A conversation about the “The Century of the Self, Part 2” (BBC documentary)

Recorded 10/17/2020 – Chris and Mark discuss The Century of the Self – Part 2: “The Engineering of Consent” on YouTube (link below).
Intro Music: “Blue Scorpion” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Dive Horn: https://freesound.org/s/104882
Trombone Wah-Wah-Wah-Waaaaah: https://freesound.org/s/175409
Outro Music: “Neolith” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


(0:00) Da na dat, da na dat, da na dat (0:05) It keeps me banging my head too, making that song in my head (0:12) The symphony of rap construction (0:22) What two movies was that song in? (0:25) In what two movies was that song? (0:26) In which two movies? (0:27) Oh, in which… I know one of them already. (0:28) Yes, what’s the second one? (0:33) Sorry, Michael J. Fox. Oh (0:35) Teen Wolf negative secret of my success.Yes (0:40) Hi, I was (0:41) High fives. I always won’t dock out. Well, it’s cuz we’re short bro.We can’t go high (0:46) Highest of medium five. We’re we’re extra medium today. That’s my favorite shirt size extra medium extra medium is my favorite as well (0:54) So sir, I think we’re going heavy today.We’re going deep tonight today and then we’re gonna follow it up with something more fun (0:59) We’re doing heavy squats (1:01) All right, bro. Yeah (1:03) Today’s Knocked Conscious. Welcome everyone (1:06) Jane, what’s up, dude? We gotta stop.We spend way too much time together, you know, like four hours a week (1:11) We got to stop changing each other’s diapers. It’s like eight hours a week because we (1:16) Love each other’s company and enjoy the conversation. Well, the first part I would beg to differ.Did you get wd-40 on this yet? (1:23) No, I don’t even know if that no, I didn’t I was just talking cuz it’s gonna start squeaking. Yeah, it’s fine (1:28) It’s I like squeaky squeaky squeaky wheel. Yes, the queso cheese (1:32) Gets the wd-40 apparently so Knocked Conscious Jay.Welcome. Thank you for joining us. We’re going deep boys (1:40) What’s what’s going on today sir a century of the self part dos (1:45) Dos tambourines, is that like a hot shots part dick? Yeah, we do shiminy.That’s a restaurant in Philly actually (1:53) Okay. Yeah, but you what you don’t know what it stands for. I don’t shiminy (1:58) Is that like chim chiminey chim chim true? Yeah, but different.Yeah, it’s like a spoonful of sugar makes medicine go down sugar (2:06) Mary what? (2:08) What does it mean? Oh two chimneys. Okay. I was so real.Yeah, it’s like (2:14) Well, like the French term for garage is garage. Eh, so I figure out that one. These are tough, man (2:19) Uh, so what does two chimneys serve food a lot of food? I think it’s a it’s a higher price (2:27) So is it a French restaurant? Yeah.Okay. Yeah. Thank you.Yeah, it’s like it’s like French cuisine, you know (2:31) Four or five star Michelin II like escargot probably stuff. Okay car gots. Yes some non car gots snails and shit (2:39) Yes, some tea car got some you car gots all of the vowels all the letters consonants (2:45) Yeah, the B cargo and the s cargo all the cars go that go (2:49) Valley parking is free.All right, so we’re we’re we’re good. Okay, we’re we’re meditating. Okay, we’re in this state (2:56) Sentry of the self part two (3:01) So meanwhile, no after part one, yeah, we realized that Sigmund Freud’s nephew (3:09) Was a badass mental manipulator.Yes. I do have a (3:13) Follow-up. This was gonna be released after the social media episode, correct, correct.I did have a point (3:19) That I failed to mention on the social media episode. It will be released exactly one week after (3:24) So, okay, so I did have a point about that is is and they died they tied together. That’s why I bring it up (3:32) The issues regarding social media and addiction and everything that we talked about last week, right? (3:39) Is that the new public relations quote-unquote? Is that how? (3:44) Companies are let’s say pick company (3:48) a new a new big warehouse store comes out and they have a new Twitter and a new Facebook and a new blah blah blah (3:54) And they want to get people to buy their stuff (3:57) So they’re using social media to integrate into the culture to make sales is social media the new public relations (4:04) What do you think we’re doing with it? (4:08) We’re doing we’re doing I’m talking about on a large scale.You and I are not a new let’s just say the new Walmart (4:15) Yeah, I’m not gonna say Walmart you a company exactly that’s doing it right now (4:19) On your feed have you seen Volvo commercials pop up about how much they’ve given away they gave away the three-point harness (4:25) It was like it’s like the anniversary of the three-point seatbelt. I never patented or whoever patented it Volvo came up with it (4:32) Okay, so they gave it to the world to save millions of lives and on my Twitter feed (4:38) There’s a Volvo thing every it’s probably every time I open it. So they’re paying Twitter to know they’re posting they have it’s free (4:45) Oh, so it’s not a yeah, so they’re just paying something.That’s what’s great about social media. It is (4:49) Technically not costing them. They hire someone just to bomb (4:53) Twitter you sure they’re not paying Twitter to promote the ad (4:56) They don’t need to if they’re in the right place if they got the right people set up with the right fake accounts and the (5:01) Connections and the way people know how to manipulate these algorithms, and I don’t know anything about it how to manipulate these algorithms (5:09) I’ll be honest with you.Yeah, I’m not gonna lie. Oh, here you go first one. Here’s an Apple one obviously commercial (5:14) Apple and I think there’s Apple I’ve seen Buick and I’ve seen Cadillac, but those are both GM.Yeah, I’m not (5:20) I don’t think I’ve seen Volvo. Okay. Yeah Volvo is one that came up on mine a lot (5:24) But just because I think it’s an anniversary so it’s like they really hit it hard (5:28) Yeah, here’s Apple twice in like those are that’s because the new 12 just came the first two commercials or the first two things on (5:34) Twitter that I’m scrolling through our Apple Ben IBM right after that.Yes (5:38) So the question is they’re paying to get some kind of placement apps (5:41) They have to I can’t imagine not but the question is is that public relations? Yes, okay (5:46) Because last century of self episode part one we talked about how public relations that term (5:51) Came out of the World War one where it was actually called propaganda. Okay, so now fast-forward 100 years to the year 2020 (5:58) Here we are and public people say public relations (6:01) Okay is social media the new public relations? (6:04) Here’s the best way to answer that question (6:07) What do you and I use it for to promote our show (6:10) Yeah to show to and to relate ourselves to the pot (6:14) It is really public relations for us and dog pictures (6:16) What does what do all these radical left and right groups use it for to mobilize and to bomb? (6:22) You know not bomb physically promote Twitter bomb to with verbiage and whatever right to promote their plaque, whatever (6:29) They’re my guy. Hey vote for my senator.Hey vote for my congresswoman (6:34) It’s actually more dangerous because it really you could hire someone as your social media (6:40) public relations and (6:42) It it really doesn’t cost anything else if that strategy strategically done correctly you get the right friends you get the right groups you get (6:48) The right followers you give you follow the right people and you don’t need to really technically advertise. You just have to post all day (6:54) So you boom boom boom all day (6:56) Yes, your thumbs are the size of Popeye’s forearms. Whoa, and you’re just like you’re smashing them keys (7:02) Like yeah, well, and obviously companies have entire staffs that all they do is manage the social media (7:07) I know people who do that as a job (7:09) They tweet out for parties or companies or new events and whatnot (7:13) I think they work for a media company, which is it’s got to be the new public really? (7:17) I mean, it’s the direct relationship to you.I mean it goes to the end user (7:21) Well, I’m gonna go through a medium really and that’s true with every every sports team (7:26) Has a has a social media (7:29) Staff or a you know, a couple people right all the smart companies nowadays have some kind of social media (7:36) Connection that they could call at some point go. Hey, we need help. I (7:40) Would bet I would guess at least they have somebody on the Rolodex or in their contacts, right? (7:45) And think about how like I just said Rolodex.Yeah, it’s and it’s fantastic sad. No, it’s amazing (7:51) I’m sorry, man. It’s so it’s a roll iPhone (7:53) It’s a roll of phone but think about an airline and I mentioned this last week when an airline I’ll tweet out (7:59) Oh the the Houston Airport is closed because of whether it’ll be delayed 49 minutes (8:04) so the whoever’s in Frank Johnson, whoever’s in charge that account tweets that out or (8:09) Somebody hate at American Airlines or whatever their Twitter handle is.Where’s my effing luggage? (8:14) Okay. Well if that tweet is tweeted by somebody with 8 million followers (8:19) That can make American Airlines look horrible and then their stock can go down (8:22) So in if that’s handled correctly and the public sees that they can go (8:26) Hey, look at how well they handle that and then their stock can go up so that these companies have to be aware of that (8:32) So I think I answered my own question that it is the new public relations (8:35) You did and you’re they are very aware of this because think about the woman who tweeted out (8:43) I’m flying to Africa. I hope I don’t get AIDS.Just kidding. I’m white. Oh (8:48) Damn, did you hear this? No, I don’t know any what you’re talking about, bro (8:52) You know what? We’re gonna we should do a separate one on that, bro.Long story short. Yeah, please she she was part of like (9:00) Not ok Cupid part of match.com. Like she was like, ok Cupid’s public relations. Oh (9:05) That was sweet jokes all she tweets jokes all the time.Like oh my god (9:10) I’m sitting here like at this airport bubble killing time. She goes on a flight right before she goes. Hey, I’m going Africa (9:16) Hope I don’t get AIDS.Haha. Just kidding. I’m white (9:19) by the time she lands (9:22) Millions have seen this thing.Oh, yeah, and she is she’s lost her job (9:26) She’s like her life is over. It was over and I’ll get you all the information. It’s really interesting story (9:32) What’s interesting even more so is I follow up right? You know me she gets fired from ok Cupid or match or whatever (9:38) She’s now rehired by them because it’s all settled down.Of course settle down (9:43) Yeah, that’s bullshit (9:44) like fucking if you’re gonna be if you’re gonna address it like that or just say, you know (9:47) It’s a really shitty thing to say and she learned her lesson for one of the other that’s what they the latter (9:51) They should have done. I’m fine with that (9:53) But also if you want to be stern and say like we just have a nose with zero tolerance policy or something (9:59) Whatever if they did don’t rehire the woman. Yeah, they should (10:02) You know, you’re gonna rehire her not hearing, you know (10:05) Hearing the firing and then seeing this backhand under under, you know shadow rehiring.Yes, and this is years later (10:11) I just happen to come across it cuz you know me I look cuz you’re fine nuts (10:15) Yeah, I’m you know an amazing way. Well, I’m in a very crazy way. So yes (10:22) One tweet can make or break your life.I mean (10:26) That’s really so I can’t imagine being any less public relations. I mean, it’s okay and (10:31) What’s interesting is like? (10:33) You as an end-user (10:35) Who uses it the way we do? (10:37) We don’t actually have to pay a public relations person (10:40) I am the cheapest public relations person right now on the tweeter with you and I please try us (10:47) Self-promote so promote but it’s working. Well, it absolutely is and when people are asking for general recommendations (10:54) I absolutely want to say hey, you obviously would never hear of us any other way (10:58) Yeah, give us 10 minutes and you’ll be like, yeah, or I’ll give you another five (11:04) Or I’ll give you another 20 or if you if you take (11:08) 90 seconds and you scroll through the episodes and go (11:11) Oh, I want to listen to the church one or I want to listen to the 80s music one or I want to listen to (11:16) The did it one and then you’re like, okay, it’s okay.I listen to half whatever (11:20) I’ll try this other one. Whatever (11:22) Yeah, exactly and and I’ve been now with us being on that side of it of asking people to listen (11:28) I am also tasked with listening to others. Yeah, so I’ve been on there.I (11:37) Can’t on both ends for sure, but it’s I I met this (11:43) Take up space podcast. I think well, I started engagement yet yesterday with them and it’s two women and we were back and forth (11:49) Like hey, which what episode should I listen to of yours? You know, that’s what I asked. That’s great (11:53) So she’s like well, I like this one this one this one (11:55) Let’s start with nine go nine.It is boom done and you know, and then someone wrote something really nice (12:00) I’ve heard about the toxicity of Twitter and I’ve seen the toxicity of Twitter (12:04) You and I are not engaging in the toxicity of Twitter and what I’m finding (12:09) It’s not in our it’s not in our echo chamber. It’s really not it’s been pleasant, but you and I don’t (12:14) React, right? That’s we’re not those kind of people, right? (12:18) Right. There’s a gentleman who made a broad statement about self-promotion and yeah, he does a running podcast.I think yes, and he has (12:26) 880 episodes so the dudes been doing it for ever long time, but we haven’t okay (12:32) We’ve done it. We we launched in Jill on July 2nd. So that was four months ago.Yeah, he’s did (12:37) I don’t know what 800 episodes is but if it’s one week, it’s a couple years. That’s 15 years, bro (12:42) I mean, that’s a long time and it’s not that long. He probably does to you know, say it’s a hundred (12:46) It’s probably eight years probably eight eight years (12:49) It’s definitely more than three years (12:52) But anyway, so he said something and then I engaged I said well, let me ask you is as a novice (12:56) I didn’t I wasn’t I am like, I hope this doesn’t sound douchey.But what do we do? How do we promote right? (13:01) But he was very kind we had a very nice back and forth (13:04) So it turned out that (13:06) We can make it the way we want to make it because coming out of last week’s episode this so when we talked about social (13:11) Dilemma, man, I yeah (13:13) Pretty dire, but then this whole week has been a pleasant week big once again, but you and I are consciously not (13:21) Being toxic. Yeah, when there’s no reason to be people are consciously being toxic and getting pulled into toxicity without even writing it (13:29) Right, but we also avoid (13:30) Politics and we avoid that (13:32) You know the top five issues where people go down a rabbit hole of if you’re not with me or against me, right? (13:38) So and that this conversation has nothing to do with today’s block (13:42) No (13:42) But it but it has to do with the self and and your question about social media being the new public relations is absolutely valid (13:48) accurate and true (13:51) Okay, so with that we could probably we should roll on we should roll forward sir (13:56) So I’m gonna let you steer this ship and I don’t even like to drive (14:00) I’m just gonna be you’re gonna be like pivot pivot thing. Did you did you take any notes? Yes, I did (14:05) okay, so today’s a century of self part two is called the engineering of (14:11) consent and (14:12) this was born out of World War two in (14:16) the late 40s and early 1950s as (14:19) As go ahead if I may please of course, sir.Oh, yes you at the hand. Oh, yeah check mark (14:25) Um, well just it’s kind of the whole century of self is a chronological. It seems to be a chronological (14:31) Absolutely, correct.So we are coming into World War two now (14:34) Yeah, but we came out of World War one is really where it started in part one just to be clear if anyone hadn’t heard (14:40) That other part. Yes. Thank you.So it’s a chronological thing not skipping around like oh, correct (14:46) It drops us here. No, no, it’s pretty linear, which is nice. Correct.Absolutely. Correct helps me follow it. I appreciate the clarification (14:53) So it’s my perception.It was that and please correct me if I this is how I saw it (15:00) but it seemed like a pendulum swing in the (15:04) opposite direction by the American government as they saw what the Nazis did in Europe and they were (15:11) there was fear that (15:14) The American public (15:17) could (15:17) Turn into that (15:19) They they feared what the human being was capable of because they never saw (15:25) atrocities of that nature before (15:28) Is that correct? Did you do you agree of the pendulum swing? Well to expound on that, please it was more like (15:36) Freud as a whole and Bernays obviously as his nephew and his daughter Anna. Yes, correct the whole Freud (15:44) Compound the clan the clan sure the the cult. I don’t know whatever you wanna call cuz technically I mean (15:48) It really was a call good (15:49) it was a belief system all the people because their belief system shaped the way they interacted with people which shaped the way they (15:55) Reacted to their interaction.So they actually created and destroyed things. So they yeah, they were cold (16:02) I mean they told you how to be in what and we’ll talk about the successes and failures. Yeah.Yeah, but (16:08) World War two well World War one really remember we talked about Freud said man is capable of X and then X happens (16:14) Yeah, it was so holy shit, right? Yeah. Well, then they found how quickly to my even in a democracy (16:21) That yeah, they it could still happen it didn’t matter right so type of government what happened (16:26) well, the thing was that’s where the engineering consent comes because they talked about the (16:33) Freud (16:34) Believed that the hidden hidden deep within humans are dangerous and irrational fears and (16:39) The unleashing of these instincts led to Nazi Germany. Yeah, so what they saw was (16:48) Humans acting (16:49) Extremely irrationally or whatever.So their democracy they had to shape the democracy the way to keep them still from being irrational (16:56) It’s Mary America America they didn’t want America to become Nazi Germany, correct? So they they (17:03) Engineered that’s where the whole kind of the whole engineering of consent kind of comes full circle (17:07) Yeah, and it does close with that. So I’m sure we will talk a little bit more about that. But (17:13) Yeah, they it still need to be controlled it had to be democracy in their way (17:18) Because if this if they weren’t following the system if we didn’t follow the system, it would all fall apart, right? (17:23) so it had to be once again, we talk about