Master Shaman PaLiChee

Mark welcomes Master Shaman PaLiChee about her life as a shaman.
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Transcript:(0:00) Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious. Today I had the pleasure of (0:05) speaking with Master Shaman Pa Lai Chi. It was a very interesting conversation.Here it is. I hope (0:13) you enjoy it. Welcome Master Pa Lai Chi.Master Shaman Pa Lai Chi to Knocked Conscious. Thanks (0:24) for having me Mark. Yes, thank you for reaching out to me.We reached out through some podcast (0:31) collaborative network and you had reached out to me. So you’re a psychic medium. You have gifts.(0:39) I know of gifts. Please share with me why you connected to me, what your thoughts are and we’ll (0:45) just follow the flow of the conversation. We’ll align with the current of the energy.How about (0:50) that? Yes. Well, I thought Knocked Conscious was great. The name itself because I’m here to (1:00) unlimit limiting beliefs and I was brought to you through sort of like a urge to come into your (1:09) podcast to kind of give insights into really what that really means.And you’re knocked conscious (1:18) kind of, you know, threw me off a little bit in regards to a good throw off because that’s what (1:24) I’m here to do as a shaman. It’s a very beautiful thing. So there is a kind of a spiritual or some (1:34) kind of paranormal piece to that Knocked Conscious because I had an event that knocked me, literally (1:40) knocked me conscious to start looking for truth.So I am always open to new ideas, (1:48) belief systems, things. I’ve had personal experiences that if people told me they experienced (1:53) them, I would accept that they experienced them. But I don’t know if I could technically believe it (2:00) the way they would believe it per se.Right. So because everyone’s experienced things personally, (2:08) I think that direct connection is where we translate it. And I think when we add institutions, (2:13) I think that corrupts that and that messes up with the personal translation because everyone’s (2:19) individual in their own right.Yes. Each individual’s experience is going to be so different. (2:25) However, everything is going to be very similar.(2:30) In what ways would you say they would be similar? Similar as in the spiritual and energetic ways. (2:36) So when you say Knocked Conscious and you had an experience to that, before I came on this show (2:43) and before I reached out, I was like, something had to happen. Something had to happen.And almost (2:49) like a very spiritual part of you was knocked conscious. So through the situation, through (2:57) the situation, I don’t know what you’ve been through. This is the first time I’m meeting you, (3:00) Mark.But just from a feeling of it. Absolutely. I’m not going to put you on the spot.I’m not (3:04) going to ask you for lottery numbers. I promise you I won’t do that. This is ridiculous to have (3:09) that kind of concept.But from just kind of like a feel of things, it’s just something very spiritual (3:18) of the soul that had to experience something phenomenal and very spiritual energetic wise to (3:26) shift that, to shift that consciousness. And in order for it to do that, because even if somebody (3:33) was to say, Hey, Mark, you have to believe in this. Hey, Mark, this is what happened to me.(3:37) You’re not going to automatically believe it. You’re going to be like, Hmm, like, I wonder (3:41) how that happened. Or I wonder if that’s true.It’s only when… How can we explain it away, (3:47) right? How could, you know, it’s not a UFO, it’s a cloud or, you know, whatever, those types of (3:51) things. Right. And it’s only when that person actually either saw it with their eyes, and even (3:55) some people when they see it with their own eyes, they still can’t believe it.So they have to really (4:00) experience that within themselves, within their soul. And what that really means is you have a (4:06) experience with your mind, with your memory, with their body, with the how you’re feeling (4:12) energetically. Therefore, then you are, you don’t have to be convinced, then you will automatically (4:18) believe.Does that make sense? It does. Absolutely. Now, what’s interesting is, (4:25) with my experiences, I come from the logic reason side.So I, this is the analogy I always use. If (4:33) you went back in time with like a lighter, like a cigarette lighter, and you walked up to a caveman (4:39) and you made fire come out of your hand, they would either worship you or they would stone you. (4:44) There’s no real, there’s nothing in between that.They would, there’s no way that they would (4:48) understand that concept, right? So my, my understanding to me is that we will get to (4:56) the understanding of everything at some point. We’re just not there. Now that defies the traditional (5:03) God, because God is the one who knows or whatever, everything.But I’d like to table that for a (5:09) second, because I was going to, I got off on a tangent. I would love to hear about you and your (5:13) story. Would you like to share with me how, who you are, how you became, how you became who you (5:21) are? I’m not going to ask what you do, because that’s, that’s a ridiculous thing.Let’s, let’s (5:25) get to who you are. So who am I? I am a person just like everybody else. I went through a ton of (5:36) experiences such as comas, hitting my head a lot when I was a kid.I wasn’t clumsy, but I just got (5:45) into the point where I, my head was hit like at least three times and I got in comas three times. (5:50) Through those comas, I had different experiences of the afterlife. I’ve also had a very out of (5:58) body experience at about two, between two, three years old in, as I was waking up in my (6:06) bedroom as a kid, toddler.And you have a memory of that at two or three, which is, which is, (6:12) it doesn’t make me question it at all. It’s just a more remarkable thing because the general public (6:18) does not have memories back to that, to that age. So I find that interesting.Once again, (6:23) it’s only to share the information in a general sense, because we have to both look at both sides (6:29) for people to accept what we’re kind of experiencing. Right, right. And, and I don’t (6:34) look for acceptance.That’s the thing. I don’t think I ever did. Yeah.Because why? Because (6:42) each person’s experience, like we had just talked about is a different experience. And you’re not (6:46) going to believe what I say. I’m not going to believe what you say, but it’s only a story for (6:51) you to kind of ponder on or maybe to say, Oh, that sounds interesting.Do I believe it? I don’t (6:56) have to. But once you get to a certain vibration in the body level, you will start to experience (7:04) some things and then that’s going to bring you to believe. Does that make sense? So absolutely, (7:10) for sure.So who am the question is, who am I? I am, I am Chi Vu. That’s my name. I was a kid.(7:19) My parents migrated to the US because of the Cold War in the 70s. I am Hmong and of Hmong (7:27) background. I came from the Hmong is the people that has been, I would say it’s probably I (7:34) consider it one of the most genocided and in persecution peoples of the world.One of the (7:43) most in the population became more in China now, but back in the olden days, (7:51) even in China, we were the most killed people. Persecuted type individuals. (7:59) Yeah.Shunned out of whatever that we did. Our cultures were shut down completely and we had (8:07) to do it as we knew it for our ancestors. So my lineage comes from ancient ancestors.I can’t say (8:20) it any different. I don’t know how to say it any different. I grew up thinking that shamanism was (8:27) what everybody did, right? It was normal to me.So you were also born there and then came over? (8:34) I was born. So ancient China was ancient China. We got pushed out to Thailand and then we had to (8:42) migrate or actually migrated to Laos and 200 years ago or so.Our peoples were in ancient China from (8:50) more than 5,000 years ago, but pushed out so many times. There’s still people there. The ones that (8:58) stood their ground or just blended in.And then there’s us, the ones that moved out and (9:05) migrated out to Laos. We were the ones that were rebelling. We’re not going to be under you.We’re (9:10) not going to do that. We’re going to still hold our ancestors true. So we moved out to Laos, (9:16) right? Still got some things going on during the Cold War.Absolutely. I mean, that’s a hotbed at (9:25) that time, I would think. Oh yeah.A lot of politics, everything went on during that time. (9:31) And so we had to migrate out and we migrated where? U.S. They came. We came, right? They (9:40) came there.We came with them because the Hmong people were actually part of their (9:47) so-called operations. Well, it’s nice that we did something nice for some people. (9:55) Instead of some of the other stuff we do.There’s a balance. It’s a dichotomy to that, (10:02) for sure. Yes.And so we’re here. Okay. So how old were you when you came to the United States? (10:09) When I came, I was about one.Okay. So all your trauma things, your head injuries happened in (10:16) the United States? In the United States, in our first home that we lived in, in Michigan. (10:25) And it was an older home.As a kid, I remember feeling things in that home as a kid. This is (10:36) like two to three years old. And as I grew up, I think we stayed there about maybe one or two (10:42) more years.And then we moved out to California from there. But that was one of the biggest (10:49) phenomena that happened in that house when I was about two to three, was the angel in the ceiling. (10:56) So that was an experience, a personal experience.Okay. So please share that story. So I have not (11:00) heard about the angel in the ceiling.So you’re two and you had this, this is your out-of-body (11:05) experience that you’re going to, or was it an NDE kind of out-of-body experience from a head (11:09) injury? It wasn’t an NDE, it was a OBE. So out-of-body experience, not a near death experience (11:15) in that case, because I was basically in bed sleeping. This is like two to three-year-old toddler.(11:21) I hear my parents in the background. They’re like in the morning, they’re kind of talking, (11:26) arguing about financial things and then about culture, because it was a clash. They were (11:31) new to the whole U.S. American society.So they had culture clashes and didn’t know much English. (11:38) My dad knew English, but some, but he wasn’t like great at it, but he knew how to get by. (11:44) And like, you know, blending in, in that, in that way.Right. You wouldn’t, (11:48) he’s not American, I guess, because he didn’t. (11:52) And this has been, you know, early eighties.So there was a lot of racial discrimination back (11:57) then to, you know, I was born in 74, just so you know. So I, I’m a Gen Xer. So I grew up in that (12:05) whole eighties, you know, commando shoot them up, right.You know, coming out of Vietnam and Rambo. (12:11) And I mean, just that whole era of machismo and, you know, everybody’s the enemy, (12:16) except for a good old USA kind of thing. I remember those times.