Chris and Mark put on the foil (hats) and discuss a few conspiracy theories.
Music (intro and outro): “Cantina Blues” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
(0:00) Kapla! (0:09) Take me to your leader (0:16) Hello and welcome to Knocked Conscious (0:20) Episode 4. That’s Quatro with a 4. Quatro with an F, I think. Yes (0:27) Admiral Conspiracy? (0:28) Good afternoon to you, sir. Oh private first-class seaman of the (0:34) Knobby Skull Syndrome.The thing is why I have a tinfoil condom. Yes, instead of a tinfoil hat. (0:40) Looks like some bulbouses on your dome.(0:43) Well, speaking of. Yes. Today’s conspiracy day my friend.It is. (0:48) Conspiracy day. I’m excited.We’re gonna have a conversation about conspiracy. Very happy to be here. (0:52) I am more happy that you’re here because this is the first time you’ve crossed over.Whoa. (0:58) What’s that thing where you go on different things and you… A crossover. A crossover.Yeah, sure. (1:03) Crossover episode. Not a cross fit, a crossover.(1:06) Nothing about me says cross. Well, everything says cross. Nothing says fit.Sure. But (1:12) So we’re wearing these in in honor of that. And yours is a certain way because of some brave lengths? (1:18) I learned I learned that the shiny part (1:21) Must be on the inside and the dull on the out.Shiny in (1:26) dull out (1:27) Apparently it protects me. It protects my brainwaves from getting out even past that first layer. (1:32) To where? Where would they escape? They.To them. Them? (1:37) It’s always them. Whenever it comes to a conspiracy, it’s us and them, right? Who’s them? (1:42) Them.Them is a lot of motherfucking people. Okay. Them is a lot of people.(1:47) But we’re gonna talk about just a couple of them though. Okay. Because I think they branch out into like (1:52) So many other ones.Everything else. Yeah. All the thems.Yeah. (1:56) So I think with the first one we’re gonna talk about two. The first one is an operation called Operation Northwoods.(2:02) It actually never took place but was really close. And the second one is actually about (2:10) Flight 103, the Lockerbie Scotland bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. What year was that? 91 or 89? 88.88. (2:18) We’re gonna talk about those two and obviously we’re gonna go in a million different directions, but I hope you enjoy this. (2:24) Welcome to Knocked Conscious.(2:26) Put on your tinfoil hats with us and get ready to rumble. So sir. Yes.Northwoods. Yes, sir. (2:32) We talked about that one and you never heard of it before I mentioned it, is that correct? I never heard of it till (2:37) 10 days ago, maybe two weeks.Okay, and I never heard of it until I heard of it. (2:42) So it’s not like I walked in knowing, you know what I mean? Just to be clear. It’s not like I’m like, look at me.(2:47) I know you don’t. But anyway. I would never say that about you.(2:50) I know, but I just in case I can be perceived sometimes as that. A know-it-all? (2:57) Yeah, and I don’t think you are a know-it-all. I think you would.I think I’m a know-it-all. I’m not a know-it-all. (3:06) Do you ever wonder why you wonder? (3:09) You, you wonder, you, (3:11) Wanda, Wanda? (3:14) Sure.Fish call Wanda. So I didn’t know about (3:18) North, Operation Northwoods until (3:21) very recently and then I read a lot about it and (3:23) When I mentioned that to you, yes, sir. Do you remember the initial conversation about it or anything? (3:29) I said to you like hey, did you ever hear about this thing? And I kind of outlined it a little bit.Yes. (3:35) How, what was your thought? I was (3:38) surprised (3:39) because I mean I had heard of the Bay of Pigs and obviously the Cuban Missile Crisis and Kennedy and you know, (3:45) And I’m a history guy like it’s very interesting geography interests me and in history interests me so I (3:53) think I know a (3:56) Significant amount about those two things so (3:59) The fact that I knew nothing about it the fact that I had never even heard the term before I was surprised by that (4:05) Yeah, so does that answer your question? Yes. Okay.Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, so even hearing that (4:11) So, what did you learn in your research kind of outline it for the sure for the audience sure I learned 1962 (4:19) American government American military all the way up to the most high general (4:26) Four-star general head of the Joint Chief of Staffs.I think it was called something different than it’s (4:31) They renamed it Joint Chief of Staffs, but it was called something different than the head guy the head military guy (4:37) Four-star army general it was operation mongoose or something off. It was like a tail end off of that (4:42) I think is what they said and it said months after the launch of operation mongoose. Sure (4:47) Maybe maybe that was it.But whatever it takes so to 20 (4:51) It was a proposal by the highest military officer in the American (4:57) military (4:59) to (5:02) Attack US (5:04) Forces ships and aircraft in and around Cuba (5:09) with US (5:11) forces disguised as Cuban forces (5:15) Then blamed Cuba for this so that we could invade Cuba (5:21) Did I get all that right? Yes (5:25) Seem (5:28) Fantastical and fuck (5:32) And if I may add on to that really I think I think they mentioned possibly remote flying a commercial jetliner and (5:40) Crashing it and blaming it on the Cubans as well. I didn’t I didn’t read that that was part of one as well (5:45) from my understanding (5:47) You can all look it up and we’ll put a couple links up about operation Northwood’s (5:51) But that was another one because that one then leads into Oh remote flying back in (5:57) 1962 (5:57) To and (5:59) Huh? (6:00) 2001 (6:01) That’s like 40 39 years later. I wonder if they could they could do that, but you know, I’m not connecting anything.There’s no dots (6:09) Just no connecting. We’re not allowed to make jumps like leaves to come. It’s a jump to conclusions, man (6:19) You jump (6:20) To a conclusion (6:25) Anyway, so yes, please continue about that.So basically it was (6:31) Us doing things to ourselves blaming it on another country so we can invade and you justify it (6:38) justification of a (6:41) Military invasion of Cuba. Yeah, and I read that they were gonna disguise (6:46) mig like aircraft (6:48) As well as have some other (6:52) Communist activities in Miami and Washington and other (6:56) Florida cities, which is just so (7:00) outlandish, yeah, it’s (7:03) Really really really I think it’s really creative. Oh (7:08) Sure, like well, it’s it’s movie creative like movie script creative (7:15) mission impossible 18 (7:18) Tom Cruise was spot or I’m sorry.I’ve come with spies. Sure. Just like days of thunders top gun with the cars, but different (7:26) But the same right? (7:29) But yes (7:31) So yeah mission impossible 18 and that sounds like a movie script (7:35) but the thing that really gets me is I (7:39) Believe it was on the president’s desk.It did make it to the president’s desk (7:44) Kick, mr. Kennedy that (7:48) is (7:50) baffling that it met every check and balance that (7:54) we have in our (7:56) pretty (7:57) Check and balance II slow-moving kind of government. I mean, it’s designed that way (8:01) Well, there was less checks and balances in 62 (8:05) True, I mean probably there was probably just what a Secretary of State. I don’t want to speak (8:11) Defense right? I mean a couple wasn’t all the cabinet positions for sure (8:14) I’m sure I mean ever every single day.There’s more bureaucracy being added (8:20) That’s true at every level in every department of everywhere, right? (8:24) Yeah, so I’m sure now it’s significantly more horrible than it’s ever been and it’s just gonna get worse (8:29) So then I’m thinking it’s gonna be less but still this seems like a crazy. It seems like a story (8:35) Yeah, and 62 really launched. I mean that was the pivotal point of that.We wanted to stop the spread of communism (8:43) Yes, so we hadn’t even done Vietnam yet, I don’t believe right we started in 63 60, right (8:48) So that fighting France was still in Vietnam at that point. Absolutely point, right? Yeah (8:53) so there was a lot of stuff going on specifically that seemed to have that shift of power of (8:58) communism versus (9:00) Capitalism or democracy democracy. Yes our way of life and all that stuff.So that was a really interesting thing (9:05) But that it made to the president’s desk (9:08) Correct (9:10) That is scary AF right? I mean that’s fuck. Yeah. Okay.I said fuck earlier. So I didn’t want to yeah redundant (9:18) Oh my god, this is making my head sweat, bro, bro. You can you can remove your brainwaves are protected (9:23) I’m gonna I’m going the full I’m gonna do it (9:27) You do you man? Okay.I’m just saying I’m committing to this. You have some boldnesses. I do it’s a oh (9:34) It’s a little yeah, it’s a little bit I like it shout out to my girlfriend the mags Meg’s II (9:43) You’re welcome.She did it. Yes. Thank you for that, you know, by the way (9:47) so this this operation like spread into (9:52) military and basically like I almost like (9:56) Creating accidents or events to blame on others.It seems like a lot of things happen around the world (10:05) That we look for a scapegoat or some kind of right. We need someone to pay for it, right? Well, hang on so (10:13) President Kennedy (10:15) Said no (10:17) Correct. Yes.He thank fucking goodness. Yes. So according to all of our reading that he (10:25) Declined or what? He did not he did not sign it.Obviously all was he just I think he just did not food (10:31) Right, he just didn’t do it which also I read that that continued a (10:37) Poor relationship that he already had with the military and that let that (10:43) Bay of Pigs like I mentioned in the Russian missile crisis that Cuban Missile Crisis (10:47) Yeah (10:47) so those those things it was already a tumultuous relationship that the president had with the military during those short years that he was (10:55) In the office, huh? And then he was assassinated (10:58) So by one guy (11:01) Supposedly with a rifle (11:03) in Dallas (11:07) But that’s not the conspiracy that we’re talking about no, we’re not I’m just I’m okay with a tangent (11:12) Well, it’s more of a continuation right? Cuz like let’s be honest. Well, your point is (11:17) He doesn’t sign this accord or this thing initiative document (11:21) Okay, he doesn’t give the go ahead hand it to him by the general by them by the top guy. Yes, sir (11:26) He does not do it.He’s already in conflict and (11:29) He dies of a gunshot wound. Yes (11:34) It just (11:35) You know, you think that’s too ironic, but just see (11:38) No, it’s no Alanis. No, it’s not ironic.I mean, do you think it’s too coincidental? It’s (11:45) Correlative but not causation. No, I (11:48) Could connect a dot to that possibly do you want to delve into that? No, I don’t want to go too much further (11:53) I just wanted to kind of skirt on it though (11:55) But it’s interesting that that that kind of chain of events happen right and that’s a conspiracy theory in its own (12:00) Yeah, you know Lee and then and then we look about what Operation North North was had in it (12:06) About remotely flying an air a jet airliner and we actually had an an incident (12:12) that included (12:13) Four of them. So you’re saying that 9-eleven had that were remotely piloted (12:21) I’ve never heard of that.I’m not I’m not saying that I’m just curious now that (12:25) They had remote flying technology back in 62. There are questions around 9-eleven. I had never heard that theory before ever (12:34) so (12:36) but (12:37) But using a jet airliner as a weapon as a weapon (12:42) Not the remote part, but it could be okay.We don’t know about the Pentagon one (12:46) We don’t have the only one that you have voices over the flight 93, right when they took over when they refought (12:52) Yes, the other ones didn’t have anything. The other two didn’t have anything. I don’t think no recordings (12:58) Not that I know right like no like oh my god, right in New York (13:01) I don’t think anyone had a recording.The only one is on flight 93 (13:05) I think somebody called somebody here. There was something like that, right? (13:08) Cuz there’s a movie about it. We’re gonna take down the flight, right? (13:11) It’s gonna be the last time I talk to I love you (13:12) Could have been that we can meet people but their thoughts that that was shot down as well (13:16) They you know, they don’t know right so or they know but we’re not being told.Yeah, they know not being told (13:23) But we don’t know. We’re not a hundred percent sure but we see that something like this could have happened 1962 and (13:30) That’s what a long time ago 58 years ago. Yeah, so now we’re like it could do it back then (13:38) Holy fuck what’s our capabilities now? Oh, it’s so every decision that the government makes to me (13:45) Almost is like what’s their angle? I love your hat so much.Thanks, bro. I love you, man (13:52) You’re the best so (13:53) Every decision the government makes what it’s questionable. Yeah, it’s like what’s in it for you or what? (13:59) What’s your angle? Like it’s almost everything’s like an angle to me now (14:04) And I don’t see it at face value like 90% of people do to like move forward how do you better position (14:12) The government going forward not what’s best for the people.That’s what you’re saying (14:16) Well, what I’m saying is every time I see something the government does I suspect some kind of shady shit (14:24) so (14:25) Something we you know, it’s not a conspiracy theory or whatever that we were gonna talk about specifically, but (14:32) There’s (14:33) You know that you talked about the made in America one with the pilot for the CIA running drugs or whatever (14:39) And then we talked about how the United States went in Afghanistan (14:43) right and since since the United States (14:46) Involvement in Afghanistan military. Remember the opium. Yeah, I had a conversation offline about yeah, we had it offline about yes (14:53) But yes, but having that conversation offline about how that grew so it’s like everything we do (14:59) Okay, so we have an angle start over fuck it up (15:02) so (15:03) Opioids.Oh my Afghanistan, right? My whole my whole point is (15:09) I’ll get back to that. Okay, but my whole point about it is every decision made why we do things (15:14) Why are you the military does what it does why we’re instructed to this that or the other is like, uh, what’s the angle not? (15:21) Oh, I think that’s a good idea. Like I I had double question all of it and some of it (15:25) I probably is just normal, but I focus so much on the conspiracy sides (15:31) If that makes sense, it makes sense.Yeah, so why don’t we do that man? (15:36) Should I get a couch? (15:37) We all need a couch (15:39) Maybe your hat’s on too tight. Oh, no, it’s pretty loose man comes right off. All right on my brain (15:45) Mm-hmm.I did that in the last one too. So yes, you can sing that song every time (15:51) Spaceballs the only allowed absolutely fucking the best the best scene in any movie. That’s not true (15:56) What’s the best scene in the movie the cantina scene from Star Wars? (16:00) See you welcome (16:03) You’ll be dead (16:06) So back so back to Northwoods that expounds on so many things we were gonna talk about right like (16:13) Do these I mean we were almost capable of (16:17) Hurting ourselves and for the better good.Okay, that’s what so let’s let’s back up a second. Okay, so (16:26) Objectively speaking, let’s think let’s put ourselves in the shoes of this general guy, okay (16:33) was (16:34) He doing that with the best of intentions (16:39) did (16:41) Was he worried that Cuba was a a real threat to the United States? Yes (16:48) Why did they have well it rushes backing they right they were on our hemisphere or well not (16:54) Yeah, Eastern Western not they were in the Western Hemisphere, right? They’re communist, right? They they could have (17:01) Anything could have proximity to the United States was an immediate 90 miles away. So they were trying to provoke (17:09) Cuba into starting something so that we could wipe them off the face of the map.It sounds like right (17:15) I think it was we were provoking ourselves. We’re faking it. Yes, we (17:20) generated (17:21) Events in the world would have generated events to pull us into this thing.Why wouldn’t (17:27) It sounds like we would do that that he would want to do that or that the the military would want to do that (17:36) to get the American people behind (17:39) the decision as well as (17:42) The the Russians would back off a little like oh, wow. Look what the Cubans did like they were they went rogue (17:50) Right instead of the Americans just saying eff it. Let’s just let’s just blow them away, right which we could have done (17:58) And I think but I I think step I don’t I think blowing them away would have been a challenge with the Soviets, right? (18:06) That’s my point.We would we would have created why America? (18:11) Rarely is the initial aggressor (18:15) We are true never make it look like we are (18:20) Yeah, what I find interesting is everything we’ve fixed we’ve created the other problem, right? (18:25) Like Iran Contra puts Hussein in power for the most part (18:31) Manuel Noriega is put in power within Panama if I don’t if I’m not mistaken (18:36) We got Castro to get I mean we made all these people dictators (18:43) We made we (18:46) Gave people some pretty absolute powers. Did we put (18:50) Qaddafi in power (18:53) There’s there’s no Qaddafi had been there since well (18:55) I can’t say that we did or didn’t but he was there since like 69 (18:58) So it was like 42 years and he was right before 69. How did he get? (19:04) Yeah, I I don’t know enough about that.I you know what? (19:07) I’m happy to research and I’m happy to talk about that another day because I think Libya (19:10) Well, that one’s gonna be important, right but I was curious (19:14) It’s a good question because just like you said (19:17) Hussein and there’s all these other people that America has the best intentions like hell (19:21) Hey, yeah, if we do this with this government, which we’re always meddling and I don’t know I don’t agree with that (19:26) Well, that’s the thing is we proactively metal thinking we’re solving a problem or preventing a problem. We create ten other ones (19:33) Yeah, we don’t even think that we would see when it seems obvious we should I (19:38) I could not agree more. So that’s a really that’s the United States has (19:43) historically done that (19:44) For sure since got in their hands, you know (19:47) And look to the world the world’s look to us to solve everything to don’t get us wrong (19:52) Right, how many times they said come help us with Somalia or help it? I’ll jump in Bosnia-Herzegovina (19:58) Yeah, not that we shouldn’t right not that we shouldn’t that is not the point, right? (20:03) Clean come on like the whole point of Team America is like it’s a joke (20:07) But it’s kind of a joke because it’s true world police the world police like that (20:11) They you know NATO and the UN is not the fucking world police.Let’s they they use our (20:19) Military military they use all the country’s militaries to provide that so it is still the military of the United States (20:24) We’re asked to go into so many things to help so many things because we’re looked at as number one (20:28) Which is like what we want, but that’s also the burden that comes with of course number one. Yeah, so I (20:35) understand we’re putting some pretty (20:38) weird positions, but as you and I talked offline is like (20:42) To what end right? Like what bad can we do? (20:47) To preserve what we currently have like our way of life and whatever we’ve done bad things to preserve that (20:54) In our history, of course (20:57) But is does you know does the juice (21:00) Is the juice worth the squeeze like is it is it right to do? (21:04) Because of the bigger picture that we are doing right or doing good (21:07) Right because it’s the guys of doing good right because isn’t that a subjective even to some extent good (21:13) What one person think is good may not be good to someone else. There’s probably been (21:23) Tens of thousands of those examples since (21:29) 1850 (21:31) In the American just in American history alone, I mean, I don’t know I’m guessing I have no idea just expansion into the West (21:38) Well, yeah, I mean, I’m sorry like we (21:42) fucking (21:44) Destroyed.Yeah, the Native American cultures. Yeah, but we do that. I mean the British did that in India and Bangladesh and (21:52) But they didn’t destroy the cold (21:54) I mean India still was in it (21:56) They just kind of ran it but India had people like how many Native Americans were left.That’s true (22:01) We saw watered and then we gave him a handful gave him fucking shitty land. Like it’s not like (22:08) Britain oversaw India, but it wasn’t like that. It wasn’t like India to or wasn’t Britain to (22:14) You know, I mean, it wasn’t like Britain land me.There’s some there’s some (22:18) Serious if you talk to people conflict or Bangladesh there they hate (22:24) British people. Yeah, they didn’t it wasn’t like no (22:27) Yeah, like they ruled the Iron Fist, right, but that was like us occupying Iraq, right? (22:33) I mean, it’s a it’s an occupying force more than it is like killed a lot of people from those country (22:39) Oh, absolutely. They killed the men or they made the men (22:43) Farm the fields and they said no, you can’t plant this anymore.You got to plant this (22:47) So but those are exact the French did that the Portuguese did that the Spanish did that all over, you know since the dawn of? (22:55) civilization imperialism (22:57) Hey, let’s make our way (22:58) Colonization (23:02) Yes, and imperial imperialism. I think was the other one. Okay, great.Yeah. Yeah, sure (23:07) so anyway, so that we’re capable of all that stuff is but that’s I (23:11) Mean I want to say that’s human nature, but it’s (23:15) Is it to want to let’s just take Spain and the way they sailed to South America? (23:23) To colonize the whatever. Yeah, is that really human nature to do that? (23:29) Yeah, I mean it’s greed.It’s human nature to want to procreate (23:33) And we’ll survive that’s human nature, but to sail to another land (23:39) Right, that’s it’s not chimp nature. No, it’s human nature (23:43) And I’m gonna say there is a difference right? It’s about the the ego starts to play in there at that point (23:49) Absolutely. So you’ve got fame riches power glory (23:54) By doing by taking that where you go, right? (23:57) So all of that stuff was it was a just a guy going (24:02) Hey, I want Spain to be the most powerful and I’m fucking tough right Coronado or all those guys (24:06) Yeah, all those guys, but there’s I think Coronado was a guy who was like, he was like beat up pretty good (24:12) He had like three major injuries and like major battles had to just fucking (24:17) Fought and killed him.Whatever. Yeah, it was he just got in it with everybody (24:21) I mean, you know, usually it’s not like it was like a Napoleon where you’re just kind of sitting in the back (24:25) You know, I mean like I like instructing this dude, right? This dude was part of water. Yeah, he was a pretty bad, dude (24:31) You’re right.Yes, I’m gonna live stub my finger (24:35) Tetanus time. Oh, that’s another conspiracy to put a chip in you (24:41) Thank God for the brainwave