systems, especially in the time of kovat and the time of you know, (17:30) The the term defund the police and all these other crazy things that we’re talking about right now (17:33) Not crazy things we’re talking about because these are real issues (17:36) But just things we’ve never encountered before as an American Lee you and I haven’t correct for sure.Well, I mean (17:45) 1968 is probably the closest thing that the American people would would equate 2020 to yeah, but you had what you had riots (17:52) Yeah, well, I mean not in your neighborhood. I mean get 90. You mean, I’m not one.Yeah (17:57) Well, you’ve Watson, but that was the 60s Rodney King Rodney King was 91. Yeah, right (18:01) We had there was a New York one in between, you know in the I think 70s. Oh, yeah, it just happens (18:05) I mean it builds up and blows up right up (18:08) But the point is there’s still a system in place and that system true was (18:12) Created all the way before our parents were born or right when our parents were born same thing, right? Yes (18:19) So we’ve been living to three generations of this system (18:22) Maybe even four because you and I are middle-aged and don’t have children.So our children could have children by now (18:28) We I mean we’re enough to have a 20 (18:30) We could have had a kid at 20 who had a kid at 20 and we’ve got four generations here (18:35) Yes, that is correct. So and that’s (18:37) Possible out there. Yes, so it’s real out there.Yeah, so three four generations now have lived under a system (18:44) To control how your democracy how your how your demo like the way you (18:50) Work democracy. They work it for you. It’s really odd.I’m still scratching my head (18:56) Not too hard. No, no the other the other phrase that I found interesting (19:01) Regarding coming out of World War two was the the government (19:07) To repress the savage barbarism and (19:11) I just thought that was insane that (19:14) That because Nazi Germany acted one way (19:17) That the government was afraid Americans would do this could be capable of doing the same thing (19:24) I just thought I just thought that was crazy that that they would (19:28) Go they would imagine that that was possible on another continent (19:32) I happen to have the same note. Of course you do because we’re fucking psychic (19:38) Well, it speaks to the power of this of this specific statement suppress the barbarism that lies just beneath the skin (19:45) So they once again Freud Bernays and Frank and Anna Frank or Freud (19:52) I’m sorry, Anna Freud Edward Bernays and (19:54) Sigmund all believed that that’s what humans were.They were barbarians just waiting to get out (20:01) The the challenge with that is that was their assumption going in (20:07) It played out that way, but I know it wasn’t all due to the way they said it (20:12) remember we taught Europe was just volatile in its own right and (20:17) Humans are evolved apes who do fight over territory regardless anyway (20:21) But there is a conscious side of it. You know what I mean? Like yes (20:26) so yeah, the suppress part is crazy right because we’re we’re talking about we’re American democracy and (20:35) Freedom, but you have to suppress something (20:38) That doesn’t sound free. That sounds really stupid, right? So they wanted to control our freedom (20:46) That’s oxymoronic it makes really little sense and we talk about the success of it later right or the lack of (20:54) Where you think you’re free, but you’re not (20:57) Well, remember we found well, we’ll get to that.I mean that reminds me of what Carlos Mencia said (21:02) I know you don’t like him. No, it’s okay. If it’s an original thought I (21:05) You and he probably stole it from three other people, but that’s fine.I (21:09) Whatever. I still like him. Anyway, he said if you think you’re free (21:13) Go to work on Monday and tell one of my jokes and see what happens.Yeah, so (21:18) You know, I mean, so you’re really not free. Yeah, tell a Jesalyn a joke, right? (21:22) Right. I mean you will get fired in 10 seconds.So and that’s that’s not a that’s not I mean (21:27) Obviously, this is a a little bit of a stretch where it’s not it’s a it’s a corporate thing (21:31) Not an American thing, but I think you see my I think you understand the analogy (21:35) Well, it is because perfect the professional workplace is all about suppressing your individuality (21:41) Well, you have to fit in a certain right mold so that you can get paid and I under I don’t understand that you to fit (21:47) in a mold to to (21:50) Demonstrate your product correctly to have the correct advertising like it’s a whole the whole thing’s a structure, of course (21:56) But that’s with any job with any company (21:59) Yeah, and that goes back to what you said last week where you had to wear a blue shirt with a certain label on the (22:05) Front and to sell TVs and shit, right? (22:07) But I would think at a place say like Saturday Night Live in the writers room. I’d almost guess you could pretty much write anything (22:15) without (22:15) Consequence you couldn’t do anything like you couldn’t actually physically do something like steel or do you couldn’t do that AIDS joke about Africa? (22:23) You could totally do you could try the writers room and then you would get shot down (22:27) Well, yeah, they just wouldn’t put it out right but you can you can express it (22:30) They would all laugh and go we can’t do that. Yeah exit.They would all laugh (22:34) Yeah, right would all laugh and then yeah, none of them would (22:37) None of them would do it. None of them would tweet it and then none of them would get fired (22:40) Yeah, because like how many time I mean look we’ve made some pretty dark jokes (22:47) Yeah, it’s too we are cuz everybody’s twisted to some degree it’s just are you willing to say it out loud? (22:53) You know, everyone’s thinking it you know scares me now that you brought up Reagan on it. So I’m gonna be sweating.No (22:58) Voo something DOO (23:02) economics voodoo (23:03) Economics, that’s pretty good. That’s my Ben Stein. Ladies and gentlemen smart guy (23:08) Yes speechwriter for I believe Reagan and Nixon and a bunch of people.He’s a really smart guy (23:14) When when Ben signs money, I used to watch that that dude knew (23:17) Everything and I’m like, uh, then you got me licked, bro (23:22) You got me licked bro, bro (23:25) Okay, so about work. We’re doing this podcast. I feel fell over the place (23:30) I’m pretty not kind in general at times on this thing.You would agree (23:36) 48% I know at least one person who’s listened to this from work, but if some other other people in the higher-ups listen to this (23:44) Should I should I be held accountable for what I say here? Absolutely not (23:47) Why not because what you do in your personal time is your fucking business I agree. However (23:53) That’s that this is not part of what the podcast is supposed to be about today. However semi-colon (23:59) That’s that’s another issue that we should have discussed last week.No social media. That’s another podcast. We’re tabling that that is podcast (24:06) We’ll do that as our next podcast.We’ll do a little social media group now, you know what we’ll do something in a month (24:10) Maybe yeah, let’s do this in a month (24:12) But we’ll talk about how your personal social media could in effect in it could be affected (24:19) Interact and be affected be flippity-flop floppy flipped by a professional life (24:25) Yeah, and then we’ll pull out that story about the woman who tweeted the Africa Africa Twitter tweet (24:31) It’s infamous (24:32) So back to suppressing barbarism. Yeah, what was the next thing you came across on the next thing was? (24:38) Um how so many soldiers coming back from World War two (24:46) Sauce (24:47) psychoanalysts because there was so much (24:49) Well now we know it is PTSD (24:51) But I guess what’s funny is that I asked a bunch of people (24:57) Over the past year. I’ve asked ten people (25:02) when was the first time you heard the word PTSD and (25:06) They said, you know within the past 20 years (25:10) but if you (25:12) Obviously, they’re referring, you know, the word shell shock and there’s another one World War one had battle fatigue.We talked (25:18) Yeah, there was a trench something also (25:21) But battle fatigue is what I talked about that. Remember we actually talked about the last pod. Yes (25:25) So I asked everyone I asked a couple people, you know that were older than me people that are in their 50s (25:31) Like hey, man, you know, what did you remember as a kid seeing? (25:36) What did your parents watch the Vietnam War on the news? (25:39) Yeah, every night we had done it a week TV dinners.Whatever. Do you remember ever hearing PTSD or soldiers that come back from the war? (25:46) that are (25:47) Shell shock or emotional distress or some words like that. Nope.Never so then I thought about it because in that our favorite song 19 (25:56) Then in a 19, they actually say and that song come came out in the 80s and it’s it talked about PTSD (26:02) it actually used that phrase in the (26:07) Yeah in in the song and that was an eight late 80s early 90s it was like 85 (26:14) So it even it talked about the average age of the American soldier in Vietnam was 19 (26:18) That’s the point of the song so and in in World War two was 26 (26:24) So did you watch dust boat the German? Um, yeah, but it’s been a long time (26:30) They said like they were 16 year olds on the U-boat, bro (26:34) 16 year olds, that’s not surprising. Did you want to read all the other ones are called combat stress reaction? (26:41) Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and shell shock there much is also an 80s song shell shock. No (26:49) It’s no it’s a like it’s it’s a European (26:52) techno song (26:54) Perfect by like echoing the Bunnymen or something (26:57) Shell shock coined a war one by British psycho (26:59) Psychologist Charles Samuel Myers described type of post-traumatic stress disorder, but I guess the my point is that it never became (27:08) mainstream until (27:10) Pretty recently.I read 15 to 20 years (27:12) Although it was it was in the song 19 from the 80s (27:16) And so I was asking these friends of mine that are older than me because I don’t you know (27:20) I was born in 71 so I don’t remember Vietnam at all (27:23) Obviously, so I was never exposed to that word until you know, probably this the the second (27:30) Gulf War that’s when I first started hearing about the word (27:35) This is the thing about PTSD (27:39) It it came it’s an evolution of the battle fatigue shell shock all those words (27:45) everything had to do with war (27:47) People did not know the general public was not aware or other (27:51) Psychologists or like we were assuming or like we’re discovering now that you getting diddled by your fire (27:58) By your father or grandfather or getting beat by your dad or a priest or whatever verbally abused or whatever (28:07) Creates the same effect as being in a war. Yeah (28:12) Especially at a young age, especially at the impressionable age (28:16) Impressionable because you’re not even old enough to even understand to understand it. You know, I mean, it’s just you don’t know what it (28:22) It’s just gets plopped into your head (28:24) So, you know, you hear a sound and like the undoing of a belt or you know (28:29) I mean, yeah that just creates like attention because you know that back in the day that was bad got beat with yeah (28:37) You know what? I mean? So I think (28:41) My (28:42) Father was 46 when I was born (28:44) So he was in World War two and Korea where most of my friends fathers were in Vietnam (28:50) so my dad (28:53) was (28:56) In (28:56) 44 1944 he turned 18 he went he enlisted in the army because that’s what you do, even though my grandmother my Alita said (29:03) Cesar don’t do it.My father told me towards the latter years of his life. That’s what he did (29:08) Well so many people volunteered back around because they were the truly the greatest generation (29:12) They understood they they believed in sacrifice for the greater good and all so I we’ve lost a little bit of that (29:17) However, I think there would have been a draft. I think everyone.Oh, there was there was a draft even if you didn’t volunteer (29:24) Yeah, pretty much 18 to 22 year. Yes, so he went in at 18, you know, right when the war was wrapping up (29:30) I mean 44 it was pretty much over, you know (29:34) There was a year left and a lot of guys big part of the fighting though (29:37) That was right and fighting when everybody’s in their last, you know, yeah, and right (29:40) so my dad was sent to the Pacific Theater and (29:44) He never the my point is this (29:47) My dad never talked about the war ever ever ever ever ever ever until like the last five years of his life (29:53) so (29:53) You know, he was in the war at 18 (29:56) About the time he turns 85. He’s kind of starts talking about it (29:59) The one that the point of this is that when I was like 14, I went to Hawaii with my parents and (30:05) My dad we were on this like jungle cruise type thing and my dad (30:11) Did not act normal on edge.He was weird (30:15) He shut up and my dad talks more than you and I combined. He was a fucking chatterbox weird Wow. Yeah, so (30:23) He shut up and he got like it like the energy change (30:28) Weird and me and my mom were like (30:31) So my after my dad, you know, we get back to our little condo or whatever (30:35) I was like mom (30:36) what’s up with dad and (30:37) She goes I think this reminds everyone when he was in the Philippines and then he went to Tokyo for a year and he was (30:43) In Okinawa, but after the fighting he landed after the fighting so right it shows you that (30:49) He had PTSD, but he never ever ever talked about it for 60 plus years.Yeah. Well, that’s I’m saying the term was a shellshock (30:57) Did you want to read some of that because it tells you about the show PTSD the term PTSD disorder? (31:03) Came to use in the 1970s in large part due to the diagnosis of US military veterans of the Vietnam War (31:11) Officially recognized by the American Psychiatric (31:13) Association 1980. Yeah, so remember (31:17) this was a (31:18) It was only associated with battle with with with war (31:23) Right, they didn’t they is in us none of us really can population.Yeah (31:28) Well, they I mean they is in psychoanalysts people that make these diagnoses (31:33) Didn’t connect it to any trauma (31:35) Remember, it’s post traumatic. The trauma part could be a beating. Yeah could be a station.Correct would be a (31:44) Rape, you know what I mean? I (31:47) Guess my point is that that in in the show (31:51) They they brought up that the troops coming back from World War two and how such a was 49% had some kind of (32:00) Emotional issues. Yes, correct. Yeah, and it was interesting because I always (32:05) Knowing my father and and knowing a couple of his friends that were there (32:09) they were so (32:12) proud and strong and (32:15) Amazing people and these guys that they were showing were open about talking about their experiences and (32:22) Emotional and and so like they were beautiful people on this show (32:27) Nothing like the gentleman that I knew and that was really surprising to me and I had no idea (32:33) They had psychoanalysts talking to World War two vets right after the war.I had no idea. It was shocking to me (32:40) Yeah, I the same thing World War two (32:44) 49% back sent back due to that. I believe they said mental problems, which is weird (32:48) But remember century itself was written 2002.It’s not exactly the most woke (32:52) Documentary and verbiage cuz right in the last 20 years how much has language change where we have offended everyone (33:00) Yeah, so screw all that. Anyway, Martin Bergman is the guy I put down (33:04) He’s the one who helped with this psychoanalysis of the yes of the soldiers and I just loved him in his little (33:09) cute little (33:10) Germanic voice like I just want to get into the heads and it was like a guy that was on the train across the country (33:16) And I was on the train. I wanted to know what was going on in all the heads and (33:21) Honestly, I believe (33:23) Truly not (33:25) Not a bad person really.No, he seemed really cool (33:27) He seems like you have a beer with that guy seems like you and I totally curious about the right he won (33:32) I love people. I don’t know about that. That’s what the impression I got it (33:36) My point was I know he just wanted to know about people.I don’t know about helping (33:40) I don’t think he wanted to hurt anyone (33:41) I’m just saying he wanted to know about them like he just wanted to read them who they were how they were (33:46) He wanted to get inside their head. He look he was so interested in the types of different people (33:51) Yeah, so he’s interested in it (33:53) but his interest could be blinded because someone’s using that interest for a bad purpose and (34:00) All he cares about is the interest part because he did (34:04) What he would do to be interested but they use that and manipulated it and it’s that’s what’s dangerous (34:10) I see your point. They didn’t allude to any of that.But did I saw but I see you’re saying (34:16) Well, we always talk about it. We’ve talked about Oppenheimer, you know, I yeah, I’m death, right? (34:21) it’s like the difference between yeah between the ethics of science is (34:26) Scientists don’t ever don’t generally consider whether they should do something (34:31) They only consider if they can do it, right? (34:34) Of course, so by the time they realize they figured it out and someone used it for some nefarious reason (34:39) Damn it, because now the should of they don’t ever look at the you generally don’t look at this should (34:47) Because the assumption would be you’re not gonna use it for evil. Like yeah, you just go on that side, but (34:52) Turns out we tend to that’s what all we do.Yeah, I know I hate people shit (34:58) 80s absolute, but it’s always true. We generally lean 50 at least 51 49 on the dark side my friend at least 51 49 (35:07) so (35:08) What what I found interesting about Bergman too because that’s what they played into next was he he found (35:14) How much the enormous role of the irrational in the United States? (35:19) The enormous role of the irrational he was talking about how we were supposed to be all happy and how we weren’t how we were (35:25) Suffering talk about suffering again (35:28) but (35:28) There are so many philosophies at play there right even outside of the documentary because it’s not remember (35:35) Attachment according to Buddha attachment created suffering. Yeah, when we consumed when they turned us into consumers (35:43) The suffering increased that create.Well, I think it even created it. Well, they created it first. Yeah, or exposed it (35:50) Yeah, and then they exacerbated it by making us consume.So now we have more attachment to more things (35:57) Which is what Buddha said was the cause of suffering so there it’s like suffering (36:02) Double-fold two different ways one’s mental one’s physical, you know, I mean, it’s