Mark welcomes Econ Bro for a conversation.
Link to his fundraiser:
(0:00) And we are live everyone (0:05) Welcome everyone to a special (0:07) Saturday edition live stream of Knocked Conscious on a 1 p.m. Eastern time (0:13) 11 a.m. Arizona time and I believe 7 p.m. Nigeria time. Is that correct, sir? Yes, 7 p.m. Nigeria (0:21) We have a special guest I showered and I even wore my special church sweatpants for this episode ladies and gentlemen (0:30) So I’d like to welcome (0:32) without further ado (0:34) Econ bro to the Knocked Conscious family. Welcome econ, bro.How are you? I’m doing well mark (0:40) Thank you very much for having me on it’s a real pleasure to be here and share my story. Thank you for having me (0:48) Thank you so much for the people who connected us through X (0:51) I will admit it’s had a couple little rough feather, you know had a little ruffles here the last couple weeks (0:56) But this is an amazing technology that we are speaking halfway across the world (1:01) We’re able to share these stories and we connected so instantaneously through people. We don’t even know and this is a beautiful thing.So (1:08) Everyone is six degrees (1:13) So well welcome. So what I’d like to do (1:16) I know very little bit about you and I have had not much time to prepare (1:19) I’ve actually had a lot of podcasts these past couple weeks (1:22) But what I’d love for you to share is who is econ bro (1:26) I’d love the origin story of the little boy who? (1:32) did you know grew up and what culture you grew up and how it was and then where you realized where you (1:37) Went the direction you did (1:39) So I’d love for you to start at any point you like and if I have questions in between I’m happy to to jump in (1:45) Okay. Okay, great.So I’m econ bro. That’s my internet name. It’s not my actual name.I (1:53) Use a pseudonym (1:56) Because of my country I I’m Nigerian I live here. I was born here. I have been outside the country, but (2:04) Pretty much most of my life.I’ve lived here in Nigeria. So people here are very (2:11) They they have no respect for privacy (2:14) it’s not like you don’t have people in the West who have and (2:17) there are people there was who do not respect privacy, but it’s sort of taboo to (2:23) To dox someone or to say to expose someone but we don’t have those conventions here (2:30) It’s perfectly normal, even from people you would expect to know better and it’s not any different (2:39) With with them, you know, they they don’t have any problems with doxing people. So that’s why (2:45) I use a pseudonym for this.So as I said, I’m so is this similar to like say East Germany where (2:54) It was a two-to-one spy to citizen ratio (2:57) So basically your citizen is basically you’re you’re like everyone’s against you here to dox you or or is it just certain people? (3:04) They’re out to get you. Is it is it a cultural thing or? (3:08) It’s it’s not it’s not how it was in East Germany, but it’s more it’s a cultural thing here (3:15) How do I say this? (3:17) There are certain values that you Westerners take for granted like the right to privacy (3:24) There’s no such thing here, there’s no such thing here and people don’t have respect for (3:31) How do I say this people don’t have respect for dissenting opinions here (3:36) so if you have an opinion that differs from and (3:40) another some of that person’s opinion the they hate you and (3:45) Sometimes want to do you harm just because of and what you said on Twitter or some other (3:53) online (3:55) Medium that someone disagrees with right so they think the best thing to do is to hurt you, you know (4:01) They go look for your employer or that kind of stuff (4:05) So there’s no they can’t attack the idea. They can’t attack the idea.So they attack the person, right? (4:11) It’s like it starts with character assassination, right? They call you names and then they take it further. Okay (4:17) Let me just jump in there (4:19) It’s actually much worse because even when they can attack the idea people still want to hurt you (4:24) So they would get they can’t attack your idea (4:28) successfully and still want to (4:31) Hurt you so people are but they want to eliminate completely destroy the idea. Yeah.Yeah (4:37) Yeah. Oh, no. No, not just the idea.I mean (4:41) Right. I mean the birds right every the person holding the idea everything they want to completely dismantle the entire thing (4:47) Source everything they want to just eradicate it because it’s just not in line with them (4:52) I’m just just just so and you understand what I’m saying (4:57) There are certain things that I would I could say here that (5:01) People would want me dead (5:03) That’s what I mean. So it’s not just and I lose my job.There are certain people who would harm me if they could (5:11) Yeah, so just so well, we will be we’ll be as safe as we can with that. So it’s fine (5:16) It’s fine. If there’s anything I can’t see I’ll (5:19) Tell you that but you can feel free to ask absolutely anything.Yeah, so that’s why I use a pseudonym. That’s why I use a (5:26) The name econ bro. There are people online who know my real name (5:31) Both people I met here and people in real life that I interact with on social media.So it’s not like it’s some big secrets (5:39) Initially when I started doing what I would get to I would get into that momentarily when I began doing this (5:45) I (5:46) Chose I wasn’t even showing my face at the time (5:50) That’s how scared I was of being out there. But now my face is pretty much everywhere (5:55) at least in certain circles and (5:59) I’m not so interested in hiding my identity (6:02) So I hold on to the name now because people know me as he convert, you know, so notoriety (6:07) Yeah, there’s like a kind of branding with it for sure. I love the name so it works out great (6:12) Okay (6:13) So, yeah (6:15) Yeah, so so you this is the beginning of your story (6:18) Like I said, you’d start out as a child and how did you come to become econ bro? How did you become this? (6:25) thing this entity that is (6:27) Has these ideas that are contrary to a lot of the ideas in your country? (6:34) So (6:36) I’m I’m Christian.I’d like to tell people that upfront. I’m I’m in my (6:42) Nine to five. I am a minister of the gospel.That’s what I do. So I grew up in a Christian and home (6:49) I had a brief and (6:51) Period where I lost my faith. I was I don’t want to call myself an atheist, but I was more agnostic and then (6:58) Anyway, just to cut a long story short (7:02) Sometime I don’t think that’s a I don’t think that needs to be cut short (7:05) I’d love to hear how you found that I mean, this is this is the growth (7:08) This is how you became yourself and I think losing your faith and finding it again (7:13) I think that’s a fascinating story if you’re interested in sharing any of that.I myself am I’m actually an anti theist (7:19) so I (7:20) It’s a long story of how that works, but it’s it’s a little different than atheist a little different (7:25) It’s it’s a very unique thing (7:26) But but I’d love to hear your story if you’re willing to share that part of it because I think it’s fascinating because many people (7:31) Have faith. I think that’s a beautiful thing. Oh, yeah.Okay. So I (7:35) Like to know what anti-theist is I I don’t know what that is (7:39) I’m sure I had personal experiences. I I share on a podcast.I’m actually going on a podcast tomorrow (7:45) But basically I had a near-death experience at 13 and I’ve had psychic experiences since I was 40 years old (7:53) They just turned on and I’ve had things happen visions and they’ve come true now. I (7:59) I’m a lucid individual. So I come from science.I come from logic. I don’t understand it (8:05) What I also know is that humans didn’t get it, right so I theism to me is the (8:10) Institutionalization of the faith in a way in a general broad sense because it’s theism, right? It’s still a human concept (8:17) I don’t think I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think humans have it. Correct (8:21) So when I say I’m anti theist (8:23) I just am not in tune with the way we translate or at least the people (8:28) The middle people the pastors and the people translate it because they might not have all the information (8:33) For example some some some texts in the Catholic Church, right Christianity.Those are not we’re not akin to those (8:40) Papers or those books, right? So there’s a lot of information there that I just don’t think the (8:46) General people us have all of the information to that context (8:50) So okay, it’s I admire the faith though, because I think I think the faith is a direct connection piece (8:57) It doesn’t you know, it’s beautiful to have people who pastors and people who can help share the message (9:04) But a lot of people use that person as a replacement like a middle person as like a conduit to get to God (9:10) And I don’t I don’t think that’s that’s how that would work. But (9:15) Opinions, right? (9:16) Just to be sure I understand what you mean. You believe in the supernatural.You just don’t believe in organized religion. I (9:23) Can tell you I’ve had personal experiences that would make me think I have opinions about it. It’s not the way we interpret God (9:31) It’s okay.Okay. I think yeah. Okay.Yeah, it’s just different but there’s a spirituality to it an energy, right? (9:37) It’s um something to it, right? There’s something (9:40) But by the way, um, I too have had lots of spiritual experiences, you know tied to my Christian faith (9:48) I I don’t like to go into this stuff publicly, but I’ve had visions (9:52) I too have seen things that have come to pass and and all that so (9:57) It’s really never want to talk about it we can do a separate podcast (10:00) So I’m happy to share it because I I think it’s beautiful that we like like I said this this was hit (10:06) the reason I call my show Knocked Conscious is (10:09) Because it was it was a vision that I had during a meditation my first ever meditation and it literally was like a two-by-four (10:17) Across the head, you know, it was like a baseball bat. So but this isn’t this is about you sir, please (10:22) Oh, you’re a pastor in your on your as your full-time in your (10:26) Other life, right? Yeah. Yeah.Yeah my my main life. So (10:32) So anyway, so because of my Christianity because of my faith (10:38) One thing led to I can’t really (10:40) It would take it’s not like I don’t want to go into the details, but it will take forever to do that (10:44) So and I just want to talk about the e-commerce stuff. So just gloss over and much of anyway, so (10:51) Being a Christian.I I was very very (10:56) into Christian apologetics and then that’s him led me to certain people in the US and William Lane Craig and (11:04) Frank Turek, David Wood (11:06) John (11:08) Lennox, you know lots of people probably watched every William Lane Craig debate on theism. Yeah (11:15) Yeah (11:18) So so following those people you tend to meet certain other (11:23) People who are not as (11:26) religious, but they are (11:29) Okay, let me just put it this way one thing led to another people. That’s (11:35) Apologetics rabbit hole eventually led me to political conservatism and I I don’t want to break down how that happened because there are certain (11:43) things I don’t want to mention (11:45) for my own safety, so (11:48) So anyway, so those that eventually led me to political conservatism and then I was I was a (11:56) fan of Ben Shapiro and maybe not so much Ben Shapiro, but Steven Crowder, so (12:03) Sorry, I (12:04) Was a fan of Ben Shapiro.Yeah (12:06) Even when I was a political conservative, I always had my reservations. I I just never I loved his stuff (12:14) But I just never connected with him personally (12:16) I was what I liked about it was he was on the downside when the speech was but now he’s on the top side and (12:21) He’s calling everyone else anti-semitic and wants to suppress speeches. It’s completely hypocritical and it’s a 100 180 degrees (12:27) It’s what made him famous is what he’s using to try to suppress others.It’s completely disgusting to me (12:33) I just find it. I find it appalling (12:35) To be honest, I sort of picked up on that’s when I first (12:39) Encountered Ben Shapiro in 2015 or so, so I’m not surprised to see what he’s turning into (12:46) So I’m not surprised. Anyway, so I was a I was I was a big fan of Steven Crowder (12:51) I don’t know if you know who that is very very much louder with Crowder.Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I (12:56) Never missed an episode of his show.I loved I still I’m no longer (13:00) I don’t know that consider myself conservative, but I still love Steven Crowder (13:05) And I say this that Steven Crowder actually saved my life (13:10) I would it’s I hope I get to meet him one day and talk about what’s meeting him (13:16) Did for me, you know, he was meetings. I used to have these thoughts. I had these ideas and (13:23) Being Nigerian.I knew no one who thought like I did right? (13:28) So people just thought I was crazy and then all of a sudden I met this man who was speaking my thoughts (13:34) I had no idea what I believe was called conservatism at the time. I had no idea (13:40) so it was meeting so I say he saved my life because I had (13:46) Unpleasant thoughts, you know, I felt so alone and all that (13:50) So all of a sudden I I I’m online one day and then I see this man who? (13:56) Thinks like I do, you know, so I I he (13:59) Yeah, so I love the man (14:01) Anyway, so even though I before we continue before we continue sir anyone out there (14:06) I know there’s I only show about 14 people watching but this is the internet everybody (14:11) We’ve got beautiful technology people know people if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone who knows Steven Crowder (14:17) Can we get can we get a con bro added here? Can we get him? (14:20) Can we get an attachment here somewhere on X connect these two people? (14:24) all right, so that’s a beautiful thing when you say that because I (14:28) Too that’s what sent me (14:30) To a therapist at 40 because I felt similar the way you felt this loneliness. I felt alone (14:37) So it’s beautiful that you found a voice that (14:40) spoke in (14:42) Alignment or in parallel or in harmony harmony with yours, right? (14:48) It may not may not be a hundred percent, but at least it was harmonious like you interacted (14:52) Well, so so this this then connected you to this to this movement in a way (14:56) Yes, so because of that I became a conservative and I was a super maga (15:03) I live all the way night.I’m sure you know this and (15:07) America dictates the tone for the entire world. So when you guys have elections there, it’s like the World Cup (15:14) It’s like I guess for you guys really Super Bowl, you know (15:17) It’s like it’s like a you guys really care that much about what we do everyone cares everyone cares about America. I’m shocked (15:25) Everyone cares about America.So during (15:28) People people are I mean just the last election last US elections (15:32) I wasn’t as invested as as I was in previous elections. Libertarianism tends to do that to people and but (15:39) people actually fought it right people fought each other here because of (15:44) over and Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, that’s how I mean in Nigeria people people (15:51) You know, so that’s how it is so I was very that’s amazing that’s amazing. Yeah.Yeah. Yeah (15:57) And and if I may I I was a grade-a neocon (16:01) I’m 50 years old. So when I enlisted at 17 in (16:06) 1992 I enlisted I didn’t get in or 1989.I enlisted at 17 (16:11) I didn’t get in I failed the physical and the last doctor because I had a bad car accident my near-death experience (16:17) so (16:18) But I was a all about the Iraq (16:21) WMDs weapons, you know the nukes everything Saddam must go Qaddafi bad. Let’s bomb him. Let’s get him out (16:28) Let’s go and once that cracks (16:31) It just spiraled away and this was I voted elephant.I voted Republican every (16:37) president since 92 since HW Bush I (16:41) Voted Noda this time none of the above my first time even Trump (16:45) I voted twice but this libertarianism that you speak of that (16:49) If my fever broke and I said I use the John Stossel. I find it encourages them, right now (16:56) I voted on direct propositions anything that affected me directly in in the you know in the local (17:01) Magistrate or the local things but on the on the federal I stepped away from that for the first time (17:09) Very relatable so as I was saying (17:13) So event so because of Crowder I’ve got to meet Ben Shapiro (17:18) Alex Jones Prager University Dennis Prager all those people. So I was a proper conservative and (17:26) To cut a long story short.I (17:30) sort of got tired of the I (17:36) Saw I again. I don’t I saw a lot of hypocrisy in the conservative movement and things weren’t (17:42) Really adding up (17:45) Okay, so let me just say (17:47) Let me back up a bit at university. I studied economics (17:51) So that’s him what I studied at university and what they teach you in university is just it’s regular Keynesian (17:59) Neoclassical economics.It’s just (18:01) Share a little bit what that means because when we talk Keynesian and we talk Keynesian and and obviously we’ve got Rothbard (18:09) We’ve got you know Mises. We’ve got all these names (18:12) Keynesian is the current system that we’re kind of operating under exactly the correct way (18:17) How is money valued in that system in a general broad sense compared to how it would be maybe in one of the other system? (18:26) When you say how is money valued? What exactly I need to well (18:29) I think the Keynesian as the way they talk about how how resources equal value, right? (18:34) So we can just print off money like there is no debt. Like how does the Keynesian mindset? (18:39) Infect