(12:22) And the mom was right with the USA. I’ll tell you that. And, but when we got here, (12:28) we’re kind of left and just say, Hey, go and run, do what you need to do to survive.Right. So, (12:37) so my dad and mom was talking in the background, kind of, kind of loud, (12:41) because this is early morning. I was barely in the half awake and half sleep state.(12:46) As a kid, I remember exactly very clearly, vividly what was going on, (12:52) but I can hear what’s going on in the back as well. So I’m like, I’m partial awake. (12:57) And so you’re in this pseudo, you don’t say hypnosis and you don’t say meditative, (13:03) but you’re just, you’re in that middle brainwave activities, kind of whatever.(13:08) There’s a word for that state of mind. I just forgot what the word is. There’s a paralysis.(13:17) There’s like the beta, right. The beta waves change or something. (13:20) Not the paralysis thing, but it was, there’s a certain word for it, but scientifically, (13:26) I don’t remember what that was, but I know there’s two words.One for when you’re about to (13:31) go to sleep and then you’re in that state of about to go to sleep. And then there’s one where (13:35) you’re about to wake up, but you’re not quite awake and you’re half in and half out. That’s (13:40) the state of that I was in, in that moment.That’s the very first time I remember that state. And (13:46) sure enough, I see coming at me like from afar, an angel coming like closer and closer, but it (13:53) was in the ceiling. So it’s kind of like a screen TV in the ceiling.That’s how I can explain it. (13:58) And I’m watching like this screen TV in the ceiling of my room. Cause there’s a corner.(14:03) It wasn’t actually an entity coming physically down toward you. It just looked like it was (14:09) getting bigger on the screen, on the, on the, on the screen, on the screen. She wasn’t coming down (14:13) to, to the ground.She was not down. She was up there. And then you can see like the little (14:18) specks, like stars.I assume there were stars, there were specks. And then you, and then I saw (14:24) her outfit. It was like a light blue color, but it was flowing.Like as if the wind was kind of (14:29) like flowing, blowing at her outfit. So she’s coming in, she’s a, like a goddess type, you know, (14:36) where we would think it’s a goddess person. So comes in, she tells me her name and her name is (14:42) Samanthian.And she comes in. And so it’s short for basically long for Samantha, right? Samanthian. (14:49) She comes in, she has like the, the blonde hair.You can see her eyes. They were, I didn’t see it (14:55) was blue, but I saw it was very light. And then her skin was clear, like, you know how clear blue (15:02) it’s like a clearish color.Light blue, but clear, very light. And her outfit was like a very light (15:08) color, light blue flowing in the, in the space, or I should say space or universe. Comes in and (15:15) sounds like a star seed.Yeah. She comes and she talks and then she talks in a universal (15:21) light language. So it’s, I thought it was English because to me, I didn’t know what English was.(15:28) You understand it. So you’re just, whatever it is, you’re understanding. Cause it’s telepathic (15:32) in some kind of energetic.Yeah. It’s telepathic because her mouth wasn’t moving. (15:37) So, and I remember seeing her talking to me, but then she’s not mouth moving.So I’m thinking, (15:44) okay, I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m hearing something. She’s saying, telling me something. She says it in a (15:49) light language to me.And as I think about it later, when I grew older, I, I knew it was not (15:56) English. It felt like English, but it wasn’t English because it was familiar to you or it was, (16:01) you just understood it. I just understood it.I just understood it, but it definitely wasn’t (16:06) English when I think about it when I got older. So now she comes in and she, she talks a little (16:11) bit. And then she left me with a gift in my hand.And it felt so real that when I got up, (16:18) I felt like it was there and I grabbed it. She gave me the gift. I grabbed it.And then I, (16:24) I pulled my hand out like this, grabbed it while I was sleeping on them in my bed. (16:28) And there was nothing on this side. So I opened my hands, grabbed it and then pulled it in, (16:33) pulled it to my chest, which I have no clue why I did that.It was automatic. (16:37) And then, um, when I got up, I felt it in my hand, but then I opened it and it wasn’t there, (16:44) but I felt it there. So it was like, kind of like solidly there almost.And then, um, (16:51) anyway, she was, and she started going backwards and then gone, gone. (16:55) What, you remember what was said or what was communicated? Are you able to share that? Or (17:00) is that personal? That’s personal to me. So I won’t share that, but it was very, (17:05) it was a very, it was the right thing to say to you at the right time.(17:09) Yes, it was. I’ll just say that basically the basic overarching message is you kind of like, (17:19) you have a purpose and this is your purpose. And then boom, here’s the gift and go.And then she’s (17:24) gone. Right. And she got, she’s gone, but she’s like flowing, flowing and then gone and disappears (17:29) into the ceiling.The ceiling turns back to ceiling color, a paint, you know, like the normal (17:34) ceiling. And then the darkness is, it’s just like, it goes out into like almost like a portal (17:39) closing in and then gone. And so by talking like this, it’s almost sounds like it’s in a movie.(17:47) Right. But for me, it was like, wow. And then when I see it in the movies, I’m like, wow, (17:53) you know, in that kind of essence.And I’m like, okay, I know exactly what you mean. You see (17:59) something and like the hairs on your arm stick up because it’s eerily familiar. Like you did (18:03) experience.Yeah. You get the goosebumps and you’re like, okay, yeah, someone’s portraying it (18:08) just like how I saw it. Um, so, and it happens after the fact when you have experiences, when (18:14) you’re not trusting.Oh yeah. It’s after the fact. And then when you talk about it, people (18:18) are like, oh yeah, it looks just, it’s just like, sounds like just like this one movie that I saw.(18:22) And I’m like, yeah, because the movie is portraying exactly what people’s experiences could be (18:27) or have been. There’s a reason art is the way art is. I mean, art, art is the tap into that side of (18:34) it because it’s really not the, it’s not the science side.It’s really the energy, whatever (18:39) the other side is. Yes. Because I believe, yeah.And to, to add to that, I believe that science (18:47) came from the imagination and art. So, um, and it’s a good thing because it then balances each (18:54) other and it, there is a need for both. There is a need for both, you know, one can.It’s very (18:59) interesting because there, there are some arguments that where, uh, people create the ideas and then (19:06) there’s the argument that all the ideas are there and just that correct antenna at the right time and (19:13) the right term to the right station picks up that idea. Yeah. All from a shamanic standpoint, I’ll (19:20) say it’s both.There, there’s ideas that are there and then there’s ideas that are created. (19:27) So there’s both. Yes.And then they’re added to that collective over time. So they’re kind of (19:31) added to that record of the universe to be found again. Right.Discovered again, maybe by another (19:40) emergent consciousness, by another, another reality simulation reality, for example. I mean, (19:47) it goes, it’s interesting because I spoke with Bobby Azarian recently and consciousness to me (19:53) with what I’ve experienced, it makes me almost defiant to what the, the human understanding of (20:00) it is. It really, it’s backwards to me.It’s all emergent. And it’s like, I never feel top down. (20:07) I haven’t felt God down.I feel the hierarchy was created out of family from father, mother, child. (20:12) That’s really how I interpret the general religion in the way that people do, because that’s the best (20:21) way to the good, you know, God is the good in every situation. That’s not, it’s not a thing.(20:29) It’s a concept in my opinion. So I feel like it’s emergent and the God actually came out of the (20:34) universal consciousness. And that’s a whole other thing down the road.But I was curious if you (20:39) had flirt with a little bit of that part with what you’ve experienced, because yours is so intuitive. (20:47) It’s, I would find it challenging with the intuition you have to not accept, but make it (20:52) challenging to integrate the, that the science part or the philosophical part of it with the field of (20:58) it. I would say that it’s not challenging at all.It’s actually easier because I can see, okay, (21:06) this is why they do that, which is, this is why they say that. So therefore I understand why. (21:11) So I wouldn’t, yeah, so I wouldn’t be challenged.I wouldn’t like disagree with it. I would just (21:16) say, yeah, that’s true. But there’s this other piece that could be missing.So that’s how I would. (21:23) It’s like part of the whole, right? I mean, it doesn’t, just because you think you have (21:26) an answer doesn’t mean it’s a complete answer. No, it’s not.(21:30) There’s always just one giant equation and the more data we get in the front of it, (21:34) the more accurate the, that the equation becomes, I guess, over time. (21:38) Yeah. You would be limited to say that there is only one answer or one thing that is correct.(21:45) You would be limited in that. Yeah. It’s almost like you have the, (21:49) the journey and, or what is it? Truth and fact, you know, fact could be the answer, (21:54) but journey’s the way to get there.Right. (21:57) And you can get there many different ways. And that’s really, that’s the purpose part (22:02) is how meaningful it is to get to the answer that we want.(22:06) Yes. And then what vibration are you operating at as a soul and person, or that you choose to (22:14) operate in that will give you the experiences to get there? And what is there, right? (22:22) Yeah. What is there, right? Yeah.(22:25) Oh, go ahead. Please. I was just going to say that most people will ask me, (22:30) what is my purpose or what is the purpose, right? For me.And this is the question that I always (22:37) get all the time because they’re trying to look for a purpose. And I said, you know what? (22:42) The purpose is, what are you doing? What is your activities on a daily basis? That is your purpose. (22:51) Be the change you want to see in the world.If you want change, right? (22:55) If you want change, then maybe that’s your purpose. (22:57) Live your life the way you want. Then maybe that’s your purpose.