like we emotional. Yeah (36:08) It’s like they took Buddha’s expression and go shit. We can capitalize on that if we do the reverse (36:15) You know, yeah in a weird (36:17) But the attachment is what led to the suffering correct.So they said that they needed to control that (36:24) And the oppression part is the part that just doesn’t work ever you think I would guess you can train a dog (36:32) You can maybe I can I did. She’s a good girl. It’s a good girl (36:38) It’s a good girl.The other ones are questionable. Yeah (36:42) We got when you doggies sit the way you do I do and I believe I’m like Hotel Peralta over there (36:49) Hotel would he come to the hotel dog for me? I (36:56) Don’t know that would be the al hotel.com. Oh, maybe you should change it. No (37:01) Have you thought about starting a doggie daycare thing and just charging eight gazillion dollars a night like every these all these other places (37:07) Do you already have I got paid in doughnuts to watch Oliver damn? (37:10) What kind of I got an apple fritter and a cinnamon roll what but what what kind of don’t what company? (37:17) He boasted doughnuts boza my second favorite can we do what’s your first favorite the doughnut parlor? (37:23) That’s not true until they give us money to talk about it.However, we should have caught (37:27) I believe they should have been called the doughnut palace (37:31) That sounds got a nice ring to it (37:32) Yeah (37:32) but then it would be like dream palace if you typed it in wrong and then you end up at a strip club if I (37:37) Could take doughnuts to a strip club. I got a problem with that (37:39) Yeah, but what if you but what if you could just go to the strip club and go get doughnuts? (37:43) No, I’d rather have a doughnut sometimes I’d rather have both well both of them (37:49) But what if you miss out on the doughnut by going to dream palace because you mistyped it (37:52) And when you get over it’s to deliver to the dream palace (37:56) You’re always thinking man. Don’t it eats.Thank you (38:00) That was excellent, oh (38:05) Ricky shoulders thumb that was delicious. Thanks for thanks for you (38:10) Can only say the word delicious when you say it in the checkmark voice is delicious. Yeah.Oh (38:15) Two t-shirts came up with today. Yes, okay (38:19) I’m going to get a personal t-shirt that reads I keep Meg Z in (38:25) check (38:26) Spelled see hold on (38:29) Czech right, but wait, there’s more I’m getting her a t-shirt that says I keep check in Meg Z (38:37) Come on, bro, bro (38:40) That is the bet that’s better than I’m was stupid with the little fingers way better (38:44) I keep Meg Z in check and I keep check in Meg Z (38:50) But just sexy images that stuff man, I am such a genius when you will truly I should market ourselves (38:56) You hurry up, you know, I still have commercial ideas (39:00) Toyota (39:02) Kingsford and (39:03) You guys need to get back to me because I’ve got a tweeter to them (39:06) No, I didn’t when you know, what’ll happen is this I’m gonna pitch the idea and (39:11) They’re gonna say no and then they’re gonna do it (39:14) And then I’m gonna have to feel like the intermittent wiper guy for 30 40 years trying to chase down my money (39:19) Intermittent wiper guy. Yeah, you’re about the image.Okay. Yeah, the intermittent wiper guy invites the intermittent wiper goes. Hey, bro (39:25) Look, I got this guy.I think it was Buick. Hey, that’s a great idea. Check it out (39:28) They’re like that’s stupid and then like a year later they come over, you know, I heard last week (39:32) David Lee Roth was hired to do that.I told you this at dinner (39:36) No at Ocean 44 David Lee Roth was hired to do the Beverly Hills 90210 theme song. Oh, yeah (39:43) He wrote the song and they didn’t like it (39:45) It turns out to be one of my favorite David Lee Roth songs after he left Van Halen (39:50) Just almost every other David Lee Roth song is a cover. Yeah.Yeah (39:54) So just gigolo is a horrible ass song. It’s called just like paradise cat. We stay (40:00) I know he did with a bit handheld right in California girls.No, that was (40:07) So if you listen to just like paradise and you listen to the opening song of 90210 from the late 80s (40:14) With Luke Perry and Jason Priestley (40:17) They sound very very similar. We do back to you check mark. That’s beautiful check mark (40:23) so I want to keep magazine chick and (40:26) Meg’s you want to keep chicken magazine (40:29) She lied dirty bastard, he’s dirty (40:32) No, no check marks dirty.She’s pretty clean (40:36) Let’s move along. Let’s move on. Well, we got next I got (40:40) The next segment was when (40:44) Was it Sigma Sigma Freud’s? (40:47) niece or (40:48) Daughter and daughter would be daughter is Anna Freud.Yes (40:52) she (40:53) Kind of I don’t want to use the word adopted but not legally adopted (40:59) but she took in she took in four kids that was a (41:03) Very close family friend got divorced and they were suffering from anxiety and a couple of them were acting out (41:09) so she took them in they were in England and (41:13) no, sorry, Vienna and (41:15) she basically had psychoanalysis sessions with the four kids to help them become more well-adjusted and (41:24) Use them as a sort of psychoanalysis template on how to adjust human behavior (41:31) Yeah to help suppress these (41:34) Irrational things right, correct. They felt they is being Sigmund Anna and Bernays, correct (41:41) they felt that (41:43) This right beneath the skin was all this (41:46) Just rage ready to come out this evilness and you had to suppress it always and one of the one of the four kids (41:53) They believed what a little boy. They thought he was gonna be gay.So they were trying to keep him from being gay (41:59) No, well, they interviewed his son (42:01) They interviewed the son of interview the son of the boy that was being psychoanalyzed one of the day (42:07) right one of the four and (42:09) He said I think they were trying to change and I don’t know if my father was gay or not (42:12) but I think they were trying to change homosexual be his (42:15) Possible possibly not be gay right because that wouldn’t have been normal and that’s that’s the word he used and that was the thing (42:22) It wouldn’t be normal. He said normal. I was like man, that’s fucked and when you hear normal and suppress (42:28) You just shake your head and go there was from say 19, let’s say 1920 (42:34) Let’s just being kind even though it were we’re coming out of war.This was like in 1950, right? (42:39) But I’m saying for now 30 years (42:43) Suppress (42:46) Suppression and control. Yes (42:49) Which is nothing to change once again one and a half generations. Well, this is it is we’re now in 2020 and (42:56) is that 70 years ago and (42:58) We’re still about control a little bit a little bit there (43:04) But there’s a lot of chaos without a structure to it.Well, yeah, which is which is a problem, right? That’s also a problem (43:11) Yes, what we’re doing is we’re exposing the control (43:15) systems (43:16) Right, and we’re lashing out against them (43:20) But it’s not structured (43:21) So it’s like we’re gonna it’s gonna be a riot and who knows if it’s gonna actually solve anything as Mike (43:27) It’s right and that goes back to your statement of we can’t burn down a system if you don’t have a system in place (43:31) To replace it. Yes, I understand. Let’s move on.It’s not part of the conversation, bro (43:40) Okay, I had didn’t go ahead let’s finish up with with the family well the thing I had next was Dictor but it was was (43:50) Wrecked them damn near killed them (43:56) Woodsy was shooting lasers at me like 13 seconds ago and now we’re laughing together (44:02) Relationship, but yeah to Anna’s point and all that (44:06) They were trying to suppress things (44:08) They were trying to suppress that’s the sadness and the anger and the darkness that was in them of those four kids, right? (44:13) And that was what psycho a psychoanalyst did that’s what Freud’s thing was is suppression. It wasn’t (44:19) Work with it. It was push it down.Keep fighting it. Keep fighting it. See I never really (44:25) Hearing Freud and Anna I didn’t I (44:29) Didn’t pick up on that I guess and I paid attention when I watch these (44:32) I wasn’t like daydreaming or mopping the floor or something (44:34) I never really picked up on they were trying to oppress or suppress those emotions.I didn’t get that (44:40) I don’t think they ever told you how they were. Okay, so you picked up on that and I didn’t know it wasn’t they didn’t (44:45) Say it. This is what they said.They said we believe that inside every human beings evil (44:50) They never talked about how they solve the problem. Why would they give away their trade secrets? (44:54) Do you know what I mean? Like in an interview? I wouldn’t say we’re gonna suppress them like that (44:59) They they wouldn’t say suppressions the key she goes we have the answer, right? (45:03) Why would you give a why would you divulge a secret if you thought you knew that if you thought you knew the secret? (45:07) Why would you give it to everybody? (45:10) Because yeah, it’s yours, you know, right? I mean, yeah, I just don’t know your point. That’s your point (45:15) I don’t know if that’s it accurate, but that’s how I would be (45:18) I wouldn’t be like, oh, well step one is we kind of make them suppress their shit, you know (45:22) But I mean or do you like you said hey, tell me about your feelings.Why are you feel? I know you’re 10 (45:28) You say oh your parents are divorced. You missed your dad. Tell me about your feelings.Why are you feeling anxious? Oh, okay (45:34) Well, you’re it’s okay that you feel that way. It’s completely justified. You know, you know, are you working? (45:39) Are you I mean a psycho that’s analyst, right? Okay.So this is in 1950. So it’s vastly different, right? (45:45) So you’re talking to Anna Freud and you’re 10 (45:47) So is she trying to coax you to push you down a road of to suppress those feelings? (45:54) Okay, yeah, I don’t I don’t know oh, that’s what I got out of it by the time the end of this happened (45:59) That’s what I got. Okay, but go ahead (46:02) Like if you’re in that room, yes with a 10 year old boy and Anna Freud and (46:08) your your your your mother brought you and your three siblings to her because you’re recently divorced and (46:15) Relationship ended badly and it’s a different world 1950 divorce was not common and I can’t imagine the taboo behind that (46:22) It’s you know, you’re you’re in post you’re five years after World War two ended and you’re in Europe and you’re you’re not (46:29) socially adjusted and you’re just a child how (46:33) trying to think objectively how that’s (46:35) how those sessions would have went and what and how (46:40) She would have steered them to be more well adjusted in society.And you’re right suppression of (46:47) Anxiousness or anger or the or a couple of the kids they said we’re lashing out. So that means anger and rage and (46:54) Possible. Yeah, possibly violence towards their siblings.I would guess I don’t know that or others. Yeah. Oh, yeah.Yeah, so (47:02) I’m just curious (47:04) How those would have went? (47:06) This is what I got from the show. Mm-hmm (47:12) Their philosophy caused them they said the answer was in order to fit in the society (47:17) You had to be like everyone else in the society. Isn’t that the best? (47:22) It like I said is the engineer is this whole it was their control.There was democracy their way (47:28) It had to be done their way in their mind (47:32) So what they did was any feeling that is outside of this box of normalcy. Okay, don’t have those feelings. I think (47:40) Seriously like okay, you know, you’re feeling that way.We’ll just push it down, right? (47:44) But they way they didn’t say that no, but that’s what I got from it (47:47) They massaged it in a way so that it would be pushed down, right? (47:51) But I don’t know how I don’t know how right? Okay. I don’t know that we don’t we don’t know was like hey (47:56) When you feel that way, have you ever thought about like nothing feeling that way versus versus like I (48:01) Would think in a very fruit like yes Germanic way. It’s like you feel X you must feel why yes change now (48:08) That’s kind of how I’d feel or is it Maggie was negative reinforcement (48:12) That’s why it’s bad.And that’s why I think the suppression part was just a (48:16) Push it down. Yeah, and that’s how it explodes because that pressure builds up when you push down. Mm-hmm (48:21) So I think it was that way because the result was obviously devastating.Yes (48:29) So do let’s close that whole thing about them because they do talk about it later because it is chronological (48:35) But it’s good to just close it now one of them one of the women kills herself (48:39) Takes takes sleeping pills doesn’t wake up when she’s an adult over those four kids one of those four kids (48:45) Eventually kills herself. She overdosed on sleeping pills, right? So that’s just that’s not good (48:51) that that shows you that to me it was (48:54) Anna Freud was (48:56) Experimenting with those four kids. Oh, absolutely.I mean they never said that that was how I perceived it in a bigger scale (49:03) Bernays was experimenting with the entire American population. Yeah, absolutely. It was all (49:09) one giant experiment (49:11) Yeah, I agree (49:14) public relations (49:15) Information Bureau.Yeah. Well, I have that. Oh, yeah, we have that to Middle America one.Yeah, that’s amazing (49:21) Yeah, we so we’ve got Ernest Dichter (49:23) Dictor it comes up with the focus group. Is that what you have next or what? You know? Okay go with I have that second (49:29) Okay, well you go next net you next 1946 the National Mental Health Act (49:35) That was by President Truman. Yes.I’m answering my own questions mark. You can go now (49:44) This act was everybody. I guess this act was to teach Americans (49:50) How to control their unconscious drives (49:54) They didn’t say that right, but that’s what it was.Oh, you mean suppress? Yeah, it’s exactly what it is (50:01) It keeps coming back to suppression man in a democracy in freedom right freedom and suppression. It’s like (50:07) It’s completely backwards, yeah, it’s oxymoronic. So a psychological centers were set up all over the country.They weren’t called that (50:14) but they were and (50:17) people were (50:19) Counseled counselors were trained in marriage counseling social workers were sent out to talk to people (50:24) So that their America didn’t turn into Nazi Germany (50:28) That’s it was all followed off of this psychoanalyst. Yes (50:32) it was still a theory because like you said there we’re gonna get into what happens, but (50:38) At the time they were all in on this being the cause it seemed to have enough evidence at the time to support what Freud? (50:45) Was saying so they felt this was the way to do it (50:47) Again, I just think that the the government was afraid. Yeah, but the point is they you but the way (50:54) Being afraid of it and finding the real cause and it being correct or two very (50:59) So they were their fear caused them probably to jump a little earlier than go.Let’s really check into what what this is about (51:06) That’s why I said the pendulum swing. I mean it was like a (51:09) It was a snapback. It was like a yes of a switch is what it felt like (51:13) Yes, but it’s so and that happens all the time where the pendulum swings in the other direction (51:18) And it’s it’s it’s the over correction.It is a massive over correction (51:22) We never live in the middle man. I that’s exactly why I live through the middle (51:28) Yeah, it sucks. I I know it sounds sometimes we sound like we’re doing a bitch fest and (51:34) But in this case, it truly sucks to live through the middle and not in the middle (51:38) unions (51:39) They were all on this side and being the owners of minds were oppressing children and killing people and having no safety regulations (51:46) Right unions come in pendulum swings and it’s awesome unions are needed (51:51) We need people to live longer and get paid better and have better conditions, right working conditions (51:56) But then that pendulum swings the government catches up write some laws already that protect workers (52:01) But then the pendulum goes and Union gets too strong (52:04) Now the Union is all in this side and now everyone’s like anti Union because the Union gained all this power (52:10) Yeah, it never needed to because absolute power corrupts.Absolutely, right? (52:14) And then what happens they destroy that system and that pendulum comes swinging all (52:19) Yeah, there’s no happy medium never settles man, we only live through the middle look at our look at I mean politically speaking right now (52:26) We’re more on the extremes than we’ve ever been. Yeah, and that’s social media (52:29) Certainly putting us on the polls (52:31) Because it’s put not only is it asking us to be something to tell our statement that statement puts us in with a group with (52:39) The other people who say the same statement. Yeah, and it doesn’t put you in with other people to discuss (52:45) Yeah, and you mentioned on on last the last part one podcast how you’re (52:51) You can’t be pigeonholed into one political way because hey, I’m pro this and also pro that which doesn’t (52:59) meet one political (53:02) Agenda, so you can’t there’s no way to (53:04) You can’t pigeonhole check mark because it’s there’s no one cannot be holding the pigeon.No birdies. No, but (53:12) Bird is not the pigeon. This bird will not fly.Where is my part? I knew you’re is it my part? (53:17) I know. Okay, we already talked about it from my I don’t mean to yes. Thank you.Mickey Rourke get work (53:24) No, I true (53:26) And I’m not gonna hash out what it is, but right you have but I think that was a good point, right? (53:31) Once again, I get it (53:33) I’ve gotten text and I don’t know if I’m gonna share them on the Knocked Conscious (53:35) But we’ve gotten text recently with this political bullshit. My mother got one on my phone yesterday (53:41) Your mother your madre Helen Helen, would you like to know her? That’s why I’m on it (53:46) I would didn’t I totally didn’t make I’m like look even woodsy got called something wrong. Yeah, what do you call my mom in? (53:53) Sabian, I guess Sabian’s worse than Helen.It’s a cool name (53:56) It is kind of a cool name (53:57) But like not if it’s not your name not if your name’s mark Sabian sounds like a dog’s name (54:01) It probably is or like it sounds like evil (54:04) Sabian (54:05) That sounds like Satan a little bit like Damien is what it’s yeah, Sabian Damien (54:10) It’s Sabian like omen part two. It could be it could be part trace (54:14) Oh, jeez, cuz they had part day and part three (54:17) so you have a different language and then you have part fear is for in German nice and (54:22) Then an Italian is five. Yeah set or whatever.It’s five. Yes, Italians five. Yes (54:29) Bonjorno (54:33) I (54:34) Speak Italian (54:38) So, yes to your point (54:41) You can’t we’ve been getting these texts and I get I get somebody telling