the rest of the policies (18:44) So, I’m not entirely sure but let me just explain what Keynesianism is and then I’ll apply to money and markets (18:52) I’ll apply to money and markets.So basically Keynesianism is just the economics of government, right? (18:59) We free marketeers those of us who believe in the free market we believe and that’s individuals making (19:05) economic decisions for themselves working to satisfy to meet their needs and is what is required for an economy to (19:12) survive and then the (19:14) Keynesians the (19:16) neoclassicals the (19:18) pretty much (19:20) anyone to the (19:21) left of Milton Friedman believes that (19:24) The market fails. They call it market failure and the government has to intervene and sort out (19:32) This or that problem. So according to Keynesian economics the government can do this (19:39) Using tools they call monetary and fiscal policy.So fiscal policy just has to do with government spending and (19:46) Taxes, so if they want to expand an economy the the government would spend (19:52) Right, which is very dumb (19:54) Because the government has to tax because it creates an inflationary because they make they print money (19:58) They don’t have because it’s not even gold back because we have nothing but we’re not with nothing backing this anymore (20:05) So so I mean even if there is something backing the money in order for the government to spend they have to tax the (20:12) People first now assuming and the government chooses not to print any (20:18) To print more money than let’s say the gold that’s backing it assuming the government decides not to do that (20:23) They still have to tax the people to be able to spend and that money and tax taxation by definition is (20:32) contractionary fiscal policy, so (20:34) So contraction so it contracts it shrinks the economy. So they shrink the economy and then (20:41) the let’s say they raise (20:45) Seven billion dollars in taxes and then they spend seven billion dollars in taxes. So that spending is (20:53) Expansionary fiscal policy, which is very stupid because you just took from one place (20:58) Seven billion and spent seven billion elsewhere.So there’s literally you redistributed it. You didn’t do anything with it (21:06) Yeah, so it’s so by the way, it’s it’s things like that (21:09) I made me question what I was taught actually that sounds like this thing doesn’t matter (21:13) So the Kenyans believe in and fiscal and monetary policy (21:17) Basically, so they believe in the government (21:19) They believe that the government can or they believe that external forces can manipulate the markets correctly (21:26) And that is a really ignorant and very hubris kind of statement to say right like because they don’t know (21:33) Let’s be specific not external forces. They mean the government (21:38) Government forces, right and I just want to say in general.I’m trying to be as broad as possible (21:42) But yes in this case government (21:44) Raises interest rate they print money. They do this. They do that (21:48) They do all the they manipulate all these markets and things like that all the government hires (21:52) For example, if we look at the US unemployment rate (21:55) How many percent of that were government jobs to keep that number looking strong when we know that that number is collapsing? (22:04) Oh, yeah.Yeah (22:05) Professor saying orange. I don’t know if you follow him. Yes.Yeah, he just followed. He just started following professor saying orange. Yes (22:13) Excellent.Yeah, so he didn’t tell me about him. Yes. What about he was lost? (22:17) I think it was last week or two weeks ago.He did a short video explaining how the (22:23) the employment numbers on that by do were forged everything was just a (22:28) lie, you know anyway, so (22:30) What was interesting was the last quarter of? (22:33) 2021 if I’m not mistaken, I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I believe it was we were off by 1 million jobs (22:40) 1 million misreported (22:43) Overreported jobs. So it’s it was it’s been this smoke-and-mirror show (22:47) They’ve been having a very dull pencil for a long time, you know, I’m not I’m not surprised at all (22:52) I don’t take government statistics and seriously even recently (22:56) I’ve been debating with people in my country about things like GDP and CPI and how those are very (23:02) worthless and measures and I don’t understand why (23:06) Economists pay them any money and when I mean economists (23:08) I mean people on our side of things because if you strip them down to what they actually are they really serve no purpose but (23:17) to manipulate (23:20) To make things to misrepresent things in favor of the government (23:25) Anyway, lest we turn this into an economics lecture. Let me return back to my story (23:30) So by the way, it’s gonna do that sir, we’re just bouncing around so we’re just following the flow of a conversation (23:36) It’s a pleasure meeting you.Like I said, we just got to we haven’t we just met hit record and started, right? (23:41) It’s like yeah, we’re getting to know each other. So yeah. Yeah (23:46) so (23:47) Eventually, so being a political (23:50) Conservative.I of course you can’t know those people without knowing Thomas soul. I’m Lawrence white (23:57) George Selgin of Cato (24:00) Milton Friedman, so I knew all those people I was familiar with some of their works. I had read and (24:07) Friedman I’d read (24:09) Lawrence white (24:11) Thomas Oh, so I was very familiar with free market economics, which was (24:17) Effie Hayek as well, which was liberating for me because I had finished (24:22) University I had finished learning nonsense in University and then I came out and I found out that (24:28) There was more to economics than than what I was taught in school (24:32) So, okay, I’m in the vacuum of school where they were they basically indoctrinate you into their way.Yeah, is that we mean? (24:39) Yeah, I found out it was just I I mean when I was in school, I always had problems with my (24:45) lecturers my professors because I would always ask questions and then they would not be able to answer them and (24:51) At the time I thought it was because the my professors were (24:57) Unintelligent or they didn’t know enough. So what I so what I told myself after (25:02) School after my bachelors. I’m going to apply to Caltech (25:06) But I wanted to learn from the best (25:09) Schools in the world and one of the best schools in the world and at the time Caltech ranked number six for economics (25:15) So I wanted to (25:17) Go to Caltech.Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford the tuition and I just said (25:21) I’m going to (25:23) Learn online, right? Because all the information is pretty much out there first thing I found was that so I wanted to do my master’s (25:29) and then my PhD first thing I found was (25:32) the problem wasn’t with my (25:35) professors in this part of the world (25:36) The problem was what I was taught because the questions I had when I looked (25:41) Elsewhere when I looked to the West the questions still weren’t answered. So one thing led to another and of course (25:48) Having love for Crowder and all these people eventually led me to Thomas all FA Hayek Milton Friedman and all these guys (25:55) so (25:57) so this was (25:59) What sort of introduced me to free markets libertarian and economics and any questions I had (26:06) At school that no one was able to answer and I got answers to them from free markets and economists, right? So (26:14) So except for what about my roads (26:17) Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly (26:21) You said that yes, what is actually true because I wasn’t an anarchist at the time (26:26) So I believe that we needed the state for at least roads and security and all that infrastructure right bridges, right? (26:33) Yeah, me too.So please share that because I relate exactly I share that story, please. Yeah, so (26:40) It was in so I I had heard of libertarians as early as (26:45) 2016 I think and (26:48) Everything I heard about libertarians (26:51) Should I say they are caricatures of what I’ve come to believe libertarianism to be so when I would hear (26:58) There was this video. I watched a couple of years ago by this time.I had already started to get tired of the whole (27:04) Conservative movements of the hypocrisy, but I watched a video where Alex Jones and Steven Crowder were talking (27:10) This must have been in (27:13) 2019 or so they were talking about how and Alex Jones was talking about why he’s no longer a libertarian, you know, I (27:20) Lauren Southern, I’m sure you know who she is and she’s a mutual on Twitter (27:25) That’s like one of my greatest Lauren Southern did that the did that gun the to a gun gun documentary with Tim pool (27:32) Correct Lauren Southern John de Troyes. I don’t know if I’m pretty certain Lauren Southern. Yes.I’m pretty certain (27:40) Yeah, yeah, I’ll