Transcript for my conversation with Kelly Patrick 6/9/2024

(0:00 - 2:11:21)

Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious today. I have the pleasure of speaking with Kelly Patrick He's the host of the Kelly Patrick podcast. It's a great conversation.

Here it is. I hope you enjoy it Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious today. I have the pleasure of speaking with Kelly Patrick He's a gentleman in this screen to this side that side that way Um, he joined me for a conversation completely impromptu.

We have a bunch of stuff to talk about It's my job to sell him on coming to freedom fest in july in vegas, so that's my job He doesn't know it yet, but that's my job freedom fest. Not conscious is going to be there. We have media credentials Conscious 50 will get you 50 off the media package or the current package Whatever package you choose get on there be there in vegas july 10th through the 13th kelly.

Welcome Thank you for having me Thank you so much for joining. Uh So how we came across each other was I think there I had posted something on x about The christian caucus with the libertarians, I think And uh, you had a gentleman on who shared a link So I watched your show and then you had followed we just did a follow for follow and then I just reached out And I saw like all your stuff and I saw what you have pinned and that is actually what i'm doing So let's talk about all of it. Let's start with uh, how who are you? Where where are you from and how you got this? I hear kelly patrick and I think boston Is that anything Um, you know, my full name is actually ryan kelly and my confirmation name into the catholic religion is patrick And my last name is actually dugan.

So it's a long irish catholic name not boston Um, but my irish catholic side is is through yonkers, new york I would guess yeah, so not far. Yeah, not not a not a bad. Yeah, that is boston philly or new york because i'm from philly So we know However, I I was no, I know I was born in ohio That's where my dugan side of the family comes from.

I was born in ohio I've been to new yonkers a handful of times not a whole lot Um, and now I live in louisville, kentucky Okay, so you're in kentucky so you're like in like libertarian central like aspect of everything You got rand you've got thomas Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, I guess it's pretty cool. I'm i'm, uh Fortunate to have arguably the best member of congress and the best member of the senate here in my home state I guess I just got lucky.

I I I wasn't even libertarian At all until 2020. So I mean this is all still cool, man Yeah, I want to hear about this because it's it's it's new to a lot of people in the way that it's evolving, right? It's like you hear that thing and then you hear anarchy and you think chaos and disorder and all this stuff, right? And then you get the meme of the picture of like this is what anarchy looks like and it's this beautiful potted garden like in the front of somebody's yard, you know, it's like So you got two sides that so what's really interesting about this is you don't get to be on this side of microphone very often so I know this is kind of new for you, so i'm hoping that we can help each other out because like I I struggle with that same thing as being on that side is I love asking the questions So I hope you'll humor me and follow me along in our journey while we just get through stuff. I'll do my best So you're in you're in ohio you grew up in ohio tell me about your your story and how you actually Born born in ohio by the age of seven.

I had moved to kentucky Okay, just about it just happened to move to kentucky so grew up yeah my dad's job moved to kentucky, okay yeah, so so ideologically Before 2020 let's go back to just you grow up and what like what were your parents thinking about stuff? Was it even on the like ever talked about did people talk about politics or was it not a thing or? Tell me about kind of your your like how your intro to this Yeah, both my parents are from ohio. They're both just great people Uh, they divorced when I was in seventh grade but my mom always leaned a little bit more politically to the left and my dad has always been a strong kind of alpha type Type a personality republican. Yeah That's what I was so yeah, yeah, okay.

Yeah. Yeah, I resembled that remark so yes, yes, okay, you knew where I was headed um And but great people and so they they represented both the left and the right to me And so I I you know, I I did always vote. I'm 40 years old now prior to 2020.

I always voted republican It always made sense to be more prudent with your money to me You know I didn't put that much thought into it. Other than that. I do remember thinking like I didn't mind I never never never had anything against like legalizing drugs or so I mean that's just who I was but I never really paid much attention prior to 2020 but I did vote that way and in 2016, I I um voted, you know for trump Okay, so this is really interesting because it parallels so many people's journey You just said exactly what people say is like I didn't really know this or that It was kind of like this was a better way to go Our early entry into this is you'll hear like the phrase fiscally conservative socially Progressive or whatever you hear these things like because that's kind of what I came from like i'm died died in the red like, uh Neocon from my parents, but that's a whole other story.

I can explain why how we got there, but Like coming out of that you're like, yeah, i'm just fiscally conservative so I always kind of voted that same way as you so tell me about 2016 what what came up for you in 2016 and when did the lights come on and When did you start following this stuff? I'll admit I thought trump was funny as hell from the beginning Yeah that he faded like 15 other people he was he was calling out carson and jeb bush and it was hilarious watching like Guys trying to like Be like, uh using decorum, you know that whole thing of decorum while he's just like trashing them big time. It was great So I did love that i'll be honest people were calling him racist. No one likes to be called racist I didn't like feeling like I was supporting a racist even though everyone said that but in my mind I remember thinking He's not fucking I don't think he's as racist as you guys say any you know what I mean? Like I do agree racism's bad Like you guys are looking like hysterical um You know I don't want to use too harsh a language I just it didn't look good for the left and I love the meltdown when trump won.

I loved it I loved every second of that shit. I loved it I'd love to watch if you got a good highlight reel video send it to me after the episode i'd still love to watch All right. I would love to do that the one picture I remember because That the day after the actual day after election of november 2016 I was at home for something very personal.

So it's like burned into my memory I remember waking up and seeing the look on paul. Ryan's face standing behind trump and he looked like he just shit a brick Like holy crap. This is real We just lost like the uni party control like The look on his face was so it was like a ghost like he looked white and pale and every time I watched that guy's face, I just Oh, it's like he was so awful and I supported that I supported romney and mccain And bush's and all of them and i'm like sitting there and iraq was mine, you know, so like What do you mean by what do you mean? What do you mean by iraq was yours? I was I was all in man.

I enlisted at 17. I failed the physical I was gonna be in the military man. We were gonna kill those.

I had a t-shirt that said hey saddam This scuds for you You know, like I was a neocon like we were gonna kill all the bad guys because they were bad Because they did bad stuff to us and it wasn't them And like just there alone just that alone is enough to be like, well, what are we doing this man? What's going on? Interesting. See i'm turning into trying to be the interviewer. I'll shut that up.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

No, man I want I want to hear about you. So yeah, it's really hard, right? So Let's get back to you. So trump happens and you you now start in this space because I look at you You've got a bunch of followers.

You had some amazing conversations with some amazing people. How did you? really delve in who did you connect with and how did how did that spark for you to think to do this as a as a way to like Help move the needle, I guess Good question And the more time that goes by the more I kind of retroactively analyze it, but I think that anti-establishment Campaign that I bought into with trump Without me even knowing it was kind of a libertarian type instinct I had of course trump is not a libertarian I'm, not saying he is but I was very and I always have been very anti-authority You ask anybody I grew up with I was kind of the class clown fuck up I graduated high school with a 1.4 gpa was always getting suspended and partying and you know My grandfather's good guy for sure I guess you know my grandfather from yonkers Right before he passed in 2003. He told me he wanted me to join the military and I didn't I didn't put much thought into it um But I I you know, I don't I don't know exactly Uh, what exactly that was that I was tapping into but I ended up so I voted for trump in 2016 ended up hearing like a Peter schiff on I think maybe joe rogan podcast or something talking about how trump really Wasn't draining the swamp and was spending more, you know Stuff like that.

So I did start thinking about shit like that Like I still I always loved trump's humor and I still do I mean i'm here for all of it All of it. Yeah, all of it. All the theatrics is awesome Oh my god, i'm a huge huge fan and I hope we're in for a good year for the sake of entertainment Um, I just got off the tower gang podcast.

I mean I didn't I wasn't on it I just interviewed toad right before I came on here with you. Are you familiar with tower gang? No, I've heard of tower gang. So I can okay.

So like I come into this all by myself And like I have to figure everything out with myself full-time job Like trying to do a podcast trying to do this that and the other so i'm getting drips and drabs of people Share with me share with the tower gang. I've heard of it Toad toad is a character on the tower game podcast tower gang was in 2021 in the the twitter sphere of libertarian circles These guys would write offensive things on twitter with a tower One word and then you know, it's really offensive stuff. I mean, it's they're not bad people I don't think but it's libertarians.

I think they're just pushing the buttons, right? Like they're trying to put Yes, so they created a podcast called tower gang. These people are geographically all located in different areas. It's a comedy podcast though So it's not taking the the rand.

I'm, sorry the the ron paul slash thomas massey corny guy slash spike cohen corny guy approach to spread into good word They're taking the hey corny in a good way because someone happens to have a conversation with somebody upcoming Not not counting my chickens yet, but I scheduled a conversation with who I don't want to it's one of those names. Okay. Love it.

Love it the same. Um, uh, regardless you're spreading the good word I'll share the offline. It's only like you're a fighter, right? So I just don't want to count my chickens yet You know, I just don't you know me.

We we know I do train to clarify. I do train, but i'm not a fighter Okay, I do train jiu-jitsu and kickboxing and boxing and stuff but to call myself a fighter I have friends who would laugh if they heard that so I need to clarify I do enjoy i'm a purple belt in jiu-jitsu. I train jiu-jitsu regularly and kickboxing and so I do enjoy it Maybe i'm better than an average guy on the street.

Maybe not though So, I mean i'm I don't want to say that i'm a fighter i'm not Now I hear I hear what's but I I kind of mean the demeanor right the discipline The work ethic that kind of stuff. There's a mentality to it We're like when you talk about your individuality, there's kind of look you have a team don't get me wrong Everyone contributes to your team But you know, you're the one who's going to walk home with an injury if you walk home with an injury, okay on you ultimately because you're really the you're the tip of the spear and you we can talk about the force right like even though it's a Kind of an individualized sport. It's it is teamwork because there is a force that the training I mean how much preparation goes it's 99 preparation.

It's like oh, yeah The lat the fights like the act is just the final like walkthrough yeah, like ultimately so It's one of those things where you you have that mindset just of that independence because you go in like it's on me anyway Yeah, so I might you know So it's interesting you had that your whole life growing up and how like I guess I did I guess I did but long story short, I I I in 2000, I always wanted to be a sports radio personality when I was a little kid Wrote a paper in second grade. I wanted to be on espn when I grow up, you know, I I idolized guys like dan patrick or Jim roe or uh, even look even overman even overman back then sure Look at the fall from grace, but but and in some way dan patrick, you know, his last name's not patrick So in some way I I took patrick as my last name for the my on-air persona. His name is actually okay Daniel pew so I was kind of copying off like I assume what's also an irish catholic type Like, you know, I just went with the more generic of the names and it is my name And that's not hey, you know what that's emulation man That's not that's not exactly how you're like you're doing it out of like a emulation like out of courtesy like yeah Totally you see how it works, right? Sure.

So I graduated high school 2002 by 2010 I ran into one of my buddies from high school shout out to matt mccarthy at the bank and he had been recording stupid stuff on youtube like Competitive eating contests and you know, silly shit like that like drunken people doing crazy shit There's videos of people chugging milk and vomiting, you know, just entertaining shit. I was telling him the cinnamon challenge Did they try that one I think so Yeah, so I asked him about that and I started getting involved with matt mccarthy in long story short I ended up doing a podcast with tyler bloyd and hank garrett in 2011 was the first time I ever podcasted 2011 and it was under on the topic of college basketball. I live in the number one college basketball market in the united states Which is louisville, kentucky.

So it was louisville versus kentucky. We would get drunk and say yeah, we'd say crazy shit You know, fuck you and you know, like tell crazy stories and get heated about louisville versus kentucky But anyways, I ended up going to local boxing events in louisville for years and met the Combat sports commission in kentucky todd neal people like that and and I ended up going to mma events and through that in 2014 I walked into a jiu-jitsu academy And slowly that has taken over my life and and not just jiu-jitsu But I did commentary for mma for eight years from 2014. No, i'm, sorry Yeah from 2014 off and on through 2021.

I haven't done it really since 2021 maybe in 2022 But I got to know a lot of the local fighters in the area Was that from covet or what what what stopped that for you or what what kept it from continuing? Actually at the end I could have continued and even uh picked up the pace The owner a guy named greg bell and he may not like that. I'm saying his name on air I don't care if he doesn't like it Uh, he's having a conversation Yeah It is what it is. Yeah, he's a character and it's okay But anyways, he was the ceo of this mma commentary this mma promotion b2 fighting series He said to me that he wanted me to to instead of doing about eight shows a year He wanted me to do about 45 a year Yeah, so I was offered a big time promotion I couldn't do that though.

Like i'm divorced. I have two kids that I you know, i'm still they're not quite adults yet You know, I couldn't commit to that much time. And so I had to say no Thanks, and that's how I ended up kind of stepping back from it through that i've been offered multiple gigs since then and and you know I don't want to make it sound like it was gonna I turned down a deal with a bunch of money It was it was they're gonna pay for hotels across the country.

