A conversation about all aspects of cloning

Chris and Mark discuss all aspects of cloning (scientific, historical, ethical, etc.). Two documentary links below.
Intro Music: “Blue Scorpion” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Dive Horn: https://freesound.org/s/104882
Trombone Wah-Wah-Wah-Waaaaah: https://freesound.org/s/175409
Outro Music: “Neolith” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


(0:05) Broadcasting live from the Treehouse in Phoenix, Arizona. (0:09) It’s Knocked Conscious. (0:11) With Mark Puls and… (0:13) Chris Woodsey-Peralta.(0:14) From the home offices in Gilbert, Arizona. (0:22) Chillo. (0:23) Hi.(0:23) Hola, Chuck Mark. (0:24) Hello. (0:25) I love your shirt, bro.(0:26) Thank you, sir. (0:27) It’s red. (0:28) This is a very red shirt.(0:30) This was purchased as a State 48 shirt. (0:33) Whoa, really? (0:33) So there’s breweries also, State 48 brewery, (0:35) but the t-shirt company, the apparel company, State 48. (0:38) It is a Bruce Ariens special (0:40) when he was the head coach of the Les Cardinals.(0:43) The Arizona Cardinals. (0:44) Arizona Cardinals. (0:45) The football club.(0:45) The football club. (0:46) Not Les Champions, because they’ve not been that. (0:48) But Les Cardinals.(0:50) And proceeds went to his… (0:53) He has like a boys club or some kind of charity that he does. (0:56) And it’s a cool shirt. (0:58) And it’s got a cool hat.(0:59) Today is… (0:59) The news boy cap. (1:00) And today is Saturday, February 6th. (1:02) It’s Super Bowl weekend, bro.(1:03) Super Bowl weekend. (1:04) Who happens to be the head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers? (1:08) Bruce Ariens. (1:08) Yeah.(1:09) So, you know, shout out to Big B. (1:11) And then he was such a nice guy to my ex’s dad. (1:15) Like, awesome guy. (1:17) Good organization.(1:19) Really, really nice. (1:20) So thank you. (1:20) Good luck tomorrow, sir.(1:22) Yes. (1:22) And we’ll probably report on this a month later. (1:24) Go sports.(1:26) Today’s Knocked Conscious though. (1:27) We’re going to get serious. (1:28) Oh God, I’m already depressed.(1:29) I’m going to start because I was the one who initially hemmed and hawed. (1:35) And then you hemmed and hawed. (1:36) And now we’re meeting in the middle.(1:38) Sure. (1:39) Hemming and hawing. (1:41) Initially.(1:41) It’s like pinchy punchy. (1:42) Well, initially you’d brought this to us. (1:44) Now, what is the subject for today, sir? (1:46) Tell us about the subject.(1:47) Cloning. (1:50) Fuck. (1:50) All right.(1:51) Hope you go a little bit longer. (1:52) I was going to take a nice long sip of my delicious beverage. (1:56) To wash it down with.(1:58) Did you need a Royale with cheese? (2:02) I always want a Royale with cheese. (2:04) That’s a tasty burger, bro. (2:08) Kahuna Burger.(2:09) All right. (2:10) But I initially hemmed because you had brought this to us a couple of weeks ago. (2:13) And then, or maybe a month ago.(2:15) Sure. Yeah. (2:16) And I’m like, holy shit.(2:18) I’m not ready. (2:19) This is too big for me. (2:21) I can’t.(2:22) I’m not going to be ready by X amount of day. (2:23) Can you give us like another week to do it? (2:25) And then somehow it got tabled and then resurfaced. (2:27) Yeah.(2:27) And then this morning. (2:29) Yeah. (2:29) I get a text and what does, from whom? (2:31) And what was it about, sir? (2:33) Text was from me and it said, I can read it.(2:36) But to paraphrase, it said, I’ve watched two documentaries and I’ve read a bunch of articles (2:41) and I feel like I’m not prepared for today. (2:44) Yeah. (2:44) And I said, fuck it.(2:46) We’re going to do it anyway. (2:47) It’s not what you said, but that was your paraphrasing your response. (2:50) But I called you.(2:51) You did. (2:51) Because we definitely need a conversation. (2:53) Uh, I don’t, I don’t disagree with that.(2:55) Because I think texting sometimes you get lost. (2:57) Can be dumb. (2:59) So we’re going to go, we’re going to talk briefly about some texts, (3:02) some cloning stuff, but we’re going to get more, a lot into these other avenues.(3:06) We’re going to follow. (3:06) We took some notes. (3:08) We’ll leave some, uh, links in the notes as we always do.(3:12) But, uh, this is about cloning. (3:13) It’s ethics, how it came about, what’s going on, what it really is. (3:17) What’s going on.(3:17) So, sir, would you like to start us off with what it is and the first thing that was cloned (3:23) and we’ll go from there. (3:26) Sure. (3:26) Cloning is the process or process of producing individuals with identical or virtually identical (3:34) DNA, either naturally or artificially in nature.(3:39) Many organisms produce clones through a sexual reproduction. (3:43) Cloning in biotechnology refers to the process of creating clones or organisms or copies (3:50) of cells or DNA fragments. (3:52) So it’s like it’s Xerox, bro.(3:55) I like Xerox. (3:56) Making a copy. (3:58) Yeah.(3:58) Okay. (3:58) Cool. (3:59) And then it starts.(4:01) So the, the documentaries we watch and the first thing we all remember in, in that I (4:06) remember from my, I don’t know if it’s childhood or younger days, I guess, cause I was an adult. (4:10) Back in the day. (4:12) I would have been like 21 or 22.(4:16) So I wasn’t even a child anymore. (4:18) No, you can vote and have a beer and shit. (4:20) I could have a beer.(4:22) You could have a case of beers. (4:25) Well, hello, Dolly. (4:28) So who was the first, sir? (4:30) I’m sorry.(4:30) I think I just gave the first clone was Dolly the sheep. (4:33) Dolly the sheep. (4:35) 1997.(4:37) 1990. (4:37) Yeah. (4:37) She was created in 96 or something.(4:39) It’s really weird. (4:40) Right around there. (4:41) But I think, yeah, something, but 97 was like the year they like brought her out.(4:44) Announced it. (4:45) Yeah. (4:45) So start with that.(4:47) In the UK by Dr. (4:48) Ian Wilmut. (4:49) Ian Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the sheep. (4:53) Now, what I found really interesting, let’s just talk about all a Dolly because I’d like (4:57) to go and just get that, knock that out of the way.(4:59) Not Dolly would. (5:00) Because that was 25 years ago. (5:02) Yeah.(5:03) Obviously we have come eons forward in genetics. (5:07) Yes. (5:07) In 25 years.(5:09) However, initially what it was, was they took, they thought this thing was something (5:15) about differentiated cells and cells were not differentiated. (5:19) So meant what that meant was a cell that was a bone was a bone, even though it might have (5:24) traces of other genetic stuff in it. (5:27) Yeah.(5:27) And an org, a cell that was an organ was an organ. (5:30) It’s like it was baked into place, but they did find that you could take that cell and (5:35) actually make an organ out of a bone cell because they’re not, they are differentiated. (5:41) So they, they made a, an egg out of a differentiated cell.(5:45) That’s how they got the clone to begin with. (5:48) They did it without eggs. (5:49) It was really interesting.(5:51) I don’t know if you knew that. (5:52) It was just a DNA cell. (5:54) It was not an egg.(5:55) Correct. (5:55) Okay. (5:56) And they were able to take the cell.(5:57) They proved the cell could be made into an egg, which is really interesting because initially (6:01) they thought that wasn’t possible. (6:02) So that was a pretty, pretty interesting breakthrough. (6:05) That’s a giant step.(6:06) I would check. (6:07) But they had five initial dollies that survived. (6:10) Well, they’re not all dollied.(6:11) I mean, it’s not like George Foreman’s kids, but there were five of them survived. (6:14) Four died, you know, four died, either a birth or soon afterward, but Dolly made it. (6:18) Yes.(6:19) The average life expectancy, I looked up of a U or a Dolly type animal, the sheep that (6:24) she was, well, it’s a, it’s a type of sheep, whatever as 11 or 12 years. (6:28) Okay. (6:29) She made it six and a half.(6:30) Okay. (6:31) But they euthanized her. (6:32) She had some pretty bad like diabetes, arthritis, and all this other stuff.(6:35) But then I pulled up another article. (6:37) They claim that they had 13 other clones that were from Dolly’s batch that are doing that (6:42) lived longer lives and were better. (6:45) So they’ve obviously improved the process, but initially they said it took this Dr. (6:52) Nigel Cameron said that Ian Wilmot took 277 tries to get to Dolly.(6:58) Yes. (6:59) What are your thoughts about that? (7:01) That seems excessive, but is it really? (7:05) Because you’re talking about a cutting edge science at the time that no one knew about. (7:10) So it’s completely trial and error, right? (7:12) Yeah.(7:13) So it, you’re lucky it wasn’t 3000. (7:16) I mean, it’s just an incredibly trial and error lengthy process. (7:21) Absolutely.(7:22) I agree 100% with that. (7:23) So after that, but it, but it was really interesting because like I said, this is 96 (7:30) and it, it got a lot of flack early because of that. (7:33) But the thing is, what do you think the first airplane did? (7:36) How many you think didn’t make flight too well? (7:40) You know, how many cars didn’t drive too well or had early accidents as they were (7:46) working on the process to make this thing happen? (7:48) Can you compare the cloning of a human cell to the aircraft or the automobile? (7:54) It depends.(7:55) On? (7:57) Are we pieces or are we thing, or are we like, uh, (8:06) are we just bags of cells? (8:09) How do you, how do you view us? (8:11) Like I, I believe in evolution. (8:13) I believe that emotion and feelings come out of the way we’re evolved, right? (8:18) Like I don’t think that a dog has the exact emotions we do. (8:23) They have emotions, but they’re limited because they’re less.(8:27) Yeah. (8:27) Complex, less complex, I guess. (8:29) Less consciously aware.(8:30) Yeah. (8:30) And complex, right. (8:31) Being, you know, not bipedal and all this other, all these other things.(8:34) Right. (8:34) Um, so I, I see us as that. (8:40) So I would say that it’s science.(8:43) I, I might be dark. (8:45) It might be the darkness of me, the dark, cold side of me. (8:48) But I do see us like an airplane and a, and a car, like we are bags of cells.(8:54) Now we can still love those bags of cells because emotion comes out of what we are. (8:59) But I can look at us much more like a template or a blueprint or pieces material to put together (9:07) versus like human, I guess, humans at this thing as a cloning thing. (9:14) I’m thinking, get off me, bro.(9:17) I don’t know how to respond to your statement. (9:21) How do you view it? (9:25) I’m not sure that you can, obviously it was not alive when the automobile (9:29) rolled off the assembly line. (9:30) And I mean, were people saying, Oh, this will never replace the horse and buggy.(9:34) Did that, was that a statement that was made? (9:36) Probably. (9:36) Right. (9:37) Yeah.(9:37) There’s a definitely dragging feet, but I’m saying like, Hey, this member of the space (9:41) program, all the people that die, like NASA stopped sending people into space. (9:46) Right. (9:47) Because they felt that right now what they were gaining from those missions that they (9:53) were having was not worth either the public relations or the actual loss of life of the, (9:59) of the astronauts that they train.(10:01) Right. (10:04) I guess I’m just trying to think of, okay, put myself in the shoes of people as, okay, (10:11) the aircraft in 1903, the automobile, the, the nuke, the, the a bomb in, in 45, 1945. (10:19) So where would, where in 1997, 96, when this, when you was cloned, where, where does that (10:26) stack up in the strategic objective view of human progress and scientific growth? (10:35) Do you, I don’t know where I would put that because you’re talking about, well, the bomb, (10:41) you split the atom.(10:42) Well, this is a living tissue of a human or a cow or a fucking bat, whatever. (10:49) Right. (10:49) So I don’t know where that fits.(10:54) I would argue, and that is, I didn’t even think that question would come up. (10:58) I didn’t even think to pose to answer that question, but that’s the, that is the question, (11:03) right? (11:03) Well, yeah. (11:04) Where does cloning fit in the powerfulness of humanity or whatever? (11:09) And in a hundred years, will we, as a human race look back and go, oh yeah, remember (11:13) that time when there was a sheep and in history and, oh, that was just another step in the (11:17) way.(11:17) Is that how humans will look back at that time frame 25 years ago? (11:24) And, you know, now as, as, as science and technology advances, how will history look (11:31) back upon this time regarding this subject? (11:33) Those are two very separate questions. (11:35) So let’s start with the one. (11:36) Sure.(11:37) I don’t think so, but go ahead. (11:38) I would, well, I would argue that this is the single most important possible thing that (11:44) humanity can do. (11:46) And the reason I say that is because of the number of people that believe in God as a (11:52) single creator and that the second we can make, we basically do, we’re doing Adam.(11:58) We’re doing, we’re making Eve. (12:00) I get that. (12:00) Cause we’re taking from Adam.(12:02) I mean, whoever we’re taking from, right? (12:04) We’re taking something. (12:05) It could be Adam. (12:05) The rib could be the cell.(12:07) The rib cell, right? (12:08) Right. (12:09) What if the rib cell is like the most productive one? (12:11) And it was true the whole time. (12:12) It’s the most delicious.(12:13) No, what, like imagine that being the truth. (12:14) Like, Oh my God, this is the best one to make clones with. (12:17) It’s the rib cell.(12:18) I’d be so fucking weird. (12:20) The make rib cell. (12:21) Oh God.(12:21) Mmm. (12:22) Delicious. (12:22) Shit on fucking bread.(12:23) But with, with the amount of people who believe that God is creator and that we, he made us (12:29) in his image. (12:29) And obviously we start making things in our own image. (12:32) Judeo Christian God.(12:33) Right. (12:33) But even, yes. (12:35) Yes.(12:35) Okay. (12:35) I’m just clarifying. (12:36) Let’s go.(12:37) Let’s go. (12:37) Old Testament. (12:38) God, because Christians do have all that new.(12:40) All that. (12:41) Okay. (12:41) Right.(12:42) But basically. (12:43) Just clarifying. (12:43) God made us in his image.(12:45) That’s the general gist of God. (12:47) Right. (12:47) Yes.(12:47) Correct. (12:48) Like even for all the, all the religions, John, the general gist. (12:51) I just wanted to clarify.(12:52) God made us in his image. (12:52) Right. (12:53) So for the three majors, but the three majors account for how much percentage of the.(12:58) 87%. (12:58) Yeah. (12:58) That’s gotta be right.(12:59) 94. (12:59) It’s gotta be. (12:59) Yeah.(12:59) It’s a huge number. (13:00) So, um, and most of the other things are offshoots of those. (13:04) Correct.(13:04) So that’s why I think it is actually highly important that this gets resolved. (13:11) I don’t know if it’s legal, like in some kind of paperwork or some kind of process that we can (13:15) all agree upon. (13:17) Like it’s kind of like the internet, the internet’s run away.