how they get you go, oh, yeah, that that that is how they got me. (15:16) Like, you just have to actually think about it. And that’s where the cognitive dissonance happens.(15:20) I’m at the point where telling people this is what’s happening like that doesn’t happen. No way. (15:24) I bought it.And then you’re like, no, no, man, just take a step back. Take a step back there. (15:28) They’re playing with your mind.They’re using music. They’re using your vibes or using your feels to get you to feel what you want. (15:34) You know, you bring up concerts and such.There is a huge concert in Moscow in 1991, actually, where some major bands like Metallica had performed. (15:48) And this is in the height of, you know, all the things that are going on out there, you know, especially in the early 90s. (15:54) You know, 91 and Metallica performed in front of one point five million people in Moscow, probably the biggest concert ever in the history of concerts.(16:06) And their story that they tell about that, I’m a big music nerd, so I’m glad I get to incorporate this. (16:12) But they said it was so bizarre that it was, you know, like it was cool to play the concert in front of all those people. (16:22) But none of those people had ever been a part of anything like that or seen anything like that.(16:27) And then to boot, the the Soviet police went through there and just started beating the shit out of of concert goers during the show. (16:37) Because they were getting like they’re starting to mosh and stuff and there’s a little too rowdy and whatnot. (16:42) And so, you know, that’s one of those things where like they weren’t quite ready for something like that to happen.(16:49) They didn’t know how to deal with it. But Metallica’s story behind that is like, wow, dude, because they said like people were so happy and so scared at the same time, pretty much. (17:00) Yep.The last thing I want, I’ll read this little section from the book here, which was one of Scott’s citations from someone named Clarenberg. (17:13) Journalist Kit Clarenberg, who was writing about the the degree in which that the, you know, the U.S. (17:22) And directly and indirectly through, you know, stuff like the NED and all these other three letter four letter agencies we’ve talked about before, like National Democracy and whatnot. (17:33) So he wrote in the hours following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.(17:39) He’s talking about, you know, obviously fast forwarding the NED hurried to remove any and all trace of its funding for organizations in Ukraine from its Web site. (17:50) He noted that while the NED grants database for Ukraine, Ukraine returned no results. (17:56) A snapshot of the page captured February 25th from 2022 reveals that since 2014, a total of three hundred thirty four projects in the country have been awarded a staggering twenty two point four million dollars.(18:13) Adding that by NED President Dwayne Wilson’s reckoning, Kiev is the organization’s fourth largest funding recipient worldwide. (18:24) Journalist Will Porter found scrubbed NED records showing that they had spent four point five million on 70 separate projects in 2013 to 2014 alone. (18:37) So that’s just a staggering amount of money just from the NED.(18:43) And again, and I want to address a comment in the from someone on X who I’ve interacted with this guy before, Mr. (18:50) Jay, who’s making sorry, just a bad faith argument. (18:54) He says, I know people who personally attended Maidan and they are still waiting for their paycheck. (18:59) Again, that’s not what anyone actually the opposite of what I said.(19:04) I said what Scott said, which everyone agrees that, yes, there were legitimate protesters there, but there is a legitimate grassroots movement. (19:13) And then there is how much that grassroots movement will grow and how effective it can be, how organized it can be when it is. (19:22) I mean, twenty two point four million dollars between since 2014, over three hundred thirty four projects in total.(19:36) So that’s a lot of money to invest. (19:40) That’s just and that’s just one example from one journalist in this book. (19:43) Right.Then we have to talk about all the, you know, what all the other. (19:47) I mean, there was up here a U.S. aid grant of fifty thousand dollars to Hermodsky TV. (19:57) You know, again, so there’s all this money being poured in all this, you know, Victoria Nuland visiting.(20:01) The point is, is that this wasn’t like this huge, successful grassroots movement, you know, cropped up. (20:08) And then, like, you know, maybe America from the side going like, hey, we support you. (20:13) And, you know, like it wasn’t a democratic revolution that was completely organic.(20:19) Right. Like when you when you have outside countries and forces meddling in with, you know, millions of dollars through direct and direct interventions, that it’s worth pointing that out. (20:33) And why are they doing that? Right.(20:37) And it’s also important to note here that what they’re doing here is essentially that they’re not supporting the democratic outcome. (20:44) Is sort of the important takeaway here, like in this case, they they didn’t like the created election. (20:51) They created polls to counter what the vote was or what they said the vote was.(20:55) There are clear times when they step in and they go, these polls show a complete opposite. (21:00) So you can’t believe the voting. You have to actually believe the polls.(21:04) It’s like, oh, Mr. J. (21:07) Let me let me have this one. Let me have this one. (21:09) Go ahead.Mr. J. (21:13) U.S. political geopolitical interests are the root of all evil when it comes to everything that you’ve seen post World War Two period. (21:23) Period. (21:24) The fact that you can sit there and say that Russia doesn’t have a legitimate beef when it’s been over and over and tried and tried and tried again, that the United States interference is the reason they went into Ukraine in the first place.(21:40) My dog. I do not know what to tell you. (21:43) There’s receipts everywhere.(21:45) The United States provoked Russia into attacking Ukraine because they overthrew their government in 2014, which was the final straw. (21:56) Ukraine was always a hard stop. We’re going to keep saying it every single week, or at least I will.(22:01) That Ukraine was the hard stop. (22:03) And when the United States government decided to overthrow their government via CIA and implement their own people as they do all over the place, see Central and South America. (22:14) There’s receipts there to knock yourselves out.(22:16) I don’t have all day to go through this. (22:19) But you can’t just sit there and be like, whoa, Russia is just this big bad entity that just attacked this country for no reason. (22:27) We went in there.We took their government. We started putting up bio labs. (22:30) They were warned.They’ve been warned for decades to not play with Ukraine. (22:35) And then they did it. (22:37) They didn’t only do it once.