Transcript of our conversation with Anthony S. Picco (Part 2) 6/7/2020

(0:00) The individual's chart I have in front of me (0:02) is Christopher Peralta. (0:05) You ready, Chris? (0:06) Not really, but go ahead. (0:09) Go ahead.

(0:10) Okay. (0:11) It's actually not a bad chart. (0:13) There's some very interesting stuff in it.

(0:14) Oh, thank you. (0:14) I know, you can feel good about yourself. (0:18) Okay, your sun is in Virgo, (0:20) your Venus is in Virgo, (0:21) and it's conjunct your sun, (0:23) meaning it's kind of merged with your sun.

(0:24) I'll explain that. (0:25) And Pluto is conjunct your Venus, also merged. (0:28) Now, you also have Mercury and Virgo, (0:31) which is not conjunct.

(0:32) It's at three degrees, (0:33) and your sun's at 20, (0:35) Venus 25, Pluto at 29. (0:37) So Virgo's in general, (0:40) it's Virgo the Virgin doesn't refer to inexperience. (0:43) Virgo the Virgin is about purity.

(0:46) And every Virgo is about fixing things (0:49) and perfecting things and making them whole again. (0:53) On one level, (0:55) you have to identify the problem before you can fix it. (0:58) And sometimes a lot of people complain (1:00) that Virgos can be nitpicking judgmental people, (1:03) but that's the first half of what they do.

(1:06) Okay, the whole point of finding the problems (1:09) is that deep down inside Virgo wants to fix them. (1:12) Sometimes they come off like nags (1:15) because they're pushing to get it fixed. (1:17) But it's actually coming (1:18) from kind of a deeply spiritual place (1:20) where your Virgo is supposed to kind of be (1:22) one of the healers of the world, (1:25) which is why symbolically Pisces is opposite Virgo.

(1:31) Signs in opposition kind of balance each other out. (1:33) So Pisces is sort of the emotional all encompassing sign. (1:36) Well, Virgo is the one that takes care of all the details.

(1:39) Pisces says everything is one, (1:41) and Virgo says, yeah, (1:41) but it's made up of a million pieces. (1:45) Okay, so there's this kind of nitpicking, (1:48) fussy, it has to be done right, (1:50) damn it, kind of quality. (1:51) Now your sign is conjunct Venus.

(1:53) Venus is how we schmooze, how we connect. (1:55) It's the planet of beauty. (1:56) When the sign is conjunct Venus, (1:59) you are naturally an attractive person, okay? (2:02) People are drawn to you.

(2:04) They feel comfortable around you on some level. (2:06) I'm not saying you're Clark Gable (2:08) or you're incredibly good looking. (2:09) You're attractive.

(2:11) People are drawn to you for some reason. (2:13) And you're also when, (2:14) now Virgo is already somewhat refined (2:16) because they nitpick (2:17) and they wanna do everything right. (2:19) Venus gives you a certain amount of charm (2:23) and quality to be able to talk smoothly to people (2:26) and connect with them in a pleasant way, (2:28) even when you're judging them.

(2:30) Okay, somehow you make them feel like, (2:32) like, you know, I kind of see what you're saying, Chris. (2:35) Yeah, you know, and then maybe later on, (2:36) they'll go that little bastard, (2:38) but you know, right up front when they're talking to you, (2:40) they'll feel, and you have a very strong arm. (2:44) When Pluto, which is the planet of domination on some level (2:48) is conjunct Venus, (2:51) you can be, and not necessarily in an evil way, (2:55) a very dominating presence.

(2:57) You have a very strong kind of charisma or energy about them. (3:01) When Pluto is conjunct Venus or very strong in a chart, (3:05) you're compelling. (3:07) And people don't even always know why, (3:08) but they're like, (3:09) I'm interested in what he's talking about.

(3:12) Combine that with the Venus conjunct your sun, (3:14) which is kind of smoothing it out (3:15) and making it more pleasant. (3:17) You might be, and I mean this in a positive way, (3:20) kind of an iron fist in a velvet glove. (3:24) You know, you can be very strong arm, (3:26) but it's not, you're not actually punching people out.

(3:29) You know, you're kind of like, (3:31) well, you don't understand this over here (3:33) is what's the best thing for you, you know? (3:35) And you're kind of coaxing them (3:37) because you are trying to heal them, (3:38) even though you have, (3:40) one of the things I was warning all Virgos about, (3:42) don't try to heal people that don't want to be healed. (3:45) Okay, that ain't gonna work. (3:47) Understood.

(3:48) Okay, but it's a natural thing to Virgos (3:51) to wanna always improve things (3:53) and make things more qualified and make things better. (3:56) And the Pluto makes it very important. (3:58) And on some level, how do I put this? (4:03) You transform yourself when you're helping other people.

(4:07) When you're trying to help other people grow and change, (4:10) it's actually, you're not just, you know, (4:12) a pain in the ass nitpicker. (4:14) It's actually something that spiritually enriches you, okay? (4:17) You get a lot of personal growth and excitement (4:21) out of like helping somebody heal (4:23) on whatever level that means, (4:25) whether you're helping them with their bookkeeping (4:26) or helping them fix their car, whatever it might be, (4:29) you enjoy helping others fix things in their lives. (4:32) And it gives you a lot.

(4:33) Now you're weird about it, okay? (4:36) Uranus, the planet of weirdness (4:38) is all the way at the bottom of your charts. (4:40) And that means it's all the way in the core of who you are. (4:43) There's a part of you that just likes being weird.

(4:46) And I don't mean that in a pejorative way. (4:48) As a matter of fact, (4:49) you have something we called a grand trine in your chart. (4:53) What that means is a trine, as I mentioned, (4:56) is a harmonious connection between two planets.

(4:58) Well, you have one planet trine in another trine in another, (5:01) and then back to the original planet. (5:02) If we drew that on a chart, (5:04) we'd have a big triangle in your chart. (5:06) This is really kind of a wonderful gift of harmony.

(5:08) And your planets that are combined together (5:11) are Saturn, the planet of control, (5:13) is working very harmoniously with your Mars, (5:16) the planet of action, (5:18) which is working very harmoniously with Uranus, (5:20) the planet of I've got to be weird, okay? (5:23) So what that means, it works out well, though. (5:27) Again, some of what I'm saying might sound a little negative, (5:30) but you actually- (5:31) No, not at all. (5:32) Okay, you've finessed this very well.

(5:35) Saturn, when it trines or works harmoniously with Mars, (5:38) means it keeps Mars from charging ahead (5:41) and doing whatever it wants to do, (5:42) but Mars keeps Saturn from just sitting there going like, (5:45) let's keep everything the way it is. (5:46) So it's kind of controlled action, like a focused action. (5:49) And that's kind of wonderful.

(5:50) And they both trine Uranus, (5:52) which just amplifies your Mars, (5:54) which is already in Aquarius (5:56) and likes to do things in a different way. (5:58) So you're really kind of a person... (6:01) When Uranus trines Saturn, (6:02) you're the kind of person that can bring new ideas (6:05) into the physical world. (6:06) You're kind of an originator person (6:09) because you'll dream up things that haven't been done before (6:12) and you're capable with all that Virgo practicality (6:15) and Saturn kind of helping you focus it.

(6:17) You're able to bring them into the physical world (6:19) and make them function. (6:21) In a way of speaking, you're kind of an inventor, (6:23) but I don't want to make that literally like, (6:25) you know, you're making the next, you know, (6:27) the next tomato chopper or something, (6:30) or, you know, vacuum cleaner. (6:31) But there's an inventiveness about you.

(6:33) You're constantly looking at things in a different way, (6:35) but you're very analytical about it. (6:37) All that Virgo, that Virgo energy is always saying, (6:40) does it work? (6:40) Is it real? (6:41) You know, Mercury and Virgo, how we think. (6:45) Mercury loves being in Virgo.

(6:46) It's one of the rulers of Virgo. (6:48) So you think very analytically and very carefully. (6:52) The biggest risk of Mercury and Virgo (6:53) is you may think too much.

(6:56) Yeah. (6:56) So you may want to practice meditation (6:59) because it involves like not trying to think. (7:02) I mean, thoughts come in your mind anyway when you meditate, (7:04) but, you know, it's let go of them.