me that one person wants to take my guns away (54:47) And I’m like, well if your wife got shot in the head, you probably have a different opinion about guns, wouldn’t you? (54:52) And then so that guy that person probably thinks I’m anti-gun right right do they they don’t know you they don’t know me for shit (55:00) And what’s funny is I’m consciously doing these things and I’m trying to make change.No, you’re not consciously doing. Oh (55:07) That’s only cuz I got knocked. You’re you are welcome from fears ago (55:12) That’s five five years five years (55:14) But the point is I’m kind of messing with the algorithms by zagging.Yes all the time on purpose (55:20) I know it’s amazing. Now the funny thing about that is do you know easily I am to manipulate? Yeah (55:26) Just as easily manipulatable don’t stop right done (55:33) And it’s like I dare you not to drink that coke zero right exactly done (55:38) Yep (55:40) Easy, but nobody gets that dude. Nobody else seems to and that’s what’s fun (55:44) I text stop if you’d like to stop receiving don’t tell me what to don’t you’re awesome me (55:49) And secondly, why am I working for you now? Cuz I you’re making me do a task (55:54) That’s the thing they’re they’re programming me (55:58) text stop (55:59) They if I text stop they know that I at least read their message, right? (56:03) That’s not gonna that’s that all that means the message is gonna come from another phone number, right? (56:07) That’s why I just blocked the night.I tell him to fuck off and or I start an engagement (56:11) Well, tell me you know (56:14) Hey vote for this president because they’re gonna protect Sierra Club or they’re gonna protect the thing like Sierra Club (56:19) I go. Oh, are they gonna protect your white nationalist the leader of your the creator the founder of your club the white nationalist? (56:25) Are they gonna protect his his views founder of Sierra Club was a white now a racist (56:30) I’ll really find out he is a white. He’s like a white supremacist Wow.Okay. Yeah, Sierra Club was only for white people, bro (56:36) Oh, really? And that was like there was an article just released in July of this year July July this year (56:42) So it’s not like once again (56:43) Kind of like the other systems like the church that we’ve uncovered and this and the other stuff all this stuff was obviously (56:51) Held back hidden and now it’s been exposed because eventually everything gets exposed (56:57) So why why get put yourself in that in the first place? (57:01) Why not do it this way expose yourself? (57:04) You get arrested if you expose yourself. I know that’s why I said hashtag expose yourself, bro.Don’t expose yourself (57:11) so (57:13) I’ve already exposed. I’m like you’re topless all the goddamn time. We’ve had fraternity parties, sir, to which I was naked (57:18) To which at which I was naked what completely why you don’t remember was there flop it there would know ball in hand (57:26) balls in hand (57:28) Twig and berries in hand all of it all of it in hand.I (57:33) Can’t I can’t dox people but somebody’s current wife was completely naked (57:39) Myself was completely naked. Matt Specker was completely naked and he gets it cuz he was naked at all parties. I (57:45) Don’t know what you’re talking about.Yeah, he was the one (57:49) He’s the one who got us all naked on it. He’d drink and he’d get naked (57:53) That’s what we did at parties man. We didn’t do anything with it.We just walked around naked. That’s so weird (57:58) Yeah, and we’re out like super fat. I was like, yeah (58:03) Like it wasn’t even floppish.It was just too (58:09) Your chair nobody makes that sound when I do (58:12) Yeah, can we please move along? (58:17) Are you oh we need to suppress those feelings sir, okay and (58:22) Suppressed. Okay go. So you found the next thing was your Betty Crocker thing.No next thing is your focus group (58:28) Yeah, that’s the whole thing Bernie’s in the focus group (58:30) I’m Betty Crocker because Ernest Dichter the Institute for (58:35) Motivational research loved it. Welcome to the Institute of Motivational Research (58:41) Where we get people to do what we want humans are (58:45) fundamentally irrational (58:48) beings (58:50) This was the birth of the focus group. That was the premise.Yeah, go check. All right (58:56) So Betty Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Betty Crocker 50s come around (59:01) They’re trying to people are trying to make easier make it easier for people to bake and cook and whatever (59:06) Still traditional households. Generally the man’s working generally the woman’s at home the homemaker house with the kids keeping the house making the house (59:15) Harder work than what the man was doing.Absolutely (59:18) That was that was a shit job in my opinion cuz they didn’t have like DVDs with Little Mermaid shit (59:23) Oh, that’s true, too. I didn’t think about that. But just it just seems like a lot of work (59:27) Seemed like women bore the brunt of the lot a lot more work than (59:32) Ever was given credit, especially then it was a different world.Yeah, I mean you had cloth diapers and you know, it was washed them (59:39) Yeah (59:40) pins and shit (59:41) so they had these easier to make meals or whatever and Betty Crocker’s cake mix came under attack because (59:49) It was basically come under attack. I’m not under attack, but their sales were crap. That’s correct (59:54) They were just they were just not everyone said they’d be okay with it in the focus group (59:59) But when it came out, they’re like it was the sales were the same or not.Yeah, it wasn’t selling (1:00:06) so (1:00:07) They tried to they kind of had a focus group specifically about (1:00:11) Why was it selling poorly? Why is this cake mix not doing well and basically was just add water and whatever (1:00:17) I basically is all it was (1:00:19) But what was what was the problem sir? You remember what it was? Yes (1:00:24) The unconscious guilt of the ease and convenience (1:00:30) There it is customer felt hidden guilt for the ease and convenience (1:00:35) So checkmark, how is this? How was this conquered by the Betty Crocker company? (1:00:41) What I loved was this next guy that comes on. Yeah, he’s amazing. He (1:00:46) Open and transparent.Yeah, he’s amazing and he I I would have a beer with that guy (1:00:50) All right for sure, and I don’t remember his name. I don’t either. I don’t think I took his name (1:00:54) I don’t even they showed it I’m sure but really did and he goes well guilt was a barrier (1:01:00) Correct.So the barrier what we had to do (1:01:04) Remove the barrier like that. Yeah, let’s just pull it out of the way (1:01:07) so we have to remove the barrier of guilt by having the customer participate and (1:01:14) He’s and you’re like (1:01:15) So the guilt of the ease and convenience (1:01:18) So you that’s guilt so you’d remove the barrier. So, okay, so don’t make it as easy and convenient (1:01:23) So you have to actually do something now besides adding water by sides just mixing it in a circle (1:01:28) Yeah, and what do they come up with sir? They added an egg (1:01:34) What what (1:01:36) They added an egg.Yeah, they put add an egg in the recipe. Yes on the back of the box. Yes, sir (1:01:44) And then sales skyrocketed and then the guy though the way he’s like (1:01:49) We had him at an egg and he just looked at you with this (1:01:53) Smug, like I just controlled every woman.I don’t know. I got that really odd feeling from that (1:01:58) Yeah, we’re just I controlled something like he’s like we had him at an egg. Look how simple we just controlled everyone (1:02:05) Like yeah, it just felt he had almost pride in how simply how simple we are.Oh, yeah (1:02:11) Easy it was for them (1:02:14) That guy or that group to get us to do something. Absolutely, right. It was kind of scary.Yes. It’s very telling sure (1:02:21) So at the egg, it was unconscious symbol that the wife mixes in something for her husband, correct, and they said sales (1:02:30) Soared yeah, I was I thought skyrocketed as well. I had to go back to the no (1:02:33) I didn’t I didn’t quote the you know, I I would I actually had no I had notes that read skyrocketed (1:02:39) I had to correct it.Okay, whatever it takes. It’s all good, man (1:02:43) and (1:02:43) Then my favorite quote. Yes (1:02:46) Is that where you’re at? I have several favorite quotes, but I will let you go first.Well, you know, please you said (1:02:51) I’m not gonna steal your Thunder. Okay. I just love that guy same guy.He’s gonna have a beer he goes (1:02:57) Is it wrong to give people what they want by removing their defenses? I had that as well (1:03:04) And you’re just like oh (1:03:07) Fuck (1:03:09) Seriously, is it wrong? (1:03:11) He’s telling us. How do you know what I want? How does he know that I don’t that I want it, right? (1:03:17) So is it wrong to give them what they want? He’s assuming (1:03:21) That he knows what we what we want (1:03:24) By removing their defenses, so he’s assuming it and by that he’s removing a specific defense (1:03:28) Yes, so he’s actually removing the defense that gets his desired outcome (1:03:34) Yet to sell his product right because he’s assuming (1:03:37) He’s saying what they want is what I want them to want. Correct? (1:03:42) So it’s actually is it wrong to give people what I want them to want? (1:03:50) By removing the defenses.Yes. Yes, because that smug look on that guy’s face (1:03:55) He was just like I have all these people in the palm of my hand. They’re like putty (1:04:01) That’s it I’m just gonna tie the strings to him and just (1:04:04) Yeah, the master of puppets.All right, the other two things I had were on that was that a consumer may have needs (1:04:11) That they don’t even understand themselves and that he well and and the other guys that were involved with this (1:04:19) Did this to quote-unquote fully exploit the customer? Yeah (1:04:24) And I thought that was obviously that’s an amazing businessman, but that’s fucking horrible (1:04:30) Exploit he used the word exploit that is not very human of him. That’s fucking well. Actually, it’s not humane of him, correct (1:04:37) Probably very human of him, but not humane of him (1:04:41) Can you read that the the first part of that again, please because I have a consumers may have needs (1:04:48) That they don’t even understand themselves.There it is. They may have needs that they don’t understand but somehow these pricks know (1:04:57) What those needs are no, they don’t of course they don’t they they know what they want their needs to be (1:05:02) Yeah, they were trying to sell shit, right? (1:05:04) So they know what their needs what they need them to be and then they use that (1:05:08) To figure out which which one which to barrier to take down, correct? It’s not (1:05:13) Altruistic by any means it’s completely manipulated sales tactic completely manipulative. It’s really it’s I mean, it’s impressive (1:05:20) it’s brilliant, but (1:05:23) We are just all guinea pigs man, and that’s the thing man you and I we’re still in the system (1:05:28) We know we have to work it because there’s not really a way around it completely without living in a tent (1:05:33) Underneath an overpass or something (1:05:35) But at least we’re a little cognizant of these things (1:05:38) To make our lives a little bit more aware of it.True. A lot of people just go through zombie land man just (1:05:45) A to B to C just in that linear order true. Thank God for tangents.Yeah net totally (1:05:53) All right (1:05:54) Unconscious symbol wife needs some of their husband sales sword. Yeah, or is it wrong to give people what they want moving defenses? (1:05:59) You’ve got your part (1:06:01) Sometimes people have needs they don’t even know they want but we know that what they want (1:06:06) So we’ll give it to them or we’ll make will actually we’ll pick at the scab that makes them want that is really what they’re doing (1:06:13) Or they’re pushing the right sensor. Yeah (1:06:15) Yeah (1:06:16) Because because in order for them to explore to exploit what they want (1:06:20) They have to know what they want and there’s no way you can I could have a need or a desire (1:06:26) That’s different than yours (1:06:27) Of course (1:06:28) But if it’s not a singular desire that everyone can get to and make make their sales go up, right? (1:06:33) They make a singular desire for everyone.We would move that barrier. Now everyone feels that way (1:06:41) Brilliant and I’m now I want to Guinness because they the advertisers got me bro bastards (1:06:47) What was the other quote that you answer (1:06:50) To fully exploit the customer and then you stole my other one (1:06:56) Removing their defenses. Got it.That was it. I stole it. You had you just had more than I did.It’s cute (1:07:02) It’s key and then they went to the commercial which we did reference in the first one. Oh (1:07:07) It seems so much longer (1:07:10) Last year is a car commercial (1:07:12) Yes, and the salesman was nearly four inches longer than some models the car salesman was talking to a married couple (1:07:20) And the and the wife gets in the car and she borderline has an orgasm when she sits down it’s pretty awesome (1:07:27) It was beautiful. There was no sexual overtones in that commercial at all.Not it’s like 1953 and it was like (1:07:34) It was pretty provocative (1:07:36) saying four inches longer, you know what they were talking about when she (1:07:41) Recognized that it’s so much longer than last year and then she sits in the car (1:07:45) Oh (1:07:47) She even closed her eyes almost flutters her eyeballs in her back (1:07:50) Is there a midget on the floor board or what’s going on? (1:07:53) You know, they’re just like that’s how women a little person there. There was a misogyny there (1:07:57) There was a there was a system in place that within that system. That’s how you got around, right? (1:08:02) That’s a Oh flatter, you know flatter the guy and do it.It’s still done a lot today. I mean, it’s part evolution (1:08:09) It’s part of the evolutionary horse like wife by male pheasants have the the plume, right? (1:08:14) Yeah, the attraction like course we show you want a bigger car. We show by lifting heavy things heavy digs and women are just (1:08:22) gorgeous live it love it when you lift heavy things or women are just good.We’re just all function women are form and that’s not (1:08:30) Generalization that is not what it’s been for a long time. It’s not a hundred percent true women can do (1:08:36) everything men can do I (1:08:38) Love it when women left heavy things. Yeah (1:08:40) When it’s Liana Bayou, I don’t know best.No, there’s some (1:08:45) Beefy women. I know I love beefy women. But anyway, so men are but men are more function like let’s be done (1:08:52) That’s all we got.Yeah, it’s all we got. We ain’t got much and razors to shave our the hair off our chests (1:09:02) What’s next big man, I had a Dictor slogan who because (1:09:07) This Dictor, it’s funny after Ernest Dictor after the four-inch longer car (1:09:14) He was he became a millionaire in like the 50s (1:09:17) Hey a millionaire like figure out was the focus group guy. Yeah.Yes. He did your guy became a millionaire and you’re like (1:09:24) back then (1:09:26) Yeah, which means that’s a lot. That’s a lot of a million in 1955 is got a 10 10 times (1:09:32) Way more than 10 times.I’m not gonna look it up. Yeah, I’m not either but regardless of that (1:09:38) It’s definitely a different a million dollars now is different than million dollars then and I’m not even close to $100 now, right? (1:09:44) No, bitches. I’m at thirty eight dollars and 64 cents 64 cents (1:09:50) Yeah, but what was his quotes his slogan? Yeah a tiger in your tank, bro.Oh my god (1:09:56) Wow, wasn’t that Exxon was that Exxon or no Texaco was a mobile mobile (1:10:01) I believe it was mobile mobile. It’s a tiger. I believe so and then (1:10:06) Texaco became a tiger now Exxon (1:10:10) Exxon bought mobile.Oh, that’s right. Exxon mobile. That’s right.Yeah tiger in your tank was one of his slogans (1:10:16) Be the tiger man be a tiger (1:10:20) Be a millionaire marketing of Barbie used children’s focus group. I got that (1:10:26) Okay, I don’t okay. Well allegedly alleged marketing of Barbie tolls were by a children’s focus group (1:10:34) Yes, that’s all right.So look where Barbie is now still alive and kicking huge huge mark huge huge in America (1:10:41) Huge even though she’s changed. It’s huge. I don’t know how they changed (1:10:46) I don’t know if they’ve changed hair colors and body style.Oh, yeah, there’s all kind (1:10:50) There’s a brown Barbie. There’s an african-american Barbie. There’s all the Barbies.She’s got that. I love it. She got the Jeep (1:10:56) Yeah, so it’s got the Corvette.So not only is it did it launch? It’s like expanded. Yeah, it’s everywhere, right? Beautiful. That’s awesome (1:11:05) Kids focus good.They use kids to market that shit (1:11:09) That’s the thing about Disney man. I I admire the model, but it kind of just is like hey kids (1:11:14) Tug on your parents pant legs until they buy the did the Bambi for you because it’s gonna go back in the vault (1:11:21) Tommy mommy mommy, it’s marketing and it’s finest dude. Tuggy Tuggy Tuggy.Yeah, I know. This is my point (1:11:26) I admire it, but it’s like it’s once again. I’m like when I’m one of these exploiting exploitation of kids is not really my thing (1:11:34) It’s the worst one because they they don’t have exploitation of kids (1:11:37) They do they they directly talk to the children to get to bug their parents to get them in (1:11:43) It’s my opinion.I see your point brilliant. I mean it works (1:11:47) It’s effective, but they’re literally telling you because they’re using oh my god (1:11:51) Kid, you’re gonna lose miss out. They’re not telling the parent that they’re gonna miss out on buying it for their kid (1:11:57) I I know hey, hey, man, if they’re Disney commercials are like hey parents spend (1:12:03) $39.99 right now for your kids.Thank you. Bye. Of course.I I get I understand dude. I know you know (1:12:10) That’s why I keep pushing you dickface cuz I know you the truth’s gonna come out man. I hate you so much (1:12:15) All right, what you got next? (1:12:18) Uh (1:12:19) This might be this short.It’s like ever not even close. I have like four paragraphs left. Oh beautiful.Seriously the shortest podcast ever (1:12:25) How many now we’re already over our shortest. Oh, no, um, it’s for you know, it’s four inches longer than last (1:12:33) My next (1:12:37) My next point is about self-image (1:12:41) Okay, if you identify yourself with a product it can have therapeutic value (1:12:46) Yeah, and therefore improve society. I had something in between there if I may please of course something about controlling mass (1:12:54) Irrationality, that’s really what this all came down to and they thought they were creating the conditions for democracy.Yes (1:13:03) The conditions for democracy. It’s interesting, which I know we talked about we had democracy prior to the conditions for democracy fucking 200 years (1:13:11) 180 whatever. Yeah, so and we talked about (1:13:15) When part one we talked about consumerism and democracy and how (1:13:21) The show says how closely that they’re attached to each other and (1:13:25) And I know and I I like to repeat that I don’t think they need to be I think they can be independent of each (1:13:31) other (1:13:31) So I will restate that and then we’ll leave it at that (1:13:35) Please restate one more time.I believe consumerism and democracy a democratic society don’t have to be intertwined. Correct (1:13:43) I agree. So but the show (1:13:46) States that they they go hand in hand that they’re completely intertwined (1:13:50) Well, yeah the democracy to it depends what a democracy is (1:13:55) Because say the dem say the way that it become the state takes over (1:14:02) businesses so they don’t exploit customers (1:14:05) right by selling them things that they (1:14:09) Wants a desires versus a needs (1:14:11) Right because that’s what this has become.That’s what consumerism is. It’s about wanting things not about needing things (1:14:18) If the government jump jumps in and goes well, we want to be a democracy (1:14:24) Well, then you have to not let companies be free to exploit people and make the most money out of their products (1:14:31) So you have to control them somehow. So is that now not a democracy? (1:14:36) Yeah a (1:14:38) government stepping in and (1:14:40) Restricting companies on what they can sell or how much they can sell that sounds like communism.That doesn’t sound good, right? (1:14:46) Correct. So that but that spits in the face economy of democracy. Yes.Yes, but in order to get you to not exploit (1:14:54) Right if the companies are allowed to be as free as they are to do what they want we’ve got consumerism so they are links (1:15:03) Democracy and consumerism are linked in that direct fashion because the democracy allows the (1:15:09) Company to exploit the consumer to make them want to buy more (1:15:14) By removing that you’d need some kind of control on those companies that would probably be done by the government that men (1:15:20) Removes the democracy part (1:15:24) Fucked us, bro. I see your point. I don’t they fucked us (1:15:27) What we need is (1:15:30) Actually the company to have a conscious (1:15:33) Consciousness to them get on shit a conscience.That’s like ethics and morals. We don’t need (1:15:41) Stockholders, we don’t need stocks. We don’t need to grow the way this is growing (1:15:45) What we do need is to provide a service or product for customers as they need it, correct (1:15:51) But they won’t do and like you’ve mentioned last week.We need to (1:15:55) Go back to capitalism where the profit is reinvested in the company. Yes. Yes (1:16:00) So that’s never gonna happen because we’re free to exploit as we want (1:16:06) The question is this (1:16:08) Do you want freedoms? (1:16:11) With them exploiting you and you and I are conscious of it.So we don’t we’re not consumers (1:16:15) I am nothing like a consumer like I was even a year ago two years got five years ago (1:16:21) Yeah, I used to I used to just buy and you know, I’m gonna buy everything (1:16:25) I used to be obsessed with because I felt that gave me you know, the gap, right? (1:16:29) But I was part of that problem, especially with tech like computers and electronics and whatnot (1:16:37) But now it’s not like that for me we got a we got a Roomba for downstairs on Prime Day (1:16:43) Magazine’s like hey, we’re looking at room. I’m like you were (1:16:47) Like I had two of them way back in the day and like I never even thought about buying one another one ever again (1:16:52) I love that she was into it, but it was like and we did get one, which is cool. Okay.Good deal (1:16:57) Thank you Amazon. Thanks Amazon prom, but um, so that’s the thing. Do we allow the democracy the freedoms? (1:17:05) So the company but the companies are free to exploit us (1:17:08) But we have to be very vigilant about not being exploited and that’s poor that’s an issue (1:17:12) That’s an issue because a distraction of the light worlds, you know, I got soccer practice.I got my job (1:17:18) I got three jobs, you know all that stuff or (1:17:21) Do we suppress the companies? (1:17:24) Via some government structure and now we’re not that’s not free anymore then (1:17:29) Because what what won’t government get into then at that point in my that’s my opinion that would also snowball wouldn’t it? (1:17:35) Just like they got just it would it would get out of control. Yes, just like the Patriot (1:17:40) Yeah, the Patriot Act got out of control. Yes, like Edward Snowden in (1:17:45) My opinion is pretty heroic.I agree (1:17:48) What he exploited (1:17:49) What he shared was all of all of that data and zero of it led to any arrest of any kind (1:17:57) Zero of all that data of all the monitoring and everything. Mm-hmm (1:18:05) It’s (1:18:06) I’m a constitutionalist. I believe in personal accountability.I wish the companies would be in to personal accountability (1:18:14) They’re in it for themselves, dude, well, they’re in for the money which allows them to cheat a little bit (1:18:18) I think in my opinion maybe you know fudge the rules a little bit maybe lean on a line (1:18:22) You know the expression obviously you do enemy of the state. Yeah, it sounds like the government is the enemy of the state (1:18:29) because they did that and (1:18:32) Then nothing came of it, but they got to spy on us (1:18:35) Yeah on every American citizen. Yep for was it 17 to 10 years 7 years a year, whatever (1:18:40) It doesn’t matter one day is too much.What right and (1:18:47) This is the thing (1:18:49) We are if if if you think and I’m speaking with everyone who’s listening if you think that the United States is (1:19:00) Not the best possible place to be I’m not saying it’s the best place to be but potential. Oh, yeah (1:19:07) Possible with its freedoms with its ability of speech its ability of expression (1:19:13) religion (1:19:14) The individual right is the only it’s recognized in (1:19:18) the documentation that curve that founded this country if (1:19:23) You don’t if if you don’t if you don’t think it’s like the best place in the world (1:19:28) Seriously, there’s a challenge there, but there’s problems with that freedom (1:19:33) so the question is (1:19:35) The it’s net it’s a trade horse. Yeah, we trade off these amazing freedoms for a security, right? (1:19:43) That’s what Patriot Act was bullshit (1:19:45) Bullshit in my opinion.It is worth that (1:19:48) It is worth that risk of let of you know (1:19:51) Don’t not letting the terrorist win by stopping and shutting things down by still living (1:19:56) it’s it’s worth the freedoms to have those as (1:20:02) A as horrible as they are those atrocities that we have like club shootings and and things (1:20:08) It’s my opinion that it is greater that (1:20:12) 330 million have people have (1:20:15) Individual rights and are truly pretty free truly free (1:20:20) Are you right? Yeah, I’m surely free to be kind of who they want to be (1:20:25) and (1:20:26) yes, 50 people die here and (1:20:28) 20 people die there and that is (1:20:31) awful (1:20:33) But it’s first of all, there’s way more deaths like that in other countries, yeah (1:20:39) Right. It’s very true (1:20:40) And they don’t have that the freedoms that we have to be able to do all the stuff we want to do (1:20:45) Like we we are blessed (1:20:49) Now, are we doing it correctly? Probably not. I mean, there’s always ways to improve and we need to improve because there’s still (1:20:57) Problems I think that’s what’s the freedoms are worth the problems in my opinion.I don’t know if I agree (1:21:10) We don’t need to that’s why I’m at that’s what that is what’s great about what’s your thought? (1:21:15) America’s that where it’s okay if we disagree and my I just (1:21:21) I’m I’m sad and I’m bothered by the fact that in 2020 (1:21:28) There’s are so many people that can’t (1:21:33) Disagree and have a civil discourse about it. It’s now this (1:21:38) You and I can just we disagree on all kinds of shit (1:21:40) We do and I mean, I’m more liberal and you’re more conservative and that’s I and I love you like a brother your center left (1:21:46) I’m center, right? Yeah, but a center in our name. Well, yes.Yes. Absolutely not kidding (1:21:51) But we disagree on all kinds of shit. I don’t give a fuck about hockey (1:21:53) You know, I mean, so fuck the Dodgers fuck the Dodgers and their bullpen.I have zero faith. I like dodgeball. Yeah (1:21:59) If you can dodge a hammer you can dodge the ball you can dodge a hammer you dodge a ball (1:22:05) but I I wish that we we could get somebody left and get somebody right and sit in a room and just have a talk a (1:22:13) civil calm (1:22:14) conversation where (1:22:17) Tempers do not rise and I’m I don’t like the fact that that’s not happening (1:22:22) There’s no like the conditions are set (1:22:25) So contempers can’t rise because we’re just talking correct at least starting off.That’s where we’re at (1:22:31) Yeah, like I need to know where you’re at before I need to know how to get to in the middle (1:22:36) Right. Yeah, I look I know what sport you’re playing before I can get on the same field (1:22:41) But that goes back to you what you said about the pendulum (1:22:44) Yeah, well you said we we we we live through the middle if through the middle right live in the middle (1:22:50) Yeah, and that’s and that’s a great way to state (1:22:54) Where we are in 2020 and that it sounds like a t-shirt (1:22:59) Yeah, that’s the third t-shirt. You need to do check magazine magazine check through the middle (1:23:10) So no, I love your thoughts on that what are your what what about (1:23:15) Tell me your disagreement like expound a little bit on the disagreement because you know, you know, we’re on the tangent now (1:23:20) So let’s do it.What are we talking about? (1:23:22) Okay, so I’m like I think every freedom is worth all the shit that that that comes with the freedom (1:23:27) It depends on what they are. I mean, it depends on the freedom and it depends on and at this point (1:23:31) I don’t really believe we truly have freedom speech because you can get arrested for saying the wrong thing and (1:23:37) I don’t you can’t get arrested for saying the wrong thing. Yeah, if you (1:23:42) If you say something in a cop’s face boom, you know, I mean like oh, yeah you you may not get charged (1:23:48) You’re gonna get released, but you can get arrested (1:23:50) so well (1:23:53) The couple of things of the freedom of speech is no violence.No inciting of course (1:23:56) Oh, so it’s not like I’m gonna kill you cop that would probably warrant an arrest because that’s violent (1:24:02) We’re gonna kill you is a violent threat. I’m sorry. It just is (1:24:07) And and as long as peaceably right peaceably assemble, so it’s not violence (1:24:10) No threatening the president and no like yelling the fire in the theater.Those are yeah (1:24:14) No, and I’m the way I am I I have I’m I’m a pacifist so I don’t (1:24:20) Yeah, I love Slayer, but I have no I have no ill will towards anyone. I have there’s no reason for me (1:24:27) to hate anyone or (1:24:29) I you know, I want everyone to be happy, right? (1:24:32) So there’s there’s no point but to your I’m sorry to your question (1:24:36) It depends upon the freedom we’re talking about and it depends upon the extreme that the government is willing to go (1:24:42) To infringe upon those rights because obviously I think the Patriot Act it’s called the Patriot Act (1:24:47) Okay. Well (1:24:49) If you read it, it’s terrible right there’s nothing patriotic about it me I thought when you say no disagree with no (1:24:56) I disagree about the Patriot Act.I mean, it’s right (1:24:59) I agree with you about the Patriot Act, but I disagree with you about the overall free, correct? (1:25:03) Okay, there’s certain freedoms that I’m like, okay (1:25:05) I would you know, I mean like the freedom of the press. Is that really even a thing now because of (1:25:10) The age that we’re in now. I mean there’s there you know, we people don’t even read newspapers anymore (1:25:17) so (1:25:18) Now people are reading websites.And can you really what which one do you really believe this information, correct? (1:25:25) Thank you. Disinformation is running rampant exactly and none of that shit’s true. None of it, right? (1:25:30) So what none of it’s true? (1:25:32) so when you say freedom of the press the only difference is (1:25:34) Before the disinformation was from a centralized location like we talked about there are five sources (1:25:41) They still told us what news was (1:25:45) They didn’t give us the news (1:25:48) They gave us segments of their news program (1:25:52) Yes, right little 30 seconds and that doesn’t mean that that’s the news (1:25:56) There could be something way more pressing.It was never shared for fear of (1:26:01) X y or z right, of course, so we don’t know obviously some of these have come out over time (1:26:07) But we don’t know all of them, right? Yeah, but like hearing the thing about Weinstein and Benza and sharing (1:26:14) That was 25 years ago (1:26:16) Dumping our fake articles or made up articles about other people to keep him out of the paper (1:26:22) Yeah, and then we only found out about it. What last year two years ago. Yeah when it really came down 18 2018 possibly (1:26:28) So that was 23 years (1:26:31) After that part when he was doing that already.Yeah (1:26:35) holy (1:26:36) mother of pearl and he’s not the government even imagine the the reach and the breadth and the (1:26:41) Resources available to an entity the side of government to control me or he’s not the size of those media programs (1:26:48) He’s big but he’s a picture big. He’s not a ted turner cnn big or a rupert murdoch fox big, right? (1:26:56) Yeah, he’s a movie producer. Yeah, he’s big.He’s just not them big. Yes, he owns hollywood. Congratulations (1:27:01) But he or did or whatever.Yeah, but he didn’t own half of the country (1:27:05) Yeah, or the half of the country’s channel watching time on cnn or fox i’m just using those I understand (1:27:11) Those are your two, right? You’re trying to antithesis, but that they chose what we watched. They still chose our news (1:27:18) Now we just have all of the information out there whether it’s real or not and have to figure out what’s real or not (1:27:23) Which is impossible. That’s my point, right? I don’t even know why (1:27:28) News like I don’t even know why news other than for making things better (1:27:34) I don’t even know why news (1:27:37) Exists period (1:27:38) That’s the sentence.I meant exists. No, no, I don’t even know why news (1:27:42) That’s it. That’s the end of the sentence because it’s just crap.You can’t you can’t believe cnn and you can’t believe fox news (1:27:50) so (1:27:50) And you can’t believe the shit that people tweet and the shit that people put on their facebook, correct? (1:27:57) So what (1:27:59) What was the one in the social drama eating chinese food, can you get coat can you get covet 19 from eating chinese food (1:28:05) I it was in the background. There was one of those like shit. Really? I picked up on that and I was like (1:28:10) oh my god, well only if you eat the broccoli and beef and broccoli or (1:28:17) Fungus.Oh, did you like what I sent to the to the (1:28:20) phoenician mayor candidate no (1:28:23) No, did you what I missed it. I didn’t bro (1:28:27) When did you send it on my way over here today after no (1:28:30) This was yesterday. I thought I shared was this a text.It was oh, oh, yes. Yes. I saw it (1:28:35) Yeah, would you like to read it to our? (1:28:37) listeners (1:28:38) Okay.Yeah. Yeah. I thought you meant you tweeted it because it’s after because it’s after it’s amazing because it was sent to me (1:28:45) I didn’t I didn’t make this up.This was sent to me. I’m reading this perfect (1:28:48) So there’s a picture of this woman who’s very chesty (1:28:52) Is she very single I think you should she looks like a what’s it hello twitter, what’s her name hamilton? Oh my god, no (1:28:59) What what’s her name? Alexander hamilton (1:29:02) Her name is alexander appleton (1:29:04) It’s alexandria hamilton. No.Okay. Yeah god. No, i’m just kidding bro, but read it.It’s okay. It’s marissa. Yeah (1:29:11) M-e-r-i-s-s-a marissa.Okay, and this is where it gets funny. Hey girl. How you doing? I think i’m funny (1:29:18) We’re not gonna use last names because we’re not gonna dox (1:29:20) She’s all right.Yeah, she’s not nearly mexican enough, but what (1:29:24) Does she have to be met? That sounds racist man, or is that just racial? (1:29:28) That’s just racial is a preference racist. No, I love all the ladies (1:29:32) Yeah, but i’m saying if you prefer is that right? I don’t know. That’s called a preference.It’s called a I (1:29:38) Whoa, sorry, sam. Get us and just shut up. It’s one where our centers meet sir (1:29:43) This is the center part of our center left and center, right because nobody can see you use your hand directing traffic, sir (1:29:49) So marissa, right, she there’s a picture she’s got (1:29:52) Left hand on the hip.Ooh, it’s kind of boosting out the booth (1:29:56) She’s busty. Hey now dark black almost blackish hair. No one has black hair by the way just as an aside.Really? (1:30:02) Yeah, that’s mexicans do it’s not black (1:30:05) um, really not black (1:30:07) That’s what i’ve been told man. Maybe i’m lying now. So anyway, she’s she’s attractive this person.Okay, the only candidate (1:30:16) Check check mark is there’s a check next to it supported by law enforcement (1:30:20) Check two will not defund the police (1:30:24) Marissa something for phoenix mayor i’m not gonna say last name (1:30:28) But phoenix mayor that should give it away marissa for a better phoenix vote now (1:30:33) I’m, totally gonna get my taxes gone because I live in the city. Okay (1:30:37) Seriously, what’s up with a skyrocketing crime in phoenix? (1:30:41) Mark (1:30:42) Did you know our current mayor wants to defund the police and supports putting anti-police extremists on the police oversight task force? (1:30:51) This isn’t good for phoenix (1:30:53) Marissa blank is the only candidate in the race that won’t defund (1:31:00) Where is she, I won’t defund our police. No, it’s just so long.It’s so long and exhausting (1:31:05) She’s also the only candidate supported by our police she’ll keep phoenix safe and vibrant oh and vibrant (1:31:12) But she’s not mexican. I like the vibrant mexican colors (1:31:15) Go ahead chris shaking my head because I do not like this message that she’s presenting (1:31:20) Yeah, okay for for years to come vote marissa blank for phoenix mayor. By the way, this is james (1:31:26) I can say james (1:31:28) Hello james.Thank you for sharing this text (1:31:30) Be sure to vote and then the the command to reply stop to opt out once again making me do something (1:31:37) This is the bullshit conditioning, right? (1:31:40) So my reply may I? (1:31:42) No, okay. Let’s put it down. No, that’s what marissa wants.Okay, busty marissa. Yeah, I know I wrote i’m gonna write in (1:31:48) I’m gonna can I see your ballot? I’m gonna