(22:38) They did it twice. (22:40) Never forget about the Orange Revolution. (22:42) Right.(22:42) Right. (22:43) Orange Revolution. (22:45) Yep.(22:45) Yeah. (22:45) 2008 and 2014. (22:47) Right.(22:48) Yeah. (22:48) Is what we’re talking about. (22:49) So please, please.(22:51) Let me just read this for those who would listen on the audio version only later. (22:55) He said, wow, U.S. has geopolitical interests. (22:59) Russia should invade and butcher innocent civilians and perpetrate unspeakable war crimes.(23:05) That’s not what anyone here said. (23:07) No one here said. And therefore, Russia.(23:09) The book’s not called Justified. (23:11) The book’s called Provoked. (23:13) They were provoked.(23:15) That doesn’t mean that they’re going for that later, guys. (23:18) Just so you know. (23:19) Yeah.(23:19) I have a clip from Horton and from Kathy Young about that. (23:23) So I made sure to clip that stuff today. (23:26) But we.(23:27) Oh, bio labs. (23:30) This. (23:31) They’ve been putting bio labs in there since they overthrew the government.(23:34) This isn’t a hard search. (23:35) This isn’t a hard thing to look up. (23:37) You can knock yourself on a Google or free spoke or whatever the hell else you’re using out there.(23:42) But this is an absolute ridiculous argument that this is just happening for no reason. (23:49) I’m sorry, Mr. J. (23:50) You’re wrong. (23:51) Well, there is a congressional video.(23:53) There’s a congressional video about the bio labs in Ukraine. (23:57) Was it new when it was talking about him? (23:59) We can. We’ll pull it up.(24:00) I’m happy. (24:01) But there is an actual video of her talking about the bio labs in Ukraine and the danger that they pose and that they can’t get in their hands. (24:07) I think it was on a congressional hearing.(24:09) Well, I’ll have to pull that. (24:11) If I had more time, which I don’t, I don’t want to. (24:14) I don’t want to monopolize the time here.(24:16) But the sniper controversy is another important part of this narrative, because that’s another form of messing with sort of the natural perceptions of people. (24:28) Right. (24:28) It’s it’s it’s manipulation of people’s of people’s opinions.(24:32) When you have snipers firing on crowds of protesters and police killing both exacerbating chaos. (24:39) And Scott goes through like, again, I’d have to read all of it. (24:43) It’s pages of stuff in this section.(24:45) But Scott kind of makes a really convincing case that, like, hey, there’s a lot of evidence here that shows that, like, between the size of the bullet holes and just the way that both of them were being killed. (24:55) And it’s like these these snipers were were not, you know, like they were clearly just trying to escalate the chaos and the tension so that it would sort of like, you know, like Yanukovych would not be able to stay in power was sort of the the ultimate end goal there. (25:13) And I’ll then hand the reins off to Sean, because, I mean, really, my section ended with, you know, like the violent putsch, which is about the roles in which, you know, the role of neo-Nazis and the far right extremists in Ukraine and the role they played in the Maidan revolution.(25:32) And I know that Mr. J and many others will go, what? (25:36) No, there’s not real Nazis in Ukraine. (25:40) That’s crazy. (25:41) That’s just Kremlin Putin talking points.(25:44) Right, Sean. (25:46) Look up as of battalion. (25:47) Please do that.(25:48) And then this is a perfect time for me to come in, because this is something I actually learned. (25:54) This is a history lesson we’re about to go on at this point. (25:57) And I started with hang on a second here.(26:00) Oh, declaring a state. (26:04) That was my section where we started, where President Bandera, who was the Ukrainian president at the time, attempted to declare Ukraine as a new state in June of 1941. (26:16) Said the country would work closely with the Hitler regime, making a new order in Europe.(26:24) Even sent letters to Hitler, Mussolini, etc., declaring that he was loyal to the new order of the fascist Europe. (26:31) They even hung banners in Lviv saying, long live Bandera and Adolf Hitler. (26:38) So please, you were born in Soviet Ukraine.(26:41) Cool. (26:42) I’m glad you were. (26:43) I’m glad you were.(26:44) So you should know this stuff like the back of your hand then. (26:46) I’m glad you were, Mr. J. (26:48) And, you know, the funniest part about that is Hitler didn’t want to ally with Ukraine. (26:55) He actually wanted to conquer it.(26:57) He wanted nothing to do with an alliance through Ukraine. (27:04) President Bandera, dude, he was the president. (27:06) I don’t know what to tell you, man.(27:07) Read a book. (27:08) But anyhow, he didn’t want to do that. (27:11) He actually wanted to conquer it.(27:13) Nazis demanded that the O.U.N. withdraw its declaration and Bandera surrendered to the, oh, my God, my, oh, the honorary detention. (27:26) But the O.U.N. leaders still working with the Germans while on house arrest until August 1942, where Bandera was moved to Sesechausen, if I said that correct. (27:38) Probably not.(27:40) Where Bandera was moved to Sesechausen concentration camp for better conditions. (27:46) Wow, the dude was moved to a concentration camp for better conditions. (27:52) The O.U.N.B. (27:53) Oh, I’m sorry, Bandera’s partner, Mykola Lebed, escaped to lead the O.U.N.B. at war.(28:03) The war was to purposely kill civilians, particularly Poles, Muscovite, and Jews. (28:13) Now, from there, I’m going to read a little bit from the book, just because Mr. Justin Trudeau stepped down from Canada today as their prime minister. (28:24) And the Galatian SS became the small controversy when, in 2023, Ukrainian President Zelensky, Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, and the Canadian parliament honored an old war veteran named Yaroslav Hanka, who the speaker read out, had fought against the Russians in World War II.(28:48) They had seemingly forgotten that Canada proudly fought as allies of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany in that war, at the cost of 45,000 of their own lives, and did not realize that Hanka, a veteran of the 1st Ukrainian Division, a.k.a. the 14th Waffen Grenader Division of the SS, was likely a war criminal whose unit had participated in the Holocaust while serving Heinrich Himmler (29:17) and his Führer in 2011. (29:22) Hanka described 1941 and 1943 as the happiest years of my life. (29:26) The Poles immediately moved to have him extradited to be prosecuted for war crimes.(29:32) Ukrainian SS veterans, who were so prosperous in Canada, they donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to various universities in the country, including Voldemort and Derrida. (29:46) Oh my God. (29:50) I’m not even going to try that.