A conversation about “The Phenomenon” documentary (UFO/UAP, etc.)

Chris & Mark discuss “The Phenomenon” documentary, available to rent/own at Amazon Prime Video (link to trailer below).
Intro Music: “Blue Scorpion” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Dive Horn: https://freesound.org/s/104882
Trombone Wah-Wah-Wah-Waaaaah: https://freesound.org/s/175409
Dolphin: https://freesound.org/s/456151
Outro Music: “Neolith” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


(0:19) I like your hat bro. Thanks, bro. I need some oil for my joints so I can go see the wizard (0:24) You are the tin foil man.Broadcasting live. Not the tin man. (0:28) The tin foil man.Tin foil man. That’s correct. I am.It’s foil time, sir. (0:35) It’s foil time. Before we begin, however, though.What? It is always our quest. First of all, broadcasting live (0:42) from the Treehouse in Phoenix, Arizona. Yes.This is a Knocked Conscious episode. Welcome. (0:48) Welcome, sir.Happy vacation day, bro. Today is Friday. It’s Thursday.Thursday. (0:53) Gosh darn it. November the blah blah blah.I don’t even know. Twelve. Twelve.Because then it gets to Friday the 13th. Yes. It’s November 12th.(0:59) 2020, is that correct? Still. Still in midst of this stuff. Yes.We’ll just call it the stuff. (1:04) But on the Inter-Expressway over on the way over, it sure don’t look like a pandemic, bro. There’s all kinds of people out.(1:11) Yeah, I’ve been on the tweets lately. Stop it. You were? I’ve been self-promoting.You’re crazy, bro. (1:15) I know. It’s crazy, right? Self-promoting.And what do I see? Is something about Lockdown 2.0? What? What is Lockdown 2.0? (1:22) Do you think I know? Is that in the UK or Europe? I don’t know. Or is that in the States? (1:27) Do you want me to look it up? I don’t have the, I don’t have the, I don’t have the strength. Beer Googles.(1:32) I don’t have the Googles. Correct. We are, we are Sans Laptop.Are you, are you, are you Beer Google free? (1:38) This isn’t, this is Knocked Conscious. And in the vein of Knocked Conscious, we’ve, we’ve always talked about being better, sir. We have? (1:44) I would like to share that last night I was not good.You weren’t? I was not. What do you mean? And I have an apology to make. (1:50) Do you, do you need to be spanked? No, well, not by you.Thank God, because I’m not going to do it. (1:56) But I would consider it from certain parties. Okay.But you pointed out, you were so kind and generous to invite me to your casa yesterday to watch this movie about which we’re going to speak. (2:09) Yes. And have amazing Chinese food.I have ridiculous Chinese food. It’s better reheated in the morning, ladies and gentlemen, just so you know. I eat it cold, I don’t give a fuck.(2:17) Uh, that too. It’s just better regardless. Cause all the flavors get off.I agree. I like leftovers, bro. Yeah.Um, more seasoned or just more, it’s more homogeneous. (2:32) Yes. Homogeneous, whichever one.Both of them. Or heterogeneous. Yeah.Whichever, look, whichever way you decide they’re allowed to have choice. The spices are allowed to choose how they like. Whatever they like.(2:44) Yeah. So in the vein of that, you invited me over and I met your friend. Yeah.Very good friend for the first time. This friend was Mackenzie and she was so kind and sweet and I was my good old narcissistic douchebag self. (2:59) So I’d like to apologize to Mackenzie.I believe Christopher pointed out that I spoke over her three or four or five times. It was four times and I didn’t, I didn’t, uh, I didn’t say a word. You were kind.I let you run rampant. You just let me get more rope. (3:14) Unlike the last time when you interrupted a friend, I got pissed, but I was drunk.So that wasn’t, it was 61% my fault and 48% Jim Beam’s fault and I’m really bad at math. (3:24) Yes. I like 109%.It’s kind of like the voter turnout in some states. Um, anyway, that’s as far as we’re going to go. Um, but no, to my, to that end, I am a spaz and a narcissist and I have a hard time filtering out the words from the head to the mouth.(3:45) And like I just start, why did we have to talk about this on the podcast? Because I want to apologize. Why couldn’t we just have this conversation before we started recording? I’m going to personally apologize to Mackenzie, but I want to apologize on record for showing that I was not a good person and we’re always trying to be better. And I’d like to thank that you pointed out when you, this is what’s great about you, man.This is why I love you because you and I, well look, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde said it best. A true friend stabbed you in the front. (4:15) That’s how it works, man.You told me that I was B, I was out of line and I agree. I was out of line. So I apologize for that, but thank you.I’m trying every day to be better. I try. I just don’t know if I’m getting there.I’m getting better with the apologies though for sure. Anyway, so over your house, what happened yesterday? I saw Lego strewn across your table. (4:38) Leg Legos were strewn across my table, bro.Look at your eyeballs are huge in Japan. I am Lego. There is no Lego.There’s no Legos. Only Legos. (4:53) Shit.Do you want me to read this thing? Yeah. On November 5th, 2020, the health protection. That doesn’t make sense.The health protection regulations came into effect. These new regulations are the UK government’s response to a second wave of Corona 19 cases in and enforce a new lockdown for England. That’s it until December 2nd.(5:16) That’s what I thought it was. After the 28 day lockdown period, the government may impose a local tier system again, but there’s currently no information available how this will work in practice. Thank you.New regulations are largely similar to the legislation that enforced the March 2020 national lockdown, but expand on exceptions to the headline restrictions on travel and gathering. Then there’s a bunch of bullshit, you know? (5:44) So it’s a UK thing is. Yes, sir.That’s what I thought it was. And that’s kind of the implication they had. But you know what that’s good for us because people are going to listen to podcasts more and hang out inside.So thank you. Thank you, UK, for. Thank you, UK, for fucking up COVID 1.0 lockdown 1.0. Thank you.We salute you fucking however they do it. But thank you for finding that the beer. Google’s told us that it is locked down 2.0. (6:10) Your hat is not.It’s saying bye bye. It’s gone. I’m done.But if you were to wear a tinfoil hat, ladies and gentlemen, because we’re going to talk about some tinfoil stuff, you got to go shiny part inside. Yes. Shiny part inside the brainwaves.Yes. The brainwaves need be reflected away from them. Has to go back to your head.So and on that note, why would we be wearing tinfoil hats today, sir? (6:34) Today’s episode is a discussion regarding the Amazon Prime documentary titled The Phenomenon. Or as Beavis and Butthead would say, Phenomenon, Phenomenon, Phenomenon. And I do a terrible impression, but it makes me laugh.(6:52) I was going to do an LL Cool J one. Okay, Phenomenon. When I first told when I first was told about the movie and I went Phenomenon, you mean like the movie where fucking John Travolta, John Travolta has a brain tumor.I’ve seen it like three fucking times. It’s I like that movie. Oh, no, it’s not that movie.It’s the Phenomenon. Totally Phenomenon. Totally different.Don’t bring up John Travolta. How dare you bring up John Travolta. (7:22) It’s not Pulp Fiction.It’s not Pulp Fiction. Kira Sedgwick. And it’s not powder.Every time I hear it’s Phenomenon, I think about powder, which is that kid that got hit by lightning. Yeah, that’s not. That was weird.That was another weird one. It was okay, but then I don’t remember liking the ending. I don’t know why.I’m just thinking something like a Phenomenon. And then we got Phenomenon, Phenomenon, Phenomenon. I didn’t pull my shirt over my head.(7:49) No, there’s there will be no midrifting, sir. No, just like Tokyo Midrift. Was that second? That was the second Fast and Furious.Tokyo Midrift. Tokyo Midrift. Right.Yeah. So I’m the great Cornelio. I am the great Cornelio.So we’re going to get serious now. And we this documentary, the Phenomenon, the Phenomenon or Nomina. It is singular, right? Phenomenon.Phenomenon. Phenomenon. (8:21) Phenomenon.Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon.Yes. All right. It’s the Phenomenon.Phenomenon. Yes. And what was the subject of this? The subject matter, sir, was UFOs.Correct. Unidentified Felicia objects. Felicia.There was somebody named Felicia, and we had to say bye Felicia. That will come up later, I’m sure. (8:49) Felicia and I have so mended our our ways so happy for you (8:53) Yeah, we’ve come across the aisle or something as people on this earth (8:57) And I still say bye Felicia, but only when she leaves now not like prior like to get her out like bye Felicia (9:04) Yeah, and then when she arrives as a hi Felicia, and I’ve met her one time via FaceTime (9:08) Yes, and Halloween for four minutes for if that right if that (9:13) So this is about UFOs now.It’s interesting. They still use UFOs in this thing because the they (9:21) Reclassified them to UAPs. Yes, they did mention that and what’s you what’s the UAP? It’s (9:26) unidentified aerial (9:28) Phenomenon, and I think that’s why they call that might be why they call it the phenomenon actually, but maybe not maybe it’s about the whole (9:35) thing, but it’s (9:37) unidentified (9:40) Objects in the air that are flying or hovering or something correct.Yes, okay, not on the ground (9:46) Once again, not we are not saying anything other than we just people don’t know what these things are correct in many cases (9:52) They could be a myriad of things (9:54) Yes, or just myriad of things (9:59) Yeah (10:00) No you said a myriad (10:01) Okay, if I misspoke (10:04) No, it’s okay. I apologize it myriad is one of those weird words, man (10:08) It’s a tough one, okay, so it’s phenomenon (10:14) So, um, mr. Woodsy took some hella notes (10:19) And a lot of them don’t make sense because I watched this twice and the first time I watched it (10:23) I don’t like the notes from the first time. I’m like, what did I even mean by this? You meant Jack? (10:27) Give me another drink.No, I I was sober when I watched the first time wasn’t I? (10:31) We it was Halloween. That’s when I first started drinking. Oh, you oh, yeah (10:34) No, I know not that I’m gonna do this bro.No, I know (10:38) Yeah, a couple. It’s all yeah, I drink for like fucking nine hours straight. It was beautiful.It was beautiful. It was beautiful (10:44) I was so much the first time you ever you called out (10:47) for a (10:48) Yeah, I called out hungover (10:52) It was the first time was like I can’t I’m like I I got you bro, my liver’s in flame in flames (10:59) Yeah, my liver’s that’s crazy (11:02) All right. So UFOs a you a piece.Yes (11:06) What I found interesting was that the first (11:10) Large everybody knows about Roswell in 1947. That’s very famous, right? But the movie (11:17) Barely seemed to touch on that which I found very interesting (11:22) They talked about in 1947 there was a sighting in Washington and in Oregon and there were they interviewed families and (11:32) Multiple sightings on farms, etc (11:36) As well as in 1951 there were sightings in Germany, so it’s not just it’s all over the world, you know (11:43) Yeah, and that because of those sightings in Oregon and Washington (11:46) They started something the US Air Force started something called project blue book. Yeah, which was (11:52) Nice to me.I had it here in a second ago, but you know, you made me look up project blue book (11:57) I’m sorry. I did not make you look. I’m sorry.I even said don’t even worry about 2.0 Cove (12:01) Yeah a project blue book started in 1952 ended in 1969 so it was the Air Force’s (12:09) Reaction to these sightings that they started that project blue book (12:12) Yeah, and to your point though the the one they went to and yes, we we were hope we were thinking Roswell would be mentioned (12:20) More significantly mentioned at the end, right? It wasn’t chronological. So it was a little confusing (12:25) Yeah, I think they went a little bit by importance and then a little bit chronological (12:29) So I wish they would have chosen a specific really clear route from one to the next in my opinion (12:35) I agree not not criticizing too bad, but it felt a little cobbled together in that way (12:41) Yes, it was yeah, but the big one was that one and was it for it was 47 which one the the that (12:49) Or 46 with the deputy the sheriff deputy where they saw the little children the ones that look like Joe (12:53) That was the first that was in in (12:56) Socorro, New Mexico, correct? Yeah 46. That was one of the ones they talked about as well.Yeah in-depth (13:01) They were they said that was yeah broke it open or something and it was like what? (13:05) Because they had number ones (13:06) We’ll go through the farm one and all the other ones (13:08) But I remember that one being unique because I never heard that one before no (13:12) I mean, I I’ve I’ve I mean I’ve heard of Socorro, New Mexico (13:15) I think I’ve been through there once but I’ve never I had no idea that there was a (13:21) they they interviewed a (13:23) sheriff (13:24) Who saw three aliens standing outside their ship (13:28) So, I mean that who how is it that no one I mean, I consider myself somewhat informed (13:34) I’d never ever ever heard of that before ever. That’s crazy (13:38) And we we are interested in this topic. Yeah, of course, you know, it’s not like we’re like on board (13:44) We’re just interested in what these things are and that we haven’t heard it with our level of interest in the way (13:50) We go down rabbit holes is kind of surprising to me.Absolutely. I was surprised (13:53) Yes (13:54) very much so and (13:57) That was an interesting one. So after that, what do we what what was your next? (14:04) Or what did thing? I took all the notes and you didn’t do shit.I am paying it (14:07) I paid very well attention what I really what did you find the most interesting about the Socorro case if I may then? (14:15) Well that the the sheriff saw three aliens, yeah, I mean and he could just he described them in height and color and (14:24) Drew the footprint tail. Yeah, and then he could draw the footprint the size of the footprint (14:29) Yeah, yeah came across and it was very small. You put a quarter next to it, right? (14:33) I think something like that.Yeah, and it was I mean it wasn’t a quarter size (14:37) but it was it just showed as you know relation to very small footed children or (14:42) People whatever beings of sorts they said they were two on one side two on the other and then they got in and it took (14:48) off or something (14:50) One looked right at him had bigger I had no just looked right at him right didn’t say about anything about the eye size (14:56) No, it’s dark. Yes, correct. Okay.I didn’t want to I don’t want to speak for the the sheriff (15:01) But I mean, this is a police officer. Yeah in like rural, New Mexico places, correct making this claim. I (15:09) kind of hard to (15:11) Say that the guy’s like looking for something, you know, you know, why I mean, why would he make that up? (15:16) Right, right, and he never really profited or anything off (15:19) No, he made in fact, they said that a bunch of people sent him like hundreds and hundreds of people (15:25) Sent him letters in the mail saying hey, I (15:28) I’ve seen stuff too from all over the place and from kids to elderly people.Hey, I’ve seen stuff too, you know (15:36) The letters were crazy. They were really heartfelt. They were they were reaching out to you know, someone else and it’s amazing (15:45) How much that how much (15:47) Like I guess attention he got