Shaun Collins of Buds ‘n Reality Podcast

Mark welcomes Shaun Collins of Buds ‘n Reality Podcast.
Buds ‘n Reality X: @BudsnReality
Outro: ”Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight” – This score is in public domain and may be freely downloaded, printed, and performed. The sound file may be downloaded for personal use. For more information see


(0:00) Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of Knocked Conscious today (0:04) I had the pleasure of speaking with Sean of buds and reality podcast. It was such a fun conversation (0:11) Here it is. I hope you enjoy it.You’re not tech savvy, bro. I mean, come on (0:17) No, man, welcome man, we okay, so we’ve unofficially had a podcast we have we have done that (0:25) But now we’re officially gonna have a podcast and they ain’t taking this one down (0:29) No, they can’t well, you know (0:33) Let’s just let’s just put it out there man. Have we have we started yet? Are we in? (0:37) Okay, so we are actually hitting recording.Welcome to Knocked Conscious family, sir (0:41) Sean of buds in reality you are on with me (0:44) I I was so excited to talk to you last week and we had this amazing (0:48) Podcast and you put it up and like a minute later you pulled it. Let’s start talking my friend. This is so cool (0:54) I love it.Welcome (0:56) Well, we did have an awesome podcast with Michael rekt involved on my platform with buds in reality and (1:04) You know everything went well (1:05) It was a great conversation and then the day before I went to put it out. I even posted about it (1:11) I did I even posted about the show. I’m like, hey, we’re gonna do the thing, you know (1:15) we’re gonna let it all out blah blah and (1:18) Long story short.I got a message from wreck (1:22) That said hey (1:24) We need to pull the show and I was like, whoa, dude, like what’s going on I had already sent it to my (1:30) to my (1:32) Label, you know, I’m lucky team and everything, right? Yeah. Yeah. I’m working with a label now and whatnot (1:36) We had already sent the show out and I had to call them and be like, hey, you can’t put that out there (1:42) And without saying too much (1:45) What was once breaking news on the show (1:51) Was no longer true (1:53) so that being said, you know, there’s there’s a (1:57) Million things about misinformation and stuff like that.We can’t put stuff like that out. We just can’t I don’t love that (2:04) Thank you for that’s perfect for this right because we’re libertarians. We talk about freedom of speech (2:08) No, we talk about freedom of expression freedom of information (2:11) No one talks about the accountability or someone lying or putting out wrong information (2:18) Because it’s on us because if you’re the one who’s willing to speak it (2:21) You also have to be accountable for what’s said and I really admire that you (2:26) Were right on top of it and like you saw my reaction (2:29) I’m ups like I’m it’s saddening but like I get it and I really appreciate that (2:34) Once again, we thought we talk principle here.We’re not here to sling mud. We’re here to find truth (2:40) So thank you for like doing that man (2:42) That was that was really admirable and that speaks to our principle why we do what we’re doing, right? Well, I’m actually thankful that (2:48) Mr. Recktenwald had come at me and said hey you need to take this down because we could have problems, you know (2:54) And then I’m not trying to get sued or do anything like that. You know, it was breaking news (2:58) It wasn’t anything he did wrong or anybody did wrong (3:01) It just you know (3:03) the news changed the news changed that’s all things did change and the people that broke the news to him actually (3:08) reneged on what they were gonna do and (3:11) That’s that and that was a big chunk of the show (3:13) So like we could have taken the time and edited all that out (3:16) But you probably would have had like a 20-minute show at that point, you know (3:19) Cuz that was a big part of it and we don’t need to get into all that because it doesn’t matter (3:23) We’re not gonna know it’s no we’re not and that like we said we said we’re gonna talk about it once if we do a (3:28) Redux it will be a one-time thing and we’re gonna move forward.I I (3:32) Asked you to come on the show because we’ve never met my friend (3:36) We’ve we’ve been on Twitter. We’ve been Twitter buddies and we’ve been liking and posting and all this stuff and all these ideas (3:42) I don’t I don’t know if I agree with all of them just like none of us can agree on everything (3:47) But the core values man, we if we have those core values we can at least have the conversations, you know (3:56) Absolutely, and and the thing is is like I love libertarian principles and I consider myself a radical anarchist or handcap (4:04) Whatever you want to you know deem me as at this point some people will say I’m not even a real libertarian or a real (4:10) You know anarchist and cap, whatever, you know people can say what they say, but labels are weird (4:15) Yeah labels are tough to you know (4:17) But but that’s that’s part of the problem too, you know (4:20) So like we label ourselves and then you know, you’re get stuck with that label and it automatically creates a divide, right? (4:28) Cuz like some anarchists think that capitalism is bad (4:32) So then you say you’re an an cap and then the anarchist purists are like, wait a minute here (4:36) You know what? (4:37) I mean and then it just becomes a slippery slope the same thing with the Libertarian Party. Like I love libertarian principles (4:43) I think they’re amazing.I really do the Libertarian Party itself. Not so much (4:49) Yeah. Well once you institutionalize the ideas, right? It really does become a different animal because now you start (4:56) It has to become like a concrete thing that everyone agrees on (5:00) So you have to make it like broad enough to bring people in but specific enough to get people actually engaged and caring (5:06) I mean, I can only imagine the the weird like mental gymnastics you have to do in politics (5:12) It’s all it is (5:13) It’s literally all it is is mental gymnastics watching it, especially within the Libertarian Party (5:19) like wow, dude, like, you know half the people are serious individuals and and (5:26) Actually, I shouldn’t even say half.I don’t I’m not too sure. It’s all the way half, you know (5:30) I would think that you know (5:33) Oh and this is gonna be a bold statement people are gonna be pissed about this (5:36) but I think half the Libertarian Party might even be a little retarded or (5:42) something (5:43) Like a spectrum II kind of thing (5:45) there’s something because like, you know, they’re serious individuals and then there’s ones who just want to bitch online and (5:53) And you know and and have their social club and have just a reason to be angry about everything (5:58) But then there’s people who actually put boots on the ground like don’t get me wrong (6:02) There’s some amazing people in the Libertarian Party. They’re really Justin Amash (6:06) Let’s let’s let’s let’s start right there Justin Amash alone, right? (6:10) So he’s crushing it right now, but like a lot of Libertarian purists are furious that he is running as a Republican (6:17) But being a Michigan guy, I’m in Detroit guys (6:19) And so I understand the Michigan politics right now and I understand where LPM I is right now (6:25) And I don’t know what his intentions were on running in the first place (6:29) Most would say he always planned on running as a Republican (6:32) But really in theory like with all the drama that’s happening within the the Michigan Libertarian Party (6:38) I can’t blame him for running GOP.I really can’t (6:42) Because oh we get it. There’s no (6:45) Number one, there’s no chance for him to win if he runs as a Libertarian period especially in Michigan, but you know anybody you know (6:52) Yeah, there is that third party curse in like most places that are captured by one of the parties (6:59) But especially here in Michigan (7:00) There’s so much drama here in Michigan where like it even was showcased at the National Convention (7:07) Where like the shit show was put on a national stage (7:11) it’s all recorded and I did a couple of shows like a while back on the infighting within the Libertarian Party of Michigan and (7:19) You know, I caught a lot of flack for that actually and then after the convention I got a lot of messages saying dude (7:26) What the fuck is going on there I was like I tried to tell you guys like I tried to tell you I (7:33) Saw you on X like starting to post that stuff. And once again, I I’m I’m coming (7:37) I joined the Libertarian Party for like a minute and I am no political party (7:42) I decided I’m just gonna take a step away from all that that there’s no need for it because I really believe in the policy (7:48) Not the pump the politics to be honest if you tell me death penalty, yes or no (7:52) I have a stance if you tell me, you know (7:55) Women’s choice yes or no (7:56) I have a stance each one has nothing to do with my ideology as a general because a lot of them contradict each other (8:01) You know what? (8:02) I mean a lot of them are just about Liberty more than anything and that they generally contradict each other just by being free (8:08) You know what? I mean? It’s already a contradiction (8:10) Well, I mean we live in a world where nothing makes sense and everything contradicts itself (8:14) so, you know, that’s just kind of what it is at this point, but uh (8:20) that being said we need to (8:22) You know figure out a way to get a message out outside of the party because at this point I (8:29) Don’t think the Libertarian Party is gonna bounce back from what happened this year like they squandered away an awesome opportunity (8:36) like the Libertarians had the most (8:39) biggest hugest (8:41) opportunity on the planet to make some noise and (8:45) They’re gonna get maybe 1% of the vote at best (8:48) You know when it comes to a presidential candidate and that’s because they are the Kings or Queens (8:55) However, you want to put it of self-sabotage the party itself loves to sabotage itself (9:01) You know, I’m wondering if it’s like this is what it reminds me of and I know that please follow me here (9:06) Cuz I it’s gonna sound critical, but I think it’s just human nature, right? (9:10) Libertarians are kind of the outcasts of the the regulars.I mean, I know it sounds weird (9:14) But we’re self outcasts or whatever you want to call it. We don’t really get along with people anyway (9:19) So we can’t get out of our own way to sabotage. I mean, it’s like it’s in our nature (9:24) To like just destroy everything.That’s not us because we’re so independent as individuals. You know what I mean? (9:31) It’s such a weird thing. It’s like how do you institutionalize freedom? (9:36) You can’t you can’t force freedom on people.It’s just it just doesn’t like doesn’t work (9:40) You know what? I mean? You have to be free. Well, are we talking freedom? Are we talking? (9:48) Fredum be (9:53) Question a lot of people’s interpretation of freedom is (9:58) It’s only freedom if my side does it right right (10:03) This is Republicans and Democrats play this game and even libertarians are even playing this game right now, you know (10:09) That’s our FK problem. The RFK problem is this he’s he seems like a good guy.He seems like a nice guy (10:14) Yes, he would expose some stuff, but he just wants bigger government to do good (10:20) That’s the problem because he’s only gonna be there for four to eight years (10:23) Once he’s gone the power to do whatever is still there and maybe the next person won’t do good with it (10:29) So maybe we should just not let them have the power in the first place (10:33) It’s the most logical thing that anyone could think of (10:36) Well, I mean in my anarchist mind that you know that I have or whatever like no state is the ideal situation (10:44) Obviously like there’s no government, but we’re not gonna get there right away. We can’t it’s impossible (10:51) It would actually be catastrophic to go from what we have to (10:55) To an anarchist or a stateless society, you know, whatever you be a Bolshevik revolution (11:00) There’d be tens of millions that would die. No Joe that would that would be a very catastrophic issue for sure because (11:06) You know in an anarchist society, you know, there’s an understanding where? (11:11) Like people have to take care of others that can’t take care of themselves.That’s just a part of the deal (11:17) Part of that maybe there’s no money in the piggy bank to in to begin with (11:22) It’s impossible. Like there’s so many people who rely on the state like, you know (11:28) I even have people in my family who rely on a state check, you know (11:31) Because they’re they’re older and they’re you know retired and stuff like that and whatnot. You take that away from them.They’re done. They’re cooked (11:39) That’s over. So like we have to gradually get there, which means we have to (11:44) unfortunately (11:46) Play in the sandbox with the others (11:49) We have well, I mean look you have to work together.I mean collaboration or whatever, you know (11:54) well (11:54) and part of it part of that is like (11:56) You’re never gonna get the message of Liberty out if you’re only talking amongst yourselves (12:02) Like yeah, liberty and freedom is all cool. You know when we’re talking to a bunch of an anarchist and cap, you know libertarian type people (12:10) But outside of that people just kind of be like what? (12:15) You want to do what and you want to take away what? (12:18) You know and they don’t get it. So it’s up to us (12:21) Because like they don’t get the broader concept it’s like you think government and government regulations are here to help (12:27) That’s what you that’s what we’re told government helps (12:31) Okay, show me where in your life government has helped you show me three times in your life (12:36) Government has come out actually helped you as a citizen versus doing whatever right you start there and you kind of just whittle it (12:43) Down and before you know it you’re like, so are they really trying to help you or they really not? (12:47) You know, I mean look at all the things they help they’ve helped health care (12:52) That’s a dumpster fire.They’ve helped education. That’s a dumpster military industrial complex big education big pharma big (13:00) Everything tech, you know all of the media. Oh, did you what