They were gonna pay for they're gonna pay for flights They're gonna pay me 400 500 bucks a show or something So I could have promoted but it's not the money in this case though. It's like a huge step up though That's like a huge honor like it's like i'll give you i'll be honest with you if i'm working an office job Some menial bs office. That's what my side.

That's what my job is. I got that einsteinian desk clerk job You know the one that you don't think about but I listen to eight podcasts at the same time and like, you know Listen and think I do that, but you got that kind of job. You get a title promotion.

It means nothing But you get an honor like that for you because like in the in this kind of industry entertainment in some way There's like feast or famine you get zero like I had like eight podcasts in the last two weeks and I hadn't had a podcast For a month. So it's just one of these things where like you got a strike when the iron's hot and unfortunately You couldn't ride that current at that space now So you had to give up just your eight because you couldn't do 45 and it's like oh, yeah, you know Oh, what a shame, you know, which is all good You know, I still get to train i'm doing commentary for a judi shout out to my main sponsor for the podcast louisville combat academy It's a 10th planet affiliate here in louisville. Kentucky great gym.

Oh, it's a planet. Okay Uh, that's eddie bravo, right correct. Yep, and they sponsor the podcast and and and so so I appreciate their support But i'm doing commentary for them next month for a jiu-jitsu tournament So I you know, I still every once in a while do commentary.

Maybe i'll do it again one day regardless it Oh, oh also through that through the podcast and through the local mma scene in louisville I I created a face actually my friend brandon bishop created a facebook group called the kelly patrick show facebook group Okay, now listen, it sounds like it'd be mma themed right or political because I do political episodes No, within a couple days it turned into just the biggest shit posting group you've ever seen in your life I think there's 2000 something people in there and you get in there now. I don't allow like, you know Like actual racist stuff or you know anything, right? It's got to be like Bullshit, but yeah, but it is pretty, you know, my wife for example doesn't she's not in the group She doesn't want to be in there. You know, I mean, so it's offensive stuff, but not like Blatantly if someone looks like they're blatantly making fun of the handicap or something, you know, I mean there's lines, right? But it's it's a shit post obvious debauchery kind of tell yeah.

Yeah, there's a it's a shit posting debaucherous group So the kelly patrick show in louisville, kentucky and across the state of kentucky has a reputation for being more of an mma podcast But but but I became radicalized. So I had a voice Started this podcast in 2017 and I had a voice come 2020 And when covet happened and I was like what the fuck is going on? I didn't know where to turn. I learned that trump was you know I still thought it was funny and I still to this day.

I do I love humor and I do think he's funny He's not different. He's not the savior. We think he is He's a fun dude, but he's not done that much different No, so I started noticing that so I got to interview joe jorgensen and spike cohen leading up to the campaign Yeah, so I got kind of you know more involved and that's a huge get that early into your podcast Yeah, it was kind of cool.

Yeah, it was it was it was enjoyable for me You know, I could sit here and list the most famous people i've ever Interviewed and honestly that one was kind of boring Um, but and I did vote for her um But I got really I can imagine joe being not yeah less than Yeah, you know, I it's a fine line You want to spread the good word, but you you don't want to be so offensive that you turn people off But you still want to be entertaining and you know, so I mean it's a difficult thing But I got to interview her i've interviewed robbie the fire bernstein. I've interviewed you know, uh The tower gang guys including clint russell. I don't know if you've heard of clint russell.

I I Okay, so Honest clint i've been following clint. I I caught on to clint right before he blew up So I sent him an email in february Nicest guy in the world. He said hey, man, my march looks a little busy Get back to me at the end of the month.

I emailed him three, you know, every two three weeks Just like a follow-up nothing just courteous. Hey, just follow up no response because obviously, you know What he's been doing the past month and a half, right? So he finally said bro. I'm i'm just a little burned out and i'm like I dude do you I totally He's one of the founding members of the tower gang Oh, very cool.

Okay. So this is the thing I realized last week when he was a unable to come down to bend down to me right now that I need to elevate You know what? I mean? Sure. Sure.

Yeah Clint's cool as shit. Yeah, if you're spreading the good word If you're spreading the good word, that's what they're all about now They do say offensive shit on that podcast if someone's easily offended. I would not yeah, I would not you know I mean in some of it maybe sometimes sounds worse than it really I mean if you if people want to be offended tune in Because that's that is pushing the envelope.

That's kind of their thing and and you know, it It's funny. It's legitimately funny. Now.

Is it offensive? Yeah, it is. Heck. Yeah But look, you're not you're not funny unless you're thinking you have to be pushed There has there has to be a little reality in it.

There has to be that now it's funny that you mentioned as like clint clint and I even are aligned like in a lot of our ideological like Spirituality wise so like like I said, i've been itching to get a conversation So like i've been religious. That's right. Yeah, and that's the thing i'm If I yeah, we'll talk about that some other day, but no and that's okay You know, I I think that's an interesting conversation too to intertwine with the it's difficult about when I interviewed toad earlier today Who's one of the tower gang guys? He's the short chubby guy who they make fun of on air just now He admitted all sorts of crazy shit on my podcast.

I mean their whole thing is cool. They get drunk He got drunk at tom wood's event And like oh my god He got drunk as hell and then he like thought there was a threesome gonna happen And and it involved one of his co-hosts and his co-host wife and then it didn't end up happening But someone claims they saw toad in the corner literally drunk blackout jacking off And toad admitted to it all in the podcast and also I mean all sorts of crazy shit But for the sake of entertainment, what I do appreciate about those guys Is I said to toad? Are any of the guys in your crew? Maybe they're a little weak on russia ukraine or you know, I asked him that today. Nope.

He said no They're all solid on foreign policy So the the mission of the tower gang is cool. It's it's to prevent promote The good last message of liberty by the debauchery dicking around stuff They try not to talk about libertarian shit on the podcast at all Like one of the guys top lobster he gets mad if they start talking about libertarian shit on yeah I know top lobster right with ah right top lobster. Is that the one i'm thinking? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah so like I know of this stuff and I'll tell you like I I just I wasn't one i'm older Like I said, i'm 10 years older than you so it's like a half generation remember like I built computers I built desktop computers. So like okay, I got into when dial-up was going on You know what? I mean? Like they show a picture of an old speaker It's like what's the first thing you think of i'm like that you got mail, you know, i'm thinking that ding, you know So i'm like old school.

So I I never i'm trying to get all the information but now it's out there And it is just coming in waves. So 2020 or 16 having for you you realize trump's cool fun, dude, but obviously he's not draining the swamp He's not reducing spending we're starting to realize It's a corporate uniparty and it's not about the size of the government It's the style it has nothing to do with the size. They want to they want one one wants to Drop bombs and buy weapons one wants to give away the money to help people Cut things off like i'm sorry.

I'm just whatever that is, right? We got these extremes So, how are we navigating this kelly? What what made you like really want to be the voice for that? For the libertarian part, I guess. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. That's a great question It just seemed to come to the truth truth matters I mean I would hope like right Yeah, we're finding truth is like the key, right? everyone I hope it is I fucking hope it is right. I mean like yeah, I mean, I don't know I to me like I I it's insulting honestly like the influence of apac on our our congress Did you watch that tucker carlson interview with thomas massey? Uh, that's next in the queue, but I did i've been following apac and I just watched uh, Angela mccardle just wrote like how do we get apac as influence? I was like take all the money out take all the money out There's only one answer is to not allow money and i'm sorry.

I know that's impossible, but that's the only True way to do it, you know, but anyway, please feel free share your apoc stuff because I can talk about this I start it started to seem offensive to me a bunch of the bullshit I have been told for years and i'm not even that bright. Once again, I graduated high school with a 1.4 gpa but like if you expect me to grant to give a fuck about politics and to not see that like Some very obvious shit is how things actually work and then people want to like tell me trump's grade or biden be better or um, I don't know but i'm once again, i'm not the smartest guy around i'm also not the dumbest like Like like what type of shit are you trying to pass off on me and we're trying to spend you look at all these bills I mean, where do I need to even start you look at all these spending bills with all this weird shit packed in um It just it just seems very obvious that I read murray rothbard's essay anatomy of the state and I think that helped with my evolution of becoming more of a I don't know that I even articulate the messaging always that well Like I did my previous episode for this podcast with aaron murphy a couple episodes ago Actually an attorney here in town one of my jiu-jitsu training partners. He was trying to poke holes in my uh summary of anarcho-libertarianism and I was kind of like You know I don't even feel like I know no.

No. No, I was kind of like I don't feel like I need to defend it like Oh, right. Because yeah, so your your thing is that you're Like so if someone's listening and they're not sold on it already they may think they may have thought I was like speechless, but i'm like So you got these two parties and they're both One's pro this war one's pro that war but they both really vote the same way on everything And you're trying to tell me One of them's just the better one That's your argument.

Like I don't do I even need to address this? Do you think i'm retarded? Do I look retarded like what is happening? That's my thought on it. It's it's like americans are at the attention span of the lesser of two evils. They just get to the lesser And i'm like you forgot they're evil.

You forgot the evil part guys Sure, like this is my first election that I am not voting republican. Wow I love it. I love it.

See i'm tempted. My first vote was 92 my friend. It was bush senior against Are you a combat veteran? Are you a combat veteran? I'm not I I enlisted but I failed the physical So I got in a real bad car accident when I was 13 I was ejected and that's a whole other story because that sends me down the spirituality thing Way crazy stories my friend but um, I had I broke my leg So my leg was like three quarters of an inch shorter than the other So I did the duck walk did the whole thing and they get to the last guys goes your legs shorter than the other Boom fail and i'm like I was devastated.

I mean I was devastated Because my my heart was in I was an american my parents came from germany my mom Was born under hitler And lived under stalin and then escaped east germany came to america under eisenhower like I know the neocon part because like it is the lesser of the two because it's at least Fighting off that other side, which was just absolute evil. So are you gonna vote? Are you gonna vote for trump? No, i'm not voting republican. I'm not voting for trump I I lost I had rechtenwald on the list and then look at the libertarian shenanigans a couple weeks ago.

You plan on voting I'm, absolutely voting Minimum local I promise i'm voting minimum local. This is the thing i'm in arizona I was going to write in massey But massey's not even registered in arizona if you're not registered to even accept it It's like my my vote's a throw like I know i'm in a crucial state, but it's like what good is what good is it? Is warrior is war your number one issue? War is one spending is two because they all spend two. It's not like It's it's war spent actually it's war in deep state It's deep state ultimately because the deep state pushes the wars through the military industrial complex The deep state pushes the surveillance the deep state pushes all the things that we are trying to get ourselves out of so ultimately It would have to be exposure of the deep state.

It's band-aid We need jfk 9-11 all the five every file ever released. We need all the everything. It's just truth to your point truth transparency The point i'm at right now when it comes to libertarian messaging is um ran paul i'm, sorry ron paul and thomas massey are the corny guys I love those messages.

I think those are the best guys to join the republican party I also enjoy the debauchery shit that is presented through tower gang and I think it's cool um Whatever gets out the good word. I don't think thomas massey Is a perfect human But I do I yeah, no, but I do believe he is arguably a great Face in a great voice For the potential for a good movement. I don't know exactly what that's going to look like Um, but i'm a firm believer, especially after you watch this thomas massey tucker carlson interview I've got to meet massey once I didn't even get a picture with him But I mean, I just I love that.

He's fucking in kentucky. My mom could vote for him um, she lives in you know a suburb around here i'm not quite in his district, but I mean It's amazing that he's the one guy who just like no i'm not voting for apac No i'm not what Like, you know, and he also voted to keep george santos on in congress like you see these two really weird diabolically obviously like you think he you know what I mean like because The apac is wrong Well, you think santos is wrong but he's still doing the just thing by not voting him out because it wasn't he was elected by his people like he understood the Policy, okay. Interesting.

I always use massey as like the north star not not more as a guidepost not as the answer, right? Like I always go what would massey do first and then I go, okay now let me Pull back from that and then see right those pieces It's very interesting to try to make sense of it because he endorsed the santos who and he said on the problem was weird He said de santos isn't a neocon That was weird that was weird and him with chip roy the chip roy ran paul de santos thing really sat a little weird with me But look how quickly they put that they swept that under the rug They don't no one's addressing that and I think they they made a strategic blunder by doing that. I don't know why I don't think Yeah, it's a good point. It's interesting because you you have to do You know you have to um Be willing to to look like an idiot For the sake of trying to move something and and I guess that takes many shapes and I think massey's good at that When he endorsed the santos, I don't think he was saying Yeah, de santos is libertarian No, no, he was endorsing the candidate against right? Yeah, he was saying he thought he was a better option than trump Correct.