and it I think his wife mentioned how much it kind of bothered him a little bit (15:53) Yeah, and that’s got to be daunting.Like you’re just living your life as a citizen in the United States serving, you know (15:59) your police department serving people and now you’re this I (16:04) Don’t know like poster celebrity. Yeah poster child for this fringe thing, right that everybody’s jumping on board (16:11) fine interesting (16:13) One part that I found (16:15) interesting not about Socorro, but about the other ones in the Pacific Northwest is that (16:22) They mentioned the word fleets of (16:26) Sightings, so it wasn’t just one (16:29) UFO it was (16:31) multiple upwards of nine I (16:34) Was gonna use the word aircraft, but nine objects in the sky were spotted together in formation (16:39) Yeah, and several times so it wasn’t just oh, hey (16:43) There’s a flying saucer or there’s something in the sky that I cannot identify (16:46) It was nine things in the sky that somebody cannot identify or a family saw nine things in the sky in like together (16:55) Yeah in a formation sort. Yeah, and they use the word fleets.I remember three to nine (16:59) I remember them saying somewhere between three and nine at all times almost or something (17:03) Yes, I was really surprised by the fact I had never heard of that before in in a UFO or (17:10) UAP (17:12) Reference except for like in the 90s the Phoenix Lights. Yeah, which is on my list as well (17:16) I think there was somewhere in the neighborhood of nine, but I obviously can it was like seven (17:21) But I thought that was one craft. That’s what’s really weird.Yeah (17:24) I don’t really know a lot about that. We could we could go down that rabbit hole, but that’s also on my list (17:30) I don’t think they mentioned that in the movie (17:32) But I because that happened here and it was on the news and they still bring it up, you know (17:37) Hey, it’s been the 10th anniversary or whatever the hell and you know (17:40) There’s all these theories about what it is and how long it was in the sky and all this garbage you were living in Phoenix (17:46) I was in Prescott. Sure.I think you were you’d graduated. Yeah. Yeah 94 if I’m not mistaken (17:51) I have no idea I think was here.So here’s I care (17:56) fucker I (17:57) mean (17:59) Screwer, whatever it takes (18:02) Another interesting point to that too is of the whole like flying and not formation (18:06) I put together is like yeah, three to nine. I remember that and I remember just (18:12) The like eight millimeter film and you’re just these these lit up things. I don’t know how you could I (18:18) Don’t know if you could fake that or I don’t know how it would be done (18:21) I’m just curious, you know how that would have been fake back then with that technology, you know (18:26) Like if you overwrote something because the film so grainy, how could you make something clear? (18:30) You’d have to make it look as grainy as the film.Yes, but I understand there was blue sky with these white lights (18:36) Right white lights going from like right to left was the one I remember (18:41) Yes (18:43) Yeah on the farm in Oregon, correct, how interesting did you find it that it seems like everyone starts at like (18:50) 1940 X, right? (18:53) Yeah, that’s on my list. They started they all started there was multiple sightings in 1947 (18:58) Yeah, so why is it that it didn’t happen in (19:03) 1896 or and Sakura was 46 46 or 47. So (19:08) Why is it that they didn’t start in 1912 or did did they and people just didn’t talk about it or they were scared? (19:16) or they were (19:18) Told not to talk about it.Oh, hey, you’ll be if you talk about it. You’ll be labeled as crazy or oh, no (19:24) Don’t don’t say anything. Oh, no, that’s just a government testing a new weather balloon or whatever.You know, I mean like (19:31) So there are theories to that and I I agree with the general (19:36) collection that if it is (19:40) Because we were once again you and I are not directly associating with otherworldly or extraterrestrial things (19:45) These are unidentified flying objects. We don’t know what they are. We don’t know what they are (19:49) That’s what that means, right if we do associate with an alien presence though like an extraterrestrial (19:54) You can almost date it right back to the to the nuclear testing and (20:01) The nuclear test let out a shockwave to the universe and it kind of was a beacon going (20:06) Oh shit (20:06) We got to go back and reinvestigate and maybe there were a lot less (20:10) Sightings are so sparse because they didn’t have to worry about looking out after us or looking, you know (20:14) Observing us if that were the case, but it seems to be right after all the nuclear tests started that these sightings increased (20:23) Exponentially in the areas of the site of the testings (20:26) Yeah, so is that your theory or is that something you’ve read? (20:30) I’ve read that but I would come to that conclusion because it seems like right after that is when all everyone claims seeing it (20:37) It doesn’t make sense.You wouldn’t claim it before (20:39) So either there were less sightings (20:42) There was more (20:44) There was more like not talking about it, which could be the case could be a combination of both or there were actually less (20:50) You know, they were in different places. They didn’t go to you know, where people were (20:56) If it’s that kind of if it’s connected to extraterrestrial (20:59) I just don’t want to do that because we just don’t know what they are. I’m thinking I like it (21:08) Yeah, I don’t know man.I don’t know. I (21:11) Understand what you’re saying. I understand your point (21:13) I just don’t know if that holds water in my mind or not, right? (21:18) That’s what I’m questioning actually because I’m I’m it seems to be that that’s where everyone starts (21:24) Yeah, like 1940 right five six, right? We tested in 44.Yeah, right like that (21:31) 43 44 I think I have to look at when Bikini Island was done (21:35) And yeah, all those underground the first in New Mexico, right? The New Mexico was the I think the first yeah, and then (21:41) They did them a bunch and they showed the number of nuclear (21:44) Testing did you see that? No, I don’t recall that part the graph at the end (21:48) It was like the United States had over a thousand nuclear tests. Wow, I Russia at nine. I think was 976 (21:53) There was like a graph and I said France.Remember I said, yeah (21:57) Okay, you didn’t have atomic because there’s only five I think five powers that have correct (22:01) Yeah, and it’s odd that Germany’s not one of them and I it’s must be coming out of the war (22:06) It must be coming out of World War two. I can’t imagine because they’re probably the most technically advanced (22:12) Civilization (22:14) Groups in Germany next to Japan. Yeah, right, but Germany’s very scientific and very oh, yeah technical right in that (22:20) You know Siemens and all these other companies that are very honest.Yeah, you know like Naval salute (22:26) Si EMA NS ladies and gentlemen. Oh (22:30) They had to pay reparations. Yeah, okay.They did. All right (22:35) So we’re moving forward from (22:38) From that part of it (22:40) What’s your thought about that though in the 40s what what what do you have a working (22:45) Hypothesis or something? I definitely don’t like to work (22:49) This I don’t I don’t (22:54) Obviously the timing is incredibly I (22:59) Don’t want to use the word ironic, but I mean what else do you want a coincidental so Alanis what? (23:05) It’s very Alanis Morissette, you know (23:07) Because I (23:10) Obviously humanity started testing in 43 or whatever and then we dropped the two bombs in (23:16) 45 so and then these these (23:20) the rates of (23:23) sightings that were reported (23:26) Skyrocketed in 46 47 X and then from there, right? So (23:32) Yeah, I understand the theory and I it makes sense logically (23:37) But I don’t understand why there weren’t (23:40) sightings before then (23:42) And I think there were there were just less (23:45) or you know, I (23:48) Just think there is to your point like a combination of less (23:52) interaction because they weren’t back checking us out as much and (23:56) Because people probably under-reported didn’t have a means of getting the word out or getting people, you know (24:02) I just saw did it today. I just saw you a UFO stop.Yeah, and they didn’t have the word UFO yet (24:07) Yeah, so I just saw something in the sky stop a flying object, right? (24:11) And they don’t even they didn’t call it wasn’t UFO until do you have that in your note one year that one? (24:17) No, but it was in the 40s or 50s when it was it became a UFO (24:20) I think it was in the late 40s. They called that, you know, and I unidentified flying objects (24:25) So there wasn’t even a word for it prior to this uptick in sightings. Yeah, so I found that interesting as well (24:32) Yeah, what do you call it? (24:33) Like I I would guess it would be under-reported prior unless you had cave drawings, which there’s a lot of drawings on caves (24:40) Yeah, I was gonna bring that up.I mean cave drawings and all the ancient civilizations have some (24:46) You know at the Aztecs Incas Egyptians, etc. I’ll have some kind of (24:51) different ships (24:54) You know (24:56) Helicopters that that are drawn in or carved into stone that are six thousand years old (25:02) Yeah, so why is it that they’re alien references from thousands of years ago and then? (25:09) there aren’t (25:11) More in more recent human history (25:13) Right. Why is that and then all of a sudden did they leave and come back? Is that basically what happened in a very? (25:22) summarized way (25:23) Yeah (25:24) And we’ve got a couple other thoughts about that (25:27) I’m sure we’ll get into at the end about what they could be right because we’re gonna probably question what they are (25:33) You know, are they ours? There’s (25:37) Extraterrestrials, yeah, right and then all different theories of that.So what do we have? (25:42) Uh, when we got next the 1951 sighting in Germany, I think I mentioned that yes (25:50) Then in Australia in (25:52) 67 (25:54) 1967 there was a (25:58) Entire school (26:00) saw a (26:01) UFO or whatever you want to call it and (26:04) They interviewed all those they interviewed those students as adults now (26:09) I thought that was very they all had the same description. Obviously. They all saw the same thing (26:14) So there was 20 of them they interviewed or something to that effect a large number of them and they’re all adults now (26:19) They’re all in their 60s now and they all said the same thing and they all had the same story and they were making (26:25) They drew what they saw and described it and it was fascinating to hear what they had to say (26:30) Yeah, I think there were actually two in Australia (26:32) They had the one where they had the the drawings that landed in the end of the running trail (26:36) Is that the other one with the older Australian with the older Australian women or were those the same? (26:43) Event.Do you remember that? I thought there might have been two. I think you were correct there. I think they were okay (26:48) the one day to which you’re referring was (26:51) Astonishing to me because they actually said they were within one meter (26:56) Yes aliens.Yes, and they said the big black guys. They all had the same story the children and they were children (27:02) They were yeah, they were like nine twelve. Yeah.Yeah. Yeah, they were little yeah (27:05) They were they were young but they all the same story and they brought a psychologist in from Harvard or something (27:12) To to question them to validate, you know to validate whether they’re you know being (27:18) Honest or right, you know, however that was (27:20) Watching the video of the of the children on the screen the way they’re looking at the adult when they’re explaining it (27:29) They’re unshakably (27:31) It it looks to me like they believed what they like they believe they saw that they didn’t well (27:37) Yeah, they didn’t look away (27:38) It wasn’t like I’m not like they were making it up as children (27:41) Of course not and then coming back them talking about it to your point as adults (27:46) That was to me is the most interesting part is yeah very as adults (27:51) That was super interesting (27:53) And they all stuck to it there, you know, and they have they’re not getting anything out of sticking to that story (27:59) No, and yeah, they’re not getting paid right? No (28:01) So I that was a really interesting one and that seemed to be like the literally the closest encounter (28:08) Right a meter and speaking of close encounters (28:12) Who is that a pretty good segue? Yeah, it is. I that was on my list as well (28:16) I talk about him.Um, the the (28:20) gentleman a French authority on UFOs (28:23) Who I thought he I thought he had some great interviews in the movie. He was the gentleman that was (28:32) used as the basis (28:34) for the French character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind (28:38) Which I thought was I thought he was a great (28:41) Addition to that movie. It makes me want to watch it again.If it wasn’t for Terry Garr, dr. Valet, I believe (28:48) Sure, yeah, we we visit Jacques Valet. I don’t or Jean-luc.I don’t that’s one of the two (28:54) Oh, it could be Jacques. I just uh (28:56) We’re looking for the unidentifiable (28:59) frying fish frying fish object the (29:04) Hello, I am I am Jacques Cousteau we are looking for the unidentified fish object (29:11) That’s not a great one, but I’ll have to work on it (29:15) We we poo-poo. I can do that.I can we we poo-poo all day. Yes, and I’m talking about (29:19) You better get an ointment for that guy was so I loved that. Yeah, he was very I yeah (29:25) I did he was probably my favorite part of the movie.He was very well-spoken and articulate and (29:30) I really liked him a lot very just (29:33) Pragmatic he wasn’t like no they exist man (29:38) He was like this is what we have and he addressed the UN in 1978 (29:43) I mean, it’s crazy (29:45) Yeah (29:45) He went through and then he had those samples when he took those samples was to Stanford and they had like a 3d (29:53) They had a 3d (29:55) Resolution imager down the metals that were made right and you had a couple points about that and I want to talk about that because (30:02) I (30:03) believe what they were trying to say is the (30:05) Metals that they analyzed were light were built like atom by atom almost like a 3d printer like one layer of lithium (30:13) one layer of titanium one layer (30:16) You know atomically versus something that would have been smelted or melted together like we would have probably one of our processes (30:24) where (30:26) Where did they I don’t recall? Where did they get that? (30:29) that (30:31) sample from (30:33) Valet said it was I believe it was the Roswell piece, but I (30:39) It might be the one where he said they hit it with the hammer (30:41) Yeah, okay would have been the I think was during the Roswell thing (30:44) Okay, cuz he said they hit it with the hammer. Remember it didn’t bend. It was like a foil thing (30:48) Yeah, yes, right (30:49) And they whacked it and it didn’t move right I think he just had fragments of that yeah, okay (30:55) So I’m not a hundred percent certain.Okay. Yeah. Yeah.Yeah. Yeah, so that’s fascinating (31:00) I found that very fascinating that it was constructed in a way that humans have no (31:07) We wouldn’t have no idea to do how to do that. Maybe we even know how but don’t have the capability like oh, yeah (31:12) Right, you just layer one layer.Yeah, but how do you do that? How do you do the process? (31:16) We might know the process just not the application or the (31:20) What’s that called? (31:22) Execution of the process. Yeah, correct. Yeah, I know how yeah, absolutely.Yeah, it’s unbelievable (31:26) It’s beyond current metallurgy that we know. Yes, you know (31:31) Alright, I don’t know if I want a tangent about yeah, you do that, but Bob Lazar wasn’t mentioned in this right one time (31:38) I find that odd. Do you know a little bit about Bob Lazar? I mean, I know I know there’s a bunch of movies (31:44) That he’s in I mean (31:46) Documentaries or whatever you want to call it and I I’ve watched (31:52) 15 minutes of him with Joe Rogan, but that’s all I know (31:57) Okay, so I I mean I that’s been on my list to do for a long time (32:00) But I mean I keep getting sidetracked watching other stuff or whatever.Yeah, we’re busy people man (32:05) Yeah, full-time jobs full-time podcasters. Yeah, this is just you know, it’s crazy, bro (32:10) We’re burning the can on three ends, bro. I don’t even have three and I don’t even have a candle (32:14) I don’t even like flames.I like I don’t want to be here. I I don’t even like you (32:22) Today I just want to bring that up because (32:25) Just a small portion of it when we talk about elements the way that metal was (32:31) Constructed was beyond our under current understanding. Is that kind of what they implied in the documentary the way it was (32:38) Constructed yes.Okay, Bob Lazar claims that he knew of he had an element 115 (32:46) They called an element 115. He worked in area 52 (32:50) 52. Oh, well, they did mention in the way mentioned element 115 in the movie.They did mention it. Yeah, okay (32:56) Yeah, so I I don’t know if you know this but this would have been in the 80s (33:00) I think or 70s that he was get shown it, correct (33:03) I don’t know when it wasn’t discovered in the in the world in on earth until 1990 (33:10) It’s caught it’s actually called Moscovium (33:13) Because it was is it of this planet it well it had to be created (33:17) You have to bombard a current element with radiation of some sort and you can make it and the half-life is like, you know (33:23) one gazillionth of a millisecond kind of thing where like it goes it goes away just like that and (33:30) Chris is trying to get comfortable. This is why you rip the thing off the arm to stuff.Why I’m very rough. Yeah, okay (33:37) That’s why you’re rough (33:41) Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that was dad joke number one (33:45) But Moscovium is element 115 on our periodic chart (33:49) Okay (33:50) and he claims that he was shown element 115 before the world even was aware of its existence or was (33:57) Created it that to me if that’s true is (34:02) just (34:04) Astonishing. I didn’t even know the name of it.Yeah, I knew once team but not that Moscovium. Yeah, I’d look that up (34:11) It sounds like a Russian shot (34:13) It is because they they found they discovered it in Moscow with a Russian with a Russian guy in a and an American as well (34:19) I think we could look, you know, we could prove it was that all day (34:22) But I maybe we should do as our one after after we’ve got a couple lined up, but after that, right? Yeah (34:28) Because well, there’s a bunch more. Yeah, I’d have to do a bunch of research.Oh, yeah, you know, yeah (34:33) There’s there’s one. There’s a great a documentary called area 51 Bob Lazar (34:38) On Netflix. Yeah, so that’s that’s what I recommend.Yeah has been for a year. Yeah, that one’s a good one (34:44) He’s an interesting guy (34:45) But we can continue with the phenomenon because I just want to talk about the element because it was one of those another interesting (34:51) Tick-ons, I’m surprised, you know that they touched upon as well (34:55) Also tambien also all of the tambourines the tambourines are in full force ladies and gentlemen, yeah, what do we got next? (35:05) They mentioned how (35:07) There was a UFO sighting. I (35:11) Think it was it was in the u.s. Was it Montana where there was it was over a (35:18) A (35:19) ICBM missile silo.Yes, and then the Alstrom Air Force, right and the (35:26) Malmstrom it basically shut down the (35:30) US Air Force’s ability to launch nuclear (35:34) Missiles it disabled ten of the missiles, right? (35:36) It didn’t they didn’t lose power or but they they were unable to fire their missiles (35:42) If they wanted if they needed to or wanted to yeah, and I found that (35:47) like a a red beam came down from the ship and (35:51) It will I mean it looked like a laser beam or well the reenactment look like a laser beam (35:56) But it I mean it obviously I don’t think it was a laser beam, but it looked like one (36:00) But I thought that was crazy. Yeah, and that was a dramatization, of course (36:04) but the yes to your point the (36:08) the observers the eyewitnesses stated that a red beam came down from and (36:13) Shot into the silos or something. Yes, and it just disabled the ability to launch the the nuclear missile (36:19) Yes, so but it it didn’t I (36:23) Think it’s crazy that it just disabled them from being able to launch but it didn’t it didn’t knock the power out.It didn’t (36:30) That’s what’s weird. Is it to me like if it was an EMP pulse (36:34) all the power would have been out correct, and I thought that was super interesting that they just (36:39) The way that that it happened I would also wager a guess that those silos (36:47) Possibly are EMP shielded. Oh, and the reason they would be in my opinion is if there was a nuclear attack (36:53) Yeah, one landed near the place.Yeah, it wouldn’t disable our ability to shoot. Yeah, that’s a good point (36:59) So I think EMP is almost ruled out. Okay in my opinion.I just don’t know (37:04) Yeah, no, that seems very logical and yeah, but how you know (37:08) they some guy mentioned the light was like a data upload and you’re like (37:14) That’s hard for me to wrap my head around even even with like my breadth of sci-fi (37:20) Love why is why cuz a light can pull the data from and shut something down like with a light (37:27) Look, I know you can transmit data and information through a light. But how do you penetrate the metal? That’s (37:34) In the silo, right? It wasn’t like the silos open like here shoot on me, you know (37:38) I mean, we can send information through walls and shit, dude (37:42) Yeah with Wi-Fi, but I’m saying but the hat like how did it hack? (37:46) You know, I mean cuz like those systems are because they have punch cards (37:50) They have technology that humans can’t comprehend right if yes, if it is that I’m just I’m just questioning how right like (37:56) How would this be done to your point? We don’t we don’t think it’s an EMP because it didn’t act that way (38:02) Yes, so like what is it like how how would it download via light that’s that that’s amazing (38:08) You mean like how does the technology work? (38:10) Yeah (38:10) okay, and just if it if that is true and that did happen right and they had a they had a (38:17) What was it a conference in 2010 or some kind of press? (38:20) presser (38:21) Where all the all the top scientists talked about? Yeah, we didn’t have let alone one let alone to go out (38:26) We had ten go out. Yeah, and then that was that whole thing with the belt the blue backdrop that (38:32) Yeah, the press conference with all the guys that weren’t there that uh, all the (38:37) Actually all the missile silo launch (38:40) officers that had been retired and stuff and they all they all came forward and talked about how crazy it was and they talked about (38:46) the (38:48) The one in England was the largest missile (38:51) Collection for nuclear arsenal for the United States in Europe and how there was green there was like a green light (38:57) They showed shining into the side.Yeah, right (38:59) So it was just weird the inability to launch or they had to manually abort or something and one I think one almost triggered it (39:06) And they had to manually abort it. I remember them talking about it in that way. So (39:11) That kind of seems scary (39:13) Terrifying.Have you ever seen the video of the missile that they’re doing a launch like an ICBM test? (39:19) And it looks like an object comes flying in shoots like two lasers and thing blows up on the launch pad, right? (39:24) It’s not to go off. I’ll show you that. It’s interesting.It’s it’s interesting, but it’s hard to you know, it could be doctored (39:31) That’s all of course. Yeah, but it is just interesting like oh what interesting timing and it was I think it was an ICBM test (39:38) And they’re like, you know, there seems to be a lot of that (39:41) People jumping on that weird band not weird, but that bandwagon of oh (39:45) They’re here to you know, cuz the nuclear thing kind of to the point earlier and that seems to be a general consensus (39:51) But I feel like it’s gotten carried away a little bit. You know, I mean, yeah, like I don’t know (39:55) I don’t know what the whole intention would be, you know, and the Pentagon has stated that (40:01) They say they claim to have vehicles not of this earth (40:04) They haven’t shown anything, but they actually put a presser out six months ago something like that (40:10) So that’s interesting as well (40:13) We need to come back to that point, okay, would you like to just expound on it now, would you like to know more? (40:18) Yes, I would like I mean sure I’ll just go ahead and jump the shark right now then so you’re you just stated (40:25) Yay us go team (40:28) You just stated that the government released a press (40:34) Had a press release (40:36) Six months ago that they have an aircraft not of this earth (40:42) What (40:43) First of all, why am I hearing about this now second of all (40:48) Why isn’t the world freaking the fuck out (40:53) Why didn’t they freak out six months ago? (40:55) why was that not on CNN and Fox and (40:59) ABC News tonight and that’s there’s proof there’s aliens, bro (41:05) If that’s true, yeah, I mean obviously the press release could have been a lie.It could have been a tactic (41:10) It’s from the Pentagon. Okay, wait, it could have been a lie. It could have been a tactic to go.Hey (41:16) Look over here (41:17) Don’t look over here (41:19) So they could have been the shell game right like oh, hey, that’s just happening over here (41:24) so we’re gonna tell you we have an alien spaceship or (41:27) That it’s I’m just saying it’s possible not probable right but possible specifically while I like (41:33) Specifically what happened with that why I expound on your expansion (41:37) Can you just type in Pentagon vehicle not all of earth this earth and you will find this autocool (41:44) To your point. Yeah, it’s very important. This is what the trend though is look at 2017 (41:49) They start releasing the Navy footage declassifying this stuff, right? So first they say oh we see it on video, right? (41:56) Then they go.Oh, we saw a closer on video. Oh, we saw really close up and now we have one (42:01) Doesn’t it sound like they’re trending towards explaining that we probably have been in communication in some way (42:07) Yes, that’s what that’s what I come to. So you believe that I think they’re slowly (42:14) Like dipping our toe in the water to acclimate to the temperature the cold shock of hey guys (42:20) We’ve been we’ve actually been visited and communicated with these fucking things.Hey, my dad’s birthday (42:26) July 24th. Oh, it was about six. Well, how about that? (42:30) July happy birthday dad (42:33) Cesar see what was his middle name Armando (42:38) But don’t call him Armandito or he will freak the little Armando, dude (42:42) He fucking apparent apparently somebody called me called him that when he was little and he didn’t like it like a nickname like Armandito (42:50) Yeah, like, you know everything little yeah, he fucking hated that shit, dude (42:55) Wow, that’s interesting Cesar Armando (42:59) New York Times July 24th 2020 no longer in the shadows Pentagon’s UFO unit will make some findings public (43:09) For over a decade the program now tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence has discussed mysterious (43:14) Events and classified briefings.Let me see if I can find the part about them having a craft (43:18) I think you have to beer Google’s vehicle not of this or I did (43:22) Oh, okay, and it might be another they might buried it again. So maybe it got pulled. I don’t know (43:28) however (43:29) Sir with two things going on that were very important (43:33) Allegedly in America.Yeah, I don’t think that you know, I don’t think the UFOs and UAPs were on anybody’s radar (43:40) Get it not on anybody’s (43:43) Radar. Ah, that’s a dog dad joke to quote not made on this earth (43:49) Top secret Pentagon UFO task force reportedly expected to reveal some findings (43:56) That’s what they claim see not made on this earth is like I said, it’s not saying it’s not claiming an extra (44:02) But it’s not of this earth. So obviously it’s somewhere else.I (44:06) Find it interesting (44:07) But I what are your thoughts on that that they’re slowly leaking? (44:11) Little more drips and drabs so that we don’t war the world’s and jump out of buildings like we did 19 (44:16) Was it 39? (44:18) I think yeah, whenever I’ll have to look at it freaky (44:20) and I actually I was thinking about that this morning because I (44:24) Wish when I wish I had asked my dad about that because (44:30) My dad was alive in 1939 really? Yeah, he was 16 years old. So hang on. Let me I want to make sure (44:37) How is your dad that much older than I? (44:39) My father was 46 when I was born.He’s old fucker. Yeah, my dad was 34. So my dad was super old (44:45) So yeah, definitely.So he’s trying to make so he my dad was um (44:51) If I’m trying to look it up hang on yeah tour of the world’s (44:56) anyway, so it’s it is interesting though that we talk about these things and (45:01) The government is slowly starting to declassify and we’ll talk about (45:05) Where I found what I found interesting too on that point is you saw a Republican (45:12) Congressman and then you saw a Republican congressman. Then you saw the Senate Majority Leader who was a Democrat, right? (45:18) Harry Reid. Oh, yeah.Yeah, that’s in my nose Republicans and Democrats. This was a this was a (45:25) Nonpartisan issue, right? Like it’s not like Republicans said there don’t exist and Democrats said (45:31) leak the information you had people from both parties both wanting to expose the truth and (45:39) That’s odd (45:40) It speaks to the power of the actual information that both parties are interested in that being I think that’s a great point declassified (45:48) Yes, because we hardly have come across the aisle recently, right? (45:52) It’s like we don’t agree left and right don’t agree on pretty much anything right now (45:57) But to agree on except for aliens except for aliens, you know unidentified flying objects (46:04) Hmm Smithers. Hmm were the world was done by Orson Welles (46:09) Yes, Sunday 8 p.m (46:13) October 30th (46:14) 1938 as a Halloween episode on CBS radio (46:18) So my dad was 15 years old, so I and I regret not asking him.Hey, do you remember that? Hey, did you hear it? (46:26) What did you think? What do did I mean it caused a panic? (46:31) Because everybody thought it was real. So did you think it was real? What did you think? You know that sort of shit (46:36) So now was before because 38 was before (46:41) Was before this the Nazis invaded Poland even so it was before World War two even started (46:50) It’s crazy (46:52) Be very and I would I would have I I wish I would have asked him about that (46:56) yeah, I mean, I I’ve I heard stories of people just losing their minds and (47:02) I think that I (47:05) Think we’d be a lot more obviously. We’re further along than we were, you know, look how much we (47:10) At least grew