about social media? (13:05) They’re allowed they’re allowed to put pressure on social media (13:07) The FBI is allowed to put pressure on social media to but but but Chevron deference (13:12) How the how the heck do you how do you how do you? (13:15) Chevron deference is the three letters to aren’t the experts so they shouldn’t be able to push (13:20) You know, I mean Chevron should almost Trump their ability to put pressure on social media groups (13:28) There should be no (13:30) interference with speech (13:32) Period at all ever and that goes for even hate speech and I know a lot of people be like (13:38) Oh, well Sean you’re fucking racist speeches.It is a weird word too, right? But go ahead. Yeah, but hate speech is free speech (13:46) Period why not let the people (13:48) Who are like that let them hang themselves to dry. Seriously (13:51) I want to see all of it bring me all the hate speech (13:54) Bring me all the bad shit like bring it all then I can start taking my trash out as needed (14:00) Please do send it out here.Don’t silence it (14:03) I don’t want it silenced because then I don’t know the good or bad actor or not (14:07) So, please bring on the hate speech. I don’t care. I welcome it.I welcome Chris Cuomo to open his stupid (14:15) stupid face every time I (14:17) Won’t mention anything else, but I just watch (14:21) Okay, keep breathing out of your mouth and keep dragging your knuckles, buddy. We’re good, right, but I want that (14:25) I want to see Don Lemon talk. I want to see Don (14:28) I want to see these people just completely like dig their own hole, you know dig holes for themselves (14:33) It’s a beautiful thing (14:33) But it’s happening like you’re seeing it right now (14:36) The left is literally hanging itself out to dry at this point and I don’t know but here’s the thing (14:42) Here’s the thing when it comes to like the left doing that like obviously, you know, well, let’s start here the party (14:50) Who has been screaming about? (14:52) democracy for the past, you know eight years is (14:56) All the sudden not giving their voter base a choice.They were literally forced with Joe (15:02) Which there was other candidates who were much better than Joe and I’ll give credit where credit’s due like I’m a never damn (15:08) I have never voted Democrat my entire life never and I never will (15:13) But like there was candidates like RFK and Marianne Williamson (15:20) Who were much better choice than Joe Biden? (15:24) Much better RFK ran right now RFK would win that the Democrats don’t want him to release the stuff (15:31) They’re afraid of him (15:32) Obviously specifically more than any other candidate because they killed his father and his uncle (15:37) That dudes got a vendetta and I get it and I’m on board like you and I I talked to you (15:43) I know I’m not I don’t know. I don’t think I’m voting for a presidential candidate this year (15:46) I don’t think I don’t think I have one but (15:49) But I would love to see a Robert. How can he just (15:53) Unlike just create some kind of chaos initially, you know what I mean? (15:56) What he will he will he will and he could beat Trump he could totally beat Trump or at least (16:03) Yes (16:04) The Democrat was head-to-head.He has a really good shot and Williamson was almost polling double digits (16:11) I mean you get camel who can’t even win a thing. She has not won a single thing. It’s crazy (16:17) You know, well, I mean, you know that the a cab people which means all cops are bastards are literally on board with the woman (16:25) Who kept people in prison beyond their release date just so she labor free labor (16:30) This is a fact you can look it up anywhere like go on Google go on free spoke go on any type of search engine (16:37) They were withholding DNA testing.Yeah holding that they were withholding evidence (16:42) It’s like look if you’re gonna do it be transparent about that stuff that that stuff is not that’s not acceptable (16:48) Just on a completely wholly unacceptable, but like lights like let’s put you know (16:52) Let’s let’s be fair here and say that you know, the the back the blue folks are now backing the convicted felon (16:59) So like we like oh my god (17:03) Like I said the simulation went topsy-turvy (17:05) I don’t know what happened but something somebody hit like chaos mode or something because everything’s and it’s funny to see like (17:11) You know hardcore conservatives pushing it progressive like RFK (17:19) Like we (17:21) The people that were RFK centric I’m like no you want smaller government just just right there (17:28) You should just want smaller. You should want less government. He doesn’t want less just this right there alone (17:34) Just that doesn’t you know, I mean, it’s like a non-starter in that way (17:37) Well, he’s a gun-grabbing climate freak who rides Israel’s pole period he’s getting a pack money (17:42) You know, that’s how he’s been able to sustain his (17:46) You know his run and and outshadow people like dr (17:50) Sheba and Colonel West who are also running as independents, by the way, but it’s automatic (17:56) Oh, that wasn’t exactly running though.Let’s not kid ourselves. I I saw Colonel West at Freedom Fest (18:01) Absolutely amazing individual, but he needs to back off the race thing (18:05) I talked with Larry sharp about it Larry and I were talking was Larry. I put it on Twitter (18:09) It was Larry Colonel (18:11) Dr. West and and Maj Touré and they were doing a panel together (18:15) They were talking about, you know taking back the power and stuff and it’s like he was great in that panel (18:20) But when you watch him like on a Jimmy door when he got into the race thing (18:23) It’s like you’re gonna back the guy who put your people in prisons.You’re gonna back that person (18:30) What help me under just help me understand any of that concept. You should just be like no (18:35) I don’t really I don’t defend people who don’t defend me, you know just on that face (18:40) Like I said, we live in a world where nothing makes sense and everything contradicts itself. It’s like watching far-right, you know Republicans (18:50) Reaching out, you know and voting for Trump and being pro-trump when he enacted more gun measures than Barack Obama (18:57) Or money than any other president didn’t for years (19:02) he put a seven point eight trillion dollars in debt in four fucking years and (19:06) Then shut down the economy for Kovac that dude was the one who gave us two weeks to flatten the curve and here we are (19:14) These these conservative he kept Fauci.I mean, let’s not I mean, there’s many step (19:19) Look the guy didn’t the guy the guy’s a guy he got in he didn’t do what he said was gonna do (19:26) He didn’t he didn’t pardon Assange (19:28) He didn’t pardon Snowden right off the bat and now and now Biden gets to sit there and a song gets released under Biden’s watch (19:35) How embarrassing (19:36) you had four years to let a journalist go an innocent man and (19:42) You sat on your hands because they didn’t want him (19:46) I mean Pompeo put a hit out on him Pompeo wanted to assassinate Snowden for goodness (19:51) Mike Pompeo is a piece of shit or a son. Yeah, and he’s on the list for cabinetry again (19:56) So that tells you these guys are not he’s not learning you got you (20:00) You want to talk about cabinet? (20:03) Literally Donald Trump wants to put oh my god Ailey (20:09) Yes (20:11) He wants Larry Fink as Treasury Secretary and Jamie Dimon as Fed chair (20:18) Fucking kidding me. We’re talking no (20:20) Blackrock and JP Morgan on his cabinet.So tell me Obama (20:28) Obama 3.0. Now if he puts if he puts those bankers on that’s Obama 3.0. That’s that’s Obama running the administration (20:34) since 2008 (20:37) That’s how I know Trump’s gonna win. Never mind the fact he got shot at and shot in the ear that kind of was like (20:43) Okay, it’s over but he’s gonna put central bankers. Like let’s let’s run this back real quick (20:48) the original JP Morgan (20:51) Went to Jekyll Island (20:53) to start the Federal Reserve (20:55) JP Morgan was one of these seven people who traveled the Jekyll Island (21:00) to brainstorm the great Satan, which we call the Federal Reserve and (21:06) People still don’t understand the Fed people think the Fed is like our money (21:10) It is not our money.The Fed is not our money (21:13) The Fed is a fake manipulative system (21:16) That is finding that it prints us into wars and it prints us into death and destruction (21:21) It does nothing but but but move the you know (21:25) Make the gap the the pay gap wider and change the transfer of wealth upward (21:31) And once again, that’s not what capitalism is (21:34) This is late-stage corrupted capitalism where it’s gone back into itself (21:38) If we don’t allow that to fester like that, it’s it corrects itself in a different way. That’s at least our philosophy (21:45) I would think right, right (21:47) well, I mean you won’t understand that and (21:50) That’s why it’s up to us to educate these people about what central banking is how it works (21:56) What they run which is everything the central bank. So here’s the tears of the power (22:01) Okay, the central banks are way up here way up here and then it’s the (22:07) military industrial complex (22:10) Corporations oil big pharma farmers up their oil, right, you know all that stuff, right all the big that’s the government (22:18) It’s all the government’s though.Like we’re not just talking about United States government at this point. Oh, yeah (22:24) It’s definitely the five eyes for sure, you know UK Australia, New Zealand (22:28) America is all of it all of it. And as we speak right now, we see multiple countries (22:34) Pulling out of the monetary system and going back to the gold standard (22:38) Especially El Salvador, right or is it El Salvador Ecuador? I could El Salvador (22:43) So El Salvador’s they went to like Bitcoin or something, right? Didn’t they do some kind of radical Bitcoin? (22:49) They still have their their currency there (22:50) But El Salvador is mostly Bitcoin at this point and their president actually and I can’t remember his name off off rip right now (22:57) he just got reelected but uh (23:00) You know, he literally told Biden to back off (23:04) You know Biden was trying to force El Salvador into some financial shit and he’s like no we’re not doing this go fuck yourself (23:12) You know, they’re gonna cut off II him pretty soon.I think well they are because what’s happening is now is (23:19) Now that he got reelected. He’s going after private businesses for price gouging (23:24) So like at a certain point (23:26) You know that that’s that’s definitely an overreach and the businesses. Yeah.Where do you where do you find that line, right? (23:34) Like obviously a corrections needed and when a corrections needed it usually has to go over the line to kind of (23:40) Thing but and that’s the thing. This is like a pendulum. This is our life, right? (23:44) And we always govern through the middle.We never govern here (23:47) We always govern here and here but we govern through the middle (23:50) So we always go from like left to right to left to right and it’s the craziest swing (23:55) We don’t we if we had a more of a moderate (23:58) Mentality about some things it’d be so interesting to see that it starts with people turning off their TV and radio and just (24:05) Not listening putting on our podcasts (24:09) Yeah, putting on podcasts or anything or just you know (24:12) even as much as like I love to bring news out to the world or whatever with my show and in the same with (24:18) you like (24:19) Turn it all off. Turn it all off (24:23) Stop paying attention and you will see a vast change in (24:28) Society if people just shut the TV off stop listening to the media even independent media like us, you know (24:35) I do want to I do want you to listen to my show and mark show as well (24:39) like that’s what I want you to do, but like (24:41) seriously, though but (24:43) Turn the shit off go love your neighbors go love your family and you’re gonna find out real quick (24:50) That we’re more alike than different as (24:53) people (24:53) You know (24:54) most people just want to be left alone and and raise their families and do their thing and just live peacefully like (25:01) Nobody really wants to be forced into an agenda or anything like that (25:07) And we need to get back to that but that requires people actually turning this shit off (25:13) Yeah, and reaching out. I mean there is we do have to make like a little effort ourselves, right? (25:18) like I have a little neighborhood here and I I walk around the neighborhood and I walk by people but like (25:24) You put your hand up, but it’s not like friendly.It’s not like a friendly neighborhood (25:28) It’s just we’re all neighbors that get along and coexist (25:31) We just got you know a bunch of maybe 20 houses or so and I like you know what I asked I put I typed (25:36) Up a thing. I’m like, hey, can we all get together? (25:38) And I’ve got this I’ve got this stack of papers (25:41) it’s like a welcome letter to the neighborhood and I want to put them on every door and (25:45) Like what’s keeping me from doing that like what is keeping me from doing that? (25:49) It’s like am I afraid of meeting someone new that I might actually have a connection with or something where we can build a community? (25:55) What what’s keeping me from reaching out in that way in a simple way just to put a piece of paper (26:00) Oh, hey, I live down the street. We should all get together.There’s a little park here (26:03) We should all hang out one time and get to know each other or something (26:06) Well, I mean it starts with just getting to know your actual surrounding neighbors, right? (26:11) Like I live in a massive neighborhood. Actually, my neighborhood is huge massive. There’s (26:17) probably (26:18) Over a thousand houses in my neighborhood in general and it spans within multiple cities actually my neighborhood in general (26:27) You know runs through multiple cities.So what you could do is what I do (26:33) You know and just you know, I have David Bowie who is my hundred-pound pitbull. I talk about him a lot. I love him (26:40) He’s well, he’s your icebreaker.He’s he’s awesome. But like I walk him through the neighborhood (26:45) But I also usually have some sort of t-shirt on that says something like this (26:51) Nice, you know what? I mean? I’m walking around like that (26:54) You know, I