(23:00) It’s to create change. But if you want to be a superstar, then what kind of activities are you (23:06) doing to be a superstar? You know, of what? And are you feeling it, right? Or what is the (23:13) intention behind that? Is your intention really to do this thing, whatever activity that you’re doing, (23:19) getting to where you want to go or not? Absolutely. So before we had gotten together, (23:28) I tried to, I have had a crazy busy month.I actually sent, no, it’s been the last 20 days (23:36) have been just off the charts crazy for me. So you connected and generally I don’t say yes (23:44) to requests. I’m not going to lie.However, since the 9th of July, I’ve decided to start saying yes (23:52) as much as I possibly can. So I looked you up and I saw you had some videos up on your website. (23:59) And I saw the one with the three cards and I’m like, I’ll do that one.That’s easy. I choose (24:04) three. And you go through the thing and obviously one and two, they certainly resonate.All three (24:09) resonate in some way. But the three was very interesting for me because it happened to be (24:14) the one where I need help and I need to ask for help and my ego’s in the way. And I’m, (24:21) I think I’m very much in that position because I’m trying to make this thing bigger.I have a lot of (24:28) content, but I have zero marketing and never pursued it from any kind of monetization standpoint. (24:35) But I fear letting go of what I’ve created to a stranger who may misuse it, may misrepresent it (24:45) on whether intentionally or not, it doesn’t even matter. It’s just, it’s an absolute self-control (24:51) thing.So I found that interesting that I chose the one that what did resonate most with me. (24:57) Thank you for having that reading. So tell me about how you got into the psychic medium part (25:05) and the tarot part.How did that become a natural transition? I didn’t get into it. It got into me. (25:14) I would say that with shamanism, I was probably one of the biggest rebellers (25:24) of ever becoming a shaman when I was a young teenager.I told my mom that I would never be (25:31) a shaman, that that’s not what I want to do. And that I’m not going to do animism. I’m not (25:38) going to sacrifice animals and it’s too much work, all that stuff.And my grandma, when I was about (25:45) five, I was actually interested in shamanism when I was about five. I was interested in, (25:50) I don’t even know about shamanism, that word, right? But in my language, because shamanism (25:56) could be anything in the English word, but in my language, is what it’s called. (26:04) Meaning that you are a shaman.I asked her, what do you see behind that veil, grandma? (26:09) Because when you’re a shaman, you wear a veil of whatever color, it could be white, black, red, (26:14) yellow. But in the ancient days, they always wore either the red or the black ones. Those (26:21) were the more common ones.This was after the 5,000 years. This is like 200 years in. They’ve (26:28) lost track of all the other ones, only the red and the black veils that we would wear to cover (26:33) while we are channeling or while we are doing trance.So I asked her when she stopped, (26:40) when she got done and completed one of her, conducting her shaman rituals and trancing (26:47) for soul retrievals. She stopped and then she was resting. I said, grandma, what do you see (26:53) behind that veil? She would tell me, she’s like, she starts laughing.She’s like, what do you want (27:00) to know? She said, all I see is flowers. I said, really? I wonder what I can see under there. (27:08) She said, you want to try? She gave it to me.I wore it, covered my face with a black veil. I was (27:13) like, you’re just playing around with me, grandma. I don’t see anything.It’s black. She’s like, (27:21) you’re funny. You’ll see it someday.Then you’ll get it someday. After that, she told me that she (27:30) would see things like a TV and like watching the TV. She would point it to the TV.I said, (27:37) oh, that’s interesting. I was like, I wonder if I’ll ever see that. She’s like, you dummy, (27:41) you’ll see it someday.Then after that point, at about teenage time, I was like telling my mom, (27:47) I’m never going to do this stuff. I’m never going to do animal sacrifice, which I really don’t do (27:52) now, but there’s a different way of doing things that my guides came in. So I ended up not doing (27:59) animal sacrifices.Maybe once in a long while, I’ll do it if it’s very necessary for shamanic (28:05) work. But otherwise, it’s using rocks, stones, figurines, and other ways how to conduct the (28:13) spiritual. Representations of and things like that.Yeah, representations of the soul retrieval. (28:19) So I rebelled in doing that. Then, sure enough, my mom says, you know what? Someday you’ll learn, (28:26) you’ll know, because I know you’re going to be one.You will be one someday. It’s going to be a (28:34) time to accept it. I said, well, I don’t know.We’ll see. We’ll see what happens. I wasn’t a (28:39) really big rebeller at that point, but if it came to shamanism, because I felt like I was not being (28:46) accepted racially.I felt like I was trying to- Yeah, I mean, certainly in that time and that (28:53) era, for sure. Certainly. Yeah, that was like late 80s, 90s.I was like, no, I’m not going to do this (29:02) stuff. I don’t know what I’m going to do. She goes, yes, you will.You’ll do it. I said, well, (29:06) okay. I started laughing.I was like, okay, well, let’s see. Then later on, sure enough, at 28, (29:12) after I got married, very shortly after I got married, then I went through a whole trauma, (29:20) family trauma. The next day, literally, I’m taken into this mode of channeling (29:32) I’m getting spoken through.For example, it was very strong, as if the … We call it (29:39) Shi Yi. Shi Yi is one of the- Sounds like a thousand voices in my head. That’s what it (29:44) sounds like.I don’t have it filtered. It’s really weird. Yeah.For me, it was one voice, (29:51) and it came in, and it spoke through me, and I spoke it. They were like, everybody was like, (29:57) oh my God, what’s going on? Then it hears me transceive. (30:00) Did your voice change? May I ask, did you have any physical changes? (30:03) Voice did not change.Voice is my voice, but the tone changed. It goes either higher or lower. (30:12) That’s like deep channeling right with the spirit of that.If you’re not doing that, (30:20) you’re doing a lighter channeling, and you can control it. It’s not going to be that crazy. (30:26) But that was the very first time that it came, so I couldn’t control it, and it came in very strong.(30:34) I felt it in my body, in my throat. That was a 28, you had this first channeling experience? (30:41) First channeling experience, body, also vibration experience on its own without, let’s say, (30:50) usually you’ll need another master shaman or sifu shaman to help you and invigorate you with gong (30:58) and opening kundalini type of thing. You do the chakra meditation, you do guided meditations, (31:09) you do bowl, you meditate frequencies, things like that.(31:13) Yeah, you’re supposed to do all that before you can even do the vibration. (31:17) But sure enough, after that trauma, boom, the next day, literally the next day, (31:24) everything just happened. I went back after that day.I went back to the (31:30) two-year-old experience, and I said, this is what she meant. (31:36) Interesting. (31:37) So you have this first experience.Now the floodgates open. (31:44) Yeah. (31:44) How would you explain your specific, I’ll say gifts, let’s say traits that you have.(31:55) Gifts make it sound like you’ve always been gifted with this, but to say that you’re gifted (32:01) makes it a comparatively weird thing with other people. It’s not better, it’s just different, (32:06) right? So how were you gifted these traits, and which traits would you say you have? (32:13) You mentioned channeling, other things like precognitive things, what types of things (32:20) would you say you’re able to experience? Almost every one of the psychic abilities (32:28) I would say I have. So the clairs, all the clairs, claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairaudience, (32:36) all the clairs.Telekinesis as well, physical movement and all that. (32:46) Telekinesis I can to a certain extent. I can understand that, yeah.I think the mind is a (32:53) very powerful thing, and very interesting that you have it. So you have all the clairs, (32:58) the telekinesis, things like that. Now that’s pretty impressive.That’s an amazing thing, (33:05) and this has all happened since that time, and now you’ve made a practice. I hate to say practice, (33:11) but made a purpose out of it. It is a practice, and I resisted it at first.I didn’t want to (33:21) quit my corporate job, but then I was bombarded by information as I went to my corporate job (33:30) every single day, every morning. I couldn’t get away from the do this. This is what’s happening.(33:38) This is what’s going on. Here’s all the information. Download, download, download, (33:42) and I couldn’t get away from that completely.It’s like I’m trying to do my work here at corporate, (33:50) typing on my computer, analyzing stuff, numbers, financial things, because I was in the financial (33:57) area and accounting. So I was analyzing, and here comes some information. I cannot work, (34:08) but I’m still trying to hold on, hold on and do some things, and I’m like, hold on, (34:12) let me do this first, and then you wait for a little bit, and then let me get home, and then (34:17) I’ll do this thing.I’ll do meditation. I’ll do this thing. I’ll write down in my journals of (34:23) whatever’s going on, and then they’re holding off, and then I get home, a ton of downloads just (34:29) come.I zoom right to my altar, and then I have to put my family, I have three kids at that time, (34:37) put my family aside, and I say, you guys have to hold on. You guys have to, you make dinner (34:41) to my husband. You make dinner.Kids, I’ll take care of them after, and I’m zooming in (34:46) every single day for the next 10 years or so. Focus, focus, all on that, all on that. (34:54) I can’t get away.I’m trying to get away, do other things. I’m pulled back, pulled back all the time, (35:01) and it’s like in my head, pulled back to do this work, to do this work, and when I say I can’t get (35:07) away, it’s not like I could choose to get away. I could choose to be like, okay, no, I’m not going (35:13) to download anything.It doesn’t get away from you. But it doesn’t get away from me, so I have (35:17) to do it, and then it’s like, okay, now you got to go and heal these people. Now you got to go and (35:21) do this.Yeah, aversion therapy is not the way to go with these things, because it chases you down. (35:28) Yes, so it’s almost like it’s trying to guide me, guide me, guide me to get there, to a place where (35:36) I am able to embody the teachings, because they’re downloaded to me through, I don’t know how, (35:45) it’s an astrological type of sign or connection in the soul that’s connected, coded to do that. (35:57) Yeah, so let’s talk about, let’s go star seed, let’s go astrological.I heard, (36:03) I listened to another one of your YouTube videos. Like I said, I had an experience. (36:10) It knocked me conscious.I went down the rabbit holes. I’ve done past life regressions. I’ve done (36:14) meditations.I’ve done everything short of actual psychedelics. I’ve not done a shamanic, (36:23) like ayahuasca, which it is on the ledger. I just have not had the courage or the means to (36:29) do it in a way that I trust that.I get enough without that. You know what I mean? But go ahead. (36:35) Yeah.I want to talk a little bit about that, because- (36:40) Okay, well, let’s do that before we continue. Yes, please. (36:42) Yeah.In the Hmong tradition, shamanically, you are brought to that level without psychedelics. (36:53) So you’re supposed to be brought naturally- Breathing and things like that? (36:59) Without any mushrooms, any plants or herbs. You can go there to that state of mind, (37:08) but in a benevolent way where you are led by spirit.