share that with you because there was a really interesting documentary on that. Okay, so (27:46) So she used to make fun of libertarians back then. I don’t know where she stands now (27:52) Anyway, so in my mind at the time I thought libertarians were just (27:56) Conservatives who wanted to smoke weed, you know, and that’s just what I I didn’t know the difference.I thought it might be sir (28:03) I’m not sure. I’m not certain about that. I thought they were godless.I just thought they were godless (28:10) Conservatives, that’s what I thought, you know, I didn’t really know much about what they (28:14) And every time I would see someone talk about anarcho-capitalism, it would be some (28:20) Dismissive those people are crazy and kind of (28:24) Argument so a boot on head guy the guy who’s naked right? (28:27) Like it’s not a guy who’s just out there lives in the woods all on his own, right? (28:31) Like chopping wood, you know, I’m with you. So (28:35) One day I was I decided let me give these libertarians a shot and (28:42) Spike Cohen (28:44) David Dave Smith and Larry Sharp were on the Patrick bed David podcast (28:49) And I was and met Larry Sharp this summer. It was an honor meeting that man (28:54) We we he had me on one of his shows on his show (28:58) He was one of the first ever happy and it was really nice (29:02) So he is an amazing man, yes country too.Yes, so he (29:07) so watching that (29:10) Podcast the three men were talking about libertarianism and in my mind. I was like everything they’re saying (29:15) I agree with I these are things I believe right so they don’t sound so crazy to me (29:21) So I remember the turning point for me was when and the host Patrick bed David asked Dave Smith (29:30) What do you libertarians have against someone like Milton Friedman and then (29:35) Dave Smith said that he doesn’t have anything with against Milton Friedman. He loves Milton Friedman, but he’s more of a Rothbardian (29:43) That was the turning point for me.So I was like what what the hell is that? (29:47) so I looked him up looked it up and then I found out he’s a (29:50) political philosophy and (29:53) That is affiliated with them some Mary Rothbard guy (29:57) So I didn’t like him at first, but then I started reading his books (30:01) Isn’t it beautiful how this this journey happens you first of all (30:05) what I love is you were just a curious mind clearly because in order to be (30:11) Able to not be programmed the way 90% of us are programmed (30:16) You you you were given information and you’re like (30:21) Something let me ask one question and just that first question already (30:25) Had a little hiccup in you that you already knew that you need to dig deeper (30:28) So you go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole and it’s like it’s like music right for but for thought, right? (30:35) It’s like oh my gosh, I got a new artist. Boom. Boom.Boom. Oh someone mentioned Rothbard. Yeah, it’s like oh my gosh (30:39) I got to pick that out and then you start reading in soul and then this comes out and that comes and it’s just I (30:44) just love how I love that because I (30:47) Want you to share that part of that because (30:49) Most of us go through life not understanding that the curiosity is the beauty part (30:54) This is where we learn, you know, and and how you followed that (30:57) So so basically your Dave Smith mentions, I’m a rock Barney and you’re like, what’s this Rothbard thing? (31:03) Basically, right.So then tell me about that. Yeah, so let’s go from there (31:08) So I I looked him up and so I then I watched a couple of his videos (31:14) He’s not he doesn’t have the kind of voice that I find interesting and so I didn’t really (31:23) Enjoy him when I listened to him back then now, I love to listen to Rothbard (31:26) So, I mean, I wish he lived longer so I could listen acquired maybe taste. Yeah, so (31:32) so then I started to read his books and (31:36) My mind was blown all (31:38) Everything just made sense when I read Rothbard (31:41) Everything made sense (31:43) Of course, then of course, I read Mises and Hans Hermann Hopper and Joseph Salerno and pretty much them (31:50) Dr. Bob Murphy, who is who I love I adore the man.I’ve also been on his show as well (31:57) So I’ve read pretty much guys. Yeah, I’ve read pretty much all the guys (32:02) In the Mises Institute, I’ve read pretty much everything the and I know you mentioned Hazlitt (32:07) Which is the one that really really was a good one for me because it’s short (32:11) I can listen to it during walks and it really was just easy to digest (32:15) Probably one of the best intro books to economics that you’ve ever (32:18) It is it is I think it’s the best. I always recommend it to people (32:24) It’s always my first the case against the Fed and then an economics in one lesson.That’s usually how it goes for me. So (32:32) So how I got to know Henry Hazlitt was I was talking to Hannah Cox on (32:37) this was when I was still curious about what this libertarian libertarianism thing was about and then I asked her if (32:43) What text would she recommend for me if I want to understand libertarian economics? (32:48) and then she said Henry Hazlitt and Bastiat the law and (32:52) Economics in one lesson and then of course those two were and eye-opening moments for me as well (32:58) So that’s them pretty much how I got into this and then I (33:02) decided (33:04) knowing (33:05) Being confident that this is the solution I (33:10) Decided I was going to introduce this to people in my country and that was how (33:17) Econ bro was born. So I started the (33:23) Twitter account and then I started to (33:25) You know tweet out to people on you know, just talk to (33:30) Unfortunately, unfortunately (33:32) Because of the nature of my tweets (33:35) The bulk of my audience I can confidently say 90 (33:38) percent 90 percent of my followers are from the West or at least not not Nigerians, you know, I (33:47) Face very strong opposition in Nigeria (33:49) I think there are only about 20 people in Nigeria who agree with the things I see on Twitter (33:54) Right, so do they do they put restrictions in the country for that? Do you need like a VPN? Do they put any? (34:02) No restrictions like with our previous presidents (34:04) We needed VPNs to use Twitter, but the new guy came in and all that was I mean (34:09) The new guy is much worse than the previous guy, but at least we have Twitter.So Wow (34:14) Yeah, I’d love to hear that. It’s fun. It’s interesting.Once again, it’s (34:17) And this is what’s crazy, right? We talked about ideology (34:20) You talk about like being Republican or a Democrat or whatever is like you just said this guy’s much worse, but he did an awesome thing (34:28) Yeah, so why are we why are we concerned about the guy? Why don’t we concerned about the idea? It’s an awesome thing (34:33) Let’s use that awesome thing and let’s not do the awful stuff. Like how why can’t we do that? (34:39) You know, I don’t know. I I have no idea (34:44) He opens this up but he closes something he’s worse in other ways, right and I’m sure you’re gonna get into that cuz yeah (34:49) So so I decided to talk to people on Twitter and then it occurred to me that (34:55) This Twitter thing isn’t really working out because I just kept racking up followers from the West (35:02) So I decided to do something else.I decided to (35:06) Literally go out and talk to people (35:09) About these ideas. So the what I call the Nigeria Liberty Project was born after (35:16) After (35:18) That so I got some money. Is that a website? Is there a website for that? (35:23) No, not yet.It’s just a fundraiser (35:25) Yeah, I’ll send you the link. Yes. Absolutely (35:29) I just want to I try to I try to share it as much as possible just in case people are listening in catching (35:33) You know in and out so please yeah (35:35) so so I (35:36) Decided to write articles or subset and then I went out to I had some money (35:41) And then I about a thousand two hundred and fourteen (35:46) 186 dollars one thousand two hundred and eighty six dollars seventy six dollars was (35:52) Converting from the local currency to so it was about one thousand two hundred and eighty six seventy six dollars.So I (35:59) Got that money and I went to the university in one of the states here (36:05) I spoke to the the it’s a government school (36:09) So they have like student associations and I called the president of the economic student association and spoke with him about (36:16) these (36:19) About free market economics, right and his mind was blown contrary to mainstream economics. That’s full of charts and complexities and (36:28) Austrian economics specifically is (36:32) Logical is just you can just use speech to explain his reason and it does work. I’m sorry.It’s reasonable (36:39) It’s just reasonable (36:42) It makes a lot of sense, you know, so (36:46) So I spoke to him about it and told him to assemble