didn’t sign shit Spooner and people be like, well, what’s that about? And then it straights up a conversation (27:00) And that’s another thing. We’re like you find out like I happen to live in the most liberal part of Michigan (27:08) Like for real for real I’m talking (27:10) And I don’t mean this in a bad way (27:12) I’m just painting a picture for you guys the next town down the road in the summertime, which is right now (27:18) Pride marches every weekend, you know pride flags everywhere, you know, even churches are waving pride flags (27:25) You know, which I don’t agree with but to each their own (27:28) I guess it’s almost like a Chelsea area like, you know, how New York has a Chelsea section (27:32) There’s actually that’s in Michigan, but that would not be what I’m talking about at all, they would be very red (27:38) Um, it would not be happy about that.Okay. Well (27:40) In the city I’m talking about (27:44) Most people would consider fabulous Ferndale. Um (27:49) And they don’t call it fabulous Ferndale for no reason like it’s (27:52) Yeah, I know what fabulous you’re talking about.Yeah, it’s the gay capital of Michigan fine, whatever. I don’t care (27:59) Yeah, and once again once I hold on let’s take a step back who cares we we are mentioning it as part of the (28:06) Story, we do not care about people’s orientation just to be clear. None of neither of us.I’m throwing that in right except for children (28:15) But anyways, I’m just painting a picture for you guys (28:17) so like I go out, you know with my t-shirts and whatever it may be and it strikes up conversations because a lot of people be (28:24) Like hey, man, that’s fucking great or that’s pretty dope or whatever. It may be (28:28) You know, and then we start talking a little bit and even though they might be like, you know, the neo-liberals or whatever you think (28:36) They’re not necessarily on board with what the fuck, you know (28:39) The Biden administration is doing and I catch that a lot and that’s why it’s important to go out and talk to real people (28:46) Outside of you know, the media that’s telling you well, you know (28:50) These neo-liberals are doing this or these neo-conservatives are doing this or these Republicans or Democrats are doing this and that (28:57) That’s not where you want to be talking or figuring out, you know what you need to be knowing or anything like that (29:03) It’s about getting out there and actually talking to your neighbors and talking to your community and the general consensus in the neo-liberal (29:11) area that I’m in is they’re not necessarily on board with (29:16) The Democratic agenda, but they’re not gonna go vote for Trump. That’s for damn sure (29:21) Right, and that’s where like a Kennedy would be a really interesting (29:26) Choice.Yeah in this. Well, the Libertarians would have been a very interesting choice, but they put somebody out there (29:32) Yeah, who I’m not gonna push. I’m just not gonna push the guy.I’m not gonna do it for (29:37) Yeah, I mean you just it’s like one of the core tenets for us is children and consent and non-aggression (29:44) NAP that’s it. And it’s like it’s a non-starter for me (29:48) And that’s just it. That’s what you’re getting out of the Libertarian Party right now is you know, we we look for a Malay (29:55) We wanted a Malay type.Yeah, I think we had one. Honestly, we had one (30:00) We did had a guy who was getting bolder and bolder and getting more confident in his words. I saw him grow (30:07) I watched rec grow from just like a guy who was sharing an idea to a guy who was pushing and like (30:15) Really understanding and really passionate about the idea by the time, you know March or met, you know, March April May came around (30:21) Which you know in the beginning I was not sold on rectum ball (30:25) He actually drilled him on my first show in the nicest way possible to on the first show (30:32) I had to check that one out the first time I read rec on I drilled him a little bit and and you know (30:38) Just as a you know (30:41) Media person like hey, why are you like this or whatever? (30:45) You know, but I’ll say this about Michael rectum ball (30:48) He didn’t miss a beat when he answered my questions, especially the hard ones, you know when I said, you know (30:55) What’s up with your socialist background? He kind of laughed and said socialist.I was a straight-up Marxist, you know (31:01) And I was like, whoa, wait a minute here. You’re kind of like admitting to your your your past and now you’re probabilities, right? (31:08) Which I mean look how great is it that Tucker says same thing for me? (31:12) I was I was a rack for me, right? (31:14) So like I was lied to and I’m heartbroken by what happened (31:18) I’m heartbroken by being lied to by the girlfriend that I was married to for whatever my whole life (31:24) You know what? I mean, right and (31:25) Watching the United States lie to me and break my heart (31:30) That’s like I came from the right and I watched somebody like rec come from the left and we miraculously meet and we agree on (31:36) 99% of our shit. Yeah, we’re totally opposite.We come from complete opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, right? (31:43) And wrecked and walled wasn’t even my first choice. Like he was my second choice. He was definitely my son (31:49) I asked you that and you were afraid to tell me who your choice was and I wasn’t sure who you were going with (31:53) So would you like to share who your second who your choice actually my original my I actually endorsed him (31:59) I’m one of my shows are two of my shows.I’m was like Lars Mapstead. I really liked (32:04) Yeah, and he did well, you know three he got to the third round or so. Yeah, he did.Okay third fourth round (32:09) Yeah, he you know, he did great or whatever, but then after that, you know, it was like, okay (32:14) But wrecked and walled was cleaning house the whole time, you know, but we can’t get into that too much because there’s no there’s another show (32:20) We’re gonna do with him that we’re gonna talk about this more. But anyways (32:25) You know, um (32:26) He grew on me. He really did, you know, he was very honest with with his (32:31) You know his past and stuff like that, which I appreciated most people would just dodge and be like, oh no (32:36) I never did this this this when he when I asked him about his socialist background and he said no I was a Marxist (32:44) He had my attention at that point because he was being honest (32:48) You know and none of nothing like you you have to give grace to the person who comes with humility hat in hand and (32:55) Actually tells you I screwed up.I (32:59) Was wrong, how can you how can you attack someone more when someone comes to you with that humility? (33:05) No, you want to be on that guy’s side because they realize the value of you know, being wrong and (33:10) Fixing it, you know (33:13) Which is which is how you do it and none of us were libertarians like none of us were born libertarians (33:18) None of us well, and I want to talk about that (33:20) Yeah, none of us were even born like none of us knew what that was (33:24) you know, I was raised, you know, I was in a house divided actually my my (33:30) My my stepfather who adopted me (33:34) Was a Republican because he was a very involved in the church. He was the music director of the church (33:40) But my mother is a hardcore Union Dem and that goes back all the way to my grandfather (33:46) You know what? I mean? Because that from the auto industry at all. Yes (33:50) Yes, that makes sense because my grandfather retired from Detroit diesel (33:55) You know, he was Union steward stuff like that (33:58) So I was in a house divided when it came to that, but I was also raised a Southern Baptist boy (34:03) So that’s why I’m a never Democrat (34:07) Because I’m telling you what the church is not going to agree with the Democrat agenda ever (34:14) They’re not going it’s not even about like the guns and stuff like that.It’s about it’s about the abortions. It is about the (34:21) You know the the gay trans shit whatever, you know, and that’s fine like I don’t you know, I’ll be honest with you guys (34:31) For the longest time. I was a huge homophobe (34:34) I really was (34:35) You know (34:36) And I’m sure this will get out in the world and you know get put out of context and we were of that (34:42) Generation though if we may like it’s not to defend it at all, but it was different we used to say (34:48) You know a lot of words that (34:51) Derogatory, they were very normal.We call it. They were very normally said they weren’t right. I played sports.We played football (34:58) I was in locker rooms dude, like the word fag and gay was thrown around a lot (35:03) But it you know, it wasn’t even meant to be necessarily malicious. We’re not gonna get into all that just (35:09) Time just like our parents and grandparents came from a different time of you know racism, right? (35:18) You know like Mike (35:20) Yeah, we don’t like yeah, that’s not that was never on my rate like in my like scope in that way (35:25) It was right the racism like that like it would have been the generation before (35:28) But you know like my mother who you know, my grandfather. I love my grandfather so much (35:34) He helped raise me but like he was a very racist man.He really was (35:38) my grandfather was a soldier in the German army in the 40s, so (35:45) Raised me and you he had he was it you want to talk about the duality of man or the dichotomy man that guy was (35:51) Literally good and evil wrapped into one little ball (35:54) It’s well like also my mom was raised just down the road from me (35:58) You know at Joy Road in Schaefer, which anybody who’s from Detroit knows that’s like the hood at this point (36:07) My mom didn’t raise me like that my mom raised me to you know, my parents raised me to respect everyone (36:12) You know respect everyone until they disrespect you right whether they’re black white Jewish Asian, whatever it may be, you know (36:20) Respect is something that’s earned. It’s not just given and it doesn’t matter what color you’re from (36:25) You are what nationality you are and that’s that’s one thing that we forget like (36:31) You know, there’s I’m sure there’s plenty of black people that don’t you know, respect me (36:37) So be it to your point respect should be earned (36:40) it’s it’s interesting because once again like Spike Cohen did does a lecture about respect and (36:46) I actually think he’s taken it almost a step too far (36:49) From conceptualizing it because I think it’s about courtesy. I (36:54) Don’t to your point (36:55) I think respect is an earned thing, but you can only get to that if like you and I have a core courtesy (37:02) Foundation like hey, if you’re coming up, I’ll hold the door for you because you’re carrying something or I’ll say please and thank you (37:07) I’ll let you know.These are courtesy things (37:09) These are it has nothing to do with whether I respect you or not (37:12) What I think happened is humans have conflated courtesy and respect and now they’re like, well, I don’t respect you (37:19) So I’m not gonna be courteous to you and it’s like no you have to be courteous (37:24) Regardless of your respect level for the person. I hold the door for my mortal enemy (37:28) You know what? I mean, right because that’s what you do. You hold the door.That’s what you do (37:33) It’s just that’s how the contract works and then they hold it for you to look to get in (37:37) It’s like that’s just how courtesy works. It’s almost more base than respect even you know (37:42) Well, that’s a Gen X mentality though (37:44) Like you’re a Gen X or like I am we were raised a totally different way than what they’re you know (37:49) Pushing these days like I literally if there’s a lady behind me (37:54) I am going to hold the door for that lady (37:57) No matter what color she is what she looks like if she’s skinny or big or anything like that (38:03) That is a woman behind me. I’m gonna hold the door open for her always (38:08) Always in forever.That’s just how I was raised (38:12) I’m going to respect (38:16) Anybody who thinks differently outside of me just out of a common courtesy (38:21) Until they give me a reason to disrespect them or they disrespect me first (38:25) This is a genet but that’s still courtesy like that’s where the courtesy comes in because you haven’t earned the respect yet (38:31) The respect does become become earned but only if we have a foundation (38:36) Below that, you know, I mean of a mutual understanding (38:39) We can’t get to respect without a mutual understanding (38:41) So we’re not playing by the same rules right like courtesy then (38:45) How do we ever get on the same playing field in a weird way? (38:48) Well, I mean how we get on the same playing field is education (38:54) education education (38:55) Education education. I can’t you that out enough? (39:00) I really can’t but that also before we continue all that education (39:05) Give me the first first five books to read. Oh (39:10) shit, oh (39:12) You got you got Rothbard (39:14) No, I mean here let’s go let’s let’s go the first five books we should read (39:19) the first two right off the rip are gonna be Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard and (39:26) No treason by Lysander Spooner (39:29) the creature of Jekyll Island (39:31) by G Edward Griffin (39:34) Enough already by Scott Horton (39:38) Heck yeah (39:38) Yeah, oh, yeah (39:40) Everybody needs to be reading that everybody needs to be reading all these books (39:44) I just mentioned need to listen to Scott’s radio show.He’s got a YouTube just listen (39:48) It’s 30 minutes every what three days two day, whatever. It’s awesome. The people (39:54) Information especially when it comes to the Middle Eastern conflicts like the guy he’s a crane (39:59) Period now, but as a fifth book boy.Oh boy (40:06) Probably why don’t we why don’t table it? We’ll leave it for the end. No, no, no (40:10) I got it the theory of money and credit by Ludwig von Mises (40:14) Those are the five books (40:17) Every person needs to be reading and you know that everybody has an opinion on that stuff, you know opinions are like assholes (40:23) We all have one they all stink (40:25) Those are books that are extremely important to me and and really like, you know, even Rothbard (40:32) Murray Rothbard called the theory of money and credit by by Mises (40:37) The greatest book about money ever