(29:52) Memorial Endowment Fund at Alberta University, Rudling said, was a chief collaborator with the Nazis, making Hanka look more insignificant in comparison. (30:06) It was shown in 2017 that Krista Freeland, the former Financial Times reporter, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, an anti-Russian hawk, had spent a lifetime citing political influence of their maternal grandfather, Michael Chomiak. (30:22) It turned out that he was a Ukrainian Nazi propagandist during the war who wrote that the Wanderist Weekly Kravitzky-Visty publication that blamed the Jews for Soviet communism and called people to join German Nazis to fight the Jewish Bolshevik threat.(30:45) She then lied and claimed that this was Russian disinformation. It was not, and she knew it. (30:52) Having helped her uncle write an article about it years before, it was also later revealed that Freeland herself got her start writing for the Ukrainian Weekly, a nationalist paper which glorified Bandera as a Galatian SS.(31:08) Perhaps this should not be surprising since Canada accepted thousands of Ukrainian veterans of Hitler’s SS after World War II and to this day maintains monuments of their legacy. (31:26) Nothing to see here, everything’s fine. (31:29) From there on, the OUN helped kill hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews.(31:35) They rounded up Ukrainian Jews to be slaughtered and or made slaves. (31:42) And then, oh my God, my chicken scratch is atrocious, I apologize, you guys. (31:48) The UPA, which is the Ukrainska Povstanch Armija, oh my God, I apologize for my handwriting, you guys, it’s atrocious, continued to kill Jews from 1942 to 1943.(32:07) Nazis released Bandera from camp in 1944. (32:13) He went back to work for Germans. (32:15) Bandera escaped and went back to Austria and then to West Germany.(32:20) From there, oh my God, my cola leaded. (32:28) After the Germans defeat, the OUN kept fighting an insurgency against the Soviets with the help of the CIA. (32:35) The CIA continued to play devil’s advocate for decades.(32:38) And then I’m gonna read from the book from here on out because my notes suck and I can’t read them because my writing sucks. (32:47) We’re gonna start here. (32:49) When Viktor Yanukovych was elected in 2010, he had the courts declare the designation of the Bandera and Shukhevich as national heroes to be illegal and replaced it.(33:06) He fired social nationalists from the SBU archives and Institute of National Memory, put a communist in charge of it, and then closed it down. (33:16) The nationalists were down but not out. (33:19) Well, according to the journalist Palash-Gosh, European and Israeli leaders expressed shock in October of 2012 when Sobhoboda gained that 10% of the electorate in parliamentary elections, entering the legislature for the first time.(33:41) And in Western regions of Ukraine, Sobhoboda gained as much as 40% of the vote. (33:49) I’m really sorry I sabotaged these names. (33:52) I just, I’m an American who doesn’t know them.(33:56) Then you go to the revenge of the right. (33:58) But after the coup of 2014, President Petro Poroshenko decreed October 14th, the anniversary of the founding of the UPA, to be Defender of Ukraine Day. (34:12) Journalist Max Blumfenel wrote that when European Parliament condemned Yushchenko’s proclamation as a front to the European values, the UCCA-affiliated Ukraine World Congress reacted with outrage, accusing the EU of another attempt to rewrite Ukrainian history during World War II.(34:35) On this website, the UCCA dismissed historical accounts of Bandera’s collaboration with the Germans and Soviet propaganda. (34:45) You know, and then to move on from there. (34:49) Oh, my gosh.(34:50) Now, oh, yes, we got to go all the way here. (34:53) I’m sorry. (34:54) We’re going to end it here.(34:56) And there’s a lot in between there where, dude, you can’t even read the names and portray as an expert. (35:01) Dude, fuck you, man. (35:02) I don’t care.(35:03) You can literally talk all the shit you want. (35:07) And I literally don’t care. (35:09) And that’s that.(35:10) Sorry, Libertarian. (35:11) It’s not an argument to say you can’t pronounce a name. (35:14) And first of all, none of us are portraying ourselves as experts.(35:17) We are discussing a book written by Scott Horton, who not only is an expert but has 6,000 footnotes in this book. (35:28) Right? (35:29) It’s a lot. (35:30) Of this 660 pages, 90 of it is footnotes.(35:34) Yeah, yeah. (35:36) There you go right there. (35:37) Right.(35:38) So it’s like, do you want to provide an argument or do you just want to be like, oh, you can’t pronounce a name? (35:44) Like, that’s not an argument. (35:46) That is so weak. (35:48) Mr. K, is there a name for the book, too? (35:49) I’m sure it is.(35:50) I’m sure it is. (35:51) So anyway, Martian, Martian, the book is provoked by Scott Horton. (36:00) Provoked how Washington started the new Cold War with Russia and the catastrophe in Ukraine.(36:06) You can follow Scott on X. (36:09) So you’re watching from X. (36:10) If you don’t follow Scott, go look up at Scott Horton show. (36:13) And Mr. J, yeah, your arguments were above and we debunked them. (36:17) So I don’t know.(36:18) Move on with your life. (36:20) Keep going, Sean. (36:21) I’m going to say this, though.(36:23) I was not in Ukraine. (36:25) I think some things can be true at the same time. (36:28) It doesn’t change the fact that there was intervention and there was a natural rise of freedom.(36:33) Lech Walesa led a charge in Poland that was much more Poland driven than it was U.S. driven, I would argue. (36:39) It had U.S. support. (36:41) But, you know, it definitely had more of a foundation of freedom.(36:45) So I could understand possibly Mr. J was part of that freedom movement or something. (36:50) And, you know, maybe that’s what it is. (36:53) Well, no, no one is saying that there weren’t people on the ground who believe the things that they were protesting and saying and doing.(37:01) I mean, I think we’ve said that four times now. (37:05) It’s just a matter of, like, how, how, how much more do those efforts go? (37:09) How many more people are going to be persuaded by things when you throw in propaganda, when you throw in snipers shooting into crowds? (37:18) And, you know, then then there’s the I mean, I know, Sean, you can’t go over everything. (37:23) But, like, you remember the part where you have lefties there talking about how they were like sort of like having to overlook the extremism of these Nazis and far right people that were part of this thing because they were like, well, yeah, they had some extreme views.(37:40) But, like, we wouldn’t have been able to do all these different things we did without them because they they were more organized than us. (37:46) They knew how to start the fires in the cans and how to occupy the government buildings and this and that. (37:54) Mr. J, keep talking.(37:56) If I wanted any lip from you, I’d peel it off my zipper. (37:59) How about that, buddy? (38:01) Losing Crimea. (38:03) Oops.