blocker. I need to put them on my fingers the brainwave blocker ladies and gentlemen (24:46) So anyway, so as we were talking (24:49) Yeah, but that that’s what I think drove them right and greed.It was about getting resources getting hopefully get gold (24:54) Hopefully getting whatever or bring back with glory stores back to right whatever this whatever it was (24:59) It was conquering expanding. It was all it was all greed based. It’s all that is the human (25:05) Condition because the chim condition is more sharing (25:09) We’re actually the ego gets in the way for us.We write greed greed the bad one (25:14) Consciousness, whatever that you want to call that. I (25:18) Don’t know what why it’s that but it seems to be that way. But anyway (25:25) So back to Northwoods or you ever thought about that? No, no, I’m good about the constant you squinted (25:30) No, I was just no, I’m good (25:33) Okay, Northwoods, yeah, so we’re back to that (25:35) So basically this was something where our government was gonna do something to our own people and blame another government (25:41) So we get pulled in a war and what’s in just start a war.Yes start not pull (25:47) Start start, correct, and if it’s with Cuba, it would be like it would be three days (25:52) Yeah, I mean with with milts with Soviet backing. Well, it would have been a nuclear strike (25:58) Well, I mean would have been the actual missile crisis could have actually detonated nuclear bomb (26:02) Okay, we could have (26:04) but (26:06) Go ahead. No, please a (26:09) couple of b-52s (26:11) could have just (26:12) Carpet bombed Cuba and it would have been over.Yeah, then (26:18) Russia’s they’re not stupid right they would have they know it’s mutually assured destruction, right? (26:25) Are they are they willing to do that for an island not even in their hemisphere (26:31) Right because they want a base in that hemisphere first. I didn’t want a footprint there (26:35) Of course, they do but it but the truth is if we just carpet bombed fucking Cuba the world would turn (26:40) We would have against America. We would have no allies.I’m sorry. We just wouldn’t (26:46) if it was (26:48) Uncovered like that. We would have no right (26:50) If if let’s say all of our allies all of Europe this (26:55) Thousand Americans were killed by and we have proof.It was Cuba, right and then we just (27:02) Right. No way (27:04) It’s a whole let’s be a whole culture (27:06) I mean, we’re talking about I don’t know how many people keep as but in at that time. I have no idea (27:10) Yeah, but it’s a it’s an entire say that’ll be genocide and no world power is ever no world power (27:19) That’s existed or continued has ever committed genocide Russia.I mean Jeremy, right? (27:25) But Jeremy didn’t 16 you it was 35. Let’s say 35 to 45. They had a 10-year fucking rain.Sure (27:32) It was shit, but it was about 10 years. Yes, it wasn’t like crazy. Right, right (27:37) Let’s be on it wasn’t like I mean Hussein had more than that.Obviously Qaddafi had 40 plus years, right? (27:43) So to that end (27:48) Whatever I forget, okay my point which is perfect, but (27:53) No, what other how many other? (27:57) Horrible things has America done (27:59) has American agencies American (28:02) Done or allowed yet in the name of patriotism in the name of freedom with this on (28:08) Pearl Harbor (28:10) Well, there’s obviously (28:13) President Roosevelt the second wanted (28:17) They (28:18) He wanted a war with Japan, but yeah, we need it. We need a reason we wanted to get out of the Depression (28:24) Well, we needed a reason getting the war right? We were we were starting to come out of depression because we were already (28:29) Manufacturing for the war we were giving Britain. Yes and Europe (28:33) Arms and tanks and plane.Yeah, and we were obviously equipping for it already (28:38) Yes, so it wasn’t a depression thing, but we needed America to be on board, right? (28:42) We needed a reason to get into the right, but he didn’t want to be the aggressor again, right? (28:48) We couldn’t just well the Americans weren’t on board. They wouldn’t sign up, right? (28:52) I’m sorry, we it wasn’t on our fucking turf. He meant the average American would not sign up (28:57) Yeah, let’s me at that point and it wasn’t out of fear.It’s just like it doesn’t affect us right now (29:01) We’re not concerned right? Like don’t get me wrong. Do you hate do you hate Hitler? Fuck? Yeah. What do you want to do about? (29:07) Well, he’s not he’s not a factor.He’s not there, right? He’s all fucking way over there. We don’t care (29:12) Yeah, exactly and I think that’s a bit that was a big part of it (29:15) So we needed a reason they knew we knew we were giving stuff (29:19) They were buying bonds even before the war and all that and to you know to help or whatever (29:24) I’m sure the rationing was still already going on at that point because it was a global event, right? (29:31) so (29:32) When we needed the reason right and did we allow it to happen? (29:36) Do we do we move our first fleet out our main our brand-new? (29:41) Destroyers and battleships and carry whatever we had the dead the night or the day before and left the shit behind that (29:48) We knew is just a rust bucket and whatever. I mean the fucking Arizona was what 1918 (29:52) Do we allow three thousand soldiers? I right the did the American government at that time allowed that debt, right? (30:00) Do allow may not be the right word.Yeah, I mean it is allow in a weird way (30:04) So that did they not did they not try to stop it right they knew it or did they or do they not know (30:11) Did they not meet the? (30:14) Japanese Navy out at sea and try to defeat them (30:20) Instead of letting them bomb a US state was it a state then? Yeah, I don’t think so. Yeah (30:26) It wasn’t a state. No, not yet 50 waters, right 50 (30:29) a US military (30:32) US military installation so fucking you owe me a coke, bro.Okay, Jinx Jinx, so (30:41) Yeah, I understand your point. They they the American government used the attack to get men to enlist in the armed services (30:48) Well just to be on board with us going in right not even again, man. We already had men we had a military (30:53) Yeah, but we needed the military to attack.We need a military to finish up the job what you’re talking about (30:59) Wrote (31:00) Roosevelt’s plan was to go to war in Europe and in in Asia. So you need millions of (31:07) American men I don’t disagree with you. So that means Marines that means Navy that means army (31:13) That means all the people to continue to build all the infrastructure to support those people (31:20) Correct, and I don’t disagree with you, but there is a little point there sure (31:25) did did they expect the (31:28) Jumping on the military bandwagon to sign up that that might have been an unknown (31:37) Right, like they’re the react that Americans reaction to it (31:40) Us being outraged and actually doing something about it or two very different things (31:45) Right.Yeah, like in 2009 11 happened, right? (31:49) You had a small handful of people like they’re a little there was a little uptick. Yeah, it wasn’t like (31:54) Millions didn’t show up right right and obviously it’s a different world greatest generation, right? Like they were different people (32:01) But like that was when America was like, but we also that’s when America meant something like personally like it was America (32:07) Well, we also didn’t know it on 9-11. We weren’t as divisive.I know we didn’t know who attacked us (32:12) we like we just oh there there was (32:16) right, but then when they talked about WMD and then when they but when they when it spun up as to who who was and (32:21) It was it was Middle East. Oh (32:23) We’re gonna go in there, right? I mean, that’s kind of that’s kind of what it was a propaganda (32:27) Yeah, but how long did it take like the day after the attack, right? (32:33) The president goes a date that will live in infamy, right, you know the day after he we’re talking about Pearl Harbor (32:38) Yes, we’re bouncing back and forth. Yeah, right (32:40) 19-7 well December 8th (32:44) 1941 the day after the attack.Yes. He says we’re going to war with Japan and we’re going to war with Germany (32:49) Yes, the next day he declares war on two countries. Yes, he had to show them both though (32:53) well regardless of him going again going actually to the Pacific and (32:59) Declaring war against them or two very different things.Oh true, right? So we that didn’t mean he was gonna have (33:06) The people the troops to do that either true. Not yet. I’m not saying one or the other you’re right (33:11) I’m just saying they’re not they’re not linked that way.But go ahead, please. I’m sorry, buddy. No, that’s fine.Um, I (33:18) Believe Germany had already declared war on the u.s. I think so but they hadn’t done anything (33:24) You’re right. So it was easy to go. Well, yeah, we declare war on you too.Okay, right and they were allied (33:29) They were the Axis power. So we we declared declare war against Italy as well (33:34) Yeah, and Germany already knew we were feeding just like you said Germany knew that right they were (33:40) The British and the French were already getting our stuff and I think Roselle even made a comment something about hey (33:47) If your guard if your neighbor’s house is on fire, you lend him your garden hose, you know (33:51) I mean like yeah, that was how he justifies like we were helping with equipment and you know (33:56) Who this said the other which totally makes sense? (33:59) I mean I would it would be dumb not to of course, but committing men committing your people on a land that isn’t yours (34:07) Yeah, like we’re we’re I don’t even know how our involvement in World War one and the extremities of that (34:14) Like I I honestly am very not (34:17) schooled on World War one but World War two (34:20) Definitely was about (34:22) America finishing the fucking job. Well, so was World War two.I mean the u.s. Was in it for two years (34:27) 43,000 u.s. Soldiers died (34:29) Million, I mean millions and millions of Europeans and you’re talking World War one or one. Okay millions of Europeans died, right? (34:35) I mean one battle alone lasted seven months and (34:38) 700,000 (34:40) Europeans died in one battle for for for a mile of ground (34:45) That’s ridiculous. It’s a seven month battle.It’s ridiculous. But like I (34:49) But the how that war was (34:52) It pulled all these people in politically, but we didn’t really have a dog in there. No, it wasn’t like for a regime (34:59) It wasn’t like a Hitler regime.Sure. It was literally (35:04) Ferdinand was killed or Prince Ferdinand. So there was an assassination (35:08) Yes, it was um, and that’s how it started.I mean a (35:13) Austria yeah, Ottoman Empire and you whatever. Yeah (35:16) Yeah, the ones with the you know, you put your feet up on them really comfortable on this couch on the sofas (35:22) Yeah, the Ottomans. Yeah, it’s so comfy (35:26) So for a long day, I gotta unwind man Ottoman Empire (35:32) But (35:33) That that’s how it was, right? (35:34) So I don’t I don’t know but I don’t know like why we came into like cleanup just we needed the war to end (35:39) So we just took a side like I don’t even know (35:41) I just know that the Prussians lost right and through that the Treaty of Versailles and all that (35:46) 1918 yeah, I see 19 whatever that was (35:49) Fucked Germany so badly that Hitler eventually was able to use that again as the rally cry, right? (35:56) Cuz even Great Depression we were 33% Germany was like at 50 fucking percent (36:01) So you’re saying that? (36:04) The United States (36:07) A similar to Northwood’s (36:09) Use Pearl Harbor as a tactic (36:15) Make a negative