Consciously Unmasked #3 – Sam Harris clowns himself again; Zuckerberg & free speech(?)

Join Mark Sean Puls from Knocked Conscious and Jason from Drop The Mask going over the most important stories of the week! Have some fun, mock the bad actors, get some knowledge, and enjoy!


(0:18) I’m figuring out how to use rumble. (0:55) That’s enough of that. (0:57) Good evening, everybody.(0:59) Welcome to Consciously Unmasked. (1:02) I almost forgot the name. (1:05) I already forgot the name too.(1:06) Keep changing it. (1:08) Consciously Unmasked number three. (1:10) I’m calling it number three.(1:12) We can quibble about that if you like. (1:14) I’m Jason, host of Drop the Mask. (1:16) Welcome everybody.(1:18) This is Mark Pulse, host of Knocked Conscious. (1:23) Together, we’re powering up to be Consciously Unmasked. (1:27) How you doing, buddy? (1:28) My fox is coming off.(1:29) Good, man. (1:30) How are you? (1:31) It has been a whole week since we’ve talked. (1:34) It’s been a long week, but I’m happy.(1:37) I’m ready to be here. (1:38) Yeah, ready to relax a little bit. (1:40) Have some fun.(1:41) Yes. (1:42) After today. (1:43) Yeah, it’s the end of the weekend.(1:45) I’m happy. (1:46) Yeah, so I got a fun thing tomorrow. (1:49) I’m doing this thing in Phoenix downtown.(1:50) It’s called Candlelight. (1:52) I don’t know if you heard about it, but basically it’s like (1:54) they put candles in this warehouse all over the place and (1:58) they play orchestral music and it’s like cover music of like (2:01) Queen or Beatles. (2:02) I have seen ads for that.(2:04) Yeah. (2:05) Yeah. (2:05) Yeah, they come up on our YouTubes, right? (2:07) So it’s pretty cool because I was like, let’s do that.(2:11) Let’s just do it. (2:12) So I saw a Beatles one. (2:13) So we did it.(2:14) We’re going to do it for tomorrow. (2:15) So hopefully it should be pretty just fun. (2:17) Like it’s like an hour of just beautiful orchestral music, (2:20) like, you know, strings and stuff.(2:21) So that always, yeah, I was always intrigued by those. (2:24) Those look cool. (2:25) You’ll have to let me know how it is.(2:27) I will. (2:27) Definitely. (2:28) Have you ever been? (2:29) Yeah, it’s Beatles.(2:30) So it’s all Beatles covers. (2:31) Beatles, like you said. (2:32) They have a whole list.(2:33) Like one’s Queen Night and then they do one that’s like, you (2:36) know, like different bands. (2:37) Do like Lord of the Rings and stuff. (2:39) Yeah.(2:40) Yeah. (2:40) Have you ever done the Phoenix Orchestra or anything downtown (2:43) in the convention center? (2:45) Those are fun. (2:46) I did one time.(2:47) I did like Mozart or the Requiem for a Dream and like, I’m (2:50) going to, I’m not going to lie, orchestral music is so above (2:53) me, but it is beautiful when you first get into it. (2:56) Just, it’s hard. (2:57) It’s like deep.(2:58) It’s like a really heavy book. (2:59) After about a half an hour, 45 minutes, you’re like, all (3:01) right, I can’t do too much. (3:03) Yeah.(3:04) Yeah, but that’s good stuff. (3:07) Yeah, I’ll let you know how it goes for sure. (3:09) Yeah, for sure.(3:11) How about any other plans for you this weekend? (3:13) Big plans. (3:15) No, we’re kid-free this weekend. (3:17) So we just gotta, we get some adult time finally.(3:21) Nice. (3:22) Well, take advantage of it, man. (3:23) Take advantage of it.(3:25) Yeah, it’s been a while. (3:27) That’s awesome. (3:28) Well, man, lots going on lately.(3:30) We got some good stuff for you guys today. (3:33) Bill Maher and Sam Harris. (3:35) We’ll be showing some clips of that.(3:37) We got the Zuckening happening. (3:40) Mark Zuckerberg. (3:42) Coming in, coming out against censorship.(3:46) About five years too late. (3:47) I think Zuckerberg will show up. (3:49) Yeah.(3:49) Yeah, man, should be a good, a good time here. (3:54) You ready to roll? (3:55) Everybody jump in. (3:56) I’m sure there’s a chat somewhere, right? (3:58) I don’t know how it works.(4:00) Yeah, there should be a chat. (4:02) We got a live chat going. (4:03) If you’re on Rumble, it should be up streaming on X. (4:08) Let me double-check that.(4:10) I see X up in the corner. (4:12) So, it just says there’s no… (4:17) Anything else you want to say, man, before we start rolling some clips? (4:20) This has been a crazy week already. (4:23) Like today alone, the news cycle went from Trump single-handedly (4:30) negotiated the hostage release to that shit ain’t happening to, (4:34) you know, it’s like we went all over to like Elizabeth Warren (4:37) kind of looking like a fool, but she asked a really good question (4:40) that the actual core of the question made sense.(4:42) And yes, she’s an idiot. (4:44) So she dropped the ball and everybody looks like a stupid moron. (4:47) But her point is valid, everybody.(4:51) Just so you know. (4:52) And so many things have happened this week, man. (4:54) I mean, I don’t even know where to start to be honest.(4:57) We clipped stuff and it’s like three days old and it’s already old news. (5:01) But I don’t think everybody saw Zuckerberg yet. (5:04) And I don’t think everybody saw like Bill Maher is this guy that (5:10) you can look at now and go, he’s got it.(5:12) He’s got it. (5:13) He’s got… (5:14) Oh, he lost it. (5:15) Right? (5:16) Yes.(5:16) He almost backs up into it and because he’s a traditional like (5:22) traditional Democrat, like a classic Democrat. (5:26) I don’t agree with him, but that’s who he is, you know? (5:30) Yeah. (5:30) Well, let’s get a little teaser here.(5:32) So people will know what we’re talking about. (5:33) We’re going to hit a Bill Maher and Sam Harris first. (5:36) Yeah, same and Jordan Peterson.(5:38) I would add to that list. (5:39) I don’t feel like he… (5:40) Jordan’s got… (5:41) What? (5:42) …user interface issues that, you know, his… (5:45) I like Jordan a lot as a person. (5:49) I mean, but Jordan is definitely out there in not quite (5:55) Trumpistan, but he’s definitely Trump adjacent and messaging (6:00) into the… (6:02) He’s in Conspiristan.(6:03) He’s talking to the… (6:05) He’s out there with Russell Brand and people who are talking (6:08) to the contrarian audience all the time. (6:13) And… (6:14) Well, what’s something he says that I would object to? (6:19) No, I know. (6:20) I had him here for the book.(6:21) It’s been a while since I’ve watched his stuff. (6:26) All right. (6:27) So that was the clip that sparked us to get into this.(6:32) But there he called me out like that. (6:34) I’ve had him on my show many a times and we’ve gotten along (6:38) just fine and he comes out and he talks about me. (6:42) Like that.(6:45) Well, I said we were very friendly. (6:48) I like you as a person. (6:50) I just hate everything you believe in.(6:53) You’re not worthy of me. (6:54) I’m fine with you, but you were on my shoe. (6:57) You were stained.(6:59) What are your thoughts, man? (7:01) Geez, where to start with that? (7:03) Yeah. (7:03) First of all, he can’t think of an example. (7:06) He’s like, ah, Jordan Peterson.(7:08) He’s over there talking about Conspiristan and Afghanistan (7:11) and Trumpistan and all this stuff. (7:14) And well, I don’t know actually know where where he said that (7:18) but yeah, he’s definitely there. (7:22) And where has like how far Sam Harris has fallen man.(7:27) I do look back and Sam Harris was Christopher Hitchens, Daniel (7:33) Dennett, William Dawkins, Richard Dawkins. (7:35) These guys were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (7:38) I was an atheist at the time.(7:40) I was like a blind non-believer, whatever the heck I was, right? (7:45) And those guys seem brilliant and there’s still brilliance (7:48) in there, but Hitch lost his way a little bit with Iraq. (7:51) And then you see Harris lose it with Trump derangement syndrome (7:54) and Dawkins loss of his imperialism in Israel. (7:58) And you’re just like, dude, every one of them has fallen (8:01) off except for the one.(8:02) Dennett was the only one I feel and he just passed away last (8:05) year like May or something last year, but he had a really (8:08) brilliant conversation with Peterson right before he passed (8:11) and it’s it was different and now watching this guy do whatever (8:15) he’s doing now. (8:17) Like is he trying to apply his atheist stance to every other (8:20) logic point because it doesn’t work that way. (8:22) Like each thing is its own thing and he I’m he can’t even (8:26) give an example.(8:28) It’s ridiculous. (8:30) Yeah, I could think of some things. (8:32) I don’t agree with Jordan Peterson on for sure.(8:34) But 100% his his daily wire glumming is 100% critical. (8:40) I’m we’ve talked about it. (8:41) We were we’re highly critical, but we also admire the man.(8:44) We know that he understands that you do have to clean your (8:47) room and there is accountability like these things people he (8:50) turn people’s lives around. (8:52) So to take that away is like you can’t throw the baby out (8:55) with the bathwater, but he can’t even he criticizes and he (8:58) doesn’t have a criticism like silly. (9:02) Yep.(9:03) Yep. (9:03) It’s just anything to do with Trump anything that’s remotely (9:06) associated. (9:07) He’s not he’s not in Trump Stan, but he’s Trump adjacent.(9:11) That’s enough for old Sam. (9:14) And and remember Sam, we don’t have that clip, but Sam said (9:17) I don’t care what we found Hunter could have been killing (9:21) babies in the basement and I’m still going and you’re like (9:24) well, what you talk ethics and you talk you don’t need ethics (9:29) without religion. (9:30) And then this is your final thought is completely unethical (9:33) BS.(9:34) I can’t follow you through that. (9:36) You just lost me as a as a you know, I can’t Patriarch on (9:40) the anti-theism. (9:41) You know, it’s like it’s crazy.(9:43) Well, you think they could at least get along on the Israel (9:45) stuff. (9:47) You would think like Sam Harrison hates Islam. (9:50) So he should be on the Israel side, right? (9:54) That’s true.(9:54) He does. (9:55) He really hates the East. (9:58) Yeah.(10:00) Well, anyway, so that was the clip that sparked it. (10:03) But you went and pulled out the rest of it. (10:05) Got some clips for us.(10:07) So we’ll get a last one very similar to that one. (10:09) So we probably don’t need to play that one. (10:11) But yeah, I think that is at the end of the last one.(10:14) Yeah, but we’ll see if we get there. (10:17) Yeah. (10:18) All right, man.(10:19) I put that a little longer because I did want him to talk (10:21) about the religion part. (10:22) So if we do do that, you know, just so you know, okay, cool. (10:26) So they’re long and I don’t think I have the ability to (10:29) pause.(10:30) So we’ll just go through the whole thing. (10:32) Yeah. (10:32) Yeah, and they should be like two and a half minute clips (10:34) or so.(10:34) So hopefully they’re not they’re not too bad. (10:36) But yes, first one. (10:37) This episode of Club Random was filmed prior to the devastating (10:40) fires in Southern California.(10:43) Elections worked. (10:43) They’re thinking so logically. (10:46) Sam, this is not how they think.(10:47) He won everything. (10:48) He won. (10:49) He ran the table.(10:53) Don’t put that on the poster. (10:55) I can put everything. (10:57) Sam Harris raves.(11:00) You all tucked away, Sam. (11:06) You here? (11:06) I’m Bill Maher. (11:07) I do like, I wanted to play the entrance.(11:09) What did you expect at Bill Maher’s house? (11:11) How are you? (11:11) Good to see you. (11:12) Oh, look, we’re wearing the same thing. (11:13) Are we? (11:14) That’s embarrassing.(11:15) Was your maid in China? (11:18) Why? (11:18) Isn’t that really? (11:19) Yeah, it’s, I’m amazed at the brands that do not take the (11:25) step to make their clothing in America when they’re spending, (11:28) when they’re charging many hundreds of dollars. (11:30) Hundreds of dollars for something that costs $14 in China. (11:33) Why would you, if your margin could be larger, no matter (11:38) what it was? (11:38) I would think it would, I mean, it would, it would make consumers (11:41) feel good, you know, at least in America.(11:43) Well, the fact, I mean, the whole fashion industry is the (11:48) most made-up industry in the world. (11:50) I mean, all you have to do is walk into any department store (11:52) or clothing store and it says, you know, 80% off from the (11:56) number you made up to begin with. (11:58) Yes, which you’ve never seen.(11:59) Yeah. (12:00) We made up a number. (12:02) We said it cost $2,000 and now we’re selling it for $250.(12:06) What do you think about that? (12:08) And people vote for us. (12:10) I mean, just that, if everyone, this podcast is 80% off. (12:16) All right, off to a great start.(12:19) Right, like I just had to share that. (12:22) Yeah, he starts off with, oh, does your clothes cost two cents (12:26) to make and are you being overcharged for it and being made (12:28) in a slave country? (12:29) Like, where the fuck do you get off, bro? (12:31) Like, right off the bat, your worldview is completely fucking (12:34) twisted just to start, you know? (12:37) Yeah, I don’t know. (12:38) Bill Maher actually had it right.(12:39) He’s like, yeah, why would you bring it to America when (12:42) you can make so much more money? (12:44) Yeah, it’s a bullshit industry, but who cares? (12:46) People buy it. (12:48) But I wish they’d just give back because like poor people (12:50) get, like, he follows up and he’s like, poor people should (12:52) get the money that they make on. (12:54) And you’re like, all right, says creativity is not a thing.(12:58) Fucking art’s not a thing. (12:59) Your fucking whole thing is art and you’re and you and you (13:02) want to, okay, sure, sure. (13:04) It’s like, yeah, I don’t understand.(13:07) It’s like, oh, it’s your brilliance. (13:08) That’s the right brilliance. (13:10) My brilliance is just not on your level.(13:12) Sorry. (13:15) So, yeah, that’s elitism, guys. (13:18) That’s how they view us.(13:19) They view us as tiny little things. (13:21) Okay, the first thing that comes out of his mouth is just (13:24) like, yeah, oh, is it made in China? (13:27) And then he goes into a whole freaking thing about China (13:30) labor, blah. (13:31) Bro, come on.(13:33) And I had to show that just to show like how it starts off (13:36) is just so ridiculous already on its face. (13:41) He’s like, pulls back awkward about it. (13:44) It was weird.(13:45) He’s like, this podcast 80% off and I’m like, I’m putting (13:49) it there because that’s about where you’re at. (13:51) You’re at about 20% right now. (13:53) Yeah.