That's exactly. Yeah, exactly. Maybe he was maybe he was right.

Yeah Right and like to that point he's like chip. Roy is like this weird borderline guy Sometimes you're like wow, man. Chip's really on the mark here and then you go.

Where did he come up with that one? Like i've seen him all Usually at least massey is like consistent And he can show his work almost every like he can show his work and that's all we need And I think actually as a vice presidential candidate, he would be a phenomenal vice president. So massive Yeah, I think massey would be a good vice president. Yeah Because I think that would be that would be a good balance any he would be a good administrator He's good at that part.

He's like to your point. He knows how to structurally get the stuff done, you know So he understands the he understands the swamp. He understands the politics but to your point I had reckon reckon clint were actually my my picks and then the chase oliver thing happened and it's like Okay, so sell me.

I'm not voting republican or what what are your thoughts on it? What are you looking to do and Talk tell tell me how how am I going to vote? Uh when it was first announced that chase oliver who I have interviewed in the past When it was first announced that saw that can't you know when he was a candidate I said I was gonna I decided I was gonna vote for him for the sake of keeping ballot access. I made a couple Facebook and twitter posts. I'm like a drunk a drunk woman With my drama.

I watched your episode with him the conversation. So with with who? With with chase. Oh, okay.

Yeah Um, but what i'm saying is I I decided immediately I was making a decision. You don't have to be Christian like I am to be a libertarian You don't have to be heterosexual like I am you don't even have to have the same views as I do about transing kids You don't And I want to maintain that I do feel that way So i'm not backing off of that And if he had I mean the whole point Yeah Yeah, yeah exactly if he had articulated the message like that I would have been like, okay, I get it, you know um but what he has done some of the shit i've seen him talking about with yeah, I would call people racist and whatever like rot lou rockwell and everything like And ron paul and and and and he said he would leave his kids. He doesn't have kids I don't expect him to have kids.

He's a gay guy. That's okay. You don't have to have kids I don't need you to have kids for me to love you Or like you or anything, but he said he would have left his kids at a a drag show What kind of shit do you think who do you think you're gonna win? You think i'm gonna go to a fucking family reunion and have my conservative uncle ask me.

Hey kelly Who are you voting for? And i'm gonna say i'm voting for that guy. Are you kidding me? What kind of first picture that comes up is either the lace mask thing or the uh, The one where he's standing next to that huge towering person. That's like completely and look It's all about perception here I you can be whoever you want chase oliver is an adult human being and he can do whatever he wants I have no children.

I won't have any but the one thing in this world that I think Need is most important is children need to be protected. That's it simple. They don't have consent It's really sticky when a parent uses their agenda to push children into a certain thing That's scary and it's really hard to say when does someone intervene to that because it's like you and I are not government people but it would take some kind of Entity to intervene right? Like yeah, those are difficult questions when someone asks So kelly in an anarcho-libertarian world, what would prevent someone from sexually abusing their own daughter? Huh? So I you know, there's no magical answers and that's kind of my attitude that I was referencing earlier is you know I'm, like, yeah, if we privatized everything, I don't know exactly how it would look i'm confident It could be better than how it is now, but no i'm not gonna act like I have some magical answer I I think everything would actually get small We'd have 50 groups of 50 We'd have groups of 50 and to be honest if someone got out of line We'd have some kind of disciplinary action and if they still get out of line, we'd have the expulsion man We do it old-fashioned way and there'd be plenty of other tribes to go to But there'd be groups of smaller groups of communities communities would actually keep that together Okay, you know In my opinion, I just I just I see it here I just don't we've never been able to actually implement it So it's like it would be great if there could be like free cities are probably the best start Like I talked with natalie natalie demolition and she she does free city or free and it's like they've got little cities in different countries that are like Independent of the country itself and they are given access to have free trade and all this stuff So it's an interesting concept but and it would make sense that that's how it would work is you'd have to go local out Because you keep checks and balances all the way Problem is the government's gone to the sides where it's like it's not what it's intended to do the way the forefathers wrote it and like i'm libertarian, but i'm more constitutional because At least the constitution is something we can reference to to hold as the structure.

It's not an idea it's like actual written words that say What we're not not what we're free to do what the government is not free to do Sure, what is the prohibited to do specifically and what are your thoughts on something like that? I don't mind the way you said that some some pure anarchists may reject the constitution altogether and you know I also know that I mean I can see the argument there too. But if we have a fucking constitution and we have a Uh limited government and I was using air quotes in case anyone cares. Um Then like let's at least have it be fucking limited something like what what kind of shit are we all retarded? I mean, I know that I know i'm using offensive like going back to the shock jock debauchery language there Like I don't know it I you know Yeah, and just to be honest there's a free form we're here to this it's all about speech like I had a guy on who I have a gentleman on who wrote two books about palestine.

He's he's a jewish man. Howard bloom amazing gentlemen Amazing, but he sees the other as they all want to kill him And who wants if that's how you feel then what are you going to do? What's your solution? You're going to get rid of them like I can't imagine What the other solution would be if that's all you see That a group of people now i'm not saying he's right or wrong. I that's not for me.

That's his ideology I'm just saying but if he believes that he's going to think Well, it's either me or them So he's going to act a way that is that that is the nation of israel not people not jewish people the nation I can criticize the nation. I can criticize the zionism. It's that stuff We have to be very clear that you know, my my grandfather was a nazi soldier So I could be very clear really wow anti-semitic and my nine and you are right and you are still right leaning Absolutely.

Yeah, but the thing is it's not no, no, I I get it. I get no, hold on. I know.

No, I get it I get it. I get it, but I understand where you're backing up Let me back it up fascism is actually just as big a state as communism I just spoke with a guy named reinhard seidelman. Who's a german historian.

He's going to be a freedom fest, by the way Also massey's going to freedom fest. He's going to be a the debater of the of the debate or the moderator of the debate So i'm very excited like you have no idea how hard my nipples are right now, man. They are just like my penises It's good.

It's yes. I felt a move right you felt a move That's good This is good. This type talk is good for ratings and that's the theme is if we want to spread the message The more me saying that my penis is erect or your nipples and maybe I say that your nipples made my penis erect That may make more people that may make more people listen, right? I don't know what the formula is.

We just got to keep you know, whatever works You know what like this transcript is going to be all over the place so it's going to pick up everybody right? I love it. So yeah, so i'm i'm just it's just that kind of stuff, you know, I think I lost train of thought but uh, Sorry, i'm talking about man. No, I think what the answer is what the answer is is not for us to debate About how valid it is to have in a completely privatized society People are going to listen to what you're saying and roll their eyes.

I know it happened I said in a couple podcasts ago, so I don't even you know I'm past that I don't want to even try to convince people that instead I think we need to focus on promoting Massey Dave Smith Whoever's spreading the good word. I mean Somehow we need to I don't care. I don't know.

I don't care if I need to talk about my erections Maybe I claim that I have erectile dysfunction and that'll help The ratings and then we can get more people toward libertarianism and then at some point um I don't know. Maybe maybe there's some positive traction I don't fucking know what the answer is But I do I do know the good word that massey speaks or the good words that we hear from dave smith I know those are good and I know that those are headed in a good honest Direction if there is such thing as one I have a thought I have a thought what if we made viagra red? Okay, what do you think in there so we make viagra red So everybody's taking it There's association with red and voting with the republicans. Okay.

Okay, we can try that Red pill blue pill you could totally do like a little morpheus thing. You could switch it viagra is switched up we got max agra or something and it's like Trump agra, come on Trump health insurance agent. So I get to I get to have conversations with people who are um, who are signing up for plans and I get to hear them say You know kind of an embarrassed thing like and just I don't even know if I should mention it But I do take this pill and so I get to hear men telling me that they they have um, You know erectile dysfunction, which is fine.

I'm 40 and i've taken viagra before i'm not you know Kind of recreation I guess yeah Yeah, if I may hormones are real important because you're you're in health. So let's talk about that considering we're talking about so I um I was in a relationship and the last year and a half. I hadn't been real intimate But it was more just the relationship was kind of separating not but along with that.

I was getting older, right? So my physical stuff went down. I ended up getting my hormones checked at like 40 When was it right right when kovats are about 2020. I was like, you know what instead of getting vaccinated? Why don't I get healthy? Like I thought that would be a good way to do it.

So, um, i've bought by the way. I'm type 2 diabetic Unvaccinated got kovat twice breezed through it like that and all because I supplemented I took care of my weight took care of my health took care of my blood sugars And I really focused on just not being stupid to be honest. I I my thoughts on the topic are I have done debaucherous partying when I was young I could start listing the drugs that i've done when I was younger and they're not it would not say make me sound cool Um, it would make me sound, you know, like a junkie uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so uh, but that's the truth, but i've never done any type of steroids or testosterone or anything, but If at some point it comes to the point where that would be helpful to me.

I'm not opposed to it I trained jiu-jitsu, you know It's not uncommon for older for guys who stay active in their older years to to go Legally through a doctor not that I care about the law but in a healthy way Uh, you know going through and doing I don't have a problem with it. I tried to tell my dad he should He doesn't want to I don't think I do. I do exercise.

I do hot yoga uh every about a 75 minute hot yoga very intense hot yoga class most every day and then at night I do jiu-jitsu Or like boxing I do regular old boxing two nights a week and then like kickboxing and mma a couple nights a week So I train like uh, two real intense workouts every single day and um That's kind of like you're you're really active That that yeah, that's kind of I think why I i'm okay with my my you know, like my level Well, so that that was the thing like so I checked mine and I was like They say the range is between 300 and a thousand for your testosterone. So i'm like, let me just check my hormone. I was at 236 Jeez, okay.

I was like Boom, were you were you exercising much at the time? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't I mean i'm Rick Shit house.

I mean i'm bill like I weighed up to 315 pounds at one point But like I was benching 320 like, you know, like I was a big dude at one point. I'm like I was like How tall are you? I'm only 5'8. Okay I'm 5'8 and I was up to 315 pounds.

I'm down to 195 now much like I'm not really lost at all. So good for you But that was testosterone. It really it like ramped everything up man Like it turned on every split that wasn't on and i've improved in the last few years man, my blood like all my numbers have just Just lined up.

So it's not about like to your point like i'm not here to do ped But you've got a you've got a range that your body works within if you're outside of that range. It really can affect Yeah, no one of the things I did appreciate or Respected about rfk's candidacy Was how he articulated that message? And I didn't mind that it was a part of you know His messaging it was wellness and I believe that is well if you're feeling are you feel are you faking that you feel real good today? Are you lying? Right. No, no if you're not lying Yeah, I feel like crap every day.

There's okay. Yeah, but if you're feeling good And and it's contributing to good solid health that improves the quality of your life and potentially even The duration of your life. I don't have a problem with that at all, and I don't have any any judgment whatsoever Well, I think wellness should be the culture It's kind of like look there's so many massey things right like or not massey like ron paul talks about abortion He says it shouldn't be illegal.

It should be unthinkable, right? Like you don't have to force. No, I like that Well, you don't have to like that buy it right, it's like it's it's kind of like how i'm trying to look at the trans issue is it shouldn't be Illegal it should be unthinkable for a child to do it. Like that's just my opinion.

I just that's how I feel But I don't you know, so I think that's how diet should be done That's how it's all should be done culturally and I think as we reduce size of government to the point It does become more local so that your neighbor does have more influence directly on your life and you have more influence on them But you also commiserate you work together you collaborate, you know there's all these things and you could culturally push health and wellness to your point because Kennedy's right kenny's right on he's right on the vaccines or or the health part. He's right on Environment not not i'm not a climate thing, but he's right on environment and but out, you know outside of that it's a little it gets really great for me because like the israel thing is just It's unfortunate that that What do you mean? You hate jewish people that you mean you mean you hate jewish people I do not have Come on, man. Are you sure? You're gonna clip me bro.

You're gonna I just I admitted that my grandfather was a nazi soldier And you're gonna clip me now Why why the israel thing is is interesting for me too because i'm a white guy who leads to the right? Tell me your thoughts. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So what's going on with that? What what what are what are your thoughts so I can speak directly? I actually met bb when I was catering at a place called ki in philadelphia but I think even before he was prime minister or he was the first time like this is long time and I My mom worked with a jewish owner of a catering company. We actually Catered on trump's princess when ivanka was eight years old I have a napkin of trump prince of the trump princess like in my closet somewhere I'll have to find it but like so like I did some really cool stuff, but like Watching this happen is like crazy You know, yeah, my thoughts are my thoughts are um The state of israel the the the um What do you call it the non-sec the secular state of israel Their military their military along with the united states military are the two most evil organizations on planet earth And they're acting evilly for sure Yeah, okay.