(37:13) Right. That makes sense. Have you had those types of experiences in a lucid way? (37:20) Have you ever compared your experiences to someone who’s done it chemically and you’ve (37:25) matched up in that way? I’m just out of that.(37:28) So I’ve helped the people that have done it chemically. Well, we could say chemically, (37:34) but it’s herbs. But it’s still- Well, right.I mean, it is through just (37:38) chemicals, obviously not. It’s naturally- Yeah. It’s a natural herb.Yeah, a natural (37:44) herb that causes them to have the psychological- And I would assume it’s a DMT, the (37:51) Dimetro-Tryptamide DMT piece has that in it. Yeah. So I’ve helped people that have done that (37:58) before and they’re like, I’m trying to get there, but why do I always have to use it? I thought if (38:02) I use it, my depression, anxiety, and stress would get better, but they’ve gotten worse.(38:09) And I said, you know what? You’re supposed to get there naturally without the psychedelics, (38:14) without the mushrooms, without all that stuff to see what you want to see, to be in a dimension (38:21) where you want to be spiritually or energetically. You don’t need that. You have to just be able to (38:27) train your brain and basically do a transformation in your brain to be able to get there.And you (38:36) also have to have an open door for spirit guidance to come in. And- That’s really important. That (38:43) makes a lot of sense in this way, because if you do it that way, then you are aligning with the (38:49) energy.If you do it chemically, the chemicals are taking over regardless of whether you’re ready (38:55) or not ready to hear whatever the information that you’re going to get. So you’re probably (39:00) going to be less receptive to what you may experience. You may fight it more.It won’t (39:05) take. And that’s why you have to have the recurrence to your point. Yes, because he is, (39:11) this guy that I specifically was helping, he’s taken it for probably at least five to 10 years.(39:18) I don’t remember which one, but it was between that time. So it could be seven, eight, but he was (39:24) a long time period of time and he keeps doing it. So it became like a drug, like, you know, (39:30) type of drug.You know, it’s funny, they say not habit forming, but if you take it daily, (39:35) if you take it weekly, it is a habit. It is a habit. Even I do medical cannabis and it’s, (39:43) if I take it regularly, it is called chronic for a reason.I mean, it’s got a nickname, (39:50) you know, it is a habit regardless of whether it’s like you can stop. And just because you (39:55) don’t have the, the, the, um, the withdrawals doesn’t mean it’s not habit forming. Yeah.(40:00) And your body’s going to get used to it and it’s not going to work as well or at all after (40:06) a certain period of time. The tolerance does build up over time. Yep.Too much of anything, someone (40:11) said this before, too much of anything will kill you. Right. So thank you for sharing that.Cause (40:16) I did want to compare different shamanic traditions. Yours would be through probably (40:20) the breathing and the meditation and the things like that. You’ve got, you know, in South America, (40:25) you would probably go through the Amazon forest and that’s how those shaman found the different (40:30) plants and things.And I was curious, the Celtic shaman, what did you, are you familiar with the (40:36) Celtic shaman? How similar and different you might have experienced, uh, your spirituality? (40:42) I would say that I don’t want to speak to the Celtic shamans that are, are, you know, that (40:46) they’ve always done it, but I can, I have, and I can look into what they have done. I feel like (40:53) they’re more animistic, uh, on the, on a, in a sense. Uh, so they rely on the animal spirit as (41:01) well as their ancestral spirits and ancestral gods and goddesses as well.(41:06) That sounds very Native American tradition as well. (41:09) Yeah, very Native as well. And also their gods and goddesses do have to come through too, (41:15) just like the Hmong tradition.We don’t think about breathing at all. Actually, that’s more (41:20) like the yoga tradition where you’re thinking about breathing and there is some breathing, (41:25) but it’s not like this is what you focus on first. (41:27) It’s more trans, trans, like to, to induce that state, right? To induce that transient state.(41:33) No, it’s nothing at all like that. It’s nothing at all. It’s when, how, how a rising shaman starts, (41:39) like the very newbie shaman is they go through, they’ve gone through either shamanic illnesses (41:44) for years, you know, have no idea that it’s shamanic illness.They just don’t understand (41:48) what’s going on with the ailments that are in the body. Either that, or they go through a ton of, (41:54) I see this, or I’m seeing this spirit. I’m seeing these ghosts.I feel this stuff. I’m feeling a (42:00) dark shadow all the time, or I’m seeing the shadow cross by me or across in the room somewhere. (42:05) So they’re seeing this stuff all the time in their home, right? In their home.And they (42:10) don’t understand if that, that is an illness, a spiritual illness. And then one day, or (42:17) Can you explain what that means? What is a spirit? How is that a spirit? Not how is it a spiritual (42:21) illness? But can you explain what that means in that, in that context? Yeah, when I say spiritual (42:26) illness, it’s anything that causes the soul to be imbalanced. So if you’re so having these (42:35) visions is an imbalance of the soul.If the visions are causing you fear, anxiety, stress, (42:44) if your interpretation of them are in a, in a, in a darker contrast, (42:49) in a negative way. Okay. Yeah.But if you’re feeling, Oh, it’s good. I’m seeing this angel in (42:56) front of my, you know, on the ceiling and I feel good about it. Oh, she gave me this.I feel good (43:00) about this. And you just have an intuitive feeling that it’s good. Then it’s not an imbalance.It’s (43:06) more like, Oh, it’s something more that you need to explore. Right. Right.But if you’re feeling, (43:12) what if you’re, what if you see, what if your visions are of dark events and you don’t (43:19) understand those? Yeah. If your visions are more dark events, that means there’s something that’s (43:24) very imbalanced in the, in the soul, almost like your soul is being crossed or crisscrossed (43:30) cross paths with a dark entity or dark entities and that they’re not letting you go. So that’s (43:38) you keep seeing these dark entities and they’re trying to overtake you or the soul basically (43:43) control the soul.And then you have this feeling of the person might have the feeling of, Oh, (43:49) should I listen to this entity? Should I listen to that? Oh, they’re telling me to go do this, (43:54) but it’s negative. Should I do that? So you’re being drawn, but in a negative way. (44:01) So I’m curious about that.Cause I was one, I’m I always wrestle with that. Cause I wonder if it is (44:06) an entity cross or the way one perceives the world, if one perceives the world from their (44:15) experience and their upbringing in a judgmental disgust, negative connotation, like how they want (44:22) to change the world. That’s how like it’s that authoritative.Let me put it this way. I’m, (44:27) I’m German. I’m a first generation German American.So you can understand the upbringing (44:34) that similar to your, I would assume it would be very similar to your upbringing (44:38) in that strict structural, I would think in some kind of way, right? There’d be some, (44:44) I understand you. So you’re coming to America. Sorry, go ahead.You’re saying what you’re asking, (44:53) your question is what comes first, the negativity or the person being negative and just judging (45:00) themselves or judging the world negative. Well, I’ll tell you this from my experience as and from (45:07) what I’ve seen on the other side of things, like the spiritual side is basically it’s always the (45:15) entities that come first. Now, mind you, if it’s a trauma experience, then it was brought upon you (45:26) through the entity, through your parents or through whoever traumatized you.(45:31) Then it looks like, oh, it’s that person that did it to me. That person did something to me. (45:36) Right.It could be the spirit of those things, not actually obviously personified in that, (45:43) in someone who influenced your life. Yeah. So they, yeah.So came through them, them to you. (45:50) So through their thoughts to you, and then now you’re getting a part of that. And that’s also (45:56) a generational type of trauma, right? Because it was from one to the other in the family now is from (46:03) external person, then it’s not generational, but it can lead to that generation being traumatized.(46:11) Because if someone outside, let’s say, for example, did something to your father and your (46:16) father got, let’s say, beat by some external person, army guy, I don’t know, whoever, right? (46:22) Comes home, that beats you, and you’re getting the beating, then therefore you are traumatized, (46:31) but he is too. And that other person let, so it kind of went down a domino effect. (46:38) Right.So it makes total sense that it would sound like, so if I may just kind of interpret (46:44) it, and I’m trying, once again, I try to simplify things as much as possible, only because (46:48) these are very, very confusing times, very complex terms. They’re very ethereal too, (46:54) they’re not, they’re there, but they’re not always set in stone because there’s some just, (46:59) you know, there’s some fluidity to it. You’re speaking of the trauma, it’s always the spirit (47:04) of whatever traumatized to create that perception of the world that’s not positive.That would make (47:11) sense that it’s still an entity, but it could, it is the trauma or that, whatever it is that you (47:19) experienced that would have you molded in that perception of the world. Yes, because it’s the (47:24) person that decided to take on that personality or that decided to listen. Let’s just say that (47:32) it decided, the person decided to listen to that negative thought from whoever entity (47:39) and did what they did.But if they can just decide not to and say, hey, I’m not listening to you, (47:47) because that’s where our world needs to go is, I’m not listening to you negativity, (47:52) I’m going to do this instead, then no trauma. I mean, that’s understandable. Yeah, absolutely.