students for me so I paid and I rented a hall (36:54) a venue got speakers (36:57) Paid for food video coverage audio everything invited them all expense paid (37:04) Right. No, no one paid a dime some students who couldn’t even afford and transport (37:10) To transport themselves to the venue. I paid their transport to the venue (37:13) So that’s how all my events are and I sat down and they sat down my first event (37:18) I had about 50 and young people and then I for four hours (37:22) I spoke to them about the Austrian monetary theory and their minds were blue (37:28) Right, so their minds were blue (37:31) It now was it the same thing because this is what we have.It’s called it in the in America (37:35) I know it’s called cognitive dissonance. Yeah, so you’re hearing it and you’re nodding right and all of a sudden you freeze (37:42) And your eyes start like fluttering and your head literally like splits in two and you break and (37:50) Then you come out the other side and you’re like, whoa, what just happened? And then like everything just kind of clicks, right? (37:56) Yeah, so speaks. I mean how many students were in this first group that you think you just (38:02) 50 wow, that’s great (38:04) Okay, so they started some kind of club in this in the in the school.Yeah, so we have groups where we have discussions (38:12) and all that so (38:14) some of the students there (38:16) told their friends and (38:18) in another university in another state all the way very far away from the (38:24) White hosted the first one and then those guys were like, hey, could you come talk to us about this thing? (38:31) You spoke to those guys about and I was like fine. This was a year later, by the way (38:36) so and this second event had about (38:38) A hundred seventy five to a hundred people we had children as young as as (38:44) 12 13 year olds and children at the last at the (38:48) second one and (38:50) So I gave I was able to raise some more (38:53) money through my fundraisers and I was actually able to so the Mises Institute and gave me permission to print the (39:01) Books, so I so I got permission and then so I printed Murray Rothbard’s and the case against the Fed and anatomy (39:08) Of the state and then there is a very interesting and man called Zach Ropher. He has this great book (39:15) Called busting myths about the state and the libertarian alternative very very brilliant libertarian work (39:21) so he too contacted me and (39:23) Said he loves what I’m doing.He he sent me some of his books and he gave me some money, you know (39:30) So I gave those three books out at the second the second event was just second major event (39:38) I’ve had smaller events after but I’m talking like major event. So I had the second major event and (39:44) gave out free books and spoke to even more people added them to the network that I’m building where we talk online and then (39:52) Just in September. I had a third major event.I must have had about maybe 300 people in attendance (39:59) About 300 people in attendance and then you know, just talking to them about the ideas sharing the books and discussing with them (40:07) I’ve run out of funds, but I (40:08) Hope I I don’t care (40:11) I’m still going to even if it’s just online even it’s just on Twitter even if it’s writing articles (40:16) I’m still going to keep doing this. Hopefully I’ll be able to raise more money. I’m just hoping and I’m hoping that maybe someday (40:24) I’ll just meet some libertarian billionaire who says I want to fund this work, you know (40:30) And then just give me (40:32) Support to do this.I would love to do this literally every month every month in my initial plan was to go from state to (40:40) State, but then I thought that’s not really (40:44) Productive. I would just focus on teaching one or two states and (40:49) Maybe when I’m done with them in a year (40:51) I can move to another place and then those guys I can empower them to move to other places (40:56) But (40:58) Becomes a coaching tree. It really does become a coaching tree (41:01) I mean (41:01) I would assume you have something like that in your ministry where you might have some people who are (41:05) Kind of understudies in a way that look up to you admire you and maybe when you want to follow in your footsteps (41:11) Well, you may apply that in an economic sense, right? (41:14) Yeah.Yeah, that’s all I mean like, you know, you’re the same passion or different in a different idea, right? Yeah. Yeah (41:22) because of my Christian (41:24) Ministry work. I already know how to speak to people.I already have that zeal to spread (41:31) Things that I’ve learned that are useful. So my goal is to is to within in 10 to 15 years maybe 20 to (41:41) change this place (41:42) You know (41:44) It’s going very slowly if I had if I had if I have the resources I know (41:49) My people I know myself if I have the resources I can change this country in five years (41:57) No doubt. I know my people.I know (42:00) Nigerians I know them right so I just tell you I can tell you though because you have that you have that passion and (42:08) I think that (42:09) You can feel that and I and I would understand in your culture. That would be very much revered and I think people would (42:17) really (42:17) Pick up and grab on to that passion and that energy. I think it would so let’s help you here (42:23) This is the point.So everyone who knows myself, I’m still a nobody as well, but I’ve spoken with a number of people (42:29) I don’t know if you’ve been on Spike Cohen’s podcast or if you’ve ever spoken with Spike Cohen (42:34) Okay, we’ll get you in touch with him let’s get you in touch with we’ve got drop the mask pod (42:39) That’s my friend Jason. I’m doing I do a weekly podcast with him now. We need to get you on (42:44) Libertarian Christian Institute Jacob Weiner grad, I think you might even know who he is.Yeah. No, we’re friends connected with him (42:52) Excellent, and then also buds right Sean Collins. I’ve got infinite zeal (42:57) Right exactly.So those guys we yeah, so we got 20 people on right now that are live (43:04) Which is amazing on a Saturday to be honest because you could be doing so many more better things and listening to me live (43:09) And listening econ bro. I want to listen to live but not me (43:12) But that said let’s get some people going. We’ll have that that link and let’s see if we can get you exposure (43:18) Let’s get your voice going.I’m happy to share this this feed with you. This isn’t about me (43:24) This is about you sharing a message (43:25) So any of these messages you can have any of the recordings or anything to use as you need for any of this stuff? (43:32) So let’s help this. Let’s help you con bro out.Let’s follow him share repost any of his stuff (43:37) He’s he’s brilliant brilliant and he’s doing a great thing in a in a very very faraway land (43:43) Amazing. I love it. If I (43:44) I’ve really been trying to reach (43:49) Spicone and Dave Smith so Dave Smith follows me right after my first event (43:54) So because the Mises Institute we have a relationship.So I’ve been on two of their shows. I’ve been in two of their publications. So (44:04) So once I did one of my events and they saw how successful it was they retweeted it and Dave Smith’s name was in the (44:12) Tweet because I spoke about how he (44:15) Introduced me to libertarianism and then he liked and it was like cool and he followed but that was the last I ever heard from him (44:22) Spike Cohen, I’ve never heard anything from him.I would really love to meet those two guys. I’ll really love to I will tell you (44:28) Okay, so this is the beautiful thing about this (44:31) We I I was very fortunate. I went to Freedom Fest in Las Vegas this summer (44:35) So I had the pleasure of meeting Larry Sharp Maj Torre Spike Cohen Adam Coleman (44:41) Then the list goes on Thomas Massey (44:44) I met our I watched RFK speak we watched Angela.I saw Angela McCardle, you know, everyone everyone was there (44:51) I met them all it was an amazing experience. I was very blessed (44:55) They granted me media coverage and I’m a nobody so I I was just absolutely just blown away that they were so kind and gracious (45:02) Coming out of that I was before Freedom Fest. I I was able to have spike on my podcast (45:09) I’ve never met him before and he was just kind (45:12) He was super kind to come on the kindest man I’ve ever met because when I went to Freedom Fest (45:17) he saw me and made a beeline for me like he knew me forever and (45:23) I will tell you if you’ve never felt that from someone who you admire or look up to (45:31) It’s really hard to explain but like my heart burst like he was like coming to talk to me (45:36) You know, I mean like that’s the character of spike going so I will do everything in my power to connect you (45:43) I I’ll I’ll I’ll do what I can (45:45) No, we touch base, but spike is amazing, man (45:49) I think you’d have amazing thing