Yep fair. They're acting evil. I'll try it You know, I've been trying to work on my verbiage too like like like you have right? We're in the space And it's like i'll just call somebody an evil warmonger and it's like well, that's not always true they're just acting warmonger like they're acting like one so like I tried to do a lot of that now versus I'm, not telling you how to think because I also think that they are exactly what they just they are What's unfortunate for the jewish people? In the united states and across the world is this military the israel military They they have the star david on their flag So they're kind of running running with the whole jewish thing it appears and i'm not being I know it sounds like i'm being sarcastic But if I were a religious jew I would hope I was like, come on guy.

I would be like come on guys. This is giving us a bad look. I mean Jesus Yeah, I don't even think the people of israel who live there want this much war.

I don't think Now some of them of course do Uh, i'm not saying jews are bad and the fact that I even need to clarify that's kind of silly, but i'm not We have to say that's silly, but we're gonna say it. This is not a jewish People issue. This is a nation of israel issue I actually think jewish people on average As individuals are very impressive Uh, yeah, i'd say on average maybe yeah, they're on average even smarter, you know, like Maybe the most elite group.

I mean there may be I know that they say have you read the bell curve? No Okay, so the bell curve actually speaks to that the ashkenazi jews have the highest iq I believe across the world. So I want to and then they're the chosen people and you know, I mean obviously Anti-fragile is what I call them I call them anti-fragile. They are not broken.

They are they will not break They never have they are the one people that have gotten through all of it They're they've literally survived almost every journey throughout all of history I admire that beyond all greatness and that's great But why one of my best friends that I train boxing and jiu-jitsu with is ashkenazi jew and he's a sharp guy Um, he's you're right. I mean, he's just very intelligent. He's a musician and you know, I mean They're just you know people I can go back over my childhood and think of the people that I dr Drew pinsky, for example, I always really like brett and eric weinstein Okay.

Yeah, it goes it goes on and on I mean, um, I I shouldn't be trying to convince everyone that jews are great Because that's not what you asked me, but it's true. I do think we're just saying look we're talking now I feel like we're defending ourselves from what so I do I do actually think jewish people are impressive individuals. I do absolutely and um, so But I I think the united states military And the people who maybe created israel and all that they've gotten real out of hand and and uh, you know, I I think what they're doing is fucking evil and I I I I I'm a right-leaning white guy who had a bunch of republican friends that I got along with through covet And everything was getting along great and all through the ukraine war when I criticized the ukraine war They were like, yeah, fuck that democrat war.

Fuck that democrat war go kelly go kelly go kelly, but then the second 10 7 happens they were they were articulating the most anti-war message for the sake of fish fiscally being Sustainable and prudent and they were just nailing it nailing it. I was like you guys are nailing it. This is great We're all right leaning.

It's great. It's great. It's great.

It's great party. Woo, and then october 7th happened What happened Yeah They all forgot they all completely lost their fucking minds it went back to 2003 I mean they all lost their fucking minds and they would say I lost my mind because if you're a friend of mine on facebook Which includes people I went to high school with and you know, everybody i'm sure everyone I know knows my stance on this now I started going pretty hard Yeah Yeah, totally. I totally get it.

I did. I was like hey You guys are a fucking bunch of fucking hypocrites and i'm ashamed to be called a right-leaning American and I mean I said some harsh shit I did and I I boxed with a bunch of muslims the owner of my Boxing gym is a a muslim guy. I one of my a couple of my best Friends right now are from the west bank of palestine through boxing Louisville has a large muslim community and the box I I go to the boxing gym Shout out to house of warrior boxing gym in louisville, kentucky the top boxing gym in the state of kentucky um, but we Islam doesn't he practice islam, too.

Yes I mean we're talking about namaga the most disciplined Arguably best pound for pound fighter in the entire world right khabib khabib namaga menoff, right am I Yeah, I mean he's he's retired now, but you can make an argument. Yeah, he's retired now But i'm saying he retired undefeated right he put his his right The last one was he put the gloves in and said his dad He said he would his last fight for his dad. He wouldn't fight anymore without his dad But I mean like he practices islam.

You're telling me that that guy is An evil person looking to kill everyone. That's what people are saying on the right They are and they don't admit to it and they're my friends and I love I love a lot of the ones who say it So i'm not you know, right, right. No, no, it's still like them.

I can still like them I you know, i'm not saying I hope them or I wish anything I wish anything bad upon them but you guys are saying some racist fucking shit if you The verbiage i've heard about muslims it's but it's bad it's bad that's bad shit. I don't hear that about jews I I and I grew up with more of a jewish community, but I definitely experienced it But like to be honest, like I actually experienced some teasing as a child because remember I grew up in the 70s and 80s What where what do you mean my grandfather? Well, my grandfather was german. He was a nazi soldier that came over and everyone knew it So like there was like a jewish community the kids would tease me like for being a german loser For all these years because we lost the war, but this is kids kids didn't know what they were doing You know what? I mean? It's like that's what it is, you know what I mean? Like it was little teasing and stuff like that, but like that was nothing big That's but that's what you get through as an adult though.

You grow up you get over it. You know, yeah It's these adult children that that absolutely drive me nuts You know, I had god horton on october. Oh shit right after and There's a clip of him and just him explaining seeing his 15 year old self in in his 40 year old friends And that totally made sense to me It's like as a kid, you just want to see explosions and bombs and winning and yay crushing You don't realize a military industrial complex doesn't want to win wars America doesn't want to win war do not want to win wars as a as a group of like the government They want to sustain wars Monies and sustaining wars winning it makes it over.

There's no there's no continuation There's no more money if the war is over It's a crazy thing. It's like it's just like big pharma. It's like a constant drip of of keeping That spigot open, you know, I love it.

That was a a good way of articulating it. I I don't blame jerry seinfeld For wanting to go and see some cool weapons work and you see his face in the picture He's like hell. Yeah, man Fuck.

Yeah, we just fucked some stuff up, you know, I get that that's part of all of us as men, right? It looks fun um but then When he's getting protested and i'm i've had friends of mine You know in real life all my friends aren't libertarian. You know what I mean? Yeah So i've had friends of mine right-leaning friends of mine say to me kelly Jerry seinfeld can't even go out In tour Because of the protesters and his shows kelly You know and I say why do you think they're protesting? Because they hate jews I swear to god i'm not making that up I swear to god they're protesting that he's jewish not that he's the guy in front with the thumbs up like Like if I were protesting nikki haley, it's not because she signed finish them on the bomb Yes Exactly same. I mean Why can't people not buy like the binary thinking is what kills me like and it is tribal I totally get like tribes had to be an on or off like a one or a zero because it's like life death, right? Like flight or flight.

It's like one of those two solutions is going to keep you alive, right? So I get I get binary But man, we we are beyond binary. We should be able to have nuanced thought to say that People aren't a an entity necessary like It sucks like enron was a horrible corporation and there were people who did some really bad things in there But also people got caught up in it, too And I don't forgive a hundred percent for that But I have to have a little grace because i'm gonna be that person who made a mistake I'm gonna be the person like I work with companies that if you knew who they were you'd be like, oh Yeah, those don't look really good in the papers right now And i'm like, yeah, they really don't look good in the papers right now. I support them Raytheon actually unfortunately works too well.

Um, okay, but think about think about like yeah other ones, but we're not gonna get Fair enough fair enough. Yeah, let's just talk about hard nipples and penises That's that I think that that's what I came to my other job. Kelly Yeah, I think my other job until I can do this full time My recent episodes is if you want good ratings what tower gang has done is they've trapped these people into You know getting on there and you you start hearing the jokes and the you know It's it's enjoyable.

It brings you back to like locker room talk locker room talking. I'm gonna be listening to it. Yeah And and and but their message their goal is background What? Is that I feel like I can have something in the background that I can just watch it or listen to a while and then when I catch a joke I can Rewind it real quick and listen.

Anyway, go ahead. You're saying locker room. No, exactly.

Yeah No, so it's basically like that's what it is, which I think is a good formula. I've done so many libertarian interviews um Spike cohen i'm interviewing him next week. I think he told me his scheduler guy shout out to brian.

Hey, I am too brian Yeah, I that's the one my that's mine was I was guessing that's a couple before me All right. Well, he was someone that I was able to interview. He's obviously not the hardest yet Okay, but I think he told me that i've interviewed thanks man, thanks Thanks a lot.

That feels great. Oh, yeah It's fucking easy to get hey all these guys are fucking they just they just do a lap dance on me And i'm fucking scrambling sending individual emails. Hi, sir.

I'm a loser with nobody. Please talk to me Well, it's okay. That's okay I'm, not i'm not upset.

I totally love it. I know I know you're not but it's true. It's true Spike will talk to you about liberty shit He truly is.

I know i'm looking forward to by spreading the good word. Did you watch the david hogg? Did you watch the david hogg debate? Fuck. Yes, I did Just ridiculous, man I've met you're gonna talk to spike next week.

Cool. Yes, but but um, i've done a bunch of boring interviews also So you can be boring with libertarianism Um, but don't try not to let that happen Yeah, but that's easy to do because it's talking about like cutting back on costs and you know what I mean like It's not sexy. It's it isn't important.

No Well, it is important. It is important to cut back on costs, but it's not like the sexiest thing to sell so what you got to do, I think is somehow like You got to have some some other thing to bring to the table like a bait and switch type deal to spread the message I guess It is I think comedy is a way to do look dave smith has moved the needle more than anyone I would argue if ron paul had twitter back then He'd probably be as big because this the voice is such reason Like I don't know anyone who would tune him out like he just speaks with such It's like so welcoming Like I I don't know. It's hard to explain but he's just so welcome.

Dave has that similar way of like It's just this inviting way of coaxing you to a to a viewpoint in a elegant way And we need more of that and the dryness to your point It doesn't come across because people don't it doesn't connect with dryness. It connects like through a joke to your point, you know That's a great way to do it I was more libertarian than fuck off or go fuck yourself. I mean what's better than that, right? Kind of I mean, that's why I my initial reaction was to vote for chase oliver To kind of embody what I stood for as a libertarian.

Does that make sense? He's a gay guy who's more on the left side. Yeah, I wanted to do that The way to go look the libertarian movement. This is this is what really concerns me I think I know it sounds lofty But I think if rec and clint won with dave smith, I think five percent of flirting with five I know there are a lot more people in the racist time So it made him harder, but I think they could have flirted with more.

I think this really hurt them I think they really hamstrung themselves and like it was right at the cusp of changing the party I don't want to say for the better in a direction that I think more people look toward now you know, it's hard to to say it the right way, but Because it's it's not to criticize chase. Chase is allowed to have his Believe, I mean he wasn't he like the upsetter in the senator race in georgia I mean, he's the one who who spoiled it. So like kudos to him, man That's a that's a get the dude work hard to get where he got.

He's earned like he's And i've i've sure i've heard interviews with him where he sounds great I would say I I still agree with him on 85 90 Percent of libertarianism where trump and I probably align on about five percent I give him a five percent rating, right? Yeah About five percent, which is not let's give him three percent. Let's give him three percent. Yeah You know if he wants to stay at three percent he can keep talking shit Yeah, if he wants to stay at three percent with us exactly Well, I interviewed toad earlier who's once again the short chubby guy who they make fun of on the tower game podcast And he was actually the seventh in the corner of a party last week or something allegedly he was masked I hate to keep repeating it other than for the sake of ratings, but it's ratings man.

I'm helping Toad got drunk and blacked out pissed on himself Masturbated corner of a room While cole and his wife, I think her name was liz Maybe they were having a threesome with some other chick and cole is one of the co-hosts on the podcast, too So, I mean excellent I think I have to link that episode to this I I think it's good. I'm getting the good word out because ultimately everybody I just mentioned is good on the anti-war stuff So absolutely and that's what look hey, that's what matters Stoop whoever you want man. Just don't blow anybody up blow blow people.

Don't blow them up How about that cole cole admits on the podcast openly that he does like stuffing his butt sometimes Oh, there you go. So that's exciting Change or like I don't I you know, I think I think that toad said he specifically He said he like he he saw a video of him putting like a razor a razor handle or something. I don't know Oh a handle i'm like razor blade.

I'm like dude. No, not a razor blade I don't think but suppose so so, um, I know we're all over the place But I do think the ultimately the message is to support thomas Massey, even though he may not laugh at any of these jokes to support dave smith Even though he would to support good Anti-war messaging and to try to get more people to listen to it. Whatever way you fucking can This is perfect messaging and to go on dave smith and that it's funny because like cuomo the debate Come on, he's sitting there and he goes.

All I know is legion of skanks I don't know why you'd call yourself that because he's fucking free you Moron, you're fucking idiot. God that guy like totally I don't even post on anything any i've like completely just Deleted like the the cancel cultures happened with the cuomo. I tried to give him grace I gave him 18 opportunities just to say You know what? we really did get it wrong or you know what they told me that they that I was supposed to go this way or You know what 75 of my money comes from the people pushing the thing So, you know something like that not any of it came out none of it And if you're not going to offer any humility, you don't give me any offering of grace I can't offer grace to someone who's who's not who's not At least come to me and said hey, it looks like that may have been an error That guy sucks that guy fucking sucks.