(13:55) Yeah, and I say that coming from a very awkward individual. (13:58) So, man, all right, it’s just like weird. (14:02) Just like that’s where you got to start a conversation.(14:05) You’re talking about hanging out with Bill Maher and that’s (14:08) what you start with is, oh, where’d you get your clothes? (14:11) China too. (14:12) And did you get overpaid and you know, underappreciated? (14:18) Silly, silliness. (14:19) Do better.(14:22) All right, let’s keep going. (14:23) Keep rolling. (14:24) Well, do we want to go back and forth with these other ones (14:26) or how do you want to do it? (14:27) Just bang these out.(14:28) Let’s bang them out and get done with them. (14:30) Yeah, let’s hit the Maher and Sam Harris. (14:32) We only got two more.(14:33) Yeah, we only got two more and then we’ll bang them out. (14:35) Sweet. (14:36) Awesome, man.(14:36) Thanks. (14:37) Yeah, here we go. (14:38) I mean, so there I think there is, I think evil is a word (14:41) which is still used, right? (14:42) It’s not all banal, right? (14:44) I mean, there’s like, there’s like, there’s real sadism.(14:47) There’s real pleasure taken at the suffering of others. (14:50) But then there’s just the people who are imagining that (14:54) they’re doing something good. (14:56) They’re not actually even thinking about the suffering (15:00) they’re causing and yet they’re part of the machinery (15:03) that produces the evil.(15:06) Well, I mean the people, for example, not to pick on any (15:10) of our friends, people who already hate us. (15:15) No, no, I’m talking about the people who flew planes into (15:18) the buildings on 9-11, for example. (15:21) Right.(15:21) You know, you’ve talked about it. (15:22) Yeah, I hate us for our freedoms. (15:25) I’m sure not as Eric Whitley, but they certainly thought (15:28) they were doing the right thing.(15:30) I seem to remember you thought they were courageous. (15:32) Right? (15:33) That’s right. (15:35) I walked into that one, didn’t I? (15:38) Which they were.(15:39) Who were the, was it the good people at ABC who didn’t (15:41) like that? (15:41) Yeah, the good people of America thought it was a little (15:44) too early to make that point. (15:45) If hitting the wall at 400 miles an hour doesn’t entail (15:48) some courage, I’m not sure what does. (15:51) Yeah, the only thing that slightly undercuts that is (15:54) I’ve heard, I don’t know if it’s true, somebody I’m sure (15:57) will be out there vetting it, that three of the four (16:01) did not know they were on a suicide mission, that they (16:05) thought they were just hijacking a plane and then when (16:08) the lead dude was like, all right comrades, take off (16:12) your clothes because you know, you have to die naked (16:14) or some shit like that.(16:16) And they were like, okay, I’m sorry. (16:19) It’s a what kind of mission? (16:21) Can I call my agent? (16:22) A what mission did you say? (16:24) I’m sorry. (16:25) I, this is a, I can see Woody Allen or there’s been (16:30) a mistake of some sort.(16:31) I don’t mean to be facetious or didactic, but I need (16:35) to land and my baggage went to a different, I’m actually (16:39) better at landing the plane. (16:43) But, but yeah, that’s, you know, they think they’re (16:46) actually doing good. (16:47) That’s the scary part that I think we both see in religion (16:51) is that people do evil things and are encouraged to (16:56) do evil things and do them in great numbers that there’s (17:01) nothing else that really is the same kind of motivator.(17:06) All right. (17:07) What do we got there? (17:08) All right. (17:09) So I shared this clip because they’re being really (17:12) very glib about 9-11.(17:15) And thanks to Scott Horton. (17:18) I’m sorry. (17:19) I’m not laughing about 9-11.(17:21) No, no, no, not at all. (17:22) Not at all. (17:22) I totally get it.(17:24) I it’s kind of funny like the way they shared that, (17:27) right? (17:28) Yeah, just you and I are just people who know about (17:30) the truth and it’s like 10 of those 19 people that (17:33) were on those planes were radicalized by the United (17:36) States where they were served sometime in Chechnya, (17:40) Bosnia, Yugoslavia, something that we are the ones (17:44) who emboldened them to do what they did and here (17:48) they’re all glib about. (17:49) Oh, what? (17:50) We’re going to kill ourselves. (17:51) No, no, that’s not working.(17:52) No, we made that happen. (17:53) Like 10 of the 19 Scott has documentation that has (17:57) at least visited or something. (17:59) The points that Clinton had funded right during Bosnia (18:02) Herzegovina and Yugoslavia and all these other places (18:05) in Syria everything and you go through that just like (18:08) the bomber the Boston bomber right was Chechnyan right (18:11) the Chechen brother.(18:12) You’re just like what the heck man like I love the (18:16) glibness. (18:16) It’s fun. (18:17) But the truth is we’re culpable for this stuff and (18:21) I just love the way these celebrities talk about it.(18:24) So glibly like with such a lack of actual knowledge (18:27) of the of what’s of what happened. (18:31) Yeah, the people that hate us. (18:32) Well, the the premise for that was real evil, right? (18:35) They said that Sam I think said there is real evil (18:38) in the world and I do agree with that but then they (18:41) go on to kind of make excuses like they thought they (18:44) were doing good.(18:45) So I thought that part was interesting. (18:47) I do too and it’s funny. (18:49) It’s like we know what real evil is.(18:51) So why are we in bed with it? (18:53) And that’s kind of the point is like we we’re funding (18:55) that evil again. (18:57) We’re funding that evil in Ukraine to with backing (19:00) Nazis, for example, like why are we why do we knowingly (19:05) back evil knowing that evil cannot be controlled? (19:09) It just can be used on your side for short periods (19:13) of time, but then we’ll absolutely come back to haunt (19:15) you. (19:17) Exactly.(19:18) Yeah, man, you know seem to know a lot about this (19:21) the war stuff probably from reading provoked. (19:24) I was going to read it, but you know, I got it. (19:27) I got it for I’ll hook you up.(19:29) I’ll hook you up. (19:29) I was really hoping to get into this book club that (19:32) was happening, but not sure what happened there. (19:34) Ooh, I blame Jacob Jacob hijacked it man.(19:39) He doesn’t watch this. (19:41) He won’t hear that ever. (19:42) So it was Christian hijackers.(19:46) It was we got Christian hijacked. (19:48) Hey, I get my clothes on though. (19:50) I swear I kept my clothes on.(19:55) That part was funny the clothes. (19:56) I did not know about that. (19:58) Is that true? (19:58) Have you heard that? (20:00) I have not heard that and that’s what kind of made me (20:02) want to clip that because I did want to share it like (20:03) come on.(20:04) It’s still weird and fun and imagine like but like knowing (20:07) the 10 of the 19 were pretty committed. (20:09) I don’t think that’s true kind of but at the same boys (20:12) like wait you want to know but but we don’t but we don’t (20:15) really want to you know, I mean kind of like if you do (20:18) that, you’re going to ask for it, you know, if everybody (20:22) takes their clothes off like they said they’re going to (20:24) get the motive all wrong because you know when they do (20:26) the autopsy the the postmortem and everything they’re going (20:30) to just find a bunch of naked dudes in the cockpit. (20:33) They’re going to be the pilots got it on me.(20:36) I just didn’t pay attention and it crashed. (20:39) I wonder if I happen to hit a building autopilot was not (20:48) working that day shit. (20:51) All right.(20:52) Let’s keep going to be clip to yeah, I blame misinformation (21:01) which I know you do a lot. (21:04) That was a joke, you know, so that there were scare quotes (21:07) around that word. (21:08) So you don’t like you don’t like missing from the idea (21:11) of misinformation.(21:12) Obviously sometimes it’s true. (21:15) Yes, but sometimes it’s just you know, one one day’s (21:18) misinformation is tomorrow’s information. (21:21) Well, you know, I mean, I mean covid could have but not (21:24) for everything.(21:25) No, but you know covid could have started in a lab was (21:28) misinformation. (21:31) Yeah, although say I mean, honestly that I think there (21:33) are people who could see even then that Mr. (21:40) For instance you and I are on the opposite sides for (21:43) a few of these questions, but that’s not one of them (21:45) from the from the first possible moment. (21:47) I thought that’s a totally valid hypothesis and to call (21:51) it racist was idiotic and and I still don’t know what (21:55) happened but it’s it’s a coin toss, but I would mention (21:58) to say that in 50 years what people will be saying about (22:02) this is wait a second.(22:05) You’re telling me that in 2020 there was this disease (22:09) that started in the one city where the lab was that (22:12) was named after the disease that was studying it and (22:15) doing gain-of-function research and yet they debated (22:19) whether it came out of there and even said it couldn’t (22:21) possibly have come out of there. (22:22) Really? (22:22) That’s what people were doing in 2020. (22:24) That’s what I think they will be saying right that (22:26) it wasn’t obvious to them that this there’s a connection (22:29) here now may it could have been the the bats in the (22:33) wet market.(22:34) I mean the problem is that there are still it’s been (22:36) at least a year since I looked at this. (22:38) I did a podcast on it and but I now kind of ignored (22:41) it but when I did that podcast there were still (22:46) credible scientific arguments to to argue for a the (22:50) wet market origin thesis. (22:52) There still are.(22:53) Yeah, so it’s it’s less and less so it seems over (22:56) time. (22:57) But the crucial point is that it was never crazy to (23:01) have worried about this and the truth. (23:03) I mean, we should still be worried about it.(23:05) I mean lab leaks happen continuously and where it’s (23:09) just this is something this is going to this could (23:12) well kill us with something far more dangerous than (23:14) then covid well, and we’re not you know, we don’t (23:19) have it locked down the way we should and again, (23:21) you don’t have to ascribe any sort of nefarious (23:25) machinations to this. (23:26) It’s very possible that sincere people thought the (23:29) best way to deal with future viruses is to get ahead (23:34) of it study it in a lab. (23:37) Isn’t that what gain-of-function research is to see (23:39) where it’s the virus.(23:42) Oh boy. (23:44) What the hell man? (23:45) I’m hitting you. (23:46) Let’s start with misinformation.(23:49) Okay misinformation Sam Harris already from the (23:54) beginning giving Bill Maher shit about putting this (23:57) in scare quotes because fuck all the information (24:02) that he’s talking about was right. (24:04) Jesus Christ. (24:05) He’s still on this.(24:06) He’s still trying to defend the wet market theory. (24:09) What the hell? (24:11) This is going to cross over and I know covid was (24:14) nothing but imagine if it was imagine fucking wasn’t (24:18) man, but he said it wasn’t yeah, he said it again (24:22) after he got dragged so much for saying. (24:25) I know that imagine.(24:28) Do you know how many people gain Pete gain extra people (24:31) by coping up that you know what I got it wrong. (24:34) I saw Brett Weinstein today or Weinstein today. (24:37) He had a bandana and glasses over the bandana and (24:40) he goes this is what I wore when we thought droplets (24:43) matter.(24:44) You see how the glasses over the band and he goes as (24:46) soon as we knew was airborne. (24:48) We knew masks were useless. (24:49) But when we thought it was droplets we did this so (24:53) I’m not embarrassed by that which you shouldn’t be (24:56) because you didn’t know but once you knew you got (24:59) to stop that’s the kind of the point, you know, and (25:02) Harris is doubles triples quadruples down on every (25:05) stupid thing.(25:06) He says and it’s like he talks misinformation and (25:09) then how much of that was misinformation that he (25:11) said all of it everything everything he everything (25:16) the government told us everything the news told us (25:19) was completely wrong. (25:20) They just pulled it out of their ass or they lied (25:25) straight-up lied 100. (25:27) So this is going to cross over those books stuff.(25:30) So we’ll we’ll get into the covid more but yeah, anything (25:35) else to say on that. (25:37) No, I just want to share a couple clips because like (25:39) it just shows us like these guys had the opportunity (25:43) to reverse course while they’re still under power (25:46) while someone like they found. (25:48) Okay, my ideology isn’t exactly right.(25:51) Maybe make the change there instead of double and (25:53) triple down and try to force it. (25:55) I’ve not seen anyone like on archaeology or any other (25:59) science when they double and triple down trying to (26:02) fight those other narratives those other narratives (26:04) take extra hold because of the extra force that you’re (26:08) trying to push them down. (26:09) Let them come up.(26:10) Let them be discussed. (26:11) Like it’s so silly to act like you knew because if (26:15) it was if it went exactly the way he said he would (26:17) have been a hundred percent right? (26:19) No shit. (26:20) Really? (26:20) Thanks.(26:21) Because if I if considering I didn’t know shit and (26:23) I got it pretty much right. (26:24) Wow, that’s scary. (26:26) That’s scary for you as an intellect, you know.(26:30) Imagine if I was right about everything then who (26:32) would be wrong? (26:34) And if you write cool, I’m excited for you to find (26:39) what you clipped today because I have no idea what (26:41) we’re in store for man. (26:44) All right. (26:45) Are you had more? (26:46) You said you wanted to share some things? (26:48) Oh, no.(26:48) I just had that fourth one, but but don’t I don’t (26:51) worry about it because it’s the same as the first (26:52) clip you shared. (26:53) Well, the last part is but there’s something in (26:55) the front. (26:55) Maybe we can hit it.(26:56) I’ll stop it early. (26:58) System. (26:59) We have one of them is always one a third party.