tactic for positivity (36:17) Yes in playing positivity is a bad word because it is a war we’re talking about, right? (36:23) It’s it’s to get us to justify our commitment to it (36:29) That’s what we needed a reason.That’s my opinion. Okay, do what I don’t know. This is fact (36:35) But how many times have have you come across a weird article that just doesn’t smell right I (36:42) Mean, there’s no there was a complete surprise.I mean that seems it seems just a little (36:48) far-fetched (36:50) And so you would think the same thing with with the the bombing of Pearl Harbor, I’m sorry the bombing of (36:59) Hiroshima and Nagasaki (37:01) You know, we killed 50,000 people in one day. Yeah, or one minute (37:09) But Truman did that (37:10) To end to end the war and it to to literally put the final foot and that’s a horrible thing (37:18) And and I mean think about the decision that he had to make and that’s to put anyone in that in those shoes (37:25) Yeah, and he I guess you would feel like you have no other choice. Like look do we do this and (37:31) Do something that’s never been done before and I mean, yeah, it’s been tested (37:34) But it’s never been done before in an actual like live situation (37:39) He’s either the bravest most altruistic person in the world or the biggest monster or worse than Hitler (37:46) Cuz well cuz it wasn’t (37:49) The bomb itself wasn’t necessary like, you know what I mean? Like the actual killing of people but (37:57) It did it it was (38:01) Necessary (38:02) To look like it was like we had the power and there’s nothing they could have done.They had to stop (38:07) You know, I mean, yes, and they were not saying it, right? (38:10) I mean, they were saying it correctly, but they were warned, you know, we did drop the leaflets on both cities (38:16) Yeah days before and said you need to leave and you’d be a monster if you didn’t you’d be a fucking monster (38:21) I mean it was civilian site. It was a lot of terrible, but there was a lot of military instead. Don’t get me wrong (38:27) It was all splattered in there.I’m I’m not saying what Truman or Truman? (38:32) Yes, president Truman what president Truman did I’m not I can’t even imagine having to make that decision as my point (38:38) You know, right fuck and do you look at it kill all these people to your point to go back to Northwoods to your point? (38:44) Is that do you look at it as what president Truman did? (38:48) He made the decision to kill. I think it’s 50,000 (38:51) I know whatever the number is the first one which whatever the number is August killed people (38:58) August 5th (38:59) Remember the fallout wasn’t exactly great. No, that was (39:03) Generations of yeah, so it’s not so let’s not kill ourselves.It wasn’t a single in that split-second. All those people died (39:09) Yeah, so in he he had to weigh the option of okay (39:14) Do I do that or do I approve the land invasion of Japan? (39:19) Yeah, where the estimates were five hundred thousand American GI’s are gonna die out of how many well they have a million (39:26) they were talking what I read is (39:28) 50% of the American force would die fuck. My dad was training for that (39:34) Really? So yeah, and I didn’t know and he’s a he was a marine.He was the army arm (39:38) I’m so he was on a ship and they were training in the Pacific on (39:42) Ranger or just no (39:44) Seven Calvary Calvary Calvary. So they had horses then they didn’t even have tanks or airships yet, obviously because it was (39:52) He was old school. So (39:54) And dirigibles dirigibles, so that’s a great word so it is he told me all about him the (40:02) Disembarking from the ship onto the landing craft (40:05) Climbing down the the rope ladders and then they would do beach landing practices twice a day every day for weeks and weeks and weeks (40:11) weeks and then they he then I I didn’t realize (40:17) The scope of the immensity of your hat.I didn’t realize the scope of (40:23) The (40:25) proposed (40:26) land invasion of Japan and then I started reading about it and they talked about all the aircraft they were gonna use and all the (40:33) Ships they were gonna use and it made D-Day look like a joke and they were talking about a million u.s. Soldiers (40:39) landing on the mainland of Japan and (40:42) 50% we’re gonna die were the estimates (40:45) Which that would mean I had a 50% chance of being here right now (40:49) If Truman did not drop the bomb, yeah, that’s (40:54) Fucked up. Yeah, literally, but America did a terrible thing by killing all those Japanese people in the name of (41:02) You we you have to stop this war yeah, because the Japanese as honorable as they are they (41:11) It was honorable to a fault. Can I give you my take please? Tell me to shut the fuck up.No, I love it (41:17) but I (41:18) Get what you’re saying? I think they’re slightly different circumstances and why? (41:23) We were already in a war with Japan, yes, and we had already seen with the Pacific how (41:30) challenging (41:31) How channel we we thought we all we really don’t talk about the Pacific enough (41:36) We always talk about Europe. Mm-hmm (41:39) We always talk you don’t talk about like the 300 men like taking on thousands (41:43) Because they’re dug in like fucking ticks and shit and just fucking picking up water canal. Yeah, like et cetera.I’m sorry (41:49) That’s it’s fucking nuts. I don’t even know enough about it, right? (41:52) It’s fucking crazy and it’s finally they’re finally some a little light shone on that (41:56) But let’s be honest Europe gets all the attention (41:58) True because it’s our it’s our thought process like that’s not that’s the Eastern world. That’s not the Western world (42:04) That’s probably a big part of it is that we perhaps that we push our it’s our belief system, right? (42:11) Well, and Asia is more of an Eastern.It’s a different philosophical (42:14) Cultural kind of thing. So, you know, we kind of birds of a feather. No.Yes (42:19) It’s also the fact that that the Nazi concentration camps. Well, right and in Germany because it was against Germany, right? (42:26) And Germany was in Europe (42:27) I mean that was not happening to the degree that it was in the in the in the Pacific theater (42:33) Well, the Japanese killed soldiers. Yes a the Germans killed everyone so killed their own fucking (42:41) Yeah poles French.It didn’t I didn’t care (42:45) Just makes me up. It like makes me uneasy just talking about it (42:50) But to that point (42:52) We don’t talk about Pacific enough right obviously for that for a couple of reasons (42:55) But yeah, so this is the thing. We were already in the war.We had seen how devastating (43:02) Japan could be (43:05) Continuing that we just took the numbers and you know did math and went that you know estimates, right? Yeah (43:11) And it could have been better could’ve been worse. But the estimate is just basically off the rate of what we saw here (43:16) We’re just extrapolating out and kind of going. Okay, cool.This is how it’ll be right? Yes (43:21) But the Japanese mainland was probably the most fortified (43:25) Right piece of land in human history. No, my point is my point is though their numbers came off of that (43:31) Yes, right and they knew it was gonna be bad. Mm-hmm, but they were already in the war.Mm-hmm with (43:36) Northwoods what’s a little different about it is it would have pulled us into where we would have lost lives that we normally wouldn’t have (43:43) Let’s look at it without touching anything true untouched Cuba Cuba kind of fell we now have open borders (43:50) Yeah, it’s 50 years later 60 years later (43:53) Right, but now we have a relation with them again. Yeah, right. Whereas if we had gone through with that (44:02) The relationship mean either wouldn’t be there or be a territory (44:05) What a who knows if it were war three would have happened from that right? We don’t know.It’s kind of an unknown (44:11) Yes, right. We’re with Japan. I think we had an idea that if we we needed Japan to loot like we need Japan was not (44:18) Gonna surrender (44:19) We just knew that so yes, how how would we let get them to surrender? Yeah, that was the only way we could do it (44:26) and it (44:27) It sucks and I can’t even imagine the choice, you know, like we I even talked about Churchill had (44:35) He had a one.I think he was it part of that battle right the 700,000 Europeans (44:39) He lost 45 fucking thousand people in one battle in World War one and he was like demoted and shit (44:45) He almost was completely out of all (44:49) You know decision-making military politics, whatever because because of that decision, right? (44:54) But it was a risk reward thing (44:55) He knew if he if they won that or if they got through then it would have done this, right? (45:00) You know, he didn’t know how it was a risk (45:03) yeah, and he took it and he needed that at some point because he you need to be able to have the (45:09) fortitude to kill people (45:11) Well, you’re basically sending people. You’re right. That’s a horrible.It’s a direct killing of that. You’re absolutely right (45:17) I mean, that’s a horrible thought but that’s absolutely correct (45:19) But without Churchill if he had been demoted whatever he was so vital in the strength of the people (45:26) Yeah of Great Britain, of course, who could have filled those shoes? Who knows? (45:30) We don’t know what happened there. So (45:33) It’s weird that you know, I’m not saying that he did a bad thing by those people dying (45:38) I don’t I’m just saying that was a bold thing, but it could have cost all of us because he could have lost his (45:44) Future commit, you know his future influence on World War two.Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it’s fucking crazy (45:50) But anyway, so Northwoods (45:53) Yeah (45:54) we’re willing to possibly willing actually willing because we (45:58) ourselves and (45:59) Blame other people so we could kill more of ourselves of them fighting them (46:03) Well, yeah, but in a way we would have gotten killed right? Yeah, and that’s one (46:08) I think a lot of people don’t really know much about (46:11) Anything and when you talk about you’re like, are you fucking kidding me? And then it’s it’s they’re unclassified documents (46:17) Yeah, it’s not classified anymore.So yes (46:23) Yes, that’s what we did boys and girls America which makes me think of what (46:31) That didn’t nothing happened so (46:36) How many thousands more are out there that actually did happened which are excessively worse? (46:41) Yeah that and which we’ll never know that well we talked about Gulf of Tonkin, right? (46:46) I mean, that’s what pulled us into Vietnam in the first place (46:49) It’s an incident where they claim they had three boat radars and were torpedoed by the Vietnamese. Yeah, that’s what (46:56) Like Pearl Harbor an attack on us. Yes pulled us into the conflict which was so stupid and it was fucking fake (47:04) Ladies and gentlemen secretary of state admitted it would never happened right never happened boys and girls (47:10) so (47:13) Don’t get me wrong.I’m (47:15) Blessed to be in this country. I’m (47:17) Fucking blessed, but I did a podcast about free speech. It was like three minutes long and guess fucking what man? (47:24) I’m so glad that I can at least openly (47:27) Look at these types of ideas, maybe be slightly critical but more, you know analytical about what the fuck we do (47:35) So thank you America for both giving us that freedom (47:40) And giving us the in the content to talk shit about it and tinfoil (47:48) Shiny side down (47:50) Shiny side inside boys and girls it protects the brainwaves from that way (47:55) I kind of bounce them back early as soon as possible.Keep some all inside (48:01) We