I agree Yeah, and and that guy that's it. He does chris cuomo. He does 100 Total piece of shit.

He has thick skin. So I guess maybe in a weird way, you know, he's playing that on purpose That's what his money is now is to play the play the the heel He's gonna be the guy they all laugh at in the corner He goes oh good going guys and he's just gonna keep cashing his money He doesn't deserve any of that and i'm not envious of it I think he's not he's proven himself unworthy in my opinion now people can support him if they want But that's how you and I vote we vote with our dollar not we don't do this bs talk and stuff We'll just not support him. So I won't support anything that he does because I don't need to he doesn't he doesn't earn it Are you so that means you're not supporting or watching anything? He's doing with patrick bet david if it's Pat this was I know why he did it But come on don lemon too.

These guys got paid to to show their stripes They should have been shown their stripes one week and then out i'm not i'm not giving up on patrick bet david Because he's he's about he's he knows what he's doing. He's did the he did it for the ratings I know why he did it. I'm just saying like culturally we should have been like come on man.

This is not well Patrick bet david. I I also appreciate him. I don't think he's very good on the israel stuff right also and I he does a good job of dodging.

He does a good job of dodging the topic But I fucking notice yeah, there's something about patrick bet david that I it's like both something that I admire about him and it's also the thing that puts a little sour taste like You hear somebody who's off a little bit When I watch chase talk a little bit. He just it's I I smell the politician. I I see behind I don't know.

It's just the way it comes off and something with pbd I think the guy is smart and I think he loves those war game Uh hyper like those hypotheticals he plays a lot of those but I think he lives in that world way more than he lives in the actual Like where the act happens he lives in that well What if I were to say to you you did this and then you did this he he always works in that and I love Those are beautiful, but those are thought experiments. Those are not practical That's not to criticize him it's just the way he processes information I would think Okay, good stuff What do you think man? Tell me don't are you gonna say he sucks too because I want to hear it I I don't know that he sucks. I I'm not gonna say that everybody's a zionist That I don't like them, you know, I won't say that can you share with me what he shared because I haven't listened to any Of pb I have not heard pbd on the issue at all to your point.

I think he's just dodged it Yeah Uh, I think he has done a good job of sidestepping the issue i've heard him skirt it multiple times Ultimately what i've gotten from him Is arguably the most rational? take of this well he What he'll say is this Basically it's convenient for the united states to be friends with israel and Man they're getting here Yeah, you know man, they're getting carried away. I understand how people are criticizing that but Let's be real. We got to keep supporting them So that's interesting because if you were thinking from a non-interventionist standpoint or an nap standpoint It's like why do we need them in the first place? Why don't we just take care of our shit? Let them do theirs and have good relationships with them.

Yeah How about that just a thought you know Yeah That would certainly be the the rational take uh patrick bet david is a businessman I don't think he wants to alienate his you know, let's i'm not a jew. I'm not an anti-jewish conspiracy theorist I'm, really not Uh, I don't I you know, I believe the holocaust happened. I'm sure you believe the holocaust Yeah, you you have personal i'm absolutely aware of the holocaust happening 100.

Yes Um, but but but we'd also be lying to say that you know If we didn't acknowledge that Yeah, sometimes jewish people are powerful in positions with you know in business and things like that not because of some big conspiracy But just that's how it is. Is there a competent? Yes, well, like okay. We talked about the ashkenazi thing Can we can we literally go back to this the whole point is power comes generally out of competency of usually Usually it starts with somebody's competent people look to that person.

They elevate they start Taking over right like that's how it works Ashkenazi people are highly competent in the forms of industry like entertainment music right film And in those ranks they they were competent and because of their competence they became harvey weinstein But ultimate power corrupts ultimately it just is a thing where the power ends up the corrupting not the competency You know what? I mean? It's the corruption. It's the power Oh, it's that That thing that you can't competent, you know, like you can't logic power power is this force That's it's not I don't you can manage it, but you also need people to help keep it out You know manageable right like a check and balance. What a great what a great idea So like like a harvey weinstein the guy was the guy took chances if you look at how the business from the movie industry Got to be You go.

Oh my god, that guy took chances and made it But he also was an evil piece of shit Who molested women and raped them and masturbated in front like he was both of those things Worse than toad. I think that What's that? He's worse than toad They're worse than toad. How dare you? Masturbated in a corner, but I don't think there's any reason to think he did any sexual abuse Toad just beat off in a corner.

No big deal. Exactly. And you know, we need we need a wwt t-shirt.

What would toad do? I like it H How about an hwt how would toad ejaculate? I like it. I think ultimately it's spreading the message of liberty So it's a good thing It doesn't matter. It's certainly a pursuit of happiness Yes, and the same with cole his co-host who is open to doing butt stuff, you know I think if it's ultimately spreading the message of liberty, I do think it's a good thing Oh, this is gonna be a great.

I can't wait to cut cut this and put this up today. So i'm loving it This is the first conversation i've had open like this. So if you know, what do you mean? What do you mean by what you mean open like joking around like this? Yeah, I don't want to talk about dicks and assholes much.

I talk more like fun stuff, but not dicks The fun stuff super important the fun stuff. I'm sorry The fun stuff's important I guess for the sake of growing an audience and stuff, right? Obviously thomas massey the boring ass Republican from kentucky. That's what we want.

So it's not like we're promoting Like I don't think right actually anything bad we're not promoting this we're just well The point is we're sharing the liberty by talking about it. I will talk about it I don't think cole i'm going to interview cole soon and i'm going to ask him about it because I want to ask him if he does the butt stuff not because he enjoys it But because he knows it'll drive the ratings for the podcast and spread the word of liberty Whether he physically whether he physically enjoys it or if he's doing it for the liberty side of it, that's my question Well, the l the l has that hook to it when it gets in there and has to It's I don't know the liberty plug might not work. So good We'll have to ask him about it It's a big topic But stuff for freedom is what we'll call it.

I think it's good. I I do. Um, no, I sorry to sidetrack you there Uh, I appreciate you having me on the show today.

I love the idea spread spreading the message I've interviewed scott horton before too. He's a good one I mean awesome anytime you can even if you only have five listeners and I say that all the time um, maybe you'll open some eyes, I In my personal life. I have not converted everyone to being a libertarian But i'm fucking trying Trying right Are you coming to freedom fest? So you're coming to freedom fest is what you're saying.

When is it? July 10th to july 13th, but it's in vegas. Oh my god Oh my god Come on, walton. 12th and 13th is the weekend 11th and 12th is friday saturday realistically.

I don't think I will it's too late It's all good. I've got three kids. However, I I am committing to Yeah, I am committing to being more involved in the liberty movement um, and what that means is per, uh, my friend christian varney who shout out to the libertarian party of kentucky they once compared the Covid restrictions to the holocaust and they pissed off all of hollywood shout out to them Uh, yeah, that was good.

Wow christian barney and and not just that he did it whoever tweeted that but we have a good party Here in kentucky libertarian party of kentucky. But anyways, i'm gonna get more involved and I hope to be a delegate For the national convention in 2026. I want more right-leaning libertarians to be in So my plan is I want to do what I need to do to be a delicate So next time this shit with chase oliver won't happen.

That's what i'm. Are you familiar? Are you familiar with the with the delicate portion of it? Because I know a couple of people who are if you need me to get in touch with people But you probably know some I got one christian varney. He's my buddy northern kentucky He's in massey land and also bill schultz So I am familiar with enough people that I know that if I listen to them That i'll be able to do it But I feel like a bitch because I didn't do anything this last time and it sounds like the right put a voice out I I guess I did something.

Okay, i'm Look, I got a full time. I got I got to work to pay for my bills, too You got to work to pay your bills. You got a family of three.

You're married. You're remarried, right? So like I have three teenagers Yeah, come on, man That's crazy. Yeah.

No, I I agree. I agree But but I do want to do more and I think it's a good cause and now I don't know I love that you want to do more but give yourself a little grace too though because people are literally just Absorbing information that is just being spoon-fed to them and their lies So you're well above that if you could just get them to just turn off their stuff Like you don't even need them to turn yours on like if you could just move them just a little bit But but you're doing great work, man Give yourself a little bit credit, but you know, you want to do more which is great which speaks into your personality for sure Thank you. Yeah, so so i'm So delegate what would be your next step? Like are you thinking about running for office at all or or I don't think so I I don't um um But a delegate so that I can go vote because the lefties are so good at politics Listen to what they say happened at this thing the libertarian national convention.

I heard Online. Okay. Okay.

The lefty stayed around to the very end To the very end and they stalled and they stalled and they said I heard the questions being asked were the stupidest Fucking questions i've ever heard like where's the bathroom and shit? Like I heard I swear to god like the the shenanigans that happened and I would have thought the party of principle Would have shown some fucking principle and I don't mean so I'm, sorry, but it looks so political at the end. So what i'm committing to is I want to take off monday also Um in the next one, which is in michigan in 2026. I plan on doing that And and not only being there through sunday But being willing to stay up all night if I had to until monday morning type thing And now that shouldn't even be that expensive.

You know what I mean? I just got to get my wife on board and do it. I don't think a trip to michigan You know what? I mean? Like like I I don't think that's even other than it is a weekend So, I mean i'm not you know, but I think that's doable and i've got to take some steps prior to that But that's my plan to promote thomas. Massey brand of libertarianism Not the crazy woke shit the right kind of libertarianism.

It's not that rock. It's not that fucking hard. I mean, it's not like I'm, not saying anything crazy.

It's just promote the rational Yeah, thomas. Massey if you watch that tucker interview, man I'm, it's it's in the queue. Trust me thomas.

Massey's a fucking genius And in many ways and I think one of his masters is he's very good at communicating But he's also, you know graduated mit and he built his own greenhouse, you know, uh completely sustainable He's off the grid at his house in kentucky. I mean, he's just he's just awesome Um, and he's corny i've got that movie queued up to that documentary that he did off the grid I'm gonna watch that too. I've got that one.

Oh, yeah So I think that's what it is somehow we got to keep spreading the word your podcast is a good one so if you're doing what you're if you're promoting even though you Not every episode where you have someone talk about how cole is open cole from tower gang pod is open to butt stuff, you know Maybe people won't mention that type of stuff in every episode, but you're moving the needle toward you know I mean you're moving it toward the right direction for liberty. So don't get discouraged It is a good thing you're doing if there's such thing is a good way to positively fucking impact I know it sounds silly people would laugh at us then be a libertarian podcaster That sounds silly, isn't it? But spreading the word and the evil nature of war opening someone's eyes to that You can't convince me. That's pointless.

You can't yeah and and just having a conversation like you and I you and I have never met We literally meet up through some some other third party thing that you had interviewed and it's like boom now We're talking How crazy is that to your points like you could just reach out to somebody and they're like they happen to be available and boom The technology we need to take advantage of this and to be able to just have conversations like this so we can talk about nipples and butts and Yeah, yeah, yeah Elections and erections they go hand in hand. I mean they do they go hand in hand It is difficult to bounce back and forth. I was trying to do that in the podcast earlier with toad It's like well, you know, I think it's hard good and he said they had spike cohen on tower gang one time And he got a little uncomfortable during some of their jokes, you know, which is fine.

I don't need a debaucherous, I don't and honestly, I'd almost prefer My candidate be mr. Clean, right, which I think spike cohen is so and yeah, don't get me wrong And don't get me wrong. I it's it's great to be like raunching all that but come on You're not gonna get the message. You're not gonna get messages across You know what? I mean? Like spike's a nice spike's not that kind of guy No, he's not and that's fine.

That's fine. Yeah, it's totally fine, right? It is fine. And that is the message and to toad and everybody at tower gains Uh credit, I do think they are spreading that message They're not actually trying to demonize people who are different than them Despite of course with the left-leaning libertarian audience would you know, the left-leaning libertarians Would say is that the tower gang is like, you know Racist or something crazy.

I mean, I I you know, I I think they're doing a good job and I think kind of like in an Ayn Rand attempt Trying to somehow impact comedy or you know culture through different ways other than just talking about, you know, austrian economics Yeah, it's a good way to do it for sure Yeah, and the thing is like to that point is like i'm I don't know if I ever got to a level and got invited On tom segura's show I don't know. I love one there. Why? I don't know if I could watch all that stuff I don't know if I could watch all the stuff they talk about you.

Yeah. Yeah, I love tom segura actually I thought not the two bears one cave i'm talking about the the other one where they show like the raunchy Your mom's house. Yeah your mom's house right with his wife Yeah.

Oh, so funny story. I actually got to see segura. He did it.

