Transcript of our conversation with Brendan & Devon 11/22/2020

(0:19) Welcome, welcome, welcome everybody to Beer Googgles. (0:22) Hola. (0:23) Checkmark in the house.(0:24) Oh no, God help me. (0:25) I've got my mug and everything. (0:27) I was not expecting that.(0:27) How are you doing, Christopher? (0:29) You were nice back then. (0:30) Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. (0:31) No, not at all.(0:32) I kind of like it now. (0:33) That's how we work. (0:34) Yes, we have many voices here.(0:36) We can do Ronald Reagan if you want. (0:38) We can do Trump. (0:39) We have Trump impression.(0:41) We can do Bernie. (0:42) I do a very, very good Bernie Sanders. (0:44) On the way over here, I saw a license plate.(0:45) It was huge. (0:46) The license plate said huge. (0:47) Is it huge? (0:48) It did.(0:49) And it was on this little Toyota. (0:50) So I'm like, is he making fun of Trump or is he a Trump guy? (0:54) And of course, in my head I go, huge. (0:57) Oh my God, that was like a really good impression.(0:59) I learned it by one of our executive producers out of Texas. (1:02) Yes. (1:03) Jess Garcia.(1:04) Greatest impression ever. (1:05) Huge. (1:06) It's going to be huge.(1:07) It's going to be the greatest kind of thing. (1:08) I feel like I'm talking to the president right now. (1:10) It's the greatest.(1:11) I could have a conversation with Ronald Reagan and Trump. (1:14) And he'd be like, Mr. Trump, tear down this wall. (1:18) Marx thinks his impressions are better than they really are.(1:21) So I just basically entertain him and let him run rampant. (1:24) I have a friend who's like, honestly, they're not even impressionists, but it's like a thing (1:29) that they always just do impressions and they're always spot on. (1:32) So we've made it into a game where you'll just say random celebrity and they'll just (1:35) be forced to do it, never having done it before.(1:38) And it's always so good. (1:39) And we turned it into a drinking game. (1:40) Oh my God.(1:41) I love that. (1:41) That sounds amazing. (1:43) Our other friend Rachel does this Grinch impression when she has a lot of energy.(1:47) And I think it's my favorite impression because it's just so random. (1:53) Because who does a Grinch impression? (1:55) I don't know. (1:55) And she's like a pretty girl.(1:57) You mean like, you're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. (2:01) Yeah, except what is it? (2:03) It's that monologue that's kind of famous. (2:05) Yeah, the really long one.(2:07) I don't even know what it is. (2:08) Seven in the morning, time for self pity. (2:12) That's awesome.(2:13) That is a little girl. (2:15) So like the voice does not match the body whatsoever. (2:20) So we want to introduce you guys, right? (2:22) Go ahead.(2:24) Hey, everybody. (2:25) No, Brandon, there's no apologies here. (2:28) This is beer.(2:28) Google's my friend. (2:29) Double E double O double G. (2:33) And we've got Brendan and Devin of the music you're missing podcast. (2:37) Is that right, guys? (2:38) Yes, that is correct.(2:39) Welcome. (2:40) We're going to keep all that other shit in, by the way, just so you know, (2:43) because that's how we roll. (2:44) That's fine with us.(2:45) Have you listened to some of our stuff? (2:46) Yeah. (2:47) How's Boston over there? (2:49) You got a bubbla? (2:50) You know, so the Boston accent is a thing, (2:55) but the way that it is shown in media is so not true. (2:59) It just sounds like that Hyundai commercial.(3:03) Yes, from the Super Bowl. (3:05) Yeah, the Super Bowl one. (3:07) That is just so unrealistic.(3:08) And anywhere I go, they're like, you don't have a Boston accent. (3:11) And I'm like, I know, because not everyone from Boston has like a Boston. (3:16) Yeah.(3:16) And that's another thing is I feel like it's you only have the Boston (3:19) accent if you were, if you have ties to Boston from like years ago. (3:24) Yeah. (3:24) Like modern day people are not coming out with that Boston accent.(3:27) Like if your parents were like born and raised in like Southie or (3:31) Charlestown, like salty guy, but me personally, I don't. (3:36) I mean, sometimes when, I don't know why, (3:38) I think when my friends and I will go out to bar and drink somehow, (3:43) we'll just be like in the city and the environment will just like, (3:47) yeah, everyone like by the end of the night, (3:49) every single one of us leaves at the Boston accent. (3:51) It's not the city.(3:52) It's the alcohol. (3:53) It's so ratchet. (3:55) It is the alcohol.(3:56) It's the alcohol. (3:57) It's not the city that brings out the accent. (3:59) But for me, it is.(4:00) When I go home, when I go home, (4:02) home for a week, (4:06) it's like I come back and people are like, what are you talking about? (4:09) And I'm like, I just got back from home. (4:11) I drink my water. (4:12) You know, (4:13) if I had to guess, I would be like Canada, but yeah, (4:16) I didn't know that.(4:17) See, I'm not, I mean, I'm not, I'm from, I'm from the West coast. (4:20) So I didn't know Philly had an accent. (4:22) And Mark says, yeah, it's not water.(4:24) It's water. (4:25) I said, what the hell is water? (4:26) Like with O's. (4:27) He says, yeah.(4:28) Like water is what you build a house with man. (4:31) Yeah. (4:32) Yeah.(4:32) Jersey's the worst. (4:33) That's a trash state. (4:34) He needs to go.(4:36) Oh, sorry. (4:36) Did I say out loud? (4:37) Do we have one listener there, bro? (4:39) Oh my gosh. (4:40) Yeah.(4:40) We've also got one in Azerbaijan. (4:42) So I think we're okay. (4:43) Uganda.(4:45) So Brandon, Devin music, you're missing. (4:48) Tell us about this awesome show that you guys curated. (4:50) I'm going to let Brandon take this one away because every time I try and (4:54) explain it, I butcher it.(4:56) And it's not that hard to explain. (4:57) Yeah, I can definitely explain it. (4:59) It's like a two-parter almost because it was something like two years ago (5:04) and now it's something else.(5:06) But basically, for those of you that don't know, Devin and I are, (5:10) we work in the music industry. (5:11) I was a radio personality and Devin toured with a bunch of artists. (5:16) We met each other working promotions at iHeartRadio when we were just a (5:21) little lad.(5:24) We were like the youngest people working there. (5:25) I thought Devin was a 40-year-old woman, (5:27) so I didn't talk to her for like six months. (5:29) Turns out she was actually my age.(5:31) And everyone else is like a lot, (5:34) I don't want to say a lot older because we're all like in the same age (5:37) range. (5:38) But at the time we were the only two people who were still in our teens and (5:41) under 21. (5:42) Yeah.(5:43) So everyone would go out drinking and then me and Brandon would be like, (5:46) okay, we're just going to go have like a soda and like some chips. (5:50) Do you want to get tortilla chips? (5:52) So, uh, anyhow. (5:54) You sure to pop in some chips? (5:55) A little salsa? (5:56) Yeah, literally.(5:57) We spent many a nights just face down in some tortilla chips. (6:00) Yeah, margaritas. (6:02) RIP.(6:02) It closed recently. (6:03) Yeah. (6:04) That was really sad, honestly.(6:05) Um, but anyhow, (6:06) we were at iHeart and we were both kind of doing our own thing. (6:09) I knew I wanted to do like radio personality. (6:12) Uh, (6:13) and Devin was just kind of like vibing doing artists tour stuff.(6:16) Um, and like really like Devin, (6:19) how old are you? (6:19) 19? (6:20) Devin had a lot of responsibility, (6:21) but honestly that's like kind of regardless, (6:24) but this bitch was running shows at the age of like 20 years old. (6:27) It was very impressive. (6:28) I literally came home.(6:30) Actually, (6:30) Brandon's better at explaining this story because I hate talking about (6:34) myself, (6:35) but I literally had to run an entire show. (6:37) It's a great thing for a podcast is to not talk about yourself. (6:39) It's like the first rule.(6:41) That's when I started. (6:42) I said, (6:43) Chris, (6:43) we hate talking to ourselves. (6:44) Let's start, (6:45) put ourselves, (6:45) put our voices out there for everyone.(6:46) That's genius, (6:47) bro. (6:49) That is very true. (6:50) Well, (6:50) I guess it works for our format.(6:51) Oh, (6:52) finally, (6:52) this is bringing it back to your question. (6:54) It works for our format because we don't talk about ourselves on our (6:56) podcast. (6:56) The podcast.(6:57) Now what we do is we find artists who they're kind of blowing up. (7:02) We're not working with artists who, (7:04) and no offense to them, (7:05) but we're working with artists who have like millions of streams. (7:08) And, (7:08) and some of my favorite artists had millions of streams.(7:10) Specifically. (7:10) It all started when I was, (7:11) I was listening to this band called the Brummies made a song with Casey (7:14) Musgraves, (7:15) who if you're not familiar, (7:17) she literally won album of the year at the Grammys two years ago. (7:19) So she's like a big deal.(7:21) And these people, (7:22) you don't need no wonder woman. (7:23) Yeah, (7:23) exactly. (7:24) There you go.(7:24) We're familiar. (7:27) So people had a song with like, (7:29) you know, (7:30) someone who won the most coveted Grammy and they were getting like less (7:35) than a million. (7:36) Well, (7:36) they had like a million streams, (7:37) but they were, (7:38) they had like 3000 followers.(7:40) And I was like, (7:40) that's something that's not right there. (7:42) And I just started streaming, (7:44) like, (7:45) or looking into some of my favorite artists, (7:46) which were like Quinn, (7:48) 92, (7:49) John Bellion, (7:49) Chelsea Cutler, (7:51) that kind of a group of people. (7:53) And again, (7:54) they were generating so many streams, (7:55) but they did not have, (7:58) they had a large following, (7:59) but not as large as, (8:01) you know, (8:01) someone who was signed to a major label or someone who's getting pushed to (8:04) radio.(8:05) So I was like, (8:06) okay, (8:06) I definitely see an opportunity here. (8:08) And I kind of want to capitalize on these people because at the same (8:11) time, (8:12) you know, (8:12) they didn't have as large as a following as I thought they should have, (8:16) but they still had a larger following than me. (8:18) So if I could have capitalized on their following, (8:20) also provided a service for them and created content for myself, (8:24) so I could later kind of, (8:26) you know, (8:27) pursue this radio thing.(8:28) I was like, (8:29) yeah, (8:29) this is it. (8:30) And it's like a, (8:31) it's like a, (8:32) I scratch your back. (8:33) You shave mine.(8:33) Kind of a hundred percent. (8:35) Like I'm going to lightly scratch you with like one fingernail and you're (8:38) going to do me way more of a solid, (8:42) but it actually ended up blowing up way more than I anticipated. (8:45) It peaked at number 29 or something in the top four, (8:49) like 200 in the world on Apple podcast.(8:51) We got front page. (8:52) I got to interview like so many cool people like the Brummies who I ended (8:56) up, (8:57) they were like my first interview. (8:58) I got to interview the voice winner, (8:59) like so many awesome people.(9:00) And then I got signed as a radio talent and I had to stop the podcast, (9:06) which brings us to part two. (9:11) They get you with that non-compete all the time, (9:13) don't they? (9:13) Ah, (9:14) that is very true, (9:15) which it's funny because in Massachusetts, (9:17) a non-compete is technically illegal, (9:22) but notice I said technically, (9:24) because it's not really illegal. (9:26) Like it is illegal, (9:28) but there's so many ways to kind of keep that in your contract that you (9:32) still can't do anything.(9:33) Oh yeah. (9:33) And you can get blackballed very easily because they'll just make calls. (9:36) Like your boss will make a call out to someone else for you and be like, (9:39) Hey, (9:39) I'm going to burn that bridge for you.(9:41) Yeah. (9:41) A hundred percent. (9:42) Like, (9:42) you know that even if it you're following all the rules, (9:45) if you know that it could potentially cause some type of trouble that you (9:49) could easily get it taken away from you.(9:51) That's what makes podcasting great though too, (9:53) is because you know, (9:54) it's a very independent thing and you can do it yourself if you need to. (9:56) You don't need that, (9:58) you know, (9:59) set up the way the traditional radio stations are. (10:02) Oh, (10:03) definitely.(10:03) And we do it on our own time and we get, (10:05) we're in control of everything. (10:06) And like you said, (10:07) like, (10:07) or like I said previously, (10:09) sometimes I swear, (10:09) sometimes I don't, (10:10) like it doesn't matter. (10:11) I can't, (10:11) I don't have to like stick to when I was on radio.(10:13) I was, (10:14) I changed my name to Brendan James and I was like your boy next door. (10:17) It was so bad. (10:18) Oh my gosh.(10:20) That's all. (10:20) You get a, (10:21) you get a, (10:22) you get your man card revoked for that. (10:23) Oh yeah.(10:24) Oh, (10:24) big time. (10:25) Oh, (10:25) sorry. (10:25) Go ahead, (10:26) Devin.(10:26) No, (10:26) literally after anything, (10:28) he would say yeehaw. (10:29) And I was like, (10:29) Brendan, (10:30) none of this. (10:32) You're in Boston.(10:34) Not like, (10:35) I know Texas. (10:37) How big is the, (10:38) how big is the country radio listener population in, (10:42) in Massachusetts? (10:43) It's actually a lot larger than you would expect. (10:46) Um, (10:46) because we have like country fast with Kenny Chesney, (10:51) right? (10:51) Like 90% of new England goes to it.(10:54) Yeah. (10:54) It's like a new England thing. (10:56) Cause we have like all like, (10:57) we have like new Hampshire and Maine and everything.(11:00) Vermont rubber. (11:00) Yeah. (11:01) Yeah.(11:01) Well, (11:02) they've made country music into pop. (11:03) I mean, (11:03) it really is country pop with a little twang. (11:06) It's I mean, (11:06) if you take a pop song and you take a country song next to (11:09) each other, (11:10) they're, (11:10) they're virtually identical.(11:11) If you switch the singers or a little bit of the arrangement (11:13) or the hip hop influence now too. (11:16) I get that. (11:16) Oh yeah.(11:17) That's something I can't get behind, (11:19) but it's funny. (11:20) I agree. (11:21) Yeah.