(38:04) Far from getting away from the coup cleanly, the reaction came right away. (38:08) On February 22nd, 2014, Reuters reported that the U.S. had warned Russia not to invade in the aftermath of the coup after fistfights had broken out in Crimea and some eastern cities between what they called supporters of the new pro-EU order in Kiev and those anxious to stay close to Moscow. (38:29) Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, went on TV to try to talk them out of it.(38:34) The administration had won the first round. (38:36) Now they’re trying to call a timeout. (38:41) Crimean history.(38:42) Russia, under Catherine the Great, won the Crimean Peninsula from the Turks back in 1783, the same year that Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams negotiated America’s peace with Great Britain after the Revolutionary War, four years before our Constitution had even been written. (39:03) It is part of Russia like Virginia is a part of the United States. (39:07) Think about how important the West Point is to the New Yorkers or the Alamo is to Texans.(39:12) The Russians lost more than 200,000 soldiers fighting to keep Crimea out of the hands of the Brits. (39:18) French and Ottomans in the Crimean War of the 1850s and an attempt to kick them out of their Sebastopol base. (39:28) Crimea lost another 100,000 to the Germans and Romanians in World War II, a sacrifice which many have helped to save the USSR from being conquered by the Third Reich.(39:40) The peninsula hosts Russia’s Black Sea Fleet at their only year round warm water port accessible, granting the direct access to the Mediterranean. (39:53) You can see why they consider it an important. (39:57) Let some foreign power try to take San Diego away from the USA and see what happens.(40:05) I mean, I don’t know what else to tell you, folks, man. (40:09) Like, this goes back so long that even the like, even the United States doesn’t know how to deal with it, except to intervene and interject their will with NATO into properties that belong to another country. (40:27) They’re not wrong.(40:28) Like, if somebody tries to take Florida or take California or whatever it may be, what do you think is going to happen? (40:35) The same thing that happened in Crimea. (40:38) But I digress. (40:42) We’re going to end here, though, and I got a little green men.(40:49) The Putin later said that he had decided to seize Crimea on the night of the coup in Kiev. (40:55) It was not until after former president’s threat to kick Russians out of the Sevastopol that he removed to take control of the peninsula. (41:03) On February 27th, our men seized the parliament and oversaw the supposed election of a new prime minister and passage of a resolution declaring a referendum on autonomy, which was later charged to a vote rejoining the Russian Federation.(41:22) The next day, Putin ordered his men to leave their bases and take control of the peninsula in a single successful coup de main. (41:30) And now I’m going to read the last little bit of this. (41:35) Putin explained that NATO remains a military alliance, and we are against having a military alliance making itself at home right in our backyard or in our historic territory.(41:47) He joked, I simply cannot imagine that we would travel to Sevastopol to visit NATO sailors. (41:55) Of course, most of them are wonderful guys, but it would be better to have them come and visit us. (41:59) Be our guests rather than the other way around.(42:04) For their part, the Obama administration and the other Western leaders focus on their efforts of castigating Russia, demanding their withdrawal and threatening consequences if they did not, rather than engaging in any good faith diplomacy to dial down tensions. (42:23) Hey, I mean, who’s wrong? (42:30) It’s not Russia. (42:31) It’s push.(42:32) It’s definitely not Russia. (42:37) They’re not wrong in this matter. (42:39) I’ve said this time and time again during the series that they have a legit beef through all of this.(42:45) They had the right to take Georgia. (42:46) They had the right to take Crimea because there’s historical things that go behind it. (42:52) They’re not going to let NATO just take whoever.(42:58) And I digress after that. (42:59) I’m done. (43:01) Mr. (43:01) Jay, keep going, dude.(43:02) No one cares. (43:05) Well, it’s just that there’s there’s responses to him. (43:08) But let’s let’s ignore him for now.(43:09) We can address more at the end if we have time. (43:11) But, Mark, you go ahead and close us out here with your section. (43:16) All right.(43:17) So basically, what happens? (43:20) The east or I’m sorry, the West starts shooting at the east. (43:24) The Azov battalion basically starts plinking at their own people in the in the east. (43:28) Right.(43:29) So Russia’s the people. (43:30) They’re like, what? (43:31) Where’s our protection? (43:32) Right. (43:33) So I’m so happy that I get the Azov battalion because I am the grandson of a German soldier in 1940s.(43:44) So I am by blood somewhere in there. (43:48) There’s some Nazi ideology up in there, I guess. (43:53) After my grandfather served, it became East Germany.(43:56) They escaped East Germany in 1953 when it was communist. (43:58) So my grandfather served or lived under Hitler. (44:03) Stalin.(44:06) And then Eisenhower, I think, like in his life, like I don’t know many people who can say they live. (44:12) They served under all or lived under all three of those reigns. (44:15) But that’s a pretty interesting thing.(44:16) So what’s interesting is Azov battalion. (44:20) It is a Nazi regiment, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing but Nazis. (44:23) The Galician Nazis.(44:27) Basically, the Germans were Aryan. (44:29) They were white, white. (44:30) And they treated the Ukrainians.(44:32) They were like an off white. (44:33) They were like an eggshell. (44:34) No offense.(44:36) That’s how the Germans viewed them. (44:37) The Germans, they were like dirty Aryans. (44:40) They weren’t exactly pure Aryans.(44:42) But what they lacked in purity, they made up for with their desire to destroy and kill everything. (44:49) They are just an evil. (44:51) They were just really good at being evil.(44:53) That’s why they were kept around by the Germans. (44:55) The Nazis loved them for that. (44:56) So I’m going to play a couple things.(44:59) So here’s an interesting thing. (45:00) I’m going to go through this. (45:01) I hope I did it right.(45:03) But I’m going to play some things. (45:06) So this is what I’m trying to tie it all into. (45:08) I’m going to do it a little differently in my portion because we’ve all read it.(45:12) But we’re trying to tie that we support evil on every level. (45:17) And then it attacks us. (45:19) And then we wonder why.(45:20) And we don’t question that it’s evil just doing evil. (45:23) We think that we can control the evil, corral it. (45:27) Look at Syria.(45:28) Look at the Middle East. (45:29) Look at all these things we did. (45:30) So here’s the first perfect example of us, whether we support, I don’t know, these types of evil people.