He did a free 30 minutes I I went to see chappelle and rogan at Um mgm grand july 9th of like 2021 when like it just opened again after covet And segura did like a first 30. It was like the coolest thing him just coming out. It's like whoa So he's funny and shit.

I love segura You know eddie bravo Have you ever have you ever had a conversation with eddie and talked on your podcast about ufos and everything? I haven't yet. You know, I I have not met eddie A lot of my best friends that I train, you know get to train with are of course more familiar with them But my schedule is real structured. I have time for an interview like this randomly, you know, I don't really do that much I don't go travel a lot for a bunch of seminars or do as much Stuff outside of the family type stuff.

Nice. Well, i'm so grateful for the conversation Is there anything else you wanted to talk about before we call it a day? We we talked about a bunch of great stuff and we definitely I love the way clint and dave and everybody talk about is moving the overton window towards liberty because like We have a basically the overton window for people who don't know is basically a range of things that we Can handle in our life like this is acceptable. This is not so there's our range So we want to move that so that liberty seems to get more in that window so that we can be more free And have smaller government left in the wayside or bigger government left in the wayside Carve it down whittle it down Not I don't I don't see zero.

I don't see zero government. I don't think that's possible Let's be realistic, but we definitely can whittle down. I mean we cut the deep state and we cut Like war and we're halfway there We're halfway there.

We're at least in the black to pay off to start paying off some stuff and i'm not saying 100 I think honestly america should have the broadest sword. We should just be sheathed at all times. That's all that's just my point We should be at the ready to go but as we should be that beacon Of peace by not exhibiting the force that we can easily exhibit on people The problem is we're now exhibiting it and i'm sick of it.

I'm kind of just over it, you know to be honest It it doesn't make us look good so anyway I was just saying america should have the broadest sword should be sheathed as much as humanly possible And if needed, yeah, we can show it but we should be with restraint It's kind of like the jordan peterson way to look at things like the thing is a dangerous man who doesn't do it Your discipline is a perfect thing. MMA is exactly these you have killers walking around the streets that you know In a gym that could literally kill you like that, right? They are the most peaceful calm people in the world because they know it's not needed. It's not that's not the answer.

It's the last You know, the last piece is is for that, you know So it's interesting to hear that. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that Yeah, i'll say as I did with patrick bet david earlier I'll clarify jordan peterson is not good on the issue of israel palestine also, correct That's another thing once again the shapiro same thing we can go through the list No, but but you mentioned him in a positive light. So I wanted to say that However, I also am a fan of jordan peterson So i'm not throwing shade at him entirely my wife and I saw him here in louisville.

Uh last week actually I saw him election night 2020 Oh in phoenix he was in he was wearing a half red half blue, uh suit it was really cool and it's funny my girlfriend was sitting there and I To your point peterson. I admire peterson greatly, but I do think he has blind spots on policy That's just what i'll say because I think philosophically he's dead on with a lot of things I am an anti-theist Okay, it's a very different thing than an atheist Let me be clear. I this is my this is my like government Religion is man-made Faith is not if you have a personal faith with whatever you believe That's yours My personal belief is that the man-made bastardization Of government has also done the same with religion.

It started with religion because government wasn't came after but That was the origin of the manipulation of humans to do things that they don't want to do so Um in my opinion I don't want to trade my my servant to a government to a servant to a god I think the birthright is at birth not from god. It's from birth So it's like a birthright of freedom if that makes sense So i'm more hickensian in that way But I will talk religion with anyone as a matter of fact I had a podcast with a guy who shared his sick religion It was two and a half hours of him sharing his entire religion and I absolutely was enthralled to hear You know that the way The religion came to be and things like that. So The reason I ask is jordan peterson spoke about his current tour is the wrestling with god tour and I actually Relate to jordan peterson on the way he speaks About uh christianity and faith.

He he said something to the tune of the other day when I saw him. He said something to the tune of So even if you don't believe That jesus was the you know, the son of god um You have to acknowledge that It is a book the bible has been reproduced more than any other book throughout the history of humanity It's one of the oldest books known to man. It has influenced more humans than any other book.

So If you're going to not be a believer that's fine, but Don't you want to at least be pretty educated about it what it is? You don't believe Or something along those lines, so i'm not saying that's a good way to say it Yeah, so I did appreciate that. So he's not even jordan peterson's not even coming out and saying I'm a believer. Look at me.

I'm going to heaven. I haven't really heard him say he's a believer I do appreciate he doesn't he actually doesn't ever answer the question to your point. He patrick bet david's god He skirts it.

He says what is god? So this is my this is my this is where I will share my separation between the two The humans have god as an actual being that did stuff So they see him as a theist like god intervened god showed me god spoke to me that is not what god is In my opinion god is the concept of doing good in each scenario So that's kind of how peterson sees it But the problem is peterson can't still can't say people stop killing other people over this imaginary creature that rules over you That's the problem. It's we We personify god as a thing To worship not as a concept to uphold And it is a very different way to perceive religion when you look at it like that If you looked at god as the concept of doing the better the net better thing in each situation And I think that's how peterson would say it job For example job never said he yielded to god. He said I hate you even though but I can't do anything against you I'm i'm powerless against you.

I don't yield to you, but there's I still got to just do what I do He never actually Yielded to god for example, so the it's it's all conceptual. It's aesop's fables The book has great lessons and knowledge, but I am not even convinced that jesus was a real person, sir So like considering that paul wrote about jesus 30 years posthumously I'm, sorry, if someone turned water into wine i'm talking about that shit tomorrow. I'm just talking about it tomorrow I'm not writing about it 30 years later Just my like I I can reasonably look at that and like i'm not a kyle kolinsky anti-theist kind of guy like those guys But I can see where those parts of the the stories that aren't real from the actual right the wheat from the chaff, right? The the stories that of pers of perseverance and and the cain and abel story.

These are vital To for humanity to continue but that doesn't they don't need to be connected to god for me to be a thing. That's all Interesting. Yeah.

No, I I do think libertarianism is a beautiful thing i've interviewed in recent weeks. Um Mormons a a mormon actually, yeah two mormons who are libertarians In the past in the past few weeks two mormons, uh, probably I can say I was raised like lutheran I mean, I was born german so like german lutheran So like I said, I had a bad car accident made me question some things and then that just had me go different things And then I actually had spiritual things. I haven't shared with you.

I've shared on other stuff, but i'm happy to talk about it But I actually had experiences that Weren't, uh, they were not drug related by any they were literally in meditations and stuff that I saw like visions that came true and so I have a very different perception of like god because I don't see it as I see it as an emergent property like uh, like bobby azarian would speak to god in his book reality romance of reality Would be a good book But anyway, i'd love to hear your thoughts. So i'd love I mean, how did how did you come to the faith? Were you always christian or did you always believe i'm a cradle catholic? So I was born, uh baptized obviously Ryan Kelly pat patrick dugan. Come on, man Catholic, I think that's catholic.

Yeah, so I was raised catholic. Um And I had fallen away at one time. I would have called myself an agnostic uh Maybe through my 20s or something in recent years though.

My wife Has got me back into attending church and learning more about the church and i'm still not gonna be someone who's out screaming that I know the answer and that i'm You know i'm going to heaven or that someone else is not um, so, you know, but it has intrigued me more and more and i've been real involved in my church and I really enjoy it and I love that. So that's where i'm at with it. And you know, i'm Attending a catholic church, which of course the catholic church is the oldest institution known to man um so You know, there's been all sorts of horrible things associated with the church I'd like to think i'm not did a podcast on the atrocities of the catholic church and I did one because we have a direct friend who was molested so Yeah, I appreciate it yeah, so it's kind of like The way I look at it really not to cut you off at all But now I look like guns like if if if mark kelly, you know mark kelly's wife got shot in the face I guess if she got shot in the face if my wife got shot in the face I probably have a different opinion about guns, you know what I mean? Like if I had a direct connection, so I didn't that's what I have a direct connection with the catholic church in a negative way Unfortunately there that's fair.

I'm always interested in hearing no and I get that I I think that's of course one of the main questions if you're going to fly the flag of of Seeking truth like I try to do And associate yourself with the catholic church It's hard Well, you gotta at least be ready to talk about it. Like maybe it's not hard. I don't know I don't know how well not hard but I mean like you got a different the reason I say maybe it's not so hard is because Uh, my my thing is the church is old.

It's been very corrupt in the past Of course, you know people paying money to go to heaven purgatory get out of purgatory Their dead relatives get out of purgatory go to heaven And you got to give extra money to the church for that and shit So, I mean the the sex abuse stuff all of it the cover-up of the sex abuse stuff. I mean, there's a lot um But you know it every situation, you know, there's no institution ever with humans ever That hasn't had corruption certainly the institution that's been around There's been around longer than any other country, you know run non-stop longer than any other I mean, yeah, they do they do I mean, you know So someone's a fan of public schools and they don't like the catholic church. Obviously, I would say you know I'm sure you're not a fan of public schools.

I'm guessing but I mean if someone was I would say right You know public schools actually have more sexual abuse instances than the catholic church Uh, oh, absolutely. Yeah, we could go Now that doesn't doesn't mean that there's not a weird thing with the priests sometimes I mean I the pope talked about it and it doesn't excuse it You're you're you're merely showing a counter-argument to the to you know, you're going to defend your side. That's that's healthy Exactly.

So it's it's something you got to grapple with but yeah That's that's where i'm at with my my faith as of right now and I would credit in large part my my wife Uh to bringing me back into it now that does that doesn't that doesn't okay So, how did how did she get you to do that? That's what I want to know. How did she get you? How did she wedge you back to the church? Yeah go to church um My wife is from cuba sex, yeah, uh nipples harding, uh, yes Yeah, it's exactly she's in cuba, okay. Yes.

Yeah, she's from cuba she was raised, uh pentecostal Like speaking tongues and stuff so she was real into the church when she was there And uh, okay snakes too. Is that the snake thing too? Is like she never I think it is But she never saw any snakes but the speaking in tongue things in cuba was a thing at least what she saw um and so she came here on her own had a you know, I would leave it to her but she's told the story on my show before but um coming through the borders and you know, not pleasant and she came here on her own And she was always praying to jesus. And so when I met her I was describing on our first date I think she asked me and I said I would describe myself as agnostic You know and and and um, she was like well just so you know, i'm christian Like and I was like, okay, you know, I didn't bother.

Okay. Good. It doesn't matter if it bothers you I was like, what the fuck like, oh, you know You're like, I like this girl.

She's like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. There's something there. There's something there.

Holy fuck There's a spark. She got passion. That's passion for something.

What did we stumble on to here? So, you know, uh, um She also at the time was kind of still brainwashed to be communist, which was interesting Uh, she defended shea guvara and religious because that's a secular thing, right? It is an interesting combo, but she's got to be an interesting So she's come around on some things since i've met her i've come around on some things since i've met her Uh, but yeah, she ultimately brought me back into the church and i'm actually involved in my local parish and stuff i'm, like helping out and stuff That's beautiful. Yeah, so like those kinds of things The personal relationship it sounds like you have a personal relationship and it just happens to go through the community of the church It's a very different thing that i'm talking about where it's like that top-down piece, you know Oh, yeah, and and I should say also Bottom out local catholic charities to be fair to my to fly in the flag. Oh, yeah Catholic charities got my wife from cuba to louisville Um, okay.

They've done a bunch of different things through the history of cuba So, I mean I if you really wanted to make a case for the catholic church being good You really could Yeah, I I could and then I I don't want to go. I i'm i'm riding that wave We're gonna leave it there because I this is That's okay I understand that you know, and we ultimately you're not going to go to probably start going to the catholic church. That's okay uh, but it is beautiful that we can share the libertarian government where like I look at it like it's it's like the government where like it creates the problems that it says it solves So like it talks about poverty by handing out stuff instead of the empowerment portion of it It's like it doesn't address the actual problem.

It just is that band-aid the treatment? And the way I see treatments aren't cures and to me treatments are where The the corruption is allowed to happen in my opinion because like you come in like the polio guy, right? He's like, okay i'm gonna jonah salk. Is it whatever right? He's like, hey, i'm gonna give you polio I'm not gonna charge for it. Boom.

That's pretty good. It's nice Right, like ben franklin gave away a lot of patents away for free, but he did it more for his ego so I wish maybe people would be more ego driven than money driven, I guess but But in that way like it seems I mean look i'm a capitalist. Don't get me wrong I'm, just saying it's one of those issues where it the corruption can happen as we get larger, right? Makes sense certainly makes sense But it is beautiful that libertarianism Is in theory in my eyes focused on you do whatever the fuck you want to do As long as my faith doesn't involve me forcing you to go to my mass Or you know or practice your Right your dogma or your right anything or even you don't even have to respect my You you shouldn't right? You should you should you could you should be allowed to Um, you know share anti-catholic stuff or you know what I mean? You certainly should you know, we should have courtesy.