write in write in candidate busty marissa (1:31:55) Marissa busties (1:31:57) Okay, is that we’re so screwed is it we’re so screwed busty comma marissa (1:32:01) This so I reply this is the least effective way to ask an independent thinker like myself to do anything (1:32:08) Unsolicited messages to my personal device encourage me to go contrarian to the message sent to that end fuck off exclamation point (1:32:17) also (1:32:19) I think you spelled (1:32:21) melissa (1:32:23) in (1:32:24) Collectory (1:32:27) Sir, please. Oh my god.I (1:32:30) I believe you spelled melissa (1:32:33) in (1:32:34) Collectory, that’s so amazing. And I hope that that joke landed because that is so funny, dude (1:32:40) It is hilarious. It looks funny when it’s written out like that, too (1:32:43) It just look good because they’re like they spelled incorrectly wrong (1:32:47) That’s all that’s going through that stupid james’s head because he’s a moron and doesn’t know anything bigger because he’s just a lemming following (1:32:52) Marissa marissa off the busty cliff is what she what he’s jumping off (1:32:57) How is that not? (1:32:59) Beautiful that I told her that she spelled her name incorrectly (1:33:01) But then flipped the letters of my of the word that I was used after uh, it’s genius.I’m sorry. I’m genius. That’s it.I’m (1:33:09) Anthony jeslenec, please come on our podcast because two genius three geniuses need to meet (1:33:16) I don’t think I can keep up with him. He’s a phenomenal man. I do.I truly admire the work that he puts in (1:33:26) Thank you, ricky schroeder’s thumb I was waiting for that. Yeah, we were waiting (1:33:30) And chris is munching on it on some cheese cheese stick cheese stick (1:33:35) All right, sir (1:33:36) What do we got next because i’m following you’re you’re keeping us you’re sending us home (1:33:40) I didn’t keep any extra notes, but I know exactly what we’re talking about. That’s all you got.Yeah (1:33:45) So no, but I know the notes I we can speak to all that. We’re going to talk about it. Uh, next thing I had was (1:33:52) Dr. Freud’s nephew edward.Bernays. We talked ad nauseum about on the first episode (1:33:57) In 1953 during the cold war was hired by the government to assist (1:34:03) With the reaction to the red scare (1:34:07) Quote-unquote to help control the masses (1:34:10) to (1:34:10) They dealt with the oh my god (1:34:13) The the um, the russians just tested a nuclear weapon for the first time in 53 (1:34:18) What what are we gonna do how do we control the fear of the people and oh my god kids get under your desk (1:34:24) We’re having a nuclear bomb (1:34:26) Test whatever that shit was called (1:34:29) I mean, I know I had earthquake drills. Yes (1:34:32) In california, but we never had a nuclear bomb one duck and cover.No, you and I never had nuclear bomb ones (1:34:38) No, we were just just on that tail end of I think like a year before two years before probably there was still something (1:34:44) I mean, I remember in the 80s (1:34:45) it was very, you know, it was it was reagan and (1:34:50) But it (1:34:51) It wasn’t as scary as it was in the 60s (1:34:54) Absolutely. No, I think it was more tense back then and I think the communication was a lot less back then and we were (1:34:59) A lot less global back then right as we as we connected more globally (1:35:04) it’s my opinion that (1:35:06) the 10 the tension as palpable as it was (1:35:10) Was more open at least was more open communication kind of sitting across from the table (1:35:14) Instead of sitting across from each other on a war zone. Yeah (1:35:17) agreed (1:35:18) But I remember watching in 83 watching the day (1:35:22) The day after early 80s was jason robards.Yeah where they the guy there was a nuclear (1:35:29) War and he’s walking with his dog, right? Yeah down at the end of the movie and there’s nothing (1:35:34) Is it the one with don johnson? It was jason robards and he was already like 75 years old at the time (1:35:40) And it was just I was horrifying and I remember being like I was scared (1:35:46) Because you’re like, holy crap the us and russia you that the ussr at the time had (1:35:52) Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of nuclear missiles and inside every missile is 20 warheads, you know, and you’re like we could destroy (1:36:00) Our planet many times over again, and this was 35 years ago (1:36:05) And obviously we could still do that now and hopefully that’s never going to happen (1:36:09) But it’s a terrifying thought (1:36:12) I always had a thought about that when they’re like we can destroy ourselves like many times over but like (1:36:17) Are they taking in the variants that like some might get shot down or some might get intercepted some might not make it (1:36:22) Some might not actually maybe that’s why there’s so many right. That’s my point. Like I love that blanket statement.We could blow ourselves (1:36:29) I’m, not just you have a diamond dude. I can mix with this blue power (1:36:33) Uh, hello, alice. Uh, lisa.Sorry alisa. Do we have some mountain dew over there? (1:36:40) Is that that was a horrible oj that was bad it was your worst oj ever but I was like (1:36:44) Delicious. That was like a hello.This blue power is delicious much who has a lemonade here (1:36:51) And a little mountain dew. So lisa, help us out with some mountain dew, please hook us up (1:36:55) We’re gonna get a case probably at some point. Okay (1:36:58) Hashtag mountain do first (1:36:59) Is the hashtag mountain do first? Yeah, it is because you add the blue powerade to them because the other way is prettier (1:37:04) But not as correct (1:37:06) Don’t fuck it up (1:37:07) No, that’s right.Don’t fuck it up. Thank you (1:37:11) uh to your point, uh (1:37:13) I don’t remember what we’re talking about nuclear war. Yeah, how many times over that’s a blanket statement (1:37:18) Yes, they had x amount new but don’t you think they had thought that some won’t work and some like we get intercepted (1:37:24) They’re not gonna launch all like (1:37:26) No, there’s redundancies and other things like that.I’m thinking and obviously if if it is a numbers game you’re trying to outspend. I mean (1:37:34) It’s it’s arguably true (1:37:36) that (1:37:38) the capitalistic (1:37:40) world (1:37:41) The free market world that spent money (1:37:44) Outspent the communist russia and that’s what caused a lot of its collapse (1:37:49) Them trying to keep up with us as a superpower (1:37:51) Hurt them a lot and that was in the mid 80s with the increase so much of the military (1:37:56) The space race back then even starting with that the 80s was the decade of decadence (1:38:01) I mean, yeah credit everything, you know, I love the shoulder pads, bro (1:38:05) And we we did it on a government level everything on a right cocaine ferraris. No for real, right? (1:38:11) No, no, you’re right the decade of it is everything 80s was (1:38:15) It was pretty awesome.If we were we didn’t make that we wanted 89 to never end (1:38:20) I need to be 21 in 89, which i’ll get you a fake id. It’ll be it’ll be okay (1:38:25) Can I be uh, mick mick mick cheeseburger? No, it’s mick lovin. I know I didn’t want to use his name (1:38:31) Why not because he you can be you can be mick lusted (1:38:34) Oh, can I be mick chicken? Yes, I like to be mick chicken, please you are approved (1:38:40) I’d like a chicken chicken sandwich.I’d like a chicken chicken sandwich, please approved and no kale (1:38:47) extra kale, please a kale infused turkey burger (1:38:51) Moving along anything else swallow sound anything else on the nuclear of whistles nuclear whistle captain (1:38:57) No, just put the whole red scare thing like to your point play it on our rational fears again. Yeah, it’s (1:39:03) Next uh next I had was the (1:39:06) United fruit company boom in guatemala. That’s what i’ve been waiting to this one fucking piss me off (1:39:13) So fucked up.So in 1953 (1:39:18) The united fruit company in guatemala known as a banana republic not the clothing store (1:39:23) That’s where they got the name or the gap but a banana republic (1:39:27) um (1:39:28) Edward bernays was hired by the u.s. Government. Well before that. Yes, sir (1:39:33) the united fruit company the whole reason it’s called a banana republic is because they controlled the (1:39:39) Elected official.Yes, so they manipulated (1:39:44) An official however a different person got elected. Yes and vowed (1:39:49) Because remember that was before bernays got pulled in. Yes, right.I apologize. No, that’s okay (1:39:54) So go ahead if you want to talk about that go right ahead. You got it.Okay, because then you can talk about the bernays part (1:39:59) um (1:40:01) So what happened was this guy comes in starts taking the land from united fruit because they’re saying they’re exploiting the people (1:40:08) They’re not democratically elected (1:40:10) President of guatemala. He was a he was a young soldier. I think he was a young general or some (1:40:15) Some military guy.Did you get a splinter? No, I had one from the other day. Oh (1:40:20) I’m holding mark’s mini philadelphia friars hockey stick (1:40:24) Yeah, like hit me with it. Please stop.I’m gonna get two minutes for cross-checking two (1:40:29) That was I think that’s slashing sir thrashing you’re slashing I am not into freddy kugler (1:40:34) So unite fruit company this guy comes in and goes i’m gonna take the country back basically from this company, you know (1:40:41) That kind of took over. Yeah, and he’s like he starts seizing land and whatever and that’s where they (1:40:46) Unite fruit company turns to bernays is also like (1:40:50) Oh shit (1:40:51) Correct. We lost control.Correct (1:40:54) Because they sold bananas (1:40:55) Yeah, and that’s why I was a banana republic. Yeah, and then go ahead (1:40:59) so (1:41:00) Mr. Bernays the nephew of dr. Sigmund freud (1:41:04) begins (1:41:05) a fake news agency (1:41:08) called the middle american information (1:41:11) bureau (1:41:14) So he basically (1:41:17) From this bureau releases information to all the newspapers in the country (1:41:22) stating how this government in guatemala (1:41:25) has ties to moscow and how it’s (1:41:28) Communist and how (1:41:30) bad it is and how this is a (1:41:32) jumping ground (1:41:34) For the russians to attack america (1:41:37) It’s prior to cuba.Yes (1:41:38) 1953 it’s prior to cuba or in cuba missile crisis nine years (1:41:43) But it’s 100 miles away from the shores they mentioned specifically it was like yeah 300 miles from the u.s (1:41:49) Oh, I thought you said 100 miles from the from the close from louisiana like the closest place. Yeah (1:41:53) No, it was like 300. I was at whatever anyway (1:41:54) We’re talking about how close yes, it would have at the time in 53 been the closest.Yes communist (1:42:01) Yes, correct before cuba, obviously correct, which was what only 90 miles if I remember that is absolutely correct as well (1:42:07) so he basically (1:42:09) Manip the in caps I put manipulation (1:42:12) So he based edward bernays basically manipulated the situation (1:42:17) and he (1:42:18) The guy from jersey shore. Yeah (1:42:20) Okay, we got a situation t-shirt time so president eisenhower got involved (1:42:27) and (1:42:28) Use the cia to oust (1:42:31) the guy who is (1:42:33) Democratically elected because they believe that this was actually a real thing that this was there were actual ties (1:42:40) To communism in guatemala. So they actually they had how many times can I actually I gotta stop that shit (1:42:48) So there there were you listen back you’re gonna be very critical of yourself as am I because every time this is so (1:42:55) so or (1:42:56) the rq (1:42:58) Yeah, you’re not a real quicker.No more. No, that was that one god. That was a quickly changed habit (1:43:04) That was next time never again.It was it was literally like a light switch (1:43:09) A light switch not literally a switch a figurative light actually actually a light switch (1:43:13) No, not not at all, it’s okay man (1:43:16) You’re gonna get actually out of your system in this podcast and you’ll never do this again (1:43:19) Trust me when you hear it again, we do this bad christ (1:43:22) We get better all the time man getting better every day. People don’t know that’s because they’re getting worse (1:43:27) That’s what tesla said. It’s getting better the band not the car (1:43:30) Tesla the band came around first.I thought they said science signs every actually nikola tesla came around first. Okay. Yes (1:43:36) So screw you hippie (1:43:38) I wish I was a hippie then I’d have amazing hair and a 1969 vw bug.I’ve seen bald hippies, bro (1:43:44) uh (1:43:45) Okay, whatever it takes you’re not bald. You’re balding (1:43:49) Oh, i’m, definitely bald dude. You got hair on the sides if you wanted it my little skull (1:43:53) Yeah, i’m gonna get a skullet.Will you would you ever grow it out? Fuck? No, never you wouldn’t do that. No (1:43:59) I’d love to see if like one month of no grow. No, no shaving one month.Could you do it for one month? (1:44:04) No shave november (1:44:06) Yes (1:44:08) Peralta, no shave. Fuck you. Would you do it for a month? Would you why would you do it for twitter world? (1:44:13) What I have like four take a picture once a day in the morning just of the growth once a day and tweet it (1:44:19) Could you do that for 30 for my 16 followers november? I’ll retweet it.Don’t you worry? (1:44:25) That’s dumb. Why i’ll retweet it to my entire 250 followers. Oh my god (1:44:30) Let me let me tell you how that’s gonna blow up.Would you come why I don’t just (1:44:34) Because it’s you and me we’re just having fun with it (1:44:38) I would drive me nuts. Okay. Never after like five days.I have to shave i’ll never i’m not here to push you (1:44:44) I just thought it’d be fun if you wouldn’t do it. Great. If you don’t this what that’s why it’s great about america (1:44:48) America freedoms, bro.Okay, the 97th commandment. You don’t have to shave if you don’t want to (1:44:53) so bernese (1:44:55) Creates this middle america (1:44:57) Well, he creates the sauce and then he creates an information bureau the middle american information bureau (1:45:03) It spreads falsehoods complete absolute lies about this (1:45:06) person correct that to the point where the american government believes it and then they (1:45:11) Hire him to help them on top of united fruit hiring him to help. You know what that sounds like (1:45:18) the phantom menace (1:45:20) Without jar jar binks.Oh, it is. You’re right the emperor (1:45:25) What up bro, you’re welcome (1:45:29) Crossing all the streams. Are you saying that we are the death star? Sure (1:45:34) Or just guatemala is the death star guatemala is guatemala is not (1:45:39) We are edward bernese.Apparently is the emperor guatemala is tatooine (1:45:45) But junglee, it’s not dantooine, which is the same thing as tatooine, which sounds the same and also has two sons in desert (1:45:51) Shut up. I’m, sorry. I hate didn’t they do that with abrams and I love and I (1:45:56) Shout out to j.j abrams (1:45:57) star trek the new the relaunch was (1:46:00) Gorgeous gorgeous sexy star trek and a lot of the abrams stuff is beautiful all of it.Oh, it’s been great (1:46:05) It’s just seemed very I know it’s homage, but it’s seen a little bit. It’s called regurgit burger (1:46:11) Ew, that sounds like the most disgusting burger. I want you’re correct.Is that wait? (1:46:16) Is it regurgitated before you eat it or is it? (1:46:19) a burger that you regurgitate both (1:46:23) Regurgitate turkey burger. So anyway, I would never get down my gullet if it was re it was pre-gurgitated (1:46:27) Pre-gurgitated it was pre-gurgitated. It’s one thing but regurgitated (1:46:33) Anyway, so president eisenhower gets the cia (1:46:38) to overthrow this (1:46:40) president of guatemala there were (1:46:43) aircraft flown by cia (1:46:46) pilots bombing guatemala city (1:46:49) They overthrow the government and vice president, I am not a crook dick nixon (1:46:55) Makes a visit to guatemala and says thank you for showing us around your country.Thank you for overthrowing a communist government and they found (1:47:03) they supposedly (1:47:05) or (1:47:06) supposedly (1:47:08) Ill regardless of the misconfusion found (1:47:13) Communist propaganda in the in the capitol building (1:47:19) Yep, I (1:47:20) thought was funny that (1:47:22) they had all these (1:47:23) Generals or some come down from the United States beforehand and they had him talk to all these people from Guatemala (1:47:29) Who said how much of a communist he was they staged? Yes. Yes (1:47:33) I forgot about that year and then people from United Fruit Company think that they that Bernays also staged a riot (1:47:39) And yes, I American riot, correct, right as he’s a United States officials came (1:47:43) In to really like bring home the point and I think I (1:47:50) If I even remember part of the story and I don’t want to it’s all legit (1:47:54) I thought United Fruit Company was part of the anti-american rioting because it helped their cause so they kind of jumped in like just like (1:48:00) A union would jump. I wouldn’t be surprised if that actually happened.That’s what I think they (1:48:06) Actually, darn it. Yeah, I’m telling you when you’re gonna listen to this one you just be like God (1:48:11) Jehovah’s effect Jesus (1:48:15) I said actually way too many times. It’s not I do that all the time (1:48:18) I say I say so all the time and I’d say the beginning almost every statement.It really bothers me (1:48:22) I’m trying to get out of it. It’s not I’m not succeeding very well, dude. Are we good with the with the Guatemalan? (1:48:31) Yes, so they over they oh, so they overthrow Guatemala.There we go. I just said it twice (1:48:37) They overthrow Guatemala and it’s done (1:48:41) Because they tip the servers and their waiters and because and they’re out there showed their hands because mr. (1:48:47) Bernays in I put down he reshaped public opinion (1:48:52) Yep (1:48:53) He’s just a he’s just a he’s a magician. It’s a lie.He’s a con man. Yeah, he’s a he’s a glory (1:48:58) He’s a he’s a millionaire con man. Well, he’s a misinformation (1:49:02) Whore, and I don’t mean that genius in a bad way.No, he was very good at it (1:49:06) Obviously, he was asked to get a result and he knew what it took to get the result (1:49:12) like is that such a bad thing like I (1:49:17) Also put down that I I equated that to his torches of freedom this was torches of freedom part two (1:49:23) Yeah, cuz it was the same type. It had a little bit of the same template and circumstance (1:49:29) Oh, right flash a little correct. Hey, look it over here at this hand.Okay. Now look at this hand (1:49:34) Okay. Now the CIA comes in and mops up.Yeah, it was interesting (1:49:40) It if the guy from Guatemala was a bad guy in general (1:49:44) Okay (1:49:45) But it sounded like he wasn’t it was painted that he was trying to get better wages for the for the common man, right? (1:49:52) It seemed like he was a fighter for the people. Yes, it did seem that way at least how it was portrayed (1:49:57) It may not be the truth. I