(45:41) Let me do this. (45:51) Defense-sponsored Warrior Games features liberal comedian Jon Stewart awarding a member of Ukraine’s (45:58) neo-Nazi Azov battalion at Disney World. (46:02) The Gray Zone reports that multiple Ukrainian Nazis were invited to the happiest place on Earth, (46:07) by the Pentagon.(46:09) But don’t worry. (46:10) His Nazi, sorry, Black Sun tattoo was covered up when he received the award. (46:15) According to Wikipedia, the Black Sun symbol is widely used by neo-fascists, neo-Nazis, (46:21) the far right, and white nationalists.(46:24) How interesting. (46:25) I thought it was, wasn’t it disinformation to say that we were funding Nazi fighters in the Ukraine. (46:33) But not only are they using, being protected by weapons and things we’ve made available for Ukraine, (46:39) we’re actually just giving them medals now, invitations to Disney World.(46:45) We forgot about the medal. (46:47) You know, pour one out for the disgraced Trudeau. (46:50) He just resigned.(46:53) Well, I’m getting to that one. (46:56) I’ve got video of that one too. (46:59) Let’s not kid ourselves.(47:01) Okay. (47:01) Once again, guys, did you just see this? (47:03) We invited Nazis to Disneyland or Disney World to participate in games at the happiest place on Earth (47:12) and then gave them medals for it. (47:14) And this is like a Jon Stewart.(47:16) Now, he might not have known. (47:18) I will criticize him because he didn’t research, but he didn’t know. (47:22) But considering he’s a political commentary guy, probably should have known a little bit.(47:26) Maybe just a little bit. (47:27) Maybe. (47:27) You know, just call it crazy.(47:29) Now, to your point, Jacob. (47:31) Thank you, Mr. Trudeau. (47:33) I am going to play this next clip, and I’m going to speak over it because it is in Russian.(47:38) It’s going to be Mr. Putin himself speaking about it. (47:41) And I’ll read over it in the English subtitles. (47:44) There are subtitles, but just in case the audio portion, right, people are going to listen.(47:47) So I’m going to share this one. (47:48) This is a fun one as well. (47:57) All right.(47:58) It starts with, (48:00) The fact that everyone applauded this Nazi in Parliament is absolutely disgusting. (48:09) Especially the President of Ukraine, who has Jewish blood in his veins, who has Jewish roots, stands there and applauds a Nazi. (48:20) Not just to some belated follower of Nazi ideology, but to a person who killed Jewish people with his own hands.(48:33) It was him who personally killed Jews. (48:36) If the Canadian Parliament speaker says the Ukrainian-Canadian Nazi fought against Russians during World War II, (48:52) he cannot but understand that he fought on Hitler’s side, not on the side of his motherland, Canada. (49:05) Once again, wild.(49:08) That’s from Putin. (49:09) Now Putin’s telling you, you saw the applause, you saw the hunkdo, Sean mentioned it, you mentioned it as well, Jacob. (49:15) Here’s Trudeau applauding this guy.(49:18) And it’s like, he fought against the Russians, sure. (49:22) He fought for the Nazis. (49:25) He fought for the Nazis.(49:27) Think. (49:27) But think about it. (49:28) This is perfect, because as we’ve learned, we don’t actually have, we don’t, we don’t care about Al-Qaeda or the Mujahideen or any Islamic terrorism when they’re fighting against Russia.(49:44) Just like we don’t care about Nazi, we care about Nazis up until the point when they’re fighting against Russia. (49:49) We actually fund them. (49:50) If they’re fighting Russia, we fund them.(49:52) We give them money. (49:53) See Osama bin Laden? (49:55) He was an ally. (49:55) We gave him all kinds of money and weapons to fight the Russians and the Mujahideen.(50:00) I’m thinking about signing up. (50:01) I’m going to go to Ukraine and become one of the Nazis in the military. (50:06) I might get a free trip to Disneyland out of it.(50:09) Seriously. (50:10) I’m thinking about starting an NGO. (50:12) That’s where the money is, I think.(50:14) No, but can I say something? (50:15) Yeah. (50:16) You know, this is, there’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to like the United States supporting Nazis. (50:23) It goes way back, actually.(50:25) Look up Operation Paperclip. (50:27) Look that up. (50:29) Operation Paperclip was when the United States brought home Nazis to work for fucking, sorry, for NASA.(50:35) My mouth gets crazy sometimes. (50:37) Sorry, Libertarian Christian Institute, my bad. (50:40) But no, this is, this is totally the United States like MO.(50:45) They love it. (50:46) They love supporting Nazis. (50:47) They love bringing them here to America.(50:49) So this is pretty much a perfect scenario for them to be supporting the Azov Battalion in Ukraine. (50:57) It’s perfect. (50:58) Yeah.(50:59) So now I’m going to share you two clips because I also had, look, I’ve been so lucky. (51:05) You guys let me introduce Michael McFaul. (51:08) You let me introduce, you know, the Azov Battalion in this way.(51:12) And now I get to introduce Kathy Young, everybody. (51:15) Kathy Young at Porkfest. (51:17) Okay.(51:18) Let me place a little Kathy, a little Scott, and I’ll place more Kathy, but we’ll go in between. (51:23) All right. (51:29) I made this for you, Sean.(51:30) We’re not ready to PG-13. (51:32) I’m sorry. (51:33) No, I apologize.(51:34) It’s all good, man. (51:36) I’ve been very good this whole time until today. (51:38) I’m sorry.(51:39) Did you guys catch that? (51:41) Listen, listen, listen, Sean, you were provoked. (51:44) Okay. (51:44) Yes.(51:47) That’s great. (51:48) All right. (51:48) Let me play this one more time because just a real quick thing.(51:50) Notice how she already gets you to agree somehow. (51:54) This is the manufacturing consent, guys. (51:57) This is how they get you.(51:58) Just listen to her words. (52:02) And I think everyone will agree that whatever the history between Russia and Ukraine, that was an unprovoked attack. (52:10) Whatever you think, between the history of Ukraine and Russia, which is thousands of years, right, or whatever, hundreds of years at minimum, it was clearly an unprovoked attack.(52:20) We can all agree. (52:21) We can all agree. (52:22) Right? (52:23) Okay.(52:24) Now let’s hear Scott’s version because this is truth. (52:36) We’re in agreement that this war is an aggressive and illegal war launched by Russia into Ukraine. (52:45) I don’t think there’s any question about that.(52:47) I don’t have anyone who disagrees with that. (52:50) But it was not unprovoked. (52:54) But it was not unprovoked.(52:57) We all are in agreement that what is happening is awful, atrocious, but it’s not unprovoked. (53:03) So I’d love for you to jump in. (53:04) Then I got two more clips before I call my shots and then we’re good to go.(53:10) Oh, man. (53:15) I’m just going to listen. (53:16) Libertarian Christian Institute.(53:17) I’m going to throw some scripture in here. (53:19) Proverbs 16 to all of a person’s ways seem pure to them. (53:24) But motives are weighed by the Lord.