up with the technology now, right? Yeah, you’re probably not as freaked out (47:14) I think we’d be freaked out but we’d be more scared and not unsure then like like what or what are the intentions? (47:21) Not like oh my god, we’re all gonna die (47:24) But I think people be very curious and fearful of what you know why they’re showing up (47:30) Yes, it’s an interesting.I think Stephen Hawking said it. I think I said it to you last night. We were watching it but (47:37) Hardly ever is the quote-unquote lesser civilization (47:41) Okay, when a quote-unquote higher civilization comes and visits (47:47) Bad things usually happen and not to the quote-unquote higher yet to us (47:52) We’re gonna get squash like ants just like just like the expansion of the Americas, right? (47:57) Just like the expansion, you know all those types of things the quote-unquote higher civilization (48:03) Impeded their will imposed their will right as it were on the lesser quote-unquote lesser (48:10) perceived civilization (48:13) Astrophysicists and former consultants for the UFO program Eric Davis told the New York Times (48:18) He gave a classified briefing to the Defense Department agency in March of 2020 regarding quote off (48:25) world vehicles not made on this earth and quote (48:30) That’s freaky (48:32) That’s so freaky.So to go back to your point about (48:36) Releasing bits of information slowly over time to prepare the human race (48:41) For hey, we’ve been talking with aliens for X number of years. Hey, they live among us (48:50) Something to that effect. I think that’s an absolutely (48:54) plausible theory (48:56) absolutely (48:57) It would make more sense.It makes sense now (49:01) To do it, you know what I mean? Yeah (49:05) To do it and to do it that way if you were gonna do it not like hey everybody (49:09) Let’s go from zero to a hundred in 2.8 seconds. I like that though. Yeah, it would be fun.That’s see (49:16) I’m a deep ender. Yeah, I don’t want to tiptoe around in the fucking shallow end (49:20) I want to jump in and go fuck it if give me all the information if they’ve been here (49:25) What fucking why not why would we want not the full information because they’ve already been here what good it (49:32) You know because you and I are different bro (49:33) So we have to put ourselves in the shoes of the people that can’t handle that information (49:38) So since we’re already on the in the deep end of this fucking (49:42) Conversation. Yeah, we’re always in the deep (49:45) Well, you know this I would assume we’d get there at the end of the podcast not in the middle of the podcast (49:49) That’s why we already at the end.No, not even close. Well, then do we want to circle back? No (49:55) Fuck it. I think we can be entertaining enough at any point of the podcast.I concur (50:01) What are the ramifications if that theory is true (50:07) Excuse me (50:08) What are the ramifications to the human race if in the next five years? (50:14) There are more announcements by governments around the world saying. Oh (50:25) Engineers alien technology (50:27) Hey, we have AI because we reverse alien engineer da da da da. Yeah, and then hey (50:33) we then in five years, they finally make the announcement that (50:37) This is Fred the alien.That’s a really good question. What are the ramifications of to the human race? (50:47) Look, one of the questions is (50:51) How are how hard are the current power systems in place gonna fight that because that will destroy any power they have left (50:59) Don’t you think every power system is gonna fight that? Yes. So that’s why I’m wondering why it’s taken so long (51:06) I’m wondering if they’ve just been combating it and now it’s just reached critical mass and they can’t keep it in the bottle anymore (51:12) Right.They just can’t sit on it anymore or fight it (51:16) but I if I were a (51:18) You know if I were one of the systems in place controlling everything one of the banking systems or whatever (51:24) I don’t know if I’d want alien technologies and all these other things that make everyone’s life vibes easier (51:30) Because kind of the struggles where I’d profit (51:35) Well, I mean not not (51:43) Is 5g? (51:46) Why why why Verizon profits (51:49) Yeah, well, it’s the next thing and they were the first one to get it everywhere, right? (51:53) So they’re gonna have a market share that but I’m talking about any technologies that take away like we won’t need debt (51:59) We won’t have needs like that (52:01) we will each get a replicator in our in our kitchen and we just type up what we want and it (52:08) Creates it atom by atom. Oh, you mean like food? Yeah food or whatever (52:12) Hey, I need a new table and it’ll make one right but like food would be the perfect one because there are starving people in (52:18) The world right? Yeah dress that first then you address cleaning the environment up then you address all these other technology, you know (52:24) We you know, obviously reusable energy that if it is (52:30) Extraterrestrial if it is alien in nature, and it’s a conscious alien being (52:34) they obviously have gotten further than we have and can make technologies that don’t require batteries or (52:40) Propulsion right like the whole thing about propulsion is interesting because yeah shoot something out the back to make it go forward (52:46) Yes, that’s how our stuff works (52:48) It doesn’t work any other way other than if it’s on a track and then it uses, you know (52:53) Other kind of motion but for flying it’s shooting something out the back to make it go forward and burning and burning (53:01) Internal combustion engine, correct. Is there another way to do? (53:04) Yeah, yeah humans have we’ve pigeonholed ourselves into that being the only way to (53:10) Move forward in flight, right and then you hear about these objects that go boom boom like that at full speed (53:17) Yeah out any effect full stop full right, which is not (53:22) Zero to X. Yeah, that’s not a human (53:26) Ability, correct.Yeah, and and even that even if it the even if we could make craft that could do that (53:32) the body inside (53:34) Correct would and they talked about that and the G’s would just destroy it (53:39) It actually makes me think why if it is aliens why they’re smaller and I think that’s part of the solution (53:45) Because they have less extremities to worry about blood rushing to the areas plus obviously (53:50) I think they have some kind of inertial dampers. I would I think the ship is it is (53:55) handles the G’s for to not put the (53:59) Pressure on the body of the pilots. I agree 100% on that as well (54:03) Yeah, but I’m just saying this smaller size would also make sense.Of course in addition. Yes (54:09) Cuz they’ve always wanted short pilots like they always like pilots like 5 4 2 5 6 good thing Tyson was 6 6 (54:15) He was a kc-10 pilot, well, he could I know but I was max height for a pilot. Yeah (54:20) Yeah, he could have chosen anything (54:22) Yeah, but I’m saying like it would have been much more challenging pulling like an invite.Can you go through it a 4g? (54:30) inverted dive with a mig-28 (54:34) At what range (54:36) Two meters it was more like one and a half (54:41) I (54:41) Love you, man (54:43) But right, I mean it just it it was funny because when they talk about size like oh my gosh (54:47) That also makes sense a little bit with the g-stop (54:49) Maybe the dampers work to it to a large extent, but you still have some forces exerted. Yeah. No, I told yeah (54:56) I mean when they said that (54:58) When it when a pilot they interviewed said that in the movie that you know, the number of G’s that that that a ship (55:05) Going a thousand miles per hour makes a full stop and then makes a left turn (55:10) That you it would just it would separate your face from your skull.Those weren’t his words, but that’s that’s (55:18) Basically, he used a different terminology, but that’s basically what would happen (55:23) Heavy metal song (55:27) That would be a cannibal corpse song sir (55:30) That’s great (55:32) And in addition to that (55:34) You know, what what are these space people? What are the space? (55:39) Launch rockets now, is it 7g or 17g? I think it’s 7g (55:44) When they launch straight up straight. Yeah. Well out actually out.Yeah, but we’re not gonna talk about that, right? (55:50) Yeah, is it seven? I think it’s constant like seven G’s Wow, and they’re just accelerating to a speed from zero to something (55:56) They’re not going from to a dead stop and then in a millisecond, correct and or a bright a 90 degree turn (56:03) Correct a millisecond that is that’s forces that just you get smushed in. Okay, so nothing for we you need to do something (56:11) Give me a favor for our listeners that don’t understand what a G is. Why don’t you explain that? (56:15) Okay, so one G is one times the effect of gravity.So (56:20) Sitting in your chair in your chair is one G is one G (56:23) Say you jump up and land down and you feel that force that you have to absorb (56:28) It’s one G plus whatever you lifted times gravity. So it’s one point. Whatever G (56:35) Race cars experience it going around a track.I think the Indy people are up to 4g now Wow (56:41) I didn’t know like three. I think they were like starting to pass out. They had to rev limit (56:45) Oh, I didn’t know that either.I thought I don’t want to speak to her (56:49) I think they were up like 3.8 G. I could get him a g-suit (56:52) Yeah, but it’s sideways lateral G not always down no, no, I understand which is either way you can still use a g-suit to help (56:59) Yes, keep it from passing out. I’m sure the suits probably have some kind of inflation or something (57:04) I don’t know, but they should they should for sure (57:07) But it’s so instantaneous because it’s just around the bend. So around, you know each turn.Yeah, it’s not always a correct thing (57:13) But it’s it is instances of so basically imagine seven times your weight being pushed (57:20) You’ve ever gone on a roller coaster or something where you get accelerated you get pushed back in your seat you take off in a car (57:25) You’re obviously experiencing. That’s not even 1g (57:29) When you’re like accelerating forward, that’s not even close to 1g. It feels like some force, but it’s not 1g (57:35) He’s not a lot.Imagine your full weight going that way how fast you have to go to do that? (57:40) I think I think the astronauts are 7g (57:42) But I I might be wrong, but I just remember that off the top of my head (57:46) But pilots have experienced up to 910 G with yeah these suits and then what they do (57:50) The reason it’s a problem is because blood then goes the direction of the pull of the gravity of the G’s (57:57) They leaves your head. It could leave your head leave your extremities (58:00) So you don’t you know, you lose feeling and things like that (58:03) so these suits pressurize and try to hold blood in each portion of the body as long as possible and (58:11) Zero G means you’re floating and (58:14) Negative G means you’re (58:16) Coming out of your chair. Yeah, right.It’s correct. Okay. Yeah, like coming out (58:23) Yeah, because floating would be just be a constant but leaving away from it.Yeah negative I guess (58:29) Yeah, that’s that’s kind of how that works and pilots are trained (58:32) to withstand nine G’s and that usually nine at point X is where (58:39) The best pilots in the world start to pass out and the world goes gray and they pass out (58:44) Yeah, and that’s where you could die because you don’t wake up for the ground. It’s the aircraft. I (58:50) Like that the ground is here.Well, that’s my favorite part, you know (58:53) It’s it sucks when the aircraft hits a ground, but when the ground hits the aircraft, then you know, you’re really in (58:57) Yeah, it’s a little worse. You’re not getting away from the ground (59:00) No, you can get away from the aircraft, but you can’t get away from the ground is the issue (59:03) I have no fear of falling, but I hate hitting the ground. That’s correct (59:09) Yeah to that point nine G’s and that’s with like our thrusters and rockets going maybe a thousand miles an hour thousand knots (59:17) Well, whatever it is top.I mean, it’s mock to well (59:21) I mean, I think the Superbird the SR 71 Blackbird. Oh that is seven Mach seven (59:27) Yeah, that’s yeah (59:28) But imagine going Mach 7 is 0 right? (59:31) That’s really the problem because that thing’s flying steadily at Mach 7 so it doesn’t have Jesus exerted on it (59:37) Only the acceleration up to 7 Mach 7 is actually any force, right? (59:41) but they’ve also the SR 71 was at a (59:45) Super high altitude. Oh, yes, so there’s no (59:49) Air up there.Well the other thing to to I apologize. It’s not a flight thing. It’s not like a maneuverable aircraft (59:56) It’s really meant to go straight and fast correct (59:58) whereas like a fighter jet would experience to your point more of the (1:00:02) Trying G because you’re going fast and then banking and then in that steep bank is your guys (1:00:07) It’s pushing this way against it.Yeah, so sideways is the issue, right? (1:00:13) It’s basically your head right just yeah out down your feet. However, that would happen (1:00:18) But if these craft do what they do (1:00:21) holy mackerel (1:00:23) ramifications (1:00:26) Ramifications (1:00:26) Ramifications if aliens are walking among us (1:00:33) If they have solutions to fix that they claim fix all our problems and we quit as a heat as a species too early (1:00:42) Imagine that mean if we’re gonna quit yeah, I know as a species too early (1:00:46) I’m gonna try to explain I kind of this is kind of a Kanye West thought (1:00:50) No, it’s not his thought. It’s it’s broken up the way his mind works (1:00:55) So I’m trying I don’t ever mention him.I have to know you don’t just say there’s a guy broken (1:01:02) I’m gonna hit you. So this is what I’m thinking. I get a president-elect Biden becomes a president gets inaugurated he (1:01:13) day one (1:01:15) They’re like, you know what? Let’s just tell the world so during his inauguration.He invites the Space Federation (1:01:22) To like front row seats next to the Queen (1:01:25) For example, right next to the Queen of England and he’s like, hey come well cuz the Queen on you there (1:01:31) No, Queen has the best seats bro at Wimbledon. Yeah, but she she gets anything (1:01:36) She wants she has sit next to aliens during Joe Biden’s inauguration. I’d want that.I’d want that (1:01:42) Of course, she’s part of the power structure. She might not want that. So he invites him over there go (1:01:47) We are here.We come peacefully. They they’re speaking spells, right and they just pull their string on the 18 (1:01:57) They go we can solve (1:01:59) We can solve your debt. We can solve your food.We can solve your environment. We can solve your energy (1:02:07) We can solve every fucking problem that you that that the world has right? (1:02:11) People watching that go shit. I know I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.It’s solved (1:02:17) Did you just give me a kissy smushy fishy face I did that’s for the video ladies and gentlemen fishy fishy (1:02:29) Does that make sense so (1:02:31) They watch this thing. Oh, oh all our problems are solved. I don’t have to go into work tomorrow (1:02:34) I don’t have to clock in they’re gonna they’re gonna feed me.They’re gonna give me money (1:02:38) They’re gonna give me all anything. I want I can get and the whole thing collapses because we just quit (1:02:44) Permanent vacation. We just fucking quit and I (1:02:49) Can actually see that happening which is sad I’m super excited about this (1:02:55) But the quitting would (1:02:57) But it wouldn’t be good in the way that we quit because if there wouldn’t be the thing in place yet (1:03:02) Remember that remember what I talked about is like you can’t (1:03:05) Remove a system until another systems ready to fill in its place.Yes (1:03:10) The the system that they talk about isn’t but we already quit the system the current system, right? We’re fed up with the system (1:03:17) Everyone on control. Don’t tell me what to do to you’re not the boss of me. Oh, yeah (1:03:20) You actually are the boss of me you pay me money.Well, I don’t need your money anymore (1:03:23) So screw you go pound sand. I quit like the whole I could just see the world going into some (1:03:30) Immediate chaos (1:03:33) For lack of a better term (1:03:35) So would you foresee riots and no just? (1:03:39) Just just waiting to be to be given something and then it turns into riots and violent violence because (1:03:45) Everyone gave up and now you’re trying to protect what you have (1:03:50) Do you what do you foresee from a religious aspect? I don’t know (1:04:00) Would people become more devout (1:04:03) because oh (1:04:05) More or less right? I mean it literally run to church or run away from church (1:04:10) What’s one of the other because you’d either which one? Oh, I (1:04:14) Don’t know. I (1:04:21) Doubtful (1:04:23) doubting Thomas’s perhaps (1:04:25) my favorite Apostle (1:04:27) What up would run away because they’re like, well the Bible is just for earth.We’ve got other we’ve got other beings out there (1:04:35) Obviously God’s bullshit because it only speaks to the earth and then some people would be like, oh my god (1:04:43) I need God to save us from this or something because they still have this myopic view of something (1:04:50) personal opinion, but (1:04:52) What are your thoughts sir, because you asked the question (1:04:55) So you must have a thought about that or you just want to continue chewing for now? (1:04:59) You already know what I think I I want you to share (1:05:03) Bro, are they gonna run to her away you tell me (1:05:09) Me swallow my granola bar. Okay, I (1:05:11) Will take a I’m gonna have a sip you a tasty beverage to wash it down (1:05:16) May may I have when I was making the bed the other day your stupid voice rattled around in my head (1:05:21) My girlfriend has a duvet cover, which means I have a duvet cover (1:05:26) My girlfriend wants a duvet cover, which means pretty much means I don’t have a duvet cover (1:05:31) And I started laughing. I was making the bed.Uh, my girlfriend has a cover which means I and I said, I don’t have one (1:05:39) It’s unfortunate that I even know what it is. Okay, so the question I (1:05:44) believe people will will flock they will run to their churches and (1:05:49) and and and (1:05:53) Bow down and get on their knees and pray and (1:05:59) Because they they are looking for salvation and go. Oh my god, there’s aliens and we’re not alone in the universe and and (1:06:07) please (1:06:08) Jehovah save us Allah save us Jesus save us all the you know, whoever your God is (1:06:16) Save us protect us (1:06:20) Please don’t let these aliens cause us harm (1:06:25) Where I believe that’s what the majority of people will do (1:06:29) Do you think Christians will just call that the second coming? Of course not because an alien is not Jesus (1:06:37) It’s not of this world.Okay, I (1:06:40) Know I see your point, dude (1:06:42) You know how how how the (1:06:44) Interpretations have changed as technologies change to try to fit these fucking weird (1:06:49) Narratives that bullshit. However, I didn’t finish my answer (1:06:53) the people in my opinion people will flock to the churches regardless of (1:06:57) denomination or (1:06:58) belief system, however, I believe (1:07:02) the (1:07:03) proof of a of non earth life (1:07:08) non in non earth intelligent life (1:07:12) Renders all religion (1:07:16) Obsolete and (1:07:17) Shows that they are (1:07:20) false and untrue (1:07:22) That’s what I believe all religions based on books written (1:07:27) By earth my only thing and God is the only thing all books the books are written by a man by men, right? (1:07:33) But I’m just saying all religions that have for example the Bible the Torah the Quran. Yeah (1:07:40) What other religions are there (1:07:42) Scientologists, okay.Oh, yeah. I’m just you’re right. No, no, you’re right.I’m sorry (1:07:47) You’re trying to say there are other texts like yes (1:07:49) Buddhist texts are very different true and Hindu texts are very different from like the way God because they multiple gods right Ganesha and (1:07:55) You know the Hindu Hinduism has many gods right in a in a in an interesting way (1:08:00) Okay, I got a prosperity Ganesha and all these other but regardless of that (1:08:05) I’m just saying we definitely would negate those three main (1:08:10) That we talk to main religion Christianity (1:08:13) Muslim and Islam (1:08:15) Specifically would be negated because of their texts logic dictates that they would be negated. Yes, however (1:08:23) Humans lack logic, right? I mean, this is just an observation on my part (1:08:27) I’m not I’m not attacking anyone not at all and for the for all the people that have faith and and and (1:08:34) Believe in a God and believe in a higher power and they find solace in in that higher power (1:08:39) I think that’s amazing and I’m jealous. I don’t have that.I (1:08:44) Wish I did. I’m envious. However, I (1:08:49) find if there’s (1:08:50) intelligent alien life (1:08:54) Logically, I see that that proves (1:08:58) the three main religions are (1:09:01) untrue (1:09:02) That’s what my logical mind tells me I agree and it’s it’s unfortunate to your point (1:09:09) You and I lack basically we’ve had this conversation and we could talk about it because we lack faith (1:09:17) Yeah, that’s correct faith is the biggest thing (1:09:21) I don’t you know the thing the anecdote I brought up to you yesterday was kind of what we talked about (1:09:26) I don’t want to go too deep in that but (1:09:29) Faith is one thing we lack and it’s one of those things where faith can’t be made up with logic (1:09:34) That’s the leap of faith (1:09:36) It’s literally called a leap of faith because you have to go from something that we know is (1:09:44) To something that you have to believe will be or is or can be (1:09:49) And we’re you and I just never get there in this in this way (1:09:55) Correct, but that’s you know, but you think humanity would flock more than run (1:09:59) In your opinion, is that they would go I think (1:10:04) Logically, they should leave organized religion in droves (1:10:10) But I don’t think they will okay, but I mean going back to the Catholic Church the the the very (1:10:17) Holy men that are responsible for guiding them to God (1:10:26) Sexually molest their children, but yet they still go (1:10:31) Logic dictates they should leave the church, but they don’t right the same.So why would (1:10:37) Why would an alien get them to leave? (1:10:40) You know, yeah, I I get the the faith power just the dogmatic practices of it (1:10:45) But really I regret even fucking bringing it up now because when you step back when you step back (1:10:50) Hey, I love the question, but when you step back (1:10:53) If it’s not of (1:10:55) This world there is there are things about the Bible that they could probably manipulate to say. Well, that’s the not of this world part (1:11:02) Ha ha ha ha (1:11:03) Because they said be in the world not of the world, right? That’s like I understand (1:11:07) What do you know you read the Bible multiple times? Do you know where that that is two times? I know I do not (1:11:12) I do not know where that is (1:11:14) Do you recall that being something in the Bible because I remember that phrase be be of the world in the world not of the world (1:11:20) And that’s what there’s like a clothing company and otw that’s like that’s a Christian clothing company or something like that or it’s interesting (1:11:28) Yeah, I’ve seen it on back of cars. Yeah, so you see not W is really not of this world (1:11:32) That’s really what that stands for.Yes, and (1:11:35) That see that’s where I’m concerned is that humans will once again twist it (1:11:39) to interpret force interpret not of this world being alien being still of the Bible and I’m like if you can do that (1:11:47) Man you’ve got faith and I I I don’t know if I can have a lucid conversation with you. But man, I admire your faith (1:11:54) It’s really strong (1:11:56) So, I don’t know after that. What else we got (1:12:00) I’m thinking (1:12:02) What what other so besides religion and government? What are the what other impacts what other industries would be impacted by the the revelation of? (1:12:11) alien life (1:12:13) Imagine the technologies that got them that got them here.Oh, yeah. Can you do that some more, please? (1:12:19) I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose (1:12:21) I’ve got a mute button, bro (1:12:25) Damn, dude, you need a foot rub.Do you see how serious I get on these on these Knocked Conscious? This is this is this (1:12:33) Did you like when you said Legos and then’s eyes added (1:12:38) And s’s (1:12:39) twos every word (1:12:41) I never knew that Legos was incorrect until last fucking week when you said dude, that’s wrong (1:12:47) I correct you time. I I didn’t say it’s wrong. I said it’s Lego.I (1:12:51) Didn’t say it’s wrong. I just said it’s Lego. I (1:12:54) Didn’t know this but but now you knew (1:12:59) What were you building what were you assembling yesterday the beginning of a Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer, bro (1:13:07) And it just happens to be in space man.Whoa (1:13:11) That Star Destroyer is not of this earth not of this world, bro (1:13:14) There’s something well is it’s a long time ago in a galaxy far far away are (1:13:19) Yachts far (1:13:21) but (1:13:24) The other implications imagine oh my god, how did you get here? What is the energy source? What’s the propulsion? (1:13:30) What’s our whole world our world would change? I I can’t imagine that they don’t have some kind of renewable (1:13:37) energy source that we could use forever or some kind of reactor that runs off of zero-point energy or some kind of (1:13:44) draws from another dimension or something like (1:13:47) imagine the (1:13:49) The technologies that how much it would change our current world. I think everything would change (1:13:54) I honestly feel like we would not need anything from anyone (1:13:57) But that’s the that’s kind of scary because then where’s our purpose like what do we do? (1:14:02) What about is what would there be health benefits you and you would never get sick man (1:14:07) You just go right to this thing. You get a scanner in your house and you just lay in it and it fixes you (1:14:11) All right.I’m just I don’t know how far these technologies are the pharmaceutical industry. Just be like bye (1:14:17) Yeah, but they wouldn’t need it because no one would need currency because everyone could get everything (1:14:22) Or at least that would be this that would be the sense, right? (1:14:25) Yeah, everyone will get everything so greed has to go away because you can’t not I can get whatever the fuck I want now and (1:14:31) that’s a concern to me because I feel like we would just we honestly would quit too early like oh everything’s taken care of you know, (1:14:39) We take the easiest path and then before we know it (1:14:42) it’s not exactly what we think it is and then we’re behind like now we’re fucked because we did we created this like (1:14:49) Vacuum and then we have to crawl our way back out. I don’t like that that I know I seem nihilistic sometimes but (1:14:57) all the time I (1:14:59) The dark energy stronger than the light man, I’m not gonna lie true (1:15:02) It’s more powerful negative (1:15:05) Okay, they’re equal sir.No, it’s the yin and the yang dude. They’re not equal there. I will then we disagree (1:15:12) I love that.We disagree. That’s why we’re so amazing together. Hi guys.I always say I love to get up for more (1:15:18) I got (1:15:20) more years (1:15:22) Have we beaten that a religious horse to death yet, sir. We’re not talking about religion. We’re that’s right.We’ve done the pharmaceutical (1:15:27) What about you? What are your thoughts on the changes as you asked me? I would love (1:15:33) for you to expand I think there’d be fucking anarchy and (1:15:36) how so it draw out the picture like of the of (1:15:40) How you know how they’re presented to us and then tell me what happens like draw me. Tell me the story. I believe that (1:15:48) government officials (1:15:52) Which are (1:15:53) Did or would be sitting around a room and go yeah (1:15:57) The humans can’t Americans can’t handle this humans can’t handle if we tell them that there are aliens (1:16:03) that are intelligent and we’ve been communicating with them for X number of years and (1:16:09) They couldn’t handle it (1:16:14) That’s all that’s that was the only like okay, so they present the aliens and then and then humans do what I (1:16:20) Don’t think they would want to present the aliens.Okay, so you think they would just be like, yeah (1:16:24) They would I think they would cover it up for as long as possible because humans can’t handle it (1:16:29) How would aliens come or how would extraterrestrials come to be known by everyone? (1:16:34) I think some journalist or what? No, I think the extraterrestrials would just have to reveal themselves (1:16:39) to a non (1:16:40) To a normal fucking dude a farmer in Iowa like maybe Jesus (1:16:46) He’s maybe Jesus (1:16:48) Yes, an alien would reveal himself to Jesus if and if the alien revealed himself to Jesus (1:16:54) Could that be the second coming of Jesus? (1:16:57) It literally it could be but no (1:17:02) Only if he came with the holy breakfast burrito, well only if it was covered in the Holy Spirit (1:17:06) Oh God, here we go down that road the Holy Spirit fill you (1:17:10) Okay, so with the flow you think just anarchy we’d be we couldn’t handle it. I think probably yeah (1:17:15) I think there’s a percentage of people maybe 10 15 percent of people that would just freak the fuck out and it would just be (1:17:23) Looting and writing because oh my god, there’s their aliens. It’s the end times suicide (1:17:28) Yeah, like oh, it’s over and spike for a bit.Yeah, it’s raping and pillaging and and (1:17:35) Idiocy, you know because (1:17:37) Humans are dumb man. We’re base creatures, you know (1:17:42) Toilet paper. Yeah ammunition.I (1:17:46) Still can’t understand why people didn’t get bourbon and fucking steaks, but okay (1:17:51) Well, they needed something to wipe after they ate the bourbon and steaks. Well didn’t but anyway, okay. Yeah (1:17:57) They didn’t buy bourbon and steak dude.That’s the thing. That was in that was in plenty (1:18:03) in abundance abundance (1:18:04) We had a plenty we had steaks and bourbon for everyone (1:18:08) Isn’t that funny though that we ran out of toilet paper before we ran out of fucking alcohol that we have that much (1:18:15) It’s the end of the world (1:18:16) By the alcohol I’m buying something else. Well, yeah, I’m going to Oregon.Yeah, it’s (1:18:22) See my one tweet (1:18:23) Someone said uh, I’ve been getting addicted on these podcasts. Well, I go check ours out (1:18:28) We’re the only our podcast is the only drug not decriminalized in (1:18:35) That’s funny dude, I like we’re not decriminalized in Oregon (1:18:39) That’s how addictive we are. Oh my god.Yeah, it’s funny. I don’t know you’re fine. I crack myself up man (1:18:45) Rightfully so sir.Anyway, but yes, what do we do man? We’re just freak out (1:18:50) We’re doomed. Is that we’re doomed if they know faces, I don’t think I (1:18:57) Think a certain percentage will freak out. Yeah, absolutely, but I don’t think everyone will freak out.I mean, I won’t (1:19:04) I’m not man. I’ll