written so it’s hard to like discredit that Wow (40:42) I’m more of a I’m more of a Rothbard Ian than I am Mises and that’s just because of the fact that (40:48) Mises spoke so much (40:50) against anarchy (40:53) Where Rothbard was very much an anarchist, you know, and he may be working on what anarchy is (40:59) You know what? I mean? (41:00) Like you see you hear what anarchy is and you hear like Mad Max and then you hear anarchy and then you see the flowered (41:06) Garden in the front of the house, you know what I mean? Like the meme of what anarchy actually is (41:10) Well, like anarchists are building communities. They’re not destroying them.Okay now we’re just against the government the larger governance structure (41:18) It has nothing to do with commute. I mean community and out it’s local out. It’s (41:23) Well, let it be known real quick like like anarchists are very peaceful people (41:27) But if you came to an anarchist city (41:30) Like where everybody was an anarchist and you tried to burn that city down you will be met with very great resistance (41:36) Very very much resistance (41:39) This is the fuck around and find out crew like you’re not gonna come to our communities and fuck shit up (41:44) That’s that is a fact that is one thing beautiful (41:49) Anarchy that you’re that is not gonna be misconstrued like we are like our family, right? It’s like it’s my family (41:55) I can fuck with my family.You can’t fuck with my family. Yes, it’s really what it becomes like a chosen family (42:02) yes, so you’re not gonna come into our cities in town and (42:06) Towns and just like start burning down businesses and stuff like that without getting shot at like straight up like you’re gonna look (42:13) I’m not gonna sugarcoat anything. You’re not ever gonna get that from me.Like if you come to an anarchist town (42:20) Township city, whatever you want to call it and try to make trouble (42:24) Oh, you’re gonna be met with some problems (42:27) But we don’t want to do that. That’s literally the last thing we want to do (42:30) But also, you know that when you go to another town (42:34) so knowing that (42:36) You have that philosophy, you know to be courteous and respectful when you interact with another group because you know (42:42) What the consequences are it’s so sick like it’s so almost seems simple, right? It does seem almost simple (42:48) You know (42:50) Anarchy is the utopian idea that you own yourself your property and your wealth (42:57) Where every interaction should be consensual and voluntary (43:02) That’s anarchy period there’s it means no rules are I’m sorry. No rulers.Yeah, don’t say that out loud (43:09) It means no rulers not no rules. There are no rules (43:15) No, there are rules in the anarchist society and that do not hurt people do not take their stuff (43:21) It do not violate private property (43:24) Outside of that you’re fine, dude (43:27) Seriously, but don’t do those three things. You will fuck around and find out if you do those three things for real (43:34) But like that’s what the Bible teaches even like do not hurt people do not take their stuff golden rule (43:41) I mean it really is out of the golden rule more than anything (43:44) You know and a lot of people who are outside of the Christian Society will throw a Romans 13 verse (43:50) In our face and be like, well, you know (43:53) The Bible says to respect your government and do what the government says (43:57) Yeah, let well let the state be the state and you do you or something something like that? (44:02) It’s something also, you know kind of touches on like, you know (44:06) If they’re doing the the right things pretty much and oh man (44:12) I I have so many things to go through on my phone like I couldn’t pull it up in the fast enough thing (44:17) But the fact of the matter is is that the Bible says to respect government.Yes (44:24) But it also I think it actually does I don’t even think it says to respect it (44:28) I think it says let government do what it does. You got your own shit to do it kind of (44:32) You do you let them do them and we’ll just not have to interact (44:39) You’re gonna make me pull it up. Keep talking so I can find it (44:42) All right, so we’re gonna so so one of the beautiful things you said it earlier in this conversation (44:47) But you even said it when we first talked with rec you said no one’s born a libertarian (44:52) No, and I’m like, there’s nothing probably more true except for I think I mentioned Scott Horton may have been born a libertarian (44:59) The only one he was born anti-war he wasn’t born a libertarian (45:03) But that man was born anti-war if you want to talk before his anti-war (45:08) It is Scott Horton in the anti-war calm crew (45:13) literally (45:15) So what so what you said is no one’s born a libertarian (45:17) So I what what I want to do is get you on and like get your background story (45:21) You mentioned a little bit about your family and I’m looking at the backgrounds of our two pictures and I see I have (45:26) What I’ve got Marley and I’ve got Hendrix Ali.I’ve got Billy Joel Ali over here (45:32) You have a cool guitar Wu-Tang forever two records a record and two (45:39) First read the top part. Oh, yeah (45:42) Presidents are temporary Wu-Tang is forever (45:46) Let’s go, baby (45:48) Let’s go (45:50) So tell me about this music background and tell me what the back wall represents because we always put a (45:57) Representation of us in the background of our podcast. I know I know it for a fact (46:02) We do first I’m gonna hear about the guitar to first off.I can’t find what I’m looking for on my phone (46:07) So I’m very sorry, but it is Roman. That’s okay. Well, but any anyhow, I know which one it is (46:12) Yeah, I know which one it is.We can talk I’ll put it up or something, but it’s it pretty much, you know (46:18) It’s based on you know following government as long as they’re abiding by the laws of the land (46:25) That’s the second part. They miss when they throw that shit face the laws of the land go against what the Bible say (46:31) So, why would you respect the government that is going against the laws of the land? (46:36) period anyways (46:39) Behind me is (46:40) Some records and some stuff like that. There’s a cool guitar behind me.Whatever the guitar behind (46:46) With let’s start with the guitar poster or the frame the picture frame (46:49) It looks like a painting of an acoustic guitar on the wall. Oh, no, it just says I’m plugged on it and has a (46:54) Cool. Are you an acoustic guy? Do you play? (46:58) I can strum chords and make the guitar make sense.I’m not a lead. I don’t mean I’m no wizard. I can’t be like (47:06) Rhythm guy rhythm guitar guy for sure.I can definitely make sense out of the guitar (47:11) As far as the records go (47:14) You see bad religion behind me you can see Slayer on the other side (47:18) And religion if I’m not mistaken, they’re pretty they’re a faith-based group, right? No. Oh (47:25) They’re not. No, I thought they did.I thought they did some stuff with (47:30) Did they not have something? (47:32) Because I know them from they had some really cool hits and they not even the hits (47:36) They had some off stuff. That was awesome. They’ve been around since the 80s (47:39) You know and it’s a matter of fact like one of their drummers (47:43) It’s a black and white one with the red bad religion written on it that album.I remember that sounds like the one with American (47:48) Jesus on it, which is a great everybody should learn (47:51) Everybody should listen to American Jesus because it’s about like people worshiping government pretty much which is where we’re at (48:00) but uh, you know as far as the records go like I (48:04) Don’t think there’s anything that sounds better than vinyl. I actually uh (48:07) My record player is a (48:10) refurbished sound design (48:13) Which has an 8-track player that works on it as well the 8-track player works (48:18) Yes, so you have you have vacuum tubes in you’re still working with vacuum tubes and all that stuff (48:24) Yeah, I’m old (48:26) That’s old. I’ve got a 67 Bonneville with an 8-track in it, but it doesn’t work.Oh, man, that’s dope. So do you that’s still (48:33) A two-door Bonneville, but at a at this point like the 8-track player actually works better than the record player (48:39) I got to get a new record player because I’m not gonna get some eight tracks from like Goodwill’s what you got to do (48:44) Oh, dude, dude, I live just outside of Detroit. I literally have five record stores (48:50) That’s all my eight tracks within ten minutes of my house.I’m not even no (48:53) I bet you’re sick must have Motown and Hitsville and all that stuff. I mean all of it. I have everything (48:59) You know, that’s kind of where I’m at, you know (49:02) But uh (49:04) But as far as like the presidents are temporary or Wu-Tang is forever presidents are temporary (49:09) But Wu-Tang’s music will last for ever (49:13) Period.I’m a huge hip-hop fan (49:16) Especially, you know 90s hip-hop has my old my whole heart my whole old heart (49:21) 90s hip-hop. Dr. Dre is chronic. I almost wore through the CD groove (49:27) No, it’s funny as I have that album buried somewhere over here, you know, I have a lot of records (49:32) I kind of collect vinyl.It’s it’s a thing (49:35) These damn record stores around my house. How big’s your collection? How big would you say your collection this? (49:41) Couple hundred few like a thousand. Well, my wife’s gonna never listen to this.So I have over a thousand records (49:49) Cool she (49:50) Cannot know that she’ll kill me (49:52) Gen Xers or do you want me to do you want me to bleep it out? Like I have (49:57) No, no, no, cuz she’s not (49:59) As much as listen, my my wife is a gem and I love her more than anything. That’s my whole heart (50:07) Podcast she’s the reason I have a podcast buds in reality was actually a Christmas present. My podcast was a Christmas present (50:15) No way.Tell me. Okay. I gotta hear this.So what year is it? And so it’s give me that story (50:21) It’s 2021 right and (50:24) For 2020 and 20 our balls deep in kovat. Oh, yeah, and what Omicron? I think that’s what I got (50:35) Maybe all the shit, you know, and I kept getting in trouble on social media. I wasn’t on X yet (50:41) I hadn’t X for like less than two weeks and they fucking they actually took my date on the next year (50:49) Like straight up my page was nuked within two weeks (50:52) That’s crazy and a personal name anyways, but anyhow (50:56) She got sick of me (50:58) You know getting in trouble on you know social media pissing off the family and my friends and stuff like that (51:06) She’s like what the fuck is wrong with you? (51:08) I’m like no fuck the government and fuck these people who are running this shit (51:12) Like nobody’s safe at this point and I’m not gonna be nice about it like no mercy (51:16) That is my thing honest on merciful.No mercy when it comes to the state ever (51:22) I don’t care if my social media gets banned. I don’t and it’s almost about like I’m almost no mercy about truth (51:28) Like if I know a fact if I know that one plus one is two and I see someone post one plus one is three (51:35) I would just be like bro (51:37) Come on, man. This is silly.What are you doing? You know, I mean, right like this the truth (51:42) it’s just the hunt for truth and I think you and I are like Gen X assertive people who drank from the water hose or (51:48) Drank from the you know from the hose garden hose in the backyard all of it (51:52) You know, but like the thing was and and to be honest with you. I actually have a radio background (51:58) I have a radio broadcasting degree (52:01) From Spex Howard School of Broadcast Arts, which is the Spex Howard School of Media Arts now (52:07) They changed her name since I’ve been there. Um (52:10) Was one of those things where I went and did that and she got sick of the shit and me making everybody mad (52:16) So she’s like I’m gonna give you this Avenue to let it all out and let it go (52:22) And awesome and actually the show was originally buds in the basement (52:28) You know that was originally buds in the basement and it was just me and my buddies bitching about the government in my basement literally (52:36) Right and then you know (52:38) It got too hard because I do in the basement the sound quality wasn’t always, you know, whatever (52:44) And so I was like we got to start doing this on the computer (52:47) You just have to just for sound wise like, you know, cuz she edits all this shit and it was it was getting hard (52:54) right, so, you know in (52:56) That’s how most pods go.Anyways, like most people don’t just have a studio or people can come hang out and talk shit (53:03) You know, so, you know, there’s that and so I did it and you know for the first year, you know (53:09) I had a co-host for most of the year, you know, and we had a really good time with it whatnot and then I got really sick (53:17) Sick sick. I almost died straight up (53:21) Yeah, my insides was what was the illness if you don’t mind me so long story short (53:26) I had divert diverticulitis, which I had never known or had or whatever (53:32) Yeah, it’s the thing with the seeds or whatever with the intestine get all clogged up or something, okay (53:36) Yeah, share share your story, man (53:37) This is this is so important to share these stories and struggle because you came through it the other side (53:43) You know, I mean and I want to hear about that awesome that that so it was the day before (53:48) It was the day before Thanksgiving in (53:52) 2022 and I had a really bad tummy ache. I just had a bad tummy ache and honestly (53:56) I just thought I had to poop dude, like straight up.I just thought like hey, man (54:00) I’m gonna work out this frickin deal and everything’s gonna be fine (54:03) I worked all know a lot of people in our age group that are getting diverticulitis and I know it’s like three or four (54:09) Exact same story, you know in the beginning like and it was wild dude (54:12) Like and I had a but the stomach ache was bad like bad bad (54:16) But I really just thought I had to go to the bathroom and I’m working on painting. I paint for a living (54:21) That’s what I do in real life (54:23) Not that this isn’t real life, but that’s what I do is an everyday for income blah blah blah (54:30) The guy I’m working for is like yo (54:32) Dude, go home. You’re in bad shape, whatever (54:36) So you’re trying to like actually