(53:28) I think we can just see here that the U.S. interventions, they’re not motivated by a love for democracy. (53:36) They’re not motivated by a love for liberty. (53:38) They’re not motivated by even concern for the Ukrainian people because they don’t care about how many, you know, American lives, Ukrainian lives, Russian lives, Palestinian lives.(53:52) You know, we don’t care how many lives get thrown into the fire of the war machine. (53:57) As long as Western influence and U.S. interests are protected, that is what matters. (54:04) Now, of course, they can dress them up and make it seem good to them.(54:08) But we can see through it when we actually take the time to look into this stuff and to educate ourselves and and not just, you know, not just guzzle down the propaganda like like good slaves. (54:24) Well, I mean, all right, Sean, you want to jump in before I play these last two clips? (54:28) Well, you know, it’s just one of those things where, like. (54:31) You’re seeing it in real time how things have been going.(54:34) And the fact that the media has propagandized this to a point to make it look like, you know, Russia’s just this big, bad country with their big, bad leader who’s just trying to take over their land isn’t the case. (54:49) And it’s never been the case. You know, I was.(54:52) I don’t feel bad for the guy because he’s a lunatic, but I feel bad for the people of Russia who got to put up with this because they don’t want any of this. (55:01) They really don’t. You know, that’s that’s all I got, really.(55:09) Right. Oh, wait, I’m not muted. All right, cool.I agree 100%. No, none of the Russian people want this. How many hundreds of thousands of lives are gone, let alone the ones that are alive, like barely alive, missing limbs, not able to walk ever again.(55:25) Like, do you want that kind of quality of life? I mean, that’s that’s what we’re talking about. We just want this to stop. (55:30) War is profitable.Peace is prosperous. That’s what we need to know. There you go, Lindsey.(55:37) We just need that minerals, just need them trillions of dollars of minerals. (55:42) All right. This is my favorite part I get to play because I hate that no one on X-verse was able to find me the timestamp.So I had to listen to Kathy Young talk for an hour again today. (55:54) So I’m a little upset, a little upset that whenever I thank you for your service. (55:59) So, yeah, no, I’m putting I’m dragging those and getting timestamps on the on the on the transcripts or something, because I cannot watch and listen to these people all the time.(56:10) But the top of page 334, Scott talks about Kathy Young. He introduces her. He talks about having a debate with the author of the book, which is Scott.(56:19) So this is Kathy. In her words, I found exactly the quote that she did in the debate with Scott. So I’m hoping I can share that with you guys.Let me share that. (56:37) I get into the whole, you know, Azov battalion thing. (56:42) Of course, you don’t want to get into the Azov battalion.(56:46) Well, I could. (56:47) Tell me tell me on a scale of one to ten how much they love Adolf Hitler. Go.(56:53) Yeah, I mean, that would probably take us an hour. (56:58) And it’s 10. (56:59) They love Adolf Hitler.Ten on a scale of one to ten. (57:02) You can read it in the BBC where they said they’re here to rid the world of the Jewish led intervention and save the white race. (57:10) One of the major militias is called C14.(57:12) That stands for the 14 words of the slogan of the white supremacists. (57:16) That was written by a guy who co-founded the Azov battalion. (57:21) It is really not.I mean, the fact that there were some bad people involved with co-founding what is currently a regiment in the Ukrainian army really doesn’t mean that it’s a Nazi outfit today. (57:34) What do you mean? (57:38) You know, we can’t have this argument because it would really take way too much. (57:42) Please stop.Please stop it. (57:44) You know what? (57:46) They’re moderate. (57:48) We can accept that.(57:50) Right, guys. (57:51) Reform Nazis, my favorite part. (57:54) They’re moderate reform Nazis.(57:56) You’re losing your clip. (57:57) You’re losing your clip privileges because that that was just painful. (58:01) Oh, gosh.(58:02) She acts like this was like ancient history. (58:05) Like, oh, yeah. (58:06) 200 years ago, this regiment was founded by some Nazis.(58:09) And that’s just an unfortunate. (58:11) Like, what do you mean? (58:12) Like, there were active Nazis in the 2014 Maidan Revolution. (58:18) And like the guy like Bolitsky is still serving today.(58:22) He hasn’t he hasn’t disavowed his his Nazism, by the way. (58:25) For those who don’t know, the 14 words is we must secure what a future for for white people and white children or something along those lines. (58:35) I’m paraphrasing it.(58:36) But that’s the that’s the phrase. (58:38) And yeah, like that’s like these people aren’t like what is a reform Nazi, by the way? (58:43) Like moderate. (58:44) Not great.Come on. (58:45) I love that. (58:47) That’s like saying, like, oh, I’m a I’m a reformed pedophile.(58:52) Listen, Sean, I was going to say, like, oh, sure. (58:54) Epstein owned an island. (58:56) And sure, he did get a little bit for racketeering and trafficking.(58:59) Sure. (59:00) In the past. (59:01) But maybe he’s changed.(59:03) Oh, God. (59:04) These people like I mean, I just do. (59:07) They actually believe the sewage coming out of their mouths.(59:12) OK, it’s I’m almost a garbage, even garbage, because sometimes garbage can read that to us. (59:17) Sorry. (59:17) That’s the Azov battalion waving flags right there.(59:20) Ukrainian flag with all kinds of Nazi stuff on there. (59:24) Give me a break. (59:25) Jacob, sorry about that.(59:27) Sorry I cut you off there. (59:28) No, no, we’re good. (59:31) I got one more clip.(59:33) I just have one more clip before I call it once again. (59:35) Everybody who’s it’s been awesome interaction. (59:37) We want people to interact.(59:40) I we want to sending voices. (59:42) I understand that people think that things happen. (59:44) But we I’ve gotten more information.(59:46) The more information you get, the better answer you get. (59:50) That’s how an equation works. (59:51) It gets more accurate, more detailed.(59:53) Context changes the content. (59:56) So let me play this last piece. (59:57) It’s just a little one.(59:58) And then we’ll just close it for the day. (1:00:01) Let me do this. (1:00:05) This is one of my favorite just because the way just listen to how she just tries to minimize what it is.(1:00:11) It’s just beautiful. (1:00:17) Sorry. (1:00:18) Forces involved with a regiment that has a dubious history with a white supremacist founder is unfortunate.(1:00:26) But, you know, I don’t think that should really materially influence the course of our support for your prayer. (1:00:36) Of course you don’t. (1:00:37) Well, yeah, a portion of maybe one.(1:00:39) You know, some of them hate all the Jews. (1:00:43) Some of them hate all the Jews. (1:00:44) Yeah, but that shouldn’t take away our support.