(27:02) If it becomes successful will then be co-opted by (27:05) one of the two parties. (27:06) It always happens. (27:07) Your ideas are popular.(27:08) We’ll just steal them. (27:10) All right, and it just doesn’t work but media-wise. (27:14) Yes, the two parties the MSNBC’s over here and (27:19) the Fox News over there with all their other set (27:22) New York Times on that side and you know Sinclair (27:25) or whatever on that side.(27:26) They both have huge Bastions and lots of people (27:30) who just want to hear what they have to say because (27:33) they just want their preconceived ideas confirmed. (27:37) They want everything to be chewed for them and (27:40) then spit back in their mouth in a way that they (27:44) can just swallow right? (27:45) Okay, but there is like a third party in media and (27:50) that’s you and me and Barry Weiss and Andrew (27:52) Sullivan and you know, I could name of other (27:55) people. (27:55) It’s really just the four of us.(27:56) No, it is. (27:57) Don’t say that. (27:58) There’s more right? (27:59) I hope yeah, come on.(28:01) Yeah, Douglas Murray or Doug. (28:03) Yeah, Douglas. (28:03) Well, I mean, well Douglas is Douglas is fantastic (28:07) on his issues, but he is he’s hated by everyone left (28:12) of center.(28:13) So are we no no. (28:14) Well, not not as much as Douglas pointlessly and (28:19) that’s the thing the great thing about Douglas is (28:21) he has he doesn’t care. (28:23) He’s never cared.(28:23) He has no reason to care because he’s on the right (28:25) either do we well no, but he’s never he never (28:28) experienced this whiplash of like wait a minute (28:30) these people who right understand everything that (28:33) I understand and also subscribe to the New York (28:34) Times now hate me where he never had he never had (28:37) any of that same and Jordan Peterson. (28:39) I would add to that list. (28:40) I don’t feel like he Jordan Jordan’s got what (28:43) user interface issues that you know, all right.(28:47) I’ll stop there because that’s where we picked up (28:48) at the beginning with Jordan Peterson. (28:52) Oh, oh boy. (28:54) Because the screen was blank.(28:56) I didn’t see it for some reason. (28:58) I don’t know for it. (28:59) Oh, but no go ahead share your thoughts because (29:01) I clipped it.(29:02) So obviously I know what I’ll I know what to (29:04) think. So we talked about Douglas Murray. (29:06) He said Douglas is fine in his own little way (29:09) there, but he’s on the right so he doesn’t experience (29:12) the same backlash.(29:13) So when Sam Harris or Bill Maher step out from (29:17) the mainstream left view they get attacked, I (29:21) guess that is kind of what it is. (29:24) I did want him to share kind of their thoughts (29:26) about other. (29:27) Oh the thought provokers, right? (29:28) They mentioned Barry Weiss like the four journalists (29:31) Barry Weiss we once again, Barry Weiss gets the (29:36) Shapiro treatment from me.(29:38) She goes on CNN remember and she was like quite (29:41) frankly, you guys are the problem and everybody (29:44) is like Barry Weiss is a genius and then Israel (29:48) happens and then said October 7th happens and (29:50) all of a sudden same thing. (29:51) She literally kills that one journalist by (29:53) targeting his family and actually doxing the (29:56) family to like cause the missile strike. (29:59) No shit.(29:59) That’s not a that’s not a glib thing that these (30:02) people they circled the fucking wagons man, and (30:06) it’s like watching these for these two morons (30:09) telling me who their sources of journalism are. (30:12) Thank you. (30:13) Thank you for sharing because I know exactly (30:15) where not to go, you know what I mean? (30:19) I’m not going to Bjork for singing lessons, right? (30:22) You know the same thing, you know, they may not (30:25) be New York Times, but their New York Times (30:28) adjacent.(30:29) Let’s put it that way. (30:31) I got NYT DS. (30:35) Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear man.(30:37) Sam Harris’s brain has been completely broken (30:39) by Trump. (30:40) The COVID just stepped it up like a lot of (30:43) people. (30:43) He’s definitely not alone in that.(30:45) Yeah. (30:46) So what is it about the intellect? (30:48) Because I I’d like to think you and I we’re (30:51) more like researchers of intellect. (30:53) We don’t just spoon-feed whatever a book says (30:56) or whatever and we’re not in a University.(30:58) That’s a like a bubble, right? (31:00) We live we work with within kind of the real (31:02) world. (31:03) What are your thoughts to how you can get that (31:06) lost on the ideology? (31:08) I mean, (31:10) geez man. (31:11) Well, it’s very complex.(31:13) I have some ideas. (31:14) I know part of it is the University system. (31:17) I was planning to bring that up a little bit (31:19) later too because Zuckerberg also came out (31:21) of Harvard.(31:22) He’s in the same category. (31:24) I think and maybe he’s breaking out of it. (31:27) Now, maybe not.(31:28) We’ll see. (31:29) But yeah, part of it is just the constant (31:32) indoctrination that these people the government (31:35) agencies together with big corporations. (31:38) They own everything.(31:39) They own all the media. (31:40) They own the schools. (31:41) They own the universities.(31:43) They own all the all the movies and TV that (31:47) you see at least until recently with the internet (31:50) now, we’re kind of breaking out of it, but (31:52) it’s just a constant flow of propaganda that (31:56) gets into these people’s heads and they are (31:59) taught to believe that if they follow it, they (32:02) play by the rules. (32:03) They’re good people and that’s the end of it. (32:06) Yeah, and I think part of it is just like (32:09) to your point is that echo chamber of there’s (32:11) no they don’t even allow to sending voices (32:14) like the amount of the ideology or the percentage (32:16) of ideology of professors.(32:18) It’s like even in the engineering field. (32:20) It’s almost 50-50 in engineering and you’re like (32:24) engineering shouldn’t it should almost always (32:26) be facts like there should be almost zero feeling (32:29) on a right angle and how it’s how it’s measured (32:32) and how it’s like beveled and connected with (32:35) the right fastener or whatever, you know, I’m (32:36) saying like those things are those things don’t (32:38) have feelings to them. (32:39) You know, there’s no level right or wrong.(32:41) Yeah. (32:43) Yeah, I think I just escaped that stuff man (32:45) because I was in Portland very left. (32:48) Oh wow.(32:50) I went to the Xerox forever. (32:52) I went up to Portland. (32:53) I went up to Port in Oregon.(32:55) What’s that Wilsonville? (32:56) Yeah, their headquarters. (32:58) Yeah, cool. (32:59) Yeah, but you know, very left-wing Haven up there (33:03) the University and I felt they were more free (33:05) back in the day.(33:06) I didn’t really think of them as lefty. (33:08) I felt like they were just independent, you know, (33:10) yeah, something shifted. (33:12) They got the same indoctrination man.(33:15) So I was, you know, early 2010s. (33:17) I was over there and I remember like walking (33:20) by a free speech zone and I was like, what the (33:23) hell is this? (33:25) Like this is your free speech zone. (33:27) It was like a little gazebo thing outside like (33:30) you couldn’t even have free speech indoors.(33:35) God forbid you get free speech indoors. (33:37) You don’t want to get that on your shoes. (33:39) You don’t want to get that free speech all over (33:40) you and it was like a seriously like a 12 by (33:44) 12 foot square of place where you could actually (33:47) talk to people.(33:49) But I mean, I was an engineering school that (33:51) didn’t ever come up when I was doing that. (33:55) So I didn’t see it that much but still like I (33:57) knew it was out there, but I think since then (33:59) it’s got so much worse. (34:01) For sure.(34:04) And once again, we kind of talk about that (34:05) compassion, right? (34:06) We care and it’s so easy to say if you care (34:10) then you should give. (34:12) So we’re like, I guess that’s because we care. (34:15) I guess we got to show everybody we care.(34:17) Like your point the mouse thing, right? (34:18) Like the thing people really good at is (34:20) complying because they can’t do anything else, (34:22) right? (34:23) So they’re extra good soldiers, right? (34:26) Yeah, and there’s nothing wrong with caring. (34:28) You guys should check out my interview with (34:30) Jason Fry. (34:31) We talked about that a little bit.(34:32) He talked about the pitfalls of the left and (34:35) one of them is that they’re kind of blinded (34:37) by compassion. (34:38) That’s and it’s not bad to be compassionate, (34:41) of course, but when it overrules things and (34:44) you don’t get good outcomes, you should start (34:46) to question if you’re really doing something (34:48) good for people, you know. (34:50) Yeah, when your ideology starts shading the (34:53) colors of the other pieces of reality, then (34:57) you really have to step back and re-evaluate (34:59) that.(35:00) Yes, sir. (35:02) Well on that topic, we’re going to get into (35:04) the Zuckening. (35:08) Everybody knows by now, I’m sure he came out (35:10) with this statement saying that we’re going (35:13) to ease up on the fact-checking.(35:15) We’re not going to have third-party (35:16) fact-checkers anymore. (35:17) No political censorship. (35:20) I don’t believe it, but that’s what he said.(35:24) What he said. (35:27) So since then, we did talk about this a little (35:29) bit on our League of Ordinary Gentlemen, but (35:33) since then, he did not do Rogan yet. (35:36) The Joe Rogan experience, which we’re going (35:38) to show some clips of.(35:39) So I’ll start with this one. (35:41) This is kind of, it’s out of order, but it’s (35:42) going to take, it’s Joe Rogan kind of setting (35:45) up what’s going on. (35:46) So we’ll start with that.(35:49) So just, I want to say that though. (35:52) I can’t see it, man. (35:53) There’s a lot of like hypercritical people (35:54) that are conspiracy theorists and think that (35:56) everybody’s in some cabal to control them.(35:58) That’s okay. (35:59) What am I missing? (36:00) Are you using Chrome? (36:01) Because I was on Firefox and I was having (36:03) issues seeing the video. (36:05) I’m using Chrome, yeah.(36:06) That’s weird because I saw the first three (36:08) videos you shared. (36:09) That’s so weird. (36:10) Oh well, just play it, man.(36:11) I watched that interview, so I can follow you. (36:14) Can you hear it or you just can’t see it? (36:16) No, it’s totally good. (36:17) Don’t worry about it.(36:17) Play it. (36:18) We’re good. (36:19) Okay.(36:19) Well, here we go. (36:20) Starting over. (36:21) So just, I want to say that though, there’s a (36:25) lot of like hypercritical people that are (36:26) conspiracy theorists and think that everybody (36:28) is a part of some cabal to control them.(36:30) I want you to understand that whether it’s (36:32) YouTube or all these, whatever place that (36:34) you think is doing something that’s awful, (36:37) it’s good that you speak because this is how (36:39) things get changed and this is how people (36:40) find out that people are upset about content (36:42) moderation and censorship, but moderating (36:46) at scale is insane. (36:48) It’s insane. (36:49) Yeah.(36:49) That what we were talking the other day about (36:51) the number of videos that go up every hour (36:53) on YouTube and it’s bananas. (36:55) It’s bananas. (36:56) That’s like to try to get a human being that (37:00) is reasonable, logical, and objective that’s (37:04) going to analyze every video.(37:06) It’s virtually impossible. (37:07) It’s not possible. (37:09) So you’ve got to use a bunch of tools.(37:10) You’re going to get a bunch of things wrong. (37:11) And you have also people reporting things and (37:13) how much is that going to affect things is you (37:15) could have mass reporting because you have (37:17) bad actors. (37:18) You have some corporation that decides we’re (37:20) going to attack this video because it’s bad (37:21) for us to take it down.(37:23) There’s so much going on. (37:24) Just I want to put that in people’s heads (37:26) before we go on like understand the kind of (37:29) numbers that we’re talking about here. (37:31) Now understand you have the pandemic and (37:35) then you have the administration’s doing (37:37) something where I think they crossed the line (37:39) where it gets really weird where they’re (37:40) saying what you’re saying that we’re trying (37:42) you to get you to take down vaccine side (37:45) effects, which is just crazy.(37:53) Oh, I’m muted. (37:54) My bad. (37:55) Go for it, buddy.(37:58) Yeah, so I don’t know what you think of this (38:00) but to me, I mean, yes, he’s setting up a (38:02) good point that trying to moderate content (38:05) at that scale is pretty much impossible. (38:07) So you’re going to make mistakes and I think (38:09) he’s kind of in a way letting him off the (38:12) hook a little bit too much and I know he’s (38:15) generally pretty gracious with his guests, (38:17) right? (38:17) But I don’t need him to have a whole debate (38:20) with the guy but doing the work for him and (38:23) letting him off is a little bit disappointing (38:25) for me. (38:26) What do you think? (38:27) Yeah.(38:27) Yeah, I agree and in watching that clearly (38:32) we see the grace in Joe Rogan man, Joe Rogan (38:36) just is like a walking hug. (38:39) I don’t it’s a weirdest thing. (38:40) Like I the dude I just seems genuine like (38:43) if there if he has a skeleton in his closet (38:46) and we don’t know my heart will be shattered (38:48) because I I can’t imagine it like the dude (38:50) just seems so just who he is like I it just (38:54) seems that way right? (38:55) So I’ll be this I’m a disagreeable person.(38:59) You see me. (39:01) I hope that Joe would give I hope Joe would (39:04) give me the same grace like if I ever had (39:06) the honor of meeting him, you know, I did go (39:08) to the comedy mothership and I tried to see (39:10) him but like you can’t you know, like I was (39:12) hoping to go to catch kill Tony and whatever (39:14) it’s like but like I would hope he’d give (39:17) me the same grace to let me explain my crazy (39:19) viewpoints to right. (39:21) So he’s right though, but this is the beauty (39:24) of Joe Joe gets people so comfortable by offering (39:28) these outs that they think they’re in a safer (39:31) space than they are and like he’s really good (39:35) and people tend to share and overshare with (39:38) things and we’ll hear some of these things (39:40) as Zuck start sharing or like like remember (39:43) the one at the end when he’s like, oh, yeah, (39:44) they told us to do that.