(11:21) Oh gosh. (11:22) Um, (11:22) but it's funny you say that because it is so pop infused, (11:25) but the listeners still kind of follow that traditional country (11:29) lifestyle, (11:29) which is so funny because I'm like, (11:31) dude, (11:31) this is like, (11:32) at some point, (11:32) this is like a freaking EDM song. (11:34) And yet you're still being like, (11:35) yeehaw.(11:36) F one. (11:36) Right. (11:36) Like, (11:37) let's be honest.(11:37) Old town road is come on. (11:40) It's like one auto. (11:41) It's like one auto tune thing.(11:43) The whole way. (11:44) Can I tell you guys in support of little Nas X, (11:46) like claiming the country charts is just because of how mad (11:49) the loyal country listeners would get. (11:51) Like I'm like, (11:52) I don't personally believe that's a country song, (11:53) but if you want to call it a country song and own the (11:56) charts, (11:56) go for it, (11:56) man.(11:57) My, (11:57) my, (11:58) my, (11:58) my least favorite expression in the known universe is I tell (12:02) you what. (12:05) And that's it. (12:06) That's the end of the sentence.(12:07) I'm like, (12:07) what's the rest of it? (12:09) Where is the subject? (12:10) That's it. (12:11) Just, (12:11) I tell you what, (12:12) I'm like fixes to fix. (12:13) Like I'm fixing to fix dinner.(12:15) Like, (12:15) no, (12:15) I don't. (12:15) Wait, (12:16) you got to do it. (12:16) Okay.(12:16) Let's get off. (12:17) I'm going to freak out. (12:19) Wait, (12:19) well, (12:19) you know what I learned live on air, (12:22) which was really in a, (12:23) like kind of funny.(12:24) So Luke, (12:25) Brian has this song called knocking boot. (12:27) Oh God. (12:28) And I didn't know what that meant.(12:29) I would be on a morning show and we were talking about it. (12:33) And they were like, (12:34) well, (12:35) they made a joke about, (12:36) because I was obviously like the youngest person. (12:37) And they were like, (12:38) oh, (12:38) I forgot to mention for those of you who don't know, (12:40) I was like 22 at the time.(12:41) I'm 24 now. (12:44) But they made, (12:45) they were like, (12:45) oh, (12:45) and Brendan James over here was probably knocking boots this (12:48) weekend. (12:48) And I was like, (12:49) wait, (12:49) what does that mean? (12:50) Like dancing.(12:51) Cause I did dance this weekend. (12:53) And then I learned it meant doing the dirty. (12:55) And I was like, (12:55) that's really bad.(12:56) I wish I heard that. (13:01) Do they still have that tape? (13:02) I love it. (13:03) For sure.(13:05) You didn't see, (13:06) this is the thing though, (13:07) at 24, (13:07) every time you guys are like, (13:09) oh, (13:09) we're just 24 and we're double your age guys. (13:12) So screw you. (13:14) And secondly, (13:15) I remember a song by candy man called knocking boots.(13:19) It was like a rappy type pop. (13:21) Okay. (13:21) Nevermind.(13:22) I'm just saying they're knocking boots. (13:24) Yeah. (13:24) Well, (13:24) I mean, (13:24) I didn't know, (13:25) is it like, (13:26) well, (13:26) you're 21, (13:27) Devin.(13:28) Sorry. (13:29) It was like a whole three years ago. (13:30) Your whole memory shot.(13:34) Anything. (13:35) You might want to get that checked. (13:36) I know I should.(13:37) I feel like we should be drinking wine. (13:38) I feel so left out, (13:39) dude. (13:39) I know.(13:40) I'm going to crack something open or something. (13:44) We pop pills like Lipitor and like, (13:47) like the, (13:48) and the diabetes ones, (13:49) like all the old people. (13:51) Oh, (13:51) we're, (13:52) we're drinking glucerin in this one.(13:53) Yes. (13:54) Those like, (13:55) yeah, (13:55) sure. (13:55) Whatever.(13:56) Whatever. (13:57) I ensure, (14:00) you probably, (14:01) well, (14:01) here's a little hack. (14:02) Actually, (14:02) if you do ever have a night out, (14:04) that is a little too much.(14:06) I am now at the point where like any amount of alcohol affects me the next day. (14:10) I'll be severely hung over big Pedialyte. (14:12) Obviously, (14:13) you know, (14:13) Pedialyte is good for the hangover, (14:14) but Pedialyte powder.(14:16) Just put that, (14:17) just eat that shit raw and it cures. (14:19) No, (14:19) skip Pedialyte, (14:20) go straight to liquid IV. (14:22) And I swear to God, (14:24) it's a million.(14:24) What is that? (14:25) Yeah, (14:25) I've got it. (14:26) Yeah, (14:26) I've got a home nurse in the corner of my, (14:29) of my house. (14:29) I just, (14:30) Hey, (14:30) give me an IV in here.(14:32) It's like a picture. (14:34) I got to call it the book bullpen. (14:35) It's like Pedialyte on steroids.(14:37) Like totally. (14:39) I totally understand the IV thing. (14:41) I've heard people just leave it in your body.(14:44) No, (14:44) no, (14:45) no, (14:45) no. (14:45) It's like literally, (14:46) it's like a powder and you put it in your water bottle, (14:50) but it has like the amount of electrolytes for like eight water bottles. (14:54) So you're just like, (14:55) you're really getting it in there.(14:57) So much better. (14:58) You're hydrated. (14:59) Yeah.(14:59) No, (15:00) I swear by it. (15:01) Oh, (15:02) Arizona. (15:03) You, (15:03) if you've never been the whole dry heat thing, (15:06) it's like a fucking convection oven.(15:07) It is absolutely brutal. (15:09) I was there in February. (15:12) Oh, (15:12) good job.(15:13) Yeah, (15:13) it's good. (15:13) Not July. (15:14) Well done.(15:15) Right before, (15:15) right before it hit 122. (15:18) So you just missed that one. (15:20) I was in like a winter coat and boots.(15:22) Cause I was on the road and I was like, (15:24) Oh, (15:25) we're in Arizona today. (15:26) Like, (15:26) I'll be fine. (15:27) I had to walk to CBS and I literally like, (15:30) I think I lost like 10 pounds of sweat just walking there in my coat.(15:36) I'm wondering, (15:37) like from your guys' perspective, (15:39) I just can't imagine living in a client. (15:41) Like your climate has so much control of how your day goes. (15:46) Like, (15:47) yeah.(15:47) How do you guys navigate your life with like 126 degree temperatures (15:52) when you have to get shit done? (15:53) It's called tank tops and flip flops, (15:55) bro. (15:56) So do you just got like automatically sunburned? (16:01) Um, (16:02) 10 minutes out here. (16:03) You could get, (16:04) you could turn 20 to 20 or 30 minutes in direct sunlight.(16:08) You can get pink for sure. (16:10) Yeah. (16:10) It's only in December here in Boston.(16:13) Well, (16:14) this is a question that see the way Arizonans do it is our winter is your (16:18) summer. (16:18) Correct. (16:18) It's flat.(16:19) So basically if you think about it, (16:20) like what shit can you get done in minus 10 degrees? (16:23) Nothing, (16:23) nothing. (16:24) Right. (16:24) Same thing.(16:25) So when it's 126, (16:26) you know, (16:26) 121 or whatever, (16:28) that's probably our max, (16:28) right? (16:29) Well, (16:29) this year was like one 17. (16:31) Yeah, (16:32) but we hit a one 21 before they were born. (16:35) Yeah.(16:35) In 1992, (16:37) we hit one 22. (16:38) Yeah. (16:38) There's this thing guys called it's before the eight before like 96 or (16:43) something.(16:44) Yeah. (16:44) It's called the almanac pre 96. (16:47) You know, (16:48) I don't know if you guys heard of that, (16:49) but to answer the original question, (16:50) we're like, (16:51) I, (16:52) like I play golf.(16:53) So, (16:53) but I, (16:54) and in Arizona you can play year round. (16:55) Right. (16:56) So, (16:56) but in the summertime, (16:57) the low in the morning at sunrise is like 82 and the high is 110 say, (17:03) right.(17:04) So I golf before like at six or 6. (17:07) A.M. (17:08) So I'm off the course by 1030 and it's already 95 degrees. (17:13) It sucks. (17:14) Do you have to wear your traditional like golf gear still? (17:17) Or yeah, (17:18) shorts and a polo shirt.(17:19) Yes, (17:19) sir. (17:19) Correct. (17:20) No way.(17:21) But it's so dry. (17:22) But, (17:22) and the thing, (17:23) like I'm psycho. (17:24) So the day before I golf, (17:25) I don't drink alcohol.(17:26) I don't have a lot of salt in my nutrition diet, (17:30) whatever you want to call it. (17:31) And on the way to golf course, (17:32) I'll drink 32 ounces of water and I'll drink half a gallon of water on the (17:36) course. (17:36) And I'm still having an issue, (17:40) like, (17:40) you know, (17:41) like heat stroke, (17:42) that sort of stuff.(17:43) It's, (17:43) it's freaking brutal. (17:45) Yeah. (17:45) I mean, (17:45) I imagine you really have to consider the weather in your, (17:49) like everything, (17:50) which is crazy because when it's cold here, (17:52) like, (17:52) yeah, (17:53) it's cold, (17:53) but I mean, (17:54) I can always just throw on a coat and toughen it up.(17:56) It's a lot easier to get warmer than it is to get colder. (18:00) I think I would have AC. (18:02) Like that has to be like a God given, (18:04) right? (18:04) No, (18:05) it has to be.(18:05) Yeah. (18:06) And that's the funny thing is like back East, (18:08) you've got humidity too. (18:10) So we, (18:10) we literally, (18:11) you know, (18:11) you guys have 70, (18:12) 80% humidity.(18:13) We're like a 20. (18:14) Sometimes it's down below 10. (18:16) Right.(18:17) And the thing is the air conditioner is used a lot in the East coast to get (18:21) the water out of the air here. (18:23) It's like working so hard just to cool the air itself because there's no (18:27) water to take out. (18:27) Yeah.(18:28) It's the opposite. (18:28) It's weird. (18:29) Yeah.(18:29) It's really weird. (18:30) But like I said, (18:31) right now is our wheelhouse right from now until probably February spring (18:35) till spring training. (18:36) Yeah.(18:37) Till spring training with baseball, (18:38) which is cool too, (18:39) because we have half the teams come here, (18:41) which is nice. (18:42) It keeps things entertaining. (18:44) I'm happy that you guys at least at like the peak of this craziness, (18:47) at least you have good weather.(18:49) Yeah. (18:50) Like we have terrible weather. (18:52) So like, (18:52) yeah, (18:53) it's making me like the whole impending quarantine.(18:56) So Boston right now is not shut down. (18:58) I definitely feel like it's going to get shut down. (19:01) I do have a curfew though.(19:02) And like. (19:03) What time? (19:04) 930. (19:05) 930.(19:07) You have to be off the roads by 10, (19:08) but it's not like strictly enforced, (19:10) but like they have limited house, (19:14) like social gatherings, (19:15) like at your house. (19:17) Like I was at my friends in the city, (19:20) like a few weeks ago, (19:21) like right before everything's like before the curfew and the rules really (19:27) started. (19:27) And like the cops came and we're like, (19:29) we're 23.(19:30) And there's like 10 of us here. (19:31) Why are the cops here? (19:32) I didn't know that. (19:33) Did you guys have to like break it up? (19:36) Yes, (19:36) we did.(19:37) We did have to leave. (19:39) And there was a paddy wagon, (19:42) please. (19:43) No way.(19:43) Like the old timey ones that come around, (19:45) like in the cartoons with the little bars on the back. (19:48) He had a horse drawn. (19:50) We're like, (19:50) we're 23.(19:51) Like, (19:52) we're not like, (19:53) we weren't loud. (19:54) Like someone had just like seeing that there were like people at the (19:57) house during the curfew thing. (19:58) And I was like, (19:59) I didn't realize I was back in high school, (20:01) running from the cops.(20:02) Like, (20:02) that's so bizarre. (20:04) It sounds like we have a high school story from Devin coming up. (20:08) What's the maximum number of people? (20:11) I definitely wasn't.(20:12) What's the maximum number of people that can be gathered right now? (20:16) I think six, (20:17) 10, (20:18) oh, (20:18) six at a restaurant, (20:20) 10 at a house. (20:21) Yeah. (20:21) But Philly all the restaurants shut down.(20:25) Everything shut down like completely. (20:27) It's crazy. (20:28) Yeah.(20:28) That's honestly, (20:29) so. (20:30) Philly is not the city that I would expect to do that. (20:34) Like New York, (20:35) I could see Boston.(20:36) I could see Philly is not. (20:38) Well, (20:38) with all the recent stuff that's been going on with the whatever other (20:41) stuff that happened in Philly recently, (20:43) I think they're like, (20:44) we're not going to mess with that. (20:45) We're just going to shut it down.(20:47) Well, (20:47) ours, (20:48) like we were cruising. (20:49) We pretty much, (20:50) not like we didn't have any rules, (20:51) but it was pretty much just wear your mask. (20:53) And that's kind of it.(20:54) And like, (20:54) don't be in too many groups. (20:56) And then randomly they were like, (20:57) Hey, (20:58) starting like tomorrow, (20:59) restaurants close at nine 30. (21:00) Everything closes at nine 30 and you can't be out of your house past (21:02) 10.(21:02) Yeah. (21:03) And it's like, (21:03) like they're like masks outside, (21:05) no matter what, (21:06) like you can't. (21:06) Yeah.(21:07) And it, (21:08) it doesn't make sense because I think their goal is to prevent (21:12) people from like drinking at bars late, (21:14) which I get like, (21:15) obviously alcohol for me, (21:16) at least when I was out, (21:17) I definitely was a little, (21:18) you know, (21:19) more lenient on my COVID caring. (21:21) Not me. (21:22) I would bring like sanitizer, (21:25) white things and like wipe down my table.(21:27) I went to the vineyard this week, (21:29) this summer. (21:30) So again, (21:31) we're from Massachusetts. (21:31) So popular.(21:32) Oh, (21:33) you went to the vineyard. (21:34) Oh, (21:34) Chris, (21:34) please, (21:35) please hold on. (21:36) We have another impression.(21:37) We have another impression from the great Christopher. (21:40) Excuse me. (21:41) Me, (21:42) me, (21:42) me, (21:42) me, (21:42) me.(21:43) Fantastic. (21:44) You went to the vineyard. (21:45) How was it? (21:46) Did you take the yard out? (21:49) It's funny because I'm so not like that.(21:52) I went to the vineyard. (21:53) I did. (21:53) I went to the vineyard.(21:53) I went to Martha's Vineyard. (21:56) Oh, (21:56) lovely. (21:58) No, (21:59) I went with all my guy friends.