(1:00:48) Oh, how’d that work for? (1:00:50) Let’s see. (1:00:50) Al Qaeda. (1:00:51) How’d that work for ISIS? (1:00:54) How’d that work in Afghanistan? (1:00:55) How’d that work in Iraq? (1:00:57) How’d that work in Syria? (1:00:58) Look at Syria right now.(1:00:59) Oh, right now we have we’re presenting medals to guys. (1:01:02) We have ten million dollar bounties on years ago. (1:01:07) So lastly, I do have one last piece.(1:01:10) There was a bill in 2018 introduced by Congress. (1:01:15) Let me read the bill because it’s so funny how absolutely they don’t give a shit. (1:01:20) I’m sorry that I said that.(1:01:21) It’s the first time I cursed, I think, all day. (1:01:23) So this is how clearly they do not care. (1:01:25) Now, I will say this.(1:01:27) Massey, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee all voted no. (1:01:30) Now, I have them out. (1:01:32) I have a tweet out to them asking them why.(1:01:34) I think it’s because it was part of an omnibus and they were just against the omnibus as a whole. (1:01:38) So I’m going to guess that because this section alone was only one piece of 132 pieces in this one section in this big bill. (1:01:46) So you can imagine how hard it is to dissect.(1:01:49) But this is how clearly this is how clearly we are against the Azov Battalion. (1:01:53) Are you right? (1:01:53) This is how clearly it’s written. (1:01:56) Section 8129 of H.R. Bill 1625 in 2018, March 23rd.(1:02:03) Prohibits funds provided by this division from being used to provide arms training or other assistance to the Azov Battalion. (1:02:13) That’s all it says. (1:02:14) That’s literally all it says.(1:02:16) There’s no way to implement it. (1:02:18) There’s no way to, like, regulate it. (1:02:21) No, we will not give arms to Azov Battalion.(1:02:24) Okay, that’s what we voted on. (1:02:26) And it did pass. (1:02:27) And you saw how much they are not getting support, right? (1:02:31) I’ll leave it at that.(1:02:34) Oh, my gosh. (1:02:36) Well, listen, I let me say something here. (1:02:40) Just my closing thoughts.(1:02:41) When you guys can give your closing thoughts before we before we hop out. (1:02:47) I have I have so much scripture I want to bring up here. (1:02:50) I bring up just a couple more.(1:02:52) Proverbs 3, 29 through 30 says, Do not plot plot harm against your neighbor who lives trustfully near you. (1:03:00) Do not accuse anyone for no reason. (1:03:06) So, you know, we’ve we expanded NATO up to Russia’s borders.(1:03:13) And, you know, the entire time assumed the worst with them. (1:03:16) And, you know, well, okay. (1:03:19) The Romans 12 says pursue peace as far as it depends on you.(1:03:22) Okay. (1:03:23) Well, did we do anything to pursue peace? (1:03:25) Did our leaders do anything to try to, you know, avert conflict? (1:03:32) No, in fact, kind of the kind of the opposite happened, I would say. (1:03:38) And listen, this is not to say that, again, Putin’s invasion is not morally defensible.(1:03:50) But it was absolutely provoked. (1:03:53) And as Christians and as libertarians, we have to recognize the role of Western provocation for creating the circumstances where this conflict was possible because this conflict wasn’t inevitable. (1:04:06) It’s like even though what Russia, what Putin did is wrong, it was not in a vacuum.(1:04:13) And and it could have easily been avoided if a policy of openness and of friendship had been pursued like Gorbachev wanted, like even Putin wanted at one point. (1:04:26) Right. Two wrongs don’t make a right.(1:04:29) And the fact of the matter is that Putin would still want it if he could keep his power and keep his money. (1:04:34) What does he care? (1:04:35) If he stays in power, I don’t think he cares how he actually thought. (1:04:39) I think the Western way was the easiest.(1:04:41) And we didn’t let him because we still needed an enemy just in case China didn’t pan out for it. (1:04:47) It’s a Monroe doctrine. It’s it.(1:04:48) And it doesn’t mean, listen, America would do the same thing as as a Christian. (1:04:53) I think we would all agree as anti-war libertarians. (1:04:56) That’s not the way we think that ethics work.(1:04:58) That’s not something we would justify. (1:05:00) But that is it. Now, if we if I was just evaluating Putin on the norms of the sort of like, you know, 21st century post Cold War nation state ethics that America operates on, (1:05:17) then then I would say Putin’s actually showed a lot of restraint compared to what the American government and military would do in in in similar circumstances.(1:05:27) But the point is, is that, again, two wrongs don’t make a right. (1:05:30) The US and Russia have pursued policies that have prioritized power over people. (1:05:37) But America is a much greater place of power and is interfering in things that have nothing to do with them.(1:05:46) America is not affected by what goes on in Ukraine. (1:05:49) America is not affected by what goes on in Poland or in in Germany or in like, like, you know, it has no bearing on us. (1:05:58) And the only interests being served here are the interests of those who want more money and want more power.(1:06:06) But what they what they don’t want is more peace. (1:06:09) One last scripture I’ll share. This is from Luke 14.(1:06:16) And Jesus says, suppose one of you wants to build a tower. (1:06:21) Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? (1:06:26) For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees you will ridicule you, saying this person began to build wasn’t able to finish. (1:06:35) Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king.(1:06:39) Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with 10,000 men to oppose the one coming against him with 20,000? (1:06:47) If he is not able, then he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. (1:06:55) In the same way, because I want to say that, like, you know, it basically ends on this like salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? (1:07:06) It is neither fit for the soil nor for the manure pile. (1:07:08) It is thrown out.Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. (1:07:13) And there’s a lot of lessons into this. Jesus is talking about sort of the cost of following him, the cost of being a disciple.(1:07:22) But there’s also principles here about like being thoughtful, right, being intentional, thinking about the long term ramifications of any course of action. (1:07:32) And it’s saying that, like, if if you’re if you’re going to, you know, set out on a course of action to do some long term project, you need to consider the long term costs of that. (1:07:43) And if you’re a king, if you’re a government, whatever, and you’re in conflict with someone else, consider the cost of human lives, of money and whatnot.(1:07:52) And if it is possible. Talk with people, right, like send it, send a novel idea, try to try to try to negotiate peace, try to avoid the conflict. (1:08:05) You mean don’t rip up a peace treaty a month in.Right. (1:08:09) Yeah, I like talk it out. Yeah, it’s I mean, there’s just so many examples, so many examples where the and again, it’s like.