(39:46) He wouldn’t no one would have gotten that far (39:48) had they not had a two and a half hour conversation (39:50) up to that point, right? (39:53) So Rogan like he doesn’t soften you up. (39:56) He just actually curiously draws out who you (40:00) are and it’s a beautiful skill. (40:02) I don’t ever I will never have it the way (40:05) he does.(40:05) I pray that I have half of that but he is (40:08) so brilliant at that of just doing that. (40:11) So but you’re right. (40:12) Yeah, he did let him off the hook, but you (40:14) know, he’s also had a bunch of really interesting (40:17) people that I would argue are part of the (40:18) deep state that they got on his show like (40:21) Sean Ryan and all these other people you’re (40:23) like, you know, how are they now realizing (40:26) that how to use Joe as a tool for them possibly (40:30) right? (40:32) Yeah, I have seen people speculating about this (40:34) and I’m not sure what I think but people (40:36) speculating saying maybe Joe Rogan is a psyop (40:40) himself.(40:42) I think that it’s more likely if anything (40:46) would be done is there they they have a (40:48) psychological profile of them. (40:50) They just got to find people that he would (40:52) be interested in having on their show and (40:53) then they get to spout whatever talking points (40:56) they want him to that’s the best they could (40:58) do. (40:58) I think Joe’s pretty thorough.(41:00) I’m once again, I don’t know Joe Rogan as (41:02) a human being. (41:03) He just seems like a pretty nor like a pretty (41:05) he seems like a human being to me. (41:07) He doesn’t seem like one of these robot people.(41:10) Yeah. (41:10) Yeah, but you do make a good point. (41:12) He does, you know, make you feel at ease.(41:15) So then you do start talking. (41:16) So maybe that that was a strategy. (41:19) Maybe it just doesn’t think about it at all.(41:21) That’s just his natural way, but he’s the one (41:24) with the biggest podcast in the world. (41:26) So it’s not me. (41:28) He’s doing something right.(41:29) I think he’s doing something right, so. (41:32) All right, man. (41:33) So let’s go back to the beginning.(41:34) We’re going to hear from Zuck. (41:38) Yeah, I think that’s it. (41:40) Let’s just go.(41:43) This recent announcement that you did about (41:46) content moderation. (41:48) How has that been received? (41:51) Probably depends on who you ask, right? (41:53) But you know, but look, I mean. (41:55) I’ve been working on this for a long time.(41:57) So I mean you got to do what you think is is (42:00) right. (42:00) You know, we’ve been on a long a long journey (42:02) here, right? (42:03) I mean, it’s um, I think at some level you (42:06) start, you only start one of these companies (42:09) if you believe in giving people a voice, right? (42:11) I mean. (42:15) Yeah, we’ll have some shorter clips this time, (42:18) but fuck man from the beginning.(42:22) He just wanted to give people a voice. (42:25) Oh goodness. (42:27) That’s never been the point of Facebook.(42:29) The point of Facebook is for horny middle-aged (42:31) people to hook up with their high school (42:33) classmates. (42:34) Did you watch the social network? (42:37) There was not a fucking ounce of altruism in (42:40) that fucking kid. (42:41) He stole first.(42:42) We stole the fucking idea and just made it (42:44) really better. (42:45) That’s fine, but what I just want to make a (42:49) better world for let everybody have a voice. (42:55) That was never the point and what’s with the (42:57) perm and the and the chain hanging outside (42:59) the t-shirt tuck the chain.(43:01) Tuck dude. (43:02) You’re a gazillionaire. (43:03) Tuck the chain.(43:04) You look tacky. (43:06) Whatever he does, but again, he’s a gazillionaire (43:09) and I’m not so what do we do? (43:12) He gets to wear whatever he wants, but will (43:15) you have will you admit? (43:17) Since he’s done the jujitsu style for the MMA (43:19) stuff. (43:20) He looks lean and mean like his neck.(43:24) He’s defined. (43:24) You can see it. (43:25) Like he is his shape.(43:27) His whole face looks different. (43:29) Yeah. (43:30) Yeah.(43:30) He’s very human. (43:32) It’s crazy looking like a male and not a robot (43:35) anymore. (43:36) Yeah, it’s pretty interesting.(43:36) He’s like a little boy, but I mean, no, he (43:39) could he’s a boy little boy to kick my ass (43:40) right now because he’s well past where I could (43:43) go. (43:44) I’m sure. (43:45) Yeah, I might have a few pounds on him.(43:47) So that’s one advantage. (43:51) Yeah, man, and he says talking about this (43:54) announcement that he’s been working on it (43:55) for a long time. (43:57) Like what is what does that mean years? (43:59) And so why come out with it now? (44:02) Right and it’s so crazy.(44:03) Like I’ve been pushing back but you didn’t but (44:06) I pushed back and we said we’d push back but (44:08) you didn’t but you didn’t but you didn’t every (44:11) time every time I heard him say what we push (44:15) back. (44:15) I’m like, what are you? (44:17) How are you rewriting this? (44:18) That’s not what happened because my my page (44:21) that got violated that violated every day. (44:23) Pretty sure I was not part of that.(44:26) You know what I mean? (44:26) I don’t think he pushed back. (44:28) So anyway, well, let’s go on. (44:31) We’ll talk he’ll talk about the censorship (44:32) here.(44:34) What do you think started the pathway towards (44:37) increasing censorship? (44:39) Because clearly we were going in that said (44:43) it’s still black for you. (44:45) That one was black but the other two played (44:47) so maybe it’s like a glitchy thing. (44:49) Yeah.(44:49) What do you think started the pathway towards (44:52) increasing censorship because clearly we were (44:56) going in that direction for the last few years. (44:59) It seemed like we really found out about it (45:02) when Elon bought Twitter and we got the Twitter (45:05) files and when you came on here and when you (45:07) were explaining the relationship with FBI where (45:10) they were trying to get you to take down certain (45:12) things that were true and real and certain (45:15) things they tried to get you to limit the (45:17) exposure to them. (45:18) So it’s these kind of conversations like when (45:20) did all that start? (45:22) Yeah.(45:23) Well, look, I think going back to the beginning (45:26) or like I was saying, I think you start one (45:27) of these if you care about about giving people (45:29) a voice, you know, I wasn’t too deep on our (45:32) content policies for like the first 10 years (45:34) of the company. (45:35) It was just kind of well known across the (45:37) company that we were trying to give people the (45:39) ability to share as much as possible and issues (45:42) would come up practical issues, right? (45:44) So if someone’s getting bullied, for example, (45:45) we deal with that or we put in place systems (45:47) to fight bullying, you know, if someone is (45:50) saying, hey, you know, someone’s pirating (45:53) copyrighted content on the surface. (45:55) It’s like, okay, we’ll build controls to make (45:57) it so we’ll find IP protected content, but it (46:00) was really in the last 10 years that people (46:05) started pushing for like ideological based (46:08) censorship.(46:10) So the last 10 years people started pushing (46:13) for this. (46:14) What was going on about 10 years ago? (46:17) Any ideas? (46:21) So 14, right? (46:24) Obama’s, uh, so we’re coming out of, well, (46:27) this is what I think, Occupy Wall Street (46:30) happened. (46:31) Yeah, so Occupy Wall Street happened, right? (46:34) 2008 and that brought very different people (46:39) together for a common goal, right? (46:42) And I think the powers that be to hijack (46:46) that movement and started diversity at that (46:49) moment and that’s where they started getting (46:52) well, I’m a gay man.(46:54) I can’t support you in my fight because I’m (46:57) gay and you’re straight and you’re like, but (46:59) we’re fighting about the banks right now. (47:02) You know what I mean? (47:02) Like I truly think that’s how they did it. (47:04) It’s a psyop from like that get-go.(47:07) They infiltrated those Occupy Wall Street (47:08) stuff and it got out of hand. (47:10) Like if you watch like Tim pools, I guess (47:12) it’s like climb through that. (47:14) He talked about that where the democracy (47:16) got ridiculous of like we just bought these (47:18) bins because no one could agree on what (47:20) bin because the environmental people wanted (47:22) the the ones that you know decompose and (47:25) the other people wanted stronger ones that (47:26) you could stand on and they wanted more (47:28) utility was like dude.(47:29) Okay, I get it. (47:30) Like there’s there’s just that’s how they (47:32) did it. (47:32) So I really think that that’s actually where (47:34) they started and Obama was elected twice and (47:38) he talked about racism.(47:41) Well, hey after his reelection racism was (47:45) really still a thing. (47:46) It never like between 12 and 14, right? (47:48) Or 12 and 16. (47:49) That’s the most that’s when it was focused (47:53) on that’s 10 years ago.(47:54) There you go. (47:55) So racism started and then race became sex (47:58) became gender became any difference and if (48:01) you could multiply the differences of (48:03) victimhood if you were a person of color who (48:06) was a different sex and a different race and (48:08) a different feet like how you felt about other (48:11) people then you’re an extra victim and it’s (48:13) like that changed the whole game and I think (48:16) to your point the schools took that and just (48:18) absolutely ran with it. (48:20) Man, okay.(48:22) Yeah, you went way deeper than I did, but I (48:25) think that actually feeds in exactly to what (48:28) I was going to say because I was going to (48:29) say that it was the rise of Donald Trump. (48:32) They you know, once he announced he’s running (48:34) for president started saying things as soon (48:36) as he said they’re not sending their best. (48:39) They’re sending rapists murderers which was (48:43) a stupid stupid thing to say but not what (48:46) most people took it to mean as soon as that (48:49) happened.He’s the enemy. (48:51) We got to shut everything down, but he was (48:53) actually response to all that racism DEI stuff (48:58) the talk that people just got sick of it and (49:00) then Trump came in and he’s like we’re not (49:02) doing that anymore. (49:03) This is stupid.(49:05) You guys gotta vote for me. (49:06) We’re gonna make America great again blah blah (49:08) blah. (49:11) That’s another classical Democrat in Trump.(49:14) Yeah, it’s not like he’s a freaking Republican (49:16) man. He’s just not like he totally doesn’t care (49:20) except for the stuff that would stupid. (49:23) It’s stupid.(49:25) And if any logical business person can see (49:27) how stupid this chase is, you know, yeah, (49:31) I’m right. (49:31) It is Trump. (49:32) I’m as soon as he saw said that about Mexico (49:36) Mexico not Mexicans.(49:39) Yeah, people just started losing their freaking (49:41) minds man. (49:42) But I mean, what do you think about his claim (49:45) that he’s he wasn’t that involved with that (49:47) part of the business. (49:49) Do you buy it? (49:50) I actually do.(49:51) I do think in the beginning the only thing (49:54) you really had to worry. (49:55) Well, first of all, they had section 230. (49:57) So they’re protected right even accidentally (50:01) God forbid a child picture.(50:04) Snuff film something gets put up like, you (50:07) know what I mean? (50:07) They’re still protected by the 230. (50:09) I think so. (50:11) I honestly do think that they actually implemented (50:13) that so they wouldn’t worry about it.(50:16) And it only mattered when it mattered to the (50:19) state. (50:20) So I’m going to go another deep level. (50:23) The CIA.(50:25) Yeah, all these places the deep state that tried (50:27) to destabilize Eastern Europe use this social (50:31) media in the early 2000 to 2000 to mid 2000 (50:34) before Trump took over. (50:35) Okay, they use that to destabilize and to have (50:39) them all meet together and they could have (50:41) uprisings that all the color revolutions as soon (50:44) as that came back where we started using that (50:46) voice to call out the state for the shit (50:49) they’re doing. (50:50) They’re like, oh this speech is a problem because (50:54) it’s now turning on us, right? (50:57) That is really part of that as well.(50:59) You might. (51:00) Yeah, agreed. (51:02) Yeah.(51:02) I mean now he’s probably a little bit more (51:06) aware. (51:07) So I’ll give him a little bit of slack. (51:09) But yeah, I’m sure he was just trying to get (51:12) people off of his back at the time.(51:14) It’s just like, you know what? (51:16) Yeah, people don’t like seeing this on their (51:18) Facebook feed. (51:19) Okay, let’s have some moderation and then other (51:21) people come in and get on board and like, oh, (51:23) well, we don’t like when people say retard (51:26) or whatever. (51:27) So we’re going to ban you for saying that.(51:31) And you’re right. (51:31) Like I don’t think I don’t think I’m on to (51:33) content moderation was this thing. (51:34) He wanted to build the product.(51:36) Yeah, he also didn’t want to build a better (51:37) world. (51:38) He wanted to build a product like once again, (51:40) I’m not giving him the grace to say he wanted (51:43) to change world. (51:43) I’m also not going to attack him for something (51:45) that he was not that wasn’t in his foresight (51:48) to do.(51:48) Anyway, it wasn’t to make the world a better (51:50) place. (51:50) It was to make this thing awesome because he’s (51:53) a driven human being that’s super type-a (51:56) super smart and can do it. (51:58) Like I would hope all of us would do that (52:00) on for like in some way just not to a point (52:03) where it creates damage.(52:06) Exactly. (52:06) Yep. (52:07) So move it on.(52:10) We’re going to get into what broke Sam Harris (52:13) the covid and Trump derangement syndrome. (52:16) Here we go. (52:17) But it was really in the last 10 years.