(22:00) And first of all, (22:01) dangerous to do that. (22:02) But the, (22:04) they just didn't care. (22:05) And it was weird because it's still technically part of Massachusetts, (22:08) but we went into bars and like, (22:10) I mean, (22:10) obviously I would wear my mask when I could, (22:12) but I, (22:12) I would got drunk and I was like, (22:15) and this was at the beginning.(22:16) And I was like, (22:16) super paranoid because my parents are older and I was living with them at (22:19) the time. (22:20) And then I, (22:22) like was there and I was like, (22:24) okay. (22:24) And I ended up like, (22:25) it was just like regular bar time and stuff.(22:28) And I ended up like, (22:28) obviously meeting a bunch of people, (22:29) but anyways, (22:30) moral of the story is. (22:31) I ended up testing negative, (22:32) but it was like crazy that it was still the same state, (22:35) but no one cared. (22:36) That's how the Cape was.(22:38) I feel like a little bit. (22:40) I mean, (22:40) the Cape now we're at the Cape. (22:42) We're on the V where Martha's vineyard.(22:44) Oh, (22:44) this is great. (22:45) Summer people here. (22:46) Like this.(22:47) Oh, (22:47) that's right. (22:47) You also use, (22:48) you also use the noun as a verb. (22:50) Like we summer in Massachusetts.(22:53) I wish we could do that. (22:55) I know. (22:55) I wish we could winter.(22:56) Summer, (22:57) not we summer in San Diego. (22:59) Yeah. (22:59) Where are your like, (23:00) local vacation spots, (23:03) San Diego.(23:04) And then Northern Arizona. (23:06) Do you have to fly to San Diego? (23:08) It's five hour drive. (23:09) Oh, (23:09) that's not that bad.(23:10) Where in San Diego do you go? (23:12) Um, (23:13) mission beach. (23:14) Shut up. (23:15) I like get out of the city.(23:18) Shut up. (23:19) I cannot. (23:20) I am serious.(23:21) I have family in ocean beach. (23:23) So I get out of the city. (23:24) Can we stay with them? (23:26) Cause I can't, (23:26) I can barely afford the gas to get this.(23:30) I don't know. (23:31) Please share, (23:32) share your family connection. (23:33) That's awesome.(23:34) Yeah. (23:35) I love a little small world. (23:36) I love that area.(23:37) I think if I had to live on the West coast, (23:39) I absolutely hate LA. (23:41) I think it should be illegal. (23:43) Um, (23:43) should it be like escape from LA? (23:45) Should I put the, (23:45) like snake Plissken come in and on behalf of all the Dodger fans.(23:49) Sorry. (23:50) I love the Dodgers. (23:53) I, (23:53) okay.(23:53) So let me actually rephrase. (23:55) I love dodge ball. (23:55) Don't hate LA.(23:57) I just don't understand it. (23:59) I don't understand how you can have a city that is so large, (24:01) no public transportation. (24:04) Like I just don't get that part.(24:06) Would you like to chime in being from Los Angeles area? (24:09) Um, (24:10) that's probably why I moved many years ago and didn't go back because of the (24:14) congestion. (24:15) I, (24:15) it's just not, (24:16) I mean, (24:17) I miss the beach and I miss going to Dodger games and USC games, (24:21) but there, (24:21) it is so densely populated that I just, (24:25) it's not for me. (24:26) So the weather's amazing.(24:27) And I know I, (24:29) ideally I'd love to live in San Clemente or Oceanside or Carlsbad, (24:33) but in, (24:34) in Northern San Diego County, (24:35) but it's just LA and orange County is just, (24:39) I mean, (24:40) that's where I grew up, (24:40) but it's just packed. (24:43) It's just ridiculous. (24:45) LA traffic alone.(24:46) Just that's a no for me. (24:48) Yeah. (24:48) And I drew, (24:49) I had to drive 45 minutes each way to go to high school because I went to (24:52) Catholic high school.(24:52) So it's just, (24:54) it was brutal, (24:55) but that's what I grew up in. (24:56) So I didn't know any better, (24:57) you know, (24:58) that's just, (24:58) that's I, (24:59) that was my life. (24:59) I didn't get it.(25:00) How did you end up in Arizona? (25:02) I'm an idiot. (25:05) Us college to, (25:06) and you know, (25:07) to, (25:07) to escape, (25:09) you know, (25:10) my parents and start a new life. (25:13) Yeah.(25:13) We both went to a college. (25:15) We both hated, (25:16) but we met there. (25:16) So it was definitely meant to happen.(25:18) Oh, (25:19) we just, (25:20) cause I'm a Penn state guy and he's a USC guy. (25:24) And you know, (25:26) and neither of us went to those two colleges, (25:29) illustrious universities. (25:31) So Penn state, (25:32) I used to go to camp.(25:33) Have you ever heard of Woodward? (25:36) Yeah. (25:36) Yeah. (25:37) So I used to go to camp at Woodward.(25:38) So I frequent state college. (25:41) Oh, (25:42) wow. (25:42) Okay.(25:42) State college is fun. (25:44) They used to have a place called La Bamba. (25:46) They had burritos as big as your head.(25:49) And Devin, (25:50) I hate to say it, (25:50) but being only 24, (25:51) it was closed before you got there. (25:54) Well, (25:54) it's okay. (25:54) Cause I like really have not gone back since I was like, (25:58) maybe 17 or 16.(26:00) Oh, (26:00) okay. (26:01) Well, (26:01) you should go back there. (26:02) It's really nice.(26:02) Yeah. (26:03) I feel like it'd be a fun vibe now. (26:05) Yeah, (26:06) for sure.(26:06) I have no clue what we're talking about. (26:08) State college, (26:09) Pennsylvania. (26:10) That's a town.(26:11) Yeah. (26:12) Yes, (26:12) it is. (26:12) It's called state college.(26:14) Yeah. (26:14) I've never been there, (26:15) but yes, (26:16) it's an absolutely wild place. (26:18) And it's very, (26:19) it's like you drive through Amish country.(26:22) Hell yeah. (26:23) And we would drive through Amish country on Sunday, (26:26) going to camp. (26:26) And we would pass all the Amish people in their like little horse and (26:30) buggies going to church.(26:32) And it was like truly amazing. (26:34) Like I, (26:35) it was something I never experienced. (26:36) Like, (26:37) yeah, (26:38) the Pennsylvania Dutch are really cool.(26:40) Yeah. (26:41) And then the Knights and all that. (26:42) Yeah.(26:42) The camp would like trade food with like the Amish people. (26:47) Like, (26:47) I don't really know how it worked. (26:49) And Brandon, (26:49) Pennsylvania has cities known as intercourse and bird in hand.(26:54) So like state college is like a normal, (26:55) like name for a place. (26:58) So yeah, (26:59) that, (26:59) that is good to know. (27:00) Cause I, (27:00) that, (27:01) I was really confused.(27:02) I thought it was like a restaurant. (27:04) I only been to Pennsylvania twice. (27:05) And one time it was to be a formal to like a, (27:09) a date to someone's formal.(27:11) And I thought they liked me and they didn't. (27:13) And then the other time, (27:14) wait, (27:14) wait, (27:15) wait, (27:15) did they ask you? (27:16) They asked me and I thought like, (27:18) and they didn't like you. (27:19) No.(27:19) Yeah. (27:20) It was like, (27:20) just, (27:20) they just like you, (27:21) but didn't like you. (27:21) Like you exactly.(27:22) So it was like, (27:22) let me just drive seven hours. (27:24) Right. (27:24) Quick.(27:25) Did you get a kiss kiss? (27:26) Nope. (27:28) No hands being 20. (27:30) And then one, (27:31) another time.(27:32) Oh, (27:32) when I stayed in Camden, (27:33) New Jersey, (27:34) and I got shot at, (27:35) cause I was in the murder capital of the country. (27:37) I've been there a lot. (27:38) Hey, (27:38) you know what? (27:39) You can say you survived.(27:41) Yeah. (27:42) Any, (27:42) any street name, (27:44) Martin Luther King Boulevard. (27:45) Just avoid that.(27:47) It is dangerous. (27:48) It's really odd, (27:49) but it, (27:50) I've not seen a safe street name that I was there on a mission trip. (27:53) And my like missionary or whatever you call her.(27:56) She accidentally didn't get us a van and she got us a pimped out escalade (28:01) with blacked out windows. (28:03) So as you can imagine, (28:04) we were quite the attraction. (28:08) Yes.(28:09) Yes. (28:09) It was hard to not make a statement whenever we pulled up anywhere. (28:13) And did you go, (28:13) but the big question is, (28:14) did you convert anyone? (28:16) No, (28:17) weirdly enough, (28:17) it had nothing to do with like religion.(28:20) Cause I don't do that, (28:22) but I like went because I wanted to like be helpful. (28:25) And then, (28:25) yeah, (28:26) the, (28:26) the God stuff. (28:28) I kind of just.(28:29) Oh, (28:29) it's like to help like food for the homeless and things like that. (28:32) Yeah. (28:33) I mean, (28:33) there was definitely some God undertones that I just in, (28:35) in one ear out the other.(28:36) Do you want to plug them? (28:37) Are they, (28:38) are they a good organization? (28:40) If they do good things, (28:41) I don't, (28:41) we don't care. (28:42) No, (28:42) no, (28:42) it was literally just my church organizations. (28:45) I don't necessarily remember what they were called because they were, (28:49) they were, (28:49) there weren't like, (28:49) we didn't work with like hardcore organizations.(28:52) We worked with like failing independent things. (28:57) I totally, (28:58) I I'm with you. (28:58) Yeah.(28:59) I get, (28:59) I get, (28:59) yeah, (28:59) it was a super sad time. (29:02) I mean, (29:02) I was 17, (29:02) but it was super sad, (29:03) but it was like really nice. (29:04) It definitely shaped my personality going forward.(29:07) I remember we did this one thing, (29:09) which is actually pretty cool. (29:11) They gave us $3 because like on average, (29:14) like a food stamp recipient gets $3 per day, (29:18) like a dollar per meal. (29:19) Wow.(29:20) For like three days, (29:21) we had to eat our meals, (29:23) but just like, (29:24) you know, (29:24) $3 a day. (29:25) And like, (29:25) we could collaborate with like up to three people. (29:28) And I literally just ate carrots and peanut butter and wheat bread like every (29:31) day.(29:32) And then it ended up being two that it was like much easier to buy (29:35) unhealthy, (29:36) like really gross food for you. (29:39) And then this went into this whole thing about like food deserts and how (29:41) they're, (29:42) so it gave you like a perspective about it. (29:44) Oh, (29:44) for sure.(29:45) I mean, (29:45) especially when I was like seven, (29:47) I always, (29:48) I mean, (29:48) obviously I grew up in a family that I'm like, (29:51) obviously super privileged. (29:52) But I definitely have always been into like charity work and service work (29:58) when I can. (29:58) And that like really made me realize the things that I was doing.(30:04) I could do more of, (30:05) and I can be better at it because it's so easy to think you're helping (30:08) when really you're just posting something on social media or really you're (30:11) just like being an advocate, (30:13) which is important. (30:14) But like, (30:14) there are a lot of issues that are harder to like unpack and you can (30:19) easily help. (30:21) I don't know if that makes sense, (30:22) but you know what I'm saying? (30:23) Wow.(30:23) Yeah. (30:23) That's amazing about you every and every, (30:27) Oh my God. (30:28) English should be nice every day.(30:30) I know. (30:30) Yeah. (30:31) It's weird.(30:31) I'm like such a dick all the time, (30:33) but then I randomly have like a soft spot. (30:35) No. (30:35) Brendan is literally the nicest person I've ever encountered.(30:38) And he's like, (30:38) I'm such a dick. (30:39) And I'm like, (30:39) no, (30:40) you're like truly like not shut up. (30:44) Why do you say that you're a dick? (30:46) I don't know.(30:46) I think if you like, (30:47) you were given food to homeless people. (30:49) Yeah. (30:49) But I don't know.(30:50) I feel like that doesn't necessarily equate to. (30:54) I don't know. (30:54) I'm not like a dick.(30:55) I think like, (30:56) that's part of, (30:56) I think it's part of my branding, (30:57) you know? (30:59) Oh my God. (30:59) I'm sorry. (31:00) That was so bossy.(31:01) I'm a dick. (31:01) I'm like, (31:02) no, (31:02) you were like, (31:03) you know me, (31:03) I don't care. (31:05) And like, (31:06) I'm a people pleaser.(31:07) What can I say? (31:07) Yeah. (31:08) And it's kind of like, (31:09) and I think that's why you think you're an asshole. (31:11) Oh, (31:11) all right.(31:12) Sorry. (31:12) I guess I'm not a dick. (31:13) No, (31:13) you're not.(31:14) The more, (31:15) you know, (31:15) shut up. (31:17) So if you guys are cool, (31:19) I'd like to get into how we kind of connected on this. (31:21) Cause I don't know that.(31:22) I want to know. (31:23) There's an interesting story. (31:24) There's two interesting stories.(31:25) One, (31:25) Brendan, (31:25) you and I have a weird connection. (31:27) Cause the first artist I mentioned is like, (31:30) you literally flipped out when we kind of did like a real quick boy crush. (31:35) It is.(31:36) I know. (31:36) Total man. (31:37) Crush.(31:38) Um, (31:39) yeah. (31:40) Quentin. (31:41) Shut up.(31:42) No, (31:42) it's Will Wheaton's lookalike. (31:43) Oh, (31:43) we have to tell him about the Instagram the other day. (31:46) What? (31:47) Like, (31:47) you have to tell him about what we did to Quinn's Instagram.(31:51) Oh yeah, (31:51) that's right. (31:52) Oh my God. (31:52) That is such a good story.(31:54) So, (31:54) all right. (31:55) All right. (31:55) So Brendan, (31:56) paint out the picture.(31:57) Cause you, (31:57) you tweeted like a general tweet and we'll go from there. (32:00) So I'll, (32:00) I'll back it up. (32:01) So as I was saying before, (32:03) you know, (32:03) now I guess I should also explain the podcast.(32:09) After the whole radio thing, (32:10) COVID hit. (32:12) and I was like, (32:13) go for my job. (32:14) And I quickly moved to Montana just for a minute.(32:16) Then I came back and it was in Montana where I was like, (32:20) okay, (32:20) you idiot. (32:21) Cause for a second I was, (32:22) I was thinking of going back to school for school psychology, (32:25) which is hilarious now because it's like, (32:28) what I've literally only done media my whole life. (32:30) Why am I doing school psychology? (32:31) But anyways, (32:32) um, (32:32) I come back and I'm like, (32:33) all right, (32:34) we got to go gung ho.(32:35) Like I know what I want to do with my life. (32:36) And it's restart something in the music industry. (32:39) So Devin and I were talking.(32:40) Cause obviously I knew I wanted to work with Devin. (32:42) Cause truthfully, (32:43) and I'm not even just saying this cause you're here, (32:44) Devin. (32:45) I know you look at like CeeLo green right now, (32:47) your brown jumpsuit.