don’t know.I but we’re gonna take it from both sides. Yes, if he was that guy any (1:50:02) Any death (1:50:03) From all the bombings and all the bullshit is not worth it. Amen, dude.I could not agree more (1:50:08) It’s just not fucking worth it. Well besides the fact anytime the CIA is involved a good time or not (1:50:14) Well, that’s a whole separate thing because there’s it’s yes. No question.Ah (1:50:20) poop (1:50:21) there’s a (1:50:24) We’ve we’ve touched on a little bit earlier today you need to hold the stick of fury no (1:50:28) No, you have this you have all control you have all control of the stick of fury in the rage room, sir (1:50:41) I did because well, it’s something that we touched upon is like how much (1:50:46) I’m willing to have freedom. Yes, of course the bad things that are (1:50:52) done (1:50:54) In the name of freedom. Yeah, I know in the name of but honestly (1:50:57) No lie to me in my opinion I felt that it’s actually has preserved freedom at times (1:51:04) Not just the illusion just not in Guatemala in 1953, right? (1:51:08) that’s my point like this wasn’t where if if this guy was truly the guy who they paint him as a guy looking for the (1:51:14) people trying to help and (1:51:16) He saw this other company come into his country of his people’s country his people’s country and say no put his foot down (1:51:24) Fucking great.Awesome. Yeah, I love that. Yeah (1:51:29) Any death Bernie if and if Bernays knew that and made all that shit up and then people any but any death that happened from? (1:51:35) Bernays that’s on Bernays his shoulders in my opinion (1:51:37) I agree because he could just say I don’t want to do that because that sounds like there’s gonna be deaths involved and (1:51:43) being and shooting and (1:51:45) War there’s gonna be this gonna be conflict like actual bombs going on (1:51:49) Like I don’t want that there were right exactly now if the guy wasn’t if he really was a bad guy (1:51:55) Not the communist guy that you know that they painted would be just a bad guy and people didn’t like him (1:52:00) Maybe an overthrow was okay, but I don’t know but I’m definitely leaning towards it being what the fuck man (1:52:07) the dude should have been like I (1:52:11) Know I can control manipulate people.This is one where I’ll step away from that. Mm-hmm, but he’s probably like (1:52:17) Let’s see if I can make it happen or that ego gets in the way or something gets in the way money (1:52:21) Yes, whatever had to be huge. I can’t imagine.I mean they even talk about Anna Freud’s ego just being like pain (1:52:26) She’s like she might not have agreed with what was going on (1:52:28) But she let it all happen because she certainly liked the wealth and the notoriety and the fame (1:52:35) Agreed and you’re just like oh, I hate you guys (1:52:39) But you guys absolute power corrupts. Absolutely. Maybe absolute fame corrupts.Absolutely. Who knows right? Yeah, so (1:52:47) We get out of that. So they overthrew Guatemala.Yeah, and that (1:52:51) It just seems not cool man. I should have said no (1:52:54) Just say no Nancy just say no (1:52:56) To drugs all of that and bananas and Republic banana bread is okay. Oh, we’re a Republic.We can’t say no to that (1:53:04) Banana bread still issues a little walnut unless you have a nut allergy. I like I like both Trina is walnut a tree nut (1:53:11) I don’t know Trina. Well, there’s specific tree nut allergies and then there’s I always use (1:53:17) That’s legumes.Yes, that’s peanuts cashews and other. I love the cashews. Aren’t they Lima beanie? (1:53:24) Also, I believe a lot of being this also legume, but let’s not go down the nut bro.Yeah, well, this is the weirdest thing (1:53:29) All right. Let’s get back on track sir. Next up was (1:53:33) Post Guatemala the CIA believed that Russia was brainwashing some of their citizens (1:53:39) so the CIA thought they would get on board and (1:53:43) Try that so they gave money to Harvard and (1:53:47) Berkeley and several other (1:53:50) collegiate institutions (1:53:52) to try to (1:53:53) Duplicate what the Russians were doing.So these institutions used (1:53:57) LSD other drugs and something called ECT. I don’t know what that stands for. I (1:54:03) electro (1:54:05) Shock therapy.I know that’s EST. No, no, but it’s electrocardio shock there (1:54:10) Okay, I put down electro shock therapy, but they use the acronym ECT. That’s fine.Yeah, they used see it’s a different word (1:54:16) than shock, but it was it’s the same thing the whole point of it was they wanted to (1:54:22) erase a human’s past and bring them down to a base level that’s my (1:54:28) Interpretation and then blank level a blank level. Yeah, like a blank like a clean slate clean (1:54:33) Absolutely, and then start and then build them back up from there (1:54:38) building a positive (1:54:41) Experience for them (1:54:43) I’ve got electro convulsive. Okay, that’s terrible (1:54:46) Yeah, convulsive said ECT, but then that’s what it is.Yeah, they’re talking about it. Okay (1:54:52) Something like that electro convulsive therapy. Okay, so they used a lot of drugs in (1:54:58) As well as LSD and other drugs as well as ECT to do to erase (1:55:04) the memories of these people (1:55:06) Yeah (1:55:06) and (1:55:07) their thought was they could start with a blank slate and then build that build them back up again and I (1:55:11) Thought of like the military like the Marine Corps ensuring candidate is what I thought about right away (1:55:17) Do you remember the movie but good the Marine Corps? Well, I mean obviously the military (1:55:22) that’s what they do to grunts, you know their first day of a (1:55:26) Basic training.That’s what they do they and then X number of weeks in they (1:55:31) Break down what you are (1:55:34) So that they can teach you to be a Marine. Hey, you got to forget everything, you know (1:55:40) That’s why they yell at you that’s the point is so that you can become a Marine or whatever different though (1:55:45) It’s obviously there’s no drugs in the way. It’s different.It’s different in the way. It’s different. It gives they they (1:55:52) Make you confide to their structure, correct versus like there is some of the psychological because you do feel shame initially (1:55:59) So you do want to change? Yes, maybe you want to be able to yes conform quicker.Absolutely, right (1:56:04) But they definitely make you conform to the structure. Yeah, they create make you a jarhead where it’s different than (1:56:10) These guys they’re trying to strip and rebuild like, you know, we’re awake who you are (1:56:17) Yes, I think the Marines were like you become (1:56:20) Selfless they change core values of you. Yes, but they don’t necessarily affect who? (1:56:27) The core of you is right.You don’t forget your memories prior to your 18th birthday and how about that woman that was on that? (1:56:34) Yes, she didn’t I don’t remember anything. She doesn’t remember her life. She doesn’t remember the doctor, correct? (1:56:39) she doesn’t remember anything at the incident at the (1:56:42) Institute or her life before and what they found was people were just when mindless they literally had memory loss and everything (1:56:49) Yeah, they became vegetable absolute failure.Yeah absolute, correct (1:56:54) Craziness, I just thought that was just horrible horrible that people would be subjected to that (1:57:00) Yeah, I mean, yeah, you can tell volunteers but what do they really know they’re fucking getting into people (1:57:06) Like if I wrote a contract, yeah some ECT will be involved and some LSD and you’re like, okay (1:57:12) Whatever these things are sound that LSD doesn’t it’s ECT doesn’t sound so bad (1:57:16) Like don’t even know what it is. You know, I mean, how are they how’d they sign up? (1:57:20) Yeah, and they said that they did ECT several times a day (1:57:24) After the first one one, wouldn’t you like I have to go now (1:57:29) Wouldn’t you leave yeah, I don’t know how I don’t know how they kept people down and maybe that’s what it was (1:57:33) They were so drugged up. Maybe they were just so drugged up.They didn’t want to go (1:57:36) I don’t know the whole ins and outs, but all of it sounds (1:57:40) Not horrible in to happen in the United States. Yes a horrible thing to happen in the United States. Yeah, I (1:57:49) Mean universities were funded to do this (1:57:53) That’s and and they said that (1:57:55) Those universities were given a lot of money a lot and they’re like, hey, man, take some LSD, bro.That sounds good (1:58:01) Yeah, I’ll try that. Yeah. Oh not 800 fucking times a recommended dosage (1:58:06) Good.I don’t know. Does that create a schism? I would to can you overdose on LSD probably? (1:58:11) I mean you can overdose on anything. You can’t you cannot overdose on we marijuana (1:58:15) Okay, I’m so because it’s a chemical thing and I think LSD is chemical (1:58:19) Whereas like the point about heroin is you forget to breathe in my opinion.Oh, yeah here was allegedly the odyssey (1:58:26) Yeah, allegedly the auto (1:58:29) Breathing gland in the back of the skull. Yeah is right next to the heroin receptors allegedly or opioid receptor (1:58:36) Yeah, right. That’s so when they fill that up.Yeah, it’s any painkillers right there, correct? So (1:58:42) Yeah, so I don’t know though (1:58:45) I’m curious, but I’m that I bet you could have a mental break and never come back like yeah (1:58:49) Couldn’t you just wait like you could still breathe imagine your hallucin hallucinogen or your (1:58:55) Hallucinations. Yeah, they would freak you the fuck out. Yeah, you’d fucking so you’d shut down.Yeah, it’s not what happened (1:59:00) I’m right. You might still be conscious, but you don’t know you’re conscious (1:59:03) Yeah (1:59:06) That’s interesting, I’m gonna look at that up later I would I would totally love to try me to LSD what four heels (1:59:14) Ayahuasca (1:59:16) Love to try peyote even cuz I yeah, I’m curious about that cuz I don’t think it’s as strong as some other stuff (1:59:20) But I’m curious. Is it more like alcohol or is a little strong? I don’t you’re asking me.Yeah, I’ve never tried shit (1:59:27) Psycho, I look I’ve never done any (1:59:32) Hard drawer drug at all, but I’m very curious about L (1:59:35) I am curious by ayahuasca specifically and the other one we need to try DMT still aside (1:59:40) Is the other one and I don’t how are we gonna eat that do we just swallow them whole I don’t know (1:59:45) They’re mushrooms, bro. Yes. We put them in a diet coke.Not a tea. I can’t do it in a tea (1:59:50) No, just swallow that shit like a pill. Yeah, like not you it like like an oyster just go.Oh, yeah, just go (1:59:56) Okay, I’ll hold her nose. Yeah, or you just chop it up with a knife (1:59:59) Boom that the top it up sounds like it’s gonna get stuck in places slivers of it gonna get stuck in my throat (2:00:04) I’m like I still taste fungi (2:00:07) We’ll put it on a pizza, bro, it’s I’m no longer fun guy (2:00:11) All right (2:00:13) Is did you are you the one that told me somebody told me that this the psilocybin of the mushrooms? (2:00:18) like the (2:00:20) The first time you take it you have crazy hallucinous (2:00:25) Hallucinations, I cannot say that word I did the same thing about 228 seconds ago to (2:00:29) Nation’s you (2:00:31) Know we were overstating hallucinogens (2:00:36) It’s hallucination. I’m not a drink.I’m nice. Look I’m not even supposed to be here today (2:00:43) So (2:00:44) That it’s it. They’re so extreme and the trip is so crazy.You end up vomiting at the end (2:00:51) I’ve heard a lot of vomit. Anyway, maybe that’s what it was. Did you tell me that? (2:00:55) I believe you vomit.It’s not from the hallucinations, but the experience, right? (2:01:01) It’s a physical reaction to the drink. The vomiting is so extreme. It’s horrible (2:01:06) Yeah, but then the next time you take it it’s the most amazing experience of your life because it’s so (2:01:13) Spiritual and eye-opening and it’s like you’re walking with the gods (2:01:17) This is what who the hell told me this I’ve heard that you a second time is is mandatory (2:01:22) We may have said this but after my memory after the extreme vomiting I don’t want to try it again (2:01:27) That’s the point and I’ve heard the extreme vomiting now is part of it and I’m like, you know what? (2:01:32) I’m just gonna have to accept it.That’s I know but it comes with it. Now. This is the thing (2:01:36) Do you know how it’s taken? No, this is what’s crazy about it (2:01:41) shaman (2:01:42) Take the thing (2:01:43) That is the ayahuasca the ayahuasca contains DMT demetrol tryptamine, whatever some big word DMT (2:01:52) But if you just ingested that your body (2:01:58) Doesn’t it has an inhibitor to not accept? (2:02:02) It actually fights the receiving DMT.So you don’t nothing happens (2:02:06) So what do you have to take with you actually have to take a thing before it and it’s another plant like it (2:02:11) She’s down in the rainforest. Oh (2:02:13) Not a turkey right next to the fucking I like I have no idea how they fucking figured it out (2:02:19) But this thing is an inhibitor to that to that block in your body (2:02:24) Then you take the ayahuasca that does that combination? (2:02:28) I’ve heard has me doesn’t make you sick, but the DMT then is in your body. And that’s how you have your trip (2:02:34) That’s how your DMT (2:02:37) Experience.It’s pretty intense from what I’ve heard (2:02:39) I’m very interested and scared as all get up, but I’m very interested. Where do you where would you get that Peru? Oh, (2:02:47) You can (2:02:49) Tucson is actually there. They’re allegedly does ayahuasca ceremony with a shaman.It’s still illegal though. That’s the is it (2:02:57) Is that the one where you throw up? Yeah, and then you do it again (2:03:00) Like the day later, I would think next time so like a week later (2:03:06) I would think months even months some cases. I would think you like (2:03:10) Let’s see if I’m ready to go back (2:03:13) Because the first experience could be pretty terrible.Who knows (2:03:17) Right, but it’s an unknown for sure. You don’t dude if there’s vomiting it’s vomiting your your throat, but it’s really the chemical issue (2:03:25) It’s a it’s a body issue to this whole thing and it is excessive from whatever (2:03:30) So anyway, so that’s how that works (2:03:32) But I would but they’re allegedly you can vape to just straight DMT now you could just smoke DMT, right? (2:03:37) But if it doesn’t do anything, it’s a 50. No, this is DMT where it smokes.It has something to do with pull (2:03:43) Something about the combination of plan for ayahuasca is different DMT is like in its face and you smoke and it becomes a thing (2:03:50) It actually just oh, so you don’t need the other plant to enable rack. Okay. Yeah, I didn’t get that (2:03:55) It doesn’t do it.I don’t the whole thing about the plan thing (2:03:58) I just remember that there’s something that there’s a step in between (2:04:00) Okay, that’s necessary for the DMT or the ayahuasca to get it to work the enabling. Yeah something. Anyway, that was a nice tangent (2:04:09) Drug tangent.Yeah, now we know nothing about nothing (2:04:13) Check out Joe Rogan episodes. Yeah, I know he mentioned I watched 20 minutes last night and he mentioned it and I’m like (2:04:19) I know you’ve mentioned it. I know he mentioned I still don’t know what the fuck I mentioned cuz of him (2:04:22) Yeah, right.I certainly and a lot of my psychonaut stuff. I think that’s what it’s called now (2:04:30) Psilocybin, psilocybin all that stuff. I’ve I’ve I’ve been educated through the Joe Rogan podcast.No doubt (2:04:36) Psychedelics, is that the other thing? So that’s mushrooms, right? Yeah was mushrooms any psychedelics (2:04:42) Marijuana is marijuana is a psychedelic. Yeah, it’s a psychotropic drug psychic. Okay, psychotropic psychedelic same thing (2:04:48) okay, it it creates an (2:04:51) Altered state it changes your perception of things.I know in my opinion (2:04:57) Which is what’s psycho? (2:04:59) Whatever it does, okay (2:05:03) I (2:05:06) Don’t even like shrooms on my pizza, dude, bro. I don’t even like you. I don’t want to be here today (2:05:12) 37 dicks (2:05:14) Are we gonna move on? Yeah next on my list, sir (2:05:17) Ricky Schroeder’s room has been waiting for you.He’s in the car still he’s all buckled up in his little thumb (2:05:22) See, did you give him did you crack a window? It’s still 100 degrees out there. No, he’s in October. It’s a hundred degrees (2:05:29) Yesterday’s the last day of a hundred that was it? Okay good.Thank goodness. It was a hundred yesterday (2:05:33) I remember that October the 16th 100 degrees 100 degrees. I do but it’s shit (2:05:37) 2020 what a year what a year (2:05:41) We’re out of triple digits at least until next year until February.Yeah, at least till next year March ish. Yeah about three months (2:05:49) About three days 17 days (2:05:52) We have a 17 days till we get back in the triple digits, but you know what it is a (2:05:57) Beautiful place to spend fall winter I did I had a drink coffee this morning out on the back patio (2:06:04) it’s nice magazine I were out there we have a we have a (2:06:09) Thermocell radius thing. It’s a battery-powered thing that shoots up (2:06:13) Some miss brain cells, it probably kills a lot of brain cells, but it keeps pests away (2:06:18) We didn’t get bit or anything is beautiful.I had two flies bought a Traeger grill (2:06:23) Lovely I gotta show it to you downstairs, bro. Don’t don’t get (2:06:29) Longer than last year’s bottle (2:06:32) the orgasm at Ron (2:06:35) Look how it smokes the pole. I mean meat.I mean meat actually does smoke me corn on the cob (2:06:44) Okay, that’s a huge zucchini (2:06:48) Eggplant next up on the list the film industry in 1960 bump a bomb a (2:06:54) Friend of Anna Freud (2:06:57) Treated Marilyn Monroe due to her emotional issues drug issues alcohol issues (2:07:05) anxiety (2:07:06) etc (2:07:08) The the idea of this psychoanalyst was to (2:07:13) move Marilyn’s ego (2:07:17) to see how a normal (2:07:21) person would live their life and not a movie star because she lived in such a strange world of (2:07:27) drugs and fame and (2:07:28) fortune and etc so (2:07:30) this psycho and analyst moved Marilyn Monroe in with his family with his wife and his kids so that he (2:07:38) Marilyn became like his adopted daughter. She lived there for a couple about 18 months and (2:07:44) Tried to show her what a normal life is like to see if he could shift her ego in (2:07:51) the end to try to control her (2:07:53) self-destructive urges (2:07:56) Yeah, so it was interesting. There’s another actor who? (2:08:01) did a (2:08:02) Movie all about Eve with her and she was friends with that guy that went whose house she went over (2:08:10) Which guy the woman that was in the interview that was in the actual documentary the friend of Marilyn, right? (2:08:15) But she also did a movie with it all about Eve with her.She was in that (2:08:18) Yes, she was a friend of Marilyn, but she also knew the gentleman. Yeah green to green or yes (2:08:24) Yes, something like greenness. I forget.I don’t