(13:19) We need to get regulation or we’re behind the eight ball on how to even proceed with (13:26) this kind of pro with, with this kind of process actually. (13:29) Well, we do know that in the United States and the UK cloning a human is illegal. (13:34) That’s those are federal laws.(13:36) Correct. (13:37) So that’s already been addressed. (13:39) I mean, Clinton sought to that, right? (13:41) Yes.(13:41) They made, they made them illegal, but maybe we don’t make them illegal. (13:45) Maybe we just say, this is what we like. (13:47) Maybe we need to address what we can and can’t do.(13:49) Like, what is the limit? (13:50) I don’t know if they just have a law that says cloning humans as a whole body is illegal. (13:55) Like I don’t know the jargon, right? (13:57) Yeah. (13:57) So I’d love to see that, but it definitely is something where we’re talking about.(14:01) There are countries that don’t observe that. (14:03) Right. (14:03) Correct.(14:04) I mean, we go, we tend to look at China a lot. (14:07) It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. (14:09) China will take an Apple technology, reverse engineer, and then sell as their own.(14:14) They’ll do with a Google phone. (14:16) They’ll do with a, they’ll do with things. (14:17) That’s how they do a lot of the technology is they reverse engineer it.(14:21) They’re obviously not adhering to international copyrights, international, you know, (14:27) patents and whatnot. (14:28) Right. (14:29) Cause they’re doing.(14:30) They have reverse engineering. (14:31) They’re reverse engineering everything and making it. (14:32) Yeah.(14:33) So there are going to be countries. (14:35) I’m not saying China in this case, but we’ve talked about China with the twins. (14:39) Uh, that’ll come up later.(14:40) No. (14:42) Okay. (14:43) Well, what, what do you put your veggies in, in the refrigerator? (14:48) CRISPR.(14:50) I was like, uh, I don’t eat veggies, dude. (14:56) Should’ve been the answer. (14:57) Actually, you would’ve gotten them.(14:58) I’ve had a break. (15:00) The only veggies I eat is salsa and guacamole, dude. (15:03) Anyway.(15:04) So after that, basically what, what they thought was anyone who, anyone who would (15:09) undertake that anywhere in the Western world, right? (15:12) The free world, let’s call it the free world. (15:14) Cause it’s not just Western. (15:15) Okay.(15:16) In the free world would, would be called the Kevorkian of reproduction. (15:19) Yeah. (15:20) That was in the document.(15:21) And it’s right. (15:22) I mean, the guy that they talk about in that one documentary, that Zavod guy, whatever (15:27) he he’s borderline. (15:30) He’s genius, but he’s either super fucking crazy or so he just gets it and we don’t.(15:36) Okay. (15:36) So what documentary is this? (15:38) It’s one of the two cloning human. (15:39) Well, you have the first human.(15:40) It’s the first cloning. (15:42) The first human, I think was on the YouTube. (15:44) Yeah.(15:45) It’s on the YouTube. (15:45) We’ll put the links on the notes. (15:47) Yeah.(15:47) But anyway, but I mean, how do you, what was your response to the Kevorkian? (15:50) Well, I think the guy that the main doctor that was championing this, you know, 18 years ago, (15:56) I would be interested to see where he is now. (15:58) And I think that he’s my perspective on the gentleman that, that wants the proponent of (16:05) human cloning. (16:07) He wants to move science forward as much and as quickly as possible.(16:15) And he comes from a background of he’s a doctor in vitro fertilization and helping couples (16:21) have kids, that sort of stuff. (16:23) So that’s where he came from. (16:24) But I just see him as, Hey, this is just the next step of science.(16:28) And if you don’t agree with me, that’s, that’s completely fine. (16:31) But I want to take this in the direction I want to take it in. (16:34) Yeah.(16:35) Is that? (16:36) Yeah. (16:36) He, he sees, well, the way he claims he claims he sees it, right. (16:43) He sees this, not like just some wild experiment.(16:45) He thinks this is going to save humanity. (16:47) He thinks that this is a future way of reproduction. (16:52) And people are going, well, look how many embryos it took to.(16:56) Yeah, that was the first fucking one, right? (16:58) Like, let’s not kid ourselves. (16:59) What does that statement mean? (17:00) Look at the number of embryos. (17:01) Well, so what he wants to say is like, he’s saying 70%, he says 30% can could make it, (17:07) but that’s like in vitro fertilization.(17:09) We’ll talk about in vitro in a second, but basically he thinks that 30% or that was his (17:14) claim back then was 30% of a cloned embryo could be born normally. (17:18) Survive. (17:19) Right.(17:19) And they go, what about the other 70%? (17:21) Right. (17:21) And that’s the ethical question, right? (17:24) Those are deformed or they’re just destroyed. (17:26) Well, once again, looking in a religious world, some people consider the embryo part as already (17:32) life because it already was conceived, right? (17:35) It’s fertilized.(17:36) Well, these, in this case is it’s not being fertilized. (17:40) There’s no sperm. (17:41) That is correct.(17:42) In this, in the, this cloning we’re talking about. (17:45) It’s correct. (17:46) It’s the set.(17:47) Go ahead. (17:48) Cause you can explain it better than I can. (17:49) No, no, it just is an embryo.(17:51) I apologize. (17:52) You’re correct. (17:52) It’s not fertilized.(17:53) It is an embryo, right? (17:54) Right. (17:54) But it’s, it’s when cloning the DNA, it’s a, it’s the egg of one person and the DNA of (18:02) another person. (18:03) And they’re inserting the DNA into the egg to clone the person that wants to be cloned.(18:08) The person where the DNA came from, there’s no sperm involved with that. (18:11) Correct. (18:12) So that begs the question to me, is that a fertilized egg? (18:16) Because there’s no sperm.(18:17) Right. (18:18) So from a religious ethical morality standpoint, I don’t know where those folks would stand. (18:24) It’s a great question.(18:25) Because there’s no fucking sperm. (18:26) Yeah. (18:26) We should have a pastor on for this.(18:28) I thought about it. (18:29) I thought about it too, actually. (18:30) And it’s interesting.(18:31) We would lose. (18:32) Well, we would lose only because we would. (18:36) We lose because no one would change our mind.(18:38) Not because we would lose. (18:40) No, but we could still have a good conversation. (18:42) Right.(18:42) But we still lose. (18:45) Uh, no, to your point though, it’s an excellent question as well is, uh, but the thing is, (18:50) is the embryo, is it now embryo? (18:53) So, so the Bible needs to somehow update to explain whether it’s. (19:00) Has nothing to do with the Bible.(19:01) Right. (19:02) But this is not in the Bible. (19:03) No, no, I’m just, I know, but didn’t they talk about what, isn’t it for who is it? (19:07) Thomas, who, who’s the guy, Thomas Aquinas that talked about the embryo being the life.(19:12) He’s not in the Bible, is he? (19:14) No, no, I know. (19:15) He interpreted the Bible, right? (19:16) Oh, but I’m talking about where, where in the religion is embryo life or fertilized. (19:25) You see what I’m saying? (19:25) Like, where did that become the, is that in the Bible? (19:28) Where is it in the Bible? (19:29) So, so they came up with this after.(19:31) Yeah. (19:31) It’s the, uh, the religious viewpoint is conception and conception is when the sperm fertilizes (19:38) the egg, right? (19:39) What is the basis of that? (19:40) I have no idea. (19:41) It’s not from a verse when you twist some kind of verse.(19:46) I don’t think so. (19:48) Okay. (19:48) That’s the thing.(19:49) I’d love the origins of that. (19:50) Right. (19:50) Cause that would solve it real quick.(19:53) If it, if it’s not, if it’s just something that a priest came up with later, well, they, (20:00) they did absolve Galileo. (20:02) How many times did a priest come up with something like, Hey, right. (20:06) A priest can’t have wives.(20:08) Well, the first one did St. (20:10) Peter. (20:11) Yeah. (20:11) What? (20:11) So why? (20:12) So some dude, some man came up with a new rule that has, that is against the original (20:19) idea and it’s still true to this day, but that’s Catholicism only.(20:23) So let’s right. (20:24) You know, that’s off subject. (20:26) Catholicism.(20:27) Once again, these are ethical questions as a whole. (20:30) People with religious beliefs have pretty ethical, pretty strong ethical beliefs. (20:36) Oh my God.(20:36) He’s dying. (20:37) Oh my God. (20:38) Ladies and gentlemen.(20:42) Son of a bitch. (20:43) Oh my God. (20:44) How’s your coffee, bro? (20:46) It’s always a death wish.(20:48) Shut up. (20:48) Death wish, sir. (20:50) Mine too.(20:51) Oh, so nice. (20:55) But so going into that, that’s the ethical question, right? (21:00) People with a faith system. (21:02) How does this, how would cloning play? (21:05) Because cloning, in my opinion, is exactly in my image.(21:10) I mean, if we’re going to talk exactly in my image, I don’t think you can get more exact (21:15) in my image and cloning. (21:17) Do you think that that’s, so you’re saying that’s playing God? (21:21) That being God, I only want to say playing. (21:24) It’s just his.(21:25) So take it from a different, go ahead. (21:28) Let me clarify, please. (21:29) The God that we all talk about as a creator, like it’s not my personal belief, but yeah, (21:33) that would be playing the God that people believe in, which people believe in.(21:37) Is the human ability to clone another human being playing God? (21:44) That’s, I mean, that’s, I think that’s the base question of the morality and the pros (21:50) and cons behind cloning, right? (21:53) Yeah. (21:54) It’s playing creator for sure. (21:56) And in the Bible, where in the Bible does it state in my own image? (22:00) Isn’t it in Genesis? (22:01) In my own image and likeness is the verse, but I don’t know.(22:05) Um, it might be Genesis. (22:07) Yeah. (22:08) But, and if it is, or it doesn’t even matter regardless if it’s in the Bible somewhere (22:13) own image and likeness, well, cloning is literally image.(22:19) And like, yeah, because it’s a duplicate, right? (22:22) So I, there is no, I don’t see how you can wiggle out of not playing God at that point. (22:27) Right. (22:27) Like try to convince me that it’s not playing God.(22:31) Right. (22:33) What if it’s okay. (22:34) So there’s cloning for different reasons, right? (22:36) Oh, right.(22:36) So there’s cloning. (22:37) We’re talking about cloning the entire body right now. (22:39) Yes.(22:40) Okay. (22:40) Okay. (22:41) We’ll, we’ll go to organs because that’s where we start changing our ethics.(22:44) Right. (22:45) Yeah. (22:45) That’s where I was.(22:46) That’s when my question was gone. (22:47) That’s where it gets gray. (22:48) Right.(22:48) Okay. (22:48) So we can move on to that. (22:50) I don’t, what are your thoughts? (22:51) Tell me, I would love to hear your thoughts about that, about the playing God.(22:53) What do you think about it? (22:57) Obviously you are. (23:00) Um, however, is that okay? (23:03) Is it okay to, okay. (23:05) There’s a couple that they’re 43 years old.(23:08) They’ve been trying to get pregnant for 17 years. (23:10) They can’t, there’s an issue with one of them, whatever they’ve tried in vitro seven times (23:15) at $8,000 a pop, whatever the, whatever the number of times and the amount of money and (23:20) effort that they’ve tried to have a family and they can’t, is it okay in that case for (23:27) them to do that, to cook, to clone their own two cells, to have a family because that’s (23:33) what they want. (23:33) Cause they want to carry on their lineage.(23:35) They don’t want to adopt. (23:36) They want to have that bond between a married couple that are very happy and in love, etc. (23:42) Is that okay? (23:43) Okay.(23:44) Yes. (23:45) The, the scientist, the human race is playing God in that case. (23:48) We’ve come to that conclusion.(23:49) You and I, whether we’re in charge or not, that’s beside the point. (23:53) Yes. (23:54) The human race is playing God.(23:55) Is it okay that they’re playing God? (23:57) Because in that case, that couple wants to have a family. (24:03) I don’t, I mean, I don’t know the answer to that. (24:06) Uh, well, let’s talk about in vitro then.(24:14) Sure. (24:14) Cause uh, that’s important because not only are we looking at what cloning is, but we (24:21) should compare it to other, other types of reproduction. (24:25) Okay.(24:25) Right. (24:26) Obviously you’ve got your, your just bone, bang them. (24:30) And what is it? (24:32) Love them and leave them.(24:33) Uh, no, bang them and bang them and wang them. (24:36) What’s what are you running? (24:36) Wham bam. (24:37) Thank you.(24:38) No, pump them and dump them. (24:39) That’s oh my God. (24:40) Where are we going? (24:40) Just kidding, man.(24:41) No, you’ve got, okay. (24:42) So this is, this is where it was interesting. (24:45) What it was only 50%.(24:49) Where is that statistic? (24:50) Oh yeah. (24:51) In regular reproduction, only half of the embryos get implanted anyway. (24:55) So you just, you’re just out.(24:58) Well, okay. (24:59) With your, but you’ve got to also back up because, okay. (25:02) 50% of the embryos that are created during traditional methods.(25:10) Don’t stick to the uterine wall or something. (25:13) If you back up how many eggs are not even fertilized. (25:17) Right.(25:17) So the percentage goes down drastically again. (25:19) Right. (25:20) Right.(25:20) I’m only talking to embryo because I’m trying to keep it in apples to apples. (25:24) Okay. (25:24) I wanted to clarify, but I agree.(25:25) Yes. (25:26) No, I appreciate the clarification. (25:27) Absolutely necessary.(25:28) In this case, this is just embryos. (25:30) So this is once again, fertilized. (25:32) This is what people would consider human humanity or conception.(25:36) And the term embryo is a fertilized egg. (25:38) Yes. (25:39) Correct.(25:39) Yes. (25:39) And in the other case, embryo is an, is a fertile, it’s fertilized. (25:44) Differently.(25:45) Unnaturally. (25:45) Yes. (25:47) Artificially.(25:47) Not pumped or dumped. (25:49) Chump. (25:50) Ooh, nice.(25:51) Yeah. (25:51) Pump, dump, chump. (25:52) I like it.(25:53) So in regular reproduction, so a percentage of them don’t even get fertilized, right? (25:58) So they don’t even become embryos, but only half of the ones that do become embryos, (26:02) make it attached to a uterine wall in the first place. (26:05) Correct. (26:05) So 50% of the embryos that are created don’t naturally stick.(26:12) Literally. (26:12) And that’s, and this is where I get sad because I think someone would say, (26:15) well, that’s just God’s will. (26:18) Well, a lot of people would say that.(26:20) But the real, like the ones really digging their heels about like being open to something like (26:24) that. (26:24) Cause it’s a really tough topic to be open about if you have a real, if you have a judgment about (26:29) it, it’s hard to kind of. (26:30) Or if you, if you’re a couple that can’t get pregnant, you have very, very strong feelings (26:34) about it, right? (26:35) Yeah.