We should at least have courtesy, right? Like I did a podcast on that and what I find is people are conflating courtesy and respect And they feel like if I don't respect the person if I don't like them, I don't respect them Therefore I can't be courteous and like courtesy starts with like saying please and thank you opening a door Letting someone in traffic like those are the courteous things those allow us to build the foundation To get respect you're not going to respect is 100 earned I will not give you respect but if I don't give courtesy and I don't receive courtesy There's no foundation upon which we can build the respect What are you certainly Certainly makes sense. I and I would agree on a personal level. Of course, you would also agree.

I'm sure the state in no way should ever Be involved with enforcement of any of these expectations you're referring to so I agree All right. Yeah. Yeah because we talk about the children like what point are they protected to where we intervene? Like I don't want to intervene.

That's not my job. My job is not to be in your life That's the whole point and because I think I know better than you is exactly why I shouldn't be in your life You know what? I mean? Like that's the whole point is because I don't know better than you you live your life I don't live your life. You should know it better than I you know Makes sense.

That's right. It's a beautiful philosophy. I'm I've done i'm a catholic and uh, ron paul and thomas massey are both protestants Protestants on average are bigger Warmongers than catholics and I actually kind of take pride in catholics being less of warmongers um but yeah, but Ron paul and thomas massey are both fucking protestants.

So, you know, i'm not anti-protestant You know what? I mean and massey's obviously anti the apac and obviously and what a great victory he had you should listen $300,000 thrown You got to listen to this tucker carlson episode. You're gonna shit. I it's coming on next i'm actually i'm I just started doing my website literally four years later and like i'm a dollar late i'm a dollar late in a day or a day late in a dollar short all the time my friend, so i'm like I'm trying to like play catch up now, so i'm transcribing I can't wait to read the transcript on this one with nipples dicks and assholes and and hard-ons and ejaculations I cannot wait to hold from towering podcast likes on occasion stuff to be done to his asshole Perfect.

I love it You know just but it's but but stuff come on, it's just it's whatever you know, it's it's freedom it's libertarianism um, it is um Freedom one penetration at a time. I guess so. Yes.

No, I I I I think it's a good thing But I I do appreciate you having me on Uh, thank you Yeah, and I think it's a good thing you're doing it. I know it's fulfilling To record episodes like this on a personal level it is for me. Absolutely It is for me as well.

Thank you It also is kind of spreading hopefully building some, you know Some type of momentum to maybe open some people's eyes or or you know We'll have more conversations now that we're connected in this way. So sure certainly similar space. I mean we're I'm i'm behind everyone else, which is not a problem.

I know where i'm at. Let me put it that way It's not out of you mean in the podcast world Oh, yeah, i'm behind that doesn't mean anything though, that doesn't mean nothing to me well the niche what I mean is it doesn't even Yeah, it doesn't to anyone. I mean there's in this world, you know clint russell Came about out of nowhere and you know, I mean it's and you don't even have to be big to to impact things or you know Not at all.

No. No, like I said i'm taking it as a con right? No, exactly Yeah, and it's fun and you learn more and sometimes i've had people say some crazy shit on air You know you learn from it. Maybe you'll read a new book or you'll learn, you know, um, the protestant libertarian Who's actually based in northern kentucky? Um is a good one, you know, i'm was it was I interviewing interacting with you and him on that thread? Jacob winograd.

Yes, but what I was gonna say is he what was I gonna say about him? Oh what he does Is he and you probably listened to the episode I did with him, didn't you? I did listen to it. Yes So isn't that cool? He he context Uh authors that he either agrees with or disagrees with and then it reads the book and interviews them And I mean, it's a cool hobby to have you can do a lot of different shit with it. Yep Yeah, like I said, like I'm mine's not just libertarian based I mean if you look at my catalog like I interviewed michael jackson's nephew so like I had a three-hour conversation and Holy mackerel.

I literally realized how much we were bamboozled about believing the michael jackson stuff and how the truth is Completely not what they at least are drawing it to be Interesting when I when I use that and I overlay it on every news story I know the real story now every so you're you're convinced you're convinced. Michael jackson's not a pedophile You know, what's you know, what's interesting is, uh, the libertarian or the podcasting world appears to be trends toward truth seekers So that truth truth seeking it comes in the form of being anti-covid lockdown In the form of you being open to hearing that maybe michael jackson wasn't a pedophile mark clare and john odermatt And brian mick williams are three guys who have what's called the lions of liberty podcasting network so if you go back and you want to listen to some of the Really cool debates dave smith has done or other libertarians have done They were oftentimes done on this podcasting network. Once again called the lions of liberty podcasting network It's three friends.

They went to penn state university And um, I love penn state. My buddy went to penn state. I'm from philly.

So Okay, but but listen, so listen to where i'm headed with this So they're all three went there And they all three are 100 convinced The jerry sandusky thing is bullshit wow That's bold because i'm like on the other side only because of the kid the knee jerk makes you go on the other side to be honest Wow, no, i'm not saying i've actually heard I'm, not saying i'd actually be bolder than that. I heard they were burying more I heard that not only was the sandusky thing going on, but the boosters were that were funding the orphanages were the ones getting the kids too And that that news guy was about to break that story and he never broke that story He said it was way deeper than that like once again, but i'm open. This is the thing.

I went in to michael jackson thinking He was guilty So how it happened? How it happened? Oh good. Yeah. No, i'm sorry to interrupt before I forget.

Can I say one thing? Oh, absolutely. You watch the libertarian national convention, right? There was a bold guy Who's kind of tall? Named brian mcwilliams. He's a funny comedian.

The name sounds familiar Okay, you would recognize him if you saw him. He was on stage a lot that night He's one of these penn state guys who thinks that the jerry sandusky show Yeah, you should interview him because that's obviously somewhat definitely somewhat. Um, you know, and now I don't know if it's true I I don't know.

I don't know but i'm curious to find out I want to hear what they have to say Exactly. I mean they are not they're they're not on the fence about it They are right, you know With the same conviction you're saying it sounds like about the michael jackson thing And that and that's what's crazy about it because I walked in I watched that leaving neverland on hbo Okay, I was on I was on twitter and I reached out to a woman because I have that My personal story with the catholic church, right? So i'm like well those two parallel each other for sure So anybody who would be interested in michael jackson might be interested in this story that my friend wanted to share on the podcast Sure, so I sent this to her and she she comes back and sends me another documentary that like legitimately debunks Almost all of it including like jury people who are in the jury coming out going What are they showing you out here? This is so not what's happening in there. I don't like complete ridiculousness, right? He gets found completely not guilty by all white people like all white people in like a really rich neighborhood that seems odd that he wouldn't be sticking out like You know what I mean like to to find him guilty so all the stuff points that way now I'm, this is how I see things I am currently of the opinion that he is not what they claim him they paint him to be now I'm compelled to believe that you show me something like a video of him doing it.

I'm gonna change my mind I'm, not one of these michael jackson cultists. Okay, but so I went in thinking he was guilty She sends me this link ends up getting on a podcast together And they start going down like stuff. I had a three-hour conversation with michael Jackson's old like his oldest nephew taj and it's interesting just hearing Them talk about it and how I changed I was compelled to change my mind.

Yeah and Watching one of the things. What was it? Um, oh in 1995 1995 aj benza and you can look this up. This is a clear one That's actually there but aj benza put in an article about michael jackson with children to hide a harvey Weinstein story It was 20 years later that harvey weinstein finally busted imagine if that story was in the new york times 20 years earlier in 1995 Instead weinstein paid benza to bury his story and put in a fake michael jackson story it's I mean to that extent we're talking rupert murdoch in the mirror I mean, I talked to british people and how like even just how they they paint like the the news stories how they paint You know like the headlines, you know clickbait all that stuff Michael jackson was at a party where they they were cheering so loudly at the stage.

He couldn't hear So the news articles said that he was booed off stage So it's like totally it's like completely opposite. You know what I mean? Because they wanted they they're painting the narrative. So Once again, I took that like blueprint of how they used Michael jackson once I saw it and now I overlay it over iraq or not iraq I overlay it while you could but I overlay it over like You know israel overlay it on ukraine I overlay it with russia and I watch all the articles and you just where the little cutouts are telling you the story You know, it's like a blueprint.

It's crazy It is crazy. I I admit Little kids being sexualized is a very evil thing Um, i'm fortunate. I did not have that be part of my childhood um You know, I I was very lucky that I didn't but it's a it seems very foreign to me So part of me wants to like, you know, kind of like not believe it happens type deal Um, but the other part regardless of what you feel about it.

It's a it's a strong emotion and any time Anything super emotional Any time it's super emotional there's room for manipulation And that's why you know, they always have the babies in the ovens or you know, just the crazy headed headed babies Yeah, like with the israel the october 7th thing what what I heard from my republican friends After october 7th is hey kelly Don't you know they were running around cutting babies heads off raping women there's videos of it kelly There's videos of all of it and they were just stabbing the babies and cutting 30 heads off And then you know what I did was I spent a lot of time trying to find those videos Actually, I have I'll admit I have some say it's creepy I haven't seen them And many of the other ones are staged by the way And and they're clearly staged like the one with the calendar where I had the calendar goes this is a list of all the weapons that are holding in their the schedule of the guards and It's like the calendar with the days of the fucking week on it Like stop the propaganda bullshit, you know It's it's very extreme in those exact emotions that the initial my buddies were repeating from whatever bullshit Dave rubin or davin shapiro bullshit shit. They're listening to whatever they were repeating whatever bullshit they were saying That was the justification for the monstrous, uh disparity between the 1400 killed Um the day of october 7th versus the 30 plus or 40 000 that are killed So they were like hey, you don't get it. The reason they're killing more now is because Those october 7th attacks were so gruesome And those details have not been verified at all.

None of them So now it turns into like well if you lost that what do you got? You know, like what is the whole argument? I don't know. So you we heard the 40 baby story. We heard the 40 beheaded babies The story the the the news that i've seen after looking at all of it is that three total babies were killed on october 7 I heard that and that is Okay, exactly.

Yeah Look, it really is it should not happen. That's not this isn't defending. This isn't excusing.

This isn't minimizing. It's an atrocity But even the blowback from israel at the at the music festival I it's my opinion that hundreds of those dead are not from hamas Well, the idf has kind of said that They've kind of released statements rocket strikes in the parking lots and all that You look at some of that footage and just like whoa That is not what hamas did on paragliders with fucking ak-47s Like no offense it's not what happened and i'm not Once again, this is awful that it got to this point But clearly this is a powder keg that is always going to erupt until it gets solved at some point if it ever gets solved I did a debate about israel palestine against some guy that I uh went to high school with. Yeah Oh, wow Share me the link.

Well, i'll take a look at it It turned into more of a conversation at times, you know, i'm not claiming to be The best on it, you know, but um, and i'm not perfect on it either But like I hear you know, you hear these people talk. I mean, it's the same thing with ukraine I had this guy just jump on me about ukraine and i'm like it started First of all, it didn't start in 2014 It really started in 91 with the crumbling of the eastern bloc nations and us starting to infringe it started in 91 That's just a fact I I can show you, you know, you look at the map of nato expansion That's how it happened in my opinion Okay, then this guy comes in the bud mems the bud mem agreement and he starts pushing this thing and i'm like trying to look For it and I finally found a date and i'm like, thank you for pushing it because it was signed mid 1992 Which is exactly in the timeline of what i'm telling you of us pushing and then protecting and pushing and protecting and pushing and protecting And just infringing on an how come we can have the monroe doctrine in america But we are not we're not telling we're not getting off other people's lawns I mean syria like the syria thing just absolutely doesn't make sense americans do not know we have bases in syria All they see is a news headline saying americans attacked in syria. Why are they attacked? Maybe because we're fucking there You know like maybe because we're not supposed to fucking be there like I I know that sounds simplistic, but I don't know.

Maybe there's a better answer. No, I uh, i'm re i'm re Relistening I would say rereading but re-listening to the audiobook now of um patrick buchanan the hitler um Churchill in the war, whatever it was called hitler churchill in the war. Yep Yes And so i'm trying to re go back through it and i've just now re-listened to the first chapter I think three times over the past the first chapter uh fucking three times and so it is difficult to really You know grasp all of it, but it does seem upon further examination That pretty early on a group of shady fucks on behalf of the american people um, you know Ended up making money off of killing other people in other countries and and it doesn't seem to be a new phenomenon But thanks to the internet and thanks to the spread of information through Mediums like you know podcasting and things like that.

I do think that it's more hopefully more visible you know than it than it ever has been I think my my grandfather was a Raised by polish immigrants on my mom's side and he um fought in uh, world war ii. He got like a purple heart Uh, so he was there. Um um the battle of the bulge And so he he like, you know, he served and the rest of his life He would always talk about how horrible war was so if I started asking him questions about it He would kind of get pissed off.