(7:07) Don't think them through. (7:08) Because you do have a fairly decent intuitive streak. (7:12) It's a little challenged, but it's there.

(7:14) So you can trust not thinking is what I'm saying. (7:17) Although there's a part of you that's like, (7:19) why would I do that? (7:23) You have, regarding your intuition, (7:26) Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth and new ideas (7:29) and kind of usually considered a, (7:31) it's called the great benefic planet, (7:33) is conjunct or working intimately with your Neptune. (7:37) It's so conjunct that Jupiter's at zero degrees 22 minutes (7:42) and Neptune is at zero degrees 36 minutes.

(7:44) They're right on top of each other. (7:46) Neptune is a profoundly creative planet. (7:50) When it's functioning well, (7:51) it's really about spirituality, intuition, (7:55) a certain amount of psychic streak, incredibly creative.

(7:57) When it's not functioning too well, (7:59) it can be about sort of self delusions (8:02) and fantasies. (8:03) And sometimes if it goes really dark, (8:05) it can be about problems with drugs. (8:08) I'm not saying drugs themselves are the problems, (8:10) but using drugs to escape or drinking, (8:13) like escapism can be the dark side of Neptune.

(8:16) I think you're a little too grounded (8:18) to move in that direction. (8:20) But as a result, (8:21) you've really kind of got this rich creative well (8:25) to draw on that is not logical. (8:28) And as I'm sure you've realized in this life, (8:30) your ideas have just sort of popped in your head.

(8:32) And then of course the Virgo jumps on them and says, (8:34) can it work? (8:34) Let's see, let's try it out. (8:36) Let's race it around the city and see what goes on. (8:42) And your Mercury, by the way, (8:43) is in your house of finances.

(8:45) You probably work in some way (8:47) connected with communication. (8:51) It could be computers. (8:53) It could be you could write.

(8:56) You could be a comedian. (8:59) I'm not sure who's laughing, (9:01) but it's Mark in the background (9:02) with his microphone turned off. (9:05) Cause he's an asshole.

(9:07) Well, I'm sure being an asshole. (9:09) I am. (9:10) I'm a senior telecom telecommunications engineer.

(9:13) Bingo. (9:14) And I have been for 24 years. (9:17) Shut up, Mark.

(9:19) By the way, Uranus, (9:20) which I said is well put together in your chart (9:21) is also about high technology. (9:24) So the fact that you come up with new ideas, (9:26) you're probably working things through. (9:28) It's all part of your gifts.

(9:30) So, you know, it makes perfect sense. (9:34) Now, your Mars is in Aquarius, (9:37) which as I mentioned, (9:38) likes to do things in a different way. (9:39) It's also in your house of relationships, (9:42) close relationships.

(9:43) Now, when I say one-to-one relationships, (9:45) it can be lovers and spouses. (9:46) It can be close personal friends. (9:48) It can also be business partners.

(9:51) So it's usually about closer one-to-one relationships. (9:54) Well, Mars is in there, (9:55) which means you like very active relationships. (9:59) Sometimes you end up liking combative relationships.

(10:03) You probably butt heads a bit with your friends, (10:05) not in a mean-spirited way, (10:06) but you're not the kind of guy (10:08) that likes to probably sit around (10:09) and watch movies with your friends. (10:10) You've got to be doing something. (10:12) There's got to be interaction.

(10:12) Something's got to be going on. (10:14) Just sitting around and being passive with your friends (10:15) is just not of interest to you. (10:17) Sometimes it does imply you can be a little quarrelsome.

(10:22) And sometimes you might be the kind of person (10:24) that just takes the other side (10:26) because you take the other side (10:28) because you just like to stir things up. (10:32) And your moon, however, is in Cancer at 22 degrees. (10:36) And it's just above your rising sign, (10:38) which means it's conjunct your rising sign.

(10:41) Your rising sign is in Cancer. (10:43) Very late, it's about 28 degrees, 42 minutes. (10:46) Now, your birth time, it sounds pretty exact, (10:49) although I do find generally nurses (10:51) tend to write these things.

(10:52) Nurses aren't astrologers, (10:53) so they're not there sitting there like, (10:54) what would the astrologer want on the chart? (10:56) So sometimes they'll just look up at the clock (10:58) when they fill out the birth certificate. (10:59) So you might be born a little bit earlier, (11:01) a pinch, like maybe five or 10, 15 minutes. (11:04) So you're definitely Cancer rising (11:06) with the moon right up front.

(11:07) Now, as much as you're a Virgo (11:10) and a nitpicking little son of a bitch, (11:15) the Cancer rising makes you very much a nurturing person. (11:20) Cancer wants to nurture. (11:21) So this kind of on one level, on an emotional level, (11:24) ties in with your Virgo that wants to heal and help people.

(11:27) So there's this constant notion in your chart, (11:30) and I mean this in a higher way of speaking, (11:33) service to other people is very important to you. (11:36) And I'm not talking about a butler or something, (11:38) but how you help other people. (11:39) You really enjoy helping other people, (11:41) nurturing them, getting better.

(11:43) You might do it a little heavy-handed, (11:44) that velvet glove, iron fist kind of a thing. (11:47) You can be kind of compelling and demanding at times. (11:51) But I think for the most part, you're fairly compassionate.

(11:54) Your moon's in Cancer, (11:56) that's about as emotional as you can get. (11:57) So even though you might have this like, (11:59) I'm Virgo and I'm practical, (12:01) there's a lot of emotions that drive you. (12:03) It's maybe not clear on the surface, (12:05) but it's just underneath.

(12:07) It's like the Cancerine moon is the wave (12:10) and Virgo's surfing it, okay, (12:12) is the kind of the way I would describe how you manifest it. (12:16) Sometimes, and I'm not big on physical attributes (12:18) based on a chart, (12:19) but sometimes Cancer rising (12:21) and have kind of a moon-shaped face. (12:24) One example, like Linda Ronsat had a very round face.

(12:27) She happened to be Cancer rising. (12:29) So sometimes, but not all the time. (12:31) So I take that with a grain of salt.

(12:32) Some of the old time astrology claiming that, (12:35) oh, they're skinny or oh, they're fat or oh, they're tall. (12:38) I have a little bit of issues with. (12:40) But clearly there's an emotional quality right up front (12:42) and a nurturing quality.

(12:44) And as a result, as I mentioned, (12:45) Cancer can be very sentimental. (12:48) Loyalty to your friends is kind of important to you. (12:51) And you probably, you're so intense with your friendships (12:55) in that Pluto conjunction that when you make a friend, (12:58) whether they like it or not, they're your friend for life.

(13:01) It's like, they don't have any choice in it after that. (13:04) Once you've connected with them, (13:05) it doesn't mean you're gonna rush in (13:06) and connect with everybody. (13:07) But it does mean that when you do, that's it, baby.

(13:12) What this is, by the way, (13:13) this is mostly done kind of off the cuff. (13:15) So the grand time's really nice. (13:17) You also have Saturn trining.

(13:19) That's a little wide. (13:21) Saturn is sort of trining the Pluto also, (13:23) which is a lot of wonderful qualities of self-control. (13:28) The Uranus on your nature does suggest (13:30) a bit of a disruptive childhood.

(13:33) And what I mean by that is it could mean (13:35) that you moved a lot. (13:36) It could mean that you just came out of a very odd family. (13:40) And I don't, again, not Bajarda, (13:42) but they could have all been Bohemians.

(13:43) They could have all been just people that weren't, (13:46) whatever the word normal means, (13:47) whatever we define as normal, they weren't that. (13:50) It can suggest an unusual home, (13:52) like maybe you just lived in a place (13:53) like it wasn't a traditional thing. (13:55) Maybe you, I don't know, shared a house, (13:57) lived in a weird building, whatever it might've been, (13:59) or lived in an unusual home.

(14:00) So there's a certain amount of disruption (14:02) in the home and mom connection. (14:04) Although most Cancer Moons get along pretty well (14:07) with their mom, doesn't mean they get along great with them. (14:08) Dad's actually probably, you're tight with both of them.

(14:12) I mean, I wouldn't, as challenging as your childhood (14:15) might've been in the sense of kind of surprises (14:16) and changes that went on, (14:19) there seems to be kind of a solid connection (14:21) to both parental figures. (14:24) And although you do kind of have a rebellious streak, (14:28) and even sometimes butted heads with your mom, (14:32) it was more for show. (14:33) I think you basically got along with your parents.