(26:35) And if you want to have 15 kids, you have different feelings because you’re like, (26:39) fertilization, that’s just cake. (26:41) I just thought about it there. (26:42) Boom.(26:43) There it is. (26:43) Top right out. (26:44) Um, okay.(26:46) So then in vitro fertilization, they said it needs about 900 embryos to make 18 babies. (26:53) So what’s that 0.2% or some. (26:55) It’s very small.(26:56) So it’s a very small percentage. (26:58) Right. (26:58) So these are both except widely accepted, even encouraged in vitro is very much encouraged (27:05) to try it.(27:06) If you can’t do it through natural methods, right. (27:08) You would, you would argue. (27:09) Most people say, have you tried in vitro? (27:11) Right.(27:11) You know, it would be suggested. (27:13) But I, but I would be curious to someone that’s a devout Christian when in vitro became, (27:22) when was first announced in the term test tube, baby came out and that was a negative (27:26) connotation and it was a joke in the early seventies. (27:29) Right.(27:29) So when that, when in vitro fertilization first came out and then it became more accepted (27:36) widely and it became more, oh, it’s just, if you can’t get pregnant, that’s what you do. (27:40) That seems to be the path. (27:41) So if you ask a devout religious person 30 years ago, what would their, what would their (27:47) response be? (27:48) What would their response be 20 years ago? (27:49) What would their response be today? (27:51) So in vitro is almost, is a widely accepted practice, but from a religious standpoint, (28:01) is that not okay? (28:03) Because you’re not conceiving naturally.(28:04) I don’t know. (28:06) Right. (28:07) I’m not sure how to.(28:09) I would, I would argue. (28:10) Please. (28:11) You’re arguing a lot today.(28:12) And when I, when I say argue, I just mean state, but I would, I would suggest or guess, (28:18) I’d make a guesstimate that someone in someone’s church has had in vitro fertilization. (28:22) I would, I would think so too. (28:24) So just having it, you can’t be against it and have it.(28:27) I mean, well, yeah, but you, there could be a religious practice that says, oh, you can’t (28:33) that’s, that’s against God’s law or something to that effect. (28:36) There may be in certain, certain religions may have that. (28:40) I’m curious if there are, and which ones they are.(28:42) Yeah. (28:42) I don’t, we should have looked that up. (28:43) I didn’t, I tried.(28:45) I mean, I didn’t want to, we’re not a religious show, but we, it does kind of skirt every (28:49) once in a while. (28:49) Like I said, we’re not a politics show. (28:51) We’re not a religious show, but we do those.(28:53) That’s what the world is about. (28:54) Right. (28:55) Politics and religion.(28:56) A lot of cases comes up. (28:57) Yes. (28:57) Well, it’s okay.(28:58) It’s okay. (28:59) People, it’s not okay, bro. (29:00) We’ll work on this part.(29:01) Not okay. (29:02) We’ll, we’ll go, but you know, people, the religious people specifically felt that embryos (29:06) were human, but tiny humans basically. (29:09) And that’s where we’re at right now.(29:10) That’s the destruction. (29:11) So correct. (29:12) But you know, it would be my guess that a religious person, someone with faith would (29:17) say, Oh, the half that don’t implant is just God’s will.(29:21) It wasn’t their time to have children. (29:24) The ones in reacher would be like, well, we do have free will to try to make things better (29:30) to make a life better. (29:31) Why’d you get all Southern just now? (29:33) I just felt like I do declare, I don’t know.(29:36) I felt like a little from Kentucky. (29:37) Well, I felt a little waltz coming across my chest. (29:40) I don’t know why it’s because Bruce Aaron’s on my breasts.(29:44) Bruce breasts. (29:45) That’s weird, bro. (29:46) Breast Aryans right here.(29:48) Okay. (29:48) Stop it. (29:49) Give me a score, please.(29:51) Before we continue to score the game tomorrow, I will say the mighty chiefs of Kansas city (30:10) 41 and the pirates of Tampa Bay, Florida. (30:15) 34. (30:16) I like it.(30:17) What is your score? (30:18) I’m going to go 34 Tampa Bay, 31 Kansas city. (30:25) You think that Tampa is going to win Tom Brady, bro? (30:28) I hope so. (30:29) But I don’t think I don’t see anybody beating Kansas city.(30:33) Kansas city is great. (30:34) They lost twice. (30:35) They lost once this year, twice this year.(30:37) I want them to lose. (30:38) I don’t know why you’d want them to lose. (30:41) They’re a great team.(30:42) They’re because I would prefer Tampa to win. (30:44) That’s all. (30:44) I mean, I’m, I’m just, let’s see.(30:49) I mean, look, I don’t, I’ll be right. (30:50) Let me put it this way. (30:51) Sure.(30:51) My homes is not affected. (30:53) He doesn’t get pressure. (30:54) Like, it’s not like he’s different.(30:55) He’s different. (30:56) So he’s like very Brady. (30:57) Like, like, he’s not going to get flustered or anything, but Brady’s just been there (31:01) so fucking many times.(31:02) I think he’d be good at keeping everyone else calm. (31:05) Oh, I agree. (31:06) I think that is a huge, he and Gronk together going, guys, this, this is about a special (31:11) that gets, cause you don’t know how often this is going to come and blah, blah, blah.(31:14) Nine times, right? (31:15) I just, yeah, for him, you know, he can, you can be in the annals or the anals of history. (31:23) Dude, dude, dude. (31:25) What if you could clone Tom Brady? (31:26) That’s we’re going to get to that.(31:28) What if you have 22 Tom Brady’s? (31:29) I forgot to tell you what the other thing, the other rigorous movie or documentary that (31:35) I watched was the sixth day with Arnold Schwarzenegger, just to prepare for this cloning. (31:41) Get to the Superbowl. (31:42) And in the beginning of that, do you remember that? (31:44) No.(31:45) In the beginning, it’s like arena football. (31:47) It’s like, it’s in the future and it’s football. (31:50) And the quarterback like snaps his neck and they drag him off in the cart.(31:55) Like, and they take him into the ambulance and they basically kill him in the ambulance (31:58) and replace him with his fucking clone. (32:00) And they’re like, wow, that hit looked really bad. (32:02) He comes back next week and it’s like nothing happened.(32:04) Wow. (32:05) It’s, I think that’s why I think Patrick Mahone’s was cloned. (32:07) You remember that hit he took like two weeks ago? (32:09) I didn’t see it.(32:11) I know he was on the guy. (32:12) I know he was on CTE protocol. (32:15) If I may.(32:16) No. (32:17) Should not even have been on. (32:18) It shouldn’t even a question.(32:19) If a UFC fighter got knocked out the way he got knocked at that one time, even if he’s (32:23) normal a week later, I don’t give a fuck. (32:26) They make you sit out for six months. (32:28) Manage.(32:29) Well, if you see an NFL or wrestling, that’s my point though. (32:32) That’s how important that hit was. (32:35) I just don’t know how, what that’s going to happen down the road.(32:38) Who’s a Kansas city’s backup quarterback? (32:42) Chad Henney, I believe, or Todd Heineke, Heineke, Henneke. (32:45) I don’t remember. (32:46) It doesn’t matter.(32:47) It doesn’t matter. (32:49) Okay. (32:50) And Brady.(32:50) What? (32:51) And what? (32:51) And who? (32:51) I’m just wondering if Kansas city would have won last week without Mahone’s. (32:55) Could have. (32:56) Tampa, Buffalo is good.(32:57) I mean, Buffalo played pretty well. (32:59) I mean, just Kansas city is just really good. (33:01) Really good.(33:02) Really good. (33:02) And Tampa Bay is peaking at the right point too, because I feel like they were trying to (33:07) get to familiar with each other. (33:09) And now they’re getting familiar.(33:11) They’re in that familiar stage where they weren’t earlier. (33:13) They were feeling out because COVID all this, all this year was just crazy. (33:16) Anyway.(33:17) So you think 41, 34 Kansas city. (33:20) Yeah. (33:20) And I’m just going to say 34, 31 Tampa.(33:23) Come on. (33:24) Do you, do I think, do I think that Tampa Bay is going to, I think the Kansas city is (33:28) going to win, but that’s. (33:29) Why would you say that score? (33:30) I just have, I, you know, you think Kansas city is going to win, but you don’t make any (33:35) sense.(33:36) It’s a gut. (33:37) Brady’s bubbling up. (33:39) Brady comes up.(33:39) It’s like, it’s like bad, um, bad seafood. (33:42) Brady. (33:43) It’s like a rotten shrimp.(33:45) Brady always comes up in a conversation. (33:47) It’s like, am I the only one that doesn’t hate him? (33:50) That’s so weird. (33:51) No, I don’t hate him.(33:51) I, I love and absolutely respect that guy. (33:53) The guy puts his head down and he just wants to win. (33:56) Like, why would you hate a guy for being professional and being good? (34:01) Yeah.(34:01) Because he’s good. (34:02) Well, if you’re a Patriots hater, right. (34:05) If you’re at the top of anything, everyone wants to knock you down.(34:08) When we’re at the top of our podcast game, you know how much hate mail we’re going to (34:11) get? (34:11) Like one letter, two tops. (34:14) Cause our top is weird. (34:16) Like fuck you and your cloning bitches.(34:18) And back to cloning my friends. (34:19) So no, the, in the sixth day, dude, dude, like they basically killed the dude and replaced (34:25) him with his clone football player. (34:27) Cause you know, you have so much money invested in them.(34:28) That’s how I feel like it would happen in the future. (34:31) It totally feels like dystopian like that. (34:33) Yeah.(34:34) I like to go back to the question about, are we playing God? (34:38) Yes. (34:39) So how would you compare this to artificial intelligence? (34:43) Is the human race playing God, creating computerized thought that will become sentient at some (34:51) point it may become sentient. (34:53) Is that also is creating is cloning and AI the same thing? (34:58) That’s a really great question.(35:00) You’re welcome. (35:01) I’m going to say 100% no. (35:03) What? (35:03) Not because I’m right.(35:06) It’s just my belief. (35:07) It’s my opinion. (35:07) I like to argue.(35:08) Right. (35:09) So we’re going to do that. (35:10) So I will say no.(35:11) And the reason I say no is because it has no artificial intelligence, nothing biological. (35:16) It’s completely unnatural and manufactured. (35:19) That’s the only reason.(35:20) But please tell me your thoughts on it. (35:22) My thoughts are Battlestar Galactica, the Cylons bro. (35:27) Yeah, but humans created Cylons and then they became biotech, like, you know, organisms (35:34) and shit, even though that’s a fictitional show.(35:38) We’re not. (35:39) We’re going to get there. (35:40) Unless.(35:41) Oh, yeah. (35:41) If we don’t blow ourselves up or have an ELA. (35:45) Right.(35:45) If we, if humanity continues, that’s happening. (35:49) I agree completely. (35:51) That’s regardless of political, any, regardless of any political walls or anything, someone (35:55) with science will advance.(35:57) I was going to say science, but you are correct. (35:59) But I think that there is a similarity between AI and human gene cloning because we’re creating (36:10) something out of nothing, in a sense. (36:12) I understand a cell is not nothing.(36:14) So there is a similarity. (36:16) Great assault with that. (36:17) But the humans are creating something that’s like not natural, I guess.(36:23) Are you ready for a mind blower? (36:25) No. (36:25) Here we go. (36:26) If we think that consciousness is an emergent property from what we are and we create consciousness (36:32) artificially through AI, isn’t that, that I could see to your point, that would be like (36:37) playing.(36:37) Yeah. (36:38) Right. (36:38) Because if consciousness is something that only God, the proverbial God can create, then (36:46) it would be playing God.(36:47) Yes. (36:48) Because if you can create something that is conscious, the way we’re conscious, and that (36:53) is the level that God is, then okay. (36:56) Yeah.(36:56) But I think God, so why are we putting ego and fucking feelings of God? (37:01) Like, why are we putting our personal human feelings and like God feels those things? (37:05) God could be a fucking completely cold bastard who couldn’t give a shit and just went, let’s (37:11) see what happens. (37:11) And he’s basically watching a fucking ant farm right now. (37:14) A reality show.(37:15) Right. (37:15) So what’s that test called? (37:17) The AI test. (37:18) Red dot test? (37:19) The AI test.(37:20) Oh, the Turing test. (37:21) The Turing test. (37:22) Alan Turing.(37:23) Sure. (37:23) Frank Turing, whatever. (37:25) Dr. Francis Turing.(37:27) Alan Turinger. (37:28) Sure. (37:29) The Turing test.(37:29) Blade Runner. (37:31) What happens if in say 17 years, there’s a human that’s been cloned and there’s an AI (37:39) and they both pass the Turing test. (37:42) Wouldn’t AI and cloning be the same at that point? (37:46) Because they’re, one’s a biochemical, you know, and one’s a machine, a fake, like fiber (37:55) and copper and.(37:57) Right. (37:58) And if we would know that, the senses would be the same because it would be like being (38:03) plugged in the matrix, right? (38:04) Like all of our, if we’re just a biochemical computer where our neurons go off and our, (38:13) right, our senses go off, our nerves, that’s what everything is, right? (38:21) We get flush when we get excited. (38:23) Well, those are all like responses.(38:25) Those are biological responses, but they’re programmed in a weird way, right? (38:29) Well, on the AI they would be. (38:31) Well, right, but they’re programmed in us genetically or biologically somehow. (38:36) Yes.(38:36) And they’re a result of who we are and our species and everything, because we would (38:41) react differently than a bee would react or than a dog would react or whatever, right? (38:45) Because we would react the way we do. (38:49) And it would be slightly different. (38:50) I would think it would be instinctual.(38:51) It’d be a lot more. (38:52) Right. (38:52) More feel than instinct.(38:54) So if we can make that out of wires and have that same experience, that’s ultimately what (39:00) consciousness is, is the experience of humanity. (39:02) Then yeah, that would absolutely 100% be playing God. (39:07) But, but it wouldn’t be replacing God because only God can create beings, I think.(39:15) And I think that’s where I, I think that’s where people would be less. (39:20) I think people are more scared about what AI will do. (39:23) I think.(39:24) But you don’t. (39:25) The revelation that humans are the problem is scary to me. (39:30) That’s what I’m afraid AI is going to figure out.(39:33) Agreed. (39:34) Completely. (39:36) However, humans at a certain point are going to become afraid of AI.(39:40) Why wouldn’t they become afraid of a cloned human? (39:43) If, oh, no, there are more afraid of cloning. (39:45) If a cloned human, I’m saying kill somebody or does harm to somebody, then the whole, (39:50) the whole world will be up in arms. (39:51) Like cloning is horrible.