work.You’re just wincing every like motion must do (54:42) Like I was in so much pain so much pain, but at the end of the day, I just thought I had to poop, dude (54:48) So he sends me home. He’s like I’ll pay you for the day (54:51) You really kicked ass whatever cuz like I will bust my ass like I’m a hard worker dude. That’s just what it is (54:56) What we do yeah, I’m gonna pay you for the day go home (55:01) Okay, cool.I call my wife. I’m like, hey (55:04) Please go get me some laxatives. I don’t want to stop on the way home (55:08) Whatever not to give you guys too much information, but like this is how it went down (55:14) Boom take I get home.She comes home. Take the laxatives. There’s nothing new under the Sun (55:19) It’s Thanksgiving Day at this point in my stomach ache has gotten much worse (55:25) Much worse (55:26) Like to the point where I’m back.Yeah, she’s I mean, how much worse can it get dude? (55:33) Like it was a pressure. You wouldn’t believe I was in bad shape. So (55:37) Dude, I eat 60 milligrams of some cannabis gummies (55:43) Okay, well mind you I’m fucking ripped at that point, right? Like I’m high as fuck like but (55:49) We’re doing it (55:51) The stomach ache can’t get no better as a matter of fact (55:54) It’s getting worse and as she’s spatchcocking the turkey because we have family coming over we do Thanksgiving at our house (56:02) Wow, so you’re you’re the patriarch you host? Yeah, I’m like, hey, I (56:07) Got to go.I (56:09) Got to go to the hospital. Something’s very wrong (56:12) Okay, cool. You want me to call the ambulance? Hell no, dude (56:14) The hospital is five minutes down the road dude, like we could get there faster than they’re gonna come here and take me there.I (56:20) Get there. They can’t get me in right away, dude (56:23) So like dude, I’m literally wailing on the ER floor. Like I’m in so much pain at that point (56:28) They finally get me in they give me some drugs right away.They give me some dilaudid (56:33) And I’m like, oh, yeah, dude. This is great. You know, we’re good to go dilaudid if you’ve never had it Wow (56:39) I don’t recommend you get hooked on that shit because I have never heard of that.What is it called? (56:45) Dilaudid which is like the ultimate painkiller (56:47) I feel like it’s probably better than morphine (56:50) But they did they gave me that it pretty much they mainlined it. So it killed my pain right away (56:56) I was still uncomfortable, but the pain actually went away (57:00) Right. It like killed the nerve or whatever numb the nerve endings.Oh, yeah (57:03) They threw me in a CT machine and it was one of those cliche things where the doc came in and was like, yo (57:10) You’re actually very lucky you came here when you did your colon is perforated and you have a abscess that is actually draining (57:17) inside of you (57:20) Holy shit. Yeah gross, but at the same time, holy shit. We’re in trouble.Holy shit (57:25) Like he’s like we’re gonna you actually did it like you’re not the guy you don’t strike me as a guy you strike me as (57:31) A guy who spits and put some dirt on it and keeps going like that’s what we do. We don’t go to the doctor (57:37) go to the I (57:39) Did I literally just ripped off my toenail the other day on accident? (57:42) Cuz I tripped over some sidewalk and I put some paper towels and duct tape around it and called it good (57:47) You know, my wife’s like you need to go get that looked at I’m like, no (57:50) I got banger toe at Freedom Fest. My right big toe is like told I had to Lance it and everything (57:57) It looks like absolutely it’s about to come off and I’m like, whatever.I’m using. I’m using painters tape (58:05) Yeah, and (58:05) cotton balls. Yes (58:09) Cotton balls and painters tape.That’s that’s what we (58:12) and then every couple hours you just take it off let it breathe for a little bit then put it back on then let (58:17) It breathe and you know, like we’re not going to the doctor for every boo-boo. We get like we’re not doing this (58:23) But you wet man, so so you went and he’s talking to you and he’s like boom. Go ahead share that story (58:28) I love it.He’s like you’re really, you know, you’re really lucky you got here when you did you’re pretty much septic (58:33) We’re gonna admit you they kept me there for eight days. I (58:39) Was kind of out of the woods (58:40) But I went home with a port in my arm like a cancer patient and my mom had to shoot me up with (58:46) Antibiotics like a dope fiend every morning straight up. Oh my gosh.Yeah, it was wild, dude (58:52) It was it was the wildest shit ever and I had a nurse that was coming to my house and shit (58:56) You know, it was it was it was you know, it was scary (59:00) It was how close do you think you were like how close do you think you were like another hour? (59:03) And you would have just not like an hour of not treatment or how much more time do you think you had? (59:10) Probably not much because the doctor said, you know straight up (59:13) I was very lucky I got there when I did because I would have been in really bad shape otherwise (59:18) And I was in bad shape regardless. Well, I’m glad you I’m glad you went man (59:21) I’m really glad you and let that be a lesson to everyone. Don’t don’t take your health for granted anymore.No, we (59:29) Right, we tend to do that. We tend to be like now I’ll get over it. It’ll be okay (59:33) Better be safe than sorry people (59:36) Well, your health is your wealth like if you’re not healthy you’re no good to society, you know good to your family (59:42) You’re no good to yourself (59:44) Honestly, like you gotta put the mask on yourself first for you (59:47) You know, you got to be able to provide you have to be able to go work (59:50) You have to be able to do those things.I’m self-employed. So like when I went through that (59:55) to be honest with you a lot of voluntarism got me through that honestly, because that’s awesome because I couldn’t work there wasn’t no (1:00:02) You know the Social Security or you know disability type shit. I’m self-employed like this.It’s just not the way it goes (1:00:09) So thank God for voluntarists, honestly, because those were those people got me through (1:00:14) Awesome. How did how did they help? I mean, let’s plug let’s plug how awesome they are and what they did for you because (1:00:20) Community, you know, I financially I had put something out there saying like I need some help (1:00:27) Financially because you know (1:00:29) My family is my wife had just left her job and started school and stuff like that (1:00:34) There was no source of income really it was like a perfect storm of just just but voluntarism is great because (1:00:41) Dude, let me be like man. I’m getting goosebumps talking about it because like I love it (1:00:46) That’s look this this this is why we’re on this podcast man.We’re doing this for purpose. This is purpose (1:00:52) You know (1:00:53) These were people that helped me in my family (1:00:57) I have the goodness of their own heart without the rule of a gun through taxation like these people literally literally were like hey (1:01:04) You know (1:01:06) let’s help this guy out because (1:01:08) You know, he’s in bad shape or whatever. We love him.Who knows. I don’t know (1:01:13) But like it got me through that honestly, and it was great (1:01:16) Voluntarism is great and for anybody who doesn’t think that it wouldn’t work. I am a (1:01:22) testimony of how it does work (1:01:25) Seriously, because it wouldn’t you know, I would have to sell my house and everything else outside of that.So (1:01:31) You know, how did you get the courage to ask for help? (1:01:33) And I know that sounds weird like that’s very sounds weird because you’re the one getting the handout or whatever (1:01:38) you know, whatever they’re gonna say you’re the one getting the help but (1:01:40) because there is a car like you have to have a courage to be able to (1:01:44) Come to the say I need help. How did you how did you get to that? (1:01:50) It was desperation. Honestly, like I just was like, hey, this is what’s going on (1:01:55) You know and I could really use some help and I even like said it in my thing (1:02:00) We’re like, I’m not looking for the world (1:02:02) but if you could spare like a few bucks here and there or whatever and people were just really came through like it was it (1:02:09) Was an amazing thing.It was an amazing feeling and I do try to pay it forward as much as possible (1:02:14) you know since then like when I see a (1:02:16) Go fund me or a give send go like I try to do that as much as possible because people did that for me (1:02:23) You know and it it’s one of those things were like we were in dire times as a (1:02:30) Society to like inflation was running rapid and stuff like that (1:02:33) And so, you know, I will always be forever grateful for those people, you know who helped my family in that point (1:02:40) And I will always try to pay it forward from here on out because of that because we need people like this (1:02:45) You know and a lot of people, you know, I got a lot of hate from that too (1:02:49) But oh, well, you’re against this this and this and I was like, well, I’m against government (1:02:55) Voluntarious. What what do you mean? They’re against the system what because they’re saying I was collecting socialism (1:03:03) which I do understand to a certain point, but like these people weren’t literally like (1:03:08) Being forced at the rule of a gun to do so (1:03:12) like these were just people who did this but also like (1:03:15) You know, I also did a lot of things for my I’ve been on unemployment (1:03:21) It happens dude life does happen (1:03:24) Remember we you and I talked about it. You can’t go from here to here (1:03:28) There’s the middle part you got to get through but you got to slowly transition (1:03:32) You can’t go from this system to this we got reality here (1:03:36) you know and (1:03:38) That is reality.Is that you know? (1:03:41) We have to in (1:03:44) order to achieve (1:03:45) What someone like me is trying to achieve is a gradual process like, you know, we can’t just have (1:03:53) the (1:03:54) You know complete statism where government has control of everything the monetary system blah blah blah to like completely kicking them out (1:04:04) That’s where libertarians come in right libertarians come in because they’re kind of like the middleman that says hey, you know (1:04:10) Well government isn’t the best but we are the government. So, you know, whatever but I think it’s a little L libertarians (1:04:18) Not the ones that are like (1:04:20) But like they’re like all or nothing libertarians, you know the all or nothing libertarians, right? (1:04:25) They’re not serious individuals. So like so the purest this is what I call them as the purest (1:04:31) Okay, the libertarian and I love it.Look I got to be honest (1:04:33) I met three guys at theorem fest and (1:04:35) I walked up to him and I’m gonna name shout them because I had the most amazing time with them (1:04:40) I even hung out in their hotel room for a bit (1:04:42) Justin Scott and Carson and those guys were true like dyed-in-the-wool libertarians, right? (1:04:49) So I see these guys come in and I’ve got my t-shirt on and it’s my first day of freedom fest and I’m all excited (1:04:53) I got my camera like hey guys, are you guys part of this thing? (1:04:56) You know, they’re like because so I walk up to him and go hey, whatever he goes. Are you libertarian? (1:05:00) Whatever he goes he goes. Are you mises? It’s like right away (1:05:03) I knew exactly where like what kind of libertarians I was dealing with, you know to me, right? (1:05:07) And they’re all-or-nothings, but they are great dudes in their own, right? (1:05:11) but like that’s the point you and I are kind of like like the translators from that hardcoreness to (1:05:17) the what might actually be possible and (1:05:21) implementable in (1:05:22) current governance (1:05:24) And you know like the the ideal situation is what like the purists are screaming (1:05:30) Really the ideal of situation is that? (1:05:34) But we can’t get there (1:05:36) Without stopping somewhere first we have to and we have to play in the sandbox (1:05:40) That’s the other thing like, you know, well and and and I was one of those people and we are the third party coming in (1:05:47) I mean we’re wedging in we’re trying to break up the how a duopoly works and a duopoly is almost impossible to really (1:05:54) Wedge in it’s very very hard to fracture (1:05:58) Yes (1:05:59) and so when the the Libertarian Convention came through and they you know, they said oh we’re gonna have Trump and that that gonna (1:06:05) You know RFK here and they’re all gonna talk and blah blah blah.I was actually really mad about that (1:06:11) I was not on board with that at all (1:06:14) Just because of the fact that I had I had all our presidential candidates on my show (1:06:20) by that point and actually developed some sort of relationship with them all (1:06:26) You know where I felt that it was a slap in the face to them to have those people there (1:06:32) Do I get it sure it put butts in the seats (1:06:34) I totally get that and I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna count it from your from your perspective (1:06:39) We talked about him last time is like I I think that actually Trump there was good (1:06:44) for the visibility only obviously (1:06:46) But only if the result that you and I had thought we’re gonna hat was gonna happen happened (1:06:51) What you did what happened Sunday night or Monday morning? Whatever time that was (1:06:56) Was a travesty to that party (1:06:59) Whatever happened on the vote for president, you know (1:07:02) I mean like if a wreck became the nominee then Trump there actually would have been a net positive in that way (1:07:08) But watching who they nominate at the end kind of took away the a lot of the wind I felt it wasn’t a (1:07:19) Very libertarian stance. I’ll tell you that (1:07:23) And it almost felt like the fix was on you know, and I actually have some receipts (1:07:29) To that that I’m gonna keep to myself for the moment because we have another show to do with wrecked involved at this point (1:07:35) Where I’m not trying to yeah, I wasn’t trying to smoke it, but we’re talking about it in the general (1:07:40) No, like how that happened (1:07:42) Like I said, we wanted a Malay type, you know messaging to get out there and it said we got the guy who