want to slander names (2:08:27) I don’t want to I don’t remember the exact name, but that was a gentleman who was known who took Marilyn in yes, and (2:08:33) the woman’s like (2:08:35) Why you never invited me to dinner or whatever and she he’s talking he looks at her and he’s like (2:08:40) You’re not as damaged as her or something. I think I think I was messed (2:08:44) I think he said you’re not broke. Yeah, you’re not as broken as her or you’re not as sick as her (2:08:49) That’s what I think.She said you’re not as sick as she is and then one goes. Oh (2:08:54) Oh, yeah, that was pretty telling it was the way she still told that story (2:08:58) And then you hear about it and she said she had no base in reality. She had no come like no compass (2:09:05) She was out of control.Yeah, it wasn’t wasn’t that she was defiantly out of control (2:09:09) I don’t think she knew what control was correct. She had no come you’re exactly right compass is the right word (2:09:14) she had no base of reality and that’s therefore the world was crazy to her and that and that’s so sad and (2:09:23) it’s unfortunate that in 1962 she (2:09:28) Committed suicide, it’s really sad (2:09:31) But the guy tried and I give him a ton of credit of that (2:09:33) They all tried and once again, though, it was the wrong way because we’re gonna find the end of well (2:09:37) It was to suppress it was well psychoanalysis. That’s the point though.I think this is pointing at this what they’re hitting it (2:09:45) I don’t think so in this case. They’re hinting at this style of psychotherapy is a failure (2:09:51) That’s what they’re saying and not only were they saying that it didn’t make it it didn’t not not only did it not make it (2:09:59) Better it actually made our fears worse because suppression (2:10:03) Was the worst thing for humans to go through versus trying to work with it, right? (2:10:08) That’s what it came out to at the end of this. Yes of this episode.Yes, so it’s my opinion (2:10:12) They’re trying to tell us that the suppression method they tried with Marilyn as well because she was (2:10:18) The guy was connected to the psychoanalysts (2:10:21) Yes to the Freud’s to the Freudian theory and the Freudian theory was flawed is my point (2:10:27) That’s why suppression didn’t work (2:10:30) Hence kept going (2:10:31) Allegedly kill herself. Yeah, I know the thought that she was also Kurt killed (2:10:36) I know and I I mean I I I agree that did she really kill herself? (2:10:40) We need to do ash I conspiracy theory on that sir (2:10:43) Okay, do we need to do we need another conspiracy you want to do a (2:10:46) Marilyn, let’s do. Oh, yeah.Well, definitely the Marilyn thing and obviously that would be connected to that for sure (2:10:53) She she rubbed elbows with everybody (2:10:56) Just elbows. Well, if you push my fat elbow together really close enough together. It looks like it too.Whoa, that’s sexy right there (2:11:04) Nice. Ooh, hey now (2:11:09) I’m not gonna explain what we’re doing, but we’re not touching (2:11:13) We’re definitely six feet apart. Yeah, we are definitely still practicing probably more than six feet apart (2:11:17) We are and we’re same room (2:11:19) We’re socially distant because we say we like each other not really at all (2:11:22) Like that whole thing about we we can sit down discuss.No, we just lies we disagree on everything and lie (2:11:29) Yeah, yeah, it’s all lies. So next the last thing was that (2:11:34) the last gentleman, which (2:11:37) It’s been what you’ve been hinting at all fucking day (2:11:41) It the the way that Freud and Anna and Bernays (2:11:46) they’ve been controlling humans versus trying to free the humans and (2:11:50) that’s that’s been your point is that this way to the way that they’ve been going about things is suppression and (2:11:56) oppression of (2:11:58) Emotions and fears and the the human (2:12:03) The human inside the human I guess you could say (2:12:06) Yeah, the base human (2:12:08) The caveman (2:12:11) My doula Blanc gotta (2:12:14) Colonel Santos got a mandula Blanc gotta (2:12:17) To that end. I (2:12:21) Believe that in it’s my opinion no beliefs here right ideas thoughts opinion you can believe in opinion is that (2:12:30) Freud got it right about the human in my opinion (2:12:36) Right, how many times I say the word opinion in that (2:12:39) Actually, how many times I actually say opinion to actually (2:12:44) so (2:12:45) but (2:12:46) The darkness is there.We just have to we have to address it differently than suppress it (2:12:51) Right, so we should let it out or we should that’s the point we have to work with it somehow (2:12:55) That’s the that’s where they that’s where they’re leaning into in this next part that they’re leaning into right because he talked about kind of (2:13:01) Transitioning to like yell, you know having different weird free open. Yes. So into the 60s and whatnot (2:13:07) I saw part three is the opposite of part two, right is what you’re saying (2:13:11) Yeah, almost in a way or if or an explosion of free letting it go free.Yeah, okay (2:13:16) So addressing the issue versus suppressing the issue. Okay, so what’s interesting is (2:13:22) Suppression didn’t work. It actually just made it worse (2:13:25) But were they wrong in believing or in coming to the conclusion that (2:13:32) Man is irrational (2:13:34) right, they (2:13:35) But one part can be right and the other part can just be wrong, right? They could have still (2:13:41) Analyzed correctly that man is irrational.They just handled how to deal with it wrong (2:13:46) Yes, I would agree that that’s a true statement (2:13:49) So do you think do you are you in agreement with the Freudian way that men are inherently even men and women humans? (2:13:56) Homo sapiens are inherently evil (2:13:59) Underneath with the base that base irrational fear anger meant, you know, the lizard brain stuff. We are at a core that and (2:14:08) Somehow that can’t come out for us to live civilly together. I don’t agree with that.I (2:14:16) Agree, I would say that (2:14:19) Humans have (2:14:21) survival instincts and (2:14:23) but (2:14:25) That lizard brain and survival instincts can be equated as the same thing. So if your survival is threatened whether it’s (2:14:34) Life food shelter your family if those things are threatened (2:14:39) Will the lizard brain kick in? (2:14:42) That’s where I would say. Yes.So to answer your question, I would say yes and no does that do you see what I’m saying? (2:14:47) I absolutely do (2:14:49) Pallets of toilet paper. Yeah, right. We did it.We talked about we did (2:14:54) I know we talked about last time we did or are the one we just the part one part one (2:14:59) We talked about it, but to that end (2:15:02) I I’m leaning towards the agreement that we are rational because when it comes to brass tacks (2:15:09) We lose all sense of civility. I I I hate to say I know I know all sense that sounds awful (2:15:16) It’s true. However, I don’t know if we’re evil just fighting to get out and that that’s a little extreme, right? (2:15:24) It’s like self-centeredness right selfishness, but it is what drives us one sexual but it’s anger.Yes murder (2:15:30) It’s one’s own self-preservation (2:15:32) Right, but but when they’re also talking about it’s like the Nazi Germany. They were attacking they were evil. They were doing evil acts (2:15:39) they were really killing people as (2:15:42) Part of their base (2:15:45) Propagate their own way, right, but it but it wasn’t for survival.They were no threatened. They wanted to destroy others, correct? (2:15:52) Right to elevate themselves. So that’s the question.I don’t know if it’s to that level. I to your point (2:15:57) I think we regressed to survival instincts when needed correct, and it’s easy for us to be (2:16:02) It’s sad to me that people think that they’re better. Oh, yeah, it kills me man (2:16:09) How many times have we sat hat in hand on Twitter or whatever? (2:16:13) Like the one we were talking about freedom of speech.I was gonna refer to a Twitter conversation (2:16:16) I had yesterday. You’d like some of the stuff and it was between a I believe is a young woman and myself and (2:16:24) She tweeted or retweeted something about freedom, you know, you still freedom of speech you still to be accountable for what you say there can be (2:16:31) Consequences to your words (2:16:33) So I wrote about (2:16:35) Absolutely 100% right there is a personal accountability to that speech that said you still (2:16:40) Should are allowed to at least say it if you want to risk that whatever we had a nice little back-and-forth about yeah (2:16:46) But but it’s just that’s kind of how it is right where we’re just we’re civil. That’s the point.We we are totally civil. I (2:16:54) Wonder how quickly that dissolves. Oh shit.Is it different because I don’t know that person. I know of course (2:17:00) Would it take oh, yeah, yeah like for you and I to dissolve our (2:17:05) togetherness like our (2:17:07) Friendship or whatever like what like we’re talking there was one rat left and we need a rat to make it to tomorrow (2:17:14) Yeah, I understand right like whatever. I’m just saying like what would it take for you and I did not I mean (2:17:19) I bet I’ve seen six months ago (2:17:21) I saw I was I was putting my clubs on the golf cart to start around and these two brothers were coming off (2:17:28) the course (2:17:30) and they were taking their clubs off the bag and they started yelling at each other because one brother was accusing him of (2:17:36) cheating on his scorecard and (2:17:38) They almost came to blows and I they may have been drinking (2:17:43) I don’t know, but they were blood they were blood brother (2:17:46) Look if they were drinking they also chose to drink and deal with the accountability of that (2:17:50) They’re still responsible for their body (2:17:51) But to your question of you and I and our survival and we’ve known each other 28 years (2:17:56) We kill each other over the rat if it came to that these two guys are blood relatives and they were almost (2:18:02) Fighting over a stupid golf score right over the dumb and there was probably money involved (2:18:07) Over the sharpness of a pencil how stupid how stupid is that? That’s funny (2:18:11) Oh my and the and there’s 20 guys there all (2:18:15) Can hear their idiocy and you know, what’s funny is that tension goes out like a wave man (2:18:20) We talked about energy.So you want to talk about? Oh, yeah you you’re very sensitive to it (2:18:26) But that energy just goes out everyone hits it hits bings off everybody like a little radar blip (2:18:31) Yeah (2:18:31) They take a little bit of that with them and they get it from other people throughout the day and then they start throwing it (2:18:36) Back at other people when it hits their level. Yes, they hit like critical. Nobody thinks about that and nobody realizes that (2:18:43) Most people I apologize.No, no, they don’t they don’t realize that many people don’t (2:18:49) It’s unfortunate (2:18:51) That’s the way it is. So that’s all I have dude. So (2:18:56) No more shows.I a needle-pulling thread. I believe I believe I think that Freud (2:19:03) Isn’t a hundred percent correct. We are capable of getting to that level (2:19:07) Absolutely, even I mean Germany was pretty dire though when they got haven’t we showed that you haven’t humans showed that we can do that (2:19:15) Yeah, but Nazi Germany could be (2:19:17) One of those survival instincts thing 50% unemployment or whatever or whatever it was like how dire that time could have felt (2:19:26) Okay, so that was the only way (2:19:29) Hey, if we follow this guy that I really felt and then he said it and he did it, right? (2:19:34) I’m not I don’t understand donning the action there from their perspective.I get your saying from (2:19:40) Initially and then by the time they realized how really out of hand it was it probably was too late (2:19:45) But that initial part why not? Let’s get in there. We’re making money now. We’re I got my job back (2:19:51) Whatever I can see my kids whatever what whatever it was taking at that time to get there (2:19:57) I’m not defending or attacking any of it.I’m just looking at it as much as I can objectively and (2:20:03) It pulled it definitely pulled them out of that horrible place that they were economically. Yes (2:20:08) the war machine (2:20:10) But it was worse that they killed 7 million Jews (2:20:13) Well, yeah, it was worse that they killed the Russian 20 million of Russians Belgians a friend (2:20:18) It was worse with all the other stuff how they got there how they got out was worse (2:20:24) Regardless. Yes, and that’s what it’s down to money or people right humanity or yeah, every war is stupid (2:20:29) Well, I’m just saying you and I like we’re talking about Bernays.This whole thing was controlling us. Yeah (2:20:35) consumerism consumerism or read or (2:20:39) humanity and (2:20:41) Like I don’t even know if it is (2:20:43) It’s like almost like once again are the doctors just so intent to see if they can pick it apart and figure it out and (2:20:50) the consequences are this because of their methods or are they really diabolical and going like I (2:20:57) Want to own everything I want to control (2:21:00) well (2:21:01) control and power (2:21:03) People get off on that. I know I I mean, I’m uncomfortable with it.I agree. I don’t give a shit. Well, I mean, I’m (2:21:11) Visibly uncomfortable with leadership.Oh, well, everyone’s different and I’m I am lucky that I’m half my mother (2:21:17) You are a leader. Well, you are leader, but that’s because I’m half my dad you but I also don’t mind (2:21:24) Being led because I’m half my mom (2:21:26) I’m very lucky that I add that split where I can I’m comfortable in either role (2:21:30) Part of my lack of leadership ability is due to my lack of follow ability (2:21:35) I have a very hard time following as well (2:21:37) So my my leadership my lack of leadership is my distrust in leaders to begin with so you need your own island (2:21:44) Yeah, you just need to be left alone. It’s it’s literally based on my (2:21:50) distrust in leaders (2:21:53) Yeah, I understand I totally get it dude, it’s weird (2:21:56) yeah, but it’s backwards because I (2:21:59) Would think I’d have I could do it if if like come to brass tacks if I had to lead something (2:22:05) Yeah, I think I have the wherewithal to handle it (2:22:08) You can just channel check mark, but I would I have such a distrust of leaders (2:22:13) I get and that definitely comes from some childhood stuff (2:22:17) Definitely.All right, I could (2:22:19) Wish I could put the thumb on that one for sure (2:22:21) Your thumb or Ricky’s Ricky’s the Rick shoulders thumb not yours may borrow if well if it makes it to me if I can catch (2:22:28) It yes up the shaft if you don’t oh and the shaft again the shit. Whoa, so we’re there (2:22:33) Yes, sir. We come out part two.Yes, sir. This whole psychoanalysis fucked us up more. Yeah, I feel very psycho and analyzed (2:22:41) So they tell you to suppress suppress suppress (2:22:43) I’m really good at that and then we explode Catholic school, bro, bro Catholic school and now and then part three is where we start (2:22:50) to hopefully (2:22:51) I’m gonna become a hippie but the engineering of consent just the term (2:22:56) Is unbelief they should have just called it.How do you control a human and then make it in 40 different ways? (2:23:01) Make them buy a Betty Crocker. That’s true. I had eggs.I do love cake her one egg per box (2:23:07) Oh, yes, they need 12 boxes of Betty Crocker eggs at least mad minimum, correct or six (2:23:11) Sometimes I do have unless you’re buying an 18 pack that like 18 pack or six pack. I do buy 18 (2:23:16) I do 28 24, bro. You’re crazy (2:23:19) And if I well I go with the law the most that can be jumbo jumbo eggs (2:23:23) You know why jumbo a lot of our twins double double yolks (2:23:27) And I love eating twins (2:23:31) Hot sauce a little crisper (2:23:33) One one can’t get HIV.The other one’s memory increased. Oh my goodness that yoke is that embryos delicious and (2:23:40) We had a 12 pack of jumbo. I believe (2:23:45) Between five and seven of them were double W. So six.I’m not (2:23:52) Gosh darn it. I love (2:23:55) Christopher so much (2:23:56) And if it wasn’t for 28 years, I’d regress right now and I’d be public. Well (2:24:01) Trying to be public.I have a stick of fury. So don’t you rolling stick of you? (2:24:05) I’d be pummeled pummel ed do this would break so easy. All right, so I’m in a month.We’re dropping part three (2:24:11) I hope yes, sir. We are I don’t even know we will happen. We do will we shall but this has been part two of (2:24:19) The documentary of the century of self.Yes, sir (2:24:22) And what was it titled again, sir, the some engineering of consent? That’s correct (2:24:27) Sir has been another Knocked Conscious ladies and gentlemen, please follow us, please subscribe rate (2:24:34) leave a comment (2:24:36) Review all that stuff all that. Yeah, please (2:24:39) We are dumb. I’m looking at our numbers and people are tuning in.We appreciate that so much (2:24:46) We are more than grateful. Yes, we are (2:24:50) We’re actually by the time this airs. We will be over 5,000 downloads.We’ll be at it by tomorrow, bro (2:24:56) I believe the next day. That’s my personal goal is Tuesday. I’m gonna say tomorrow Monday.I’m under Tuesday (2:25:02) I will bet you one Baphomet statue in dollars tomorrow. We could do it. You do it by tomorrow (2:25:07) We’re doing to me and do it kids.We can do a team (2:25:11) To that end we thank you for checking in with us and check marking. Yeah. Thank you.We’re about to (2:25:18) Record a beer Google’s next you so that’ll be a little fun. But this has been more of our Knocked Conscious to your side just (2:25:25) Kind of look behind the veil peek around the corner guys. Keep your eyes open.You never know (2:25:30) People trying to control you in some weird way (2:25:32) I’m not saying that you don’t let like, you know, just have your mind about just know what’s yes be aware be vigilant (2:25:38) We’re not telling you to to firebomb anything (2:25:42) No melatonin cocktail. Yeah, don’t know anything and no time. Yes, no violence.Yeah, I’m just saying be aware of this stuff and (2:25:49) Then and then zag when they think you’re gonna zig like tell the end tell the NRA guy that I hate them (2:25:55) And tell though he has good and right until a gun guy, you know the pro the pro (2:26:00) Wanting to take my guns away guy that (2:26:02) America, you know, whatever so but please follow us subscribe. We’d love more reviews. We’re still under 30 (2:26:10) And we have 5,000 downloads.That’s crazy over 5,000 by the time this is yeah, it’s crazy. We’re I (2:26:16) Can’t believe how far if four months it took and that’s amazing. I I thought that was gonna take two years (2:26:21) No, James balls a maz balls (2:26:24) Thank you so much (2:26:26) thank you and (2:26:28) Gracias.Oh, I stole your I stole your thank you. Gracias. All right in closing be excellent to each other

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