(39:52) Look at this, what this clone did. (39:54) Well, humans suck too. (39:58) And if this clone is a replica of another human being, they’re just as fallible, right? (40:09) And if AI is programmed by human, then AI is fallible.(40:13) I mean, by, by thought logic process, right? (40:17) Yeah. (40:17) Am I totally nuts here? (40:18) No. (40:19) Okay.(40:20) Well, this is the, so here’s, here’s where we’re gonna go further. (40:22) Sure. (40:23) Playing God.(40:24) No. (40:24) Well, this is the thing. (40:26) God creates in our own image.(40:27) So now we’re God. (40:27) Can I play dog? (40:29) But how come we have no issue with our, because we talk about free will. (40:36) Well, we learn how to plow and we learn how to build houses and stay in one place.(40:40) We learn how to make electricity. (40:42) These knowledges are okay, but the knowledge of cloning, see God wouldn’t, didn’t God (40:49) give us that knowledge or allow us to get to that knowledge? (40:53) Like if let’s, I’m just going to go down the thought experiment. (40:57) God exists.(40:58) God doesn’t want you to play God. (41:00) So he doesn’t allow you to get to the knowledge of playing God. (41:03) He doesn’t give you the intelligence to figure it out.(41:05) Right. (41:05) I had that thought earlier today. (41:08) It becomes that weird catch 22 thing.(41:10) Like it becomes that endless loop. (41:11) Is it a, did he give it to us or do we take, do we take it? (41:15) Is it the chicken and the egg type of thing? (41:17) It kind of is, but it’s also like, this is like, this is against God. (41:20) Well, God, God, I have the knowledge of doing this because I experimented.(41:25) So he allowed that. (41:28) He, he is God being a him in, in all the major texts. (41:32) I agree.(41:32) I get you. (41:33) I’m trying to get you. (41:34) I’m trying to stay PC.(41:35) Can you have me? (41:36) But, but Beavis, thank you so much. (41:39) Um, does that make sense? (41:41) So give granting us the knowledge to learn how to clone is what God granted us. (41:48) Right.(41:48) And that’s our free will to do so. (41:50) So how, how could that be admonished? (41:52) How can someone look shitty upon that? (41:54) I agree. (41:55) If, if, if a human being is created is indeed created in God’s image and likeness.(42:00) And that human being has the intelligence and knowledge and ability to (42:08) create the process to clone a human. (42:11) Well, if you were the human is basically the middleman because God gave the human (42:17) the ability to do this and to develop the tools to do it. (42:22) Right.(42:22) And to your point, from an evolutionary, from a completely scientific, non-religious (42:27) standpoint, some people, some futurists feel like the mechanical, the AI version of us (42:35) is our next children. (42:37) Yeah. (42:37) It is going to be Battlestar Galactica.(42:39) Yes. (42:39) Basically. (42:40) Yes.(42:40) It’s going to be. (42:41) Except for the nukes. (42:43) That’d be great.(42:44) I hope no nukes. (42:44) Lots of number sixes, please, sir. (42:46) I’d like to order a number six, please.(42:47) No nukes, please. (42:49) Who else? (42:50) There’s a couple. (42:51) Are there a couple of hotties? (42:52) Oh, yeah.(42:53) Six and four. (42:54) Four is eight. (42:54) I don’t remember all the.(42:55) I don’t remember all the numbers. (42:57) I just want it from the fracking ship. (43:00) Yeah.(43:01) Excel. (43:02) Colonel. (43:02) Right.(43:02) Yeah. (43:03) Call. (43:04) Colonel.(43:04) Tie. (43:05) Backdoor. (43:10) Anyway, we get this knowledge.(43:11) So God gave us this knowledge. (43:15) But I don’t. (43:15) So anyway, there are futurists who think that making the mechanical is going to be our next (43:19) evolutionary step.(43:21) Yeah. (43:22) So it’s just interesting, right? (43:24) Because they don’t even give a shit that whether we’re biological and yet you have a sect of (43:29) people that wonder whether we’re playing God. (43:32) Like that’s how extreme the two views are.(43:35) Yeah. (43:36) One that does not even care whether it’s a cell or whether it’s mechanical. (43:41) As long as it’s like us, right? (43:43) Like it would be our evolution.(43:45) Like it would be we can upload into it. (43:46) Right. (43:47) And the other people are like, well, we don’t even want you to recreate it like biologically.(43:51) Really weird. (43:52) I think really sharp. (43:56) It’s a huge spectrum.(43:57) Yeah, yeah. (43:58) Huge spectrum. (43:58) Everyone lies in between that.(44:00) Right. (44:01) So anyway, did God give us this ability, the knowledge or are we thumbing our nose? (44:08) Like, I don’t understand. (44:09) How can we both? (44:10) How are we both allowed to have free will and be in the image of God? (44:13) And then when we use our knowledge to be admonished for it? (44:16) How do you, you to go to your question? (44:21) God gave us this, the intellect that we have, right? (44:26) So yes, per the how can, based upon that statement alone, (44:30) God gave us this ability to think and have intellect.(44:37) How can you say that God didn’t give us? (44:40) How can anyone say God did not give you the intelligence to do this? (44:45) Correct. (44:46) Yeah, you’re, you’re trying to prove a negative. (44:48) You can’t, you cannot prove to me that God refused us this and we did it anyway.(44:53) So if God gave us this ability. (44:55) If we have the ability, then it’s God given. (44:58) Yes.(44:58) That’s just the simplicity of it. (45:00) But if it’s, if it’s, if that’s true, which we’re saying that it is, (45:06) why is it against God’s will to do this? (45:09) It seems like a, the argument kind of is a circle of doom. (45:13) It seems like you’re an ally of God.(45:14) You’d be like, I’m helping him. (45:16) Yeah. (45:18) Right.(45:19) A knight of Columbus, bro. (45:21) Well, the thing is though, even we talk about, cause just like the technology stuff that’s (45:25) coming with the social media and everything, there’s gonna, there needs to be some kind (45:29) of oversight. (45:29) Yes.(45:30) Things are illegal, right? (45:31) But there are countries who are obviously not paying attention to those legalities. (45:36) Yeah. (45:37) Cause allegedly this one guy.(45:38) Ukraine. (45:39) Yeah. (45:40) Is a Ukraine or something in the Middle East as well.(45:42) Well, yeah. (45:42) Yeah. (45:42) You know, it’s like Lebanon.(45:43) Yeah. (45:44) Something, something like that. (45:45) So it’s very interesting.(45:46) Right. (45:47) Um, but this is where the question is like, how, this is my question about the Bible. (45:52) How are the Bible cloning is going to happen.(45:55) It’s going to eventually get accepted more and more, just like medical marijuana or recreational (46:00) cannabis or whatever. (46:01) It’s going to, it’s one of those ones. (46:03) I feel like it’s going to get softened because it’s creating versus destroying.(46:07) In my opinion, I think people will look, start looking at the creation side of giving someone (46:11) a child of giving someone love a life versus the loss. (46:16) It’s not like an abortion where you’re taking a life. (46:17) This is, it’s funny.(46:20) In vitro fertilization takes 900 embryos to make 18 babies. (46:25) And yet abortion people have a problem with abortion. (46:28) Interesting.(46:29) Well, aren’t humans the most hypocritical creature in our known solar system? (46:36) Yeah. (46:36) We’re a little nuanced. (46:38) Nuanced.(46:38) We shush everything, bro. (46:42) We shush the hell out of everything, man. (46:45) So how will the Bible handle relationships? (46:48) Does marriage matter? (46:49) Does, does intimate, does monogamy matter? (46:52) Cause now your procreation has nothing to do with a man and a woman getting, because really (46:57) ultimately isn’t that what that was to do is to create a family and to make love together (47:02) and to make your children.(47:04) You don’t need that anymore to do that. (47:07) You can just clone. (47:08) You don’t even, it’s asexual reproduction even.(47:11) Well, literally that is the definition. (47:14) Well, yeah. (47:15) Microbes do it through asexual reproduction.(47:17) I’m sorry, what? (47:18) We still have to have it nine months in somebody. (47:20) Microbes, bro. (47:24) Microbes, bro.(47:25) Shout out. (47:26) How’s Trista Polo doing? (47:27) Happy new year. (47:28) Merry new year.(47:29) Even though it’s February 6th, it’ll be March like 19th. (47:33) Happy spring. (47:34) March something.(47:35) Anyway. (47:37) Yeah. (47:37) What are your thoughts on all that? (47:39) Which part? (47:40) Oh, what was the last part I talked about before? (47:42) Microbes, bro.(47:43) About that, about. (47:45) I definitely see your point that. (47:47) The abortion versus embryo thing.(47:49) I see your point that, well, first, I mean, I have like fucking four trains of thoughts, bro. (47:59) I definitely see the, a point about in the future, what is the fate of the family? (48:06) If, if, if people are going to stop having children’s traditional, children’s children, (48:15) traditionally, will in vitro and or cloning be the way? (48:21) Is that, and then would you, would, is it possible that people are going to be like, (48:28) women are going to say, I don’t want to, I don’t want to get pregnant. (48:31) Why don’t you just let the baby gestate in the freezer? (48:37) I don’t know.(48:37) Some shit like that. (48:39) An incubator. (48:40) Sure.(48:40) Yeah. (48:41) Incubator. (48:41) Great.(48:42) Incubators, bro. (48:42) Sure. (48:43) That’s our next t-shirt.(48:44) Oh, fuck. (48:45) So is that, that’s a very in this next 50, 75 years is that obviously that’s going to be possible, (48:51) but it’s, is it going to be happening? (48:54) Is it going to be mainstream? (48:57) I don’t know. (48:58) I could see it and I can see the uproar regarding that.(49:02) Absolutely. (49:05) I am either, I’m either, I’m, you’re either for it or you’re against it. (49:11) I don’t mean it with the ego side, but I’m either a visionary or a fucking monster.(49:17) Both. (49:17) But I, in 50 years, it’s, I’ve not watched it, but I’m familiar with it, (49:24) but it’s going to be very handmaidens tale. (49:25) You’re going to just fucking two very affluent people.(49:30) It’s see, this is the thing. (49:31) It’s not, it has nothing to do with race, sex, gender. (49:34) It’s class.(49:35) It is class. (49:36) It’s all about money. (49:37) It’s always been.(49:38) It’s always been class. (49:39) Now, certain races and certain genders have been held down initially to start (49:45) on the right foot in society in some cases. (49:47) So that makes it harder to get to the class you want to get, (49:51) but it has always been a class thing.(49:53) It has always been about the haves and the have nots. (49:55) Correct? (49:56) Of course. (49:56) Absolutely.(49:57) So what’s going to happen is say, God, in 20 years, if it’s possible, (50:05) Megzi and I want to have a child or something, but she doesn’t, you know, (50:09) we, we find someone and we pay them to carry our child, a surrogate, they carry our child, (50:15) or maybe they will have technologies like incubators at some point. (50:18) I think at some point it’s going to happen, but I feel like in the matrix. (50:21) Well, that’s what we are then.(50:23) Those are just keeping us warm. (50:25) Well, that’s true. (50:26) I guess they do burn.(50:27) Yeah, they do burn us. (50:27) When I, when you. (50:29) Yeah.(50:29) Were they clones? (50:30) What are those? (50:31) Because they’re all individuals. (50:32) They’re batteries, bro. (50:33) But they’re all.(50:34) What’d you say that one time you said some copper top time? (50:37) Yeah. (50:37) Copper top. (50:38) Well, that’s what they call them in the.(50:39) Remember into one of these. (50:41) Remember they called them copper top in the movie. (50:42) Oh, I forgot.(50:43) I thought that was your own. (50:45) I wish. (50:45) That’s genius.(50:47) I wish I came up with that. (50:47) You’re a monstrous visionary, bro. (50:49) I give credit, sir.(50:50) I didn’t, I did not. (50:51) No doxing. (50:51) Just like the Wachowskis didn’t write the movie.(50:53) They stole from a black woman. (50:55) Oh, okay. (50:56) Yeah.(50:56) Have you heard that story? (50:57) No. (50:58) That’s a fun story. (50:59) I’m good.(50:59) There’s a, no, there’s a woman who wrote the, both the matrix and. (51:04) Matrix two. (51:04) No, one of the other major science sci-fi type.(51:08) Star Trek. (51:08) Things. (51:09) And it was basically re like they rewrote it and whatever she won.(51:13) She won some lawsuits. (51:14) Oh, no shit. (51:14) Yeah.(51:15) Okay. (51:16) It’s interesting. (51:17) You know, I always go, I always go controversial though.(51:19) Probably conspiracy theorist. (51:21) So where are we at on this? (51:24) Uh, playing God. (51:25) Playing God.(51:26) We got that. (51:27) Oh, uh, how relationships, the Bible and all. (51:29) Yeah.(51:29) So how, how will they handle, handle that? (51:31) Like, see, it’s my opinion that. (51:34) Yeah, I will, I will say this. (51:37) Churches were awesome for a community.(51:39) Yeah. (51:40) It really, it was awesome. (51:42) Uh.(51:42) Right. (51:43) Dude bake sale. (51:44) Hello.(51:44) Right. (51:45) The, the, I think the challenge with what’s happened with humanity is that. (51:49) We’re losing community more because we’re spitting in the face of God going, (51:54) don’t tell me that God exists.(51:55) So we’re losing the community in, in with it. (51:57) And then we’re trying to regain it through different ways. (52:00) Like we’re losing the community because of COVID bro.(52:02) Oh, that’s true. (52:03) Six feet, six feet of separation. (52:06) Hey, it’s like.(52:07) It’s Kevin Bacon. (52:08) It’s six Kevin Bacon. (52:10) Six Kevin Bacon is a feet, six pounds of bacon.(52:12) That’s beautiful. (52:13) You’re welcome. (52:14) Meat candy.(52:16) But, but, um, I feel like we, we have lost a lot of the. (52:22) The communal part. (52:23) And that’s where religion really did play a strong role in, in keeping communities together.(52:29) Yes. (52:29) Because now we’re so individualized that we don’t stick, hang out. (52:33) Right.(52:33) But I think we’re finding our way now with technologies and, and we’re finding other (52:38) interests. (52:39) Like we can have an art group, like a painting group or a sculpture group, or like you and I (52:44) have that singing group. (52:45) We’re like me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.(52:48) The barbershop quartet. (52:49) Yes. (52:49) Cause we both need haircuts.(52:54) Um, I think we played that one. (52:56) Good. (52:56) We’re good there.(52:57) Yeah. (52:59) Touched on eugenics, which was interesting in that one documentary. (53:02) The one woman was like, she was basically talking about our eugenics.(53:05) And what I found out that was released like this week. (53:09) That was like over a month ago. (53:10) And it was recorded the end of December.(53:12) I thought that was like only a couple of weeks ago. (53:14) Feels like it was time flies. (53:16) It does.(53:16) Time does fly. (53:18) When you’re having fun. (53:19) What up? (53:19) So go ahead.(53:20) What were you going to say? (53:23) Uh, nothing. (53:24) Yeah, I was, I was surprised that they even mentioned eugenics. (53:27) I was like, whoa, I know what that is.