was okay (1:07:48) With transing children, you know, I’m sorry. That’s not the libertarian stance (1:07:54) And I’m and I’m actually I apologize to anybody who I ever tried to force-feed libertarianism (1:08:00) You know because if that’s what the result is, right if that’s what the result is (1:08:05) I wish I wouldn’t ever push that right, you know (1:08:08) And it’s the same thing though across the board even without that like the party itself isn’t willing to you know, help itself (1:08:16) So why am I trying to push it? Like I would rather just push the libertarian movement more than the party itself (1:08:23) Maybe we’re doing it.It’s like the ideas now, you know (1:08:27) But I don’t I don’t see the party bouncing back from this. I really don’t I really feel it’s like a such a fracture (1:08:33) I mean, it’s almost smack. It’s almost split down the middle.It’s almost like it’s like fifty point one forty nine nine, right? (1:08:40) Like it’s crazy (1:08:43) but you have the people who really want to like get their boots on the ground and do the real work and do the (1:08:47) Thing and then you know and chase does work. I mean, I’m not gonna take away from him. Like let’s not kid ourselves (1:08:54) He’s a great politician.Yes. He’s a great debater great speaker. He is a politician.Yes (1:09:00) 100 he’s actually out of all the people who ran for president in the Libertarian Party (1:09:05) He was by far the best public speaker of all of them. It’s not eloquent. Absolutely.Not even close (1:09:11) He knew exactly what he was doing (1:09:12) He knew exactly what to say and he knew exactly how to do it. Let’s give credit where credit’s due (1:09:17) And I actually think he’s he’s a pretty nice guy I’ve met him in person, you know and and whatnot but like (1:09:25) There’s that one thing that I can’t get past. I’ll never cross that line.I won’t do it (1:09:31) Right, and I think a lot of Libertarians are there just because the little I don’t think the running mates not exactly helpful either (1:09:38) Let’s not kid ourselves the way that went down (1:09:40) I mean for the person who’s been part of the caucus that he turned against (1:09:45) Just because he had resentment that a (1:09:48) Guy who with a stronger voice got the endorsement of the caucus like it seems very much sour grapes (1:09:55) It seems very petty to me (1:09:57) Well, I mean it was almost like it was set up from the beginning and he blew smoke up, you know (1:10:02) The Mises caucus, I think what yeah, it really was, you know, and I’m not a Mises caucus guy (1:10:08) I’m not a part of any caucus outside of the emo caucus. I am a part of the emo caucus (1:10:12) Which is not (1:10:14) lovers man (1:10:15) Yeah, we’re music people. We’re not you know, it’s not about like and it has no political like backing or anything like that (1:10:22) It’s just something fun we do which is why I joined it (1:10:25) I will never actually join a caucus just because I believe it it brings division (1:10:30) But in my Mises adjacent, oh, yeah.Oh, yeah. I mean like I said core values, right? (1:10:36) We talked about that but I’m saying we’re talking how long was term odd ends in in Mises for 20 years (1:10:42) I don’t know how long he’s been in it. I I don’t think the Mises caucus was around that long (1:10:46) But yeah, so I don’t even know how long but he’s been in it like more longer than obviously wreck was right? (1:10:52) I mean wreck kind of came in.I don’t really know the answer to that question. Oh (1:10:57) Okay, you know, I’m gonna do some research on that. Let’s yeah, I don’t want to speak out of turn (1:11:00) I know that he was a Mises guy, you know (1:11:04) And I kind of agree with what you’re saying about like, you know having sour grapes for not being chosen (1:11:09) But the same could be said about Josh Smith, you know, it’s true.The same could be said about yeah (1:11:15) But I didn’t want to get into that like you you and wreck knew about the Josh Smith thing. I’ll be honest as an outsider. I (1:11:22) Did not see Josh Smith as a factor (1:11:24) I understand in the voting thing (1:11:26) But even in the voting thing it was it was the specific flip of the votes for term at to chase that won the nomination (1:11:33) That hasn’t you know (1:11:34) I know there were other stuff in between there and I don’t know that Josh stuff (1:11:37) Josh seems like a guy who has 11 kids.He’s got his own country. Isn’t he already president? Like it’s crazy (1:11:43) Josh Josh’s messaging was actually awesome. I really I really yeah (1:11:49) And if you want to share it, please do because I’m I I just want people to understand that I’d like the the ideas (1:11:55) Right.So if you want to share some of the stuff you thought was really that he touted that was really good (1:12:00) That’s what we’re here to do is spread the message. So please feel free to share that (1:12:03) I mean Josh Smith when it came to messaging was his whole thing was vengeance and get revenge on the state, which was super cool (1:12:11) Okay, um, you know and he has some pressure. It does trend.Well or pole (1:12:16) You know, and he you know, he had some really good things to say (1:12:20) unfortunately on his end the (1:12:25) The (1:12:27) Fundraising wasn’t up to par and so that’s why I couldn’t really take him seriously (1:12:33) You know as a candidate because we all know the name of the game is money, right? (1:12:37) You gotta raise the money, you know, and he did raise money at times (1:12:41) He clear I’d be a worse candidate than anybody because I’d be like, I’m not interested (1:12:44) Actually, I would I did applied it to being to do Congress (1:12:47) I applied in (1:12:49) 2023 for this cycle or whatever and then a second I got to the point where the application part is like once you meet those (1:12:55) Signatures you need to put this deposit down or show Mike so it is about the money. Yeah, I’m good (1:13:01) and then I just pulled my (1:13:02) Application and that’s something that Lars Mapstead actually brought to attention in his campaign (1:13:09) Which is why he was unrigged the system, you know, that was his slogan was unrigged the system (1:13:14) I like that and the fact of the matter was he pointed out in 2020 (1:13:20) There was over 1,500 people who ran for president in (1:13:25) 2020 straight up. How many did you see on your ballot? (1:13:30) Six or seven maybe, you know here in Michigan surprisingly enough, Michigan of all places (1:13:36) We probably had seven people on the ballot like each party could have, you know, Republicans Democrats independents libertarians, you know (1:13:44) Constitutionalists, they were all or five.Maybe we had in Arizona. Maybe a green and a maybe green a libertarian probably, you know (1:13:51) So that’s one thing he brought to the attention of that (1:13:53) But the other thing he brought to the attention of is what you just said so, you know (1:13:58) Hypothetically, you know, they say that you need to (1:14:02) collect (1:14:03) 100,000 signatures and raise (1:14:07) $250,000 and you do that you do you do the thing that they said and then you bring it you bring it to their attention and (1:14:17) Then they say oh wait, we just changed the rules you need or these signatures are not valid or that I get double the amount (1:14:25) Which is you want to know why that happens (1:14:29) The Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention (1:14:34) happened to be a (1:14:36) massive corporation (1:14:39) Who has a monopoly on the voting system? (1:14:43) Yeah, you know, let’s not kid ourselves. The Democratic primary has been rigged since (1:14:51) 2008 (1:14:52) 16 (1:14:53) Something right then right around that time.Maybe even (1:14:58) 2012 I (1:15:00) Mean Hillary bumping out Bernie and that or whatever Obama over Hillary and then Hillary over (1:15:06) You know bumping out Bernie or whatever and then Joe Biden (1:15:09) Let’s talk about Hillary over Bernie in 2016 because that was a huge bullshit (1:15:16) Fire Bernie Sanders in 2016 big-time and as a matter of fact in my own opinion (1:15:22) I believe that Bernie Sanders could have beat Trump. I (1:15:27) Think Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump and how weird would that have been to have like an actual guy who? (1:15:32) Touted a socialist and I think he would have I really do think because he had the youth vote (1:15:38) He had all these other things that Trump didn’t have (1:15:42) But Hillary’s such a dumpster fire of a person she is just wholly unelectable man, it’s so beautiful (1:15:49) It goes to show that the Democratic Party doesn’t care about democracy at all. And then they did the same thing in 2020 (1:15:57) Democrats were once on fire again for Bernie Sanders (1:15:59) Yeah, and he was gonna get it but nope, we’re gonna put Joe (1:16:03) They actually an island to him or something (1:16:04) They gave they got something on him because he got in line real quick after he got out of line for a bit (1:16:10) You know and so that those two times like if I was a Democrat at that time, I would have been furious (1:16:17) But now you come to 2024.They never run a primary. They just say Joe’s your guy which the Party of Democracy, by the way (1:16:25) Right, and then all of a sudden, you know Joe drops out and now it’s gonna be Kamala which Kalima (1:16:32) Shakti day. Have you ever seen frickin Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom? (1:16:37) Kalima (1:16:40) Did you not see my my my ex post about Kamala, you know Kamala the wrestler, yeah (1:16:47) He died (1:16:48) Yeah, he died last year two years ago from Kodak legs.His last name is Harris (1:16:56) Yes, true. So I put up I’m voting for Kamala Harris and I put up the Kamala guy. That’s hilarious, dude (1:17:03) That’s OG like WWF shit back in the day, man (1:17:06) Well, we are Gen Xers man, come on we are Gen Xers (1:17:12) But like here they are again now like Joe drops out and instead of running a proper, uh, you know primary (1:17:18) To see, you know if the delegates are gonna vote for these people which they say they’re gonna do (1:17:23) But it seems like their minds made up and they’re not gonna do it at all (1:17:27) So again, I’d like to one-up that I like to one-up that if I may before before we continue because it’s even better (1:17:34) we then send (1:17:37) 200 billion to a country to kill half a million of their citizens in war (1:17:43) I think I say it’s what 2,000 Ukrainians a day right now are dying on the front they’re saying and it’s like (1:17:49) Absolute bedlam.It is like they are breaking you seen them drag people and put them in vans and whatever (1:17:54) That’s that’s fighting for democracy. That was the democracy that they’re fighting for. Yes dragging people while Zelensky since March 20th (1:18:03) March 20th, that is what three months now.It’s a June July. It’s three four months now four months (1:18:10) He has been an unelected dictator of that country as they are dying for democracy (1:18:16) That’s the democracy. They’re dying for is a dictator.Yeah (1:18:20) and you think and you sit there and (1:18:23) Any go and it’s the night that Anthony Blinken or the day that Anthony Blinken pulls the election from Ukraine (1:18:29) He goes and plays keep on rocking in the free world in Kiev (1:18:34) Okay, sure with his cover band. First of all, he’s shitty at it, but that’s besides the point (1:18:39) Secondly he’s playing keep on rocking the free world the second he removes (1:18:46) any freedom from that country (1:18:47) It is it is the I don’t know how any of us are not seeing the light like I try to like (1:18:57) open-hand feed people (1:18:59) Generous in like a gentle way and the light doesn’t go on (1:19:03) It just doesn’t go on. I won’t be gentle right now four out of five people love democracy, which means democracy is gang-rape (1:19:12) Period sure (1:19:13) Well, it’s the tyranny of the majority we talked about Ron Paul talks about it all the time, right? (1:19:20) Ron Paul was one of the greatest to ever do it and is actually one of the reasons is the greatest still he’s still around (1:19:26) Come on (1:19:27) He really is though like and actually I’m gonna write him as MS president this year (1:19:33) That’s that’s what I’m doing is right.I will do the same. I will do I was gonna do my Thomas Massey (1:19:39) I mean, I know it doesn’t matter. So the only reason I’m going to the polls is because I have state and local shit (1:19:44) I that’s what I’m doing to right.I want I want to be clear. I want to be interactive in the community (1:19:50) I want to vote that’s not but there are certain things (1:19:53) I think I know I can influence and certain things (1:19:55) I don’t think I can or what I’m not interested in and those to your point. I’m gonna vote on the things that matter (1:20:01) federal elections are (1:20:03) Obsolete at this point.They’re gonna get who they want whether it’s Congress Senate president. They’re gonna get who exactly who they want (1:20:09) It’s the central banks who are running the show (1:20:12) They’re gonna do what I heard that AIPAC touted 97% election success (1:20:17) From the people they backed. Oh (1:20:20) So the United States of Israel got it, right? (1:20:23) Well, remember Massey’s the only one who really they threw everything at him (1:20:28) It was over three hundred thousand dollars against him in that campaign and he won (1:20:31) I think he’s the only one that was not backed by that AIPAC that lot that one (1:20:38) It’s unbelievable.Do you want to know why the the United States has such a close relationship with Israel? (1:20:46) It’s because Israel is their goons for the Middle East (1:20:51) Like we talked about how the central banks do, you know, remember that Israel is really the West (1:20:56) It’s really Europeans that went to that area (1:21:00) it wasn’t like middle like (1:21:02) Traditional Jewish it was European (1:21:05) Jewish people that settled to that location, you know, but and we can we can get into that that could be a whole nother show topic (1:21:12) But right. Yeah is is that Israel as a state should be illegitimate number one because (1:21:19) That land was promised to so many people by Great Britain. Like let’s not forget Israel was a British territory until 1948 (1:21:27) where Christians (1:21:29) Muslims and Jews all laid their head to rest (1:21:32) peacefully mind you and (1:21:35) then because of the United States involvement and and oh by the way (1:21:39) Great Britain also