(14:36) I don't see anything that's like, (14:38) oh my God, look at that mother. (14:40) I don't see that in this chart. (14:42) You kind of get along with them.

(14:44) Now there is a little bit of a challenge. (14:46) You have a T square in your chart. (14:47) Now what that means is that two planets (14:50) are opposite each other in the chart.

(14:52) And then there's a third planet (14:54) that if you drew the lines connecting, you draw a big T. (14:57) So there's Mercury is squaring Saturn (14:59) and squaring Neptune and Jupiter. (15:02) So although you communicate well, (15:06) I think you're a very innovative writer (15:10) in the sense of you can be very poetic (15:12) and very empathetic in your writing. (15:15) Sometimes it's hard for you to finish it, (15:17) to get it put together, (15:19) because a lot of the times you're writing about stuff that, (15:23) or communicating about stuff (15:25) that hadn't been invented before you thought of it.

(15:29) So in order to explain it, (15:31) you've got to explain the concept, (15:34) explain what you've learned about it, (15:35) then explain what that means and how you can use it. (15:39) So there are times you have difficulty communicating (15:41) because your thinking is so out there (15:46) in the best possible way, but out there. (15:48) One of the things about geniuses, (15:50) and I want to clarify, I want to use the word genius.

(15:53) I don't think geniuses are necessarily like have a 300 IQ. (15:57) What makes a genius different (15:59) is that they think in a different pattern. (16:02) So the best example I can give is, (16:05) everybody goes around going, (16:06) oh, one plus one equals two.

(16:07) Why, yes, one plus one equals two. (16:09) Yes, we all agree, one plus one equals two. (16:11) And then the genius comes along and says, (16:12) two minus one equals one.

(16:14) And everybody goes, oh, we never realized that. (16:17) Well, all they did was turn it upside down (16:19) and look at it backwards. (16:21) And that's what a genius is constantly doing.

(16:23) And probably what you do a lot is like, (16:25) I know you said one, two, three, (16:26) but what about three, two, one? (16:27) Or what about two, and then one, and then three? (16:29) So you're a pattern breaker, (16:32) or else you recognize the patterns (16:34) that other people aren't seeing. (16:36) And so you kind of turn things upside down (16:38) a lot of the times, which pisses a lot of people off (16:42) because they don't like that touch. (16:45) More often than not, the innovators, (16:47) either they build a cross for them, (16:49) or my favorite example is the doctor in the mid 1800s (16:54) who first suggested that maybe we surgeons (16:57) should wash our hands.

(16:58) And he was like laughed out of the academy and humiliated. (17:02) And surgeons would say, our bloody aprons are what? (17:04) It's a badge of service. (17:06) And of course he was rejected.

(17:08) And then 50 years later, it's canon (17:11) and everybody's doing it. (17:13) That's the problem of being a genius. (17:15) You're right, but 90% of the people hate you anyway, (17:19) because you're upsetting the apple cart.

(17:21) And look, the apple cart needs to be upset. (17:23) We need these people, but it can be at times a bit rough. (17:27) Now you're blessed because you're so good at explaining it.

(17:30) And you're blessed because there's things (17:32) in your chart suggestion. (17:33) You're very good at bringing these new ideas (17:36) into physical practicality. (17:38) So it's probably a little less for you (17:40) because you're the kind of guy that will say, (17:42) we can harness steam and they all laugh.

(17:44) And then you take out a machine that you made (17:45) that works with steam and they go, oh, wait a minute. (17:49) So you're actually probably very good at backing it up, (17:51) but there's always that problem up front. (17:54) And there is that part of you that likes being a disruptor.

(17:57) Okay. (17:57) Absolutely. (17:58) Yes, so sometimes you almost, you enjoy it too much (18:02) and you're almost like, well, you can figure it out yourself (18:04) but you can't always explain yourself very well.

(18:08) Those four planets, Sun, Venus and Pluto and Uranus, (18:15) well, it's kind of in your fourth house (18:16) or in your third house, (18:17) which again is the house of communication. (18:19) So you've got two different, (18:21) you've got four planets all talking about communication. (18:24) So as I mentioned, the Sun is conjunct Venus.

(18:26) You communicate very well, very articulately. (18:29) Pluto, you're very compelling in your communications. (18:31) You're very original and you're very analytical.

(18:34) So other than the fact that sometimes it's hard (18:36) for you to finally put the period on the sentence (18:39) and say it's done. (18:41) And that's a combination of that T square, (18:43) which gets a little wobbly when you're trying to, (18:45) and it's also a combination of the Virgo's always going, (18:48) wait, there's one more thing I can add. (18:50) Yeah, I agree.

(18:52) One of the things I always tell Virgo's (18:53) and one with four planets in Virgo I always mention (18:56) is perfection is insane. (18:59) Perfection is a static state where nothing changes. (19:02) Don't try to be perfect.

(19:05) Use, most Virgo's should learn to use the mantra, (19:08) that's good enough for now, okay? (19:11) And if you don't like it, say next time we'll improve it. (19:14) Otherwise you'll be dicking around (19:16) for the next seven days and never finish anything (19:21) because I can make it better. (19:22) I can make it better.

(19:23) Yeah, but it works now. (19:24) Just get your damn hands off of it. (19:26) Yeah, just get it over with and shut the hell up.

(19:28) Yeah, and like I say, (19:30) the motivation is coming from kind of a loving place. (19:33) You want to perfect this. (19:35) You can make this great.

(19:36) I know you can, but other people don't give a shit. (19:39) Okay, they want to get the thing as it's working (19:41) and let's do it now. (19:43) So you'll need to, that will help you a lot in your life (19:45) if you find the balance.

(19:48) You know, this is when the Libra's supposed to start laughing (19:50) when you find the balance. (19:52) He's on mute by the way. (19:55) Between the nitpicking and the practicality of it (19:58) and what actually can be done.

(20:00) You know, I often joke a lot of Virgos are working (20:02) after everybody's gone home (20:04) because it's not quite done yet, you know? (20:08) You're lucky your Mars isn't in Virgo (20:09) because people with Mars in Virgo never go home. (20:12) They're just at the office all the time (20:13) or the lab or whatever they're working at. (20:16) The problem is I'm more efficient (20:17) and I'm more effective than everybody else (20:20) and I still work longer hours.

(20:22) Well, yeah. (20:23) That's fucking horrible. (20:24) Well, you've got to learn to play.

(20:26) Oh yeah, and then I just at five o'clock, (20:28) I'm like, okay, fuck this, I'm going to go. (20:30) Yeah, you've got to declare that boundary (20:32) and just let go of this (20:34) and know it'll be there when you get back. (20:36) It's not going to be done.

(20:37) Yeah, it's not going anywhere. (20:40) You know, that's natural. (20:40) You have a very natural creative ability (20:42) that Neptune and Jupiter I mentioned (20:43) is in your fifth house of creativity.

(20:46) So you're a very creative person. (20:48) It's a natural thing for you to express yourself. (20:51) Now, even though you're very late Cancer rising, (20:53) there's a lot of Leo in your first house.

(20:56) So you do have a good healthy ego. (20:59) Leo can often go dark and become egomaniac (21:02) but I think the Virgo keeps you in check. (21:05) Regarding actually relationships in general (21:07) besides that combative nature I said (21:08) that you had with Mars in the seventh house, (21:11) your Venus is in Virgo.

(21:13) And the funny thing about Venus in Virgo (21:15) is it's a little tough to be schmoozing (21:20) and connecting to people when the Virgo is sitting there (21:22) judging the partner all the time. (21:27) My wife has Venus in Virgo and she's acknowledged to me (21:30) that and other people with Venus in Virgo said, (21:33) every day they are assessing their partner. (21:36) Every day is a new day to a Virgo in a relationship.

(21:39) You're always ideally not judging. (21:41) I always prefer the word assess to judge (21:43) because judge means, judged, convicted, execute them. (21:47) Whereas assessing just means like, well, this is good (21:49) and maybe this changes.

(21:51) So Venus in Virgo is always assessing their partners (21:53) and constantly wanting to improve. (21:56) Again, a loving quality. (21:58) And again, if the person's not ready to improve (22:01) really annoying.