(53:30) You’re like, I know what that is now. (53:32) And then, uh, they went into the Nazis and the master race and stuff like that. (53:36) And I’m like, I never, I never, I never put cloning and eugenics together.(53:40) I just thought, I guess I thought the best of it. (53:42) Oh, they’re going to clone somebody so they can have a baby. (53:47) They can, they can have a family.(53:49) I didn’t think about the, the eugenics effect or whatever we want to call it. (53:54) I didn’t, that never crossed my mind. (53:56) And that’s where I went to right away.(53:57) Of course. (53:58) Really? (53:58) Cause I’m fucking nihilist. (53:59) It’s a nihilist man.(54:00) I know. (54:01) I know. (54:01) I said it.(54:02) Hey, I’d like to argue that you’re a nihilist. (54:05) This is what I think you’re going to say. (54:07) You’re going to say, yes, this will make an excellent Slayer song or band.(54:12) Metal band name. (54:14) Well, we’ll get there. (54:16) I think I know.(54:16) Genetic diversity. (54:17) Oh, what did you think I was going to say? (54:20) There was another one that was, it sounded like a metal band name. (54:29) Get off me, bro.(54:32) Not masturbating. (54:34) I forgot. (54:35) I should’ve wrote it down.(54:35) I forgot what it was. (54:38) Darn it. (54:38) So we went to this.(54:40) At what point are we accepting cloning? (54:42) Seagull cells, organs, entire beings. (54:45) Yeah. (54:46) What do you, so there was, there was an interesting.(54:51) Topic where they talked about a person could clone themselves and the body would just be there. (54:57) It would be brain dead. (54:58) Right.(54:59) And then they could use that clone to re to take organs from like, Hey, I’m 64 and my liver is (55:08) going bad. (55:09) Boom. (55:09) I’m going to take the liver from my clone.(55:12) Or transplant the brain into another entire different body. (55:15) Which yeah, that just took me down the path of altered carbon that show on Netflix or (55:20) whatever, Amazon primer, whatever the fuck that was. (55:22) It’s oddly consciousness upload, but it’s really actually, you’re moving the hard drive over (55:27) because you’re putting the brain inside another body.(55:30) It’s not just the sleep. (55:31) It’s not just data or data. (55:34) It’s actually the fucking biochemical property.(55:37) It is the entire human brain. (55:39) But we don’t, obviously we, to my knowledge, we don’t have the ability to transplant a (55:44) brain. (55:45) Right.(55:46) Maybe we do. (55:47) I don’t really, I don’t think we do. (55:48) I don’t, I mean, we can do heart and we can do portions of the lungs.(55:51) I think we can do portions of a brain. (55:53) I think, but I don’t know, but we definitely are going to be able to at some point, regardless. (55:59) See, this is the thing about these future questions.(56:02) We know these things are, we’re going to get the ability to do this. (56:05) Assuming that everything keeps moving the way progress, progress progresses, the way (56:11) progress progresses, progress. (56:14) Like I said, we don’t die or kill ourselves.(56:16) We have to assume that we’re right. (56:18) We’re assuming that though, that this is going to be possible at some point. (56:22) Brain transplants are going to be possible.(56:24) Heart, complete heart, complete lung, like everything. (56:27) At some point you would think we’ll get there. (56:31) Yes, I agree.(56:32) Okay. (56:32) If not already. (56:33) Right.(56:33) So I feel like we don’t even need to ask about like, but the question is the ethics (56:38) of that. (56:39) Can, is cloning an entire body sans brain? (56:45) Like, is that, is that a, is that a human? (56:48) What is that? (56:50) It’s a replicant. (56:52) Right.(56:52) So, so what is, I don’t know what that is. (56:54) Right. (56:55) And in the eyes of philosophy, religion, whatever, what, what is that being? (57:00) Is that, should that exist? (57:03) Is the question.(57:04) Should it be made? (57:05) Should it be created? (57:07) I say yes. (57:09) I don’t know why I don’t, cause I don’t have an issue with it. (57:11) I really don’t, but I know people do.(57:13) Do you believe that this is just the next stage of science? (57:16) Absolutely. (57:17) Next phase, next step. (57:18) It is my opinion that looking down the road, we’re going to get to the point, we’re going (57:24) to start having surrogates.(57:25) Then we’re going to be able to have, then we’re going to be able to have like test, (57:30) like, uh, places where you can just incubate them. (57:34) Can’t you do that? (57:35) Oh, you’re not, I thought you meant for the nine months while, right. (57:39) Obviously like.(57:40) So you’re talking about growing a baby. (57:42) Growing a baby. (57:43) Okay.(57:43) And then there’s going to be points where there’s going to have, they’re going to eventually (57:47) invent some kind of acceleration growth. (57:50) If you wanted like an adult, like if you needed a U. (57:53) If you need it. (57:54) It could grow twice as fast.(57:56) Sounds like you’re going through the drive-thru. (57:57) It really is though. (57:59) Right.(57:59) But we’re, we’re that fucking far ahead. (58:01) And it’s funny cause we, sorry, I just got something. (58:09) In your eye? (58:11) No, just the dichotomy of humanity.(58:14) It’s just hurts, man. (58:16) Do you want me to share it? (58:17) Do you want me to share it? (58:18) I don’t know. (58:18) Do you go ahead? (58:20) I’m happy to share it, but it feels like I’m on a couch then, but I’m cool doing it.(58:23) That’s weird. (58:24) So my best friend back home, my best friend back home sends me a video and it’s, and I (58:30) didn’t know what it was until I opened it, but it was a, it’s an outside surveillance (58:34) video and it’s in somewhere in Pennsylvania and there’s a lot of snow on the ground. (58:38) People are shoveling and it’s a man and a woman yelling at some guy, screw you.(58:42) Fuck you. (58:43) Blah, blah, blah. (58:43) Guy comes out, shoots them dead.(58:46) And it turns out he shoots himself and just like watching how that just devolves. (58:50) And then watching that we can fucking take a single cell and make a fucking sheep out (58:55) of it are like so opposite ends of the spectrum to me. (59:00) Yeah.(59:00) That we are capable. (59:02) I know that’s where we came from. (59:04) I don’t know how we’re capable to like tap into that every once in a while.(59:07) You know what I mean? (59:08) Like we gotta, we gotta let that shit go. (59:10) It’s like, why are we holding on to old shit? (59:12) Why are we hanging on to old shit, man? (59:14) Cause it’s our nature. (59:15) It’s that carnal primal.(59:17) I don’t know. (59:17) It was the stupidest argument. (59:19) Just watching this thing develop.(59:20) I didn’t know what was going to happen. (59:21) So it was, it just affected me very poorly. (59:25) That’s horrible.(59:25) Yeah. (59:26) And then he took his own life and all three died. (59:29) Okay, great.(59:32) Over what? (59:33) You know, and then here we’re talking about nothing. (59:35) And then here we’re talking about, you can take a fucking follicle of hair and make another you. (59:40) I mean, like, that’s basically what we’re talking about right now.(59:43) How the fuck are, is one like. (59:47) Yes, I understand. (59:48) Well, it’s also, it’s also the same thing as a human created the atom bomb, (59:54) which killed 200,000 people instantly.(59:57) And a human can create life. (59:59) So it shows how different we all are and how we can. (1:00:06) What is he saying? (1:00:07) I become God.(1:00:08) I become death. (1:00:09) I’ve, I am, I am become death. (1:00:11) Yeah.(1:00:12) That’s weird. (1:00:13) Harbinger of death or I’m sure. (1:00:15) So it just shows how humans are so different in the fact that we can create pure terror (1:00:22) and destruction in an instant.(1:00:24) And then you can also create life. (1:00:26) So there’s so much beauty and, and, and amazing people and things in, in the world. (1:00:33) And yet there’s horrible stuff too.(1:00:37) So it shows that a human has both of those things inside them at all times. (1:00:41) I would think. (1:00:42) But then that’s the question.(1:00:43) We go to science. (1:00:44) At what point do we accept this? (1:00:46) Like, um, just be, this is the part about scientists. (1:00:53) Scientists generally look at whether they can do something, (1:00:55) not whether they should do something, right? (1:00:58) The look on Oppenheimer’s face showed you that he went, oh fuck.(1:01:04) Right. (1:01:04) What did I do? (1:01:05) Yeah. (1:01:06) He did not think, I mean, it just seemed to hit him much differently than it hit.(1:01:12) Other people probably looking at it like a science, like a little science project. (1:01:16) Oh, here’s our little homemade volcano. (1:01:18) Oh, look, it worked.(1:01:19) You know, whatever, right? (1:01:21) He, he understood the implications of that thing that he created. (1:01:25) Did he? (1:01:25) After? (1:01:26) No, no. (1:01:26) After.(1:01:26) Well, I’m saying that look on his face when he’s, that statement he made after, (1:01:30) after it went off. (1:01:31) Right. (1:01:31) And the devastation.(1:01:32) Cause I think he just said, can we make it work? (1:01:34) Right. (1:01:34) But do you also think that he thought, okay, I’m going to split the atom. (1:01:39) Well, what are the effects of that? (1:01:40) If I split the atom or the hydrogen, you know, whatever, what, how big of a bomb is that going (1:01:48) to be? (1:01:50) Uh, I’m sure that physics physicists and super smart people that I can’t think of right now (1:01:57) can do the math and go, oh, if the atom does this, then the repercussions will be X. (1:02:03) Right.(1:02:03) You would think of the blast radius and you would think math. (1:02:06) And I think they did some of that. (1:02:07) Right.(1:02:08) But I guess they didn’t realize, oh, Hey, it’s going to be this until you see it. (1:02:15) Right. (1:02:15) Then you’re like, you can’t, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.(1:02:18) Is that what you say? (1:02:20) Well, once you write it, writing it down on a piece of paper, oh, 14, you know, 14 million (1:02:24) casualties, whatever. (1:02:25) You’re not watching the skin melt off the fucking bodies. (1:02:27) Like it does when the bomb actually goes off.(1:02:30) You’re literally writing this down as like, it’s a formula. (1:02:32) Like, okay, it’ll be this wide. (1:02:34) And the reason you won’t see the passing within seven miles, it’ll be 42 million lumens of (1:02:39) brightness or whatever, but you don’t, you don’t conceptualize the math until you see (1:02:45) the, yeah, the mushroom cloud.(1:02:47) Yeah. (1:02:48) I can’t imagine. (1:02:49) And that’s where it comes, right.(1:02:50) Is clone. (1:02:51) Same thing with cloning. (1:02:53) Do we, is this something we, you know, it’s, we shouldn’t be touched or in my opinion, (1:03:01) like what are we, what’s the one now sickle, the sickle cell.(1:03:05) What’s the one stem cell, stem cell research. (1:03:08) Right. (1:03:08) Come so far.(1:03:09) People have had remarkable recoveries in knees and shoulders and joints and things from stem (1:03:15) cell recovery, which is like kind of poopoo, but it’s starting to make this huge research. (1:03:19) And that’s basically, it’s kind of mini cloning. (1:03:21) It’s like injecting.(1:03:23) It’s like a branch off of it. (1:03:24) Isn’t it? (1:03:25) Yeah. (1:03:25) It’s like injecting cells into, into that.(1:03:27) Right. (1:03:28) So the question then is, you know, where would you stop it at the Oregon? (1:03:38) Where would you accept it? (1:03:41) Like currently, if like, cause you’re pretty open-minded, but you might have a limit of (1:03:45) what you think is not like what you think would be acceptable for you. (1:03:50) I don’t know, dude.(1:03:56) I don’t, I don’t know how to answer that. (1:03:59) All right. (1:04:00) I mean, I can’t, I can’t at this point, I can’t say, oh no, human cloning is definitely (1:04:06) bad.(1:04:07) We can’t have another Chris running around. (1:04:09) So I can’t, I need to, I don’t know. (1:04:12) I don’t know.(1:04:13) Is there, what are the ramifications of that? (1:04:16) If there is, you know, obviously they, they made Dolly the sheep out of the cells from (1:04:22) her mom. (1:04:23) So it was a, you know what I mean? (1:04:25) So I don’t understand the long-term side effects or repercussions, not side effects, (1:04:31) repercussions of having human clones. (1:04:33) I don’t, I don’t know that.(1:04:34) Well, let’s assume that we quote unquote perfected as much as it can be perfected as in (1:04:42) babies are happy and healthy. (1:04:44) Yeah. (1:04:45) Let’s just say, let’s just do that.(1:04:46) And they’re, and they’re identical. (1:04:49) We’ll get there. (1:04:50) I think we’ll get there.(1:04:52) Oh yeah, yeah. (1:04:52) That’s just going to take time, but we’ll get there more and more consistently than (1:04:56) 30% or whatever percent they think they can do it. (1:04:59) Right.(1:05:00) It’ll get better is my point. (1:05:02) Yeah. (1:05:03) Yeah.(1:05:03) There’s going to be a point where it’s going to be indistinguishable. (1:05:05) Correct. (1:05:06) You’re not going to.(1:05:06) Yeah. (1:05:07) So the question that is an ethics, does it get, is a cloned body, an individual, does (1:05:14) it have rights just like any other body? (1:05:16) Well, if it’s an exact duplicate of you, checkmark part two, is there, (1:05:24) it has, wouldn’t it have the same everything? (1:05:28) Would it, would it have consciousness? (1:05:30) Well, yeah, because it’s, it’s literally exact copy. (1:05:34) Right.(1:05:35) So. (1:05:36) That does, but is it wrecking just because it has consciousness? (1:05:39) Is that what we recognize individual rights? (1:05:41) I don’t know. (1:05:42) I don’t know.(1:05:44) That, so that’s a big question, right? (1:05:46) And it’s like, do we clone mindless fucking drones to do all the mining that robots can’t (1:05:51) get into in the corners and the fucking whatever. (1:05:54) Okay. (1:05:54) Yeah.(1:05:55) Dangerous. (1:05:56) Gets, it gets into that kind of thing. (1:05:57) Okay.(1:05:58) Well, we’ll just clone a bunch of masons. (1:06:00) Clone rights. (1:06:00) This, you know what? (1:06:01) We need generals.(1:06:02) We’ll, we’ll just clone a 42 a fucking general Washington’s and you know, whatever, you know, (1:06:08) I wasn’t the best strategist, but like a Napoleon or somebody, whatever, some military (1:06:12) Sun Tzu or some fucking guy. (1:06:14) Right. (1:06:15) Like imagine fucking being able to clone.(1:06:17) The guy wrote the book, the art of wars and be like, Hey, um, this is the new stuff that (1:06:22) just came out. (1:06:23) I know, I know you’re not aware. (1:06:24) This is a bow and arrow.(1:06:25) I know you know, this is a nuke and this is, um, yeah. (1:06:33) So that’s the question. (1:06:34) All right.(1:06:35) But it’s not even about cloning bad people. (1:06:37) Like I’m, that’s not, that’s just like Dr. (1:06:40) Evil bullshit. (1:06:41) This, but it does get to the point of the individual, right? (1:06:44) It’s like, if you clone everything, sans the brain, so I can put my current brain into it (1:06:50) or even with a blank brain, it’s ready for me to input all my experience into it.