(52:22) That people started pushing for like ideological (52:25) based censorship and I think it was two main (52:28) events that really triggered this in 2016. (52:33) There was the election of President Trump also (52:36) coincided with basically Brexit in the EU (52:40) and sort of the fragmentation of the EU (52:43) and then, you know in 2020 there was covid (52:46) and I think that those were basically these (52:48) two events were for the first time. (52:51) We just place it.(52:52) We just face this massive massive institutional (52:54) pressure to to basically start censoring content (53:00) on ideological grounds and I’m sorry to (53:04) But when it first came up in 2016, did it come (53:08) under the guise of the Russian collusion hoax? (53:11) Yeah, and this is the thing I at the time. (53:12) I was really sort of ill prepared to to kind (53:17) of parse what was going on, right? (53:19) It’s um, you know, I think part of my reflection (53:22) looking back on this is I I kind of think (53:25) in 2016 in the aftermath I give too much (53:30) deference to a lot of folks in the media (53:33) who are basically saying, okay, there’s no way (53:36) that this guy could have gotten elected except (53:37) for misinformation. (53:38) People can’t actually believe this stuff, right? (53:40) It has to be that there’s this kind of like (53:42) massive misinformation out there.(53:54) Muted. (53:56) Hey everybody. (53:56) I’m back.(53:57) Welcome to Consciously Unmasked. (53:59) Let’s just start the whole thing over. (54:01) That little mistake is going to haunt me, bro.(54:04) I can’t. (54:05) Oh, come on. (54:05) You did.(54:05) We do it all the time. (54:06) Come on, man. (54:07) Silly.(54:08) I’m kidding. (54:08) I’m kidding. (54:09) Yeah.(54:10) No, now I forgot what I was saying. (54:13) The two events, the two events, COVID and Trump (54:16) definitely changed a lot. (54:18) Like no matter what you feel about those things, (54:21) you can’t deny it changed the world.(54:23) Like everybody acts differently now. (54:26) And it really showed the hand of the tyrants, (54:30) you know, in both cases. (54:33) People that got, you know, tried to take Trump (54:35) out and the people that tried to keep us all (54:38) suppressed for talking about COVID, for daring (54:41) to question.(54:43) Yep. (54:44) Yeah. (54:45) So interesting.(54:46) He brings up the Trump thing and he brings up (54:48) the collusion, Russian collusion thing with Hillary, (54:51) right? (54:52) So just happened to be my portion of Provoked (54:55) on Monday. (54:56) I’ve got a whole clip of basically the Trump dossier. (55:02) And Colbert did an 11 minute segment of going (55:06) to the presidential suite where the alleged thing (55:09) happened.(55:09) And I have clipped it down to like two minutes, (55:12) right? (55:12) For the show on Monday. (55:13) And you’re just like, listen to Colbert. (55:16) And I remember same thing.(55:18) Remember when he and Stewart were like Vanguardian (55:21) awesome breakers of truth and just this weird (55:24) coolness. (55:25) And now it’s just popping happen to be established. (55:29) P tape.(55:29) Is that what we’re talking about? (55:31) Yes. (55:32) Okay. (55:33) Okay.(55:34) I’ll show you the clip of basically the allegation (55:37) and it’s in Horton’s Provoked because it’s literally (55:39) my part. (55:40) Trump starts and Russiagate comes out the gate. (55:43) This is how they wanted you to believe that Donald (55:46) Trump hired two prostitutes to urinate in the bed (55:50) of a presidential suite in Moscow that Obama was (55:54) sleeping in sometime once.(55:57) That’s how delusional they felt like and people (56:01) still say p-tape. (56:02) They still say Trump p-tape, right? (56:04) Trump Russia p-tape. (56:05) And you’re like that it didn’t fucking happen, man.(56:09) Like what is wrong with you people, right? (56:11) So you I can’t wait on Monday. (56:13) I have that and then I have him and Obama talking (56:16) at at Carter’s funeral laughing. (56:18) So I’m going to kind of do a voiceover about what (56:20) they’re going to talk about.(56:21) So it’s going to be fun. (56:23) Oh God, who’s the congressman from California? (56:28) I always associate him with Chuck Schumer, but it’s (56:30) the other guy. (56:31) Yes, Adam Schiff or the other swan Adam Schiff.(56:34) Yes. (56:36) He’s a weasel. (56:37) He’s a weasel.(56:38) But rumor has it that Adam Schiff has evidence. (56:41) He’s seen it with his own eyes, the p-tape. (56:45) And he’s ready to share.(56:46) I think they would have done it for free. (56:48) I think they would have done it for free. (56:49) It’s just those committees in Congress that are (56:51) holding him up.(56:52) Right, exactly. (56:53) He’s seen the evidence with his own eyes. (56:55) Yep.(56:56) Yeah, remember and they remember they also said they (56:57) saw the 40 beheaded babies. (56:59) Remember? (56:59) I saw it in the skiff. (57:01) I saw it in the skiff, 40 beheaded babies.(57:03) Sure you did. (57:04) Yeah. (57:04) No, they told me I love like when I love my mom, (57:07) but when I talked to her, she’s like, no, they (57:09) told us they saw the video.(57:11) Yeah, I’m like, okay. (57:14) Did you see the video? (57:16) Like just trust me, bro. (57:18) I’m in the news.(57:20) I’m from the government. (57:22) I’m here to help. (57:27) All right, man.(57:28) Let’s keep going. (57:31) All right. (57:32) So yeah, I mean Zuckerberg is on the same page (57:34) here.(57:34) He says I was, you know, I actually believe the (57:36) news. (57:37) Do we give him that? (57:39) Actually, I do because he’s that like locked in (57:43) his eye like bubble to be honest. (57:45) He makes policy.(57:47) So just so you know, my girlfriend works in the (57:49) education system and 90% of the literature. (57:53) She went to Chicago for some commit, you know, (57:55) some teaching things. (57:57) She was like blessed to go to or whatever 90% (58:00) of the paperwork had the whatever and Zuckerberg (58:03) Foundation.(58:04) It was all Zuckerberg printed like literature like (58:08) oh, what do you think they’re doing? (58:10) Oh, they want to teach you their way. (58:11) Not the way like duh. (58:14) Duh.(58:15) They want to teach you their way. (58:16) It’s like, of course, they want to make the policy. (58:19) They don’t they know what they’re doing and they (58:21) don’t care.(58:22) That’s really what it is. (58:23) It’s they don’t care. (58:24) So when they reflect and ruminate they go.(58:26) Well, let’s see how that affected me. (58:28) Well, you know how this is going to affect you. (58:30) That’s why you’re backpedaling right now and (58:32) saying the free speech is important because you (58:34) lost you lost.(58:37) Yeah, and one thing that just struck me is I mean, (58:40) I’ve thought about this before but just came to (58:43) mind when they do this censoring the censorship (58:46) that we’re talking about on social media on YouTube (58:48) everywhere. (58:50) It only goes one way, right? (58:52) There’s all kinds of misinformation on both sides, (58:55) but they would only censor the stuff that hurt their (58:59) guys, right? (59:01) And it didn’t actually doesn’t matter Republican (59:03) or Democrat because a lot of the Republicans are (59:05) on the same side with the regime. (59:09) It’s just and we do when I was ready to pack (59:11) would be a great example of that.(59:13) Right? (59:13) Like you’ve got a pack funding what it what (59:15) they’re they said they back 97% winning percentage (59:18) on on primaries like one guy beat him and it (59:21) was Massey and then the day after his birthday (59:24) Mike Johnson who gets reelected removes them from (59:27) the Rules Committee. (59:28) Isn’t that correct? (59:28) So like what this is these are the people. (59:33) Yeah, and the the Russiagate thing is a great (59:35) example.(59:36) They let that misinformation run rampant. (59:39) They still talk about it like it’s current news. (59:42) Yeah, the fine people hoax the president Biden is (59:46) still talking about this and maybe he’s just got (59:50) dementia and can’t remember that it’s been debunked (59:52) but holy shit.(59:54) Did you see James Fox on Rogan about that? (59:58) No, Jane Fox is with the Innocence Project. (1:00:00) I think I think that or or as one of the guys (1:00:04) with the instant project Jane Fox is the UFO (1:00:06) documentary guy. (1:00:07) I get everything conflated but the Innocence Project (1:00:09) guy is on his show and Rogan brings up the fine (1:00:12) people hoax and the guy’s like, what do you mean? (1:00:15) He literally had no idea.(1:00:17) He played the entire clip. (1:00:18) They they show the guy and he’s like, I never (1:00:22) saw that once in my entire life and that’s what (1:00:25) it is. (1:00:26) This guy’s a guy this guy studies on Innocence (1:00:28) Project and he’s never even seen the full clip (1:00:31) of the fine people.(1:00:33) It’s silly. (1:00:34) He had Jonathan Haidt on the guy that wrote the (1:00:37) book about the righteous mind. (1:00:40) Why do smart people believe bad things or wrong (1:00:43) things? (1:00:44) He got caught in one of these things.(1:00:46) Was it the fine people hoax or it was something? (1:00:49) Yeah, it was a fine. (1:00:50) I think it was a fine people and I’m a big (1:00:52) Haidt fan, but he is a lefty too. (1:00:53) He’s a little idealized, but I do love his books (1:00:56) calling in the American mind was brilliant.(1:00:58) The that and to your point that one was brilliant (1:01:00) as well. (1:01:01) I listen that was such a mind blower because he’s (1:01:04) writing books on this stuff. (1:01:05) He’s explaining it and it still happens.(1:01:07) It still happens to you, right? (1:01:09) There’s the Peterson criticism that we have same (1:01:12) thing. (1:01:12) He knows about Hitler and Stalin. (1:01:14) He literally studied that his whole life.(1:01:17) He talked and he goes, I would just comply and (1:01:19) they’d stop and it’s like dude, you know, that’s (1:01:22) the first fucking step to all the journey is the (1:01:25) first compliance like I it’s weird. (1:01:28) It is odd that you can’t I don’t know. (1:01:30) Maybe you are too close to your own style, you (1:01:32) know, I’m sure we have these blind spots too.(1:01:35) But man, I’m sure we do. (1:01:37) I’m sure I’ll and I still haven’t learned that (1:01:39) though. (1:01:40) It is cool because as we learn that about others, (1:01:41) it does allow that to look at ourselves and offer (1:01:44) a little more grace to others.(1:01:46) Yeah, I see. (1:01:47) I see yell at Rogan going dude. (1:01:49) What are you doing? (1:01:49) Let him off the hook and now I’m like man, I (1:01:52) really like the way he should I like the way he (1:01:53) he start to talk about that.(1:01:56) So I’m learning to which is beautiful to about (1:01:58) this process. (1:02:00) That’s a good point. (1:02:02) Well, let’s go on.(1:02:03) Let’s see what else we can criticize. (1:02:06) Some of it started with the the Russia collusion (1:02:09) stuff, but it kind of morphed into different (1:02:12) things over time. (1:02:13) Well, it was it was he was so ideologically (1:02:15) polarizing, right? (1:02:16) Like people didn’t want to believe that anybody (1:02:18) looked at him and said this should be our (1:02:21) president.(1:02:21) Yeah, so so I took this in just kind of assume (1:02:26) that everyone was acting in good faith and I (1:02:28) said, okay. (1:02:29) Well, there’s like there are concerns about (1:02:31) misinformation. (1:02:32) We should just like when people raised other (1:02:34) concerns in the past and we try to deal with (1:02:36) them.(1:02:37) Okay. (1:02:37) Yeah people know, you know, if you ask people (1:02:39) no one says that they want misinformation. (1:02:41) So maybe there’s something that we should do (1:02:43) to to basically try to address this but I was (1:02:46) really worried from the beginning about basically (1:02:51) becoming this sort of decider of what is true (1:02:55) in the world or that’s like kind of a crazy (1:02:56) position to be in for billions of people using (1:02:59) your service and (1:03:01) That is a crazy position man.(1:03:03) So I can I can understand this a little bit. (1:03:06) I can say, okay. (1:03:08) Yes to think about and try to control what (1:03:12) people can see and what’s false.(1:03:14) What’s true who decides that who like who can (1:03:18) possibly know that nobody? (1:03:20) So the whole concept itself is crazy. (1:03:23) But if you didn’t put that together and realize (1:03:25) that I question your judgment a little bit. (1:03:29) Yeah, it is interesting.(1:03:31) Isn’t it? (1:03:31) It’s like (1:03:33) you (1:03:34) I don’t know. (1:03:35) I it just seems like it’s all backpedaling to (1:03:37) be honest. (1:03:37) Like it’s all it’s all postmortem and no (1:03:40) forethought.(1:03:41) And this is how I really think that you and I (1:03:44) are those types of minds sign scientists never (1:03:47) look at whether they should do something or not. (1:03:49) They just look at whether they can do something (1:03:51) or not and there’s a lot of an ethical issue (1:03:54) with a lot of science stuff. (1:03:55) If we think about like the atom bomb and (1:03:57) it’s like can we make this thing happen was (1:04:01) way more driving force for the scientists.(1:04:03) Then can we use this as a weapon to win (1:04:06) the war right like their drive to get it (1:04:09) right was their real drive and someone weaponized (1:04:13) that once again Zuckerberg was just making the (1:04:16) product. (1:04:17) I don’t think he thinks about that stuff. (1:04:18) I’ll be honest and they did they offered them (1:04:20) insurances right away with once again with (1:04:22) section 230 and there’s a whole problem with (1:04:24) that.(1:04:24) We can go into how 90 year old senators (1:04:28) had don’t even know how to use a cell phone (1:04:30) are talking about legislation for tech companies (1:04:33) that are using AI and they didn’t even know (1:04:35) what that was. (1:04:36) You know, I mean when they had no running (1:04:38) water and use an outhouse or their their (1:04:41) childhood, you know, so there’s a lot of things (1:04:44) that go into that by the way, I did pull (1:04:46) up the p-tape clip if you’d like me to play (1:04:48) the clip. (1:04:49) Yeah, sure.(1:04:51) It’s so much fun. (1:04:52) I clipped it. (1:04:52) So here let me let me try to see if I (1:04:54) can share it.(1:04:56) Yeah, let me see. (1:04:59) There we go. (1:04:59) I got it.