(22:03) So I'm not saying it's a bad thing, (22:05) but it's important and you have a good sense of empathy. (22:09) It's important to recognize when somebody is not ready. (22:14) You're trying to get your friend to stop drinking (22:17) because you're an alcoholic.

(22:18) They may not be ready to hear that yet. (22:19) They may need to have a car accident (22:21) and spend six months in traction (22:23) before they're willing to hear that. (22:24) Or they may need to lose their job (22:27) and their fortunes or whatever.

(22:28) So you really have to tune in (22:31) to when somebody says, help me and means it. (22:34) And when somebody says, help me, (22:35) I want you to do this for me (22:36) because I don't wanna deal with it. (22:38) And that's the curse of any healer, (22:40) learning to recognize when something needs healing (22:44) and when somebody really just wants to be enabled.

(22:47) So that's one of the challenges. (22:49) And actually to use, (22:52) there's something in astrology called the North Node, (22:55) which sort of symbolizes, if you believe it, (22:57) the direction in life that we grow the most (22:59) and learn the most. (23:01) What's interesting is yours (23:02) is at the house of one-to-one relationships.

(23:04) You're cool. (23:05) You know who you are. (23:06) You know what you do.

(23:08) Other people are your biggest bane, okay? (23:11) Because as much as you're a healer and wanna help people, (23:14) there's a part of you that just doesn't get them. (23:17) You know, and the more- (23:18) No, there's not a part of me. (23:19) There's all of me.

(23:20) And yet you manage, you love helping people. (23:23) And you love- (23:24) It's so dumb. (23:26) That's completely illogical.

(23:29) And that's the Virgo logic going, this doesn't add up. (23:32) No, it doesn't add up. (23:33) People are not mathematical equations.

(23:35) I should have been drinking during this, Anthony. (23:39) Well, you can always listen to it again when you're drunk. (23:41) Oh, that's gonna happen tonight.

(23:43) That's what beer Googles is for, my friend. (23:45) Don't worry, we'll get there. (23:48) I'm sorry, go ahead.

(23:49) The other thing I just wanna mention, (23:52) with your late cancer rising, (23:55) Saturn right now by transit, where it is in the sky, (23:58) has moved into your seventh house. (24:01) You may find the next year or two, (24:02) a bit of a struggle with friends and partners, (24:07) because Saturn, whenever it transits something, (24:09) really kind of asks you to assess it, (24:11) throw out the dead weight, and be very focused. (24:14) You may find at a time when, (24:16) if there are one-to-one relationships that aren't working, (24:19) you will be ending them, okay? (24:21) It's already started.

(24:22) Yeah, okay. (24:23) And it's gonna be for like a couple of years. (24:26) The Saturn- (24:26) Great.

(24:27) Takes a couple of years to get through it. (24:27) Super excited about that. (24:29) I'm sure, just ditch them all.

(24:30) How about everyone- (24:32) Is that sarcastic? (24:34) Well, yeah, of course it does. (24:38) That Mercury, see the thing is, (24:39) whenever somebody becomes too logical, (24:41) like Mercury in Virgo, (24:44) yeah, there's a part, (24:45) the only way you can cope with things not being logical (24:47) is to get snotty. (24:49) And I understand that.

(24:50) I have quite a tongue myself, and people piss me off. (24:53) But it's a normal thing, (24:56) because you keep trying to make the world logical. (24:59) And there's, remember, we have two halves to our brain.

(25:01) There's the logical half, (25:03) and then there's the right half, (25:04) which just does whatever the hell it wants to do, (25:08) and is like a fog on one side. (25:10) And the logical half is always trying to take the ideas (25:12) from the fuzzy half and make sense out of them. (25:15) Now, you happen to be well-built in your chart (25:17) to make sense out of insanity, (25:19) in the sense that you come up with crazy ideas, (25:21) and you go, oh, but I know what I can do with this, (25:23) and you can make it practical.

(25:24) But we can't do that with people. (25:26) They're gonna just do whatever the goddamn hell they want. (25:29) You can't just take a wrench and adjust a few nuts, (25:31) and they're gonna behave themselves.

(25:33) And that's why maybe your issue this time around in life (25:36) is the more you understand people, (25:38) the more you will evolve and grow and expand, (25:41) because that's the part, remember I mentioned, (25:43) there's always those parts in your chart (25:45) where you have something to learn. (25:48) The more you learn and understand other people, (25:51) the more connected and balanced you'll become, (25:54) and the less annoyed and pissed off you'll be all the time. (25:58) You know, because I know you are, (26:01) you know, because people are not perfect, (26:04) and you know they could be, (26:05) and that just bugs the hell out of you.

(26:08) So that's, but I wanna point out (26:10) when Saturn goes into that there, (26:11) actually, Jupiter is gonna follow it next year also. (26:14) And Jupiter alleviates it a bit. (26:16) Jupiter and Saturn are kind of like opposites.

(26:18) Saturn says like, focus and get rid of all the crap, (26:20) and Jupiter says try something new and be more beneficial. (26:23) So the two of them might work pretty well (26:25) as it goes through your seventh house (26:27) where like you'll cut people out, (26:28) but maybe you might even feel a little more generous (26:31) towards people and understand, (26:32) you might still cut them out, (26:34) but it won't be from, I hate you, (26:35) let me get you out of your life, (26:36) but more like, you know, I understand you, (26:38) I still don't want you in my life, you know, (26:40) which is a whole different way of going about it. (26:43) Yeah.

(26:46) Otherwise, you know, you're actually, (26:49) where the heck is Neptune now? (26:51) Neptune's at 20 degrees right opposite your sun. (26:53) You're actually entering into a period of a few years (26:56) where spiritual and mystical stuff (26:59) will become more important to you. (27:01) We're talking about a three or four year period.

(27:03) So it's an undercurrent. (27:04) It's not like a constant thing. (27:06) The idea that you just started these a couple of, (27:08) a short while ago with Mark doing these podcasts (27:11) is to me an example of how you're opening up (27:13) and trying to find new ideas and new concepts.

(27:16) So you can look over the next two or three years, (27:18) Neptune from by transit is sort of challenging you (27:20) to open up a bit more, be maybe a little less logical, (27:24) be maybe a little more intuitive (27:26) because you got the intuitive streak (27:27) and you've always used it in service to logic. (27:30) And now I think you're kind of gonna be getting asked (27:33) over the next few years, but what can intuition (27:35) stand by itself? (27:36) Does it have to have a logical basis? (27:38) You know, these are the questions (27:39) you'll probably be coming up with (27:41) and come up with your own answers, you know, (27:43) and you may find things, (27:44) because when planets are in opposition by transit, (27:47) it usually means the outside world brings in (27:50) the things that you need to address. (27:52) So you may find incidents or things in the outside world (27:55) kind of bringing you these questions of like, (27:58) you know, what's real, what isn't real? (27:59) Is intuition valid? (28:00) Am I being too logical? (28:02) These are just things that's kind of an undercurrent.

(28:04) You know, it's not like you're gonna be tortured (28:05) of what is real and what isn't real, (28:07) but it's almost sort of amending and kind of blending (28:11) and asking you some questions about like, (28:14) well, we know you know the hard and fast rules. (28:16) What about the unwritten rules? (28:17) What about the invisible rules? (28:19) You know, what about the rules that are just guidelines (28:21) that can be bent? (28:22) Maybe all ways you examine things (28:24) and bring a certain richness to your understanding (28:27) that's very well put together, but maybe a bit, (28:32) how do I put this? (28:33) Maybe sometimes your mental system is a little too closed. (28:37) Okay, it's a great system, okay? (28:39) And it really functions really well, (28:41) but there may be a door or two you could open (28:43) that would enrich it even more is what I'm saying.

(28:45) And that's maybe what Neptune might be asking (28:47) over the next two or three years (28:48) while you're throwing people out of your life. (28:52) Yeah, those things seem like they contradict each other. (28:57) Well, because you might end up bringing in people (28:59) that new people that will bring you ideas (29:01) that make sense to you as opposed, (29:03) the ones you're throwing out are the ones, (29:05) Saturn never throws out what you need, okay? (29:08) So when you are ditching people, (29:09) it's because they're not functioning in your life anymore.