(1:06:56) If we get to that level, right. (1:06:58) Where you can cross load or download, right. (1:07:01) In a, another brain from brain to brain.(1:07:03) For example, side load. (1:07:05) Side load. (1:07:05) Ooh, nice.(1:07:06) It’s like my side piece. (1:07:08) Whoa. (1:07:08) Um, yeah.(1:07:09) Side load. (1:07:10) What are your thoughts on something like that? (1:07:15) I don’t know. (1:07:17) I don’t know, man.(1:07:18) This is fucked up. (1:07:19) Like, I know. (1:07:20) Well, talk me through it.(1:07:22) Cause I, you got stuff in your brain. (1:07:23) So go down any route. (1:07:25) This is how it all started.(1:07:26) I should have brought this at the beginning about, uh, yeah. (1:07:29) Let’s rewind one hour and seven minutes. (1:07:31) Go back one hour.(1:07:32) Yeah. (1:07:32) Literally one hour. (1:07:33) Uh, about a month ago, six weeks ago, I saw a clip on CBS Sunday morning where (1:07:41) this couple in San Diego cloned their dog because the dog, uh, was bitten by a snake (1:07:46) rescuing the lady because, uh, they were hiking and they cloned the dog.(1:07:51) And I was like, oh shit. (1:07:54) I was like, wow. (1:07:54) They fucking cloned a dog.(1:07:56) And now the dog’s living at their house and rusty the dog, whatever. (1:08:00) I thought, wow, what, you know, is that something that I would do? (1:08:03) You know what? (1:08:03) I clone Roxy. (1:08:04) She’s the most amazing boxer.(1:08:07) She’s been with me 12 plus years. (1:08:09) She’s fucking great. (1:08:10) Love that dog.(1:08:11) You know what? (1:08:12) I clone Roxy. (1:08:13) Then at the end of the thing, they said it’s $50,000 and I went, fuck, I can’t clone Roxy. (1:08:20) So not until you get, not until you start making that sweet podcast.(1:08:23) Hey, I know. (1:08:24) So if it was a thousand, I would totally consider it. (1:08:29) I’d be like, can I get five of them? (1:08:31) Cause like here’s five grand.(1:08:32) I want five Roxy puppies. (1:08:35) And I thought, okay, it’s cloning a dog. (1:08:38) Is there anything wrong with that? (1:08:41) I don’t think so.(1:08:43) Cause then you could, you’re never going to lose your dog. (1:08:46) You know what I mean? (1:08:47) So the question to you is with, we obviously have the ability. (1:08:53) It’s expensive because this company charges 50 fucking grand.(1:08:57) Would you, would you clone something or someone Mark? (1:09:02) That’s a great question. (1:09:04) First of all, I love the story. (1:09:06) Secondly, I think, I think you do it like a down payment plan.(1:09:10) I’ll go 10 years without a new car and I’ll get a new rocks. (1:09:15) It’s a $50,000 dog, not a $50,000 car. (1:09:18) Exactly.(1:09:19) But that’s life and it gives you joy. (1:09:22) This is where it gets really interesting. (1:09:26) That genetically identical dog is not Roxy.(1:09:30) It’s a copy of her. (1:09:31) Never be Roxy and I’m going to tell you why. (1:09:34) We have not even discussed the nurture aspect.(1:09:38) True. (1:09:38) Of, of this literally touched upon only the nature aspect in, or the biological aspect. (1:09:46) Right, right.(1:09:47) You with different parents. (1:09:50) The dog will turn out differently. (1:09:52) Would be different.(1:09:53) Yeah. (1:09:53) I mean, not much. (1:09:55) I know.(1:09:55) I don’t understand. (1:09:56) No, I don’t think rocks be that much different, but rocks would be, would have access to another (1:10:01) dog like she did when she was young. (1:10:03) So that, that’ll be the same.(1:10:05) So different dog, right? (1:10:06) Different dog, different house. (1:10:08) But I’m different than I was. (1:10:10) Yeah.(1:10:11) So, but, but her environment will be different and that will change. (1:10:14) And that, this is what, this is where I would take it. (1:10:18) And I’m a fucking mad scientist.(1:10:20) Let’s clone right now. (1:10:21) Let’s fucking do it. (1:10:22) And then experience let’s clone like a hundred fucking children.(1:10:25) And this is where I’m, this is where the monster comes out. (1:10:28) Clone a hundred fucking children, put them in all different kinds of environments growing up (1:10:31) and see how they turn out and see how nature does actually affect as much as nurture or (1:10:38) how nurture can impact. (1:10:40) Because there are a lot of people that claim that your genetics are still much more of (1:10:45) a strong person of who you are, but you can easily be broken, right? (1:10:49) Yeah.(1:10:49) As people who have experienced trauma and whatnot, we would understand that that’s not (1:10:54) true. (1:10:55) What are your thoughts on that? (1:10:56) I agree that, that nurture is huge and the environment you, you grow up in and the, you’re (1:11:04) in the positive and negative influences you have in your life and your education. (1:11:09) And that’s, that’s a massive massive influence.(1:11:13) I mean, if I had different parents, I would be a completely different person. (1:11:16) Right. (1:11:17) So.(1:11:18) I would argue that you would be. (1:11:20) Yeah. (1:11:20) Again, arguing.(1:11:21) Um, I certainly don’t know if I would raise myself or if I would give myself to someone (1:11:31) who I think would do a better job. (1:11:32) Cause I feel like I would be similar to me, to my parents probably. (1:11:36) So I’d be very careful about that.(1:11:39) Yeah. (1:11:39) But I’d be so fucking curious how I would turn out if I had like that weird encouragement (1:11:44) with like, to pursue like some of the things I might have, might have natural skills at (1:11:50) or natural abilities. (1:11:52) Um, you know, and didn’t have my car accident, for example.(1:11:55) You know, there were some, you know, we always do those types of. (1:11:59) The what ifs. (1:11:59) The what ifs.(1:12:00) Right. (1:12:00) But you know, obviously could have broken his arm in third grade though. (1:12:04) Who knows? (1:12:04) You know.(1:12:04) Right. (1:12:04) You don’t know what. (1:12:05) You don’t know what would happen.(1:12:06) Don’t get me wrong. (1:12:07) I’m just saying like the other stuff, like the, the natural ability stuff would have (1:12:12) been fun. (1:12:12) Yeah.(1:12:15) Cultivate, but you know, or just the general, like less feel of having to live up to stuff (1:12:21) I guess would probably be the Latin. (1:12:23) The high expectations. (1:12:24) That would probably help.(1:12:25) The perfectionist. (1:12:26) Yeah. (1:12:26) Yeah.(1:12:26) That’s great. (1:12:29) Um, yeah. (1:12:30) So nature does play a role.(1:12:33) We we’ve seen it. (1:12:34) So we just don’t know the exact extent. (1:12:37) I’m curious.(1:12:37) I would be curious. (1:12:38) Wouldn’t it be awesome to clone like a million, not a million, but you know, like a bunch (1:12:43) of and put them in different natural environments that are like, but the thing is you expose (1:12:48) them to really shitty. (1:12:49) But the problem is you might create a murderer, right? (1:12:52) You might.(1:12:52) So you don’t, you don’t, you don’t know. (1:12:54) Right. (1:12:55) You might not, you might have a hundred perfectly normal, socially adjusted people, and you (1:13:00) might have 41 murderers.(1:13:03) But even beyond that, you’d still expose that child. (1:13:06) We shouldn’t be exposed to those environments anyway. (1:13:08) Like, do you know what I’m saying? (1:13:10) Just exposing a child to the environments we want to expose them to, to see if they (1:13:13) get changed.(1:13:14) I wouldn’t want to do that. (1:13:16) That’s what I’m saying. (1:13:16) That would be, that’s cruel.(1:13:18) Unusual regardless of what we turn the kid into. (1:13:22) It’d be just having that to go through. (1:13:24) That would suck.(1:13:24) Right. (1:13:25) So yeah, I agree that we should not do that. (1:13:26) Right.(1:13:27) I don’t vote for that. (1:13:28) No, no. (1:13:28) I’m just saying like, that is just an interest.(1:13:30) That would just intrigue me greatly. (1:13:32) That’s where the scientists look, my eyes light up because I’m not thinking that they’re (1:13:35) human beings. (1:13:36) The second I know that they’re human beings.(1:13:39) Yeah. (1:13:39) Now I’m like, fuck, that would be really fucking cruel. (1:13:41) Well, shit.(1:13:42) Right. (1:13:42) So I guess I’m not a scientist. (1:13:44) Damn it.(1:13:45) The other thing I want to talk about, um, was the last part I pulled up was genetic (1:13:51) diversity. (1:13:52) Are you familiar with genetic diversity? (1:13:53) It’s not really in the, in the, uh, it’s not in the documentary, but basically the more (1:13:59) we weed out of our genetics as we clone more, our genetic diversity decreases. (1:14:06) And there’s pro there, there are people that say there’s a point where you won’t be able (1:14:10) to clone anymore.(1:14:11) Repeat the statement. (1:14:13) The more that we weed out current genetic strains, right? (1:14:18) Because we’re just going to start cloning. (1:14:19) We’re going to start removing undesirables like cancers and other like little genetic (1:14:24) stuff.(1:14:24) Cause we, we can start genetically manipulating stuff. (1:14:27) So you’re going to, you’re saying we’re going to be moving towards like a perfect cell. (1:14:31) Yeah.(1:14:32) Is that pretty much, it might be a perfect you. (1:14:34) It might be you without the hair loss. (1:14:37) For example, I want to clone to me with lavish hair.(1:14:43) All my locks, bro. (1:14:44) You wouldn’t let your, you wouldn’t let your child, your clone child fucking cut its hair. (1:14:47) Fuck no.(1:14:50) Gorgeous locks. (1:14:51) Um, you know what I would want? (1:14:52) What? (1:14:52) I want a clone of me, but without the protein added. (1:14:55) So I’d want a female.(1:14:58) I don’t know. (1:14:59) It’s weird to be weird, right? (1:15:01) Yeah. (1:15:02) Looking literally at your counterpart.(1:15:04) Like that would be like your twin sister. (1:15:06) Scary. (1:15:06) Luke and Leah.(1:15:07) Be creepy. (1:15:08) Why did I even say that? (1:15:10) That’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever said. (1:15:12) Derail me with your weird thoughts, bro.(1:15:15) Dick. (1:15:16) Um, about cloning. (1:15:18) Okay.(1:15:19) So you’re going towards a perfect cell. (1:15:21) Yeah. (1:15:21) Is that okay? (1:15:22) And then you’re weeding out.(1:15:23) It was your point. (1:15:24) Right. (1:15:24) Isn’t that the natural progression though? (1:15:26) If we’re going to go to cloning, now we’re going to go to genetic manipulation.(1:15:28) You said we were going to the perfect cell, but then you said we can’t clone anymore (1:15:32) because it did genetic diversity is gone. (1:15:36) There’s something about genetic. (1:15:38) I understand your point.(1:15:39) Right. (1:15:39) So basically similar to the first generation, first, similar to the first cousin. (1:15:49) Oh, the gene pool will shrink because we’re cloning people.(1:15:54) Right. (1:15:55) Because as we, we’re going to start cloning and removing, I’ve, it’s my opinion that (1:15:58) genetic removal of like bad things, bad things, and I, and change your eye color and height and (1:16:05) whatever genetic disposition to obesity, whatever. (1:16:08) I feel like those things will happen.(1:16:09) I feel like those, that just seems like a natural progression. (1:16:12) Well, isn’t that a survival? (1:16:13) Well, if you’re going to clone, you might as well clone. (1:16:14) Well, is what I’m going to say.(1:16:16) Right. (1:16:17) Clone better stuff. (1:16:18) Let’s blow it up.(1:16:19) Right. (1:16:19) Well, let’s clone up. (1:16:21) Let’s not clone down.(1:16:21) Okay. (1:16:22) Let’s clone up to our competition. (1:16:23) Hashtag clone up, bro.(1:16:25) That’s a good one. (1:16:25) I like that. (1:16:26) Hashtag clone up.(1:16:27) Um, but that was the other thing. (1:16:28) And there’s a point where I’ve seen some star Trex’s is, is where they’re like, we can’t have (1:16:34) that our next generation of clones, because our genetic pool so tiny now, even cloning that won’t (1:16:42) isn’t right. (1:16:43) I don’t, it’s something weird, but it has something to do with genetic diversity being (1:16:47) smaller because, and once again, who decides what we remove, who decides that you’d rather (1:16:55) have blue eyes, right? (1:16:56) Like who decides that blue eyes are going to be the prominent now color.(1:16:58) It’s not the recessive gene. (1:16:59) It’ll be the dominant gene on your clone. (1:17:02) That’s the same committee.(1:17:02) That’s going to allow us to go to Mars and it’s Keanu Reeves and some other people. (1:17:07) And it’s going to tell us about eugenics, about who’s good. (1:17:10) Right.(1:17:10) It’s the same question again, who decides these things? (1:17:16) No. (1:17:16) Yeah. (1:17:16) So that’s it.(1:17:18) Um, in the seventies real quick, test two babies, I haven’t thrown a real quick out (1:17:22) there in years, man. (1:17:23) I know I want to use 78% of people were against test to the, you know, test two babies in the (1:17:30) seventies and now it’s obviously encouraged. (1:17:33) So, well, hang on a test to baby is the starting point for in vitro fertilization.(1:17:39) Is that correct? (1:17:40) Yes. (1:17:40) Test to baby and in vitro fertilization are the same thing. (1:17:43) Okay.(1:17:43) Test to baby was a term they came up with and they, it was derogatory in nature. (1:17:46) Cause it’s like, ew, you made your baby in a test tube. (1:17:52) Yeah.(1:17:53) I can hear that choosing this of it, but you can’t, then they judged it to in vitro. (1:17:59) Um, anyway, 78% of people were against them in the early seven against that method. (1:18:04) Yes.(1:18:04) And now obviously, what are we 50 years later? (1:18:06) And so people, it’s completely norm. (1:18:10) It’s recommended. (1:18:10) Have you tried? (1:18:11) They’ll even say, have you tried that as a method? (1:18:13) Right.(1:18:14) Guarantee it’s even, it’s mentioned without even a breath. (1:18:17) Like I don’t even think without a pause or a breath or anything like, have you tried that? (1:18:21) Cause it’s just such a natural thing to try. (1:18:26) Would you like to hear this awesome statistic? (1:18:28) Yeah.(1:18:32) 61,740 babies were born in the U S as a result of in vitro fertilization. (1:18:36) In 2012 61,740, the center for disease control and prevention, CDC reports about 4 million (1:18:46) births per year in the U S meaning one to 2% of all us births are annually. (1:18:52) 4 million kids per year are born in the U S due to in vitro fertilization.(1:18:57) No, I think 4 million births per year in the U S of those 61,000 are. (1:19:03) So one to 2% of all us births are in vitro. (1:19:07) One to 2%.(1:19:07) Goddamn. (1:19:08) That’s a pretty big number. (1:19:10) 2%.(1:19:10) Yeah. (1:19:11) Pretty big. (1:19:12) I mean, we’re say we’re 330 million people.(1:19:15) 2% is what? (1:19:17) Six, six, 6.6 million people. (1:19:20) That’s a lot of people. (1:19:21) Does that sound about right? (1:19:23) Well, it’s 4 million times 0.02. (1:19:25) I don’t know what that is.(1:19:26) Right. (1:19:27) No, I’m just saying, um, there’s 330 million people. (1:19:30) Yes.