(32:49) But, (32:50) um, (32:52) I, (32:54) I was like, (32:55) I need to work Devin because Devin is one of the best people that I've (32:59) ever worked with because we're like really good friends, (33:01) but also really good. (33:03) Like professional. (33:04) Yeah.(33:05) We click in a way I've never clicked professionally with someone as well as (33:08) personally. (33:08) It's just awesome. (33:09) So we were talking about what we can do.(33:11) And at first you're thinking of like booking artists, (33:13) but I think we kind of forgot about the fact that the world was shut down (33:16) and artists weren't fucking performing. (33:18) Let's just do a show. (33:20) We'll do it at your brother's bar and like, (33:22) we'll get blah, (33:22) blah, (33:23) blah.(33:23) And then we can like, (33:24) we can start that killed us too. (33:26) I mean, (33:27) Woodsy and I, (33:27) Woodsy and I are avid concert goers. (33:30) I mean, (33:30) that was huge.(33:31) Chris is Woodsy in case you didn't know. (33:32) Oh yeah. (33:33) That's that guy.(33:34) I figured. (33:36) Yeah. (33:36) I mean like the whole industry shut down and like, (33:38) even from a local perspective, (33:40) I was literally on tour when everything shut down.(33:44) Who were you on? (33:45) Were you on tour with somebody pretty big? (33:47) I was on tour with an Irish singer who had, (33:52) who is really making his way in the United States. (33:56) And I tell everyone, (33:57) like I love, (33:58) I've not had a bad experience with any of the artists that I've worked (34:01) with. (34:03) But I was like, (34:04) if I could only tour for him and work for him the rest of my life, (34:07) I would.(34:08) Was it Kennedy or McDermott or was it? (34:10) It was Dermott Kennedy. (34:12) Okay. (34:13) Look at that.(34:14) Oh my God. (34:14) That was like. (34:15) Yeah.(34:16) I told you guys I was psychic on the last time. (34:19) Do you listen to his music? (34:21) I do actually. (34:22) Yes.(34:23) I could probably sing it pretty decently as well. (34:25) Oh, (34:26) send us that. (34:27) I got the serious.(34:28) I got the serious. (34:29) Well, (34:30) I like, (34:31) I obviously, (34:31) I don't really like naming my artists. (34:34) And everything just because of like.(34:38) Relationships. (34:38) And it's like, (34:39) I work for them. (34:40) So I always feel offered, (34:41) but I. (34:42) At the end of the day, (34:43) I think he is.(34:45) The best artist to work for. (34:47) Or like one of the best artists work for. (34:49) He's just so down to earth and.(34:52) Amazing. (34:52) That's awesome. (34:54) Yeah, (34:54) it's really cool.(34:55) So. (34:56) Let's leave it back. (34:57) Cause we should have called our show tangents.(34:59) Cause we always go on crazy little side things. (35:02) So Brandon, (35:03) you were, (35:04) you were shut down. (35:05) You wanted to work with, (35:06) with Devin.(35:07) Yes. (35:08) And. (35:09) So you put this together, (35:10) right? (35:11) Yeah.(35:11) So we were like it randomly. (35:13) The conversation just randomly ended and we're like podcast. (35:17) Okay.(35:18) So I was a guest host. (35:20) So I don't do anything on air. (35:22) Like I've always been behind the scenes.(35:24) I think there's one recording from when I was like six. (35:28) And my sister was. (35:30) Five.(35:31) And it was the Christmas Eve. (35:33) And my dad was in radio. (35:36) Majority of my life.(35:37) And it's me and my sister in the studio. (35:40) And one of our family friends is like. (35:42) Doing an air check.(35:44) And that is the one time I've been behind a microphone. (35:47) And I was seven. (35:48) And then I was a guest host on Brendan's.(35:50) Cause I was like, (35:51) you know, (35:52) I just kind of want to do it. (35:53) Like I was like, (35:54) if you ever need a host, (35:55) like I'll do it with you. (35:56) I don't really care.(35:56) I don't know what I'm doing. (35:57) And I'll sound like trash. (35:59) And I still sound like.(36:00) That was a quick sell for me. (36:02) Sounds good. (36:03) And I was like, (36:03) I still sound like trash, (36:04) but easy, (36:05) Devin.(36:07) She's fishing guys. (36:08) She's fishing for compliments over here. (36:11) I have a very pleasant tone.(36:15) I just have a very young voice. (36:17) It's very high pitch. (36:18) When I was in high school, (36:19) my friends would call me squeaks.(36:22) And that just life. (36:23) And like, (36:23) I've come to terms with it. (36:24) I don't care, (36:26) but I just sound like trash.(36:28) Yeah, (36:28) no, (36:28) you do. (36:29) You're right. (36:31) Hey, (36:32) you get an agreement from your cohost.(36:34) Yeah, (36:34) exactly. (36:35) Like high praise right there. (36:38) So moral of the story, (36:39) we decided to bring the podcast back to life.(36:42) And I forgot to mention that we have a coinciding Spotify playlist. (36:45) So I used to work at Sony music in college. (36:49) And when I was working with them, (36:50) Like we got to work with a bunch of like newly signed artists.(36:53) So I would always add them to like a playlist on Spotify. (36:56) Cause I knew like Spotify playlists were like going to be the new radio. (37:00) And I started creating, (37:01) like I keep saying, (37:03) like I started curating a playlist and I kept getting a lot of followers.(37:07) So ended up blowing up and I changed the name to music. (37:10) You're missing to go along with the podcast. (37:12) So we had a meeting about like restarting the podcast and we eventually (37:17) Restarted music.(37:18) You're missing. (37:19) And we had restarted the playlist as well. (37:20) And this time we added it up music and I forget the original question, (37:24) but that is, (37:25) that culminates our experience.(37:28) Okay. (37:29) Perfect. (37:29) So what was, (37:30) what was the original tweet that Mark made? (37:33) There we go.(37:34) How you reach out. (37:35) Cause we want to, (37:36) what we've learned is we've had a really supportive. (37:39) We found a lot of positivity in the Twitter verse.(37:43) When you look for a positivity. (37:45) And the podcast community as a whole, (37:47) one time I legitimately asked for podcast recommendations. (37:50) Like I literally was like, (37:51) does anyone have any podcast recommendations? (37:52) And I got like 300 texts.(37:55) I mean, (37:55) 300 tweets. (37:56) It was probably one of ours. (37:58) Devin's having a malfunction or a hair is stuck to her microphone right (38:02) now.(38:03) I don't have that problem. (38:05) Didn't tell me. (38:06) I looked crazy.(38:10) I hope you guys. (38:15) So I tweeted that thing out. (38:16) I got like 300 tweets back.(38:18) And I, (38:18) again, (38:18) so this is me just thinking that I'm an asshole. (38:21) I literally listened to all 300 podcasts and I wrote everyone a personalized (38:24) DM complimenting them. (38:27) Wow.(38:29) That's amazing. (38:30) So impressive. (38:32) I am so busy.(38:33) I can, (38:34) I try, (38:34) man. (38:34) I try to listen to everyone. (38:36) And the thing is, (38:36) I was a senior in college at the time.(38:38) Like I had other shit to do, (38:39) but I was like, (38:39) no, (38:39) I'll do this now. (38:41) And I ended up, (38:42) because I did that, (38:43) I ended up getting like a lot of traction from that. (38:46) And a lot of people wanted to collab and all that stuff.(38:48) So then I knew that the hashtag, (38:51) not even the hashtag. (38:51) Like if you just search podcast recommendations on Twitter, (38:54) I knew that kind of linked you to a community of podcasters within (38:58) Twitter. (39:00) And basically what I did now that we were like responsible for our own (39:03) marketing and such, (39:04) I tweeted out something like looking for people to collaborate with.(39:08) Cause we were like, (39:10) anyone who is listening to that is a podcaster. (39:12) And I'm sure you guys know it's if you can work with another podcast and (39:17) you guys fit, (39:18) it's such good. (39:20) You're leveraging each other's fan bases.(39:22) It's really. (39:23) Yeah. (39:24) It's good karma.(39:25) It's not like, (39:26) it's not a force. (39:27) Like this is fun. (39:28) And it's also, (39:29) you know, (39:29) we're promoting our stuff.(39:30) But anyways, (39:31) I found that was like a good way to connect the podcasters. (39:35) I tweeted something like, (39:36) Hey, (39:36) fellow podcasters, (39:37) like let's work together. (39:38) Hashtag podcast recommendations.(39:40) And in like 0.003 seconds, (39:42) you responded. (39:43) And I was like, (39:43) okay, (39:44) yeah. (39:44) Yours came up right as I was doing it.(39:46) And I'm going to admit, (39:47) I, (39:48) I troll the podcast recommendations cause we are nobodies or we, (39:52) at least in this space where zeros, (39:54) right? (39:54) Like we, (39:55) we don't know, (39:56) we don't have any kind of base. (39:58) We're trying. (39:59) Yeah, (39:59) we're trying.(39:59) So we had to self promote. (40:01) Yeah. (40:02) And yours popped up.(40:03) Yeah. (40:04) It, (40:04) that is such a good way to do it. (40:05) And like I, (40:06) like I was saying before, (40:07) when I was in college, (40:08) that's how, (40:08) what I did.(40:08) And a lot of people listen because of that. (40:11) And there's, (40:11) that's a, (40:12) that's, (40:12) you're just leveraging, (40:13) you know, (40:14) things that are out there for free and that are accessible. (40:16) I think that's a really great strategy.(40:19) So you sent out the tweet. (40:20) I responded pretty, (40:21) pretty quickly. (40:22) Yeah.(40:23) And then I very quickly listened to your episodes. (40:25) I saw that it was kind of deep, (40:27) which I like because I, (40:29) I know it's, (40:30) you know, (40:30) knocked, (40:31) knocked conscious. (40:33) And I'm a pretty deep man, (40:34) specifically the past two years.(40:36) Deep down. (40:37) Brendan's really deep, (40:38) but like, (40:39) I'm just not, (40:40) and I don't ever see that part. (40:42) So when we do stuff like this, (40:43) I'm like, (40:43) Oh, (40:44) Brendan, (40:45) shit's getting real.(40:46) Yeah, (40:46) that's right. (40:46) You are seeing me in a new light sometimes. (40:48) He gives money to the homeless and now this.(40:50) Yeah. (40:50) Right. (40:52) And I was like, (40:52) dude, (40:53) yeah, (40:53) this could be cool.(40:53) Like whether we get deep or not, (40:55) like, (40:55) let's do it. (40:56) And then we've been chatting and now here we are. (40:59) Yeah.(40:59) And it was so cool because we, (41:01) you know, (41:01) we, (41:01) we got on the phone and then we did like kind of a test, (41:04) right? (41:05) We're with both of you and myself. (41:07) And we had talked about artists. (41:09) Right.(41:10) And that's where it really became this kind of synchronistic thing. (41:13) Yeah. (41:14) I mean, (41:14) two years ago, (41:15) what happened two years ago that got you quote unquote deeper? (41:19) Do you want to share that? (41:20) Yeah.(41:21) I mean, (41:21) I just like went through, (41:22) not even went through. (41:23) I just think I grew up. (41:25) And just like kind of, (41:27) I'm trying to think of like the exact moment.(41:29) I went to school near a lot of mountains. (41:32) And I definitely like really enjoyed nature. (41:35) And when you really enjoy nature, (41:36) it's hard to get other people to enjoy that with you.(41:39) Especially because I would always like make it in my class schedule that I (41:43) had many days off. (41:44) So I just started hanging out with myself a lot more. (41:46) And I eventually got into like yoga and in that aspect of life.(41:52) And it really opened up a whole chapter, (41:56) not even like a whole section of my personality that I didn't know, (42:00) because I never was alone before. (42:02) And now I love being alone. (42:03) And then I also like, (42:05) I don't know.(42:06) Everyone just has like their struggles with like their mental health and (42:09) whatever. (42:10) And just trying in like, (42:11) once you conquer that, (42:12) you really just have a greater sense of knowing who you are. (42:15) Yeah.(42:16) Well said for sure. (42:18) Yeah. (42:18) I mean, (42:19) I had a five year mine happened five years ago and we'll probably talk.(42:22) Maybe we'll do another one of these and I'll share that one. (42:24) Cause it's pretty crazy. (42:25) Yeah, (42:26) no, (42:26) I definitely looked at maybe when I'm a little less three glasses point (42:29) in.(42:30) I was going to say three glasses is appropriate for the story. (42:33) Yeah. (42:33) Some of the stories are ridiculous, (42:35) but I applaud you for sure.(42:36) Your, (42:36) your take on nature. (42:37) I mean, (42:38) I'm an avid backpacker hiker camper. (42:42) So some of the best moments of my life have been at 9,000 feet, (42:46) sitting in a meadow, (42:47) just doing nothing and listening to a stream.(42:49) Oh, (42:49) for sure. (42:50) I totally applaud you for, (42:52) for taking time to take care of yourself. (42:54) Thank you.(42:55) Yeah. (42:55) I mean, (42:55) when COVID hit, (42:56) I was, (42:57) so I was honestly like at the peak of, (42:59) but I say the peak of my career, (43:00) it's not like I was, (43:01) you know, (43:01) anything special, (43:02) but I was just, (43:03) I just like lined up a few speaking gigs. (43:05) It's just hard because I feel like when COVID hit, (43:07) we were just starting to find ourselves.(43:12) And I was getting a good blend of who I actually was as a person and (43:15) mixing it with like my radio persona and social social media presence for (43:19) fucking once. (43:19) And like booking a lot of speaking gigs for things that I actually cared (43:22) about. (43:22) And then you were on tour with an artist that you loved and then COVID (43:25) hit.(43:25) And we were like, (43:26) oh shit. (43:27) I went home to my parents' house and I was like, (43:29) I like, (43:30) I'm going to just sit in my room and cry for like the next two months. (43:35) Because I mean, (43:36) I'm sure it's the same for Brendan, (43:38) but like the only thing I've wanted to do, (43:40) my whole entire 23 years of life is tour.