Mark Puls:  helping listeners acheive consiousness

The voice behind Knocked Conscious podcast

Curator of deep conversations, curiousity and new perspectives

Mark Puls, the creator and host of Knocked Conscious, is a dedicated seeker of truth and insight. With a background rooted in curiosity and a fascination with the intersections of society, science, spirituality, and philosophy, Mark brings a unique approach to thoughtful conversation. Driven by the desire to understand what shapes our beliefs, Mark invites listeners and guests alike to explore life’s big questions and expand their perspectives. Through “Knocked Conscious,” he aims to create a space for introspection, openness, and the transformative power of questioning.

Image of Mark, the host of Knocked Conscious, a podcast focused on Mark Puls Helps You Achieve Higher Consciousness through podcast discussions on science, spirituality and culture
Image of Mark Pulse in blue shirt, considering his next conversations about Mark Puls Helps You Achieve Higher Consciousness through podcast discussions on science, spirituality and culture podcasts

The purpose behind Knocked Conscious podcast

Knocked Conscious dives into the complex, interwoven realms of culture, science, philosophy, and spirituality. This podcast isn’t about one-sided answers; it’s about exploring questions that often go unasked. Through rich discussions with thought leaders, scholars, and everyday thinkers, the podcast sparks introspection, encourages open-mindedness, and pushes listeners to see the world through a broader lens. Mark Puls created “Knocked Conscious” to be a journey—a journey that goes beyond belief and invites us all to engage with ideas that challenge, expand, and connect us.

Join the Conversation

Are you ready to contribute to a meaningful dialogue? Whether you’re interested in being a guest on “Knocked Conscious” or wish to host Mark at your event, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to share your story, insights, or event details, and we’ll be in touch soon.

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