(1:19:30) And say it’s 2% of the population, right? (1:19:32) Cause births. (1:19:33) I’m just saying if, if it got to the point where, you know, we’re eventually 2% of all (1:19:38) every year. (1:19:38) Right.(1:19:39) So it’d be 2% of the population, which is like 6.6 million people. (1:19:43) It’s a lot of people. (1:19:44) It is.(1:19:46) I agree. (1:19:47) All right. (1:19:48) Anything else we have? (1:19:49) I have two other points.(1:19:51) Oh, perfect. (1:19:51) Uh, one is so 96, 97 was Dolly. (1:19:57) The sheep was cloned.(1:19:59) Then, uh, we watched a couple of documentaries that are, were like, Oh, one 2001, 2003, 2004. (1:20:05) Right. (1:20:05) Dated for sure.(1:20:06) Yeah. (1:20:06) So then it’s, my perception is that the cloning term and the, and the, the news, it went out (1:20:17) of the mainstream. (1:20:18) So I’d never, I had not heard about cloning in 15 years or, or whatever.(1:20:23) Okay. (1:20:24) And then all of a sudden, six weeks ago, I saw this thing on CBS about the dog. (1:20:28) Right.(1:20:28) So if it’s banned in the U S and the UK, then in other countries, as you said, whatever (1:20:38) it’s think about, let’s say 2003, 17 years, what has science done in that time regarding (1:20:46) this subject? (1:20:49) You know, think about 17 years ago, the iPhone wasn’t even out yet. (1:20:53) Or it came out that year. (1:20:54) Well, this kind of Yotis Zavos guy, if I may, please claim Z’s cloned human babies.(1:21:03) Right. (1:21:04) There’s no proof. (1:21:06) But that was in the documentary.(1:21:07) I’m reading off the wiki page right now, as a matter of fact. (1:21:10) Yeah. (1:21:10) So the cloning claims Zavos claims to have created an implanted cloned human embryos.(1:21:15) However, Zavos claims were roundly dismissed after he failed to produce any proof. (1:21:21) So he’s saying that that’s what he wants to do in the documentary. (1:21:24) Right.(1:21:24) So my, my question is in the last 17, 18 years, science, technology, intellect, computers, (1:21:31) the ability to do things has increased at an exponential rate. (1:21:36) So is this already happening? (1:21:39) We don’t know about it. (1:21:42) Animals are being cloned.(1:21:44) The only band that I, of which I’m familiar, and there might be some countries that might (1:21:48) be more, that might be tighter. (1:21:50) Like Zimbabwe, I don’t fucking know, wherever. (1:21:53) Not the U.S. (1:21:54) As far as I know, only human, full human cloning is banned.(1:21:58) Okay. (1:21:58) Well, there’s a million things going on in the world that we think, oh, that’ll never (1:22:02) happen. (1:22:03) It’s just happening.(1:22:04) We’re right there, man. (1:22:04) So why is it so farfetched? (1:22:07) This is not going on right now. (1:22:09) With China doing the CRISPR thing with the twins.(1:22:13) I, I would, I would guess that they are already, they’re doing it. (1:22:17) I’m just, I’m just going to guess. (1:22:20) I would agree.(1:22:21) Well, I wouldn’t just, I’m not going to call out China. (1:22:24) I would think that you need some new lungs. (1:22:27) So we’re going to clone some lungs and then we’ll transplant that shit.(1:22:30) Maybe like Friday. (1:22:31) You want to do Friday? (1:22:32) You open? (1:22:33) Take a PTO. (1:22:33) Maybe I stopped medicating.(1:22:34) I don’t think so. (1:22:37) I think it’s happened. (1:22:38) I don’t want to.(1:22:39) No, no, it’s not the shit on China. (1:22:41) It’s not. (1:22:41) Right.(1:22:42) But I don’t think they’re. (1:22:43) But, but China, China only makes sense in the, the number of resources that they would (1:22:48) have at their disposal. (1:22:49) The size of the country.(1:22:50) I get it. (1:22:51) I get that they have the ability to do it. (1:22:52) They would have the resources.(1:22:54) I would tell you that Luxembourg probably doesn’t have the resources to do it. (1:22:58) Dude, don’t, don’t poop on Luxembourg. (1:22:59) No, they’re awesome.(1:23:00) Or Lichtenstein. (1:23:01) Or, oh, Rico Lichtenstein. (1:23:05) Definitely him.(1:23:06) Maybe he would, maybe he would sign the first decree. (1:23:09) I agree. (1:23:09) He’s the first guy’s like no human clones.(1:23:13) I’m Thatcher. (1:23:14) No human clones. (1:23:15) So my next question.(1:23:17) Yes. (1:23:18) Well, let’s, are we complete on your thought? (1:23:21) Oh, I forgot my thought. (1:23:22) Well, your thought was.(1:23:26) Good thing I’m sober. (1:23:30) Getting new lungs. (1:23:35) That technology, you know.(1:23:37) Oh, yeah. (1:23:37) It’s exponentially going. (1:23:39) Has not been in the news for a decade and a half.(1:23:42) Yeah. (1:23:43) Right. (1:23:43) Well, that’s kind of.(1:23:46) You can’t tell me that research and trials haven’t been going on. (1:23:51) You can’t. (1:23:52) No, absolutely.(1:23:53) Cloning is going on. (1:23:54) Animals are closed. (1:23:55) But it’s not, you don’t see it on the news.(1:23:57) You don’t see it in the mainstream. (1:23:58) You don’t see it because we’re too. (1:23:59) It’s almost like the human race is too busy looking somewhere else.(1:24:03) Oh, hey, don’t look with that. (1:24:04) Don’t look at the cloning curtain. (1:24:05) Look over here at the politics.(1:24:06) Look over here at the. (1:24:08) Oh, there was a tsunami. (1:24:10) Look over here at the earthquake.(1:24:11) You know what I mean? (1:24:12) I feel like, which is weird. (1:24:14) It doesn’t make any sense because it seems contradictory. (1:24:18) Everyone’s cool as long as it’s not humans.(1:24:20) So I feel like it’s it’s like wild scientist, mad scientist time because. (1:24:27) No one’s watching because as long as it’s not exactly human. (1:24:34) Not exactly human.(1:24:35) Well, that’s what I mean. (1:24:36) If it’s not an exact human clone, like, like, I feel like, honestly, I’m thinking they’re (1:24:42) doing hybrids already. (1:24:44) I’m thinking genetic hybrid.(1:24:46) Man bear pig. (1:24:49) Dude, you can’t say that when I’m drinking, man. (1:24:53) Holy shit.(1:24:56) If anyone doesn’t know, man bear pig is from South Park and it’s Al Gore. (1:25:00) He discovered man bear pig. (1:25:02) Yeah, he’s a creature in the woods.(1:25:03) But basically. (1:25:04) Half man, half bear, half pig. (1:25:08) Half, half and half.(1:25:10) I love it. (1:25:10) It’s 150% of animal. (1:25:14) But that said.(1:25:15) What’s a hybrid? (1:25:16) It’s two different things mashed together, right? (1:25:20) So like a cheetah lion? (1:25:21) Yeah, but without remember, we’re talking about not breed. (1:25:24) If you can clone, you can genetically manipulate. (1:25:29) It to work right so you can find a way.(1:25:33) You know what I mean? (1:25:34) Yes, or at least not even close. (1:25:36) This would be cloning. (1:25:37) This would be beyond cloning.(1:25:38) Be more genes plays like half a lion. (1:25:40) I’ll throw half a little cheat in there. (1:25:41) I will throw a little man bear pig and then we’ll be good, right? (1:25:44) So is beyond cloning kind of like beyond meat? (1:25:49) No, this is going to be.(1:25:50) This is stuff that probably is not illegal illegal. (1:25:56) Well, I feel like money money. (1:25:58) I need to get a kiss.(1:25:59) I don’t know exactly what’s what’s illegal, but it seems to me from what I’ve read. (1:26:03) Only human cloning is illegal. (1:26:05) Yes, so fucking all bet.(1:26:08) Fucking there is a man bear pig out there. (1:26:11) Not man. (1:26:11) Well, it could be a man bear pig is not human.(1:26:14) Yeah, it’s it’s only half you are human and half bear and half pig. (1:26:22) Anyway, what do you want? (1:26:24) My final point. (1:26:26) I would like that technology.(1:26:29) I’m trying to skimming. (1:26:31) You’re not. (1:26:31) No, I’m processing what you’re saying.(1:26:33) About how fast technology is going to go. (1:26:36) Like I know it tells me it’s already there. (1:26:38) We’re already doing it, right? (1:26:40) And the thing is, we’re doing it faster and better and more frequently than anyone has (1:26:45) thought about because it’s it’s not in the mainstream.(1:26:48) So it’s not in the forefront of everyone’s mind because we’re too worried about this (1:26:52) year. (1:26:52) It’s covid last year’s election next year. (1:26:54) It’s the previous year was whatever the hell.(1:26:57) So an election, bro. (1:26:58) Yeah, covid election fatigue, bro. (1:27:01) So, you know, so it’s not in between ninety six and two thousand two.(1:27:07) It was completely in everyone’s forefront of their minds because it was on the news and (1:27:12) it was protesting. (1:27:13) And yeah, the sheep is the next step after the sheep is a human, right? (1:27:18) That’s real. (1:27:19) That’s where I feel like.(1:27:21) And that’s it. (1:27:21) Now they can jangle the keys and they’ll do the human and they’ll spring it on you. (1:27:26) It’s not.(1:27:27) It’s my opinion that they’re trying it right now, whether it’s legal or not, someone’s (1:27:32) attempting it in the world. (1:27:34) I agree. (1:27:34) That’s my.(1:27:35) Yeah, this guy, this guy claims he actually did. (1:27:39) So he I definitely would feel like he’s trying to fucking do it. (1:27:44) Yeah.(1:27:45) OK. (1:27:45) OK, so to give a comparison analogy, compare analogy, whatever the hell. (1:27:54) Uh, in 2001, the United States government said, hey, there’s aliens and no one said (1:28:00) shit, right? (1:28:01) Everyone’s like didn’t even pay attention to the newscast.(1:28:04) But in my opinion, because we’ve had it in our minds and in our. (1:28:11) Culture movie, you know, Independence Day and War of the Worlds and fucking, you know, (1:28:16) alien and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. (1:28:18) All those movies, right? (1:28:21) So to compare that, I’m going to ask you a question.(1:28:25) As a child, when was the first time you heard the word clone? (1:28:34) Some movie had. (1:28:36) I just don’t know. (1:28:39) Cocoon, no, I mean, like sci fi movie, it would have been probably late 80s sci fi (1:28:45) ish sometime.(1:28:49) But I don’t know exactly. (1:28:51) I can’t pinpoint. (1:28:52) It’s a great question.(1:28:53) I just can’t pinpoint what you’re when. (1:28:55) Do you remember? (1:28:56) Oh, yeah. (1:28:56) You remember exactly when you wow, that’s impressive.(1:28:59) Well, when I tell you, you’ll be like, oh, fuck. (1:29:02) Yeah, I’ll probably be like that. (1:29:06) 1977 when a young Jedi says, oh, you fought in the Clone Wars.(1:29:11) Oh, yeah. (1:29:13) And then there’s a movie Attack of the Clones, right? (1:29:17) So and then we didn’t know what that meant in 1977. (1:29:20) Luke says to Obi-Wan, oh, you fought in the Clone Wars and everyone and then they move (1:29:25) right along.(1:29:26) And then later on, they talk about how the clones got developed, right? (1:29:29) He’s a copy of a Jango Fett. (1:29:31) Well, the reason and Boba Fett’s a clone. (1:29:35) Yeah, well, if that is a clone.(1:29:36) So to compare it, my my point to compare it to UFOs, alien spacecraft has cloning been (1:29:44) going on for 30 or 40 years, and it’s just never been in the mainstream thought of humans. (1:29:54) I believe it’s been going on for that time. (1:29:57) Ninety six was the first successful cloning of anything.(1:30:00) That’s what we were told or told about it. (1:30:02) Right. (1:30:02) She seems like an interesting one.(1:30:04) Yeah. (1:30:04) Why didn’t we go with pig or I’m I’m wondering, I think there are some actual reasons behind (1:30:11) something about the genetic care simplicity. (1:30:14) I would think, though, that would be one of maybe it’s one of the more basic.(1:30:19) But George Lucas in 1977 said, oh, you fought in the Clone Wars, so I remember that. (1:30:25) I’m sure it’s been used previous to that. (1:30:26) Well, that was right.(1:30:27) Star Wars is huge. (1:30:28) Right. (1:30:28) But those books were written through one, two, three was written.(1:30:32) The story of Star Wars was kind of pre-written, was it not? (1:30:37) I don’t know. (1:30:39) I mean, they obviously they knew the Clone Wars, so they knew that there had to be something (1:30:44) in the star. (1:30:44) I’m not a Star Wars a fight.(1:30:46) I’ll also got to think about when that was filmed in 76, released in 77. (1:30:52) He didn’t know it was going to take off. (1:30:54) He didn’t know there was even going to be a second movie.(1:30:56) Right. (1:30:57) I’m wondering if you took it off the screenplay or something where he had some thought of (1:31:01) it. (1:31:01) I don’t.(1:31:01) It’s a good question. (1:31:02) But I’m just saying the word clone, I don’t think was in popular culture. (1:31:08) Right.(1:31:08) Until Star Wars. (1:31:10) You’re like, what the fuck’s the Clone Wars? (1:31:12) You’re like, you have no idea. (1:31:14) But that’s a Chris.(1:31:15) That’s a Chris you. (1:31:15) I never questioned that. (1:31:17) I never even that line.(1:31:19) I’ll be honest. (1:31:20) It just until you brought it to my attention, which is rare. (1:31:24) Usually we always see this stuff.(1:31:25) This one completely blindside of me. (1:31:27) You look at that. (1:31:28) You just hit me with a two by four.(1:31:30) Hit me with your best shot. (1:31:31) When I recall. (1:31:32) Yeah, you found the Clone Wars.(1:31:33) I didn’t think about that statement. (1:31:36) You knew my father. (1:31:37) Yeah, I didn’t care.(1:31:38) But I was like, yeah, whatever. (1:31:39) Let’s get to the fucking lightsaber parts. (1:31:41) Yeah, I think it’s a good kid, man.(1:31:43) Where’s the TIE fighters? (1:31:44) I don’t think I was listening to the fucking dialogue of Star Wars. (1:31:47) I got it. (1:31:48) Except for these on the door and scruffy nerfer.(1:31:51) Right. (1:31:52) Scruffy nerfer. (1:31:53) Laugh it up as well.(1:31:54) I think that’s in Empire. (1:31:55) It is. (1:31:55) But you know what I’m saying? (1:31:58) Words.(1:31:59) Yeah. (1:32:00) Any. (1:32:00) Yeah.(1:32:00) So what’s the last? (1:32:01) The fact that the fact that the word clone has been in our vocabulary for 45 years, (1:32:10) but yet it hasn’t been a mainstream topic for 40 years. (1:32:16) Give or you know, if you take the years before and the years after the sheep. (1:32:20) What does that say? (1:32:22) What is that? (1:32:22) I mean, I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist.(1:32:26) What has technology done that we don’t know about? (1:32:29) What’s really going on? (1:32:31) I guess. (1:32:31) Yeah. (1:32:31) Is this where you’re going to start? (1:32:33) Am I insane? (1:32:33) Is this where you’re going to start talking about systems? (1:32:35) May I please have my tinfoil hat? (1:32:37) Yeah.(1:32:37) Checkmark. (1:32:38) Sir, I am happy to hand you mine. (1:32:40) It’s on loan, but I thought I was the one that’s all fucking crazy all the time.(1:32:44) And now you’re all fucking crazy. (1:32:46) What happened? (1:32:47) What happened, my friend? (1:32:48) Did you have a bad week? (1:32:50) No, it was pretty okay. (1:32:51) No.(1:32:52) Yes. (1:32:52) I’ve been trying to tell you that I feel like a lot of things are going on and you keep going. (1:32:56) I don’t want to hear about it because it’s like the same thing.