(43:44) Like I just growing up, (43:46) like concerts were my thing. (43:48) Like my dad was in the radio industry, (43:50) like I said, (43:51) and he would have like two big concerts a year. (43:54) And instead of going to the concerts, (43:56) like normal little kids would, (43:58) I was like, (43:58) dad, (43:59) can I work them? (44:00) And she did.(44:01) And she like, (44:02) she didn't like low key work them. (44:04) She legitimately like had responsibilities at them too. (44:06) Like I would take, (44:07) I would handle the tickets and like the box office runs.(44:12) And like, (44:12) by the time I was like 15, (44:15) I was wrangling artists. (44:16) And that's so cool. (44:18) Like doing this, (44:19) like one-on-one stuff.(44:20) And I was like, (44:21) so I was like, (44:22) shit, (44:23) I'm finally like where I am in my career. (44:26) Like growing, (44:26) like going to college. (44:27) I was like, (44:28) I don't need college.(44:29) Like what I want to do. (44:30) Like I could have just skipped college and like gone straight to touring. (44:34) And it was like finally get a time.(44:37) Cause I think when you tour, (44:40) you have to be like ready mentally. (44:43) Like, (44:43) I remember I was before, (44:46) like a few weeks before I went on tour, (44:49) I was working a show at the garden and the company that I ended up like (44:55) touring with, (44:56) they hired me for like a one-off show. (44:59) Cause with VIP stuff, (45:01) when tours come, (45:03) they like will hire the IP assistance for like a show.(45:07) And it was a two show, (45:10) two night show in Boston. (45:12) And I was like doing stuff in the T D garden and I'm only five too. (45:19) And they made me put up like a 10 foot backdrop.(45:23) And I had to carry like 50, (45:26) like 50 pound poles that are like steel. (45:29) And I was like, (45:30) I'm not like a big person. (45:32) I remember like going home that night and like crying.(45:34) And I was like, (45:35) I am not cut out to tour like my whole entire life. (45:38) And then the next day I was like, (45:39) okay, (45:40) I'm ready to take this on. (45:41) And I think like, (45:42) you have to like mentally know what you're doing.(45:45) And it's like living on a tour bus with people that you've never met in your (45:49) entire life. (45:50) Like, (45:51) like I went on and live with like a lot of different age groups. (45:56) Yeah.(45:56) Yeah. (45:57) I live with 11 strangers who have been touring together for years. (46:02) And I was just a 22 year old getting thrown into it.(46:06) And so I think, (46:07) yeah. (46:08) So I was like, (46:08) I think that is like a very big aspect of my life. (46:14) And like, (46:15) I was finally excited to do it and then COVID hit and I was finally getting (46:19) the hang.(46:20) And so, (46:22) yeah, (46:22) that happened. (46:24) Yeah. (46:24) And you took the more sadder route.(46:26) I moved to Montana and it was going back to the mountains. (46:29) I was one with the mountains. (46:30) Oh, (46:31) I just hid in my room.(46:31) I was like, (46:32) I'm so miserable. (46:33) I hate this. (46:34) I don't want to be here.(46:36) But yeah, (46:37) now we're here. (46:38) And I like, (46:39) yeah. (46:40) Speaking of tangent, (46:41) I still have yet.(46:42) Yes. (46:43) So we're here. (46:44) And then.(46:45) Hang on. (46:45) I'd like to point out that that tangent was not our fault. (46:48) Mark.(46:49) No, (46:49) it was not the first time that's ever happened. (46:51) So yay. (46:52) They're generally self-initiated.(46:54) I'll high five. (46:55) Yeah. (46:56) They're generally self-initiated.(46:57) Me and Brendan have the attention spans of peanuts. (47:00) Yeah. (47:00) We really will be like having a business conversation.(47:03) And then like one second, (47:04) we'll be talking about like what color the sky is. (47:07) And like, (47:08) if it's raining or not, (47:09) like, (47:09) but you know what? (47:10) That's like podcasts to another, (47:11) I'm like, (47:12) tangents are great because only when they create like actual good (47:16) conversation. (47:16) I feel like what you just said, (47:17) Devin, (47:18) good conversation.(47:19) Sometimes artists will get into a tangent. (47:21) Like when we interviewed them and I'm like, (47:22) Oh, (47:23) I know I have to cut this out later. (47:25) You can cut out my attention.(47:27) Feel free. (47:28) No, (47:29) no, (47:29) not at all. (47:30) No, (47:30) we, (47:31) I'm not kidding.(47:31) I'm not joking. (47:32) When I tell you, (47:33) we do not edit. (47:34) We do not edit ever because.(47:36) I wish. (47:39) The thing is, (47:40) the thing is there's so much learned in the conversation. (47:43) We're going to stick our foot in our mouths.(47:45) We're going to do it. (47:46) And the best way to address it is, (47:48) Hey bro, (47:48) you just said something that didn't sound right. (47:51) And then we address it.(47:52) We, (47:52) we work it out and then we move forward. (47:54) Right. (47:54) During the conversation.(47:55) Yeah. (47:57) Yeah. (47:57) I definitely, (47:58) like, (47:59) I think we learn individually when things go wrong in the interview.(48:03) It's just that some of our artists are not media trained or like our. (48:09) Artists. (48:09) They do not.(48:10) Yeah. (48:10) They're not cerebral about it. (48:11) They feel right.(48:12) Yeah. (48:13) Just. (48:13) It was like, (48:15) am I, (48:15) should I say, (48:16) am I allowed to say it? (48:17) I don't know.(48:17) I don't know. (48:18) Yeah. (48:18) We previously.(48:19) Not for this podcast. (48:21) I interviewed an artist and their attention span just was not there. (48:26) And I think we got about two hours of recorded content and I had to (48:29) condense it into like a 25 minute episode.(48:31) Wow. (48:32) It was like, (48:32) sayonara to everything you just said. (48:37) Sorry to hear that.(48:38) No, (48:39) it was kind of funny. (48:39) Anyhow. (48:40) So we get back to, (48:42) so we, (48:42) we, (48:43) you and I have a conversation, (48:44) Devin.(48:45) I talked to you for the first time or we're just having a conversation. (48:49) And I'm like, (48:50) yeah, (48:50) I like artists like Quinn 92. (48:52) Right.(48:52) I mean, (48:53) that's the first artist I spit out. (48:55) And Brennan just about shit his pants. (48:57) I did.(48:57) I was like, (48:58) because. (48:59) Okay. (49:04) I'm glad.(49:05) I did. (49:06) And then I did. (49:07) And I didn't even just about, (49:08) I actually did.(49:12) Yeah. (49:13) Well, (49:13) it was weird, (49:14) man, (49:14) because. (49:14) No offense.(49:15) Like, (49:15) you're not, (49:16) first of all, (49:16) he's not that big. (49:17) Second of all, (49:18) you're not really in his like key demographics. (49:20) So for you to say that, (49:20) I was like, (49:21) what? (49:21) Like, (49:22) that's just so random.(49:23) I'm not going to lie. (49:24) Like it popped into my head. (49:26) It's one of those things.(49:27) Yeah. (49:28) And it was the first one. (49:29) And I listen to him every morning when I make my coffee, (49:31) I put on a Spotify.(49:33) This is Quinn 92. (49:34) I love that. (49:35) So yeah, (49:36) he was honestly one of the really big, (49:39) like, (49:39) I want to say like inspirations for my whole, (49:41) like pursuance into the music industry, (49:44) especially because.(49:45) So I, (49:46) yeah, (49:46) so we both know when I do, (49:49) but I have had a lot of weird experiences with him, (49:52) which I will detail. (49:53) But in terms of him, (49:55) like really jumpstarting my career, (49:57) it started when this dude came up to me, (50:01) like at a party, (50:01) I was hanging out with my friends from Northeastern. (50:03) And he was like, (50:04) Hey, (50:04) you look like Quinn 92.(50:05) I'm like, (50:06) I have absolutely no clue who that is. (50:08) And I looked him up and I'm like, (50:09) Oh shit. (50:09) Like I kind of do look like him.(50:10) And then I started listening to his music specifically another day in (50:14) paradise was the first song I heard from him. (50:16) Right. (50:17) Great song.(50:18) Yeah. (50:18) Oh my God. (50:19) Absolutely.(50:19) Unreal track. (50:20) So I think. (50:24) Yes.(50:25) Yes. (50:26) What did you just do? (50:26) Did you just shoot your pants again? (50:28) I just dropped. (50:29) I'm just kidding.(50:31) I did. (50:32) Yeah. (50:32) I dropped my microphone.(50:35) Sorry. (50:36) So that really just made me, (50:38) you know, (50:39) on a journey and then to see someone's career, (50:42) just kind of blow up, (50:46) but still, (50:46) you know, (50:47) he's still low key, (50:48) but it blew up like in front of my eyes was really cool. (50:50) And it made me realize that a lot of industry things are possible.(50:54) So I really followed his career a lot. (50:56) And I definitely stole a lot of his style going at what, (51:00) especially during my peak 21, (51:02) 22 years when I thought I was the shit. (51:05) Zoom ass.(51:06) Yeah. (51:06) Are you wearing yellow pajamas right now? (51:09) Honestly, (51:10) today we didn't Quinn it out, (51:12) but we have a photo shoot after this. (51:15) And I, (51:16) not lying.(51:17) I based like two of the outfits off of his, (51:20) his Instagram. (51:21) So that's awesome. (51:23) But yeah, (51:24) my, (51:24) my story with Quinn is when I was doing music, (51:27) you're missing.(51:28) Like I would just try to create content on the side. (51:30) And I created this like album reaction to from Michigan with love when it (51:35) first came out on YouTube and were Wolfe's like my favorite song. (51:39) Oh my God.(51:40) So here's another story. (51:41) I was working out. (51:42) Oh, (51:43) double tangent.(51:44) I love it. (51:45) I'm so sorry, (51:46) but I was working at Sony at the time and they brought me on like a (51:49) conference and it was around October and werewolf. (51:53) I think came out either late October or early November.(51:56) And they were like, (51:57) Oh, (51:57) we have some like artists songs that we want to show you that are coming (52:01) out soon. (52:02) And Quinn is signed to Columbia. (52:04) And I got to hear the record before it was ever even announced, (52:08) which was so cool.(52:10) And werewolf was the first track I heard. (52:12) And I ended up looking up Yoshi flower and I became a big fan of his as (52:15) well. (52:15) We're trying to get him on the podcast, (52:16) which would be really cool.(52:17) He just hasn't come out with any like content lately or not content music. (52:22) So it doesn't really align content music. (52:24) It's all the same now.(52:25) Come on, (52:25) just entertainment. (52:26) Right. (52:28) But I made that video and I think, (52:31) you know, (52:32) it's just so cool.(52:32) what was it, (52:32) a new album or whatever he was touring at the time. (52:34) Cause a new album just came out. (52:35) And.(52:36) I traditionally either worked concerts for one of the stations I was (52:40) working for in Boston or for Sony this specific show I could have (52:44) worked both. (52:45) Because he was pop. (52:47) I could have just like not worked, (52:48) but I could have done social for them.(52:49) And then Sony. (52:50) I could have like done (52:52) We basically had to go to Sony shows and just like analyze the artists and the crowd reactions and just make up a report (52:58) And whatnot (53:00) But I was like, nope, no, no. No, I'm not doing I'm not working.I'm going to the show as a fan (53:04) I'm buying VIP. I don't care. I know I'm like whatever old I am (53:07) I don't have any money, but I'm putting on my credit card and I (53:11) Show up like I literally walk in me and my two friends and he's doing a Q&A (53:17) He stops the Q&A he looks at me and I'm like (53:21) What's going on? And he's like, are you are you like do you have a YouTube channel? (53:27) I was like, yeah, and he's like, did you like make a reaction video to my album? I was like, uh-huh (53:33) He's like do you want to like hang out after the show and I was like, yeah (53:37) And then I did and I was so awkward (53:40) I was so awkward with him and my roommate and I at the time had a joke about mug root beer (53:45) Which is so dumb and the only thing I could say to him because I walked in his dressing room all time out (53:50) There's nothing dumb about root beer.Oh (53:53) Wait until you hear what I said, and then you might you might (53:58) I looked at him and I saw his mug root beer and I go is that mug root beer? (54:04) Clearly, I mean, there's a can of mug root beer. I'm like, is that mug root beer? And he's like, I'd be honest with you (54:09) Yeah, no, I'm just that's that's one of our phrases where it's like the captain obvious. Oh, yeah (54:15) No lie to me, right? Yeah.No, I say it to Chris all the time and he's like now lie to me and I'm like, okay (54:26) What gave it away (54:30) Huge dog that literally says (54:32) That's why he didn't answer our Instagram (54:35) Yeah (54:37) So I ended up hanging out with him backstage you share the mug root beer joke with him (54:41) I didn't because it didn't really have a punchline other than the fact that we called our other roommate the dog from my group here (54:48) For no reason we just like called him that (54:52) Exactly would have been way more that sounds like it would have gotten a little more exactly and his fiance was there (54:57) So this is the thing whenever I meet an artist that I actually like I'm so awkward with them (55:01) Do it Lipa. Oh my god. I met Dua Lipa.So awkward (55:04) she touched me with like the tip of her like middle finger and I was like (55:08) I was like a goddess (55:11) She's so pretty and then when I met Casey Musgraves (55:14) I told her that I got high and I saw a ghost that talked to you whenever (55:19) She didn't mean back I talked to her on DMS, I know (55:25) So, yeah one time I messaged Casey Musgraves because I was listening to this song and (55:31) Moral of the story like it was a weird (55:33) Relation to my mom's mom who I never met (55:36) I had a dream about and then like that name came up into her in her song (55:41) But it wasn't even part of the lyrics like it literally came through my speakers (55:44) But it was not in the song because I know the song I listened to it back (55:48) But I like I saw it cuz my speakers also light up to like the waveforms of the audio (55:54) And it was really weird and I like DM der because I was like what the fuck I need to DM her like I just (55:58) Need I need to tell her just in case and she saw and we started DMing about