(1:05:00) All right, you ready? (1:05:02) Is it letting you share that working? (1:05:07) It’s not showing for me. (1:05:11) Do I have to try to give you I can see (1:05:16) the screen down below but I don’t know why (1:05:18) it’s yeah, let me try it again. (1:05:20) Let me try it again.(1:05:21) Hold on my phone. (1:05:22) That’s weird because it did show it did say (1:05:24) the screen share was working. (1:05:26) Let me try it one more time.(1:05:29) How about that? (1:05:30) Can you see it? (1:05:32) No. (1:05:36) No, sorry guys. (1:05:37) This is our first time streaming from rumble.(1:05:39) Well, I have it down there. (1:05:40) Can you pull it up at all or no? (1:05:42) I can see it but does not let me click (1:05:44) anything or do anything with it. (1:05:45) Okay, never mind.(1:05:46) All right. (1:05:48) I don’t know how to do it. (1:05:49) So, all right.(1:05:50) Well, I’m out. (1:05:51) Sorry everybody go look it up on your own. (1:05:53) Well, I’m going to do it on Monday.(1:05:55) I’ll share it on Monday, but I thought (1:05:56) we’d share it down since we had though. (1:05:58) Okay, cool. (1:06:01) Well, yeah.(1:06:01) Okay. (1:06:01) So there’s more on that. (1:06:02) I guess we just keep keep it rolling.(1:06:06) Let’s keep rolling. (1:06:10) So we tried to put in place a certain a (1:06:12) you know a system that would deal with it, (1:06:15) you know an early on tried to basically (1:06:16) make it so that it was really limited. (1:06:19) We’re like, all right, we’re just going (1:06:20) to have the system where there’s these (1:06:22) third-party fact checkers and they can (1:06:24) check the worst of the worst stuff, right? (1:06:26) So things that are very clear hoaxes (1:06:28) that there’s like it’s not like like (1:06:30) we’re not parsing speech about whether (1:06:31) something is slightly true or slightly (1:06:33) false like Earth is flat, you know, (1:06:36) things like that, right? (1:06:37) It’s so that was sort of the original (1:06:39) intent we put in place the system and (1:06:41) it just sort of veered from there.(1:06:43) I think to some degree it’s because (1:06:45) some of the people whose job is to do (1:06:47) fact-checking a lot of their industry (1:06:49) is focused on political fact-checking. (1:06:51) So they’re just kind of veered in that (1:06:52) direction and we kept on trying to (1:06:54) basically get it to be what we had (1:06:55) originally intended which is just, (1:06:57) you know, it’s not the point isn’t to (1:06:59) like judge people’s opinions. (1:07:00) It’s to to provide in this layer to (1:07:04) kind of help fact-check some of the (1:07:05) stuff that seems the most extreme.(1:07:07) But yeah, okay. (1:07:11) So now it’s the third-party fact-checkers fault. (1:07:14) It’s their problem.(1:07:16) And this is where he cracks and I was (1:07:19) like, I’m listening. (1:07:21) I’m listening. (1:07:21) Oh, because third-party fact-checkers (1:07:24) doesn’t make your ears go right up like (1:07:27) radar go.(1:07:28) What is a third-party fact-checker going (1:07:30) to do to my business? (1:07:32) Sure. (1:07:32) Right, right. (1:07:34) Well, you know, they figure if it’s third-party (1:07:36) they’re an unbiased, right? (1:07:37) They don’t have a they don’t have a (1:07:39) stake in government.(1:07:40) They don’t have a stake in Facebook. (1:07:41) They’re a result of legal problems. (1:07:43) I think is what it is.(1:07:45) And that’s why all these cutouts, (1:07:47) these NGO cutouts that are fact-checkers (1:07:50) when remember when it used to be called. (1:07:52) I don’t know journalism used to be the (1:07:55) fact-checking. (1:07:57) Yeah, who knows if that was ever real, (1:08:00) but yeah, you got to know like, oh, it’s (1:08:02) curated to look.(1:08:03) We know it was curated. (1:08:04) Yeah, of course. (1:08:05) They only knew the information they could (1:08:07) be get I mean.(1:08:09) But if you understand anything about people (1:08:12) anything about how your brain works like (1:08:14) this is always going to be the case. (1:08:15) It’s always going to be biased because (1:08:17) people aren’t wired to see 100% truth, (1:08:20) right? (1:08:20) You can’t first of all, you can’t perceive (1:08:22) every single piece of information around (1:08:24) you your senses just cannot handle it. (1:08:26) Our brains can’t take it all in so we (1:08:29) already unconsciously were filtering so (1:08:32) much and then you you know, you’ve got (1:08:34) all your biases all the experience in (1:08:37) your life and that’s just you know, (1:08:40) everyone has that not just the liberal (1:08:42) elites, you know those biases each one (1:08:44) is a filter that takes out more and more (1:08:47) of the truth to fit so that you’re you (1:08:50) don’t just malfunction and explode from (1:08:52) taking in too much contrary information, (1:08:55) right? (1:08:55) So by the time that we’re actually (1:08:57) consciously choosing what to moderate (1:08:59) and whatnot and what to publish you’ve (1:09:02) already passed through a dozen or more (1:09:04) filters and that’s prone to all kinds of (1:09:06) error.(1:09:07) So that’s the problem and even if those (1:09:09) people are completely well-intentioned, (1:09:12) it’s always going to end up this way. (1:09:15) Right not and not because of the (1:09:17) well-intentioned people. (1:09:19) It’s because the power given to the (1:09:21) group that initially used it for good (1:09:23) intentions and then a group without the (1:09:26) best intentions gets hold of that power (1:09:28) because the power exactly.(1:09:30) Yeah, that’s why you and I like people (1:09:33) that want to do bad things will go find (1:09:35) it. (1:09:35) They’ll get it right and and you and I (1:09:38) I the only way we’re radical is that we (1:09:41) think that defanging the government as (1:09:43) much as possible just takes away anyone’s (1:09:46) power from hurting anyone. (1:09:49) And if that’s a radical concept, (1:09:52) I don’t I mean that’s kind of sad that (1:09:54) that’s a radical concept like I’m not (1:09:56) asking to destroy anything.(1:09:58) I’m taking away anyone’s ability to hurt (1:10:01) anyone else. (1:10:02) That’s all or less. (1:10:03) Yeah, right and that should be everybody’s (1:10:06) goal, you know, exactly.(1:10:10) Yep. (1:10:11) So that’s the problem with that. (1:10:13) He goes on to talk about a very common (1:10:17) thing that people use against free speech.(1:10:20) So let’s see that. (1:10:22) COVID was the other big one where that (1:10:26) was that was also very tricky. (1:10:27) Let’s see that because you know, in the (1:10:31) beginning it was, you know, you can’t see (1:10:33) it.(1:10:34) Yeah. (1:10:34) Yeah. (1:10:35) For some reason, try it again.(1:10:36) It’ll just reset. (1:10:37) COVID was the other big one where now that (1:10:41) was that was also that one is not liking (1:10:43) me. (1:10:44) One more try.(1:10:45) One more try. (1:10:45) Come on. (1:10:46) We’ll try.(1:10:46) Come on. (1:10:46) Third time. (1:10:49) COVID was the other big one where there (1:10:52) it goes now that was that was also very (1:10:54) tricky because you know, in the beginning (1:10:59) it was, you know, it’s like a legitimate (1:11:01) public health crisis, you know, in the (1:11:03) beginning and it’s you know, even people (1:11:06) who are like the most ardent First (1:11:10) Amendment, you know, defenders that the (1:11:13) Supreme Court has this clear precedent.(1:11:15) It’s like, all right, you can’t yell fire (1:11:17) in a crowded theater. (1:11:18) There are times when if there’s an emergency (1:11:22) your eyes ability to not even a thing (1:11:24) can temporarily be curtailed in order to (1:11:26) get an emergency under control. (1:11:27) So I was sympathetic to that at the (1:11:29) beginning of COVID.(1:11:30) It seemed like okay, you have this virus. (1:11:31) It seems like it’s killing a lot of (1:11:32) people. (1:11:33) I don’t know if we didn’t know at the (1:11:35) time how dangerous it was going to be.(1:11:37) So at the beginning, it kind of seemed (1:11:39) like okay, we should give a little bit (1:11:41) of deference to the government and the (1:11:43) health authorities on how we should play (1:11:45) this, but yeah, so the fire in a crowded (1:11:51) theater. (1:11:51) That’s really what I wanted to share in (1:11:54) this clip. (1:11:56) This is not real.(1:11:57) This is an opinion. (1:11:59) I heard that again. (1:12:00) Yeah, go go share this because it still (1:12:02) boggles my mind because I’m still getting (1:12:05) cognitive dissonance because I grew up (1:12:06) with that being a fact.(1:12:08) You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater. (1:12:10) Oh, you certainly can. (1:12:11) There might be consequences.(1:12:13) The owner might get pissed at you, but (1:12:15) that does not violate your First Amendment (1:12:17) right. (1:12:20) But where it came from, where it came (1:12:23) from, it was a Supreme Court case. (1:12:25) It was a Supreme Court Justice, Oliver (1:12:27) Wendell Holmes Jr. (1:12:29) Who said the most stringent protection (1:12:32) of free speech would not protect a man (1:12:35) in falsely shouting fire in theater and (1:12:37) causing a panic.(1:12:38) The question in every case is whether (1:12:40) the words are used in such circumstances (1:12:42) and are of such a nature to create a (1:12:44) clear and present danger that they will (1:12:46) bring about the substantive evils that (1:12:48) Congress has a right to prevent. (1:12:50) It’s a question of proximity and degree. (1:12:53) So that’s the origin, but he wasn’t (1:12:55) talking about you can’t say fire in a (1:12:57) crowded theater.(1:12:58) What the case was about was spreading a (1:13:00) pamphlet that that called the draft for (1:13:04) World War I slavery. (1:13:06) So this is in 1919 and they were talking (1:13:08) about instituting a draft to get more (1:13:10) people to go die in the trenches in (1:13:13) World War I. (1:13:14) And they did not want people spreading (1:13:16) information that said, hey, the draft is (1:13:19) conscription is slavery. (1:13:23) Thank you Woodrow Wilson.(1:13:24) You did you did this country so well, (1:13:27) didn’t you? (1:13:28) Income tax, the Fed, the Great War. (1:13:33) Yeah, the stroke. (1:13:34) Let your wife take over for a year or (1:13:36) two at the end.(1:13:38) Yeah, yeah, man, we like it’s so funny (1:13:42) how little I knew before I started (1:13:45) looking. (1:13:46) It’s great. (1:13:48) And there’s so much I don’t know.(1:13:52) Who’s this monster between 1913 and 1920 (1:13:55) and you’re like Woodrow Wilson and you’re (1:13:58) like Woodrow Wilson. (1:13:59) This, this, this white cracker looking (1:14:01) dude cut cross cut off with the glasses (1:14:03) that Woodrow Wilson. (1:14:05) Yeah, he created.(1:14:05) Oh, he created the Fed. (1:14:06) Oh, yeah. (1:14:07) And yeah, the Great War.(1:14:08) Okay. (1:14:08) Yeah. (1:14:09) Okay.(1:14:09) Such a wholesome sounding name. (1:14:11) What could be wrong with Woodrow Wilson? (1:14:12) I know it’s a it’s alliteration and (1:14:15) everything. (1:14:15) WW.(1:14:17) World War baby. (1:14:19) Yeah. (1:14:22) WW1.(1:14:24) All right. (1:14:25) So yeah, they talked a little bit more (1:14:26) about the COVID stuff and we’ll get into (1:14:29) that more in this next clip. (1:14:31) And it is Zuckerberg.(1:14:32) Watch Zuckerberg appeal to the people (1:14:34) by using the fire analogy. (1:14:36) Like the dude, the dude doesn’t have his (1:14:39) finger on the pulse, but he’s pulse adjacent. (1:14:45) Yes.(1:14:46) Maybe he’s getting it. (1:14:47) Maybe. (1:14:50) But here we go.(1:14:51) Let’s keep going. (1:14:52) When it went from, you know, two weeks (1:14:55) to flatten the curve to, you know, in (1:14:58) like in the beginning, it was like, okay, (1:14:59) there aren’t enough masks. (1:15:00) Masks aren’t that important to then it’s (1:15:01) like, oh, no, you have to wear a mask (1:15:03) and you know, the like everything was (1:15:04) shifting around.(1:15:05) I it’s become very difficult to kind of (1:15:08) follow and this really hit the most extreme. (1:15:13) I’d say during it was during the Biden (1:15:16) administration when they were trying to (1:15:17) roll out the vaccine program and now I’m (1:15:22) generally like pretty pro rolling out vaccines. (1:15:25) I think on balance the vaccines are more (1:15:27) positive than negative, but I think that (1:15:31) while they’re trying to push that program, (1:15:34) they also tried to censor anyone who is (1:15:36) basically arguing against it and they pushed (1:15:38) us super hard to take down things that were (1:15:42) honestly were true, right? (1:15:44) I mean, they basically pushed us and said, (1:15:46) you know, anything that says that vaccines (1:15:50) might have side effects.(1:15:52) You basically need to take down and I was (1:15:56) just like, well, we’re not going to do that. (1:15:58) Like we’re what do you mean? (1:16:02) We’re not going to do that. (1:16:03) He did not going to do the yeah, all that (1:16:06) whole podcast is him saying we’re we told (1:16:09) them we’re not going to do that, but you (1:16:12) did it narrator and they did do that.(1:16:18) So yeah, tell me man. (1:16:19) Talk to me. (1:16:21) Okay.(1:16:22) So here we are almost five years out of (1:16:26) the start of the covid lockdowns and now (1:16:29) you’re making these statements reminds me (1:16:32) that the Jon Stewart clip where he’s on (1:16:35) with Stephen Colbert and he’s like you think (1:16:37) the coronavirus that came out of Wuhan might (1:16:40) have something to do with the Wuhan coronavirus (1:16:43) laboratory, but it was like three years after (1:16:48) everyone had already been kicked off social (1:16:49) media for saying that so it’s just too little (1:16:53) too late. (1:16:54) And yeah, like you said he he says, well, (1:16:56) we’re not going to do that, but they fucking (1:16:58) did it. (1:16:59) They did it every step that he says we push (1:17:03) back.(1:17:04) No, you didn’t and that’s kind of what we’re (1:17:07) calling you out on man. (1:17:08) And you know, if maybe you admit that you (1:17:12) felt that the governmental forces were so (1:17:15) powerful and that you felt that you couldn’t (1:17:17) do anything but believe in it. (1:17:20) I can absolve you of that belief and now (1:17:23) you learned your lesson and you’ll never do (1:17:25) that again, but not you won’t learn your lesson (1:17:28) the way you’re telling me you learned it this (1:17:31) way.