be scared. I mean, what do I have to be scared about? I mean if they if they if they (1:19:11) If they’re not here peacefully (1:19:15) Then what am I gonna do like well run run to the hills? Yeah, like run (1:19:23) Run for your life, so I I’m gonna I’m gonna get my dogs and get some canned food and head to the mountains (1:19:28) Yeah, Tom Cruise War of the World.All right, what do you read on and shit? (1:19:32) Well, I’m so in Tom Cruise War of the World. Yeah, or they just zap them and they turn in like fucking powder (1:19:36) Yeah, like right. What the fuck? Yeah, like I’d be scared and running.I mean just the human in me (1:19:42) I don’t know if I just sit in my room. Maybe I would I’d probably kill myself. I’d probably kill myself (1:19:47) I know it sounds weird, but I’m not too worried about like it (1:19:50) If there’s aliens there’s aliens and you know, there are I mean, right I’d love to meet my people (1:19:55) So I’m just right.I’m totally good, man. I’m looking for a Syrian (1:19:59) I’m looking for serious next time liquid metal. Don’t get me wrong Meg Z (1:20:03) I I am in love with you and we are together and we’re together forever (1:20:07) but (1:20:08) Some Syrian piece of ass comes in.I don’t know (1:20:13) Don’t put that cable there dude, not the mine. There you go. I (1:20:20) Just okay, I feel like I feel like Bishop (1:20:24) Yeah, no one can I have this I have this fear of tipping things over and if my headphone cables are on the wrong side (1:20:31) of a flower of a glass of soda pop (1:20:35) I’m concerned that if I turn my head it’ll yank it and it’ll spill the soda pop (1:20:40) We were out of harm’s way until I yes, I pull it with mine.Yeah, well then fucking move that shit. We’re good, man (1:20:45) All right. What else we got? I think so ramifications you think anarchy (1:20:49) I think ultimately some degree.Yes, I feel like we’re just gonna quit too early because (1:20:55) we’re in this weird part of the world in my opinion where people are just asking everyone to do to give them stuff like I (1:21:02) You know an entire like a little bit of entitlement (1:21:06) Yeah, like we did we earned it just by beat by breathing. I don’t know. That’s how I am (1:21:11) Yeah, like you don’t work your fucking ass off bro.Come on, man. I’m sorry. I’m and it’s not critical to any specific people (1:21:18) It’s just we are humans and if we get the easiest way out, we’ll probably take the easiest way out wouldn’t you agree? (1:21:24) Yes, so that would cause a problem I think and some kind of vacuum.Yes (1:21:32) words (1:21:33) words (1:21:35) words (1:21:37) Words (1:21:39) Shit I forgot I wasn’t gonna say damn it (1:21:48) poop (1:21:49) ramifications, yeah given up entitled (1:21:54) Quit you work your ass off. I’m just I’m just gonna dissect your brain now because you got CTE man (1:22:05) I do I know I (1:22:08) Feel for you, man, because you know, I think I got a little bit too (1:22:11) Helped I was gonna say you’re talking about ramifications how it’s gonna affect the world. Oh, okay.That’s thank you (1:22:17) That’s not it was a sub point (1:22:20) so (1:22:22) What do you think about the theory that? (1:22:26) Hollywood has been preparing us for (1:22:32) 65 years (1:22:34) for the revelation of alien intelligent alien life because of (1:22:40) war the world’s and Independence Day and (1:22:43) All a predator and every single alien aliens all of these different types of alien (1:22:51) movies and there are a (1:22:53) Thousand you know (1:22:54) Yeah is is is that (1:22:57) In-preparation is that too? Oh is that so that it won’t be such a big reveal if it is revealed (1:23:03) Does that the is that the hey, we’ve been slowly preparing the world? (1:23:10) by (1:23:11) making it a (1:23:13) Normal thing a normal. Hey come to coming this Friday the new alien 17 movies starring Sigourney Weaver whatever is it just another (1:23:23) Because we’ve been desensitized that’s not the right word, but I can’t yeah, that’s I mean, well, there’s no other better (1:23:28) There’s no other word for you know, I (1:23:30) It could be I (1:23:33) Know that sounds so like wishy-washy or no non-committal (1:23:36) But it could be that the government did say guys start putting out movies with this stuff (1:23:41) I also have a thought that some of the people who put out this stuff know about it (1:23:47) Like they’re aware of these things (1:23:50) Because I think a portion of the of the world knows about these things like the elites and if they shared it with some people (1:23:57) They could make movies (1:23:59) like nine of them or (1:24:03) You know one where (1:24:07) You know that kind of stuff yeah (1:24:10) Close encounters. Yeah and Star Wars and Star Wars.I know I know I got you (1:24:16) Yeah, I figure I just say for everyone else (1:24:18) They’re like what the fuck’s nine nine movies nine in the nineteen nine is a movie, but it’s not about it is it’s nice (1:24:24) It’s important. No thing (1:24:26) Yeah, I thought nine was with (1:24:29) That’s seven sexy Ryan Reynolds. Oh (1:24:32) The nines the nine the nine nine is just the number.Yeah, that was that was the weird (1:24:38) Nightmare after Christmas, yeah (1:24:41) Yeah, I agree (1:24:43) to that to that point (1:24:46) It could also be that they said hey put out these put out put out sci-fi stuff the more you put out (1:24:52) It wouldn’t hurt just in case these things are real or we do know they’re real and eventually they’re gonna be outed (1:24:58) So normalize it to your point. I could totally see that. Do I know that that’s 100% the case? (1:25:03) I haven’t seen people of course not right, but I mean you’ve seen evidence and other things (1:25:08) We know where they deny it or hey, make sure you don’t talk about her like the pictures.Let’s go to Roswell real quick. Sure (1:25:15) Hashtag real quick. I think that thing that’s called a quadruple (1:25:19) The actual hash symbol so I I would like to adopt quadruple (1:25:23) I’m gonna look that up and confirm it, but I think that’s what it’s called (1:25:26) I’d like to use that instead of pound sign dollar sign or number sign hashtag pound sign (1:25:31) Sure pound cake (1:25:36) Mm-hmm (1:25:37) Where’d you put that by the way, where’s my drawer cuz I need a frame oh (1:25:42) I don’t want it to get messed up.Yeah, definitely not so I need to get a frame (1:25:46) No, I look there you took a phenomenal picture of it when we put it up. Yeah, Eddie Van Halen (1:25:50) Yeah, and we tweeted everyone like hey everybody check out the world (1:25:53) Hey the world the universe from all the aliens check out Eddie’s pic. Hey aliens check out our check out our transmissions from this world (1:26:01) Yeah (1:26:04) Yeah, so to that end we were talking about what exactly again I (1:26:11) Don’t know (1:26:14) Mine’s was beer today.I (1:26:17) Don’t even like you (1:26:19) The aliens Oh about movies and how they impact or if they were designed, what are you what do you think? (1:26:26) I love your questions cuz I know you have a thought I think that (1:26:29) You think it’s hiding in plain sight basically (1:26:32) It’s possible that that that that was done (1:26:35) It’s it’s possible that they did it that way or that some major players (1:26:40) know of the existence of these things and then (1:26:43) Made things similarly to because we’re just engaged by it. I mean we’re intrigued by it, obviously (1:26:50) Look at the ratings or the sale, you know, I mean look at all the box office (1:26:54) Stuff from yeah, I mean look at that that (1:26:58) Horrible amazing show on NBC called V. Oh (1:27:05) Yeah, I mean and isn’t there an alien race? It’s supposedly lizard like there are reptilians (1:27:11) That’s what they claim right and I don’t really know much about them. Just that there may be one (1:27:15) yeah, the claim is that reptilians are one of the (1:27:19) Bad guys, they’re they’re like one of the you know, I’m a dual omegata type things but have advanced and allegedly (1:27:27) They claim people in high positions are reptilians and they have some hologram that makes them look human on see (1:27:34) I didn’t know any of that.So I’m just stating that some people have that opinion (1:27:40) I’m not adopting it. I just know I liked that show V (1:27:43) Yeah, it was really cool. And then he pulled his face off and it was green (1:27:48) And he had the tongue (1:27:51) And and oh, yeah Freddy Krueger was in it.I just yes (1:27:55) Yeah, oh and yes and Beowulf (1:27:58) Mark Singer or what was his name Falcon Falcon? (1:28:02) Master beast master master. That’s what was right. That was Mark Singer sure master (1:28:07) And Michael Ironsides was in it.Yeah (1:28:10) He’s in everything sci-fi if you get the weird Starship Troopers, man, I know Rico’s (1:28:17) You you’re uh, you’re my new sergeant, I’m gonna start to like I find somebody better until you die (1:28:22) So you kill you or is it till you die or till I find somebody better that’s it (1:28:28) but (1:28:29) Yeah (1:28:31) aliens (1:28:33) bro, bro, I (1:28:36) Think I lost my train of thought for the 14th time and I don’t know why (1:28:39) Because we’re kind of all over the place about it, but it just it excites my mind. I just love thinking about it. I (1:28:46) Don’t know I don’t know how they’ll come to us or how they’ll be (1:28:50) Expressed but that Pentagon thing freaks you out, right that they claim they even state it.They’re like not of this earth (1:28:57) They know why I was that not I (1:29:01) Mean he was on the New York Times that year (1:29:05) 2020 has been a very news-filled year and (1:29:08) UFOs are on the bottom of the pile (1:29:11) Because the kovat and because of the elections and the election and the riots (1:29:16) Yeah, there was those things the rough year those things overpower the fact that we have a a craft (1:29:25) Not from this planet. Yeah, that’s fucking reduced. Do you see how basic humans are? (1:29:33) Yeah, well, I mean, that’s it.I’m sorry. That’s no. No, I apologize.No, I (1:29:37) We (1:29:39) Once we’ve discussed before and what it will always come up. It is a running theme about our show (1:29:45) People either do get distracted allow themselves to get distracted some of these things (1:29:50) Well, how well do we sleep at night, sir? (1:29:52) And we start thinking about this stuff not well, right and we can’t turn it the fuck off, right? (1:29:57) Wouldn’t we be a little wouldn’t it feel good to be able to turn it off every once in a horse? Yeah (1:30:02) Some people never have it turned on and I’ll be honest (1:30:05) I kind of envy that you like you talk about the person with faith. I (1:30:08) Agree with you (1:30:09) I envy people with strong faith and strong convictions like they have (1:30:13) Even to the point where a lot it even though supersedes logic as long as it’s not dangerous to me (1:30:19) I’m 100% on board with that person having that faith, right? Correct? Yeah (1:30:24) But to that same end we can’t turn off these voices in our heads are going why this why that what if this what if? (1:30:30) That what if that if we could we probably be in the same thing where we would be more concerned about (1:30:35) Some of these other things that we see right through (1:30:40) Like no one else sees through what the way we saw through some of the events that happened this year (1:30:44) Right, like we we have a different angle.We look at (1:30:49) From we just look at it from a different viewpoint than then most people (1:30:55) And that’s why we’re together on this journey, man. We’re not together (1:30:59) Well, we’re on the journey. Sure the same boat.I (1:31:04) Like boats, I took a slow boat boats and hoes boats. Oh, all right. You want to get the rest of my notes? (1:31:09) No, okay.Okay. Thank you. I have a bunch of words here words, and I don’t know.I don’t do quick rapid-fire abductions (1:31:17) Okay, lots of them. Are they real? (1:31:20) What do you think about abduction? Do you think you do you think people have been abducted Eric Cartman? (1:31:26) 80 (1:31:29) He had an 80-foot satellite dish put in his ass when his ass season one, yes, I think it’s like episode two (1:31:36) It’s super early. It’s anal probe.I think it’s up there, too. I think it literally (1:31:40) going (1:31:42) I’m getting hit et. Thank you game (1:31:47) Did they mention it on the phenomenon abductions (1:31:50) Nope because they’re only talking about you what I do like that.They just talked about UFO sightings, correct? (1:31:56) So, I don’t know. I don’t know why I put that on there. It must have been a random thought (1:32:00) I think the thought is yeah, are they mentioning abductions or what are your thoughts on abductions? What are your thoughts on abductions, sir? (1:32:07) Well, I there’s been so many (1:32:10) reports over the years (1:32:12) It ha there has to be there has to be at least one (1:32:16) You think you think all these people are lying all of them I (1:32:21) Can’t I can’t I can’t believe that may I share the most boring story time ever (1:32:26) Okay, would you really get this you’re really hyping that shit.No, you can do it yourself. I (1:32:32) Didn’t expect that man (1:32:34) It’s actually (1:32:36) I’ve spoken about my past life regression, correct? (1:32:39) Yeah, okay in my past life regression that I did that the audio went wonky the second night (1:32:46) I did it. I have notes and I have some recollections of my (1:32:51) things in the second life to which I went in the regression a past life regression you basically go under meditation with a (1:32:59) Guide and they try to guide you into (1:33:01) Possible past lives that you’ve experienced in one of them.I was number three of seven. I (1:33:07) was a (1:33:08) Short big-eyed Zeta like three foot tall looking up in a domed (1:33:15) Interior and I was in charge of propulsion (1:33:18) That’s what I said. It’s a weird fucking thing.I remember saying (1:33:23) and (1:33:23) On the ceiling. It was like a beige type ceiling, but it had black (1:33:28) Characters on it very similar like hieroglyphics. Yeah, some kind of alien, you know, non (1:33:33) Non language that I’ve recognized at like as a human and I was in charge of propulsion and we either got caught in a (1:33:42) We were (1:33:43) Monitoring a Sun and it went supernova or we got caught a meteor shower.We were destroyed and (1:33:49) I remember that very vividly going there in my past life regression. Do I know that obviously that’s a weird thing (1:33:55) But I went through that and the woman (1:33:58) the woman who was doing the past life regression with me said (1:34:02) You’ve also been abducted. You were part of the crystal program and (1:34:06) You were abducted over Europe.What is the crystal program? (1:34:11) The crystal there’s crystal rainbow, it’s like it’s it’s kind of (1:34:17) It’s a classification of the type of beings that are coming here (1:34:20) Rainbows are the newest they’re the most awoken crystals where their DNA can are (1:34:26) allegedly crystallizing so they can store more information because we talked about crystals in the energy and how they store information really well and (1:34:34) How they convert energy very well. Yeah, so that’s part of the crystal program and I was be I was (1:34:40) Put up and I was standing there at a very young age (1:34:43) Staring at a screen and they were showing me, you know, how did you know things to do or what we need to do? And (1:34:51) I (1:34:53) Asked I kind of pushed a little bit and I said, what do you mean? (1:34:56) She’s like you were abducted two or three times (1:34:58) You were put up to the ship to watch these videos of some sort on this screen (1:35:03) and I remember going to Germany back in 1980 and (1:35:07) I would have been (1:35:10) 5-years-old (1:35:13) But you know how you go