it and then like months later (56:03) I saw her at a concert and I was like, you know, I was the dude who DM you like I was a little high (56:07) But I swear like it was real (56:11) And then you saw ghosts and then you know UFOs couple aliens, I love that story man, I don't care (56:16) Yeah, you know (56:17) I love that you like played hooky from work in the music industry to hang it to see Quinn in the music industry (56:24) And it was so worth it because it was one of the best shows I went to from an actual (56:27) You know listeners perspective and then obviously because I got the you know front row VIP experience (56:33) It was also amazing, but it truly was like the energy of the show was awesome. The crowd was (56:38) so jam-packed (56:41) And but it was a type of jam-packed where it wasn't overwhelming (56:44) I feel like a lot of the times I'm at a concert and it's just like over freaking whelming (56:48) Especially I don't like this the artist that much (56:53) I've seen him at two venues in Phoenix (56:58) Which tours shows Crescent Ballroom and the Van Buren to which tour those are the two? (57:04) I don't remember the it would have been after a (57:08) Story of us, I think okay. It was probably story of us was the last time I saw him (57:12) So possibly what were your thoughts on his newest album? I love it.I love the acoustic renditions (57:18) I'm an acoustic guy. Okay, cuz I'm a big big vocal guy and (57:22) Coffee's great. And I mean, they're all they're all really good.And I love second time around. I mean, it's really heartfelt (57:28) Yeah, he's I I don't I'm not a super fan (57:32) So, I don't know the reference of Stacy, but she's in every freaking song (57:36) Yeah, honestly, I don't really even get that either and I love stay (57:40) I love the song Stacy. The problem is I have my last ex was Stacy.Oh, and I love Meg Z (57:46) So I've replaced Stacy with Meg Z in all the songs when I like that that good and I have to because Meg Z is (57:52) My Meg Z. I love her. Oh (57:53) Yeah (57:57) Chris laughs at me as I (58:01) Four-year-old (58:03) Funny I love her. She's great (58:07) So she can call me Meg Z or she can call me.She can call me any all of the above (58:13) So (58:14) What how about you? What are your thoughts on it? I mean, I totally dissect song by song if you want (58:18) Yeah, I mean honestly, I'm a huge fan, but this album just did not do it for me (58:23) There were a few tracks that I really liked. I really loved the one with ash sleep while I drive (58:28) But the other ones I mean the song am I high right now was so good until black bear came in and I was like (58:34) Oh gosh, I love black bear. That was so fun.It was funny though. Yeah (58:39) Yeah, but I get it though I feel like he's transitioned to this this part where like I'm a big for example Gavin DeGraw fan (58:46) Yeah, you get me like John Bellion stupid deep acoustic, you know where it's all just the vocals and (58:53) It's ridiculous. So though like I liked Edwin McCain prior to the I'll be crazed when he was still like nobody (59:01) you know and it's it's crazy how (59:04) Like songs just resonate with people and I feel like this Quinn 92 album resonates with me in the heartfelt way (59:11) Where it's more like the other ones are just fun (59:13) Like, you know pack up your shit and drive like it's so great.You know, yeah, I definitely think this album he (59:21) Attempted to at least I think he definitely tried to get a little bit more deeper with this album, but I actually think (59:27) The way that I listen to it. I just feel like he was trying a little (59:31) Too hard to be deep and it sometimes it felt a little inauthentic (59:35) especially when you go back to some of his tracks from from Michigan with love like the song sad still was a perfect example of (59:42) like (59:43) Talking about his like anxiety or struggles with anxiety without being like hi guys (59:48) Like this song cuz I'm talking about anxiety if that makes sense (59:50) I just think from like an industry perspective (59:52) So many people are trying to hop on this mental health anxiety train that a lot of the times I have a hard time (59:58) Taking it seriously. Are you familiar with love? Oh, yeah.I saw I saw him (1:00:04) Yep. Oh, did you okay. I saw him at the Fillmore in Philadelphia.Oh wait (1:00:10) I think I want to say. Oh, no, I did a show at the Met (1:00:15) Okay, and so okay. Yeah the Met.Okay. Yeah, I'm definitely familiar with that (1:00:21) But love was as big into mental health and it's like it's sometimes it's so challenging to like vet like the true people (1:00:30) Who feel that way, you know, I mean because we all feel (1:00:34) Something once in it you get a good reaction from it (1:00:37) You're gonna continue saying, you know, whatever that subject maybe you're gonna yeah, you're gonna you're gonna strike that (1:00:44) You know strike while the iron is hot. Yeah, right.It's like at what point is it? (1:00:48) You know (1:00:50) Organic like is this things that are you're actually saying or are you just saying it now? (1:00:53) Condition to say right exactly and I and it's very obvious like especially I mean being trained and going through this (1:01:01) For me at least I feel like I can tell when it's inauthentic and when it is (1:01:07) Kind of forced as well. One of my new favorite songs, which you guys have never heard because it's metal is called (1:01:12) I am broken too and (1:01:14) The lead singer and the guy that wrote the song tattooed. I am broken too on his forearm because he's (1:01:22) Exactly so when you said is it is his is his frame of mind about mental health (1:01:27) Real or not.That's the first thing. I thought of Jesse Leach. Is he a real proponent of mental health and mental? (1:01:35) Health awareness the dude tattooed the song title on his forearm.Yeah (1:01:40) Holy crap, and it's like (1:01:42) Branded bro (1:01:43) If he made some form of art or whatever that he's so passionate in that he would get it tattooed on his body permanently (1:01:49) Yeah, I believe that a lot and and hearing the song live a year ago and reading the lyrics it (1:01:56) Speaks to me and it invokes an emotional response and that is the power of art music and I just love that (1:02:02) exactly and again, like I feel like (1:02:05) Speaking like music has power. There are some times where your music about things that (1:02:10) You know are hot right now. Like for example that I don't want to die (1:02:16) Live today.Um (1:02:19) Yeah, that was that was good because it was logic was kind of low-key at the time blew up and then that's a (1:02:25) Scenario of okay. Well you found success in this Avenue of (1:02:29) rapping about (1:02:31) Suicide so now you are the suicide artist and like that is how the industry really kind of yeah the pigeonhole works (1:02:39) Yeah, exactly. I mean you have to be labeled (1:02:41) So for me, even if whatever logic is saying and I know that I'm I'm, you know, not right (1:02:47) I'm just saying like as a listener.This is just the way I feel whatever logic says after that. I'm like, mmm, it's hard to (1:02:55) Believe yeah, because I'm like you found a lot of success with this which was a great and moving song (1:02:59) But then I'm like, I don't know what I can believe going forward and that's just me as a listener (1:03:04) I totally understand other people like don't give a shit. But like I don't know.I just think like (1:03:08) Stuff like that where it is blowing up right now. It's just hit or miss with me (1:03:11) Well Brandon, it sounds you were talking about going deeper. I mean Chris and I have (1:03:17) Basically our our podcast is what we would do if we just hang out anyway (1:03:22) Yeah, we just happen to put microphones in front of our faces (1:03:24) We had the conversations like this but years and years and years ago that lasted five hours and it's stupid Chinese food restaurant (1:03:32) Yeah, shut a place down and they're like, are you guys leaving? (1:03:37) Dissertation.Yeah (1:03:38) So so we go deep for sure and like to your point (1:03:42) I think you you kind of do that same thing where you kind of look behind the veil like yeah (1:03:46) How can I trust certain things you kind of go in? (1:03:50) Cautious I mean you want to be optimistic (1:03:51) But you're cautiously optimistic about what the message truly is and or what their agenda is right or their thought process for sure (1:03:59) and but I also kind of struggle sometimes because I feel like I (1:04:02) just naturally want to take a critical approach to a lot of things and I feel like (1:04:06) Sometimes things are authentic and it's weird because I mean sometimes people are authentic in ways that you aren't so it's hard to believe (1:04:13) But I mean, yeah people are different. Yeah, it is (1:04:16) I mean, we're all we you know, we all have kind of base things (1:04:19) but then we have some unique people that step out of that box and they just do things differently and (1:04:29) So that was (1:04:30) Synchronous for me like the Queen 92 thing just popping in my head talking about that (1:04:35) Was I knew that we had to get do something right put something together? (1:04:39) No for sure, but but then Devin when we started talking with you (1:04:43) You shared something about an artist from the 80s and I have not told Chris anything (1:04:49) I have not told him a single word (1:04:51) But you were on tour with this person and Chris and I knew then (1:04:55) Ultimately that this definitely was a synchronous event and we had to do something together. So, you know me I don't like (1:05:03) Saying the artist's name or giving away too much personal (1:05:08) Information just because I respect their privacy and (1:05:12) Everything so you are more than welcome to tell Chris away from the mic and we can talk about it (1:05:19) I just don't want to say the name.Oh, you don't want to say is it okay if I say the name or no? (1:05:24) Yeah (1:05:25) Should we meet our mics? Well, how about this? I'm gonna ask Chris. I'm gonna ask Chris the question. How about that? (1:05:31) we'll do it this go Chris you had you had a (1:05:35) Vehicle that suffered an accident it was totaled at one point Oh mother trucker (1:05:42) Go ahead.No, please share your story. What happened my stupid Volvo (1:05:47) Must be because I think that's the one we're talking about. Yeah, and you're gonna ask me what song was playing (1:05:52) What were you listening to buddy? Stupid? (1:05:54) cradle of love by stupid Billy Idol (1:06:00) And (1:06:00) I understand that Devin may have tour billiard, but we're not talking smack about it.We know allegedly she (1:06:07) Allegedly (1:06:11) So the tour was a (1:06:14) dual headliner (1:06:16) even though my artist was always on second and (1:06:21) so that was my first tour Billy Idol was a part of it and (1:06:27) Then (1:06:27) So it was crazy because I never thought I would get started with an 80s rock bands or (1:06:35) 80s rock artists. Yeah, but honestly, it was amazing (1:06:40) Getting into that side of the music industry with someone who is so experienced with a team (1:06:47) They've had for so long (1:06:50) That's so awesome. Can I can I ask you a question? Yes is his hair amazing in person as it is on TV (1:06:57) Billy Idol's yeah.Yes (1:06:59) What is Steve Stevens (1:07:04) Yeah, so I (1:07:08) But it was definitely interesting to see (1:07:11) because I have grown up on like going to I (1:07:16) Been to more shows and I could even count I cannot tell you my first concert like just not so you had to guess (1:07:24) how many shows you've been to like (1:07:26) 300 (1:07:31) Okay, um because that doesn't even include the (1:07:35) ones that I've worked and right in like (1:07:39) We would probably work. I mean you work more than me and I'd probably work like for a week Wow (1:07:46) Holy crap, especially during the summer. Yeah during this not like it's like being a restaurant manager (1:07:52) like endless hours (1:07:57) One of the largest concert promoters in the city of Boston and so I would do (1:08:04) Probably five shows a week for them (1:08:06) And I was going I would run press and I would I was a marketing and PR intern (1:08:12) So I think I went there was one somewhere.I want to say I went to like at least 30 shows (1:08:18) That's not including I heart ones (1:08:20) If every single pass (1:08:22) because I would have to like go and I would stay for the first three songs and I (1:08:26) Could stay if I wanted to I could leave if I wanted to but I had to go to every show (1:08:31) It's funny like you can tell (1:08:34) like how much (1:08:36) Concerts sometimes wear on you because I was literally at the Beyonce concert and I had front row tickets (1:08:40) I'm like not gonna go. I'm not staying for this one (1:08:44) I love concerts and I (1:08:47) Don't know if I look I think I just like the atmosphere like I like (1:08:53) That live nation job. I was like a seasonal assistant and I (1:08:58) have seen (1:09:00) so many artists that I would just never expect to see in so many different types of music that I would be like (1:09:05) Oh, I would never go to one of those shows and like I love them like sticks all-time (1:09:11) one of my favorite shows Hall and Oates absolutely loved like (1:09:14) David Byrne, he walked around with like a brain and I was like (1:09:20) No shoes.Oh, yeah (1:09:23) naked man a totally new (1:09:27) Thing I want to go to him and I was like, holy shit like that was an amazing show sticks with the (1:09:34) Piano that like spins around (1:09:36) I think I did like I just I I had to see a lot of shows and I (1:09:42) Think that job every day. Yes. I'm like I would have never (1:09:47) it's I don't want to say that I would never go see them on my own, but I would never like actually like (1:09:54) Willingly see them again.Like those are all artists (1:09:56) I would like to see again and it's just like at the end of the day live music is live music and everyone has different (1:10:02) appreciation for it and (1:10:04) You can see like how like I just nice to see people love (1:10:09) The artists you're seeing and the environment around that definitely (1:10:15) I could not agree more and I'm a psycho concert guy (1:10:18) And I I follow my favorite bands around the country because that's my I save up money every paycheck and I take my vacation (1:10:26) I follow. Hey, what