had this as a symbol we’re not sure if it’s a gang symbol, but if this is I’m so sorry (48:06) We’re gonna scissor off (48:09) That can’t be a gang symbol scissoring, I think this one’s (48:15) That’s like hey girl Cosmopolitan magazine (48:20) Yes. Oh that mwah. You have to do the mwah.He’s like, yo, yo, bro. You didn’t do the mwah, right? I (48:27) Don’t think he’d yo yo divan. I don’t think he’s part of us.He didn’t do the mwah, right? Good job, bro (48:32) Good job, bro (48:34) Hey Ashton get over here. Yes, sir. They do the mwah, right? I don’t know sir, whatever you say (48:46) Don’t don’t participate in medical activities, okay, just don’t do that.Okay, so number two (48:53) So yeah, so we’re going northwards. I think I think yes, sir (48:57) Ponies eating to death (49:00) The second one that we were gonna talk about yes, sir, which one was that flight 103 (49:05) Pan Am (49:06) 1988 and that was when you brought to me. Yes, sir, and I remember going bro, bro (49:12) That was just a bombing right and you’re like, oh, yeah, and then you delved in and then what and then (49:20) we read about it and I had some conversations like usual and (49:26) And (49:27) It turns out one (49:30) Libyan gentleman did (49:32) Get convicted and he did eight years.Yeah somewhere between eight and ten years and then he was released (49:39) by the (49:41) Scottish government because he had prostate cancer as an act of compassion. Yeah, he had three months to live (49:48) He ended up living two years and he passed away (49:52) For the he got convicted for the death of 273 people yeah 11 on the ground, you know (50:00) 189 in the air (50:01) Americans the best word to yeah, so it’s 270 ish something like that. Yeah (50:08) Pan Am 747.Yep, Lockerbie Scotland, um 7 p.m. So is that it was dark (50:18) It was they searched 280 square miles it was fucking ridiculous where they found what they found so it um (50:27) The bomb went off where they were six miles in the in the air and (50:33) I there’s a lot of stuff that I learned that I didn’t (50:37) Didn’t know or didn’t remember because I didn’t I mean I obviously I saw it in the news and I thought it was a horrible (50:43) thing and you know when it (50:45) It always affects me when somebody (50:48) Passes away like that for no reason. There’s no. Oh, I hate this country.I hate that country (50:53) and (50:55) We’re all here for such a short period of time. Why you gotta be a dick just (51:00) Don’t be a dick (51:01) How about you know you want to worship that guy or you want to worship that guy or you want to worship Darth Vader? (51:06) cool (51:07) Don’t be a dick. You want to know my tribe, bro? (51:11) Sure, I got tribalism you do homo sapien like tinfoil guy homo sapien, bro (51:18) So, um, don’t know bigger tribe net.What’s my point? (51:23) You’re just upset light 103 a lot of people died and (51:26) senseless, but what what what was interesting to you is like how who got convicted who didn’t how all this shit get together is (51:34) how the fuck they’ve they only convicted one guy and he fucking served eight years and (51:40) You know, someone’s got to pay right like someone’s got to pay and what was he a scapegoat? (51:46) Yes, and all this stuff, right? So you send me this article and I click on and then it shows out that PBS show (51:52) Yeah, it was called my brother’s bomber. Yeah frontline. Yes season (51:58) 2015 my brother’s bomber episodes 1 2 & 3 about an hour each 55 minutes or something like that (52:05) the person who produced it or created the (52:07) Segments is the brother of someone who died on the in flight one on the plane.Yes on the plane. Yes blew up (52:16) so he delves into and (52:19) It’s funny because when he does his documentary talks about and we don’t want to spoil it (52:23) I would suggest you watch it, but he talks about (52:26) How he even felt and he wasn’t like I’m not trying to get somebody. I just truth wouldn’t hurt (52:32) Right, right and the guy who was accused of it (52:37) Claims to the to his deathbed on his dad that he didn’t do it, right? (52:41) They had nothing to do with it, right? (52:42) So then they start exposing some people so give me like, you know the names (52:47) But just give me a general idea of how how he goes about kind of expanding and exposing it a little bit.So there was (52:54) Well, first of all before I do that don’t let me don’t let me off the hook with that question by the way (52:59) It shocks me first of all that (53:02) You know this happened (53:04) decades ago (53:05) Presidents ago. This is still an open FBI case. It’s still an open FBI investigation.Yes (53:11) I find that (53:13) Disgusting put a man on the moon 50 years ago, and we can’t close up. We these fuck (53:20) Fuck tards. We can’t fucking find a dude in a cave (53:25) And a fucking serious.Yeah (53:29) It’s shameful. Well that kind of stuff. Okay, which leads me to believe everything that you just said like (53:35) Do we does the FBI really want to find them? Are we not finding? (53:40) Are they not being found for a reason (53:44) Because of who they are or be are they protected or do they know something? (53:48) Are they blackmailing somebody else or brownmailing if you’re Mexican, whatever? Well really quickly (53:54) Let’s just shout on that because to that point.Yes (53:58) The Libyan the Libyan government never took credit or accountability for the bombing they did eventually (54:05) No, no only in a civil case. They paid out money. They never took they never said they took accountability for it (54:12) But they never took credit.They never were like we Libya did this they paid out 2.7 billion in some kind of (54:19) Lawsuits civil civil suits, so they took accountability and responsibility for it. Yes, but they never claimed like, you know, I like when (54:27) Right. They’re not like hey, we did this to America spit on America all that correct (54:31) So they never did that and it’s very interesting yet (54:34) The civilly they paid 2.7 billion out in reparations.I believe that was the number (54:41) I’m gonna look at that while you talk a little bit more about (54:45) How that happened did you have another point behind like just that piece that you’re just talking about no (54:54) About how we don’t find people in a cave. I have a feeling that they don’t they (55:00) Just close the case just just shut the fuck up. That’s true (55:04) Just close the fucking case or or fucking solve it or or do something more with it or keep (55:10) Well, supposedly it’s cool.It’s open yet. No fucking resources have been don’t be a dick (55:17) How about that? Thank you for joining us guys. We that I think that’s the message (55:23) Don’t be a dick.So don’t be a dick, bro, bro (55:27) Don’t be a dick but like or or solve the fucking thing or close it right like close it (55:31) There’s no resources being put into it after X amount of time, even though it’s still open. Well, then don’t fucking have it open (55:38) Or if it’s open put some fucking resources to it. So go back to your question (55:43) There was nine this the director of the writer that the producer of frontline whose brother died in the plane (55:51) Ken Bernstein (55:53) He identified nine (55:56) Suspects that were all linked to (56:01) The gentleman that was convicted (56:05) Who were all linked to a gentleman in Zurich, Switzerland (56:12) Who (56:14) Provide the switches that provide the timers the timers for bombs to the (56:20) Libyan (56:20) Military military these nine gentlemen all from Libya all were in Muammar Qaddafi’s inner circle (56:29) so (56:30) This gentleman spent years in (56:34) Tripoli (56:35) Libya and all over the Middle East and in Zurich and in DC (56:41) researching and interviewing people and (56:43) making contacts and (56:46) It was ridiculous the amount of information (56:50) connections that he made (56:52) trying to (56:54) put together the pieces about his brother right and the flight and (56:58) the evidence and he went to (57:01) the memorial in Washington and he went to the the crash site in Lockerbie Scotland and he (57:08) it’s just the the amount of intestinal fortitude of this guy was just (57:15) So admirable and it wasn’t even it’s funny because he net and I believe him the way he talks about it (57:21) He doesn’t really talk about it.Like I’m looking for justice (57:24) No, he talks about it. Like I (57:27) Want to know how it got how it happened. He’s telling a story (57:30) Yeah, he wants to know how it happened his connection of the brothers only a mere connection (57:34) Like it’s only that his brother died in it.Well, he he’s a producer for frontline, right? (57:39) So he’s naturally inquisitive anyway, and I’m not saying he would have covered this per se right this just made it easier to cover (57:45) His brother passed away (57:48) 32 years ago, right? So yeah, he still says he thinks about his brother every day, but his brother has been gone for (57:54) More than half of his life for sure. So it’s you know, if you think about that like, okay (57:59) I’m X number years old now and you lose somebody like that. Do you even? (58:04) You start to forget what they look like.Do you start to forget the sound of their voice? (58:07) Do you start you know, that’s just the way the human mind works (58:11) So you make stuff up you fill it right with other experiences or just guesses, right? (58:17) I mean your subconscious tries to protect you. Yes. Do you see someone on the street and go? Oh my god (58:21) Is that my brother right or? (58:24) Yeah, what kind of trauma has really happened? (58:27) Where was the kid when when he first heard about it or you know, there’s so many factors that go into it (58:32) what I found really interesting is (58:34) They mentioned like the city, you know the city where they grew up or whatever and it’s 20 minutes from my fucking house (58:39) Where I grew up, that’s crazy and you send it to me and I thought that was like (58:44) Crazy not ironic or coincidental.No, it’s just a direct connection. No, no, no (58:50) He’s like, hey check this thing out. And I’m like, bro, bro.We probably we probably had in the same circles (58:55) I mean, we’re talking 8.9 miles away. So it’s a 20-minute drive, but it’s less than 10 miles away (59:01) And it happens to be this thing that you wanted to talk about you didn’t know (59:05) So, but that was me. Um, yeah, right.I really thought it was interesting the (59:11) He went back and he interviewed (59:16) Scott at the main (59:18) Scottish (59:20) Investigator and two guys from the FBI and he presented them with newer evidence that he found (59:26) About those nine gentlemen from Libya and (59:30) the ties that they had from previous bombings in 86 in Germany a nightclub where American soldiers were killed and (59:38) They these FBI gentlemen who investigated the bombing in 88 from 88 to 91 (59:43) They had no that evidence. They had no idea even existed (59:48) They said hey, these things are linked boom. Boom.Boom. Boom, and they all the players the equipment the pieces all of it fit (59:57) so (59:58) Perfectly together there. There’s I mean the the trail the breadcrumbs absolutely (1:00:04) They’re there.They’re very evident. Yes beyond a reasonable doubt in my mind (1:00:10) Absolutely, and I’m just to just to share with everybody (1:00:14) I’m you know (1:00:15) Our justice system is pretty amazing reasonable doubt is one person just can say no right out of the group out of 12 (1:00:20) So reasonable doubt is literally just I have doubt that (1:00:23) Does not that picture that was painted that way if there was no count contradictory evidence (1:00:27) It painted the picture for me. However, it is a story.It is it was (1:00:33) It was done in documentary was (1:00:38) painted (1:00:41) Was designed to make me (1:00:45) As that way as a viewer (1:00:47) They wanted me to believe this correct. They were leading me down this road (1:00:52) So as I was watching him like okay (1:00:55) Green assault. Yes green assault.Well, first of all, first of all, let’s be honest (1:00:59) Does the guy have a personal interest in the fucking story at all his brother died in the fucking event, obviously, right? (1:01:07) So I asked my I started making some notes and I said, okay, I’m gonna ask check mark. Is he allowed on this? (1:01:13) So check mark does not talk about his military (1:01:17) History, okay (1:01:18) He’s but he can come consultant like belly a or belly on the or wherever is this guy from Sweden’s ease (1:01:25) That was my question ironically enough is the gentleman from I had no idea from Zurich, Switzerland (1:01:31) I’m not psychic or anything that that that allegedly (1:01:35) sold (1:01:36) these (1:01:37) Libyan gentlemen the timers for the bomb (1:01:41) Do you think he’s lying? (1:01:43) No, he clearly said he sold timers to the little Libyan military (1:01:49) correct (1:01:50) Do you think? (1:01:53) when (1:01:54) The when the when the interviewer asked him did you sell these timers to these gentlemen specifically? (1:02:01) He said no, correct. Do you think he’s lying? Yes, why? (1:02:07) Because it now matters (1:02:11) What because if he did he’s implementing himself (1:02:16) But he could be he could be telling the truth he could be saying he could be I (1:02:19) Why do I think he’s lying about your question? Yes, sir.Okay (1:02:25) When they talked and we don’t want to get too deep into the end of the the documentary (1:02:29) But when they talked about going in the room and scheduling and he was a consultant on how to do things (1:02:33) Yeah, he knew what the fuck he was Duke consulting (1:02:37) He was consulting (1:02:39) Small compact explosive going off in a lot of various places (1:02:42) He didn’t know specifically an airplane or a coffee shop or a nightclub (1:02:46) But he knew he needed to miniaturize a timer and make it into a compact thing (1:02:51) They talked about how they organized that and he was very much evident in that. Okay (1:02:55) So if he was very much evident in that and he sold to those specific gentlemen (1:03:01) Then he’s more implied implicated. Mm-hmm.Okay. I think him saying no is he has to say he didn’t (1:03:07) Because there’s no way of knowing I think everybody else is dead. So there’s no way of (1:03:12) That he can get busted for saying no (1:03:16) But he in my opinion, he clearly knew what they were wanting to do when he first consulted (1:03:23) But he’s a business.He doesn’t care because he’s it’s about the dollar bills, right? It’s about selling the timers (1:03:30) He was portrayed as a very greedy business, correct (1:03:34) But (1:03:35) You know, what’s funny is like (1:03:38) And it was zero it was Switzerland not so you’re actually okay, we can’t I keep seeing Sweden (1:03:44) Switzerland, yes, sir my point (1:03:47) Switzerland always been historically neutral, right? Yes. It’s been beneficial to them. Correct.They’re never been good fucking people (1:03:53) They were holding gold for the Nazis for years, right? Like let’s be honest (1:03:57) They they just don’t see other people’s things as their own. So maybe they’re able to detach (1:04:03) From humanity their own humanity. Okay, and just say this is a task (1:04:09) This is a solution and no, I’m literally just showing you how to miniaturize a timer and put it in here (1:04:16) That’s all I don’t what you do with it (1:04:19) Jinx you owe me a Jack and Coke.Are you a Jack and Coke fuck? (1:04:23) Well, we got to bring beer Google’s but hell’s yeah (1:04:26) But yeah, right with that’s my point, right? Okay. Yeah, I (1:04:32) Found it interesting that he sounded like he contradicted himself. Yeah.Oh, absolutely. He because he talked openly about how he (1:04:39) He when it came down to brass tacks is when he really got quiet or when he really didn’t understand but generally is like yes (1:04:45) I sold Libya military timers (1:04:49) But the whole store like that whole story thing (1:04:52) It’s really interesting about behind closed doors like he was showing him, you know, he’s a consultant on how to use them. Yeah (1:04:58) He used the word contractor, right? There’s applications there, right? Like well, how does it work underwater? (1:05:04) How do you get a timer to work in? (1:05:07) An air conditioning unit.How do you get a timer? (1:05:09) Yeah (1:05:09) all that fucking shit and (1:05:12) It’s justified because the Libyan Libya is allowed to have its own military to protect its own sovereign borders, of course (1:05:16) So he can sell to whoever you want. He’s fucking protected (1:05:19) Yeah, so he doesn’t he doesn’t need to give himself any more targets by saying that he sold it to those two people (1:05:25) I write I would deny it till the fucking day. I die.There’s no evidence or proof (1:05:30) that that happened (1:05:32) Why wouldn’t you deny it or at least if you think there isn’t you know, there’s a hidden footage camera somewhere or something (1:05:37) That hasn’t been exposed. So I don’t know like what would you do? (1:05:43) Would you lie? (1:05:45) Well, I wouldn’t do that. I’m not a terrible person right? Well, how about this hypothetical hit-and-run? (1:05:51) Hit it hit somebody crossing the street you freak the fuck out, right? Do you stay there calling cops or you run away first? (1:05:58) Yeah, of course.I stay there. I (1:06:01) Can’t say I do initially. I think my first thought like first 10 seconds.I’d run and (1:06:07) Then I’d be like fuck because it gets worse if you run. No, no, I know I’m saying continue (1:06:13) I’m saying the first 10 said the new jerk the knee-jerk flight or flight for me. Of course, I would say I would I’m (1:06:19) More than happy to admit that I would fucking run right? That’s human.It’s human condition, but it’s after those first minute (1:06:25) Yeah, what you do is really what where where you separate, right? (1:06:29) But the problem yeah, the problem is most people have been drinking and then do you think it’s gonna get worse? (1:06:34) But you make it worse by not correct, but you don’t because you see the immediate bad (1:06:38) You don’t see the pub. Oh my god (1:06:40) I’m gonna get arrested for DUI and possibly manslaughter if this person passes away, right just to go back (1:06:45) The timer just so everyone knows the timer is about the size of two shot glasses (1:06:50) so the two side-by-side shot glasses is a timer and just (1:06:55) what I found (1:06:57) shocking was that the bomb was placed in the middle of a boombox or (1:07:05) A small stereo. Yeah, you young people in a Toshiba (1:07:08) I don’t know box it was even boxed in men knew a box.So it was in a suitcase (1:07:14) Luggage with some clothes and a small portable stereo (1:07:21) inside the stereo box that you would buy it Best Buy or Circuit City, you know, they’re gone or (1:07:27) friggin Walmart or wherever you buy a something like that in 1988 (1:07:32) And then you shack probably freaking radio Shrek. They’re gone to (1:07:37) Radio crack. Is there one that not one? I (1:07:44) Like three left, I don’t fucking know what that sounds like a beer Google’s episode (1:07:49) Yes, what stores are gone? What stores are gone? (1:07:53) and before COVID-19 (1:07:57) The point about that is (1:08:00) about the bomb and the timer is that the the US government did a test with a (1:08:05) similar airliner (1:08:07) You know empty and they wanted to see what a bomb that size would do to a similar type aircraft (1:08:14) and (1:08:17) It was bad, right? I was waiting for you to swallow (1:08:20) your (1:08:23) Tasty treat.Yeah, so I I just I obviously I’m not a (1:08:29) weapons expert or a you know a (1:08:34) Explosive ologist or I’m not an ornithologist or an arborist or a (1:08:41) Horticulturist or I don’t even like flowers. I mean, I’m a witch doctor but (1:08:47) Yes, you’re not a military strategist or well weapons weapons that’s for developer. Sure (1:08:53) You’re not Lockheed nor Martin or Douglas or Boeing being or Northrop or Grumman nor Grumman (1:09:00) Definitely not Grumman.Yeah (1:09:03) So when they showed that they had an empty aircraft, they took the engines off and (1:09:08) when that (1:09:09) bomb went off (1:09:12) It was ridiculous, holy fuck. Yeah, holy fuck the whole side (1:09:19) Completely separate. I’m sorry.No, no, no (1:09:23) What else the whole the car the whole side just ripped apart like ripped it apart in half (1:09:28) It’s literally just and that was not a lot of that was not a lot of explosive material. It was small (1:09:33) I mean it was tiny it was it was a boombox about this size and it was so that by that (1:09:40) But the actual explosive material was like what oh, it’s tiny (1:09:44) It’s cassette three hands three cassette three cassettes (1:09:47) So would you say was the the actual explosives was about that? I’d say four cassette tapes four cassette tapes (1:09:53) So it just maybe six. I guess I just didn’t in my mind.I didn’t realize that (1:09:58) that small amount of (1:10:01) Explosive material could cause that much damage. It was crazy (1:10:06) And imagine an altitude you had that pressurized and going 50 miles an hour, it’s pressurized (1:10:12) They said it was 50,000 pounds of fuel (1:10:14) I mean, I know if you cause a if you cause any kind of an explosion on an aircraft that’s pressurized (1:10:21) That’s going 500 miles an hour. It’s catastrophic pretty much but this thing (1:10:26) Just ripped it ripped the plane apart (1:10:29) There was an incident where Hawaiian Airlines sucked like one or two people out of a hole (1:10:34) But it landed right (1:10:36) So it tells you even hold it was bad, right? But look how bad this was.Oh, yeah nasty (1:10:42) Just that little bit of explosive, but that’s why the debris field was the way it was and but I was just shocked it I (1:10:49) Could I was I was shocked? (1:10:51) Holy crap where they found the piece of the timer (1:10:54) To me in a tree and I’m fucking 20 feet all like 20 miles away who would look up in the tree (1:11:01) Fucking is crazy. So but that lends to a conspiracy doesn’t it internally, right? (1:11:06) We we had taught the whole point. We’re even bringing this up just to reel it back in really quickly (1:11:10) Sure is we scapegoated a dude who claims up to his deathbed that he didn’t do it (1:11:17) I’m not saying he did or didn’t I’m not I don’t have a horse in this race because I don’t know but I want to (1:11:21) Know the truth.That’s all I want. Right? Yeah, isn’t that what we want? (1:11:24) We just want to know what happened but a guy who’s claimed up to his deathbed that he didn’t do it (1:11:29) Do you think he acted alone? (1:11:32) No, I don’t think I don’t think you could act alone to get all that put together. That is impossible (1:11:37) Because I truly believe the Baudry thing with the airport.You need somebody in the at the airport need someone (1:11:43) You know, I mean you need certain places country was one of the nine gentlemen. Yeah that were one of the suspects (1:11:49) Sorry, I don’t want to I don’t want to get too much into the names (1:11:51) But basically you need someone at the airport. He was an airport person.Okay, so you need someone there to help (1:11:56) You need someone to help put the stuff together. How do you get the stuff? How do you transport the stuff? (1:12:00) So you have an expert right you have someone who helps get either get the pieces and puts them together for you (1:12:05) Okay, or you put them together this guy. I don’t know what his (1:12:09) Knowledge of bombs are or