(29:12) They're not bringing you something, (29:13) but Neptune could bring in people with new ideas (29:15) that you sort of like, I never thought of it that way. (29:18) Wait a second, and sort of make you question things. (29:20) Like on one level, and this is the way astrology works.

(29:24) I could be, I'm working for Neptune right now in your chart. (29:27) I could look, if I was standing outside this (29:30) and looking at you and me, I'd be like, (29:32) oh, Chris is checking with an astrologer (29:34) because Neptune is opposite his chart, his son. (29:37) So he's looking to an outside source (29:38) that's gonna talk to him about mystical non-logical stuff.

(29:41) Well, here I am on your show talking to you about this. (29:45) It wasn't Mark that had his chart and said, (29:46) hey, come look at my chart. (29:48) It was you.

(29:49) So that's Neptune opposite your son going, hey, come on. (29:52) And actually your son's at 20 degrees, 55 minutes. (29:55) Today, Neptune is at 20 degrees, 53 minutes.

(29:58) It's sitting right on your ass (30:00) across the other side of the chart. (30:01) And here I am. (30:03) So that's the way, I don't know if that chart (30:05) made a lot of sense or not.

(30:07) Obviously Mark found it hysterically funny, (30:10) but that's basically your chart. (30:12) I mean, you're welcome to ask anything else, (30:13) but this is sort of like a quick 15, 20 minute wrap up. (30:17) I mean, I can, usually when I do a reading, (30:19) I do it for like an hour, hour and a half (30:21) and get a lot more into detail, (30:23) but I wanted to just point out those things.

(30:25) I don't know how well it gels (30:26) with your computer generated report, but. (30:30) I have a couple of questions (30:32) and then I can go through the things that I highlighted. (30:34) Sure.

(30:35) My first question is, (30:37) what does the chart say about my sense of humor? (30:41) Well, you know, this is part of that T-square. (30:46) Mercury is how we think. (30:48) Squaring Neptune gives you a lot of imagination, (30:51) but it's a square, which means it can sometimes misfire.

(30:54) So coming up with smart ass remarks out of the blue, (30:59) that may be sometimes a little harsh. (31:02) Saturn is squaring your Mercury. (31:03) So they're usually, your sarcasm is kind of judgment based (31:08) because Saturn likes to judge and assess things.

(31:11) And they're both kind of, (31:12) both the mystical planet and the creative planet (31:14) and the practical planet are kind of struggling (31:16) with your way of expressing yourself. (31:19) And you want to express yourself as a logical Virgo. (31:21) But as you said earlier, you just can't take people.

(31:24) Okay. (31:25) So that little whip comes out (31:27) and you could look at it as dark humor, (31:30) but I don't call it deep dark humor. (31:32) It's more just, you know, (31:35) screw the world, you're all a bunch of idiots.

(31:37) I'm going to tell you how I feel. (31:38) Does that make sense? (31:40) Yeah. (31:42) Go ahead, what else do you want to ask? (31:43) Or what does the chart say? (31:45) The chart doesn't say, it doesn't really, (31:48) it says I have a good sense of humor (31:49) like six or seven times in different ways.

(31:53) Yeah, because the Venus conjunct the sun (31:55) will make you get along with people and relax (31:57) and be kind of easygoing, even if you are a Virgo, (32:01) and you're very original and that turns up a lot too. (32:04) And so humor comes from originality, you know, (32:07) dad jokes are not funny, original humor is. (32:10) So you're not a dad joke generator.

(32:12) No, not at all. (32:12) And I've always wondered, (32:15) my parents aren't funny at all. (32:18) My mother was not at all.

(32:19) My dad told jokes that he memorized (32:23) and they were fucking horrible, fucking horrible. (32:28) Why do bees hum? (32:30) Because they don't know the words. (32:31) Dad, shut the fuck up.

(32:35) Just do, just shut up. (32:38) So. (32:40) Yeah, it's an intermittent therapy session as well.

(32:42) Yeah, sorry. (32:43) Thank you, Dr. Therapist. (32:45) So I've always wondered because I, (32:50) and this is very egotistical of me to say, (32:54) I'm one of the funniest people that I know.

(32:56) The things that I think in my head make me laugh out loud. (33:00) Because the shit's funny. (33:02) Because you're very creative and very original.

(33:05) You're a lot more original than your parents. (33:08) Absolutely. (33:09) I mean, imagine if, you know, I don't know, (33:13) Name A Comedian was raised by two accountants.

(33:16) It's gonna be a problem because like you're making jokes (33:19) and they're going, well, that doesn't add up, you know? (33:22) So it's a whole different mindset. (33:24) So like I say, you got along with your parents, (33:25) but there's definitely disconnects there, you know? (33:28) I really didn't get along with my parents. (33:31) Well, were they monsters (33:33) or did you just sort of put up with them? (33:35) My father was a Mexican Catholic army drill instructor.

(33:38) So I lived in fear until I was 17. (33:42) So he's- (33:42) I would like to use your line, Anthony, (33:45) about an iron fist. (33:46) He ruled with an iron fist.

(33:48) But no- (33:48) And it was none. (33:50) It was a line of fear and respect. (33:54) And that's the Mexican way.

(33:55) So my mother was this docile white woman (33:59) and my dad was just boom. (34:01) And you don't get out of line or you suffer the wrath. (34:04) And that's the way it was.

(34:06) Okay, pal, here's what's going on. (34:08) Your Saturn, which represents dad and represents, (34:12) as I mentioned, authority and control, (34:15) is opposite or fighting with your incredible creative side, (34:20) that Neptune and Jupiter in your house of creativity. (34:23) So dad's rules were suppressing the shit out of you.

(34:27) Well, of course. (34:30) And to this day, (34:32) it may even be one of the reasons you struggle (34:35) with the spiritual and the non-logical. (34:37) Because look, all of us deep down inside, (34:39) whether we're 40 or 70 or 90, (34:41) still want mommy and daddy to like us.

(34:43) Of course. (34:44) And you may have to, at some point, (34:46) get to the part where it's like, (34:48) well, dad, you did an okay job, but go to hell. (34:51) I have my own beliefs.

(34:53) And it's something we all struggle with. (34:54) I don't wanna make it sound like it's unique to your chart. (34:57) But in your case, dad was definitely suppressive.

(35:00) And in a certain way of speaking, (35:02) when I'm looking at the chart (35:02) without completely being able to explain it, (35:05) getting past your father (35:08) will help you move into the future. (35:12) Saturn is in your house of future. (35:14) And wherever Saturn ends up in the chart, (35:16) it shows an area where we need to learn a little bit.

(35:18) So on a certain level, (35:19) Saturn is kind of saying to you poetically, (35:22) until you get past whatever's blocking you here, (35:25) you're not gonna quite get to the future, (35:27) whatever that means. (35:28) And I'm using that term very loosely. (35:32) So the patterns in Saturn (35:34) also represents the emotional baggage we carry with us.

(35:38) So it's suggested, this is what I'm saying. (35:41) I did a quick reading, (35:42) but now we're getting into the depths of a reading. (35:43) The more you can cope with what your dad did, (35:47) take it apart, throw out what you didn't need, (35:51) keep what made sense, (35:53) the more you'll still tend to hold yourself back.

(35:56) And I actually suspect now even more so (35:59) that Neptune opposition, (36:01) where I said the weirdness will come in (36:02) to sort of try to break up your logical logjams (36:05) could be one of the things that helps you (36:08) move into the future (36:09) and deal with the baggage (36:12) that you still carry from your dad. (36:14) Now, some of the stuff he taught you, (36:15) I'm sure was legit. (36:17) Absolutely.

(36:18) Self-control, discipline are very important things. (36:21) But if self-control is based on your piece of shit (36:23) and you have to do this, (36:24) well, that's not even about self-control anymore. (36:27) It's really more about abusing yourself (36:29) and thinking you're worthless.

(36:30) And that's just simply not true, (36:32) but sometimes our parents have their own problems. (36:35) So that might even be part of this Neptune opposition (36:39) is that you may even resist it (36:41) because there's some voice inside you going, (36:43) daddy won't like me if I do this. (36:46) And there's another voice that should also be saying (36:48) that sarcastic voice, (36:49) well, the hell with that.

(36:50) You know, I am who I am. (36:52) Use that Leo upfront (36:53) to sort of like be a little more egotistical. (36:56) Nothing wrong with being egotistical.