are you doing for your vacation? (1:10:28) Oh, I'm going to Albuquerque and Vegas and LA to see my favorite band. I am well, that's what I do (1:10:36) Type of people on the road I deal with and like I absolutely love them and there was one artist and people would (1:10:42) Tent out for her and I'm still in touch with like a lot of her VIPs (1:10:47) and like loyal fans and they would tent out if we were in like Madison, Wisconsin and (1:10:55) There is a lot of snow and it was literally a middle of a blizzard and then these people were (1:11:01) Just sleeping in tents, you know, I get a hotel (1:11:05) No, well they like they have to like queue up and everything and like if you lose your spot you lose your spot you are (1:11:11) Okay, like they want to be the first people in the venue and I'm like, I wish I loved someone (1:11:16) that much and like I wish I had that much dedication to an artist or like even to a person a friend a family member but (1:11:23) like and (1:11:25) Honestly, I think it's inspiring (1:11:28) Yeah, I'm old enough where I'm and short enough where I'm gonna get a seat (1:11:34) I'm not gonna get cuz I love a metal head (1:11:36) So I'm I'm too old and too short to get into a pit anymore, you know (1:11:41) So I'm gonna get a seat where I can actually see the band and I like to watch the drummer (1:11:45) So yeah, but my favorite thing in the world (1:11:48) Hands-down is when the high the house lights go off and I know my favorite band is gonna go on in the next 90 seconds (1:11:56) Oh that feeling the electricity in the air and I've been waiting nine months (1:12:02) I've had that ticket in my hand for nine months and I know (1:12:05) The place is gonna explode that anticipation is amazing.I just love it (1:12:11) Yeah, it kind of goes dead silent and everyone's standing up and they're like, yep (1:12:15) You like the energy and the excitement is just it fills the room (1:12:20) Yeah, the intro music comes on and everyone is just you could just feel it. It's just it's amazing (1:12:27) And that's also why I like I like live albums when the recordings good and you can feel the electricity of the crowd on the (1:12:34) Recording and that's rare to capture that night and to capture the energy of the people there. That's I just love that (1:12:42) Yes, can we read you when you can read? (1:12:45) Live that moment again is the best yesterday.I I know that you guys (1:12:51) haven't set up for Christmas yet because it is in fact only the second week of November, but yeah, I (1:12:57) Did do that and I listened to a vinyl of Elvis live. He had like a Christmas show (1:13:02) I don't even know when or where but it was his live Christmas show and it was so (1:13:07) Like it was just unreal to listen to that and while decorating and like my first apartment ever with like my roommates (1:13:13) It was just like a very I don't know. I could just feel the energy of the crowd and it like was inside of me (1:13:20) That is very cool.I mean, I gotta give you a lot of credit. I mean that that is super cool, man. I (1:13:27) dig that (1:13:28) Yeah, I have to (1:13:31) Try to figure out where it was and what year and where it was a long freaking time ago details because he's been dead since (1:13:37) 1977 I know (1:13:39) This past week was my anniversary my one-year anniversary of going to Graceland Wow (1:13:45) What a time (1:13:48) Yeah, mark and I are both big big fans of live albums.We but I mean that's just that's that's a big pie (1:13:54) Love it with her, you know (1:13:56) Rush is one of my favorites. They just always sound good live. That was record live very very well (1:14:02) Do you listen to live albums, but just casually or for me whenever I listen to a live album, it's like, okay (1:14:08) I'm listening to this album from start to finish.Would you listen to live tracks just like kind of on the go? (1:14:14) Absolutely, either way. Yeah the start to finish or like oh, yeah, here's a track. I haven't heard in a while (1:14:19) I'll just listen to one song (1:14:20) For me something about the arrangement of a live album and how they arranged it to be played to get to put you through those (1:14:29) Emotions.Yeah, I love the way it's arranged (1:14:32) So when I listen to albums when we're talking old we're talking old school music brand dropping stuff again, Brandon (1:14:44) Can you roll up a newspaper and flop them on the nose for (1:14:49) But part of that is that I'm a bit such some I'm such a big concert person whenever a tour is announced (1:14:55) I always try to figure out the setlist. Oh, yeah, I go. Okay.They have a new album (1:14:59) They're gonna play X number songs on that album and I'll try to guess the songs (1:15:02) I'll go. Okay. That also means they're gonna have to cut four or five or six songs of the older ones out (1:15:08) Okay, what what songs are they gonna cut? Are they gonna bring any old songs back? (1:15:12) So to Mark's point that arrangement of the setlist and how are they gonna put the setlist together, you know (1:15:19) And I would love to be in the room when those guys have that convert or girls have that conversation (1:15:23) And I would love one day to hey who Chris who's your favorite band? Who's your second favorite band? (1:15:29) Who's your third favorite band? (1:15:31) You get to do the setlist (1:15:32) You get to pick five songs of the setlist because I've always curious of hey, man (1:15:37) We were so sick of playing that one song (1:15:39) We're just not gonna do it anymore and I give artists credit.They've been around 20 years or whatever (1:15:44) We played that song 2,000 times. Fuck you. We're not playing anymore.Yeah, I don't care. We're not gonna play it (1:15:50) Yes, the fans love it. No fuck off.So I would love to be (1:15:54) Flying the wall and see how they come up with the whole setlist. What song goes where what's the encore? (1:16:01) What's the opening song? Those are to me. That's a big decision because they're gonna play it for six months, right? (1:16:07) Yeah part of my job at the label (1:16:09) Was when I would go so basically they would send an artist out as an opener to like a super low-key tour (1:16:15) So yeah, they could generate (1:16:18) an (1:16:19) idea of what tracks to push (1:16:21) Okay (1:16:22) when you're pushing those tracks it also kind of creates an idea of which ones you when you do have a full set because again when (1:16:27) You're a new artist your full set isn't actually a full set because chances are you're probably (1:16:31) Still an opener but on a you know a little bit more prestigious tour (1:16:35) But it was interesting to see like they (1:16:40) sometimes there'd be singles that they wanted to push as like a single or songs that they want to push as a single and they (1:16:45) wouldn't (1:16:46) Go over that well to a live crowd and vice versa and then they would curate a (1:16:53) Tracklist for the live shows from that data that we would take that's super interesting (1:16:59) But I'm not really sure how like large artists do it.I wonder how much (1:17:02) Like (1:17:05) I wonder how much control they really have because I feel like at some point (1:17:07) I mean like I also feel like at some point when you're like Taylor Swift or you're like (1:17:11) John Mayer or something. It's like you can just kind of do it. I feel like Taylor Swift has control (1:17:17) everything (1:17:18) Yeah (1:17:20) Well, I found it interesting.Yeah, you know how everybody says hey, I don't mean to shit on anybody and then you shit on them (1:17:25) Oh, yeah. Okay, so I don't mean to shit on Ray LaMontagne. For example, I (1:17:30) Love Ray LaMontagne's music.It's unique. His voice is different, but his album (1:17:36) He only his live stuff is only that album (1:17:39) He does not play any (1:17:41) other stuff (1:17:43) You have to kind of be every summer (1:17:46) I know and it's just his newest album and I'll be honest without real context, you know (1:17:52) You're I understand to Chris's point. We don't want to play that song anymore (1:17:56) But there was I like Edwin McCain right and he's obviously got famous off of I'll be and he goes (1:18:03) I don't understand artists who have that feeling (1:18:05) It's like looking at a lottery ticket on and framing on the wall and being like that gosh-darn lottery ticket (1:18:10) How dare you how dare you give me all my money, you know what I mean? (1:18:14) So like he always plays I'll be because that's what that's what got him, you know paid right in that respect (1:18:24) Yeah, definitely I'm I I'm just excited to get back to (1:18:29) Concerts soon and yeah, I'm really there's a whole bunch of music that's been released since kovat that I'm just dying to see live (1:18:35) What do you guys think? (1:18:37) Because I've I had five shows from March into September.I was gonna go to and they were obviously they were all canceled (1:18:45) One of them was with 93,000 of my closest friends at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (1:18:50) And I was very upset about that I had four days off and gonna play golf in LA and (1:18:56) See a bunch of Germans screaming. It's gonna be amazing. So that's all been rescheduled right for next year.Hey everyone next year (1:19:02) We're gonna have concerts. Do you what do you guys think? Is that gonna be a real possibility? (1:19:07) I'm gonna be quiet on this one (1:19:10) No, I don't want you to be quiet (1:19:13) I think (1:19:17) No, I'm sorry, I believe it's a little (1:19:21) Like I think they kind of had meetings about it for me. I don't want to separate.Oh, so of course (1:19:25) Oh, yeah, you're good as like a listener and just like a person. I genuinely I just don't I can't it takes a lot (1:19:32) To plan a tour, of course (1:19:34) and I don't think that if coronavirus was cured tomorrow that they would be able just to plan it like that a tour would be (1:19:40) Able just to get up and go for at the very least like six months and that I don't even know (1:19:46) I'm just guessing so like you also have to factor in when vaccines come out. You still need to (1:19:52) Make sure everyone has them and they're not getting released like mass mounts at first.So I mean, I definitely think it's within (1:20:00) Two years. I say it would go back to normal (1:20:02) But I do know too that like Ticketmaster has recently announced that when shows do come back you need to show proof of (1:20:09) Having the vaccine (1:20:11) Etc. So, I mean, I I just don't think they're I don't think anyone has a solid time on it (1:20:16) And I think of course no, I was just wanted your opinion.Yeah. No, that's definitely opinion. I definitely would say (1:20:21) anticipate (1:20:23) Longer than sooner.Yes. No, and I agree with that completely and I'm just very surprised that (1:20:28) The tour that was gonna be in September this year has been rescheduled for September next year (1:20:33) And I don't think it's gonna happen (1:20:35) I really really really really want it to but I really don't think it will. Yeah, I definitely I can't imagine (1:20:43) It would because I mean 10 months.What is that? Does that 10 months I do that correctly? (1:20:47) Yeah, they pushed everything back a year, right? (1:20:49) Yeah, I I think that was just an easy thing to do at first because no one necessarily knew the kind of toll (1:20:56) Yes agreed (1:20:57) and I think it's just a lot easier to let people continue to buy tickets or whatever and then just refund them that it is (1:21:03) To cancel it and then replant something else, of course, and I totally get all that. I I just I (1:21:11) Don't understand how you could I? (1:21:14) Just don't foresee it happening and that makes me really sad. Oh same.I mean, I'm living in the city (1:21:19) I have so much access to a bunch of venues and (1:21:23) To be so close to them and not be able to actually go to them and utilize them makes me so yeah (1:21:30) Yeah (1:21:30) Yeah, it's one of those crazy things but you know 2020 (1:21:35) poop (1:21:37) Poop everywhere. It's almost over. There is (1:21:40) Thank God.It's over. Hey, it's 2021. Yay (1:21:45) I don't see much changing.I (1:21:48) Actually love working from home. No, it's all good (1:21:50) I've been in my flip-flops and hanging out my dogs work from home has been great (1:21:54) So Brennan you want to go deep man, do you have a deep topic you wanted to discuss because we're all about it (1:22:03) Okay, let me ask miss Devin what's your best Billy Idol story (1:22:12) That you can reveal to us (1:22:14) like (1:22:17) Personally, I just don't really like (1:22:20) Talk like I don't know. I just don't really like talking about that type of stuff (1:22:23) I don't even tell Brendan Tory story.Do you want to plead the fifth? I plead the fifth (1:22:28) I also don't have any Billy Idol stories like I like we were we just (1:22:33) Coincided like they're like I didn't work for him or anything. I (1:22:38) Worked for the other artists. That was okay (1:22:41) But and there's just funny like I don't know a funny they were a good group of people (1:22:48) Okay (1:22:49) So I do plead the fifth on that one, okay (1:22:54) No, I'm not gonna we're not here to dox people or get anybody in trouble.Believe me (1:22:58) We've we've cut out things for with other guests. So if we have to we have to we get it. Yeah, totally (1:23:05) Thank you.What are you guys? What artists are you dying to get on your show? (1:23:10) in a world in which (1:23:13) People thought we were like accredited. I would you in my world you're accredited (1:23:18) So what artists do you top three that you guys want to get on? Okay, I really I don't know if you guys listen to Bruno (1:23:23) major (1:23:26) I'm literally obsessed with him. He his album to let a good thing die is the best album of 2020 (1:23:31) He is like a lo-fi pop acoustic singer-songwriter.His lyrics are awesome (1:23:38) I would love to talk with him and just kind of go through his songs and (1:23:43) Really just unpack them (1:23:46) Love him so much (1:23:49) Devin what about you? Is there an artist that you have in mind? Um, okay. Well, I'm really excited about the girl (1:23:56) We actually have on tomorrow. Oh, that's a woman.Um, I (1:24:00) we've recently found her and (1:24:03) Cassidy King and I'm so excited about her. I think (1:24:08) Sorry, I know we like interview artists who are like up-and-coming but she's one of the artists who I (1:24:14) I'm like pretty confident. She's going to make it (1:24:17) She sounds that name sounds really familiar it does she's very she has like a decent following and a decent (1:24:28) She's so independent right now, like I don't even think she's working we were emailing her not even her manager (1:24:32) Yeah, like I just think it was like the Macklemore of (1:24:37) female (1:24:40) Like she's just amazing and I think it's the first artist that I've genuinely been like (1:24:46) I really want to like talk to her like I love all the artists that we work for and I like their music for different (1:24:52) reasons (1:24:53) But this girl she just has yeah (1:24:57) Yeah, like I actually like will sit and listen to her and that's like a very rare (1:25:03) like I have artists that I'll just listen to the whole album and (1:25:07) That's the only thing I'll listen to it for a month straight (1:25:09) I'll just unpacked every little thing and with her music every song just sounds so different and her voice (1:25:17) Itself just sounds really different (1:25:20) So I feel like I'm listening to a different artist every with every one of her songs and so I'm really excited about having her (1:25:27) You're talking with her tomorrow.Yeah (1:25:30) Excellent. Yeah (1:25:33) do you guys have a (1:25:36) I'm trying to think how to phrase the question (1:25:38) So do you have a standard format with every artist like you have a list of questions or do you try to be more? (1:25:45) Free form because I know you mentioned that you guys have a problem with certain people going on tangents (1:25:50) So you just let them go (1:25:52) So I mean my our whole thing is like I'm not I hate radio interviews (1:25:57) And I hate like mainstream interviews where they ask questions that are not really important (1:26:03) and I like I for example, I this is honestly one of the reasons that it ever started is like I (1:26:09) Love a lot of my artists don't get my favorite artists (1:26:11) Don't get media attention and when they do, you know (1:26:14) It's with some trashy stupid-ass company and they're asked like tell me about your shoes and stuff like that. So (1:26:20) Oh, those are our favorite questions.Yeah, exactly. Are you wearing? Yeah, and it's like I (1:26:28) Don't there's no set, you know type of questions because then that gets repetitive (1:26:32) what I like to do is I really like to do my research and (1:26:36) Find out information about them and then kind of say well (1:26:39) What don't I know about them and how can I find that out? (1:26:41) And what do I want to know about them? Like what are the last artists? We interviewed his name is Grant Schaefer (1:26:46) He was in a gap year from the school that was ranked the number one most intense school (1:26:51) Forest in North Carolina (1:26:53) Yeah, and he decided to pursue music full-time and he's like blowing up on tick-tock. So I was genuinely wondering (1:26:58) I'm like like, you know (1:26:59) I wanted to talk about that gap here and I like looked at a bunch of interviews with him and no one was talking (1:27:04) About that and for me like I care about this artist.So I'm like genuinely like I mean (1:27:08) He's clearly going through a bunch of changes (1:27:10) He was just a freshman at like one of the hardest schools in the country and now he is pursuing music full-time blowing up (1:27:15) on tick-tock like I wanted to break down like kind of his (1:27:18) mindset and his emotions (1:27:20) Good this time so like there's no set format, but it's it's our format is definitely like (1:27:26) Let's stray from the conventional (1:27:29) Yeah all over the place, but also it makes sense. It's with existing within the same world. Does that make sense? (1:27:35) Yeah, I really dig that because that's what I'm trying and that's why I asked is because I'm trying to learn (1:27:40) You know because we're this is new to us.So (1:27:43) I'm trying to pick your guys brain on how how do I be better? That's what I'm always trying to figure out (1:27:48) It's funny. I mean, I'm still doing that every day to like I will never be confident in anything that I put out ever (1:27:54) I recently just joined like a Facebook group of a bunch of podcasters and I actually am finding (1:27:58) Some some good information and like just because some people get like two streams per episode doesn't mean they don't provide (1:28:06) Insight like for example some of the simplest things we're still learning which is is crazy because in one aspect (1:28:11) We're you know, emailing the president of PR at like (1:28:16) Columbia Records (1:28:18) And then another aspect I don't even know how to make a video that has the audio like move on it (1:28:23) so I like I had to use a Facebook group for that and it's just like I think a big thing of it is just (1:28:28) never taking yourself too seriously and always be open-minded to expand and and (1:28:33) Take criticism because if someone's gonna even if I've never had to face (1:28:39) Hard or like negative criticism like that, you know, like was intended to hurt me (1:28:43) But even if I did I think that could definitely be rooted in some type of (1:28:49) Not truth, but there could be something there. I could unpack that to further work on it (1:28:53) So I just always be open to I mean after every show with Devon (1:28:57) I think we drive home and then I send her a voice message (1:28:59) She sends me a voice message of what we should do better next time and what we can (1:29:03) What we did really good on like last time we interviewed a girl for the first time in a while (1:29:08) And I just saw like Devon was able to relate to her a lot more than the other artists obviously (1:29:13) Because they have similar experiences just being a woman in music (1:29:17) And I think the first thing I said when we stopped rapping it was like, oh you just did such a good job (1:29:21) And like that was cool too because it helped me hone into like, you know, what's we are people at the end of the day (1:29:28) So let's ask them questions or let's talk about things that you know are shared experiences among humans unrelated to music, etc (1:29:36) Yeah, that's a very good point (1:29:38) I really like that.Yeah, I can't speak for Chris, but I definitely have a (1:29:43) Huge case of the imposter syndrome in me and I'm like what we know (1:29:49) What can we fix every time and we did an early episode? (1:29:54) And I remember real quick was like the phrase real quick real quick kept jumping in with that phrase kind of like the like (1:30:01) You know, yeah, that's so (1:30:02) I'm like person and we all mine. Yeah, I'm from California. So I say like and dude all the time, but that's not my fault (1:30:13) If that's the way you speak then that's the way you speak and I think that's something that I struggled with too about like (1:30:18) Swearing and in talking about, you know content (1:30:20) That's a little subjective or maybe a little bit too personal at the end of the day (1:30:24) That's legitimately who I am and that's who I want to showcase on any work that I'm putting out and it took again like it (1:30:30) It was a journey to kind of find that that's the narrative that I want to share (1:30:34) But I I think just (1:30:36) Genuinely and like that's another thing like the most cliche advice is actually like some of the best advice I've ever been given like yeah (1:30:42) Be yourself like actually like that shit is actually super important (1:30:45) Especially I'm pushing out media because so many people are pushing out content and they're all trying to be like each other (1:30:51) so when you really can (1:30:52) you know be yourself people do resonate with you more because even if you don't have that much of a (1:30:58) platform or if you don't think you have that much of a platform you do and like I personally have gotten messages that are like (1:31:04) Oh, I like I really like this show like our I like your social media or something (1:31:08) Like I liked your post like it's just I don't know.It's just like it's reassuring when people (1:31:15) Kind of react to things that are less (1:31:18) Manufactured. I think that is a great way to put it like absolutely right more the less you can manufacture yourself (1:31:24) But still kind of do what you're trying to do is the is the best (1:31:27) That makes sense, but you know, yeah, no, it totally makes sense and and to your point (1:31:31) it's kind of the reason we have the show the way we have ours is (1:31:35) Because it's kind of like Ben Rector old friends. You can't make old friends.We've known each other 28 years (1:31:42) so the conversation just bounces off each other so fluidly and (1:31:48) You know, it just works really well, and that's what the genuine (1:31:52) Nature of the conversation is what people seem to be most, you know, it most resonates with them for sure (1:31:58) And just I mean for me as a listener, too (1:32:00) I just like when I can find out something that I never knew before about someone who I've heard information from before (1:32:06) That's I like that whenever an artist tells me like, oh, that's a good question or oh, I've never been asked that before (1:32:11) I'm like, yes, like that's what I yeah, you get that little heck. Yeah. Yeah, it's awesome (1:32:18) You mentioned (1:32:20) On a podcast I listened to that you're you use the term cool shoes (1:32:25) What do you exactly do you what's your definition of cool shoes? (1:32:29) In regards was that with (1:32:32) Kuwata by any chance? No, that was the one where you guys just talked about yourselves (1:32:38) And we were talking about how you were like, oh (1:32:41) like if I want it like (1:32:42) We're very go with the flow and you're like if I want to tell you have cool shoes like I'm gonna tell you you have (1:32:48) cool shoes (1:32:51) Why do I not remember that at all (1:32:56) Oh (1:32:57) Crap, you were sober.That's the problem. Wait, hold on. I'm actually genuinely curious.So what did I say? I said something about (1:33:03) You don't like how traditional pot like interviews are (1:33:09) No, so like I think like a lot of the time I actually was I'm not I won't name names (1:33:16) But I was in a press room (1:33:18) interview and (1:33:19) They asked the artists who they were wearing and they didn't know and it was so awkward and the team got so mad (1:33:27) And I just always think about that because it's like you don't care who they're wearing, you know (1:33:31) Like you you as an interviewer don't care what you are trying to convey is that you like their shoes (1:33:37) And I think that is an appropriate (1:33:40) Sentence, I think it's so traditional to ask who are you wearing? (1:33:42) But at the end of the day, no one knows who they're wearing like unless it's a red carpet where you're you're there to like (1:33:48) You know promote the designer but like on a regular interview basis (1:33:52) I mean, you're just trying to look fret like you don't act you're not like decked out in other people's clothing (1:33:57) so what I more so meant was like if I (1:34:01) I'm not gonna I guess manufacture the way that I feel into a traditional podcast format (1:34:07) I'm just kind of gonna say what I want (1:34:11) Well said I thought you were super like into converse or something like that, oh, no, I definitely love Crocs I'm wearing Crocs, okay (1:34:18) That's how I (1:34:19) Interpreted what you said was that you were super into one type of shoes. Oh, that's what I wanted to know (1:34:25) I mean, maybe that day. That's how I was feeling.I just in Brennan's in the crop (1:34:33) Like I was a little upset when Crocs like came back because I never thought they left like I was always an ironic (1:34:40) Ironically, they never left man. No, they never did. It's like the bell-bottom of footwear, man.Yeah. Yeah. No exactly.They came back (1:34:48) They still need to be torch Post Malone has Crocs so that's enough for me (1:34:54) He also has tattoos on his face Brandon. When are you getting those? (1:35:04) That's what we do man, we just we're just glib we're just glib with our response shit, yeah (1:35:09) Yeah, so is there's anything else you wanted to share anything else you wanted to talk about? We're here all day (1:35:14) It's always like a time warp. We're already an hour and a half in if you guys haven't (1:35:18) Do in fact have a photo shoot not to sound like bougie motherfuckers, but we do have a photo shoot that we need to totally (1:35:24) Yeah, absolutely.It was a pleasure (1:35:27) I'll be honest by two glasses of wine hit a little bit harder than I was anticipating (1:35:31) So I can't wait to listen back and hear how slurred my words are (1:35:35) Sound great. You both sound good man. Keep drinking.Yes (1:35:41) Christopher no, I actually I actually have been um, I decided to not drink or like do anything that manipulates your brain for like (1:35:48) two weeks (1:35:49) So this is my first glass in two weeks. Oh (1:35:52) Very nice. It's really well done.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.I don't know why I'm not gonna hang over tomorrow (1:35:57) You'll be like what that I know after like two glasses of and it's not even real it is wine (1:36:01) Strawberry wine from Trader Joe's (1:36:06) Like a Deanna Carter song (1:36:09) See like I know my country (1:36:15) It's a country DJ, yeah, that's great. Well, thanks so much for being on with us. Thank you guys so great having you (1:36:22) Well, we're gonna post this in its entirety.We're gonna put like the ins and outs and everything. Good luck on your photo shoot (1:36:30) Once again, we're here with once again, we're here with Brendan and Devin from (1:36:35) Music you're missing podcast guys. You want any closing words? (1:36:42) Thank you for listening if you liked us you should probably check us out (1:36:47) I think I think maybe one thing we forgot is that like we always we update this playlist called music (1:36:51) You're missing which is kind of cool if you like music, but don't want to listen to our podcast (1:36:55) But either way and that's on Spotify, right? Yeah, it's on the playlist on Spotify and Apple music (1:37:04) Apple podcast perfect guys.Thank you so much for for sticking around with us Chris (1:37:08) You always have to close it out for us on closing statements be excellent to each other and party on dudes (1:37:15) Okay, thank you take care (1:37:24)