whatever.But if you act alone, he would have had to do all the logistics himself (1:12:15) So do you that is an impossibility in my opinion? I don’t think it’s a I don’t think it’s a (1:12:21) Englewood (1:12:23) Colorado movie theater shooting (1:12:26) Like it’s one dude walking in with guns. Just guns a-blazing. You have to get this thing put together (1:12:33) Create the potency that it does right put the bomb and the time (1:12:36) When it goes off make it sure it’s correct all that stuff (1:12:38) Make sure that you know, it gets in it on the plane all that by yourself.I that seems like a strike (1:12:44) so if he (1:12:47) Do you what do you think he was guilty of? I don’t know. I can’t say he’s innocent just because he says he’s innocent (1:12:54) Right and I can’t say he’s guilty because association with any of the other people but that one guy that (1:13:01) Defended him seems pretty compellingly convinced that he didn’t do it (1:13:04) And I think for you to believe to get to the point you didn’t believe he killed 300 people without you know (1:13:10) That large number of people. Yeah (1:13:12) That’s a strong conviction.I think that tells you how strong his belief in his innocence is (1:13:18) Yes, you’d be like somebody’s got to pay. It’s gray. It’s a lot of gray, you know (1:13:23) And then again, we are of the places, you know guilt innocent until proven guilty as an American (1:13:28) But it was a British guy wasn’t it? It was the father the dad (1:13:32) No, the guy who befriended him was yeah, that was the father of one of the people that was killed (1:13:37) Oh, yeah, exactly one of them.Yeah, the father one of the people that was even killed (1:13:40) Yeah, did believes that he didn’t do it, right? Yes tried to defend. He’s still right trying to clear his name (1:13:45) Correct that gentleman passed away. Yeah, so to get to that level (1:13:50) you know, I (1:13:52) And watching him come off the plane like he was hugged.He was like, I don’t know what so after he was released and he (1:13:58) He was had three months to live and he got back to Libya. Oh, sorry. Yeah.Okay. Let me yeah, I’m sorry to clarify (1:14:06) When he was released for compassion because he only had three months live because of prostate cancer or something (1:14:11) Yes, he flies back to Libya and at at the airport (1:14:15) He’s at the top of the ramp walking down and you know, one of the eight or nine people (1:14:21) Yeah, he’s giving him a huge hug one of the major players and he gets in a car, you know (1:14:25) And he’s just like this heroes. Welcome.Yes, but he looked uncomfortable. I don’t I (1:14:31) Don’t think he felt like look at me. Like I don’t think he was joining.No, not at all (1:14:34) Everybody else was super right. I got a weird (1:14:37) I just got a weird feeling he didn’t really that footage did not look like he like (1:14:42) Even if even if he didn’t, you know didn’t do it. Some people would mop that up like, okay, I’ll take the credit (1:14:48) He didn’t even look like he was doing that (1:14:51) But that’s my view on it.I don’t know. What do what are your thoughts? I agree completely (1:14:56) Do you agree that there was a point that? (1:15:00) The 103 bombing was retribution for the Ronald Reagan Libya (1:15:07) 1986 bombing (1:15:10) They would they bombed a couple there was a bunch of Navy planes that came in and bombed one of them (1:15:16) Yeah, could I cut off his house with f-111 dynamic? (1:15:21) And they shot down a couple f-14 somehow he got out of that they bombed the fuck out of him (1:15:26) Yeah, and a bunch of Libyan civilians were killed correct (1:15:29) And it was a lot it apparently was Qaddafi was picking a fight (1:15:33) with with Reagan and something some kind of skirmish occurred and Reagan fought back and (1:15:40) There was a bunch of Libyan civilians were killed (1:15:43) Do you? (1:15:44) Do you agree that the 103 was retribution for the 86 bombing? Yeah, I mean (1:15:51) I (1:15:51) believe that (1:15:52) Potentially terrorist organizations do potentially terrorist organization things. Okay, and (1:16:00) Qaddafi and Reagan had a (1:16:02) Tumultuous relationship.Oh, yeah, they hated each other. They did they really didn’t like each other and I remember I remember that (1:16:09) I remember doing a report on that bombing in Libya. That’s why I knew is an f-111 dynamic (1:16:13) Oh, there you go (1:16:14) It was the one predecessor like the b-1 b-2 is right before that is one that’s like that goes to wing (1:16:20) And then it goes out when it’s ready to bomb.Yeah (1:16:23) Bro, I love you. Yeah, cuz we’re hello total nerd dorks. Yeah playing but (1:16:29) But yeah, I remember that and yeah, he killed a lot of fucking people to try to get (1:16:35) He used a fucking bazooka to get a fly.I mean it was you know, oh, yeah, I get it didn’t work (1:16:40) Well, it didn’t work he survived (1:16:43) conspiracy theory of (1:16:45) Did did Qaddafi know they that the attacks were coming? Yeah, but did you not talk? (1:16:50) Do you remember when they talked about in the documentary how he went into this deep state of depression after it happened? (1:16:54) Yeah, so if he was prepared it would have been water off a duck’s back with his megalomaniac thing in my opinion (1:17:00) Yeah, it took him it really jarred him. I don’t I think he felt he was untouchable (1:17:05) I don’t I not (1:17:07) Crediting nor criticizing Ronald Reagan because I don’t know the whole situation. Of course, however (1:17:12) Didn’t we just talk about this earlier? (1:17:15) The United States does some pretty fucking crazy things to try to protect the things we think we need to protect (1:17:19) Yes, and Qaddafi at that time in the 80s was a force (1:17:24) He was a ranch kind of kind of settled already like that that already happened because we put Hussein in right to kind of (1:17:31) Stabilize (1:17:32) But Libya Libya is in Egypt, right? It’s correct (1:17:36) Libya’s in Egypt next door to it, right, but it’s not in the middle.It’s not part. It’s like Africa or it’s Africa (1:17:43) Yeah, yeah, it’s Africa not Middle East. Correct, but it’s all like they’re all clear right there, right? (1:17:48) I’m just saying though it’s but it’s out.It’s on the African continent. So it’s not even part of Middle East yet (1:17:53) Correct, you know because we we bifurcate those two usually but we talked about it as a center of terror (1:17:59) Right, but it is right there and they are they do have money right don’t they have oil yeah (1:18:04) So so they were more than funded. I think that was a kick in the crotch (1:18:08) I didn’t think he I would guess that Qaddafi’s like he’s not gonna fucking do anything (1:18:12) He’s fucking talking bullshit to make himself look good in front of people.So you think Qaddafi thought (1:18:18) Reagan would never bomb civilians. I didn’t think he that was a pretty big fucking bombing. I remember that one (1:18:25) Vividly in my in my mind like how holy fuck because we had Cold War in the mid 80s (1:18:32) But how many things did we experience? (1:18:34) There wasn’t a lot of bombings.No, we bombings were all happening in in Israel in cafes and shit (1:18:40) Well, nothing was ever here. There was like a Vienna one. There was the there was the 1983 (1:18:46) Lebanon right with the Marine Corps, right? There was everyone here (1:18:51) Oklahoma City with his 90s, correct the one in Trade Center the first (1:18:55) 93.Yeah, 92 night. Whatever. Yeah, but same thing, right? Yeah, we didn’t have like (1:19:01) Americans didn’t think about that, right? It was all yes.I’m a fucking country was weird (1:19:07) Cuz we talked (1:19:09) It’s kind of what we’re talking about. We’re gonna carve a bomb Cuba. Yeah, they kind of carve a bomb Libya (1:19:13) They well, they thought they’d take out at least the key guy.Yeah (1:19:16) Imagine that power vacuum (1:19:18) And then we yeah, we don’t know look what happened when we leave look what I’m when Hussein (1:19:23) Yeah, let’s go like look at these power vacuums that we that are created (1:19:26) Yeah that we think we’re helping by bouncing and then we remove it (1:19:30) We give the guy goes great right build a guy up. He goes crazy. We remove them a fucking whole new set of circumstance (1:19:37) And that’s not everyone don’t get me wrong, but we tend to do that more than not.It’s like (1:19:42) 5149 (1:19:44) but I (1:19:45) Think it’s more way on the 51 side (1:19:49) But to that end, yeah, I don’t I mean bombing (1:19:52) I just remember bombing was crazy and then they talked about the one of the eight players the eight nine players had a missile shot (1:19:58) At him into his house from the UN or whatever, right? Yes. There was a hole in the roof (1:20:02) Yeah a little exactly a missile size hole cow (1:20:05) It was a missile size hole and the inside was just all the way through three floors. Yeah (1:20:10) Didn’t even detonate until it was in obviously went in it was like one of those bunker bombs.Oh, yes (1:20:17) So fuck do you think that by the way everyone, please watch this fucking documentary? It’s so good (1:20:22) my brother’s bomber (1:20:25) frontier season (1:20:26) 259 front line. Sorry front line season 2015 on PBS. It’s free on Amazon Prime for Amazon video (1:20:33) Thank you.You are welcome (1:20:35) Do you the million-dollar question I guess or the $17 question is (1:20:42) Do you think Qaddafi gave that order to? (1:20:46) down flight 103 I (1:20:48) Believe that yeah in my opinion. Yes. I I believe he certainly knew about it (1:20:55) Orchestrated it (1:20:56) He had henchmen, right? So orchestrated the order or or he’s like fucking do it, bro (1:21:02) Or he gave the order for retribution (1:21:05) Yeah figure he just put on he put on four polo shirts pop the collar and said do it bro (1:21:10) I mean, let’s be honest like (1:21:12) How you do I don’t give fucking do it.Yeah. Go ahead. Oh, you want to do Tariq? (1:21:16) No, yeah, so kill a (1:21:21) American I’m sorry (1:21:22) He gave it to his one of his henchmen one of the nine guys than the nine suspects and then (1:21:30) I (1:21:31) Just find it hard to believe that it took over two years for them to retaliate (1:21:39) Well, they also did the Berlin bombing that was in 86, right (1:21:43) But that was aft wasn’t that after or did we bomb in 88 because I thought ours was 86 ours was 86 (1:21:49) Also, is it after Berlin or was it before believe? (1:21:53) It was in retaliation of Berlin, correct (1:21:55) So we went it was a back-and-forth (1:21:56) But they took two years to retaliate.I should have studied up. No, you’re fine better, bro (1:22:03) I’m you’re gonna be fine. Have some vodka.It’s the tinfoil hat keeping everything in I know that my brain waves (1:22:09) Toasty up in there (1:22:12) Big potato head ninety point six degrees for 342 minutes (1:22:18) You’re the fourth member in 88 degrees let it rest (1:22:22) It’s resting so you’re I agree with you that he (1:22:28) Qaddafi gave it to one of his guys or knew about it was like and he said I don’t care what you do (1:22:33) Yeah, do something down a plane bomb a nightclub a u.s. Cruise line. What do you think you can get away with bro? (1:22:39) There’s basically yeah, and he’s like, well, I’ve got all these ideas (1:22:42) Okay, great. Here’s my here’s my notebook (1:22:45) And they but they could they did trace it back to (1:22:49) One of Qaddafi’s guys, yeah one guy did eight years and then was released (1:22:54) Right, but that’s the guy who claims he didn’t do it.Well, yeah, so one guy who claims he didn’t do it true and (1:23:01) It seemed like just like you said, it seems like a scapegoat (1:23:04) Right. That’s the point though, even if he did it (1:23:08) Do you think alone? No, you could have