(36:57) The problems won't become egomaniacs. (37:00) You know, it's good to have a nice healthy sense. (37:03) It's good to be able to speak English.

(37:04) Hold on a second. (37:05) It's good to have a nice healthy sense of self and worth. (37:09) Like, you know, I count, I matter.

(37:12) And so, and you do have that to a degree. (37:14) You think you got the best sense of humor. (37:16) There's a certain pride you have in what you do, (37:19) but there's a lot of discipline that's, (37:21) you still have the invisible armor on you (37:24) that your dad built for you.

(37:25) Yep. (37:26) And it's time to like shed some of that armor and look, (37:29) it'll be scary. (37:30) Cause at some point you're like, (37:31) but I've been wearing this for the last 40 years.

(37:33) It's like, how can I take this off? (37:35) And, but you'll discover, you'll get used to it. (37:37) And you'll probably, for a Virgo, (37:41) a lot looser and more casual. (37:43) You know, you're never going to lose that logic (37:46) and that self-discipline.

(37:47) It's kind of built into your chart, (37:48) but you want to balance that out (37:50) with the more frivolous side. (37:54) You know, there's this humor (37:54) that doesn't necessarily have to be (37:57) a vicious attack on other people. (38:01) And you're capable of it.

(38:03) You've got a lot of originality. (38:06) And it's almost like you're channeling (38:09) all of your originality into like two or three streams. (38:12) And you can be a waterfall.

(38:14) Okay. (38:15) It's a great analogy. (38:17) So that's kind of what I'm saying is, (38:19) you know, dealing with your dad, (38:21) it doesn't even have to be him literally.

(38:22) It's really about your inner relationship with your dad, (38:25) not literally going to him. (38:26) And although maybe that might be, (38:28) again, if he's around still. (38:29) That might be.

(38:30) No, he's not. (38:30) Okay. (38:31) I didn't have a say on it, yell at him.

(38:33) I don't know. (38:34) But that might be, you know, (38:36) where it really has to work. (38:38) You gotta like untie the cords that are choking you (38:42) that he put there and open up the rest of it.

(38:46) So, yeah, I can see that. (38:48) You know, dad, he gave you a lot (38:52) and took a lot away at the same time. (38:54) And you want to restore what he took away.

(38:56) Because when we're kids, when we're babies, (38:59) we know we're worth the entire universe. (39:01) When we're babies, we get hungry, (39:03) we cry and we expect to be taken care of. (39:05) That's how strong a baby's ego is.

(39:07) Wah, I'm going to be fed. (39:09) I just go wah and I'm going to be fed. (39:11) And on a spiritual level, (39:12) that really makes a statement (39:13) about how we are when we're born.

(39:15) We're kind of perfect when we're born (39:16) and we get taught not to be. (39:20) So you want to kind of understand (39:21) that there's a part of you that knows who you are (39:24) and that baby inside you, (39:26) little baby Chris, you know, (39:28) does know what's best. (39:30) I was probably born with more hair than I have now.

(39:34) I probably was too. (39:36) My last question is, (39:38) I've had Mark included (39:42) and several other people tell me that I'm an empath. (39:44) And I hadn't heard that word until two or three years ago.

(39:48) And then I had to find out what it is. (39:51) And I don't necessarily know if that's true or not, (39:54) but people keep telling me that. (39:56) It is in your chart.

(40:00) Neptune rules Pisces. (40:01) Pisces is the most empathetic sign. (40:03) Neptune is strong in your chart.

(40:07) It conjuncts Jupiter, (40:08) which suggests a certain psychic sensitivity, (40:10) which is just, you know, (40:11) psychics have to be empaths. (40:12) How else do you tune into somebody else (40:14) if you can't tune into somebody else, (40:16) you know, which is a certain empathy. (40:20) So that's naturally there for you.

(40:22) You also have that moon in Cancer right up front. (40:25) So there's an emotional side to you (40:27) that's very non-verbal. (40:29) Where you just, (40:30) see the tricky part of being an empath (40:31) is there's no, (40:32) what's the word again? (40:33) Logical way to be an empath.

(40:35) You have to sit there and just sort of open up. (40:37) And sometimes speaking as a cranky practical Capricorn, (40:42) you know, empathy is a pain in the ass. (40:43) You may have to care about other people.

(40:46) Okay. (40:46) So there's a part of you that (40:48) you do naturally connect with them. (40:50) But again, this is that side (40:53) that you've been talked out of.

(40:55) Okay. (40:56) But this is what I say, (40:58) that it's there. (40:58) And with Venus conjunct the sun too, (41:00) you connect to people well.

(41:02) You may not realize how empathic you are, (41:04) but you wouldn't be attracting people (41:06) if they didn't feel comfortable around you. (41:08) So there's- (41:09) Yeah, I can't get them away from me. (41:11) Well, I know that's your problem.

(41:13) But there's something about you (41:15) that's kind of so comfortable and safe. (41:18) They're not afraid of you, (41:21) which means there's an empathy coming out of you. (41:22) There's something coming out of you as magnetic (41:24) and as kind of charismatic as you can be (41:27) with that intense Pluto kind of energy.

(41:29) It's welcoming. (41:30) It's not, I'm going to crush you. (41:32) It might be I'm really stronger (41:34) and I'm stronger than you, (41:35) but they feel comfortable around you.

(41:37) People who aren't empathetic (41:39) are not gonna attract those people. (41:41) Okay. (41:42) So you have it.

(41:43) You might find it, (41:45) you might become more aware of it (41:47) as you cope with this Neptune transit (41:50) and this dealing with that Saturn stuff with your dad. (41:55) And actually on some level, (41:57) that Saturn transit through your seventh house (41:59) where you get rid of friends, (42:00) that might even make you realize more (42:02) how you're actually tuning into other people (42:05) because you'll be getting rid of the people that you don't. (42:08) And I don't mean to make it sound cruel.

(42:09) The people that are- (42:10) No, not at all. (42:11) It's good for me though. (42:12) It's the right thing to do for me to take care of myself.

(42:15) You're gonna be getting rid of the people (42:16) that don't bring you anything. (42:18) Don't bring anything to the table. (42:20) But the people that drain me, like have to go.

(42:24) Yes. (42:25) And that's part of it is recognizing, (42:28) like you said, (42:29) that you're the person that wants to help other people, (42:31) but you've got to recognize who helps you (42:34) and who drains you. (42:35) I find, it took me years to get to this, (42:39) but as an astrology reader, (42:40) a couple of weeks ago I did this call-in show (42:43) and all they did was give me one chart (42:45) after another to read.

(42:46) I did like eight charts in two hours. (42:49) And I was just really energized (42:51) because these people were genuinely looking for help. (42:54) And by the end of the two hours, I wasn't exhausted.

(42:56) I was actually almost charged up (42:59) and that's because they weren't trying to drain me. (43:01) And that's the trick sometimes (43:03) of recognizing who wants to help. (43:06) If you're helping somebody that wants to be helped, (43:08) they'll bring the energy to it.

(43:10) When you're helping assholes, they suck you dry. (43:13) Yeah. (43:14) And that's the art of, (43:16) because look, there's that practical Virgo in you (43:18) that says, I can fix everything.

(43:21) It's like, yes, you can, (43:22) but not everything wants to be fixed. (43:24) That's a problem. (43:26) And you have to recognize the difference.

(43:29) Yeah, I just discovered that very recently. (43:31) And that's that, again, that Neptune transit (43:33) is kind of opening up that very creative, (43:37) empathetic and intuitive side. (43:38) And look, every scientist, (43:40) every major logical guy has talked about, (43:43) what is it? (43:44) Somebody dreamed up a, (43:46) somebody understood the nature of circular molecules (43:48) because they had a dream about a snake grabbing its own tail (43:51) and rolling down and they woke up and they suddenly realized, (43:53) oh, the molecule is a circular molecule.

(43:55) So every scientist will tell you, (43:57) intuition has supplied the concepts (44:00) that they turned into logical things. (44:03) So intuition and non-logical thinking is not your enemy, (44:08) but it doesn't work logically. (44:09) So you're suspicious of it because, (44:12) most Marine captains can't turn and say, (44:14) everybody be psychic right now.

(44:17) It doesn't work that way. (44:19) So you're excellent at discipline, but- (44:21) No shit. (44:22) Yeah, so you don't have to work in discipline.