(1:17:32) And just a side note man. (1:17:34) Why is it? (1:17:36) I don’t know if you’ve noticed this too, but (1:17:37) why when you’re talking with somebody that’s (1:17:40) like super right wing on social media, they (1:17:43) always sound like a nut job. (1:17:45) Like even if they’re right about something (1:17:47) they sound totally crazy.(1:17:49) Just the way they like type or talk it. (1:17:51) Have you noticed that too? (1:17:53) Yeah, it’s a it’s like an in your face like (1:17:56) they’ve had it like they yeah, it’s like there’s (1:17:59) an extra energy behind it. (1:18:01) And I think I think conservative people are (1:18:04) more assertive.(1:18:05) I think they are like when they truly have a (1:18:08) Flicka something that they’re just that their (1:18:10) identity is wrapped around like that. (1:18:12) It’s not identity politics. (1:18:13) I mean like core value type stuff.(1:18:15) I just think conserved and the other thing is (1:18:18) Jordan Peterson is brilliant Jordan Peterson (1:18:21) says and it’s true that conservatives are not (1:18:25) good at articulating why marriage works or why (1:18:29) families are good. (1:18:31) They just go. (1:18:32) I don’t understand the question because we just (1:18:35) it’s it’s worked for thousands of years.(1:18:37) So I don’t even understand how it’s like a (1:18:39) question to be asked. (1:18:41) So yeah, it’s it’s not that it’s a bad thing. (1:18:44) It’s just I think many conservatives are limited (1:18:46) in that articulation because their inability (1:18:48) to actually grasp the concepts that they do.(1:18:51) They just know that those are the ones that (1:18:55) ensure success in a better chance than not. (1:18:59) If that makes sense. (1:19:00) Yeah, for sure.(1:19:01) So yeah, like even if they’re right about something (1:19:03) especially on the covid stuff, they got a lot (1:19:05) of things, right? (1:19:06) They’re judgmental. (1:19:07) Yeah, there’s like a weirdness to it. (1:19:09) Yeah, it’s just like they start yelling like a (1:19:11) freaking psychopath and you’re like, okay.(1:19:13) Well, I kind of get why people started blocking (1:19:16) your shit because you sound like a nut. (1:19:20) Yeah, and the ultra-mega thing, right? (1:19:22) What are we worried about? (1:19:24) This ultra-mega cult movement and these people (1:19:26) who you’re ultra-mega like what? (1:19:29) What even is like, what is that? (1:19:31) Like and it’s funny because I talked with (1:19:32) Kerry Sloan of the we the female last night. (1:19:35) We have the the real SNS on X and (1:19:39) she’s like, she’s like, I don’t even understand (1:19:42) like she’s like, I’m not one of these mega people (1:19:44) like it made sense to go this direction, but I’m (1:19:46) not these mega people and it’s like, thank you (1:19:49) that helps our conversation have a such more (1:19:51) openness to it because we can actually be (1:19:54) critical where we think criticism might be warranted (1:19:57) or something.(1:19:58) Yeah. (1:19:58) Yeah, and I think part of that aggression is (1:20:00) just from being like kicked around for so long (1:20:02) and being oppressed like that’s what happens (1:20:04) when you try to keep people’s opinions from (1:20:07) being shared. (1:20:07) It just it’s better even if they suck even if (1:20:10) they’re horrible opinions.(1:20:11) It’s better that they’re just let out and if (1:20:14) you don’t like it ignore it because if they’re (1:20:17) not getting the attention then they’re not, you (1:20:19) know, they’re not going to keep it up. (1:20:21) Yeah, I really I really agree with you. (1:20:23) I think the expression is that pressure valve (1:20:26) release that doesn’t build up to the point where (1:20:29) something possibly more violent or something (1:20:31) more physical could happen.(1:20:33) Yeah. (1:20:34) Yeah. (1:20:35) All right.(1:20:36) So he was getting pressure. (1:20:37) I get that let’s hear from him what he said (1:20:40) about the government coming after him. (1:20:45) The interactions that that was just referring (1:20:48) to I mean a lot of this is documented.(1:20:50) I mean because you know, Jim Jordan and the (1:20:53) house had this whole investigation and committee (1:20:55) into into the the kind of government censorship (1:20:58) around stuff like this and we produced all these (1:20:59) documents and it’s all in the public domain. (1:21:01) I mean basically these people from the Biden (1:21:03) administration would call up our team and like (1:21:07) scream at them and curse and it’s like these (1:21:09) documents are it’s all kind of out there. (1:21:11) Did you record any of those phone calls? (1:21:13) I don’t know.(1:21:14) I don’t think I don’t think we were but but (1:21:16) I think I want to listen. (1:21:17) I mean their emails the emails are published. (1:21:19) It’s all it’s all kind of out there and and (1:21:22) they’re like and basically it just got to this (1:21:25) point where we were like, no, we’re not going (1:21:26) to we’re not going to take down things that (1:21:28) are true.(1:21:29) That’s ridiculous. (1:21:31) They want us to take down this meme of Leonardo (1:21:32) DiCaprio looking at a TV talking about how 10 (1:21:36) years from now or something, you know, you’re (1:21:38) going to see an ad that says, okay, if you took (1:21:41) a covid vaccine, you’re eligible, you know, like (1:21:44) for this kind of payment like sort of like class (1:21:47) action lawsuit type meme and they’re like, no, (1:21:50) you have to take that down. (1:21:51) We said no, we’re not going to take down humor (1:21:53) and satire.(1:21:54) We’re not going to take down things that are (1:21:55) that are true. (1:21:57) And then at some point, I guess I don’t flip (1:22:02) a bit. (1:22:02) I mean Biden when he was he gave some statement (1:22:05) at some point.(1:22:05) I don’t know if his press conference or to some (1:22:07) journalists were basically was like these guys (1:22:08) are killing people and and and I don’t know (1:22:14) then like all these different agencies and (1:22:17) branches of government basically just like (1:22:19) started investigating coming after our company. (1:22:21) It was it was brutal. (1:22:22) It was brutal.(1:22:25) Yeah. (1:22:26) Yeah. (1:22:27) So again, oh, we’re not going to take those down (1:22:30) proceeds to take them all.(1:22:31) I remember that meme. (1:22:34) Yeah, I remember the mean DiCaprio looking at (1:22:37) the TV and it was like you suffered. (1:22:41) He’s pointing and whistling.(1:22:43) Hello. (1:22:46) I remember that being taken down. (1:22:48) We didn’t do it.(1:22:48) Once again. (1:22:49) He said we didn’t do it and we did I don’t (1:22:52) know. (1:22:53) I don’t know man.(1:22:55) Yeah, but by saying it he’s rewriting it because (1:22:58) no one’s going to fact-check him but but you (1:23:00) know, we are so okay. (1:23:03) But the good part of this story is that a (1:23:06) DiCaprio meme was seen as a threat to our (1:23:09) government the largest Empire in the world and (1:23:12) they’re trying to take down your stupid memes. (1:23:15) That’s a white pill for me.(1:23:16) I don’t know about you. (1:23:17) I think that’s hilarious. (1:23:18) Yeah.(1:23:19) Well, what about the one with the make sure you (1:23:21) vote on Wednesday or whatever or is the one (1:23:23) where the one that somebody got actually put (1:23:26) in jail for yeah, like jail and the other and (1:23:29) there’s another one that’s the exact opposite (1:23:31) of it and not a thing not a peep and it’s (1:23:34) just like people that don’t remember somebody (1:23:36) put like a fake phone number and said you (1:23:38) can text to vote for Hillary blah blah blah (1:23:42) whatever they actually got jail time for that. (1:23:46) Ridiculous. (1:23:47) And there was a counter person who did vote (1:23:49) on another day or something with a different (1:23:50) number or whatever same thing and they didn’t (1:23:53) get anything.(1:23:55) I think that’s what’s actually still up that (1:23:57) person. (1:23:58) Probably. (1:23:59) Yeah, the important thing to remember though (1:24:02) memes can take out a tyrannical government (1:24:06) jet fuel does not melt steel memes.(1:24:09) What I love is infinite zeal his favorite is (1:24:13) the night. (1:24:14) That’s all got the thing in the slit and he’s (1:24:16) like corporate power government is the meme (1:24:19) is just an arrow right in the eye. (1:24:21) That’s exactly what the meme is said.(1:24:24) Yeah, so yeah, they’re talking about protecting (1:24:27) anything against vaccines, but it was not just (1:24:30) vaccines. (1:24:31) There’s more and Joe Rogan is about to tell us. (1:24:35) All this it’s like they suppressed so much (1:24:38) information about things that people should be (1:24:40) doing regardless of whether or not you believe (1:24:42) in the vaccine regardless put that aside (1:24:45) metabolic health is of the utmost importance in (1:24:48) your everyday life whether there’s a pandemic (1:24:50) or there’s not and there’s a lot of things that (1:24:53) you can do that can help you recover from illness.(1:24:56) It prevents illnesses. (1:24:58) It makes your body more robust and healthy. (1:25:00) It strengthens your immune system and they were (1:25:02) suppressing all that information and that’s (1:25:04) just crazy.(1:25:05) You can’t say you’re one of the good guys if (1:25:07) you’re suppressing information that would help (1:25:10) people recover from all kinds of diseases not (1:25:12) just covid the flu common cold all sorts of (1:25:16) different things high doses of vitamin C d3 (1:25:19) with K2 and magnesium. (1:25:20) They were suppressing this stuff because they (1:25:22) didn’t want people to think that you could get (1:25:24) away with not taking a vaccine which is really (1:25:27) crazy when you’re talking about something that (1:25:29) 99.07% of people survive. (1:25:33) This is a crazy overstep but scared the shit (1:25:38) out of a lot of people to red-pilled as it were (1:25:41) a lot of people because they realize like oh (1:25:44) 1984 is like an instruction manual.(1:25:46) It’s like this is it shows you how things can (1:25:49) go that way with wrong speak and with bizarre (1:25:52) distortion of facts and when it comes down to (1:25:55) it in today’s day and age the way people get (1:25:58) information is through your platform through (1:26:00) X. (1:26:02) This is how people are getting information. (1:26:03) They’re getting information from YouTube to (1:26:04) getting information from a bunch of different (1:26:06) sources now and you can’t censor that if it’s (1:26:10) real legitimate information because it’s not (1:26:12) ideologically convenient for you. (1:26:20) I’m muted again.(1:26:22) He nailed it. (1:26:24) It was crazy man. (1:26:26) They were just like no don’t exercise.(1:26:28) No, don’t take vitamin D. (1:26:30) That’s going to kill you. (1:26:32) Don’t take ivermectin even though it’s a human (1:26:34) medicine that has been around for years and (1:26:36) years and you basically can’t overdose on it. (1:26:41) Like what the hell man? (1:26:44) I’m still this is still bringing back some trauma (1:26:46) for me.(1:26:49) Yeah, so I am type 2 diabetic. (1:26:53) So when I when COVID happened, I just got back (1:26:56) from Belize. (1:26:57) I want a trip with work.(1:26:58) It was really kind of them to select me for this (1:27:00) trip or something. (1:27:01) We come back. (1:27:02) We go to Vegas.(1:27:03) The strip shut down. (1:27:05) It’s like the 16th of March something like that (1:27:07) 19th 20th of March and I think they shut down (1:27:09) Vegas. (1:27:10) We head back and we’re listening to this weird (1:27:12) radio program on the way drive home and I start (1:27:15) researching right away.(1:27:16) I listen to April. (1:27:17) I listen to Brett Weinstein talk about the (1:27:18) cleavage site in the email and right off the (1:27:20) bat. (1:27:20) I’m like something’s up here.(1:27:22) What can I do for me to start like what do you (1:27:26) do? (1:27:26) It’s like vitamin C vitamin D supplement get my (1:27:29) blood sugars. (1:27:30) They said oh people with diabetes or seem to be (1:27:32) really in trouble. (1:27:32) Well, I’m diabetic.(1:27:33) Let me make it sure get my blood sugars. (1:27:35) I took care all that stuff lost some weight, you (1:27:38) know a little bit of weight not not the majority (1:27:40) of it, but I’d already done that. (1:27:41) But really got my blood sugars in in in tow and (1:27:44) I got it twice and I and I breezed through it (1:27:47) twice.(1:27:47) I did not stop work one bit now. (1:27:49) That’s not to belittle the disease the disease (1:27:51) affected everybody differently and I just had an (1:27:54) illness last week where I was like literally (1:27:56) horrible. (1:27:57) I was gone.(1:27:57) I literally disappeared for a day. (1:27:59) It just happens but I supplemented and I took (1:28:03) care of the things I could control and I know (1:28:05) it’s because of those things that I took control (1:28:07) of that. (1:28:08) I was able to get through the way I did.(1:28:11) Yeah, it’s a good point. (1:28:12) You’re right. (1:28:13) We don’t we still don’t know exactly why it hit (1:28:15) certain people certain ways.(1:28:17) We don’t know. (1:28:18) I can’t say for sure that ivermectin helps. (1:28:21) I can’t say for sure that vitamin D does anything (1:28:23) but it’s been common knowledge that it does (1:28:27) your immune system.(1:28:28) Right, right. (1:28:29) Absolutely. (1:28:30) And and even with ivermectin these people had (1:28:33) it for River blindness.(1:28:34) It literally the side effect is a mild headache. (1:28:36) It’s like less than like a Viagra headache. (1:28:39) Yeah.(1:28:39) So when you talk risk reward what where’s your (1:28:43) risk for that where this experimental thing in (1:28:48) a administered in a way that’s never been (1:28:50) administered before in mass without any testing (1:28:54) or any kind of actual research on bodies and (1:28:58) any of that data ignored right hundred percent (1:29:00) effective, right? (1:29:02) What what that’s what we trusted not vitamin D (1:29:06) which we’ve always taken or like water or you (1:29:10) know, God forbid like weight loss and you know, (1:29:14) but at metabolic rate just to Joe Rogan’s point (1:29:16) stay outside fresh air all that stuff. (1:29:19) It’s still just blows my mind that people that (1:29:22) anyone bought into this like how I know people (1:29:26) are easily tricked right but you didn’t ask questions (1:29:30) like did this make sense to you putting your (1:29:32) mask on for 10 seconds while you walk to a (1:29:35) table in a restaurant and then you’re fine to (1:29:37) take it off. (1:29:38) No problem.