(48:03) So for example, in my, in my case, I had, I had my, my parents are amazing. They are still alive. (48:11) They, what they went through, I wouldn’t want to imagine it.I mean, my mother was born in my, (48:19) my mother’s father was a German soldier in World War II. And so my mom was born under Hitler. And (48:26) then when that happened, when that crumbled, then East Germany went under Russia.So then (48:33) she lived under Stalin for a bit. And then they escaped East Germany. And then they came to the (48:37) United States.And so she’s been under Hitler, Stalin and Eisenhower, which is just absolutely (48:44) amazing. I’m glad I am blessed to be here. My father was born in Hamburg, walked hand in hand (48:49) with his family from Hamburg to Berlin 120 miles to avoid bombs.One of his, you know, one of his (48:55) siblings passed from malnutrition on the way. I can only imagine. I mean, they literally worked (49:01) for food after the war.It’s, it’s just unbelievable how he came here all on his own, met my (49:06) mother here. I’m blessed. I’m just absolutely blessed here.So let me, I just wanted the best (49:13) for me. With that. We are all blessed to be here.Yes, we are. I’ll just say we are, you and I, (49:20) from what you’re just said right there, and from my parents journey, crossing the Mekong River and (49:27) crossing over all the way from Lhasa, Thailand on foot, meeting all these things on the way (49:32) and getting here to the US. It’s just an amazing for all the elders that gone through that.Yes. (49:40) It is. And I’ve met so many stories that have just amazing people.Now with that comes some (49:46) things. It’s like, we, we, we want to make sure you integrate right. And you want to make sure (49:50) you assimilate, want to make sure that you’re doing things right.You know, you’re representing (49:53) us. We’re still German. So we’re a little structured, but I was a free flowing guy.So I (49:58) had a little challenges with that, but I wasn’t a bad kid. I just didn’t understand. I was a (50:03) questioner.I was like annoying in that way, but I had that. But then I also had actually a trauma (50:09) experience where I had a near death experience and out of body during that near death when I was (50:14) 13 and nothing really happened until about 40 for me. So it was like, I went and that was through (50:21) a meditation.So yeah, let’s circle back. We, we want to get to this state that other met other (50:32) herbs can get you to, we’d like to do that without that. And you can, you can show people how to get (50:37) there.Yes, you can get there. That would be one of your great, that would be a great skill. That (50:44) would be something you should showcase or something you should feature as a skill.Cause imagine all (50:48) the people who can’t, for example, they can’t afford to fly to Chile or Peru or Venezuela and (50:55) do all the different shamanic rituals, you know, legally and the actual way that would be something (51:02) that would be really interesting that you should showcase or feature. Yes. The only thing is that (51:08) it’s only some people, depending on where your vibration is, I always go back to the vibration.(51:13) We’d have to prepare for that for sure. Yeah. You have to be warmed up to that type of state (51:20) to trance.Right. And maybe there’s a whole training course of that though. There’d be a, (51:25) there’d be a step-by-step kind of thing where you would have to, I would think there would be metrics (51:29) to face to get to that next, like almost like a jujitsu where you have your different color belts, (51:34) right? You get different.Yes. Yes. And I actually have that course.Oh, there you go. (51:40) Tell us about it. So tell me about this course.So the course kind of lays out where you are. (51:49) So it’s a basically spiritual life coaching and shamanic training course in together, (51:54) put together. Why? Because the person always needs to, we always need to take a look.(52:00) I call it a spiritual diagnosis to diagnose you where you’re at, at the time that you come into (52:06) the course to see what type of traumas that you’ve had. Was it prenatal? Was it after you got (52:15) born? Was it life events that had caused these traumas in your life that has is stopping you (52:21) from really being your highest and best self, whether it’s in here or whether it’s physically, (52:27) like if somebody is like a sprinter and they want to sprint farther, what’s stopping you from (52:32) actually doing all these things more miraculously, you know, in a way to yourself that you can see, (52:38) okay, yeah, I can get, I could do this. And so we’d look at all the traumas that’s going on with you, (52:45) taking, taking you through the, the traumas from even like, you know, the different areas of your (52:50) life to not just, you know, is it a generational, but what is the area specifically, you know, (52:58) relationship, career? Is it money problems or, or money issues that’s going on in your head that (53:04) your, your mindset, or is it more of a health thing that’s going on? Are you, were you born (53:10) with a health thing or did it happen afterwards? And why did it do that? So you get all the whys (53:16) and what’s, what’s happening to you or why you didn’t, weren’t able to accomplish some of these (53:20) things, right? So then you get through all that trauma stuff.But in the meantime, I also inject (53:27) in each of those weeks that we go through the trauma stuff to releasing those blockages. But (53:32) in the meantime, you’re also learning about spirits, guiding spirits, who are your spirits? (53:38) Do you have any spirit guides? If you do, who are they? What do they look like? Their spirit guides (53:43) could be so vast, right? It’s not just limited to like Jesus and Buddha and mother Mary, though (53:51) they are the masters of the ascended ones. But there’s also other spirit guidance in within your (53:58) ancestor circle, right? And then there’s also… Can I ask a question about the Jesus Buddha piece? (54:04) Can I ask real quick just on that? Oh yeah.Is it the personification Jesus or is it a spirit? (54:11) Is it a spirit inside of whatever? The spirit of Jesus Yeshua. Yes. Okay.Because I, I don’t, (54:19) I actually have an issue with the personification because I don’t know if Jesus was actually a real (54:24) human being yet. Yeah. I’m still working on it.Yeah. But I do know the spirit exists. (54:30) Yeah.I do know the spirit exists and I do know the Buddha was a pre-existing of that. So. (54:35) Yeah.The spirit exists because why? I, I believe in that. Now, if someone was to tell me, hey, (54:41) you need to believe in like, you know, so-and-so religion, right? Of Jesus being, (54:46) being on the cross. And I would say, no, because he doesn’t want to be on the cross.(54:51) He actually wants to be free from the cross. So why do you guys show him on the cross? (54:56) You know, this could be a controversial type of thing, but Jesus came to me and said that. (55:01) Thank you for bringing that up.It’s very important. We’re here to be controversial (55:04) because this is the expansion of the idea. This doesn’t mean we were, it doesn’t mean the other, (55:10) it, it’ll either, it’ll either chip away at the other idea in a merit way, or it’ll solidify the (55:16) idea in a merit way.That’s, that’s, that’s why you bring this up. So please continue on this. (55:21) No, so you’re speaking of the spirit of Jesus.He wants to be free and not be on the cross. (55:25) And here we are, it’s all suffering, right? It’s all about his suffering, not his goodness. (55:30) Yeah.And the suffering is not really the cross itself. The suffering is the, whoever has put (55:37) on his back, the suffering, you know, he’s carrying the suffering basically because he (55:43) keeps being shown on the cross, you know, reminded of that story. What, whoever brought that story (55:50) up and made that, you know, the story, even though it could or couldn’t be real.It was Peter or Paul, (55:57) I forget which one, one wrote that story. I don’t know the story. I just know that Jesus came to me (56:03) and said that to me.So I’m repeating what he said to me. So, and I’m not a, I’m not a churchgoer (56:09) either. So you know, I just know what, what the spirit brought to me.And so he, he basically (56:16) reiterated that he doesn’t like to be on the cross for me to spread the, the, this type of message (56:22) out to everybody, whether they are whatever religion they are choosing to be, but he doesn’t, (56:29) he, he doesn’t like to be seen on the cross or put at, you know, places of worship on the cross, (56:34) because that’s basically, even if it was real or not real, now it’s real. (56:43) Now it’s very interesting hearing that. So my girlfriend, I love her and I think it’s beautiful.(56:53) She has a whole cross collection. We actually have a room where we have 30 or 40, maybe 50 crosses (57:01) in the room. And they are, some of them are absolutely stunning.And some of them, I think, (57:08) have a Jesus figure on some of them. And now I’m going to have to have a conversation with her. (57:15) Jesus doesn’t want to be on that.We’re going to have to take this down. (57:18) Yeah. Now, I’ll say that— (57:20) It’s interesting.I see a fight ahead. (57:23) Now I’ll also say that since we’re on the cross and Jesus type of thing, subject, the cross by (57:29) itself can be a positive or negative symbol by itself. Okay.So can be positive or negative, (57:39) depending on what you do with that cross symbol. But Jesus being on the cross and nailed to it, (57:47) he doesn’t want to be on it. (57:49) And bleeding.And, you know, I mean, it’s like all of it, right? Absolutely. (57:53) Yeah. And, and, and the clothes— (57:54) And the thorn crown, obviously, and all that, you know.(57:58) Yeah. So he doesn’t want to be symbolized as that. And he’s expressed it very vividly to me, (58:05) clearly to me.As I, as one, one of the days I was meditating and then Zoom, he just comes in. (58:11) I’m like, I’m like, wow, I’ve never seen him in— (58:14) What are you doing here? Jesus, what are you doing here? I get it. I totally understand that for sure.(58:20) Yeah. And, you know, you don’t have to go to a religious place to see Jesus. I mean, I saw him (58:29) and I met him when I was about six years old, or I think I was six or four years old.I don’t remember (58:33) either one, but when I was six or four, he came into a dream to me and showed me basically the (58:40) afterlife of what you would, if whoever sins goes here, whoever doesn’t sin goes there. (58:47) So I have the whole spiel on my YouTube channel, but I met Jesus at that young age. (58:54) Wow.Interesting. (58:56) Yeah. (58:56) There’s a, there is a path that one, if you live your life one way, you go away and go a different (59:04) way if you don’t.So I, let me ask that. Cause I, I think I know, see, to me, that wouldn’t be a (59:10) heaven hell thing. To me, that would be a karmic, karmic reliving until you get it right.So it (59:16) almost be like the path. If you, if you chose poorly in your, in your current life, then you (59:21) have to redo the, you get to do, you get to do over, but not, you don’t get to do over. You have (59:26) to do over cause you got to get it right.And if you do live it right, you, the other path is the (59:31) one where, okay, cool. You’ve done it right. There’s a level up of some sort.