on a trip. It’s like a week (1:35:15) We had German family.I asked my mom how long we were there and I think we were there like three weeks and (1:35:20) She specifically said Europe. I found that (1:35:25) odd (1:35:27) that she (1:35:29) She said that she didn’t know I ever went on a trip to Germany, you know (1:35:31) I mean everyone a trip to Germany how long I would have been there (1:35:34) but imagine that over a five-week period of the vacation or the trip that I may have been (1:35:40) Beamed up to it. I don’t know.It just seemed weird seemed odd (1:35:44) That’s my story. Oh, that’s crazy, bro. It’s not crazy.What are your thoughts on that? That’s fucking nutty (1:35:48) What does that make you think though when you did cuz I’m a loose an individual tell me tell me I’m fucking crazy (1:35:54) You’re fucking crazy. Thank you. You’re welcome (1:35:59) What are your thoughts on that like what does that make you think when I tell you that story (1:36:04) It’s obviously I think it’s plausible (1:36:06) That I was a fucking three-foot alien that I was looking abducted like really like what are your thoughts well, obviously I (1:36:13) believe in I think (1:36:16) Reincarnation is possible.So I don’t you know, yeah, and I as I said, there’s so many stories of (1:36:23) Alien abduction that I think how can you discount all of them? There are thousands of stories (1:36:29) Yeah, so how is how are they all wise if there was like seven stories? I’d be like, okay (1:36:36) Come on, but there’s been stories for 50 years (1:36:41) from all over the world, I (1:36:44) guess (1:36:45) My question is, you know, what why what why are there alien? (1:36:51) If there are abductions of humans by an aliens race (1:36:55) Races, why are they because everyone thinks oh, they’re they’re examining the human (1:37:02) Species (1:37:03) For medical reasons or something to that effect. Yeah, like we dissect frogs, right? So is that really true, you know (1:37:11) Why would an alien? (1:37:13) What’s the purpose of the abduction I guess and obviously we’re never gonna know that but I guess that’s that’s my biggest question (1:37:20) Yeah, it makes it’s a good question. I could really go down that rabbit hole.That might be its own (1:37:25) You just got abducted to watch videos. So that’s cool (1:37:29) No, no probes well and to be honest, I don’t have any recollection is I’m just gonna tell you when she said that that kind (1:37:35) Of blew my mind, but that she said that and then I asked my mom (1:37:38) You know (1:37:38) I remember being in Germany when I was six or five and then asking how long cuz I would have thought I only stayed a week (1:37:44) And if a week then there’s no fucking way like but over a month and change (1:37:49) you know, I mean like yeah possibility of that might increase and (1:37:53) My uncle had like, you know, I’d like two homes like like we have Phoenix right and then you got like Flagstaff (1:37:59) Oh, yeah, it’s a lot like less crowd a little cabin or something. It was a cabin in the fucking woods (1:38:04) It was yeah, but I mean it was a second home (1:38:06) But it was like a you know, it’s very very very forested or whatever (1:38:10) So it would make sense that that would have happened there obviously not over Hamburg (1:38:14) For example right in the city.So yeah, I don’t know. I’m not (1:38:19) Subscribing to it, but I just found it odd that some of the pieces puzzle pieces at least kind of shaped similarly. Yeah might fit (1:38:27) But yeah, it’s very interesting about abductions the Betty and Barney Miller one (1:38:33) They mentioned it very briefly.They showed a picture of them. Have you are you familiar with that one? (1:38:37) No, I would suggest everyone take a look at that one. That one seems to be one of the most (1:38:42) complete (1:38:44) Abduction stories I (1:38:46) Don’t want to get too deep into it, but because it wasn’t on the phenomenon, but (1:38:50) Betty and Barney Miller, you can look them up.It’s one of the first ones and it’s very interesting (1:38:54) It’s not Betty and Barney. Oh, okay. No, it’s hold.I think that’s where they got the rubble from what a shocker (1:39:01) Sorry, I kicked the file cabinet. Yeah with my motorcycleta boots. You’re like very aggressive today (1:39:07) Well, I got next brah next note was Russia (1:39:12) Yeah (1:39:13) declassifying (1:39:15) Bless you (1:39:17) How many sightings have they had right the declassifying valet went valet went there? (1:39:22) He was no George Knapp was invited George Knapp is a reporter from Las Vegas who broke a lot of the stories (1:39:30) actually broke the (1:39:32) Bob love a lot Bob Lazar story.Okay, so George Knapp is very connected to the UFO (1:39:38) investigation of UFO things and he is a legitimate (1:39:41) journalist in (1:39:43) Nevada in Las Vegas (1:39:47) Nevada Nevada data data, you know all of the Caribbean’s taters (1:39:52) tater tots (1:39:54) Go cut fries. Next up was I had 1992 Clinton. I (1:40:00) Don’t know what the fuck that mean.I was him on the interview. Oh, yeah (1:40:03) I just asked him about they got some of they I did not have sex relations that woman (1:40:10) That’s not what the UFOs are about no, I did not have sex relations with aliens (1:40:16) Killary, I was innocent. I did not fuck that three-foot Zeta.They fucked bill. I got fucked (1:40:25) Yeah, he was talking about trying to uncover it yes bull I call balderdash lies, right (1:40:31) I call so much balderdash, especially from the source (1:40:36) I just at house. Did you see how smarmy and smooth he was the more he got so charming when he was just directly lying to (1:40:43) us (1:40:46) Yeah, he was so fucking nice and (1:40:50) Chummy and whatever and fucking just straight-up lied, bro.You know, he did (1:40:55) That was after he was president. Yeah (1:40:58) Cuz you know, yeah, have you ever you heard that one that one joke, right where they’re like, and I think I told you that one (1:41:05) Basically, it’s like (1:41:07) You mentioned first day of the president. I think Bill Hicks.Yeah, right (1:41:10) He’s like first day of the president (1:41:11) They show him an angle of the JFK shooting that no one ever saw before and they go any questions (1:41:19) You know, I mean like yes. Yeah, that’s I (1:41:22) Wonder if it is like that, you know what I mean? There’s some things that they can’t they just can’t that’s why I’m kind of excited (1:41:28) See what happens in January (1:41:30) A little bit cuz I do don’t give a fuck (1:41:35) Me neither UFOs (1:41:38) UAPs, whatever you want to call them (1:41:40) They’re out there. They’ve come they visited they came to my house.Very good people. Very good people (1:41:47) That’s pretty good. It’s not them.I learned from Jess’s. Yeah impression. So thank you Jess again (1:41:51) for the (1:41:53) phenomenal people next was uh (1:41:56) They’re moving of UFO debris in Roswell (1:42:00) Remember that part I do that’s when the they had that remember it was that really thin foil (1:42:05) That was the thing is that they can hammer.Yeah, the deception (1:42:10) Was the aluminum foil and the wood in that room where they made the people take pictures with them? (1:42:15) Yeah at the end remember that they’re like, yeah, this is just a weather balloon (1:42:19) Yeah, cuz I had it on it what they called it. They said they were box kites. Yes, and I’m like give me a break man (1:42:27) That’s just that’s a lie (1:42:30) Yeah, and they intentionally knew that they didn’t know what it was, but they knew it wasn’t that (1:42:35) For sure, right? (1:42:37) Regardless of what it was.It definitely wasn’t what they presented to us. Correct. They absolutely lied (1:42:43) Sorry, oh, that’s bro.You’re having like an avalanche. Okay (1:42:48) 99 boot problems. Yeah.Oh, maybe 99 problems, but the boots aren’t one (1:42:53) Yeah, sure. Just like that (1:42:56) To your point (1:42:57) The yeah, it’s a bullshit thing (1:43:01) What what they showed us a fucking aluminum and and I recall everyone anecdotally talking about the first thing (1:43:08) That the US Air Force release was that it was an unidentified flying object and then the next (1:43:13) Newspaper cycle they had reprinted weather balloon goes down or something (1:43:17) Yeah, I found that to be like that’s like a fucking tweet that you did that you didn’t delete in time (1:43:24) True yeah, that’s so it’s screenshot and then fucking canceled you (1:43:29) Like seriously, like how the hell did that not rear its ugly head? (1:43:34) Harder or sooner or more? I’m confused by that. That’s a good point (1:43:39) you would think that would have been right like people are just (1:43:44) Dumb nutty.I don’t know. They’re just busy. They’re busy man (1:43:47) Look, they got a look at their paycheck at the end of every week (1:43:49) And that’s the only thing I could think of is we’re just so busy trying to make ends meet and (1:43:56) We don’t care about the aliens (1:43:59) We don’t have the we don’t have the bandwidth to care about aliens (1:44:04) Until they’re on your doorstep that that’s unfortunate and then they become a priority.Yeah kind of suck wouldn’t it? (1:44:11) Hey, yeah, it’s wind back that clock (1:44:13) What else you got after the weather? I got a New Mexican congressman guy died of 51. Yeah, seriously (1:44:19) No, he died of cancer curse carcinoma. And then (1:44:22) It was a Republican (1:44:24) Larry King right King in 1994.Yeah, he died in 1998 at 51 and one week 51 years old (1:44:32) Very young now if it was Carson, he probably smoked. I mean he was born in 47 and he died in 98 (1:44:39) so (1:44:40) He was 51. So he probably smoked a lot.But I that seems odd 51 to die that early from cancer (1:44:47) It seemed like on Larry King he (1:44:50) Knew some stuff that he should not be talking about it did and he said I was pushing for more of that (1:44:56) Yeah, the the transparency of it and that was the one we talked about the Republican. That’s where it was a Republican guy (1:45:02) Yeah, and then (1:45:04) Harry Reid was later. Do you have that later? (1:45:06) Let’s go down.Let’s get on your list. No. Yeah, honey.Yeah, we’ll go back to him at the end (1:45:10) No, well just cuz we’re already on it. So yeah, Harry Reid. I also had on there (1:45:15) I have money presidents.I don’t know what that means (1:45:20) Cash money, I don’t know money money presidents. I don’t know bro. Maybe ones that are on the bills (1:45:25) I don’t know.I think it was how did we siphon money? (1:45:29) How did Harry Reid siphon money secretly? (1:45:32) From the American public to fund this thing. Yeah, but then he after he was no longer in office (1:45:37) He goes and has an interview with these people. Yeah and tries to like show how he’s honest and shit is really odd (1:45:43) But at the same point, I don’t disagree with what he wanted to do.I kind of just screwed how he did it (1:45:48) I’m not gonna lie. Like I think siphoning funds illegally is proper (1:45:52) Secretly is probably not the best way to go about shit, but we have black ops all the time. Yeah that they don’t have (1:45:58) They don’t have but we don’t elect them (1:46:02) True this is an elected official.Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, who like who we asked to represent.I’m once again (1:46:09) I think it’s to be honest. I (1:46:11) Can’t say I’m I read van (1:46:13) But I think that that looking into into UAP or UFOs (1:46:19) It is important and look at all the declassified shit that happened now (1:46:23) We’ve got the the fravor of it. You haven’t gone in that yet.We’ll get which video the Dave Fravor video the tic-tac (1:46:29) We’ve got the gimbal and the tic-tac. Those are the two new ones than the back. Yeah, that’s the class last on my list (1:46:34) Okay, let’s go down the what’s after anything else on Harry Reid? (1:46:37) No, what’s after the congressman the New Mexican guy I have astronaut crashed (1:46:45) crafts and materials (1:46:49) Huh? (1:46:50) You got anything on that didn’t Gary Cooper was the astronaut.I think they were talking about I believe so and he claimed that (1:46:56) He saw that stuff possibly. I don’t want to speak for him, but I think that’s what that meant sure (1:47:02) I love speaking woodsy sometimes. Yeah, cuz I don’t know what the fuck I was talking about from Halloween (1:47:08) From that was a drunk back.That was a jackfo. That was a unidentified flying liquor. It was an unidentified flying Jack Daniels (1:47:16) Well, I guess it’s technically (1:47:18) Identified as Jack Daniels.Yeah, so an IJD (1:47:24) the (1:47:24) last on my list besides my own questions would be (1:47:29) The Navy close encounter. Yeah, which is that? That’s the David Fravor, right? (1:47:35) Is that the tic-tac tic-tac that’s how you act and the game the gimbal was on the east coast and tic-tac was on the west (1:47:40) coast so those (1:47:42) The gimbal was that black the thing it turned black that turned on its side (1:47:45) Yeah, it’s going they didn’t go much into in-depth in that Fravor does on like Joe Rogan some other podcast (1:47:51) So basically even as well to summarize there were two (1:47:55) Encounters by Navy jets separate encounters (1:47:59) in the last five years (1:48:00) Yes, where are they within two or three years so they they have the video from the jets of (1:48:09) UFOs and they’re showing the ability the flight abilities that they couldn’t keep up with is that summarize it (1:48:17) Very well. Yes, they these things appeared and how they appeared the Fravor interview seemed odd to me when I talk about (1:48:24) Cobbled together like I love that (1:48:26) He said the word shit and like almost said the word fuck that was pretty funny (1:48:30) Because it may I mean it’s a human like holy shit.What is that fucking thing? (1:48:33) Oh, he was in the cockpit. We said it. Yeah.Yeah. Well, he even said shit like in the interview. He’s got excited (1:48:38) He’s a lot (1:48:39) He’s a little more reserved when he’s in a long format conversation with like he’s been on Joe Rogan the one I’d recommend (1:48:46) Obviously the Joe Rogan ones great because Fravor is great.He’s just a (1:48:51) He’s like a colonel there. He’s the most stoic individual like there’s no need to make this up (1:48:56) But he was he was a Navy squadron commander. Yeah and fighter pilot.Yes high high level (1:49:01) Yeah, he was the top of his of the squadron (1:49:04) I think I think he was the main squadron or whatever the lead head commander. Yeah the commander, correct? (1:49:10) And as well, but the one I’d really recommend is Lex Friedman (1:49:14) He he’s a very interesting guy. He’s been on Rogan before but he’s done one where he goes into the like the actual like (1:49:23) logistics of the craft (1:49:24) How it does what it does what it did, you know, I mean not just oh look at that thing (1:49:29) Yeah, right, and he’s brilliant in that so and Lex Friedman is a brilliant man as well (1:49:35) So I’d recommend that one, but I felt like that took away free (1:49:40) Fravor was so much better in some of the conversations.I’ve seen in the interviews (1:49:45) He seemed excited and fun, but it made it it felt like less legitimate that way in my opinion (1:49:52) Okay, if that makes sense, yeah, cuz he seemed more like fun about it than like (1:49:57) these things, um (1:49:58) Kind of came out of nowhere and they kind of did I mean like he wasn’t as serious (1:50:02) It didn’t seem as serious about it as I I would have probably been I think but he seemed more serious in the other interviews (1:50:09) Okay, gotcha. What are your thoughts on that? What did you think when you saw the tic-tac one in the gimbal one? (1:50:18) Um (1:50:19) It was hard, I was hard for me to make out what I was seeing because it was you know, it was a (1:50:27) black and white