promised that land to the French as long as they brought the military in to help defend the land (1:21:45) So the land has been promised to multiple people (1:21:48) and great Britain treated (1:21:52) Let’s not kid ourselves the people learned from the great from the British soldiers those soldiers were (1:21:59) Brutal to those people when they when they were like in their land (1:22:02) Yes, they would they treated them like absolute trash and obviously the Zionists looked at that and went.Okay, that’s our models. We’ll just (1:22:11) demonstrate everybody (1:22:12) But but the fact is is that they don’t they never bring up Britain or the UK in any of this stuff (1:22:19) When they have everything to do with it, we need to stop pretending that they didn’t (1:22:25) Right. Well, they I mean they created the bow for declaration itself and all that and let’s get let’s let’s give props to martyr made (1:22:32) Right Darrell Cooper.I’m sure you listened to it. Did you listen to the podcast the fear and loathing in New Jerusalem? I haven’t caught that (1:22:40) Okay, I’ll send it to you, but I would like to tout that Darrell Cooper (1:22:43) Martyr made fear and loathing in New Jerusalem (1:22:46) it’s like 25 hours man, but it gives you the history of all of it and (1:22:52) Obviously your work you probably can put on (1:22:55) Earbuds, right just do your work while you’re listening. This is a perfect thing for that (1:22:59) I mean it is it goes back to like 1918 or 12 or something (1:23:03) But it does touch on Great Britain and all their oh, no, it’s not touch it (1:23:08) It absolutely tells you where the existence it was Britain that created the state is a matter (1:23:16) What was that does he talk about Woodrow Wilson and his play in that (1:23:21) Yeah, I think he mentions.Yeah. Well, we can talk about the Fed (1:23:24) Well, like once again, the Fed was created in 1913 World War World War one started in 1914 (1:23:31) Which is why the Fed was actually brought to birth is so they could (1:23:34) See like (1:23:36) Much of a coincidence (1:23:39) What I’m saying is like, you know, you know a lot of libertarians and anarchists are like and the Fed and the Fed and the Fed (1:23:44) there’s a reason for it and it’s because they are the the (1:23:50) the (1:23:51) funders of death and listen, yes (1:23:54) They not only do they you know, they they control the monetary system. They control inflation (1:24:00) They control interest rates, which is insane that one entity does that they also control all the wars (1:24:07) They control all the governments.It’s not just the Fed. Like you said, it’s IMF World Bank Blackrock Vanguard (1:24:13) They’re all in on it. All the central banks are in cahoots (1:24:17) You know all did you know like all the new? (1:24:20) All the new CEOs of like all the vanguards and everything are all ex Blackrock people now.They’re all failing upward (1:24:26) Corrupting upward, it’s like yeah, and it’s no surprise that you know, Donald Trump. Thanks. Larry.Thank you (1:24:35) We owe our ESG messaging is wrong (1:24:37) We still want to do it (1:24:39) But we got to find a way that you guys can digest it so we can fuck you a different way (1:24:44) You know what? I mean? (1:24:45) It’s like it’s like get the fuck out of here people wake up like just a little bit wake up a little bit (1:24:50) Just that’s all you know (1:24:53) It’s so hard to get past the mainstream media (1:24:56) It really is it really really is when when a vast majority of the people are paying attention to it and buying into it (1:25:04) And then you get somebody like you or I saying, you know (1:25:08) Fuck the central banks. Fuck Israel, and I don’t mean that like god bless the Jews. Honestly, what hold on? (1:25:16) Back we are non-aggressive (1:25:18) We are NAP (1:25:19) Okay, we don’t want to be part of any of that is our point it has nothing to do with fuck (1:25:24) I mean, we just it’s not ours to it’s not ours to defend.It’s not ours (1:25:30) They’re not on my land if they come to me like your point fuck around and find out right they’re not there (1:25:36) What are we doing? Well, how can we talk about the Monroe Doctrine? (1:25:41) It’s rules for thee and not for you know, not for me. I mean we don’t implement it anywhere else (1:25:46) We step foot everywhere else and we don’t allow anyone to come to us (1:25:50) Okay, I get not allowing people to come to us, but we shouldn’t be hypocrites like that (1:25:55) That is that is what single-handedly destroyed our reputation in this in in the Empire and it’s cool (1:26:02) It’s starting to crumble for this thing like so Hamas (1:26:06) Supposedly quote-unquote supposedly because I don’t buy into the story necessarily, but they attacked Israel (1:26:12) Okay, then Israel goes goes and does their thing. That’s not a United States problem.Don’t give them money. Don’t give them weapons (1:26:18) Let’s write a thank you. That’s fine.We’re not aggressed. It was there was no aggression on us. Russia invades Ukraine (1:26:26) Ukraine has the right to defend themselves as they see fit.That’s fine. That’s not our problem (1:26:32) They didn’t aggress against us. They didn’t do that (1:26:35) But the fact I want to I want to speak to the three soldiers that died in Syria (1:26:39) My heart bleeds, okay, like I I am grateful for people who give their military service (1:26:45) I am thankful for people who have served the military because they felt that’s what they should do.Thank you for your service (1:26:52) That’s different than the military complex. What are three American soldiers doing in Syria to get attacked and killed in the first place? (1:27:00) What were they doing exactly (1:27:03) Right, you know what I’m talking about, right? Yes. Yes (1:27:06) We are not the world’s police.This shit needs to end right now. And as a matter of fact (1:27:11) Look up the term blowback dude. Scott Horton talks about blowback all the time.Why the hell he’s hate us so much (1:27:18) Yes, Ron Paul, too. Why do they hate us so much because we won’t leave them alone (1:27:22) Why is Iran angry with the United States because we have like 700 military bases (1:27:29) Surrounding their country in the first place (1:27:32) Why was bin Laden pissed off because we put military bases in their fucking holy lands (1:27:38) You could have put those bases anywhere else (1:27:40) But you decided to put those in there put them in there to provoke them. They dude (1:27:46) Well, let’s look at it this way.Oh, we invade Iraq. Okay, we invade Afghanistan. They happen to sandwich Iran (1:27:53) What a shock.We just literally just surrounded the country (1:27:58) I (1:27:59) Rack in the first place. It wasn’t because I’m weapons. Come on, you know, it was weapons of mass destruction (1:28:05) Sean come on (1:28:07) It was any old does not believe weapons of mass destruction had to have been met (1:28:11) It was all about the weapons of mass destruction man.Come on (1:28:14) How how dare you but you can take it back all the way to the the HW Bush era when when Iraq? (1:28:21) Quote-unquote way to Kuwait, right? Yeah desert (1:28:26) She said they said it was over, you know, they were just trying to take over Kuwait (1:28:31) That’s what we were force-fed, you know back in the day (1:28:33) They were trying to take over Kuwait the bigger country taking over the little country as Kamala Harris would say, you know (1:28:38) Oh the bigger country blah blah blah. No what happened was there’s a little rain is a country and Russia is a country (1:28:46) And these are two countries and I’m a country (1:28:49) And (1:28:50) One’s bigger than the other and blah blah blah (1:28:53) They tried to do the same shit to us over Iraq and Kuwait back in the day when really in theory (1:28:58) It had something to do with some land that had oil that wasn’t necessarily claimed by either side (1:29:06) it was shared land and (1:29:08) then (1:29:09) when (1:29:11) Shit hit the fan actually HW Bush wanted to stay out of that (1:29:17) Well, I did but the global people did not know why was a globalist it was Margaret Thatcher (1:29:23) He’s a globalist. Oh, by the way.Yeah, it’s not like he wasn’t buying into all the bullshit (1:29:28) Yeah, Margaret Thatcher said hey don’t make us look bad. And that’s why we wouldn’t do that. Okay.Yeah now come back (1:29:35) And and I I’m not defending Hussein in any way like I don’t defend Qaddafi (1:29:41) But they were absolute stabilizing forces in their regions and we have no business (1:29:46) Getting in there and fucking it all up because look at Libya, for example (1:29:50) I mean we could just jump from country to country everyone we touch we just turn to absolute shit (1:29:56) Everyone that we help everyone that we help and I’ve got a creed. Can I run the craziest conspiracy theory by you? (1:30:04) All right (1:30:06) Afghanistan big pharma (1:30:10) It’s it’s just before kovat happens to happen (1:30:13) Big pharma is losing the opioid war. They know that opioids are going away and that fentanyl synthetic (1:30:20) The military our military was protecting all the poppy fields right in (1:30:25) Afghanistan Afghanistan produced 98.I believe please fact-check me. I’m not I’m once again (1:30:31) I want truth, but I understand was like 98% of the (1:30:35) medical opium was produced in (1:30:39) Afghanistan (1:30:40) But there’s no need for it anymore because fentanyl synthetic and they don’t need really need as much or whatever, right? (1:30:46) So big pharma is like oh fuck. We just lost our opium shit (1:30:50) Well big military is like oh shit.Well, okay. Well, how do we okay? (1:30:55) Well, we don’t need to protect the poppy fields because it’s not profitable anymore (1:30:58) So what do we do and all of a sudden kovat happens finds a new funnel for you know (1:31:04) A new Avenue or new revenue stream for big pharma as the opioid crisis, right? (1:31:10) backfires and it’s they stop doing opioids or they start, you know countering opioids where what the (1:31:15) Sackler family and the billions that they’re not gonna you know that they should pay for being total pricks and (1:31:22) Then the military is like well, we got a war over here. So we’ll just do that.So they just shifted (1:31:27) Afghanistan the military and big pharma (1:31:31) Replace opioids with vaccines. Well, you want to know it’s like almost the timing of it. What’s that? (1:31:37) I don’t know what you want to know why we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years, even after they figured out the poppy thing (1:31:45) They’re Afghanistan’s full of mountains (1:31:48) What’s inside those mountains? (1:31:51) Lithium copper cobalt, what is what is the United States trying to push right now? (1:31:59) Money follow the money follow the money totally totally (1:32:03) No, this is why we are in Afghanistan for 20 years.It was a great way to to traffic drugs for a long time (1:32:10) You know, there was no there’s no secret that there was a big heroin epidemic during the Afghani war (1:32:15) It was huge heroin heroin was a damning situation in the United States during all that time (1:32:21) But now they’re mining for lithium and stuff like that. That’s why we were there so long. That’s why we were there (1:32:27) Exactly why we were there so long, you know, and and like I said the Greek I always talk about the Greek (1:32:32) He’s a good friend of mine.His name is George, you know, and we don’t call him the Greek for no reason (1:32:36) He’s a Greek guy (1:32:38) But he was the first one who ever told me back in the day when I was bitching about the Obama administration (1:32:44) To follow the money. He said you follow the money. You will always get your answers no matter what to a T (1:32:52) And he’s not wrong.He hasn’t been wrong wrong, dude (1:32:55) You follow the money you will get all your answers (1:32:58) That’s why we are in Afghanistan for so long (1:33:00) You know, but never mind the fact that we were playing devil’s advocate the whole time (1:33:05) We were there we literally had to give the Afghanistan (1:33:10) militias and (1:33:11) resistance groups (1:33:12) Weapons and money in order to put our military devices on their fucking property (1:33:18) So when they’re shooting at our fucking troops and shit like that (1:33:23) They were shooting at us and trying to kill us with our own weapons (1:33:28) Dude they’ve done this across the board. No matter what you talked about Saddam Hussein earlier (1:33:32) Saddam Hussein was once a US ally ladies and gentlemen, look it up and enough (1:33:38) It was Manuel Noriega. So was whatever and then Zelensky is gonna turn to it’s gonna be he’s gonna be a guy (1:33:44) We’re gonna have to get rid of to you’ll see it, dude (1:33:47) You look at who a United States ally is and then within 10 years we will be at war with said people (1:33:53) This is what they did to sit down (1:33:56) They never invite the help never accept the help from the United States.You’re not let them in in the first place (1:34:03) People look at you like you’re crazy when you say this shit, but the proofs in the I know it sounds crazy saying it (1:34:09) But look we’ve seen it happen. I mean we have to your point. We have receipts on all of this (1:34:14) This isn’t like we’re not just putting on tinfoil and go.Oh the government’s bad (1:34:18) No, we have receipts and that’s what’s crazy (1:34:20) you and I came from places where we’re like (1:34:22) We really believed in the we’re not I would think that you and I would be like Americans (1:34:27) like we not like nationally believe in like it in a way like the core of it and that hurts to see (1:34:34) It being like used against us or not use the way we want it to be used, you know (1:34:39) But that’s that’s how they do it. That’s how they work the media and that’s how they control the masses (1:34:44) I was once a Bush supporter and supported those wars over there. Seriously.I voted for Bush twice. That’s my background (1:34:52) Neil voted since 92 like I told you I vote a Republican all the way now was it Bush but so I’m sorry (1:34:58) it was Bush one (1:35:00) then it was like go dole and (1:35:04) Fucking or he maybe Gore and who it was Bush and Al Gore in (1:35:10) 22,000 (1:35:12) Well Bush one. I’m talking about Bush one even Bush one against Oh and against Clinton Bush one is 92 when I voted first time (1:35:20) No, Bush ran.Oh, wait. No, that’s wrong (1:35:23) Bush ran against you cuz it’s 88 and one and then lost he lost to Clinton (1:35:29) Yes, right 92 was Clinton Bush and then 96 was (1:35:34) Clinton (1:35:37) Was it? (1:35:39) No, I think I think was going to remember who the Republican was in 96 it might have been dull anyway (1:35:44) So I even voted Romney. I voted ever.I voted every Republican. I voted Trump twice (1:35:49) After this stuff that happened with this thing. What’s cool is you and I? (1:35:53) Were came from a side and like we saw where it broke right when I saw the shenanigans happen at the LP (1:35:58) I just went oh, it’s just the same thing.Like I just got to the answer quicker (1:36:02) I didn’t have to like to have the same cognitive dissidence that I did that broke me the first time cuz like (1:36:08) I was already like pre broken from (1:36:10) The shenanigans of the previous like, you know disillusionment, you know what I mean? (1:36:16) Well, the LP convention just solidified the fact that (1:36:19) No political party is gonna fucking save you. There’s no saying there’s no president. Nobody’s coming to say us (1:36:26) It is up to me.It is up to the individual to protect themselves and their family (1:36:31) It is up to (1:36:32) Communities to protect their community from these people which they can do through nullification (1:36:38) but the education factor is up to people like you and I because most normies don’t understand what nullification or (1:36:45) Decentralization is in the first place. They don’t get it. They don’t understand it.They don’t think it’s possible (1:36:50) Well, we are protected through we seen even in California of all places where Gavin Newsom is running this show (1:36:56) There’s multiple towns and cities according to Mike to centralize my homie (1:37:01) That are nullifying themselves from the state of California. They’re not buying into it. They’re not conforming and that’s happening (1:37:07) That’s a township liberation.That is a you know, a decentralized revolution, which is how we are going to protect ourselves from here on out (1:37:16) It doesn’t matter who fucking wins the presidency. It could be Donald Trump. They can be Kamala Harris (1:37:20) We are FK whoever maybe it’s definitely not Angela swinging in the direction we want and they want regardless, you know (1:37:26) You know, but they’re gonna get exactly who they want in office always no matter what you want to talk about rigged elections (1:37:33) We already talked about how they’re rigged, but it goes way deeper than that.It goes way deeper than that (1:37:38) We look like a bunch of assholes when we go to the polls (1:37:41) Actually, we do because George Carlin was right man. If voting changed anything, it would be illegal (1:37:48) They wouldn’t have (1:37:50) They (1:37:53) Love Carlin man, they wouldn’t have it. This is why they need us to vote.This is why they need party politics (1:38:00) This is why they need Republicans. They need Democrats. They need the media.They even need libertarians (1:38:07) They need it (1:38:07) Well, they need that weird that when they need the weird irrelevant third party just to make it look like the other two are legit (1:38:13) but like (1:38:15) Hey (1:38:16) They’re gonna get exactly who they want in power. So it’s up to us as the individual to educate our communities (1:38:25) To nullify ourselves from the state (1:38:29) You know people talk about the deep state deep state this deep state that dude. There is no deep state (1:38:34) The deep state is the state (1:38:38) I know a continuity of governance (1:38:40) I think is what they call that, you know, and a lot of the right-wingers will be like, no, it’s the deep state (1:38:45) It’s the deep state.No, the deep state is the state and (1:38:51) There’s no ifs ands or buts about it since at least the 60s at the very well (1:38:56) They killed Kennedy and that was the day the Republic died as Ron Paul would say since at least the six (1:39:02) That was literally the ultimate coup the the dystopia started (1:39:09) Some would say with with Teddy Roosevelt (1:39:11) I believe it’s during the you know, Wilson administration with the birth of income tax in the Federal Reserve (1:39:16) I think that was the ultimate power grab, you know, I think Teddy Rose. Oh, yeah (1:39:20) Totally Teddy Roosevelt’s policies probably set up for that. Really it goes back to Lincoln (1:39:26) and Eisenhower warned about the military military industrial complex on his farewell address right before Kennedy took over and (1:39:34) Then he goes by but even I was right there.It’s like it was exposed (1:39:38) There was a breaking point right there when they they had the power grab (1:39:42) They took it to your point right at that moment (1:39:44) Is that like you check it out so you know, they killed Kennedy because he spoke out against the Cuban Missile Crisis (1:39:50) He spoke out against Vietnam (1:39:52) But he was also gonna bring to light what the CIA had been doing for years before that with like Operation Mockingbird and stuff (1:40:00) Like that. Yeah, okay (1:40:01) Yeah, they killed him now look at Trump and Northwoods guy (1:40:06) I’m not a Trump guy whatsoever. But the moment Trump came out like he was just an opponent at that point (1:40:12) Okay, when Trump first came out as a presidential candidate, he was just an opponent to the left (1:40:17) But then he came out and told the truth about the Iraqi war and things changed and they attacked him (1:40:25) Everywhere out after that like no matter what it was once he spoke out against war (1:40:30) That was it for him the media (1:40:33) You know the left everybody, you know (1:40:35) Everybody who was anybody was like axe Trump axe Trump bad guy bad guy bad guy because he spoke out against the war (1:40:45) Why because war makes big money? (1:40:48) For the government and their cronies (1:40:50) Okay (1:40:51) And and the central banks the central banks are the winners always because they’re funding both sides of the war (1:40:57) And don’t think for two seconds that you know when shit hits the fan in other countries or whatever (1:41:03) They are not setting up their own banks in those countries and saying hey (1:41:08) we’re gonna loan you this money with an astronomical amount of interest and (1:41:13) If you don’t conform we’re gonna bomb the fuck out of you (1:41:16) Which is what they do every single time the Federal Reserve is literally propping up banks in Ukraine as we speak (1:41:23) They’re talking about it.It’s all in the works right now. And guess I’m black rocks buying up the land (1:41:28) Yeah, and guess what’s gonna happen already? They’ve already to be able to afford to pay them back (1:41:34) So that’s when the shit the tables are gonna turn the shifts gonna happen and the United States will attack Ukraine at that point (1:41:42) Or one of their cronies (1:41:44) So like any industry this is where this is what’s so great about it is I’ve (1:41:50) You know you get the little epiphanies right and then you know how you try to translate something so that people understand it (1:41:56) And I think I think analogies are real good ways to do it (1:41:59) But like how I’ve realized is every industry does not want to cure (1:42:05) Anything they only want to treat because a treatment lasts forever (1:42:10) So for example vaccine booster booster booster booster booster booster, you know (1:42:14) Continual treatment of a thing not a cure, right? (1:42:19) Military is the same thing (1:42:21) Military is not exist to win wars (1:42:24) They only exist to sustain wars. Yes sustaining the war is (1:42:30) What gets everybody paid at the top as long as they have bodies to throw at the problem? (1:42:36) They can sustain a war.This is why women are now going to be drafted in the United States military (1:42:42) They’re looking to sustain a (1:42:45) Long-term conflict to just rake it all in again (1:42:49) And it it chills me that I even come to that conclusion on my own (1:42:54) You let alone think that’s probably what’s happening. They’ve turned men into a bunch of beta male cucks, dude (1:43:01) How the fuck are they gonna get them to go fight in the military? (1:43:04) Of course, they’re gonna go draft women and go after women, of course (1:43:08) Because they’ve turned a bunch of soy boys (1:43:11) That’s what they’ve done. They’ve turned men into bitches (1:43:13) Which is another thing that really pisses me off is because men are supposed to be men (1:43:19) We are supposed to have a savage mentality (1:43:21) That is what we are supposed to have our men supposed to be loving and nurturing and kind to their family and their friends and their (1:43:28) Peers, of course, but we also have the savage mentality (1:43:32) We should have the savage mentality where if you fuck with our people and our family (1:43:36) We will wear your skin (1:43:38) Straight up and we need to get back to that.We need to get back (1:43:43) You know, this is why they’re gonna come after, you know drafting women though (1:43:48) It’s because they have damaged the man so bad at this point in the Western world. They want you to be gay (1:43:54) They want you to be trans. They don’t want you to raise families.They don’t want you to be self-sufficient (1:43:59) They don’t want you to make money or working hard. That’s what that’s exactly what they don’t want to be quite honest and (1:44:06) Now they’re gonna really interesting culturally (1:44:09) I’ll go ahead, you know now they’re gonna now they’re just gonna say, you know (1:44:13) We’re gonna start drafting women and shit like that. They already started Ukraine started drafting women.They said they were gonna start drafting women (1:44:20) I’m sorry guys. I’m old-fashioned. You know, I’m you know, I’m not a you know, chivalry is not dead on my end (1:44:27) Women had no place in war and I don’t mean that as a sexist person (1:44:30) I mean that as men should be protecting them men should be the ones looking out for women (1:44:36) We should be the ones leading that charge.I don’t mean that children (1:44:41) children first (1:44:42) Women because they make the children and we sacrifice ourselves for that. That is that is our that is our duty, you know (1:44:49) I don’t think it’s an unwritten rule of the propagation of the species that we jump in front of the fucking tiger (1:44:56) That’s just what we do (1:44:58) You know and they’re trying to take that away from us as men no we have to be savages (1:45:03) We have to be able to do whatever, you know means necessary to protect our women and children (1:45:09) They are not supposed to be on the front lines nowhere near that (1:45:13) Nowhere near that and like I said, this isn’t a sexist thing. This is hey, I’m a man.It is my job (1:45:20) It’s actually a duty thing. It’s an evolutionary duty thing because we can be replaced (1:45:27) They are the ones who replace us with by having children so they must not be the ones to go away (1:45:34) They must stick around. They only need a couple of us to make plenty of babies, right? (1:45:39) I mean like that that is a such a reversal way to look like whoever makes life needs to be protected (1:45:46) That’s it real simple.It’s not it’s not even sex that is not sexist (1:45:50) That is just evolution. That’s just the reason and logic beyond all logic (1:45:55) I don’t know how you know, how much more basic it isn’t that but in today’s Western society (1:46:00) It’s like, you know beat your chest (1:46:02) I am woman hear me roar and we need to be equal or whatever and we should be equal (1:46:07) to until it comes to protection I (1:46:12) are equal in different ways like we can be equal in the courtesy respect aspect and (1:46:18) Just have different values job stuff like that. But when it comes to protection (1:46:23) I am going to protect my family.I (1:46:27) Will be at the front lines of that. I’m not putting my wife at the front lines of that ever (1:46:32) Wait, my girlfriend and I go through Vegas all the time. Like it’s busy all the time (1:46:36) I hold her hand and she’s behind me and my heads on a fucking swivel all day long (1:46:43) Do you ever see that video of the one where the woman’s like? (1:46:45) Oh my god, these flowers are so pretty in here and the guy’s like, okay, there’s an exit to the left (1:46:49) There’s two to the right (1:46:50) There’s a restroom you can run to if we need to go in getting a stall (1:46:53) He’s like thinking the way you and I are talking about exit plans.It’s just how we perceive the world (1:46:58) We always perceive how we can threat and how we can protect the people (1:47:03) Right, and if I’m holding hands with my wife talking or walking down a city street (1:47:08) I am the one who’s closest to the road not her (1:47:12) period (1:47:14) When I think I just lost you homeboy you are frozen (1:47:19) Don’t ask that mark (1:47:27) Anyways (1:47:29) Mark is frozen. Hopefully he comes back very soon. We don’t mean this to be in the you know, I am man (1:47:35) Hear me roar.We mean this as a (1:47:37) Genuine, you know, we need to protect, you know, our women and children type thing nothing outside of that period (1:47:45) you know (1:47:47) Mark is stuck like this (1:47:49) Okay (1:47:51) Hello (1:47:53) Oh (1:47:55) He’s gone and now I’m here by myself don’t leave me by myself dude, you don’t want that (1:48:03) But you guys the fact of the matter is that right now since I’m here by myself (1:48:08) It is up to us men (1:48:10) To protect our families our communities in our country (1:48:14) The days are coming where you know, good men are gonna have to do very bad things. It’s unfortunate (1:48:19) We have to say things like that, but it is gonna come to that point (1:48:22) I feel you know, I would love to be wrong (1:48:25) I would love to have somebody shouting at me that I’m wrong about all these things. But uh (1:48:31) that’s kind of where we’re at at this point you guys like (1:48:34) You know the things that are being thrown at us the things that are you know? (1:48:39) Come into fruition (1:48:40) You know from our foreign enemies like Russia literally has you know ships in Cuban waters ready to go (1:48:47) China and Russia actually have ships near Alaska at this point (1:48:52) at (1:48:53) It’s coming you guys and and we need to be ready for that.We need to be men. That’s that’s what I’m at (1:49:00) that’s where I’m at we need to be men and (1:49:04) Peace love and Liberty you guys be good (1:49:23) I (1:49:24) Hate to leave you, but I really must say good night, sweetheart

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