(59:36) Yeah. So there’s three paths. (59:39) Transcendence maybe.(59:39) Yeah. So actually there’s four. So there’s, there’s the one where you do really bad and (59:46) you don’t get to come back and relive a life because you get to go and be the dark entity (59:51) side.There’s that one. (59:53) Okay. And that’s captured at that point.And you, you basically have already been captured. (59:57) You’re just, you’re just going to live that part out. I mean, you’re, you’re, (1:00:00) you’re probably unable to get away, escape that.(1:00:02) The energy, the energy there is like going to be the energy against the good, basically. (1:00:09) That would be like possessions, uh, courtings, things like that. Those types, those types of (1:00:14) courting energies and those types of situations.(1:00:17) I just call it, you’re a part of the negative dark energies. You can never become to the light (1:00:23) again. That soul, that part of the soul.Okay. (1:00:28) That soul, that part. (1:00:29) Yeah.That type of soul is captured basically, unless something miraculous happens in the (1:00:36) spiritual dimension and it somehow becomes or is able to escape it. Um, but then, then (1:00:44) there’s the other one, the other portion where you, if you do good, then you get to go to good. (1:00:49) You get to go to the place where there’s flowers and deals.(1:00:52) You get that one right. So you got those two and then you’ve got these two middle ones. So (1:00:56) tell me about these two middle ones.I’m curious how. (1:00:58) And then there’s one where you’re just wondering, (1:01:01) wondering, because it never got to the place where you are either, or, and this is the wondering. (1:01:09) Does that explain ghosts on earth? Possibly in spirit? (1:01:13) That explains ghosts on earth or in homes that are still stuck on land or home and still in (1:01:18) possession of a material place, uh, utilizes a material place as their vessel or as their (1:01:28) place of being.(1:01:29) Connected to an object or they’re connected to a, to a, to a property or a territory. (1:01:34) Exactly. (1:01:34) Things like that.(1:01:35) Yep. Yep. And then there’s.(1:01:37) The argument would be many times it would be whatever the trauma was that ended their life (1:01:42) would be, would be the imprint in some weird way. (1:01:45) Yes. Yes.(1:01:46) You know, in some way. (1:01:48) Yep. And then the fourth, and then the fourth one is they have elevated so high as a human (1:01:58) being or animal, it could be an animal too.(1:02:02) They’ve elevated so far along in their, um, intelligence on earth that when they pass on, (1:02:11) they’re going to be able to either one, be energy of good, like rainbow type. (1:02:17) Okay. In the universe.(1:02:19) Like, uh, could it be a purple or an Indigo mist by any chance? (1:02:23) They’re part of the energy system. (1:02:26) Okay. Which is a good.(1:02:28) The good energy system, but we just say it’s good to us as a human, but it’s actually neutral. (1:02:34) So they’re not good or bad, but they’re also not dark. (1:02:38) Okay.So they’re part of the energy. (1:02:40) Good and bad is contrast. (1:02:42) You know, once again, good and bad is only contrast.(1:02:45) You can, you cannot know good unless you, you know, it has to be met with the equal amount. (1:02:49) It’s like we talked about perfect, perfect is impossible. (1:02:52) Perfect is impossible because you can’t experience the opposite of perfect.(1:02:56) You would not endure that to, to make it, to understand what perfect could possibly be. (1:03:00) You couldn’t, you couldn’t understand the contrast of it. (1:03:03) At least not at this point in time of our human life.(1:03:06) Right. Well, purity and other things that’s different than like, (1:03:09) perfection’s a weird, just a different thing. (1:03:11) Yeah.And it’s not going to be perfect. (1:03:14) So they’ve elevated high enough where they could do that, be energy or be another guidance, (1:03:20) a guiding spirit that can come back and guide the conscious of mankind that is living. (1:03:28) So there’s your four.(1:03:30) Interesting. So in that, in that fourth one, because I’ll share a little bit, (1:03:37) I had a past life regression. (1:03:39) The first life that I went to, I was a purple non-corporeal mist.(1:03:47) And I was being pulled here. (1:03:50) I’m I’m that’s what I experienced. (1:03:51) I, I, I, I say it as lucidly as possible.(1:03:55) Like that’s what I saw. (1:03:57) I remember saying it. (1:03:59) Um, I would, I’ll share the recording with you after, because right when they go to the (1:04:04) door where you are there, EMP comes in and the entire recording is useless.(1:04:08) It picked up some kind of energy and I don’t know what that is, (1:04:11) but my first life was a non-corporeal mist and I was being pulled here. (1:04:16) And I remember a tear down the side of my eye and they just, (1:04:20) the guide asked, why are you coming here? (1:04:24) And I simply said, they’re making me no idea why I said that, but it felt it was just correct. (1:04:32) So that was part of it.(1:04:34) I’ve had other stuff, but it led me down a path of starseeds. (1:04:39) And I’m going to shift a little bit because I heard you mentioned (1:04:41) Pleiadians and some other, some other pieces. (1:04:44) Could you share with me your experience with your personal shaman, shamanic experiences and (1:04:52) your understanding your information about starseeds? (1:04:57) We don’t have to get in the whole belief thing, but obviously I would think if you’re speaking (1:05:01) of them, you, you’re able to speak to them in a way that you understand them.(1:05:04) So please share any of that information. (1:05:07) Cause I’d love to delve into the individual ones as well, if I may. (1:05:09) Yeah.(1:05:10) So my experience with the Pleiadians specifically. (1:05:14) So again, one day I was just meditating. (1:05:17) This is when I was still becoming a shaman.(1:05:20) I was just kind of doing my meditations automatically. (1:05:24) Didn’t even know they were called meditations at the time. (1:05:27) That, that, that, that was the English word.(1:05:30) Yeah. (1:05:30) My first meditations when I had my first vision, it was jarring. (1:05:34) I didn’t even know what I was doing.(1:05:36) Yeah. (1:05:37) So I’m just kind of going along with what the spirits were. (1:05:40) I call it my CEs or continuing education as I was doing.(1:05:44) So I was in there and then Zoom comes in. (1:05:48) I see this thing come in and then from the side, like a spacecraft looking thing, but it wasn’t (1:05:55) like how it’s portrayed in the movies at all. (1:05:58) It just comes in and boop, and then a blink of light and then boom, they’re there.(1:06:03) And it was just daylight out. (1:06:05) I was just in a meditation, not sleeping or anything. (1:06:09) So then I get visited and there’s a guy and a gal, and I think there was a third person, (1:06:16) but that one wasn’t as vivid.(1:06:17) So the guy and the gal, the gal has blonde hair. (1:06:20) The guy has kind of like a gray blonde or ashy hair. (1:06:24) Third one, I think had darker hair and then they both came in and they gave me (1:06:28) channeled in, basically telepathically channeled in a message about the planet.(1:06:34) And at the time, I was just like trying to jot down as much as I can about, you know, (1:06:39) basically they were giving me some downloads of how humans became humans and what is everybody, (1:06:45) what’s the contents of humans, DNA wise, right? (1:06:50) And because I wondered about that. (1:06:52) So it’s a seeded evolutionary jump. (1:06:57) Is that the claim? (1:06:59) Yes.(1:07:00) Something like that. (1:07:01) They added a little, they add a little seasoning to the, to the human mix and it jumped. (1:07:05) Is that, is that? (1:07:06) Oh yeah, there was, there was definitely seasonings and seasonings were not just by, (1:07:11) the seasonings were not just the seasonings created by the Pleiadians or the Pleiades (1:07:18) themselves and in the different three planets that are together that it was shown, (1:07:22) but it was also co-created by others, other ETs as well.(1:07:30) And that was. (1:07:31) You remember those names? (1:07:33) Could you, could you share those names if you have them by any chance? (1:07:37) Um, I remember one of them was Sirius, one of the other planets in the Pleiades area, (1:07:43) but one of them, I don’t remember right now. (1:07:47) I must’ve written it down.(1:07:48) There’s Lycan, Sirian. (1:07:49) Yeah, there’s, yeah, there’s a couple. (1:07:51) Yeah, Sirius was the one.(1:07:53) Yeah, so the Sirian one, Sirian’s the one that my path crossed. (1:07:57) It’s very odd. (1:07:58) Okay, yeah.(1:07:59) It’s very hard to explain like. (1:08:01) Yeah. (1:08:01) So I would have to, I would have to channel through to see some other details, but that’s (1:08:08) what I was told at that point in time.(1:08:09) And I didn’t even know what Sirius was or what Sirius, cause I don’t read books. (1:08:14) Right. (1:08:15) I, you know, I just never liked it reading when I was a kid, but I just read because I (1:08:20) had to through college and everything.(1:08:22) But then I’m not like that. (1:08:23) I totally understand what you mean. (1:08:24) I can do audio books and podcasts, but reading is a very challenging thing for me because.(1:08:28) Yeah, I get actually sleepy when I read other people’s works, but if I write it and I’m (1:08:33) writing creatively, then I’m fine. (1:08:36) Oh, I bet. (1:08:36) Yeah, it must be, it must be energetic.(1:08:38) It must invigorate. (1:08:40) It’s a very energetic thing. (1:08:41) So anyways, I get downloaded all these names and then I’m like, oh, this is very interesting.(1:08:47) I wonder if Sirius is a real planet. (1:08:49) And then later on, I go and I asked my more intellectual son and he goes, yeah, that’s (1:08:56) a planet on this and that. (1:08:57) And I’m like, oh, okay, well, I just got downloaded this name and this is how the alignment (1:09:03) goes.(1:09:04) And then I kind of drew it out for him and then he goes, okay, yeah, well, this is the (1:09:08) alignment here. (1:09:08) And I said, okay, that’s interesting. (1:09:11) So then I get to see.(1:09:13) Did you hear anything besides, so with the sprinkling, there are a couple arguments that (1:09:17) were made. (1:09:18) Allegedly, there was a limit, a cap made on the lifespan of, of the, of the being that (1:09:27) was initially created because there was initial rebellion or some, there was some weird thing (1:09:32) where initially the human was going to live longer and something was done genetically (1:09:37) after to cap the lifespan to only a hundred years. (1:09:41) I haven’t looked into that yet.