now the beautiful thing about spike, which I think you find interesting (45:54) I don’t know if you follow him recently.He just found (45:57) Faith. Yeah, he just so I follow him. I would be right (46:02) That would be an amazing conversation for you to to have and then transition it to the other to your part portion of it (46:07) So I’m happy to help facilitate that once again.I am a nobody but I will do what I can for you, sir (46:13) Cuz this message is all that matters. I really appreciate I really appreciate that (46:18) I I believe what I was going to say before and you brought this up. I (46:25) believe the message would (46:27) would do well in my country because (46:31) And things are very horrible here things are terrible (46:34) I don’t know if I don’t know if you want me to scar you and your audience, but I could tell some very (46:42) Very I do I (46:44) Don’t but I do it’s it’s one of these I think everyone’s probably told you this.Okay, so let’s let’s be honest (46:50) There’s a lot of things going on across the world where it’s been posted on X that are videos of some really bad atrocities (46:57) And I’ll admit I see them as I scroll through or something, but I do not watch them I cannot stomach it (47:03) I’m sorry. It’s just not in my nature. So (47:06) That but the thing is it exists and I know it is this so I know it’s there.So I (47:13) Please share stories. I’m I can handle it the audience (47:17) We have to hear these things because what I heard on one of your other podcasts. I just it’s unbelievable (47:23) So I’m gonna hit mute and please share how (47:31) Well, so things are very horrible economically here (47:37) Nigeria has always been a poor country.Everyone knows that but since about (47:42) 2015 when the last president came in things got things were bad before he came in but and he made things (47:50) specifically worse because (47:53) He more than any president before him. He very greatly inflated the currency and (48:00) There’s this economist called your Guido Holzman of the Mises Institute, he wrote this book called (48:09) The how inflation (48:11) Destroys civilization. It’s a small pamphlet.It’s like an essay small book. I know if you’ve read it (48:17) Yeah, so he he he I’m safer Dean Amos of the Bitcoin Center podcast. They they talk about (48:25) other (48:27) consequences of inflation (48:28) non economic consequences of inflation people think (48:32) Inflation is just people can’t spend and people can’t afford things anymore, but it gets much much deeper (48:40) I mean there is one of (48:42) Guido’s students (48:44) Professor Jeffrey Degner also of the Mises Institute (48:47) I love to shout him out because he has been very good to me and he also wrote a (48:52) Dissertation on how inflation affects the family (48:55) I don’t know if I’m at liberty to share that with people but let me just leave that so and so inflation actually does more (49:02) than destroy (49:04) People’s financial wealth (49:07) So (49:08) Nothing causes poverty faster than inflation and not nothing causes poverty (49:14) So you have a hundred dollars in your pocket and the hundred dollars can buy you (49:19) I’m just maybe a hundred loaves of bread and then you wake up one morning and a hundred dollars can only buy you two loaves (49:25) Of bread, right? (49:26) so you have the same amount of money in nominal terms, but you are much much much poorer and (49:33) Of course this happens because the government devalues the currency by increasing its supply, right? So (49:40) When our president increased the money supply (49:44) He did it slowly and then all of a sudden in 20 in (49:49) 2020 2020 and the year everybody decided to run mad he (49:54) just (49:55) Hits the printers really really hard and then since that time the currency (50:01) So, let me just compare it to the dollar so the (50:06) Nigerian Naira the Naira is our local currency here (50:08) It used to be if you have one dollar you could trade that for 400 Nigerian Naira (50:13) it wasn’t like that before was 200 before he became president, but he made it a dollar to (50:19) 400 right and then (50:21) all of a sudden when he (50:23) Increased when he turned on the printers and it went from a dollar to 400 to a dollar to 750 (50:31) Thereabouts and it has been on the decline as we speak.It’s currently about a dollar to (50:36) 1,700 right so that tells you how so it doubled and now it’s quiet now. It’s quadruple that number (50:43) Yeah, now, please note. The dollar is also losing its value, right? (50:49) So it’s not like it’s about 3% of its original value from way back in the day if we look at the real true numbers (50:55) but yeah, yeah, but I mean from 2020 to (50:59) This day the dollar has lost value (51:02) Despite the fact that the dollar is falling one would expect that as the dollar falls, you know, right the Naira (51:08) Let’s assume the Naira stays in one place, right? So things are going to (51:12) Both so you’re selling even even though the dollar falling which is the relative term.It’s still falling and more than the dollar (51:20) Exactly. So it’s it’s just an accelerated. It’s it’s gaining distance.The gap is growing in between. Yes (51:27) So people woke up overnight and became dirt poor (51:33) So that led people to do and we are human beings when people can’t meet their needs (51:40) They tend to do horrible things. They tend to do anything to meet their needs.They become almost (51:49) animalistic (51:50) It brings out the base. Nothing brings out humans the base (51:56) Nature of man than hunger than lack and all of a sudden you see (52:01) There is an increase in kidnappings in the country kidnapping for ransom, right? And then (52:09) There everyone knows Nigerians for Internet’s and scams, right? So that has also gone on the increase and (52:18) Prostitution is at an all-time that lost Prince. Are you the guy? (52:23) If we’ve been have you been emailing me for the last three years sir, has it been you (52:28) No wonder your econ, bro.I get it. You’re really the Prince guy (52:33) I see all jokes aside. I am actually royalty in my country.I’m I’m a prince. It doesn’t mean anything (52:40) But I’m I’m like maybe 17th in line to be king if you know (52:45) So lots of people have to die or give up the throne for me. So I am actually a prince.So (52:50) Anyway, so people woke up and I say that because if something happens man, they’re gonna come back to this podcast (52:55) You’re like he’s it 17 people had to die for me to get this spot. Now. These people are God (53:00) I don’t you I don’t even want the position and because it involves a lot of them (53:07) Voodoo nonsense, but let’s not get into that now.Anyway, so which we will imagine again. So, um, so prostitution became (53:15) like (53:16) Prostitution became normal in the country pretty much (53:19) Lots of ladies sell themselves out just to have something to eat. It’s really destroying the culture.It’s destroying families and (53:26) What’s even worse? So there’s being being an African and country. There are still a lot of darkness (53:32) yeah, people still believe in the old gods right in the (53:36) In voodoo that kind of nonsense where if you sacrifice a virgin (53:41) You would get a certain amount of money (53:45) you know people still do that stuff here like people still you have children and (53:50) Killing and murdering their their friends. I mean children 13 10 years old murdering and (53:57) Some other 10 year old girl because some witch doctor told them if they do that they would become rich (54:03) So you have those types of things that used to happen in the 80s in Nigeria, right? (54:08) The 80s were a very hard time for us economically, but then things started to pick up towards the 90s and then the 2000s (54:15) But then and with the economic with the increase in economic prosperity from less than 99 to like to the mid (54:22) 2000s are about all those things faded into obscurity (54:26) You would hardly hear about and people killing making human sacrifice (54:31) You will be of those things by the way in the fringe, but now (54:36) They’ve made a very very frightening resurgence these things have come back and the country is in shambles (54:42) The country’s in shambles last year.We had a new president who was supposed to make everything, right? (54:48) I knew he wasn’t he’s a proper inflationist (54:50) So there’s nothing he can do to solve our problems as a matter of fact the problems the the policies the reforms (54:58) He has implemented. I (55:00) Know as an economist that they are only going to make things much worse than they currently are so (55:08) Nigerians need to brace for impact things are going to get much worse. I made a prediction last year (55:16) to some of the students that (55:19) Businesses were going to begin shutting down just by using an analysis of the Austrian business cycle theory (55:25) just by using that applying it to the Nigerian economic context and (55:29) It wasn’t even (55:31) it’s been like what a year and six months since I made that prediction maybe more than that and (55:37) Although many many many businesses have shut down as I predicted was going to happen and I predict that it’s going to get even (55:45) Worse.So this is why or part of why I do what I do (55:51) This country is dying and no one is going to save no one is going to save this country (55:57) There is this there are a couple of political and candidates people who are rather aspirant who are looking to run for the next election (56:05) Every single one of them is a Keynesian or a Keynesian at best or they’re just straight-up socialists (56:13) so there is no there is no sign of (56:18) relief on the horizon (56:20) which is why (56:22) Someone has to do (56:24) Someone has to stand up and do something which is why I’m doing what I’m doing if I make enough noise (56:31) If I teach enough people (56:33) Make enough noise if I’m on Joe Rogan’s podcast tomorrow, right if I’m on Rogan because that’s like hey (56:40) I’m trying to get on there too, sir (56:43) If I’m if it’s you or me, I’m sorry, man. I’m oh, no. No, no, it’s fine (56:49) It won’t be trust me you’ll be there well before I maybe when you get in there you could put in a good word for your (56:55) Boy, oh if I ever do I will absolutely I am here to lift all ships my friend (56:59) This is what this is all about.It is about the message, but please continue (57:04) Yeah, please continue, please. So so I’m trying to so here are my goals. I (57:11) want to (57:12) Inform as many people as possible, which is why I go teaching young people (57:17) I mean, sometimes I go I go shopping at the local markets here, right and then people are complaining about (57:24) Our goods are so expensive.Why are you hiking prices? (57:26) And then I stop I kid you not in the market and you need to see our markets here. They’re not like (57:33) Supermarkets, yeah, I guess you guys are quality flea markets (57:35) It’s just people in stalls selling all kinds of fruits and vegetables and everything and meat (57:40) It’s like an outdoor like we call it a farmer’s market. I guess it’s not a good way to call it (57:44) It’s something like that like an outdoor.Yeah, but no, you don’t have any pangolins. Oh, right (57:49) You don’t have any bats or pangolins or anything. We have dogs (57:52) We have dogs and monkeys, but they’re not from Wuhan as long as they’re not on we’re okay (57:57) Okay, I just want to make sure so (58:01) Anyway, so (58:05) So so (58:06) so sometimes in the market I (58:08) Stop people and then I start lectures in the market talking to them (58:12) This is why prices are the way they are now (58:15) Don’t blame the man selling this to you and then I start to explain and again seeing as it’s Austrian economics (58:20) It’s very easy to explain.So everybody understand that I like and then they calm down, you know (58:25) So I won’t keep informing as many people as possible. That’s one because if I can raise an informed (58:33) if I can if we can have just a critical mass of (58:38) I don’t know what that number is. It could be five hundred thousand.It could be a hundred thousand (58:42) It could be a million people who know what works. They don’t have to be economists (58:46) They just need to understand the basic concept that more intervention means more poverty and less intervention means more prosperity (58:54) They just need to learn that that’s that’s all I need them to know so that when these lying (59:00) Politicians come out and say we are going to build (59:04) Spaceships free trips to Mars for everyone and all these lofty promises (59:08) They make these people know that this is a lie and then they stand up and say oh god (59:13) Oh guys like the local word for sir here like oh god. We are not doing that is what I want (59:19) I want people to wake up and say sir (59:22) this will not work if we are going to vote for you you have to (59:26) Promise to cut down the size of the government and if you don’t cut down the size of the government (59:31) Let me not see what’s going to happen out there because I literally could get arrested for that (59:36) So that’s one (59:38) side the thing is see I (59:40) See a lot of uprisings in in our country as well and noticing that something’s gonna happen isn’t calling for it to happen (59:48) But I see I see the tensions increase right that things can snap if they don’t write you’re just that’s all you’re saying (59:54) You’re just observing that there’s a reaction to whatever is going on.Yeah, but they don’t see it. They don’t see it like that here (1:00:02) I’m saying it that way so they can come to my house. Yeah (1:00:08) So I look so if I may if I may for example, this is something I had Ariella Moskowitz of (1:00:15) Decriminalized sex work.Okay. She she works now (1:00:20) Prostitution you’re a libertarian shouldn’t be illegal sex work shouldn’t be illegal (1:00:23) But it does determine the health of the state, right? (1:00:26) Like to to know that this is on the rampant uprise at telling you that something’s wrong (1:00:31) Something’s in the civilization’s not healthy whether it’s financial or whether it’s cultural, right? (1:00:37) So when we see an uprising crime and uprising these negative things, it’s an effect of the things. It’s not it’s not the start (1:00:44) It’s not the cause of it (1:00:46) This is the back-end result and all we’re trying to do is those none of these things (1:00:50) Generally should be illegal to do these things that are kind of deviant (1:00:54) Obviously the ones that hurt others directly, right that are non-consensual (1:00:58) but if the state was healthier this wouldn’t be as (1:01:03) Much of an issue is is that kind of what you’re saying? Because the state would be healthier.Yeah (1:01:08) Yeah, and it’s it really is that simple. So (1:01:13) My second goal is to (1:01:17) Try and get on as many (1:01:21) Shows as possible. It could be shows here in Nigeria.It could be shows there in the West (1:01:27) Which is why I keep taking these (1:01:29) Interviews and the reason for that is this number one (1:01:32) I get to spread the word about what I’m doing and hopefully raise funds to continue doing the other work and number two (1:01:41) As I said this place is very unsafe and (1:01:44) Reporters are picked up and they are disappeared here like it’s nothing, you know (1:01:50) and (1:01:51) Not to sound like I’m not trying to make it seem like I’m some I’m absolutely nobody like what you are (1:01:59) Well, you are them. You are a messenger on this thing. Look you’re a messenger of Christ in your in your life as well (1:02:05) So yeah, this is how you are.This is your purpose. So as a messenger as the vessel of the message (1:02:12) What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? You have to follow this path because this is where it’s led you (1:02:18) Yeah, you know (1:02:20) What I’m saying is (1:02:22) even the (1:02:24) the (1:02:25) harshest critics of the government (1:02:27) their message (1:02:29) the message they (1:02:32) preach is (1:02:35) not as much a threat to the state as (1:02:37) My message my message literally is the most dangerous message to the state (1:02:43) they may not realize it now, but it really is because (1:02:47) Everyone is the critics of the government are calling for (1:02:52) better (1:02:53) government I’m calling for (1:02:57) Little to no government. So I am a much bigger threat to the establishment.That is the state, right? (1:03:03) Because we’re talking about defanging the government (1:03:05) We want to take we want to take away its power because there there’s no good (1:03:09) There’s no good and bad here good and bad is subject is totally subjective. There is no objective (1:03:14) I mean there’s objective reality, but (1:03:17) subjectively within the confines we’re talking about making policy and things the good of one is the bad of another and when if you push (1:03:24) This way the next person is just gonna pull it the other way and that’s ridiculous (1:03:27) We want to take the power away. So no one can even push or pull it.That’s what we just (1:03:32) Step back and let it be (1:03:34) And they do not want to hear that (1:03:36) Nobody has time for that. No because they they will lose jobs (1:03:40) I mean if the state shrinks everyone’s jobs or we have homelessness in america (1:03:45) Six figure six-figure salaries and they solve homelessness by not solving homelessness (1:03:50) So they keep their six-figure salaries and then they double the salary or double the size of the number of people that get six-figure (1:03:57) It’s the same here only much poorer. It’s the same here (1:04:02) And so if someone comes out and is talking about how the state is how you need to shrink the state (1:04:08) he’s (1:04:09) Or she is endangering that person is endangering his life, right? (1:04:13) so my goal as I said second goal is to get on as many shows