(44:26) It's one of those areas where you've got that. (44:29) So don't worry about, (44:30) oh my God, it's gonna descend into chaos. (44:33) You'll never let that happen even without trying.

(44:36) Yeah. (44:36) So take a deep breath (44:38) and like plunge into the deep end of the pool of non-logic. (44:41) You're not gonna drown.

(44:43) You would never let yourself drown. (44:44) No, I'm a deep ender. (44:45) I'm good at, I'm good at, yeah, I'm good at that.

(44:48) So that's the kind of thing I'm talking about here. (44:50) You're actually at a crest or a crux (44:54) of really kind of plunging into the deep end (44:57) of the other side, the right brain and the illogical stuff. (45:01) Look, I just gave you an entire reading (45:03) based on something that I can't even tell you how it works, (45:06) but clearly it worked, okay? (45:10) Telecommunications.

(45:11) What was that in the background? (45:13) He doesn't, just shut up, Mark. (45:15) Two demerits. (45:15) I just said telecommunications (45:17) because his title is communications in it.

(45:21) Well, let's see. (45:22) He's good at it. (45:22) I'm sure, you know.

(45:25) Now let's see if you can master like psychic communications (45:29) because that's the other side of communications. (45:31) We're working on that. (45:33) There's a wonderful in the- (45:34) Welcome back, Mark.

(45:35) Yeah. (45:36) You're so full of demerits, I'm surprised you can talk. (45:39) There's a wonderful, the last Robert Altman movie, (45:42) God, it's set in like turn of the century England.

(45:45) And it's about the, (45:46) it's like a version of upstairs, downstairs, you know? (45:49) And it deals with the rich people up top (45:50) and then the maids and workers (45:52) that live in the bottom of the building. (45:53) I can't remember the name of it at the moment, (45:55) but at one point there's this wonderful line. (45:58) One of the servants, they ask one of the servants (46:01) who's really a well-established like revered servant, (46:04) what is it that helps you be best as a servant? (46:08) And she just looked and she said, anticipation.

(46:11) And what she was kind of saying was that (46:14) being psychic is makes you the best servant (46:16) because you kind of sense what the person wants (46:18) before they ask for it. (46:21) Being intuitive and psychic is a fabulous gift (46:24) when you learn to trust it. (46:26) That's the biggest problem.

(46:27) Logical people like you and I, and I'm intuitive, (46:31) but at 66, I've broken a lot of the rules (46:33) because, you know, they start choking you after a while. (46:37) I've learned how sometimes just following my urges (46:40) has led me to better directions than I would have expected. (46:44) The biggest trick with intuition (46:46) is learning to tell your psychic urges (46:49) from your psychological problems.

(46:51) And what I mean by that is like you come home (46:54) and you're really depressed and you decide, (46:56) I want to eat a pint of ice cream. (46:57) It's like, okay, that's not intuition, okay? (47:00) That's emotional problems. (47:02) But if you come home and you decide, (47:04) you know, I haven't spoken to Joey in about three months.

(47:06) I really have an urge to call him. (47:08) Call Joey and Joey would be like, (47:10) hey, I was just thinking of you. (47:12) And that's psychic.

(47:13) That's not a coincidence. (47:14) Look, the word coincidence, it's about co-incident. (47:18) It's the same thing Carl Jung talked about (47:20) with synchronicity.

(47:21) Things happen together for a reason, (47:24) and they're not always the reasons we expect. (47:26) We don't even always know why. (47:28) That's the frustrating thing about intuition.

(47:30) Why do you have a feeling to do this? (47:32) I don't know. (47:32) And then I do it and I discover, oh, that's why. (47:35) That happens to Mark and I every day.

(47:38) And the more you talk about it every day. (47:41) That's what Neptune is. (47:42) That's what that non-logical side is.

(47:45) The side that Virgo in you looks at (47:48) and tries to poke with a stick and says, go away. (47:50) Because it's a risky thing because you can't logically do it (47:54) and it requires a deep level of trust (47:57) that's hard for people like Capricorns (48:00) and Virgos to let go of. (48:02) You know, I'm actually, I'm 66.

(48:04) In the past two years, I've become far more intuitive (48:06) than I've ever been. (48:07) And it's been a little scary and delightful too (48:10) at the same time by just following that urge (48:13) that doesn't make sense. (48:15) Like sometimes the urge is I'm gonna punch you in the face.

(48:17) That's too much logic. (48:18) Don't do that. (48:20) But if like you're walking down the street and you go, (48:22) I don't know why I was gonna go straight, (48:23) but I feel like turning down this block instead.

(48:25) Turn down the block. (48:27) Now it might be you'll discover why, (48:29) or it might be there was a car accident (48:31) that you didn't walk into if it stayed on your path. (48:33) And you may never know why you followed your intuition.

(48:36) And that's frustrating, particularly for a Virgo (48:39) or like myself, a Capricorn. (48:41) But the more you follow it, you know, (48:43) do you wanna get hit by a car and go, (48:44) oh, that's why I had that urge. (48:47) What's the point of the urge if you don't listen to it? (48:50) You know? (48:51) So.

(48:53) 100%. (48:53) My sermonette is over. (48:56) No, we love it.

(48:57) Love it. (48:59) Chris, you have any more questions or anything specific? (49:01) I'm done. (49:01) I appreciate it, Anthony.

(49:02) Oh, hey, a lot of fun. (49:04) For me, fun. (49:04) I'm sure it was squirmy for you a little bit, but.

(49:06) No, I wasn't nearly as bad (49:08) as your warning suggested it would be. (49:11) Let's just be Bustin' Chops. (49:13) See, I have the sarcastic humor that I have too.

(49:17) The New Yorker. (49:18) Forget about it. (49:19) You know, the worst part about sarcasm (49:21) is you can't read it in text.

(49:23) It just does not work. (49:24) And putting a little winking smiley face doesn't help. (49:27) No, it never does.

(49:28) I've been burned. (49:30) Yes. (49:31) Well, Anthony, do you have any questions (49:33) or anything else you'd like to share? (49:35) This is absolutely your time.

(49:36) I am so blessed and grateful that you came on (49:39) and did such an in-depth, you know, service. (49:44) Thank you. (49:44) I certainly had plenty of time (49:45) just to really kind of lay out the basics of astrology.

(49:48) And that's, I think what people, you know, (49:50) a lot of people do tests that are, (49:54) it's hard to scientifically prove astrology. (49:56) It's something I'm going to bring up right now. (49:58) And I no longer try to.

(49:59) I once made the mistake about 15 years ago (50:01) of actually engaging a group of skeptics. (50:05) And I realized they had no interest in proving astrology. (50:08) They just wanted me to do something (50:09) so they could screw up and make fun of me, which they did.

(50:15) Astrology isn't just science. (50:16) The problem is, is astrology is also like psychotherapy, (50:19) an interpretive art. (50:22) So on one level, you have things like (50:24) the legendary Goklin tests back in the fifties, (50:26) and this is before computers could really do, (50:29) Goklin and Michael, (50:30) Mikhail Goklin and his wife, a couple of French couple, (50:33) did studies of thousands of charts (50:36) and discovered that the positioning of Mars (50:39) in everybody's chart had a strong effect on their careers.

(50:43) So there is actually some scientific, (50:45) loose scientific proof for it, (50:47) but, you know, nobody has really attempted anything (50:50) quite that, and by the way, back then, (50:52) they had to do every chart by hand. (50:53) There was no software (50:54) that just automatically generated a chart. (50:57) So it was an enormous amount of research, the Goklins, (51:00) G-A-U-Q, it's some French spelling, I can't even handle it.

(51:04) But there's an interpretive side. (51:06) You know, as I demonstrated when my ex-girlfriend (51:10) went in and devastated some poor guy with a chart reading, (51:13) and then I went in and like kind of said, (51:15) well, there's another way of looking at that. (51:17) And that's the non-science end (51:19) that scientists struggle with (51:22) because scientists believe the world (51:24) is completely scientific, and it's not.

(51:26) Science is wonderful at explaining science. (51:29) I don't think any scientist can tell you (51:31) who you're gonna fall in love with (51:32) because love is just one of those, like, (51:35) even as an astrologer, I can probably find 12 charts (51:38) that you connect with really well, (51:40) but I don't know which one's gonna set your spark off. (51:44) You know? (51:45) I even say like- (51:46) There's so many factors that go into it.