(1:09:43) I haven’t looked into that yet, but I just know that the cat has more souls or lives soul (1:09:51) wise too. (1:09:52) So the contents of a cat soul wise is a bit much different from the, the human’s content. (1:10:00) Would you say more complex or just different? (1:10:03) More complex, more complex in a way where it’s at the spiritually complex.(1:10:09) But if we talk about intellectual complexity and energetic spiritual for the human, the (1:10:17) human has less, but it’s more complex in detail. (1:10:21) Right. (1:10:21) The cat has more, but it’s not in that way complex.(1:10:26) Right. (1:10:27) So there’s, it’s just a different kind of complexity, right? (1:10:30) With quantity, not quality, but so that would explain then why the cat would be in the (1:10:35) Egyptian time would be a revered animal. (1:10:38) I would assume there was some kind of spiritual connection and understanding of the cat’s (1:10:42) special spiritual connection in the world.(1:10:46) Almost like a, you’ve got animal, then you’ve got cat and the human. (1:10:50) And there’s almost like this way to connect them like a translator almost. (1:10:55) Yeah.(1:10:55) The cat just has a very susceptible. (1:10:58) The reason being is the cat has a very susceptible, you know, a very susceptible spirit soul, (1:11:07) a soul that is very susceptible, susceptible to other entities. (1:11:13) I’ll say it that way.(1:11:14) Yes. (1:11:15) I understand that. (1:11:16) And that’s why they’re revered very well.(1:11:19) Interesting. (1:11:21) Okay. (1:11:22) So psychic medium readings, do you do medium readings as well? (1:11:26) Yeah.(1:11:27) So I do medium readings. (1:11:29) I connect with past loved ones and mediate. (1:11:35) If there is something that they didn’t, you know, complete, then we mediate and try to (1:11:41) bring peace to that.(1:11:43) So this is humans or animals as well. (1:11:48) It gets very interesting into that, that whole thing. (1:11:51) I do past life regressions and take people through their different layers of past life (1:11:55) trauma as well as this lifetime trauma as well.(1:12:01) That’s one layer. (1:12:02) And then the other layers is the one I talked about right at the beginning, where was it, (1:12:05) you know, prenatal? (1:12:06) Was it after? (1:12:07) Was it life events and all that good stuff? (1:12:11) But yeah, that’s kind of what I do. (1:12:13) And then trancing, trancing through the, they call it the axis mundi.(1:12:18) But basically you go through this path and then you are led to different areas or different (1:12:23) dimensions, multi-dimensions and different universes. (1:12:28) If it has to go to that point, depending on where that spirit of the soul went, that fragment (1:12:34) of the soul, where did that go? (1:12:36) And we go and retrieve that back. (1:12:39) There’s that part.(1:12:39) And then there’s also a part where you go and you call it back where you’re not actually (1:12:43) going there, but you’re calling it back. (1:12:45) So the shaman does this type of work. (1:12:48) And then aside from that, just very planetary work as well.(1:12:54) So Earth, seismic to very scientific things that one would think is very scientific, but (1:13:01) on a spiritual level and energetic level, it’s very spiritual. (1:13:06) It’s very intangible. (1:13:08) They’re connected.(1:13:08) It’s not like one doesn’t discount the other. (1:13:12) No, the scientific part just helps explain it. (1:13:18) Kind of in a more methodological way of what that is.(1:13:24) Procedural process kind of way. (1:13:25) Yeah, procedural. (1:13:26) Something easier to digest step by step.(1:13:28) Yeah. (1:13:29) Doesn’t make it whole. (1:13:30) And it doesn’t usually act that way.(1:13:32) Come on. (1:13:32) We’re not in a vacuum here. (1:13:33) It hardly acts the way it’s supposed to act.(1:13:36) Yeah. (1:13:37) So that’s why there’s some things that cannot be explained by science. (1:13:42) Either one, they don’t want to explain it or two, they can’t really explain it because (1:13:48) there isn’t a way to explain it, you know, by method.(1:13:53) Yet. (1:13:53) Yet. (1:13:54) Yet.(1:13:57) Doesn’t mean we ever will. (1:13:59) It doesn’t mean we ever will. (1:14:00) If they get together with someone that is very spiritual, now there’s a possibility that (1:14:05) that can be explained because perhaps the first science guy was very spiritual.(1:14:12) It’s very interesting what I found in the science realm because (1:14:16) what I experienced, you would probably take on a faith. (1:14:23) And I have not. (1:14:24) I’ve not taken on a faith.(1:14:26) I’ve seen scientists who live their whole life scientifically and then they experience (1:14:32) some natural wonder, like three breaks in a river and they’re like, the Holy Trinity. (1:14:38) And then they fall on their knees and just like have some epiphany thing. (1:14:41) I would love to think I could have that.(1:14:44) I have none of that. (1:14:45) I’m what they call anti-theist. (1:14:48) That has nothing to do with my against the spirit or the God or whatever.(1:14:53) It’s the human perception and the institutionalization of it and the way it’s (1:14:59) marketed and the way it’s written and the way, you know, what’s been withheld from (1:15:03) the pages, what was put in, all those things. (1:15:07) Those are the questions. (1:15:08) Those are the things that I am anti.(1:15:10) It’s the anti, you know, it’s like anti-establishment in a way because religion became (1:15:16) establishment, you know, and kind of corrupted in that way. (1:15:21) It’s not as fluid as you’d like it to be, you know, or, you know, as. (1:15:26) So I was curious your thoughts on the institutions that have come up over time.(1:15:32) Sounds like they’ve got some stuff, right? (1:15:34) But it also sounds like they threw some stuff into. (1:15:37) Well, I would say that, you know, no matter what anybody says or believes or anything, (1:15:45) it will all come down to what are you going to do on the day of your death? (1:15:50) What are you going to do if you’re sick? (1:15:52) What are you going to reach for? (1:15:54) Who are you going to ask for help? (1:15:56) Mom, dad, God, mom, dad, God. (1:16:00) Depending on what your experience is, is it mom or dad, right? (1:16:03) But it ends up being somebody of higher source.(1:16:07) For help, you praise for somebody of higher source for help. (1:16:12) You’re not praying to the institution for help. (1:16:15) You’re praying to that higher source for help.(1:16:18) So these higher institutions, they only came to be because of power and authority and greed, (1:16:24) whatever they want to call that, right? (1:16:26) Because of control. (1:16:28) That’s my belief through the shamanic way that I was taught. (1:16:32) But they can be in existence.(1:16:35) But it all goes down to on the day that you get sick, like very sick, (1:16:42) or in the part where you’re like on the edge and you can’t go somewhere else, (1:16:49) or there’s somebody that’s there, you’re in danger somehow, right? (1:16:52) Who is it that you call out for? (1:16:56) It’s always this higher source for help. (1:17:00) When no one else is there, you end up, like you said, dropping to your knees, a guy, (1:17:08) and say, holy, what is that? (1:17:12) And it’s a wonder, right? (1:17:14) You let go, right? (1:17:15) It becomes a wonder because of all our lifetimes, (1:17:19) we were shut out of the access to that information. (1:17:24) So now we wonder.(1:17:26) And now we are in doubt. (1:17:28) Or now we are in fear because of the control, right? (1:17:33) If we didn’t have that control, if we had open access, (1:17:39) then we wouldn’t wonder. (1:17:41) But then there wouldn’t be as great of control.(1:17:47) And we know their control must exist for the people in control to stay in control. (1:17:53) The control has to exist. (1:17:56) Because if you listen to the music, the TV, the movies, everything out there, (1:18:02) there is that frequency, right? (1:18:05) And why do people do the things they do? (1:18:08) Why do people think the things they think? (1:18:12) Because of the waves that flow in.(1:18:16) It’s these intangible waves, right? (1:18:20) And these intangible waves that flow in. (1:18:25) And Mark, I’m not going to pick on you, but I see you drinking Monster. (1:18:31) Yes, I am a neurotoxin away from like having a stroke.(1:18:36) So, yeah. (1:18:38) Yeah, so I want to say this to help you going forward, right? (1:18:43) To help you out. (1:18:45) When you drink a can that says Monster, it actually, (1:18:50) it’s kind of like the cross that’s put on Jesus.(1:18:53) You’re giving me the guy who, Yamamoto’s water experiment. (1:18:58) Because it’s written Monster going into the liquid. (1:19:02) The frequency of Monster, is that right? (1:19:04) Not just the liquid itself, but the whole idea, the thought.(1:19:10) If I’m drinking this name, then I must become this, right? (1:19:17) You associate yourself with it. (1:19:18) I totally understand that. (1:19:20) Yeah, you associate yourself with that.(1:19:22) Now, if you take a look- (1:19:24) I will admit, when I first saw Monster, no, I’m not going to lie. (1:19:26) When I first saw it, I said, oh my gosh, it’s my drink. (1:19:29) I think they named it after me.(1:19:30) I don’t think I followed it enough. (1:19:33) So there you go. (1:19:34) I’m just kidding.(1:19:35) I’m just being glib. (1:19:36) I’m just being glib. (1:19:37) It’s a very excellent point.(1:19:39) So it’s subconsciously, it’s in your subconscious that if you drink this, (1:19:43) you will become this Monster. (1:19:45) But maybe in some people’s head, a Monster is somebody that’s macho, (1:19:49) that’s strong, that’s not scared of anybody, that can scare people, and that- (1:19:56) And all of a sudden, your shoulders get up, and your back gets up, (1:19:59) your chest goes out, and you’re like, I’m going to get aggressive with people. (1:20:02) Yeah, and then there’s a reason in there that says, if I drink this, I am this.(1:20:08) Therefore, if I take a look at you, Mark, right? (1:20:13) If I take a look at the person that’s drinking that drink, I’m saying to myself, (1:20:17) there’s something in them that wants to be hidden and does not want to come out. (1:20:24) There’s something sensitive there, and that’s why they have to drink, (1:20:29) or they feel like they are this type of drink. (1:20:32) They have to drink this drink, or they have to eat this food.(1:20:35) In order to- (1:20:36) I can tell you what the reason I got this one was, was it was a one-on-sale, (1:20:41) and it was the only sugar-free one-on-sale. (1:20:43) I know, right? (1:20:43) Because I also have Red Bull whenever it- (1:20:45) So I get what you’re saying. (1:20:45) You are absolutely correct, though.(1:20:47) The people do associate with the whole Red Bull gives you wings, (1:20:51) and the monster, and the energy super minotaur. (1:20:56) You’re absolutely right. (1:20:57) It’s like a marketing thing where they just inundate you with that perception of, (1:21:01) you have to become the Mountain Dew guy, (1:21:04) the crazy Mountain Dew guy who’s drinking the Mountain Dew on the mountaintop.