He was kind of grouchy Uh, but he legit saw some stuff and my mom always talked about how much he hated war And I really do think maybe he didn't quite realize it as much as maybe we do But I do think the more time that goes on all evidence points toward what eisenhower said was very legitimate with the warning of the military industrial complex and that shit has gotten out of control and anybody who doesn't see it is either um, I guess maybe uneducated or will People think ignorance a bad word and I do not think ignorance is a bad word ignorance literally means uninformed Okay, the problem is once I show you that information Let's now have a conversation if you continue with your dogmatic bullshit. This is not going to work. But if to your point Sandusky may not have done it.

I said wow I'd have a hard time believing that but you didn't hear me go. Fuck that. That's bullshit he's in it, you know, like you that's not how you approach a situation you have to approach it from the hmm Okay, you just does make you think that if the michael jackson and the sandusky thing were both bullshit Wow, I know As the real as the real pedophiles are doing it.

Let's not get it. I don't know happened I I i'm sure I've seen that. Okay.

I'm sure that happened. I'm sure that happened. I'm pretty sure I mean I don't even know if I feel sandusky, you know, I don't even have a stance on any of it.

It's very interesting I like that though. I do like that You know what? It makes you think about that simulation theory doesn't it like they just hit chaos mode and they're just like let's throw this shit Out there and see if what people believe fucking crazy it is because you're like, oh my god And then r kelly is he innocent or diddy or you know, I don't know Yeah, I mean imagine people players You see these nfl football players who throw a woman halfway down the hall and they're still playing football A woman i'm joe mixon Running back from my bangles Yeah broke a woman's orbital bone at a fucking fast food restaurant Now i'm not saying he should spend his life in a hole but to play the in the privilege of playing in the nfl I think you gave that up. I'm, sorry I think you gave that up by striking a woman for no fucking reason like it's it's unheard of These people like women and children.

That's all we have to start with once that's taken care of like everything else falls into place You know and i'm weird about children because oh, sorry god. Oh, no. No, you're weird about children.

Why? Oh, well, i'm just weird about him because like I I don't have any children. I actually had a vasectomy at 34 so I Knew I had thought like at 18. I wanted the two and a half kids and the white picket fence and all that But as I grew up I think I have stuff going on that I had addressed later in my life that I wasn't sure about but I had already taken This act and I I thought I didn't want To bring children into this world because it didn't feel right.

But part of it was also I didn't want to break a child like from I didn't want my however I perceived being raised to affect my kid the way I think I was affected if that makes sense I had a vasectomy at age 32 actually Yeah, i'm doing it 34. Yeah, isn't that stupid? Isn't that so smart of me? Yeah, so I was like, oh I could always reverse it or whatever, but it's really I also had mine reversed So i've done both. Oh, cool.

Okay. Mine's been like a long time now, like how old are you? I'm, i'll be 50 this year. Okay, so so if you wanted you could still probably reverse it Yeah The thing is i've got a beautiful woman and she and I are are absolutely in love with each other She works with special like kids with communication delays.

She doesn't want children, but she loves working with them So it's like one of these things where I have a super soft spot for children I just didn't think I would personally do do it justice and I didn't want like a woman to like Honestly, like get somebody pregnant by accident and then have that discussion about no, that's fair. I gotta be honest entirely You know, that's entirely personal decision, of course, yeah, absolutely and i'm not ashamed of it I'm, not proud of just what I did like I figured I'd take that decision out of other people's hands by doing that for me I'm, very happy with that decision that said though, obviously It's weird that someone like myself who has this viewpoint thinks that family and children are the actual key to the foundation Now I did I was going to mention that that despite the lack of a religious foundation there that that does sound to be a important, uh thing for you Yeah, and and and to to this point is I understand that foundation of civilization starts with family There is no doubt other The it still needs to be like 90 percent that way for civilization to survive, right? You know i'm saying like i'm an outlier, but I wasn't an outlier as a defiant to the system I'm, just wired the way i'm wired in my opinion and The thing is too many of me are now culturally becoming too many of me like, oh It's so easy to be not not have kids and not have to worry about that That's not how I came from mine came from way different parts. You know what I mean? Than like the cultural I am trying to actually push for the cultural for family without a family.

So you want to talk about hypocrisy? That's how you're defending the catholic church with Well, you know what i'm saying? It's like trying to defend something when you yourself don't have the act But I also understand the power and the strength in the family if that makes sense Certainly. Yeah. No, it certainly seems to be an important thing the more households that have a strong male Who's not like beating the shit out of the women and kids or you know raping them, you know Obviously and a feminine and a feminine, uh input as well.

Like that's not kidding So you need the balance of both. I got a buddy. I kickbox with my my kickboxing instructor named bj ferguson.

It's very funny um What is he? I know I would know him, right? Did he uh, He is a pretty good pro mma fighter, but not the real famous. Tony ferguson you're thinking of right? He's not tony. I know that but okay, but but bj ferguson.

He was on the ultimate fighter. I mean, he's Really? Okay Yeah, um him and his brother josh were on the ultimate fighter But anyways, he's my kickboxing coach, but he's always talking about how there's a bunch of studies that say that Kids are better off being raised by a single father without a mother at all Than a single mother without a father at all without a male. That's correct.

Yes That makes sense though because that's a structure thing That makes absolutely sense because men are structure men are men are the men are the force They force to keep you from getting out of hand And that's what you need as a child to grow But you also need the nurturing to tell you it's okay to to flirt with the edges of growing You know what? I mean? Like that's kind of the part. Yeah, but you're right You'll be structurally more sound I think with a with a with a masculine Like figure but I also do agree with you that that's not to discount the value of a uh, uh, uh emotional, uh more emotional maternal figure there are things that my wife is is good at addressing with the kids that you know that i'm i'm not and Then it goes for my Yeah, yeah. Yeah Come on.

I mean, yeah chase all over us to fucking suck on shit like that is what sucks because that is pretty important Like I I don't want to be such a purist that i'll never vote for someone who's different than me Like if you're a fucking atheist or whatever, whatever you said you are. I don't care. Yeah Yeah, you know what? I mean? Like I don't I really don't I and I right and that and that was the thing with the christian Caucus that we were talking about.

I was like i'll take a christian libertarian Over a christian republican any day I would hope now the problem with some is I do think that people live the christian over the libertarian and my hope would be People would live the libertarian over the christian. They'd be a libertarian with christian values versus a christian with libertarian values, but That's neither here nor there. I'd rather have that because I think at least you try to let me live my life I don't think you'd impose you'd be much less likely to impose your will on me And that applies to trannies and gay people too, I would rather have a libertarian version of that too So I don't want to discount that that if there is absolutely some left-leaning, uh, gay and lgbtq thing Uh, you know libertarians out there i'll admit I prefer you over The the joe biden or donald trump or the joe biden version I do.

Um But that doesn't mean that necessarily i'm going to vote for you Right, absolutely. So going on that you mentioned chase you mentioned trump. Where are we going? Are you are you landed on the trump train? I'm, not voting for trump.

No, no Oh, okay. So you asked me I thought you I thought you were I thought you were going that way because I thought you were Asking me. No, i'm not voting for trump.

No fucking way. No, i'm not voting for war. I'm not voting for war anymore Okay, walk me through.

I'm not either that's you know what i'm gonna give you one of these fist bump guys I don't know how it works, but however works but Talk to me about your what are your thoughts about this election? What are your You might be homeless right now, but tell me where you're at Yeah, i'm not voting for chase. I'm not voting for trump. So i'm gonna vote for joe biden.

No, i'm kidding. Not really um, we know we know you can't your hand would like it would like literally like No, so I I thought about writing in thomas massey and I was told that if I did that the whole ballot would be thrown out Oh That can't be true I don't know. So I don't know yet.

There's no way I think only that portion There's no way the whole ballot could be thrown out for a writing Yeah, I don't know. I I might do it. I'm looking that up for you.

Okay for the state of kentucky Yeah, i'll look for it. Let me see if I can find something for you because there's no freaking way. So yeah So I would like to write I would like to um, oh good question right now I'm registered as a democrat because I did at one point about a year ago.

I was planning on trying to vote for rfk In the primaries against biden. Yes to biden to primary biden. Yeah, totally get it So I was jumping through the hoops to do that.

I registered as a democrat Um, i'm still a democrat, but i'm also a lifetime also a lifetime member of the libertarian party Okay, very cool very cool so for me it's uh, I uh registered republican till the martha mcsally christian cinema vote okay the the Advertisements in arizona the political ads got so fucking disgusting I was just like i'm i'm fucking done. I'm out and mcsally was a trash candidate She's like the hillary clinton for the republicans. She's awful And so I backed out and then I I ended up no political party And then I was going to run for congress in 23 I was I put my application in because uh, guy ago's open seat.

Jeff zinc is the republican guy here, but there's nobody anyway, I was going to run and I was going to run as a uh, no party, but the voting the the uh Signatures required for an independent is like four times out of a libertarian So I talked with the libertarian person in arizona and I was going to get on board with them And then I texted them like they went dark for a couple weeks and I just said hey, is there any? What's the next step and I was just acting very like casually about the next step and I got like a little pushback So I said, yeah, this doesn't interest me because it got weird like real early You have to know you have to actually start with money and like you have to put five thousand dollars down Once you get this number of signatures, it's like already like i'm at stage one And we're already talking about being like the holding the money really so like I got a little sour I just backed out and I just went I went from no party to libertarian back to no political party And that's cool in arizona. You can just be no political party I think i'm going to probably change back to where i'm a registered republican because in theory Yeah, if another thomas massey does come because let's be real especially after and ryan paul you have a senate vote Yeah, true True. I want to be able to vote in the primaries in case.

Uh, apac Uh continues, you know, what what if um? What if uh, massey does run for mitch mcconnell's seat I want to be right, you know, not that one vote really means much but I want to be able to represent Well in the house, it does. I mean the house is we're talking there's what a two vote difference right now or something It's pretty close. So yeah, so it can matter so I don't like democracy.

I'll agree. I'm philosophically an anarchist So is it democracy? Uh, the the tyranny of the many over the few. Yeah, it's bullshit But I do care enough to where i'm actually going to try to do if I can do something That's awesome Well, I guess it's not it's not real sexy.

Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah.

I appreciate you've been talking dicks and assholes for two hours, man so Anything else you got you want to share? I'd love for you to share some of your stuff and plug your Your podcast and all your information how to get ahold of you. I'm grateful for the conversation I have a feeling we'll have more of these down the road maybe and uh, i'm looking forward to it Yeah, no, uh at kelly patrick 502 on twitter and I think also on instagram, but the kelly patrick show podcast It's available audio only um, despite me being strikingly handsome I I uh, yes, I I I don't I do not do video for my podcast. It's just the audio So it's just audio only kelly patrick show.

I try to focus on the content of what we're talking about But Yes, do you mind if I ask do you have any like numbers of how much influence it gets how many listeners? I'm, just curious in general, you know, I don't always track it the closest but um, My buddy producer matt mccarthy has told me that it gets a solid like 500 people listening to at least every episode but sometimes it'll three four thousand depending on getting a bigger guest or you know, but It's not that big Um, right. I enjoy it though And I you know, i'm gonna continue doing it as long as I can and i'm all about it You're way you're way ahead of me man And i've been doing I think i've been you said you've been doing a long time But i've been doing it pretty long too was I was like heavy in for a while I was doing two like three four podcasts a week trying to like put out at least two a week for a while and then You know things change but that's awesome, man. It's like i'm i'm so glad that I reached out i'm glad that Uh, jacob actually was the connection because of the it was that issue.

It was the about the christian Christians impact on the libertarian philosophy because for me that's like huge because like once again My values have nothing to do with any I don't I don't attach my values to Any kind of religion, but we can call those values judeo-christian Just because that's how they kind of came out right like through the bible and they're called judeo-christian values But the values are separate in my opinion from a faith I do think in the past the faith allowed you to be more Concerned about repercussions to you So like you had if you didn't go to heaven, so you wanted to be good or whatever those types of things but Actually, the old testament didn't even speak about heaven because it was all jewish-based. It wasn't even on christianity So it's a whole I mean, there's so many things to go through that But like i'm so glad that we connected through that and I I love that you have a personal faith and and it's catholic based And you and I are having a conversation about everything So, thank you. Thank you Well, once again, kelly patrick patrick kelly, no just kidding.

So we've got ryan kelly patrick dugan the third Cool yes. Thanks so much for coming. I wish you could make it to freedom fest, but we'll have to connect another time Kentucky you are like the hotbed of this libertarian movement.

I mean everybody they're registered republicans, but they're very at least More libertarian mind or more You know traditional, uh republican, I guess than than those of old Thank you so much for joining me on not conscious, man Thank you. Have a great sunday. Thank you so much.