video and (1:50:31) From a from a fighter aircraft, right? So I was more (1:50:38) Entertained by the pilots reaction and what they were saying and how they were (1:50:44) Trying to (1:50:46) Stay focused on the UFO and not lose sight of it, you know (1:50:51) so I had to watch it a couple of times just to (1:50:55) Try to understand exactly what I was seeing (1:50:59) the real-time (1:51:01) Reactions of the pilots. Yeah your point.Yeah are (1:51:05) Astonishing because how many pilots react? (1:51:08) Like that. Yeah, holy shit. What is that? Yeah.Yeah. I mean, I think they’d be like that’s a mig fuck (1:51:15) There’s a couple that they’d probably be like, yeah (1:51:18) They would think that they’d shit their pants about or be really excited about right? (1:51:22) This is definitely one of those moments where they show their excitement now, that’s the other thing (1:51:28) I one of the issues I had with the phenomenon is they didn’t show enough of those two videos (1:51:33) I’ll see if I can find like seven minutes or something. Yeah, but they only showed like 20 seconds.Yeah, but tick tock and so (1:51:39) It’s amazing though the different (1:51:42) Different modes they go through they actually break down the different modes of the video (1:51:45) They go through Fravor does as he’s switching over as his his. I don’t know if it’s Rio. They said WS (1:51:51) It’s a different title now, but well, it’s a two-seat f-18.Correct. That’s it’s just a training aircraft (1:51:58) No, I think I think that’s a Super Hornet (1:52:01) No a Super Hornet. It’s a one-seater (1:52:04) They said they said it was his WSO, right? It wasn’t into systems WSO weapons, right? (1:52:11) Operator Oh officer.Yeah me I (1:52:14) Think maybe maybe maybe I’m all right. I’ll have to know that maybe I’m wrong (1:52:19) I think the 15 is a single it is 16 is a single and the 18 is a single it I (1:52:26) Think this possibly because it’s a soup. Maybe the Super Hornet went to a two-seater (1:52:30) Possibly because it’s more systems are bigger and fat maybe faster.I don’t know. We’ll look it up (1:52:34) Yeah to that end though (1:52:36) He said that his guy was switching over and they were trying to switch different modes TV mode in thermal whatever (1:52:41) Yeah, and the the long video is way more compelling than what they just showed on phenomenon phenomenon (1:52:47) I I felt they almost did that a disservice if I were to quote-unquote criticize (1:52:52) Yeah, I see you saying yeah (1:52:54) Cuz the gimbal one was very interesting too and the shape of it (1:52:57) Matched the pictures that were taken all the way back in 1950s and whatever 40s (1:53:03) What we never talked to the McMillan farm or McMinn McMinn man, yeah, we get Oregon, right? (1:53:08) Oh, yeah, but the actual farmer taking the pictures, right? (1:53:11) Right and what it looked like and how it just matched so many pictures had some very similar. Yes (1:53:19) Absolutely.What’s that? What would you call profiles or shapes or yeah silhouettes or you know, yeah (1:53:25) Yeah (1:53:26) All that shit all the profiles all that shit. Yeah (1:53:30) Though yeah that it was it was really impressive (1:53:33) all right, the comparison between the Oregon farm in 1950 and (1:53:39) Or 47 whatever it was and (1:53:42) You know the nipple the the damn Navy pilot from three years ago (1:53:49) Nipper I remember the one where the guy took the picture in (1:53:52) Europe when they showed him the book or whatever his picture and the McMinn man or McMillan. Yes, they looked it was like identical (1:53:59) They looked identical in my opinion.I mean it (1:54:03) It’s hot it’s hard to just some of them they didn’t all look like each other don’t get me wrong, but (1:54:09) Multiple look like each other through many different times black and white picture color picture video. Yeah, whatever (1:54:15) Yeah, and then you see, you know some stills that were very similar to other craft but similar to each other (1:54:22) It’s amazing. And and what does that make you think do you think? (1:54:26) Is that all your notes before we? (1:54:28) Know ask her before you ask more (1:54:31) Go ahead, but I want I have two more things, but go ahead go, please.Well, they’re not my nose for movie (1:54:35) Just my notes. Nope your general. Um, I (1:54:39) wonder if Tyson ever had any encounters he I mean he had (1:54:45) 20,000 hours in a KC-10 (1:54:47) So any of our pilot friends? Yeah, you know, I have a lot of pilot, but you know, he was a pilot (1:54:52) I think he got his (1:54:54) He did something before he went to flight school, so I don’t think he started flying in the Air Force until (1:54:59) like (1:55:01) 96 (1:55:02) Something around there and then he retired in in like 2014.So 18 years of flying. Yeah (1:55:12) Did you have the world yeah, oh, yeah, he was yeah Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and you know (1:55:19) Sarajevo and you know, oh, yeah. Yeah, he’s not just flying (1:55:24) No, I mean he’s yeah, he used to he because he was stationed in New Jersey (1:55:28) she used to fly the UK all the time, so (1:55:31) I’m wondering if he ever encountered anything and (1:55:35) Just didn’t tell me because it was you know in 96.It was a different time if you saw something (1:55:42) Guys didn’t say anything (1:55:44) You could lose a lot. Yeah, you could get escorted out of the Air Force (1:55:49) Yeah, I mean I didn’t even I’m curious if there was ever like a section 8 for that (1:55:54) They could yeah, I don’t section 8 you just for that. I don’t know.It’s a for those what section 8 (1:55:58) I think that’s where you just go. They call you insane. I just I watch full metal jacket.Not that long (1:56:03) Is that what is 51 that’s a police code (1:56:08) For someone that’s insane right section 8 is the one where’s I’m just gonna go section 8 (1:56:12) Okay, he went section 8 went crazy (1:56:14) I guess since I think Charlie Sheen tried to do it in cadence where he put the eight balls on the back of his (1:56:18) Hands, okay, whatever the fuck he was in there for drugs drugs. Are you in here for tattoos? (1:56:23) Yeah, he pulls (1:56:25) I’m curious if Tyson ever (1:56:27) So I mean he I mean 20 you’re talking over 20,000 hours (1:56:32) in in the cockpit of a KC-10 (1:56:35) You know to anyone we knew at Ember Riddle. Yeah (1:56:40) pilots and those alike (1:56:44) Shout out, please let us know hello to the world.Yeah, do you think he did I? (1:56:50) Would not be surprised I mean (1:56:52) Mathematically speaking he was up there and he had (1:56:57) 12 16 hour flights, you know, he would do these flights where (1:57:01) He would refuel other jets then he would go get refueled by another KC-10 and then keep going (1:57:08) So and there would be two crews on board so he would go sleep and then come back, you know (1:57:13) I mean like so he would tell me about these (1:57:16) Incredibly long long flights, so it seems just mathematically (1:57:23) That he had to have seen something (1:57:26) With what he went with the things he went through though not mentioning that to me would be surprising (1:57:32) But you knew him better or you knew him best of anyone (1:57:38) But I didn’t really think of it until recently and I know that’s another regret I have I did never asked him about that (1:57:44) My dad and now Tyson too, but (1:57:47) It’s a good question (1:57:49) my last point is (1:57:52) The same question I asked before (1:57:55) Why isn’t everybody talking about the fact that? (1:57:59) There’s aliens. I (1:58:01) Let you answer it for my math. Okay, once again mathematically speaking (1:58:04) There are billions of planets and billions of stars in our galaxy and there are billions of galaxies.So (1:58:13) The mathematical possibility that there is intelligent life in the universe is a near certainty (1:58:20) So intelligent or just life intelligent life. Okay, the fact that there’s another (1:58:25) race (1:58:27) Somewhat similar to humans that has the ability to contemplate their own existence is is very very very high (1:58:35) Why isn’t everyone talking about that because we’re too busy with our own shit like going to the mall (1:58:42) Yeah, we’re wearing a mask. Well, we’re too busy like, you know, throwing Molotov cocktails of courthouses and (1:58:48) Trying to make stands and trying to make a difference.It’s not really that simple. Is it real? No, I’m being serious (1:58:53) I think it is the answer really that simple is (1:58:55) The human race too worried about our stupid mundane shit to ask the big questions. Is that is is it that simple? (1:59:04) It’s my opinion that the majority of all of us (1:59:09) don’t (1:59:11) Have a foresight (1:59:13) to (1:59:14) Care what’s next? They only look at what’s right in front of them to your point (1:59:18) Like yeah them coming at your front door that would negate me like (1:59:25) People (1:59:26) Not know, you know caring about wildfires.Yeah, cuz your house isn’t burning down, right? Okay. Yeah, I don’t know (1:59:31) I mean they report it but it’s you know (1:59:33) What people aren’t like that engaged about it that aren’t directly affected by it (1:59:38) You hear it (1:59:39) But we even with us we’re in a state that has a lot of firefighters every year just because of that the heat and everything (1:59:44) Yeah, and you know, it’s just like there’s another firefighter. Yeah (1:59:48) Yeah, right.It’s kind of like I (1:59:51) Don’t know that seemed important to me (1:59:54) This seems like an important (1:59:56) but maybe it’s also that like you and I love going down these rabbit holes and we love being curious and (2:00:02) It’s not it’s so not even a thing right now to worry about (2:00:06) It maybe is that far down we’re just we just think it’s more imminent (2:00:10) Because we think it’s important. I would also think that (2:00:16) And of course this statement seems logical to me, but it may be the most illogical statement ever (2:00:22) I would think that humans would want to be nicer to each other because there is our aliens (2:00:27) Hey, maybe we shouldn’t be such dicks (2:00:30) Yeah, but that’s that may be the farthest thing from the truth (2:00:36) well as (2:00:37) Evolved apes we still have I know you’re right, dude (2:00:42) We have territories. We are alpha, you know, there’s the alpha mentality all these other mentalities and as we get more (2:00:49) Technologically advanced as we become more as everything’s more readily available to everyone as that grows (2:00:55) I believe we are well, we should be culturally (2:01:00) Pushing that not pushing it down, but not like not needing that to be a thing (2:01:05) Right like not repressing our things, but it shouldn’t even be an issue for territory (2:01:10) Like why am I fighting you over a roll of toilet paper? I don’t need to do that (2:01:15) Dave Chappelle had his Netflix special and he talked about that (2:01:18) He goes this he was in this little community in Ohio that he lives where he’s like a farm thing (2:01:22) He was we’re the last place that ran out of toilet paper because we trust that everyone knows whether they need toilet paper or not (2:01:29) Like the whole key and it’s great in a really small world, right? It works great.Like we talked about in communities (2:01:34) Yeah in small numbers (2:01:37) We have when we know who we are (2:01:41) There’s a no, is it the Dunbar number that is how many people you you can actually stay in contact with or know (2:01:49) Very well, and it’s like a hundred people hundred fifty people tops (2:01:53) I mean, it might be as low as twenty people that you can say, you know, really? Well, yeah outside of that (2:01:59) There’s seven point seven billion other people you have to worry about right? (2:02:04) And you don’t know them the way, you know, those of course, of course (2:02:09) So I’m curious how you know that plays into it, right? (2:02:12) Why why we are dicks because it becomes a territory thing. It becomes a (2:02:16) That we let the medulla amalgata take over or whatever the hell is back there, you know the the primal shit (2:02:23) Yeah, but we should we should be more calm. That’s why this is Knocked Conscious (2:02:26) We should be more conscious that we’ve know that and just say we don’t need that not to repress it.We don’t even need it (2:02:33) There’s no need for it, right? So it doesn’t even need to be repressed. It just atrophies. It should atrophy and break off (2:02:42) It shouldn’t even be fought and I think to you and I we don’t really fight it (2:02:47) Like that, you know what? I mean? Like (2:02:49) We we see it.We see other people acting and we go. Holy crap. I can’t believe they’re being so whatever (2:02:56) Dickish.Yeah, don’t be a dick bro. And the excellent to each other. Oh, yeah (2:03:01) I have a question for you.So go (2:03:04) Multiple crafts yes or no from the pictures. Do you think there are multiple types of crafts as a helicopter flies over your house? (2:03:15) Yes (2:03:17) Do you think that’s then multiple (2:03:20) Intelligent lives not just one. Oh, I think it’s the same species (2:03:26) But I think there are multiple species (2:03:29) Out there.Do you think there’s only one species that has visited us? Yes (2:03:35) Really? Yeah for all the possibilities. Yeah with all the spiritual stuff with the Pleiadians and the Arcturians and the Syrians (2:03:43) I don’t know anybody. I don’t know about those last year (2:03:46) the Arcturians (2:03:48) Arcturians, well, there’s a there’s a sect of the spirituality world the wind chime (2:03:53) Fruit loop people.I love of which I’m a I’m kind of part of that (2:03:57) Sirius is is a planetary system that they say that is one of the life forms (2:04:04) I’m curious if you think it’s just one life form. I (2:04:07) Yes, interesting. I have no idea.I’m totally guessing right? (2:04:10) What makes you think it’s just one if they’re I’d crash or different shapes inside (2:04:13) I feel like it would be that I thought about that during the phenomenon because (2:04:17) Humans have f-18s and human have b-52s. So we have totally different types of cars trucks (2:04:27) Houses everything why can’t aliens have different types of crafts to do different functions like humans do I? (2:04:33) Totally thought the same thing you did (2:04:35) I just thought I would ask that question as well because there’s one of two things right could be the one is (2:04:41) studying (2:04:42) ones to disable like (2:04:45) Yeah, and that’s the get that’s the gimbal looking thing. Yeah, and the and the tic-tac is designed for underwater (2:04:51) Yeah research or whatever, you know something like that.Yeah, very good. Very excellent points (2:04:56) Just curious if you thought it was more than one species. I personally believe if there’s one there’s many that’s my opinion (2:05:02) Okay, cuz just to your point and we I think we’re gonna do Knocked Conscious about that (2:05:08) I want to talk about the Drake equation (2:05:09) Which I mentioned yesterday, which basically tells you the possibility of intelligent life in the universe (2:05:15) It’s a pretty interest.It’s just an interesting thought kind of a thought experiment (2:05:19) It’s not a direct equation where we have to actually do math, but we talk about each of the parts (2:05:23) I think that’d be fun to break down. Okay, what else you got anything else? We got it. Cool (2:05:29) final thought (2:05:30) Be excellent to each other (2:05:33) Party on dudes follow subscribe rate, please (2:05:38) We’re approaching we’re probably over without we’re well over $6,000 by now (2:05:42) But please subscribe rate subscribe rate subscribe rate review subscribe rate review Knocked Conscious. Please calm (2:05:50) calm calm (2:05:53) He’s out don’t be a dick

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