(1:21:08) Yeah, because he feels free. (1:21:10) I totally understand it, though. (1:21:10) It’s an excellent message.(1:21:11) Yeah, feels free on the mountain, right? (1:21:15) Exactly, there it is. (1:21:16) Yeah, so I mean, you can drink whatever drink you want, (1:21:22) and you don’t have to associate, right? (1:21:24) But I’m just saying that spiritually, if let’s say, for example, (1:21:29) if you drink it and you subconsciously know, (1:21:31) oh yeah, this has nothing to do with me. (1:21:33) I’m just drinking because I know that the thing that’s in the drink can help me this.(1:21:38) Then that’s different from saying, oh yeah, you’re not subconsciously, (1:21:42) you’re not conscious to that, and you’re just drinking it because you see the monster, (1:21:45) and you’re like, okay, associating. (1:21:47) That’s a little bit different too. (1:21:50) I’d like to say I’m the former, not the latter.(1:21:53) I’m very conscientious about that kind of stuff, (1:21:55) because it was the only one that was in the fridge up here. (1:21:59) Not going to lie, I’ve got a little mini fridge up here, (1:22:01) and I’m like, what am I going to drink? (1:22:02) I grabbed it, I’m like, I got to wake up a little bit, (1:22:05) and this is the only thing that’s going to give me just enough buzz to get through, (1:22:10) because I didn’t know. (1:22:11) Honestly, I wasn’t sure that this conversation was going to be this absolutely pleasant.(1:22:15) I never know. (1:22:17) We never spoke, and there’s been an absolute beautiful fluidity to it. (1:22:22) So thank you for having this conversation with me.(1:22:26) Yeah, for sure, for sure. (1:22:29) The floor is yours. (1:22:30) If you have any other things you’d like to share before we call it a day, (1:22:34) if not, I’d love to schedule something with you.(1:22:37) We could talk offline once I hit the end recording here, (1:22:40) but please feel free to share anything else, (1:22:43) any of the other information you’d like to share or any topics. (1:22:45) I can talk for days. (1:22:47) So if you have something you want to talk about, I’m here.(1:22:52) Spirituality, shamanic work, that could be talked forever and ever. (1:22:55) It just doesn’t stop on all topics. (1:22:58) It could just be all over the board.(1:23:01) But I want to end it with this as the message to more like (1:23:07) whoever’s going to be watching this video today, (1:23:11) is that no matter who you are and where you’ve been, (1:23:17) there’s always a place for you on the planet to improve. (1:23:22) There’s always a place for you to also gain your own unique abilities, (1:23:28) whatever that may be. (1:23:30) And your unique ability is needed on the planet right now (1:23:36) because there is a wave that’s coming through.(1:23:40) And this wave is going to shift us as a human being, a humanity. (1:23:47) And if we don’t catch or ride on this wave, (1:23:51) the only way you’re going to ride the wave is you get to your unique self, (1:23:57) is you get to your vibration of the higher vibration that you can, (1:24:01) a highest vibration that you can get to, (1:24:02) so that you can capture and unlock or uncover your unique abilities. (1:24:09) And most of you have been feeling this like urge, (1:24:13) like I want to get to this unique ability, like what is it for me? (1:24:17) I know there’s science, I know there’s spirituality, (1:24:21) and I know there’s energy, (1:24:22) but I want to get to whatever that I need to get to.(1:24:26) And it doesn’t matter where you get to or how you get to it, (1:24:29) but you’ve got to be on it, right? (1:24:32) On it, find your grit, find that, ride the purpose, (1:24:36) because you’ve got to do the purpose in order to get to something unique for yourself. (1:24:43) And that’s all you’re really looking for is where is your uniqueness? (1:24:47) There’s nothing else that you really care for right now in life, everybody. (1:24:51) They’re just wanting to know, everybody wants to know, (1:24:53) where is my uniqueness and where do I land? (1:24:56) Where do I place myself on this planet? (1:24:58) What can I do different? (1:25:01) If your mind is in the benevolence, then you’re thinking this.(1:25:04) And I want to leave you guys with, you can find it, you can do it, (1:25:08) but you have to be saying to yourself, I want, I desire this. (1:25:15) How much do you desire? (1:25:16) You got to be over an eight on a zero to 10. (1:25:20) You got to be over that eight to be able to grab hold of your uniqueness (1:25:25) and to be able to say, I want to up-level my vibration.(1:25:29) How do I do this? (1:25:30) I have to look and seek and find, right? (1:25:34) I have to seek and find my vibration, the vibration that something out there, (1:25:40) someone or something out there that can upgrade my vibration to its highest possible. (1:25:47) So then I can find and open that door. (1:25:49) I can have the key to open the door or someone has the key to open the door, right? (1:25:54) To get my uniqueness so that I can also operate on a higher level, (1:25:59) because that’s really where our planet is going.(1:26:01) We need to all operate on a higher level than we’ve been operating. (1:26:06) Some people like to call it 5D. (1:26:08) I don’t know if that’s scientific, but I sometimes will say 5D (1:26:12) because I understand what that means.(1:26:15) But what it really means- (1:26:16) Actually, it works. (1:26:16) It works on a philosophical level, for sure. (1:26:19) Yeah, philosophical.(1:26:20) But you’re operating at a higher vibrational level, frequency-wise, (1:26:25) lower frequency, but higher vibration, (1:26:27) so that your intelligence can also be there and be guarded (1:26:34) whenever those waves that we were just talking about controls and comes in, (1:26:39) then you can say, oh, your red flag goes up and say, (1:26:43) I know this is this, and I’m not going to do this. (1:26:46) I’m going to do this, so that you don’t cause more trauma (1:26:50) or you don’t get to be in the trauma. (1:26:54) And that also, we haven’t talked about this, Mark, (1:26:56) but that also trauma causes karma and vice versa.(1:27:04) So that’s the whole point of humanity kind of rising up (1:27:08) so that there isn’t going to be more trauma and karma, (1:27:11) so that people can recycle as they pass on, (1:27:14) 120 years old, 120 years old, pass on. (1:27:19) And if they come, if they get to come back, (1:27:22) they come back refreshed so that the big guy up there (1:27:28) doesn’t have to keep creating new souls. (1:27:33) And lastly, so that your soul doesn’t get hijacked, right? (1:27:41) Well, it’s interesting.(1:27:43) Like I said, this past month, I’ve been on a little bit of a, (1:27:46) just pursuing what I’m trying to get to. (1:27:51) And it included a trip to Las Vegas for four days. (1:27:55) And two days before, I live in Phoenix.(1:27:59) Two days before the air conditioner goes out, (1:28:01) and it’s 116 degrees. (1:28:04) So we were sitting in 100, 105 degree weather. (1:28:07) It’s like, when you start to go the right path, (1:28:11) there will be resistance.(1:28:13) So right before I couldn’t go, (1:28:17) we had to get four new tires on the car at a cost, (1:28:20) you know, close to $900, whatever it was. (1:28:23) It’s like three huge events came the weekend (1:28:27) prior to leaving for this thing. (1:28:29) That was, for me, a personal make or break.(1:28:33) It was literally, I had to make this thing (1:28:36) because it is, I am purposed to go here. (1:28:40) And the resistance just increased. (1:28:43) And you know, people don’t understand.(1:28:46) They think that the resistance tells them (1:28:48) they’re on the wrong path. (1:28:49) The resistance is telling you you’re on the correct path (1:28:52) because you have to stay the course. (1:28:55) The resistance is telling you it’s working.(1:28:57) I know that sounds like counterintuitive to things. (1:29:00) You think, oh, it’s supposed to be so perfectly fluid. (1:29:03) No, the resistance is just making sure (1:29:05) that you’re in the correct energy (1:29:08) to pursue it at that moment.(1:29:11) Sometimes you retreat. (1:29:12) Sometimes you push through. (1:29:13) And when you retreat, you’ll do it again.(1:29:16) You may get back to it or you may change your thing. (1:29:18) It may just not be yours. (1:29:20) But I’ve pursued many times and tested that water.(1:29:24) And it feels like this is the one (1:29:25) where I feel like I pushed through for the first time. (1:29:29) I have nothing to show for it, (1:29:32) but it feels for me that way. (1:29:36) And in that, I feel very liberated and successful, (1:29:39) regardless of whatever else comes out of that, (1:29:42) if that makes sense.(1:29:43) Right, because sometimes that, (1:29:46) now when the resistance feels like you’re resisting, (1:29:50) but it feels like you still got to push through (1:29:52) because there’s something behind that, (1:29:54) then yes, that’s a good thing. (1:29:56) But sometimes your resistance is also telling you, (1:29:59) hey, there’s something bad over there too. (1:30:01) So, yeah.(1:30:03) And I don’t mean resistance in that way, (1:30:05) like something, the intuitive piece, (1:30:06) I just meant external, like little bumps in the road. (1:30:10) Those are general little obstacles you have to climb up. (1:30:12) And it’s never going to be smooth (1:30:14) when you’re supposed to be at a certain place, (1:30:16) but you feel like you know you’ve got to be there.(1:30:18) You know you’ve got to make it. (1:30:20) And yes, it will resist you to get there easily or smoothly. (1:30:25) But again, like Mark said, (1:30:28) you have to really just push it through.(1:30:32) And when you push it through and you get there (1:30:34) and you’re done and you complete everything, (1:30:36) you feel like you’ve accomplished so much. (1:30:39) Yes. (1:30:40) Well, Master Shaman, Pa Lai Chi.(1:30:45) Yes. (1:30:46) Thank you so much for joining Knocked Conscious. (1:30:48) You’re officially part of the Knocked Conscious family.(1:30:51) I’d love to schedule something with you after, (1:30:53) so I’m going to hit end recording here. (1:30:55) Please, any final words? (1:30:57) Would you like to share some ways we can connect with you? (1:31:01) You can connect with me by going to (1:31:06) Folly The Healing came about in 2011 (1:31:10) and has been ever since. (1:31:13) It’s God-led.(1:31:15) But you can find me there (1:31:16) or you can find me on my YouTube channel (1:31:20) at Master Shaman, Pa Lai Chi. (1:31:23) And that’s Folly The, F-A-L-L-I-T-H-I? (1:31:27) Yes. (1:31:28) Right.(1:31:31) And I’m out there on social media. (1:31:34) So Facebook, TikTok. (1:31:39) Go to the website and you’ll find everything else there.(1:31:43) Excellent. (1:31:44) Well, thank you again for joining me on Knocked Conscious, (1:31:46) and I hope you have a blessed day. (1:31:48) Yes, more blessings, Mike.(1:31:51) Thank you. Take care. (1:32:09) I hate to leave you, but I really must say (1:32:14) good night, sweetheart, good night.

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