(1:32:59) This is the same thing. (1:33:00) It’s a system that you know that there are advances being done and some stuff’s going on. (1:33:04) Like, we know that there are viruses that the CDC, on which the CDC works in Atlanta, (1:33:13) that are checking stuff out.(1:33:15) In my opinion, COVID was one of the ones that they were working on in China. (1:33:19) Was COVID a cloned Star Wars guy that coughed in somebody’s face because the Stormtrooper (1:33:29) was not wearing his mask? (1:33:30) He was not a clone. (1:33:30) Boba Fett banged one of those dancers around.(1:33:35) Yes, the green dancer. (1:33:37) Yes. (1:33:38) Not tiny dancer, green dancer.(1:33:40) And they had an offspring called COVID Fett. (1:33:43) COVID Fett! (1:33:44) COVID Fett. (1:33:44) Oh, that’s great.(1:33:46) COVID Fett. (1:33:46) Little COVID, come here. (1:33:49) I’m done with you.(1:33:50) Can’t wait for you to turn 19, COVID. (1:33:55) Get out of the house! (1:33:56) Get out. (1:33:57) Yeah, I’m gonna throw you out at 18 because I do not want you.(1:34:00) I do not want COVID-19 in this house. (1:34:04) I think that’s about it, right? (1:34:06) Now, what’s funny is we went into these old documentaries, so we don’t have, like, (1:34:09) current information, so maybe we should look up new shit. (1:34:11) See, did they actually do a human? (1:34:13) I haven’t found anything in my research.(1:34:16) What have you found? (1:34:17) How far have they climbed? (1:34:18) I guess to finish, my point is, has this been hiding in plain sight the whole time? (1:34:22) Yes. (1:34:23) Okay. (1:34:23) Because… (1:34:24) And I didn’t really think of that until, like, this morning.(1:34:25) Right, because why would we think… (1:34:27) Why are you touching me with your foot, bro? (1:34:29) When we think about any of this, you and I think about stuff that no one else thinks (1:34:32) about, and we didn’t even think about this. (1:34:34) Well… (1:34:34) So it tells me how scary deep this goes, my friend. (1:34:38) I don’t even like rabbit holes, man.(1:34:39) I love rabbit holes. (1:34:41) No. (1:34:43) Rabbit tacos.(1:34:46) But not rabid rabbit tacos. (1:34:48) Deliciously gamey rabbit. (1:34:50) Not gamey rabbit.(1:34:51) Delicious. (1:34:52) Dude, you put some hot sauce on it, it’ll be fine. (1:34:54) Yeah.(1:34:54) Dark meat. (1:34:56) All the meat. (1:34:56) Tender.(1:34:57) Yes. (1:34:58) Have you ever had hair? (1:34:59) Yeah. (1:34:59) It’s delicious.(1:35:00) I don’t have hair, but I’ve had hair. (1:35:02) I don’t like the shoulder part. (1:35:03) Okay.(1:35:04) It’s, like, weird marrow-y, and just disgusting. (1:35:07) I won’t even tell you that Mero’s a great metal song. (1:35:10) See, I knew it was coming up! (1:35:12) Yes! (1:35:13) You win! (1:35:14) Woo! (1:35:15) And it was even unsolicited, my friend.(1:35:17) No. (1:35:18) What else you got? (1:35:18) That’s all I got. (1:35:19) Close it out.(1:35:21) Finish it out. (1:35:22) Put a bow. (1:35:23) Let’s… (1:35:23) You have any more notes, bro? (1:35:25) I don’t think I do.(1:35:26) I think I got them all. (1:35:27) But, like I said, it was off of these things. (1:35:29) Cloning is just really interesting.(1:35:30) I feel like it’s not even a science question. (1:35:32) It’s an ethics question. (1:35:34) It always will be.(1:35:35) Because do these things… (1:35:37) Will they have… (1:35:38) The soul question. (1:35:40) What’s the soul? (1:35:41) What’s consciousness? (1:35:43) Do you ever think those questions will ever be answered? (1:35:46) Well, the thing is, has someone created a clone-bait human, (1:35:52) and it’s being grown right now? (1:35:54) It’s growing up. (1:35:56) And it’s a fucking ridiculous piece of cells that doesn’t know shit or whatever.(1:36:02) Or… (1:36:02) Is it genius? (1:36:03) Yeah. (1:36:03) Does it have consciousness? (1:36:05) Does it know what it is? (1:36:06) Does it have a master’s degree? (1:36:08) I don’t fuck… (1:36:09) Because in my opinion, the whole religious side of things, the God creator side, (1:36:15) I don’t… (1:36:16) It’s not my opinion that that’s what happened. (1:36:19) It is my opinion that everything evolved.(1:36:21) It is my opinion that everything… (1:36:22) It’s all science and… (1:36:24) Well, it didn’t… (1:36:25) It hasn’t… (1:36:26) Hasn’t evolution been proven? (1:36:29) Yes, but people then come into God, put that into the mix that we would evolve, right? (1:36:34) Like, okay, you bake that into the mix, okay. (1:36:37) But I’m just saying the creating in my own image, all those other things, (1:36:42) anything with the Bible and the religious side, (1:36:45) I can’t see as arguments because they’re not valid (1:36:50) because they’re coming from an authority I don’t recognize. (1:36:52) Yeah, I understand what you’re saying.(1:36:54) So it makes it challenging for those ethical questions to be answered (1:36:57) because I’m… (1:36:58) I guess I’m just not ethical. (1:37:00) No, but we’re still ethical and moral. (1:37:02) I mean, we’re good people.(1:37:03) I would like to think so. (1:37:04) We just don’t have a… (1:37:05) We don’t have a religious affiliation. (1:37:07) That’s all, right? (1:37:08) Yeah, but this is the question then.(1:37:10) Here’s your final question. (1:37:11) Is the juice worth the squeeze? (1:37:13) Are all these… (1:37:15) We start doing humans and it doesn’t take 300 like Molly or like Dolly. (1:37:20) It takes like 10,000 embryos to make one human.(1:37:23) Just start. (1:37:24) Remember, I know it’ll get better, but I’m saying the first one. (1:37:29) Right, right.(1:37:30) Took 10… (1:37:31) A lot were born with defects that you had to terminate (1:37:34) or that maybe even made it to like a couple of years, (1:37:38) but they were just a horrible living condition. (1:37:41) Kind of like the genetic mutations in first generation stuff, right? (1:37:47) Think about it. (1:37:48) Cousin marriages.(1:37:49) Diabetes, blindness, liver problems. (1:37:53) Because that’s going to be… (1:37:55) That’s the reality of cloning. (1:37:56) It is a percentage right now.(1:37:58) It is a very… (1:37:59) And it’s a small percentage compared to success. (1:38:01) Success rate. (1:38:02) So… (1:38:02) A clean success rate.(1:38:04) Is the juice… (1:38:04) Are you willing to allow that to happen to get to cloning? (1:38:11) Which I pose another question to that. (1:38:15) Why are we cloning? (1:38:17) What’s the point of cloning a human? (1:38:21) Is it purely to give a couple a child? (1:38:26) What are the motives? (1:38:28) And I don’t know the answer to that either. (1:38:30) I think there are many motives to that.(1:38:33) The gentleman, the Zavos gentleman, claims… (1:38:37) His claim is he believes this is the future of reproduction. (1:38:42) Okay. (1:38:43) That’s his opinion.(1:38:44) That’s his opinion. (1:38:45) Right. (1:38:45) But that’s also his drive.(1:38:47) I mean, it’s also his craft. (1:38:49) It’s what he does. (1:38:50) He seems to want to do it just to see if he can do it purely for scientific reasons.(1:38:55) But he claims that’s not what it is. (1:38:57) Of course. (1:38:57) I’m not saying I agree with it or not.(1:38:59) I’m just going to take him at his word. (1:39:01) Yes. (1:39:01) Because even that statement alone is still megalomaniacal.(1:39:04) I mean, megalomaniacal almost, right? (1:39:08) Because it’s almost like… (1:39:08) Is that a word? (1:39:10) I think this is the future. (1:39:11) So I’m going to go regardless. (1:39:12) Like, because he’s not listening to anyone else saying whether it is the future.(1:39:16) You know what I mean? (1:39:17) He’s just going off on his own. (1:39:18) He’s kind of just doing it. (1:39:19) I think… (1:39:20) But he’s talked about trying to get people involved in the conversation about it.(1:39:25) I find him to be surprised. (1:39:27) I like… (1:39:27) I actually admire the guy for devoting his life to something like this. (1:39:32) I admire the fact that he’s willing to go out on a limb for something he believes in.(1:39:37) And he’s intelligent enough to be able to clone anything. (1:39:43) That’s mind-boggling that that’s a thing. (1:39:47) I don’t think he’s… (1:39:49) I don’t think he’s as mad scientist as other people do.(1:39:52) I think I’m kind of scared that I really am on his side more than I’m not. (1:39:57) It scares me that I… (1:39:59) I think the juice is worth the squeeze. (1:40:00) What do you think? (1:40:01) I don’t know.(1:40:02) I don’t know because I don’t know the motives of the cloning. (1:40:07) Is it… (1:40:08) What is it for? (1:40:10) I don’t know that. (1:40:11) I don’t know.(1:40:12) I said that a lot today. (1:40:13) Well, the problem… (1:40:14) This is the problem then. (1:40:15) Yeah.(1:40:16) Because you’re going to get people who want to clone. (1:40:19) But your motive would be for you to have a child. (1:40:26) A baby.(1:40:26) Someone who can’t… (1:40:28) See, and then do you limit it to that? (1:40:31) That’s where the issue comes in, I believe. (1:40:34) Because then you’ve got genetic manipulation. (1:40:36) What if you both… (1:40:37) You limit it to only people who can’t be fertile… (1:40:40) Who aren’t fertile.(1:40:41) Who can’t have children, right? (1:40:43) You limit it to only those people. (1:40:45) But then they get in there. (1:40:46) I can add 10 points of IQ.(1:40:49) I can give them blonde hair, blue eyes. (1:40:52) I can do that. (1:40:52) Gotta go.(1:40:53) Right? (1:40:53) Yeah. (1:40:54) And then next thing you know, and then… (1:40:55) Oh, well, doctor, I’ll give you an extra 100 bucks if you tell me I’m infertile. (1:40:59) You know what I mean? (1:41:00) So I can fucking do this.(1:41:02) I mean, where does that… (1:41:03) Where do those ethics go, right? (1:41:04) Yeah, the corruption. (1:41:05) I get it. (1:41:05) Yeah, the line is very thin.(1:41:07) Yeah, it’s very thin. (1:41:08) I get that. (1:41:10) So what’s funny for me is I can say without a doubt for some reason, (1:41:14) this sounds like we’ve evolved to the point where we can understand this, (1:41:20) then we should do it because we’ve evolved to the point where we can understand it.(1:41:23) So let’s keep fucking evolving. (1:41:25) Because that’s what… (1:41:27) Is cloning even evolving? (1:41:29) No, no, no, no. (1:41:30) We’ve evolved to understand how to clone.(1:41:32) Oh. (1:41:33) Right? (1:41:33) No, cloning isn’t necessarily evolution. (1:41:35) I’m just saying that we’ve… (1:41:37) Humanity has evolved to understand how to clone.(1:41:41) So why wouldn’t we want to explore that understanding of that? (1:41:44) I think anything that we… (1:41:46) That is now exposed to our mind is something we should fucking follow regardless. (1:41:51) But we also created the hydrogen bomb, dude. (1:41:56) So… (1:41:56) It came out of war though.(1:41:57) Well, I don’t care. (1:41:59) But it does matter. (1:42:01) That’s also the same thought of, (1:42:04) hey, I can take a cell, a microscopic speck, (1:42:09) and I can make a copy of it.(1:42:11) And it’s called cloning. (1:42:12) Oh, that’s beautiful. (1:42:13) Look at science.(1:42:15) Semicolon. (1:42:16) We can take an atom and split it in half and kill a shitload of people. (1:42:20) That’s demonic.(1:42:22) Right. (1:42:22) Yes, it came out of war. (1:42:23) Right, but also did… (1:42:24) So did radar.(1:42:26) So did advances in like… (1:42:28) Whoa, dude, you can’t compare radar to the splitting of the atom. (1:42:33) My point is the splitting of the atom was going on well before the war. (1:42:37) But that was more just computer science and it was all fucking written down.(1:42:41) It wasn’t weaponized. (1:42:42) Right, it wasn’t weaponized. (1:42:43) I understand.(1:42:45) But my point is so many technological… (1:42:47) So many advances came out of war. (1:42:50) Yeah. (1:42:50) That we could… (1:42:50) We probably should… (1:42:52) You wanna jot that one down? (1:42:53) No.(1:42:54) All the advances that… (1:42:55) Tanks. (1:42:55) Tanks, bro. (1:42:56) Tank tops.(1:42:57) Yes. (1:42:57) Tank bottoms. (1:42:58) Tank tops and flip flops.(1:42:59) Boy shorts. (1:43:00) I don’t know. (1:43:02) I love my boy shorts.(1:43:03) That’s all I wear. (1:43:04) No, but it is a question, right? (1:43:06) It’s like, yeah. (1:43:08) The intent though is gonna be different for you.(1:43:13) I would limit it to people who couldn’t have children. (1:43:15) But then only if you can keep it from altering the genetic makeup. (1:43:20) It would have to be a fucking clone.(1:43:24) Unadulterated, untouched like that. (1:43:26) Yes, for cancers and whatnot. (1:43:28) You know how they can do the testing because they do in vitro for those? (1:43:30) Those are fine.(1:43:31) But any enhancement of any way, like in a crisper way, you’d have to make illegal. (1:43:36) But then some rich motherfucker is gonna have that kid that fucking they did it to. (1:43:40) And that’s the slippery slope, I’m afraid.(1:43:42) Yeah, it’s not a slippery slope. (1:43:45) It’s a vertical cliff. (1:43:47) Yeah.(1:43:48) It’s just bye. (1:43:52) Yeah, that’s a good point. (1:43:55) So maybe we just shut it all down.(1:43:57) No cloning. (1:43:57) What does everybody else think? (1:43:59) Yeah, Twitter world. (1:44:00) You know what you think.(1:44:01) What does OJ think? (1:44:04) Well, I like Ron and Nicole. (1:44:09) They’re good people. (1:44:10) Don’t do it.(1:44:11) I wouldn’t. (1:44:11) No. (1:44:12) I wouldn’t mind bringing them back.(1:44:13) That’s messed up, bro. (1:44:15) Maybe have fun there. (1:44:16) Too soon, man.(1:44:18) Was that an accusation? (1:44:20) No. (1:44:20) Do I get blasphemy hearsay like sued? (1:44:23) No, it’s ironic that that happened in 96 and that’s when the sheep got cloned. (1:44:27) Oh, that is kind of funny.(1:44:28) Yeah. (1:44:28) I didn’t even think about that. (1:44:31) Maybe he fought in the Clone Wars.(1:44:34) Back on you, sir. (1:44:36) Finish it out. (1:44:36) What were we talking about? (1:44:37) Tell everyone what to do.(1:44:38) Beg everyone what to do. (1:44:40) Dude, don’t tell me what to do. (1:44:41) Thank everyone for doing what they do.(1:44:43) You’re not the boss of me, Bruce Springsteen. (1:44:44) I am not the boss. (1:44:45) I’m going to leave East Street Bam, bro.(1:44:47) What does everybody else think? (1:44:48) Leave us a comment on the Twitter, on the Podbean, on the Facebook, on the Instacrotch, (1:44:56) and download, rate, subscribe, leave a comment, leave stars. (1:44:59) And what does everyone else think about cloning? (1:45:01) Are we full of poop? (1:45:03) Yeah. (1:45:03) Anything else? (1:45:04) Yes.(1:45:05) The last thing from you. (1:45:07) The last thing from me is, we’ll check out these things. (1:45:12) It was worth watching.(1:45:13) Okay. (1:45:13) It was interesting. (1:45:14) Yeah.(1:45:15) Go football. (1:45:16) Go sports. (1:45:17) Oh, yeah.(1:45:17) Go Bruce Arians. (1:45:19) Go sports. (1:45:20) Bruce Arians, my favorite.(1:45:22) Tamaway Buccaneers. (1:45:23) Brand new team. (1:45:25) It’s a 1976.(1:45:27) With the amazing Owen Helmets. (1:45:29) Owen 14, yes. (1:45:29) Owen 14.(1:45:30) Orange creamsicle color. (1:45:32) I like it. (1:45:32) Loves colors.(1:45:34) Delicious colors. (1:45:35) Oh, be excellent to each other. (1:45:38) Party on, dudes.

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