(51:47) I mean, there's that biochemistry just between the two, (51:50) pheromones and everything. (51:52) So many subconscious things. (51:53) And some people can bring up, you know, (51:55) sometimes it's past lives connecting, (51:56) and we can't even measure that.

(51:57) You know? (51:58) I am very familiar with that one. (52:01) So, and honestly, most charts- (52:03) You know, you're probably compatible (52:05) with like 90% of the people on Earth. (52:06) Now, by compatible, I mean you get along with them.

(52:09) You know, you're not- (52:09) They're not an enemy, or you're not trying to kill them, (52:11) or they're not trying to kill you. (52:13) But who sets off that spark? (52:14) Who- (52:15) Look, we don't even know why babies are born when they are. (52:18) We know what creates them.

(52:20) We know what their bodies are formed like. (52:22) But even doctors can only give you like a week-long range (52:25) of when the baby might be there. (52:27) You know? (52:27) It's true.

(52:28) So there's things that science can't explain. (52:30) And in my universe, that's fine, (52:32) because there are other things that can explain it. (52:35) Scientists, you know, too many- (52:38) There's a term, it's called scientism.

(52:41) And it's a term referring to the fact (52:43) that people use science as their new religion. (52:45) And they don't question it anymore (52:47) than they question, oh, the Catholic Church, (52:50) or something like that. (52:51) You know, I've had so many people tell me, (52:53) look, we know astrology is bullshit.

(52:54) And I'm like, what research have you done? (52:56) Everybody knows. (52:57) Like, everybody doesn't know that, (52:59) because I've been an astrologer for 34 years. (53:01) Right.

(53:01) But they accept science as blindly as they once accepted, (53:05) you know, don't eat meat on Fridays (53:07) because God will hate you for it, or whatever it might be. (53:11) So it's a matter of the thinking process, (53:13) regardless of what system you're using, (53:16) is the best way I can put it. (53:18) And I come from science.

(53:20) Chris and I have many conversations. (53:22) And like I said, and I think in Chris as well, (53:25) is this spirituality part, and I use quotes (53:28) because I don't know a better way to say it, (53:30) is it was thrust upon us. (53:32) It's not, you know, it's not something I sought out.

(53:36) And it was very interesting. (53:37) And I do believe science will eventually explain it. (53:40) I do think in the quanta, (53:42) or the quantum mechanics kind of aspect might get there (53:45) if we can test it probably and possibly.

(53:50) Maybe that'll explain it. (53:51) Just like when you went back in time (53:53) and you had a Bic lighter, (53:55) and you lit it in front of a Neanderthal, (53:57) they would either worship you or they'd stone you. (54:00) Okay.

(54:00) And the other thing too is that I think, you know, (54:05) scientists haven't started asking the right questions. (54:09) Because sometimes it takes- (54:10) Because they're expecting the answer already, right? (54:12) Yeah. (54:13) You know, it's a funny thing about a year ago, (54:15) I got on the subway and there was a, (54:17) I was waiting in subway stop.

(54:18) And this guy asked me if he was on the right way (54:20) to go to Columbia University. (54:21) And I said, yes. (54:22) And I told him how to get there.

(54:24) And he volunteered that he was a physicist. (54:27) And he was in town. (54:29) He worked for, he used to work for Boeing in Seattle.

(54:32) So he was like really into there as a physicist (54:34) and mechanics and stuff. (54:35) And he said he was going to a lecture on dark matter. (54:39) And he was like, you know what dark matter is? (54:41) And I said, I kind of vague idea.

(54:44) And by the way, I did not volunteer. (54:45) I was an astrologer at that point. (54:46) I figured, okay, he's a physicist.

(54:47) I'm not going to touch that. (54:48) And he explained to me, and I'm paraphrasing (54:51) because I don't know the exact. (54:52) He said, do you know that maybe only 20% (54:56) of the known universe is anything we understand.

(54:59) 80% of the universe is dark matter. (55:01) And we don't even know what that is. (55:04) And I'm like, well, that's an awful lot we don't know.

(55:08) Yeah, as a matter of fact, I think it's there. (55:10) I think it's only 5% that we know. (55:13) And 95% is dark matter and dark energy combined.

(55:16) So we're completely confused right now. (55:19) Yeah, well, you know, we're just, (55:20) it's like you have like five pieces of a puzzle (55:23) and it's a thousand piece puzzle. (55:24) Right, and what we're searching, you know, (55:26) I love that we're searching.

(55:27) That's what matters. (55:29) And I think we have gotten to the point (55:31) where society has evolved enough to be able (55:33) to broaden the search, you know. (55:35) In many ways, a lot of the old religions (55:38) made sense in the context of, (55:40) Jesus always talked about through the father.

(55:42) Well, people understood families back then. (55:44) That was a structure that they could relate to. (55:46) So he compared spiritual idols as the father.

(55:49) Now I might call it the universe or my higher self (55:52) or whatever it is, or some people might still call it God. (55:55) So we're trying to find, I think, (55:56) new vocabularies and understandings (55:58) to assess what these things are, whatever they are. (56:03) Or as my favorite quote about life, (56:05) let me end with this.

(56:06) Kurt Vonnegut once said, (56:08) we're here to help each other through (56:09) whatever this thing is. (56:13) Yeah, whatever the hell this thing is, right? (56:15) Whatever the hell it is, that cuts right to the chase. (56:17) We're here to help each other through whatever this is.

(56:20) End of story, you know. (56:21) Oh, that's beautiful. (56:22) It's been a real pleasure.

(56:24) I've really enjoyed this. (56:25) This has been fun. (56:25) And I hope Chris, you don't become, you know, (56:28) manic depressive after hearing your chart.

(56:30) No, sir. (56:31) I had no plans to do that, (56:32) but I appreciate your time and your effort. (56:34) Thank you so much.

(56:35) This has been a lot of fun. (56:36) And we'll be talking again down the road. (56:39) Absolutely.

(56:40) It's been a blast for me. (56:42) Possibly maybe down the road we can do mine (56:43) and I can feel how Chris feels right now. (56:47) We also have another podcast.

(56:49) It is called Beer Googles. (56:51) That's double E, double O, double G. (56:53) That's when you get drunk (56:55) and look up random shit on the internet. (56:56) Okay.

(56:57) So if you ever have a topic (57:00) that could be more of a fun topic, (57:03) you're welcome on the show anytime. (57:04) You're welcome on Not Conscious. (57:06) If there's something you want to discuss, (57:07) we're happy to have you on here.

(57:09) Thank you again for being on here. (57:11) I'd love you to finish. (57:12) Oh yeah, I'd love to finish with all your information (57:15) and all you want to share, (57:16) and then we'll close it out.

(57:18) If you're looking for me, (57:19) I'm on Facebook as Anthony Pico, P-I-C-C-O. (57:23) I also have a webpage on Facebook (57:25) called just Cosmic Tuesdays, (57:26) which is about my internet radio show (57:28) where I interview psychics, astrologers, (57:30) people that have died and come back, (57:32) tarot card readers, (57:33) and every kind of weirdo I can find (57:34) that's plowing the woo-woo stuff on our lives. (57:39) I have a very irregular blog (57:41) called Cosmic Tuesdays on WordPress.

(57:44) So those are all the places you can locate me. (57:47) And if you want a reading, you can find me. (57:50) If you just want to learn about astrology, you can find me.

(57:53) I'm pretty open to almost anything. (57:56) So give me a holler if you want to find out more. (58:00) Excellent.

(58:01) Anthony, thank you again. (58:03) We're going to play out some quick music, (58:05) but we are so grateful that you came on the show. (58:09) Absolutely, thank you again.

(58:10) Lots of fun. (58:11) I really enjoyed it. (58:11) Thank you.

(58:12) Once again, this has been Knocked Conscious. (58:14) You can go on (58:17) Instagram is at Knocked Conscious. (58:19) Twitter's at KnockedCon, (58:21) and Facebook is also at Knocked Conscious.

(58:24) Once again, this is Mark, Chris. (58:26) We had Anthony Espico on today, astrologer, (58:28) professional astrologer for 34 years. (58:31) Thank you again, and I hope you guys have a great day.