as possible because (1:04:19) if i’m seen on rogan, it’s very (1:04:23) It will be difficult to (1:04:26) Disappear me right people would ask why is that guy that was on rogan, right? (1:04:30) So that’s him the reason why I do these second reason why I do this show (1:04:34) I would recommend you for rogan (1:04:36) But he specifically has a policy that he actually gets cringy when people recommend other people to him (1:04:44) Like if I were to email him as a third party and say I came across econ bro (1:04:48) And you need to have him on he would actually feel worse about it because someone talked to him about it (1:04:53) He wants to find organically.So if somehow we can slide into his dms through maybe dave smith (1:04:59) Dave smith is going to be your conduit (1:05:01) I think and I think I think you can get to him because (1:05:04) Dave is absolutely brilliant (1:05:07) I really hope I can robby the fire. Maybe we get through robby the fire and get on his show as well (1:05:12) Uh, let’s see what we can do. Okay the guy with him the guy who does a show with him, right? (1:05:15) Yeah, the guy with dave.Yeah, you know him so (1:05:20) Let’s spread your message my friend that’s what we’re here for, you know, robby, you know robby (1:05:24) No, I don’t know him. I just know him through the show, but i’ll i’ll happily message. I mean i’ll have i’ll message anyone (1:05:30) That’s what we’re here for (1:05:32) So yeah, um, so those are my um goals teach people.Um (1:05:37) Appear make as many appearances as possible with the goal of raising funds to teach even more people (1:05:43) And protecting myself from being um snatched a lot of people now, let me say there’s a lot of people have offered me (1:05:50) including (1:05:51) um (1:05:52) Some of our mutual friends they’ve offered me (1:05:56) Asylum they’ve said leave that place (1:05:59) Come be come stay in the u.s. We will sponsor you come to the uk, right? But (1:06:05) Who’s going to clean up this mess? (1:06:09) here (1:06:10) You know who’s going to clean up this mess? (1:06:12) So it’s not like I have a messiah complex or anything, but I just can’t no help it. I can’t help it. I have to (1:06:19) Right.There’s a look there’s a (1:06:22) Your life has a christian element to it and that’s a good that’s a good way to live a life (1:06:26) No one no one can take that away from how to live one’s life (1:06:29) No one should step in the way of that with that life. You have become you’re a pastor. So clearly (1:06:35) Uh in a purpose way from a from this perspective from a from a religious perspective (1:06:40) God has gifted you with this thing to be able to share information in a way that (1:06:46) That people would be engaged with and listen to and find or find a way to make it happen (1:06:52) And that’s all it is.I don’t see a messiah complex. I don’t see you dying on a hill (1:06:57) You’re you’re you’re just stating this is the this is where i’m the path that has led me to this place (1:07:02) And the more we can even seek it from that (1:07:05) The better it’s going to be for everyone because it’s not like it isn’t a divine thing (1:07:08) This is just once again, this is reason it just happens to be that you you are the messenger in this case (1:07:16) Um, yeah, so in a nutshell that is my story (1:07:20) and that’s how I began and how I (1:07:23) I why I do what? (1:07:26) I do and what I hope to do in the future (1:07:30) Yeah, so if you have any questions for me (1:07:34) You know, I I don’t have general questions but it sounds like is there a political (1:07:39) career for you or are you looking to be the person as a messenger behind a politician like (1:07:44) Would it be better for you to have the message be the messenger (1:07:48) in this larger sense and then endorse individuals or (1:07:53) Is is the presidency something that might you you might be compelled or forced into in your purpose? (1:08:00) Um, I don’t I have no interest in getting involved in politics (1:08:04) I don’t I have thought about it, right, but I don’t have the stomach for it (1:08:10) I don’t want to I don’t want I don’t want to rule over other people. Please not now, right? (1:08:16) Would you would you look to find someone that may be a like a javier malayan kind of thing? (1:08:21) It looks like he’s made some changes in our argentina, right? (1:08:24) I hope I hope to raise I hope to raise the malay in this country.I want to be the (1:08:30) Biological, that’s where you would be like you’d endorse that can someone of that of that ilg of that ideology of that ideology general ideology (1:08:37) Yes, how hard is it to become a nigerian can can I become a can I run for president if i’m naturalized (1:08:44) I’ll i’ll be right (1:08:48) I I don’t know what the law says. I don’t know what the law says (1:08:52) Oh, no, I I know I know I know I know I know but I mean who would want to become a nigerian (1:08:56) I don’t think the people would be comfortable with (1:09:03) Yeah (1:09:04) 100 that’s in total invasion. That would be an absolute invasion if if I were to come down there (1:09:08) But um, this sounds great.So I like I said, this is your time. I think it’s absolutely beautiful (1:09:14) We’ve got 20 people have listened pretty much constantly throughout this on a saturday on a saturday afternoon (1:09:19) Thank you so much for your for sharing your time with us (1:09:23) Um, I am so glad to connect you with whoever I can (1:09:26) We’ve mentioned spike cohen anybody who knows spike anybody who knows adam coleman? (1:09:32) Anybody who knows maj teray anybody who knows? (1:09:36) Uh, any of these people larry sharp, we know all these people. Let’s get connected with you.We want to spread this message (1:09:41) um, please I sent you the (1:09:43) In the private chat the link to the fundraiser. It explains what I do and if anyone is feeling generous, they could just tip (1:09:52) Five dollars ten dollars two billion. It’s all good.Everything is (1:09:56) Anything and everything is accepted (1:09:59) Um, that is beautiful i’m i’m going to put in the main comments as well (1:10:03) If they want to send cryptocurrency or anything, um (1:10:08) That’s fine as well. I could give them my (1:10:13) I could give them my (1:10:15) Cryptocurrency wallet addresses whatever it’s anything to make this happen (1:10:20) Well, we have your we have you at econ bro b-r-e-a-u on x obviously (1:10:25) We are following you the people I know are following you the people I know that know you are following you (1:10:30) So let’s just build this community out a little bit and we’ll just start connecting with people (1:10:35) That’d be a beautiful thing. Do you have any message anything that’s on your mind that you want to share any story anything? (1:10:41) This is your time and i’m so grateful for it.I’m so thankful that you could join me today (1:10:46) Thank you. I just want to make one final appeal (1:10:50) um (1:10:51) if my (1:10:53) cause (1:10:54) Resonates with you if you (1:10:57) If you appreciate the kind of work that I do there are I would really appreciate support your support you could support by (1:11:07) donating (1:11:08) by introducing me to someone who has a show that I could talk to I could (1:11:13) Seek for more donations by sending me books (1:11:17) Anything that could help by giving me advice by following me on twitter (1:11:22) Any any way you feel you could support (1:11:25) this cause (1:11:26) I believe it will be very helpful (1:11:29) um (1:11:29) I don’t know where we all stand on religion, but thank you and god bless you in advance (1:11:35) That’s all I have to say (1:11:38) Thank you very much and (1:11:40) I’ll take any blessing from anyone because it’s from the heart right let’s be regardless of what whether you believe it or not, right? (1:11:45) That has nothing to do with that from one person to another so (1:11:49) I’m so grateful for your time (1:11:50) You come bro. I I know we’re going to talk offline at some point, but let’s get connected (1:11:56) Spike you’re out there, buddy.My my my newfound friend. Let’s get let’s get you guys talking larry sharp. You talk with larry, right? (1:12:03) Let’s get you back on there.We’ll connect some people he was on joe rogan (1:12:06) So maybe we get some kind of connection there. So it was years ago. It was when he was running for governor (1:12:11) Yeah, oh many many years ago.So okay. Yeah, absolutely. So there’s a lot of great people.Let’s see what we can do (1:12:18) Thank you to everyone who tuned in we had 20 people live I will be putting this up on everything on rumble everything (1:12:24) econ bros piecing out (1:12:25) Non-aggression is a way to go. Peace equals prosperity ladies and gentlemen. Yes.Yes it does or does not we know this now (1:12:34) It took me forever to learn it (1:12:35) But I am grateful to have learned that lesson (1:12:38) Thank you again, sir. We are going to click off and then we’ll talk offline (1:12:42) Okay. Thank you