(1:08:20) I’m not I don’t want to paint Putin as an angel, but it’s sort of like if there is such a thing as a self fulfilling prophecy. (1:08:31) Right. Like if you keep treating anyone, whether it’s a country politician or even a person.(1:08:39) Right. Like, you know, you see this with with bullies in high school. Right.(1:08:42) Like you bully a kid till he gets older and then he becomes a bully. Right. (1:08:47) Hurt people, hurt people.And that’s not even justification. But it’s just like, man, like, I don’t know. (1:08:52) Basic human psychology.Right. Like you keep pushing people. They eventually get to breaking point.(1:09:01) And that’s bad enough if you do that in your own private life. But if we’re going to have a government, which I don’t want one. (1:09:07) But if we’re going to have one, we do have one.Unfortunately, we do have one. Unfortunately, then at the very least, I’m going to demand that they pursue policies of peace. (1:09:19) And that’s not what they’re doing.Absolutely not. And that’s never in the history of America. (1:09:25) We’ve never been peace since since the country’s birth in 1776.(1:09:31) There’s only been a decade where the United States has or maybe a little over a decade, maybe 12 years, something like that, where the United States has not been involved in some kind of conflict. (1:09:43) That is a fact. You know, and just and just for me to close it out, you know, before we go, I’m going to read a Bible verse for you guys, because I love this verse with my whole heart.(1:09:56) Ecclesiastes one nine. What has been done will be again. I’m sorry.What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again. (1:10:04) There is nothing new under the sun.And that’s the verse. Yeah. Yeah.Yeah. History does not repeat itself. Humanity.Humanity does. Right. That’s right.(1:10:18) We talk about the fourth turning even coming up. If you haven’t read that book, was it Neil Howell? Is it I think it’s a fourth turning. That’s a great book to read.(1:10:27) So it’s basically talking about the four cycles of the 20 year. You know, it’s an 80 year cycle, right? Our generational cycles. And it’s the, you know, what is it strong people create easy times, easy time, create weak men, weak men, create bad times, bad, bad time.(1:10:43) We’re on that cross for the bat. They are the crux of the bad times, creating a new blend of strong young men that are starting to kind of retake that a little bit. (1:10:52) So we’re starting to see that and it’s really interesting.It’s called The Fourth Turning. Another book I also recommend that does show because people, this is the thing with geopolitics is people do work from scarcity, these countries. (1:11:05) Peter Zeihan wrote a book called The End of the World is Just the Beginning.And basically he taught he’s talking about the geopolitics of how Europe is doing this and Germany’s doing or how United States doing this. (1:11:14) And what’s funny to me is I’m watching Europe single handedly cut its own face off, cut its own legs off, cut its own arms off and absolutely let the United States steer its Titanic ship directly into the iceberg that is Russia. (1:11:27) I do not understand why Europe would have anything to do with us in this way and not join with Russia.Why wouldn’t you talk to your neighbor? Why would what you’re his you’re your neighbor. (1:11:39) It’s like crazy. All right, I’ll let it go.Thank you everyone for joining. This is this is so awesome. We got week five coming.We’re halfway through guys halfway through. I’m so excited. (1:11:49) Yeah, a lot of fun.Yeah, finally the halfway mark. We got some more guests coming up. I think in two weeks we have Dave DeCamp coming on.That’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m trying to get a couple more guests in here as well before we close out. (1:12:07) And you guys want to plug your anything else you got coming up before we hop off.(1:12:12) Sean, anything on plug. (1:12:15) Nothing really coming up man I just I do my show live every Friday at 7pm Eastern. I have a good time with it.A lot of people seem to have some fun the chats always rowdy. (1:12:25) You know, as being the radical radical anarchist I have a radical anarchist following and they’re they’re great folks. But, you know, it’s not it’s not about me it’s about getting a message out you know so if you want to hear a message, my shows good for you.(1:12:43) I’m Knocked Conscious Thursdays 7pm Eastern 5pm Arizona time. Right now it’s Jason to drop the mask we got Shaun Zack and Andrew are coming on I think this week if we if we’re trying to get everybody together in this little panel Mondays with you guys. (1:12:59) Tonight I’m going on a weird UFO Chronicles podcast.(1:13:03) I had a near near death experience I get to share that I did share it a little bit with Jason on his but I get to do that but I have I’ve got Oh, a per billion just agreed to just schedule him for next week I think. (1:13:17) So I had econ bro you have econ bro. This is we’re starting to grain messages the messages growing we’re starting to collaborate I think we’re finding our own group here, and we’re starting to grow within that and our Venn diagrams are starting to overlap and we’re starting to get a bigger community of people who are liberty minded as a whole, because, once again, the three of us have very different perspectives on, or even spirituality even between the two you you probably have different opinions about it.(1:13:42) Yeah, I know it’s been it’s been a lot of fun getting to know you guys more and we all bring a little bit different approach to the table but it and it all comes together to spontaneous order this whole thing was with our principles in action right like we literally organized this in a week, put it together and it’s it’s turned out great so far and I’m excited for the second half. (1:14:05) Everybody just in terms of what I got coming up tomorrow. I’m going to be joined by the one and only spike Cohen of you are the power former vice presidential candidate who recently came to faith in Jesus Christ so that’s going to be a very fun conversation we’re going to talk politics and religion, and, of course, the intersection between those things as well.(1:14:30) And then, what else do I got coming up. (1:14:35) The regular podcast, because I took a break for the holidays will be starting back up Wednesday. (1:14:41) And then I get on the 22nd and then back to weekly after that, so you guys can find out more about that at biblical anarchy podcast.com. (1:14:49) That’s all we have for you guys tonight.(1:14:52) Make sure you like this video wherever you’re watching it before you hop off make sure you give this a thumbs up, make sure you’re subscribed, wherever you’re watching so you get notifications and know when we’re coming back. (1:15:02) And, yeah, look forward to talking with you guys again next week. (1:15:07) See you then.

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