accomplished this? No, absolutely not. So just there alone (1:23:14) There’s a question because only one person was found (1:23:18) Culpable of any of it.Yeah, I (1:23:21) Mean the other guy they had they let he got off (1:23:24) Remember, they had two suspects (1:23:26) The other guy got off. Yeah. Yeah.Yes, which makes it even to me makes even more is like well (1:23:31) let’s take two innocent motherfuckers and (1:23:35) One of those think the other one’s innocent. So the only one’s got to be guilty (1:23:38) I don’t know, you know, I’m not saying it’s happens in trials, but it probably I don’t know (1:23:42) I don’t know how I don’t know that the the way the legal thing is, but I’m sure there’s a mindset and there’s like (1:23:48) well, we’ll throw a couple names our way and (1:23:51) Justice has got to happen to somebody so as long as it’s a loose connection, I think they’ll make it fit (1:23:58) It’s a lot of fucking people to account for (1:24:01) It’s dangerous. Like it’s it’s dangerous because we get so emotional about (1:24:05) About that right? Cuz yes, all this could be bullshit (1:24:09) You know, it could have been yeah, it could have been I I am NOT staining it is but it could be (1:24:16) Like an iron it could have been anybody done it, right? (1:24:19) Some dude with a fucking boombox in a dream.It could have been some guy (1:24:26) It could have been the guy from say anything as girlfriend’s house playing (1:24:32) She could have rejected him and then he did that. Yeah, he’s pissed remember the airplane they got on a flight (1:24:39) It could have been some guy in Scotland with a bazooka, you know, I mean it may not (1:24:43) Well, yeah, but I mean and he has landed the freakin timer (1:24:48) Right, but like the bomb frankly, I mean the evidence shows that there was explosives on clothes and right and all that stuff (1:24:54) So I’m kidding though, right? I know but I’m just saying the way it blew up. Let’s just say it was this right? (1:25:00) We’re gonna just say it was a bomb in the plane in some way.Yes, sir. Some fashion. Yes, sir, but correct (1:25:04) It could have been the fucking guy who just got rejected by his girlfriend (1:25:09) After playing after playing in your eyes (1:25:11) With a trench coat and not buying anything sold or manufacturer not making anything sold or bought not selling anything bottom (1:25:18) I just want to hang out your daughter sir.Yeah, exactly. Yeah (1:25:23) What’s (1:25:25) Shocked me almost the most almost the most that’s horrible or (1:25:32) Flabbergasted almost shocked me the most wait till I tell you the thing it did shock me the most (1:25:36) You want to go ahead since I don’t know how to speak. I just fuck with you, bro.Okay, what shocks you the most? (1:25:42) Or and or bothered me the most about this (1:25:45) such (1:25:47) whole thing is the fact that (1:25:51) The US government with all of the money and resources at its disposal (1:25:57) Can’t get you a better fucking hat (1:26:00) Well, I didn’t sign the tinfoil grant tinfoil petition number seven grant (1:26:06) So with all the resources that the US government has (1:26:10) CIA FBI (1:26:11) All all the letters all of the alphabet and all of the acronyms that I don’t know and anachronisms (1:26:18) Even all of those things this (1:26:24) this guy (1:26:25) puts all this together this guy’s this I won’t say random, but (1:26:32) This journalist (1:26:33) Does all this homework? Yeah, he spends all of his own money. I don’t mean well PBS may have given some (1:26:40) Oh, he is he made it a documentary. So he had I’m sure it’s something or whatever (1:26:44) But regardless he left his family for like a month like let’s be a sacrifice.He had two kids, right? (1:26:49) So he made other sacrifices sacrifice right to do this regardless of the financial or whatever (1:26:54) He made a lot of personal sacrifices to get answers and that’s what bothered me the most about this is that (1:27:01) 183 Americans were killed and (1:27:06) It’s almost like (1:27:08) We don’t give a fuck. Yeah, but this guy is (1:27:15) digging through (1:27:17) the basement of fucking (1:27:20) Tripoli to find paperwork (1:27:23) And he and he digs up (1:27:26) Amazing shit that connects the dots passport numbers. Yeah the passport number (1:27:31) That was the one and I don’t want to I just don’t want to spoil her but I’m just a passport (1:27:35) it was a real big you’re like (1:27:38) Why aren’t I mean, obviously it’s been 30 years or whatever (1:27:43) Maybe we should let this die.Maybe we should just go that’s a bad choice of words. Sorry (1:27:48) Maybe we should let this just fade away close the case. Yeah closer.Just I’m so sorry. These people passed away (1:27:56) if you’re religious say a prayer cool and (1:27:58) Just let him go off into the sunset (1:28:01) But don’t let this shit happen again (1:28:04) We have the ability to be good and we have the ability to kick ass. Yeah, we do.So why don’t we do that? (1:28:12) When this common gentleman I can tell you why America didn’t care and I once again, I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a guess (1:28:19) Sure, where did it blow up? (1:28:21) Scotland, where is that? (1:28:23) Europe is that the United States? No, if it was on United States soil (1:28:29) Do you think we would have been a little bit more personal about it? (1:28:32) Of course, right because only 180 people die Americans died in Scotland (1:28:36) We didn’t lose (1:28:38) 189 (1:28:39) Americans on American soil. I know I know that it sounds weird. But that is a geography is a huge (1:28:45) determinant of how of threat level (1:28:48) Right, like I see I get it I see your point it’s shitty but it’s like, you know (1:28:56) So it happened there because look what I mean 9-eleven obviously was buildings and some other shit and it was more people (1:29:04) Less than we really thought initially, but it was still a shit ton of people in a traffic tragedy.Yes (1:29:10) But that happened here. Wait, once again Pearl Harbor here. I (1:29:17) Saying that’s the whole thing, but that’s part shouldn’t be no it shouldn’t be we should be better than that (1:29:22) Americans should be humans.Well, yes, but in specifically in this case (1:29:28) America, I don’t think America the one you don’t you remember the TWA flight from Long Island that seemed to get more coverage (1:29:36) Remember just blew up because the fumes were in the in the wing (1:29:40) It was like the wing was or empty and it it wasn’t a terrorist thing. It was just an explosion (1:29:45) it was just a plane flew and blew up because one of the wings didn’t have enough fuel in and sparked and (1:29:51) They’re clean that had more attention because it happened (1:29:55) Over American soil. I don’t remember that.That’s terrible. Oh, I hope let’s use incorrectly, but sure (1:30:01) But I’m saying like okay (1:30:03) Fukushima how much did we really hear about Fukushima if unless you were listening for it the the nuclear thing with and because of the (1:30:11) Tsunami tsunami, right? Yeah, we heard a lot about you’re a lot but (1:30:15) You were also looking but it wasn’t like crazy American. It wasn’t like on America, but through my island (1:30:21) Right.Do you see I’m just saying I’m just saying (1:30:24) Americans don’t Americans have a very good way of digging that are being Americans don’t care about international activities. You’re absolutely right (1:30:30) Well, I mean they don’t they can’t see past her own face to be courteous (1:30:33) They don’t care about sir outside of their own community. We can’t hold a door for we can’t talk about that subject right now (1:30:38) Okay, sorry tinfoil guy (1:30:40) See my I think my brain is starting to fry in this thing, okay (1:30:45) No, it’s good.I’m letting it simmer (1:30:48) It’s resting roiled. It’s resting. Remember love broiled.That is delicious (1:30:54) so, um, we talked about a couple things Northwood’s Northwood’s also (1:31:01) Flight 103 flight 103 me there’s a piece (1:31:04) Obviously we talked about some other stuff and I’m sure we’ll talk about more of these (1:31:07) This hat is here to stay not stay but make a recurrence a recurrence recurrence or what’s that thing? (1:31:15) Will you come back a repeat performance? Yeah, when you when you make a cameo, but you come back on a cameo Oh (1:31:20) Admiral (1:31:23) Admiral conspiracy, I’ll keep this here for you, sir. See you in first-class check mark. I’ll put them somewhere.You’re dismissed (1:31:30) But that being said this was another fun episode of Knocked Conscious (1:31:36) I’m mark that guy’s Christopher. You can see him regularly on Beer Googgles (1:31:45) Double-g I appreciate the invite. I appreciate you having me.Thank you (1:31:48) Well, we we have many we have a depth and a breadth to our conversations that is beyond just fucking around all that stuff (1:31:54) this kind of stuff’s like really serious only cuz (1:31:59) Thinking is fun to me and we have lots of conversations like this. Oh the other thing real quick before I go. No (1:32:07) Yes, that guy who found all this stuff like the the journalist.Yes, you found all the research Bernstein (1:32:12) it makes me think of an old Native American proverb because (1:32:17) You can’t wake someone who’s pretending to be sleeping (1:32:20) Mm-hmm, and that’s what I think (1:32:23) America or the world was they they’re just not they’re they’re turning a blind eye here (1:32:29) They could dig deeper (1:32:31) But they’re true it’s it feels like a choice like (1:32:36) I’m not even talking about pure rage justice because you’re not I don’t are you a death penalty guy? Yes, okay (1:32:43) But like you would have to be extremely compelling for you to convict someone to that right for example (1:32:48) like if you had to like imagine what it would take for you to (1:32:52) Commit someone to death penalty. Yeah, it would take a lot. Of course, right? (1:32:55) So like even with your compassionate heart, you know, you just want the answers, of course, right here (1:33:01) We’re not on a witch hunt.You know, I don’t know if we just want to know what the fuck’s happening (1:33:05) What why would you sit on that? Like if if other people were if other people were involved why? (1:33:11) We don’t talk about these things to say that we believe that they’re that they are all the Robin Hood (1:33:18) Where men were men in tights? (1:33:21) doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo (1:33:24) Anyway, so (1:33:26) That’s terrible. I (1:33:28) Think you know what our takeaway is sir. I think I need a better hat.Well that to bring those sides (1:33:33) I’m gonna float this down every other pieces together (1:33:36) I’m gonna float it down the river and all that just like Danny DeVito flip it down Paul Rubens (1:33:41) Yes, smack it up flip it rub it down. Oh, no (1:33:45) poison (1:33:47) ABC BBD, I love you, man. Love you too.Thanks for joining (1:33:50) I know you’re gonna be on this a couple times if not (1:33:52) And we’re gonna do a couple more beer Googles today, maybe and whatever the fuck we do or nothing (1:33:58) We’re gonna probably drink now all the vodkas because we have to we have their beer Googles (1:34:03) Yeah, look how can we look up random shit on the Internet without beer Googles? I would concur check mark (1:34:08) So thank you so much for joining us. Once again, it’s been another episode of Knocked Conscious (1:34:14) this has been episode for a (1:34:17) conversation about conspiracies and (1:34:19) Please go on Knocked Conscious comm check out our YouTube channel and check out beer Googles too, because that’s a fun one, too, Chris (1:34:27) Thanks for being on bro. Thank you.We’ll talk soon. He’s up (1:34:41) I’m not creaking (1:34:46) Tifo a brigade