(1:29:38) Like really that that seems normal to you that (1:29:41) seems smart like what the hell. (1:29:45) Right and like once again, once again, when (1:29:49) talking about how the vaccine you have to mask (1:29:52) and you’re like dude stop stop with these in (1:29:56) these influencers like and that’s the thing like (1:29:58) the view who watches that show real like it (1:30:03) actually still has relevance anybody who watches (1:30:06) that show for information should really evaluate (1:30:11) their life because it might be entertaining. (1:30:15) I’ll give you energy.(1:30:16) I’ll even I’ll even see that it’s entertaining. (1:30:19) But it’s not informative. (1:30:22) Yeah.(1:30:23) Well, I got a couple more clips here and then (1:30:26) we’ll wrap it up. (1:30:27) But let’s keep going. (1:30:29) I’m at this point.(1:30:30) I think I think a lot of people look at this (1:30:32) as like a purely political thing, you know, it’s (1:30:34) because they they kind of look at the timing and (1:30:36) they’re like, hey, well you’re doing this right (1:30:37) after the election. (1:30:38) It’s like, okay. (1:30:38) I try not to like change our content rules like (1:30:40) right in the middle of an election either, right? (1:30:42) It’s like there’s not like a great time to do (1:30:43) this.(1:30:44) It’s right, you know, and you want to do it a (1:30:46) year later. (1:30:46) Yeah. (1:30:47) It’s like there’s no good time to do it, you (1:30:48) know, and whatever time is going on there’s going (1:30:50) to be, you know, so the good thing about doing (1:30:53) it after the election is you get to take this (1:30:55) kind of cultural pulse is like, okay, where are (1:30:57) people right now and how are people thinking (1:30:59) about it? (1:30:59) We try to have policies that reflect, you know, (1:31:02) mainstream discourse, but yeah, I mean, I don’t (1:31:06) know.(1:31:06) This is something I’ve been thinking about for (1:31:07) a while. (1:31:08) I think that this is going to be pretty durable (1:31:10) because at this point we’ve just been pressure (1:31:13) tested on this stuff for like the last eight to (1:31:15) ten years with like these huge institutions just (1:31:18) pressuring us and and I feel like this is kind (1:31:23) of the right place to be going forward and you (1:31:27) gave in you got pressure tested and you failed. (1:31:31) I mean, yes.(1:31:32) You can learn from mistakes, right? (1:31:34) But why not learn on the fly? (1:31:36) He’s, you know, he’s addressing the claim that we (1:31:39) were talking about that. (1:31:40) Why do this now? (1:31:41) It doesn’t, you know, after the election after (1:31:44) your guy lost. (1:31:46) You have to wait until while you were suppressing (1:31:49) the voices against them in this election, right? (1:31:53) Yeah.(1:31:53) Are you just giving up? (1:31:54) Are you trying to suck up to the new administration? (1:31:57) What’s going on here? (1:31:58) There’s a lot of questions unanswered. (1:32:03) Yeah, that’s what it is. (1:32:04) And and and it’s it’s a business and I if the (1:32:07) guy would just be like, I’m a businessman.(1:32:10) I follow the way it goes. (1:32:12) If the government tells me to do something, I’m (1:32:14) kind of beholden to them a lot of ways like that’s (1:32:18) at least honest. (1:32:19) Yeah, and I know now everybody knows that the (1:32:23) plane how that the plane feels rigged and you (1:32:25) still choose to play on it, but you know, okay.(1:32:28) Okay, but like him to be like we push back and (1:32:31) then you didn’t. (1:32:32) Will we push back on this? (1:32:33) No, no, you didn’t. (1:32:35) They’re just lies.(1:32:36) It’s like be just be culpable and you get grace. (1:32:39) I don’t yeah, it’s weird. (1:32:41) I don’t I don’t get it.(1:32:43) Yeah, there’s still no no apology, no taking (1:32:47) ownership. (1:32:48) It’s just like well the government made me and (1:32:50) then the third party fact-checkers did that and (1:32:53) I’m sure the thing in the middle I wanted to (1:32:55) address. (1:32:56) He said we’re taking the pulse of the mainstream (1:32:59) discourse.(1:33:00) I’m just like dude. (1:33:01) Don’t don’t do that. (1:33:03) People are stupid.(1:33:05) Why would you do that? (1:33:06) And you lost the election. (1:33:07) He’s he’s full of shit. (1:33:10) Yeah, he means is the the popular guy who like (1:33:14) is just better of a candidate than the other (1:33:17) one one and we picked the wrong horse and now (1:33:20) we’re backtracking.(1:33:22) That’s pretty honest. (1:33:25) All right, one last clip. (1:33:26) Here we go.(1:33:29) It’s tough to be at the other end of that. (1:33:30) What was it like? (1:33:32) Well, it’s not good. (1:33:33) I think the thing that I think is actually the (1:33:36) toughest though is it’s it’s global, right? (1:33:39) So in really when you think about it, the US (1:33:42) government should be defending its companies (1:33:45) right not be the tip of the spear attacking its (1:33:47) company.(1:33:47) So when we so we talk about a lot. (1:33:50) Okay. (1:33:50) What is the experience of? (1:33:53) Okay, if the US government comes after you, I (1:33:55) think the real issue is that when the US government (1:33:58) does that to its tech industry, it’s basically (1:34:01) just open season around the rest of the world.(1:34:05) Yeah. (1:34:05) I mean, he’s right. (1:34:07) Sounds like he’s putting some piece together a (1:34:11) little piece of the puzzles coming into place, (1:34:13) right? (1:34:14) The government should not be attacking its own (1:34:16) companies.(1:34:18) But this is what they’ve been doing for decades (1:34:21) man. (1:34:21) This is not new. (1:34:22) It’s a pretty naive thing to say in my opinion.(1:34:26) I think it’s the effect of the Rogan long (1:34:29) interview weak spot, but yeah, it’s you know, (1:34:33) what I mean? (1:34:34) Like once again, he says some stuff that he said (1:34:36) in between the lines that you’re like, oh that (1:34:39) that was truth. (1:34:41) And I think he knew and I think this whole time (1:34:43) he’s trying to fake that. (1:34:44) He’s like we we just this way when and we you (1:34:48) know, we push back and and now he goes and (1:34:51) says this and it’s like yeah, you just admitted (1:34:55) it again.(1:34:56) It’s okay, but just admit it like just admit (1:34:59) it. (1:34:59) That’s all we’re asking for. (1:35:00) We’re not I once again, like we’re crazy people (1:35:03) what we’re pretty forgiving people because like (1:35:06) I think none of us made mistakes that be silly.(1:35:10) Sure. (1:35:10) I yeah, I think about what I would do in that (1:35:12) situation the FBI the CIA come lurking around. (1:35:16) I’m not going to feel comfortable just telling (1:35:18) them to F off, you know, and I’ve got a (1:35:22) multi-billion dollar business to take care of.(1:35:25) If I screw around too much people are losing (1:35:28) their jobs companies shut down and what I mean, (1:35:32) that’s not an easy position to be in for sure. (1:35:36) Yeah, and I I’m I mean he wants to survive (1:35:41) to of course. (1:35:43) Yeah, he is he wants to survive.(1:35:45) So you do what you do. (1:35:47) It’s really it’s hard though because like we (1:35:49) look back at these moments in history and let’s (1:35:53) use the Sam Harris thing if Kamala one what’s (1:35:57) he is he getting on Rogan to is he getting on (1:35:59) Rogan this week? (1:36:01) I don’t see that happening. (1:36:04) Does he don’t think so release that thing about (1:36:06) being a libertarian? (1:36:07) No, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars of (1:36:11) his own money to get by an elected in 2020.(1:36:14) So yeah, I don’t and Elon’s not the answer. (1:36:19) No one is the answer. (1:36:21) Okay, but but we can argue that Elon got put (1:36:27) under a global scrutiny so much differently than (1:36:30) Zuckerberg Dave to think that Zuckerberg didn’t (1:36:33) cave in Brazil and Germany and UK and all this (1:36:37) other shit and in addition not I hope please (1:36:41) fact-check me.(1:36:42) I do need a fact-checker on this my understanding (1:36:44) was they helped foil the spot the plot with the (1:36:47) 12 of 15 Gretchen Whitmer people the hijackers (1:36:51) because they connected them the Facebook group (1:36:54) suggested each other to get them connected and (1:36:58) guess what 12 of the 15 were CIA FBI agents or (1:37:01) whatever. (1:37:02) So what the fuck does that tell you who’s infiltrated (1:37:04) Facebook like duh? (1:37:08) Duh like no, these are the things that I put (1:37:13) together and I maybe that I’m crazy for doing (1:37:15) that but it’s like they’re all connected. (1:37:18) He just tells me that he’s not in with the (1:37:20) government, but they are the ones who connected (1:37:22) the people to start that plot and that’s how (1:37:24) they foiled it.(1:37:25) It’s good through Facebook. (1:37:26) Remember Zuckerberg gave up some documentation (1:37:27) or something. (1:37:28) It’s because they that was suggested connections.(1:37:31) Gee, I wonder who triggered those to connect. (1:37:33) Hey Zuckerberg make sure that you get this moron (1:37:37) that we can convince to hijack kidnap the (1:37:39) president the the you know, the the governor (1:37:43) come on make a bomb and make a cell phone like (1:37:46) how many entrapment cases have they made to (1:37:50) justify their budget and then I got to say (1:37:54) Tulsi just saying this thing about 702 and (1:37:57) starting to be in like backing up on backing (1:37:59) on her stance on it already. (1:38:02) I don’t what happened there.(1:38:04) I missed that. (1:38:05) So this week Tulsi is basically going. (1:38:09) Yes 702.(1:38:10) I can work with 702. (1:38:12) With the Pfizer 702 surveillance. (1:38:15) She was vehemently against that during the (1:38:18) campaign and now that she’s coming up against (1:38:21) the the whatever the appointment.(1:38:24) So there are people say if she doesn’t I will (1:38:27) not vote her so to get the job she has to do (1:38:31) this and it’s like well doesn’t that kind of (1:38:33) defeat the purpose of this whole thing like (1:38:35) this is the one thing we should stop the one (1:38:38) thing we should stop is our government in our (1:38:40) business. (1:38:41) That’s it and and it’s done nothing but causes (1:38:45) heartache. (1:38:46) It’s had never a single benefit and it creates (1:38:50) stupid people actual little mentally challenged (1:38:53) individuals gets them entrapped into the things (1:38:56) that they get outside of their head over because (1:38:58) the FBI can manipulate them.(1:39:00) I’ve seen it. (1:39:00) How many plots have we seen that they foiled (1:39:03) that they created and then some get through. (1:39:06) Oh the Boston bombing may have been just (1:39:09) oversight that they didn’t catch it when they (1:39:11) help the guy fucking set it up to begin with (1:39:14) right like okay say the line FBI he was on (1:39:19) our radar anyway.(1:39:22) All right. (1:39:23) Yeah, I’m crazy. (1:39:25) You’re right man.(1:39:26) I think that’s a good lesson to take from this (1:39:27) we can cut maybe him a little slack especially (1:39:31) after seeing what Elon has gone through to come (1:39:35) out and say yeah, okay. (1:39:36) I’m kind of getting on board with some of that (1:39:38) stuff. (1:39:39) Not that Elon’s great on everything but to see (1:39:42) that pressure that they put on him and then still (1:39:45) come out and say this it took something, you (1:39:48) know, it’s like we said it’s way too late.(1:39:51) He definitely caved in way too much, but maybe (1:39:54) it’s a good start. (1:39:55) So if a good thing happens, I will take it (1:39:59) seems like it’s a positive step. (1:40:01) Although who knows what will happen in reality.(1:40:04) We will see. (1:40:05) Yeah, I think and I think the actions are going (1:40:08) to matter because like I said, my girlfriend’s (1:40:11) education literature is plastered with the Zuckerberg (1:40:14) Foundation, right? (1:40:15) Like Bill Gates comes out and does the same time (1:40:17) if he gets on Rogan imagine if Bill Gates gets (1:40:19) on Rogan, right? (1:40:20) Let’s use the same scenario. (1:40:22) He just yeah, exactly.(1:40:24) Imagine he’s right and then no, but like imagine (1:40:26) he goes on Rogan and he kind of cop to the (1:40:29) same same white bread interview like yeah, I pushed (1:40:32) back but you didn’t blah blah blah. (1:40:35) We’re not giving him a pass because we know what (1:40:37) he’s doing. (1:40:37) We know that his actions are evil.(1:40:39) So like right now all this does is compel me (1:40:42) to look at what Zuckerberg’s doing to see if (1:40:45) his words really matter. (1:40:47) That’s really all this is compelling me to do is (1:40:49) to dig deeper to be honest, but most people don’t (1:40:52) have that luxury. (1:40:54) That’s that’s just it.(1:40:56) We’ll see what your actions tell us in the future. (1:40:59) Well, buddy, I think that’s a good place to wrap (1:41:02) up anything else you want to say before we sign (1:41:04) out here. (1:41:05) No, I just want to thank you for doing this (1:41:07) collaboration, man.(1:41:08) I’m hoping we can do it next Thursday, but we’ll (1:41:10) talk about it. (1:41:11) But everybody I it’s just been a crazy week for (1:41:15) me. (1:41:15) I share it but this is my 12th podcast in 14 (1:41:19) days.(1:41:20) I also have a full-time job and a full-time (1:41:23) relationship. (1:41:23) I have my nieces visiting for 10 days like it (1:41:27) was crazy. (1:41:28) I have talked to so many minds this week and (1:41:32) my head is just mush.(1:41:34) So I’m just grateful for any minute that anyone (1:41:37) has spent sharing the time that we think that (1:41:40) we find this interesting and we think it’s (1:41:42) important. (1:41:43) So just that you’re sharing your time with us (1:41:45) and that you decide to do this with me Jason. (1:41:47) I’m just grateful.(1:41:48) So thank you for letting me do this man. (1:41:51) Amen, brother back at you very grateful. (1:41:53) Thank you for the time.(1:41:54) Thanks everybody for watching Consciously Unmasked. (1:41:57) We’ll see you soon. (1:41:59) I got the pee tape on Monday.

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